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Burn Cavity Growth During the Hoe Creek No. 3 Underground Coal Gasification Experiment, R.W. Hill, Jun. 8, 198 (28 pages). |
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Coal Block Gasification Experiments: Laboratory Results and Field Plans: C.B. Thorsness & R.W. Hill, Jul. 1981 (23 pages). |
Laboratory Scale Simulation of Underground Coal Gasification: Experiment and Theory, J.R. Creighton & (27 pages). |
Underground Coal Gasification—A Leading Contender in the Synfuels Industry, D.R. Stephens, Oct. 27, 1981 (42 pages). |
Computer Models to Support Investigations of Surface Subsidence and Associated Ground Motion Induced by Underground Coal Gasification, B.C. Trent & R.T. Langland, Aug. 1981 (40 pages). |
The Hoe Creek Experiements: LLNL's Underground Coal Gasification Project in Wyoming, D.R. Stephens, Oct. 1981 (162 pages). |
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Chemical Kinetics and Oil Shale Process Design, Alan K. Burnham, Jul. 1993 (16 pages). |
Reaction Kinetics and Diagnostics For Oil Shale Retorting, Alan K. Burnham, Oct. 19, 1981 (32 pages). |
Reaction Kinetics Between Steam and Oil Shale Char, A.K. Burnham, Oct. 1978 (8 pages). |
General Kinetic Model of Oil Shale Pyrolysis, Alan K. Burnham & Robert L. Braun, Dec. 1984 (25 pages). |
General Model of Oil Shale Pyrolysis, Alan K. Burnham & Robert L. Braun, Nov. 1983 (22 pages). |
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Reaction Kinetics Between CO2 and Oil Shale Char, A.K. Burnham, Mar. 22, 1978 (9 pages front & Back). |
Reaction Kinetics Between CO2 and Oil Shale Residual Carbon. I. Effect of Heating Rate on Reactivity, Alan K. Burnham, Jul. 11, 1978 (11 pages front and back). |
High-Pressure Pyrolysis of Colorado Oil Shale, Alan K. Burnham & Mary F. Singleton, Oct. 1982 (23 pages). |
A Possible Mechanism Of Alkene/Alkane Production in Oil Shale Retorting, A.K. Burnham, R.L. Ward, Nov. 2 1980 (20 pages). |
Enthalpy Relations For Eastern Oil Shale, David W. Camp, Nov. 1987 (13 pages). |
Oil Shale Retorting: Part 3 A Correlation of Shale Oil 1-Alkene/n-Alkane Ratios With Yield, Coburn et al., Aug. 1, 1977 (18 pages). |
The Composition of Green River Shale Oil, Glen L. Cook, et al., 1968 (12 pages). |
On-line, Mass Spectrometric Determination of Ammonia From Oil Shale Pyrolysis Using Isobutane Chemical Ionization, Crawford et al., Mar. 1988 (16 pages). |
Thermal Degradation of Green River Kerogen at 150° to 350° C Rate of Production Formation, J.J. Cummins & W.E. Robinson, 1972 (18 pages). |
Retorting of Green River Oil Shale Under High-Pressure Hydrogen Atmospheres, LaRue et al., Jun. 1977 (38 pages). |
Retorting and Combustion Processes In Surface Oil-Shale Retorts, A.E. Lewis & R.L. Braun, May 2, 1980 (12 pages). |
Oil Shale Retorting Processes: A Technical Overview, Lewis et al., Mar. 1984 (18 pages). |
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The Permittivity and Electrical Conductivity of Oil Shale, A.J. Piwinskii & A. Duba, Apr. 28, 1975 (12 pages). |
Oil Degradation During Oil Shale Retorting, J.H. Raley & R.L. Braun, May 24, 1976 (14 pages). |
Kinetic Analysis of California Oil Shale By Programmed Temperature Microphyrolysis, John G. Reynolds & Alan K. Burnham, Dec. 9, 1991 (14 pages). |
Analysis of Oil Shale and Petroleum Source Rock Pyrolysis by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry: Comparisons o Gas Evolution at the Heating Rate of 10° C/Min., Reynolds et al. Oct. 5, 1990 (57 pages). |
Catalytic Activity of Oxidized (Combusted) Oil Shale for Removal of Nitrogen Oxides with Ammonia as a Reductant in Combustion Gas Streams, Part II, Reynolds et al., Jan. 4, 1993 (9 pages). |
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Operating Laboratory Oil Shale Retorts In An In-Situ Mode, W. A. Sandholtz et al., Aug. 18, 1977 (16 pages). |
Some Relationships of Thermal Effects to Rubble-Bed Structure and Gas-Flow Patterns in Oil Shale Retorts, W. A. Sandholtz, Mar. 1980 (19 pages). |
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An Instrumentation Proposal for Retorts in the Demonstration Phase of Oil Shale Development, Clyde J. Sisemore, Apr. 19, 1977, (34 pages). |
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Identification by 13C NMR of Carbon Types in Shale Oil and their Relationship to Pyrolysis Conditions, Raymond L. Ward & Alan K. Burnham, Sep. 1983 (27 pages). |
A Laboratory Study of Green River Oil Shale Retorting Under Pressure In a Nitrogen Atmosphere, Wise et al., Sep. 1976 (24 pages). |
Quantitative Analysis and Evolution of Sulfur-Containing Gases from Oil Shale Pyrolysis by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry, Wong et al., Nov. 1983 (34 pages). |
Quantitative Analysis & Kinetics of Trace Sulfur Gas Species from Oil Shale Pyrolysis by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spcetrometry (TQMS), Wong et al, Jul. 5-7, 1983 (34 pages). |
Application of Self-Adaptive Detector System on a Triple Quadrupole MS/MS to High Expolsives and Sulfur-Containing Pyrolysis Gases from Oil Shale, Carla M. Wong & Richard W. Crawford, Oct. 1983 (17 pages). |
An Evaluation of Triple Quadrupole MS/MS for On-Line Gas Analyses of Trace Sulfur Compounds from Oil Shale Processing, Wong et al., Jan. 1985 (30 pages). |
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