A communication system, comprising at least one telephone appliance having multiple line appearances selectable via associated self-labeling line buttons, and a switch for receiving an incoming call intended for a particular one of the line appearances and in response generating a message containing predetermined information and an indication of an associated one of the line buttons, whereupon the predetermined information is displayed in abbreviated format on the associated self-labeling line button.


FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an exemplary communication system forming the environment of the present invention;

FIGS. 2A and 2B show an exemplary telephone appliance in an idle state and when providing a “more info service”, respectively, in accordance with an aspect of the present invention;

FIG. 3 is a flowchart showing method steps within call control of the communication system of FIG. 1 for delivering initial call information to the telephone appliance of FIG. 2;

FIG. 4 is a flowchart showing method steps for displaying the initial call information at the telephone appliance of FIG. 2;

FIG. 5 is a flowchart showing method steps for delivering additional information to the telephone appliance of FIG. 2; and

FIG. 6 is a flowchart showing method steps for removing/updating call information delivered to the telephone appliance of FIG. 2.


With reference to FIG. 1, an exemplary communication system is shown comprising a communication switch such as an IP PBX, otherwise known as an iPBX 1 (e.g. Mitel 3300 ICP or Mitel SX-200 ICP) connected to a local area network (Ethernet LAN 3) and to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). A plurality of telephone appliances such as IP phones 5 and desktop computers 7 running phone applications, etc., are connected to the LAN 3, as well as wireless phones 9 and an application server 11, such as a contact information server.

A person of skill in the art will appreciate that the configuration of FIG. 1 is representative of a typical converged communication network, and that numerous variations in configuration, components, etc. are possible.

With reference to FIGS. 2A and 2B, an IP phone 5 is shown in accordance with an aspect of the invention having a plurality of self-labeling line buttons (i.e. the self-labeling line buttons shown within stippled line box 21) forming part of a central display 23. In addition, the phone includes conventional features such as: ring/message indicator 24; volume, speaker and mute controls 25; several fixed function keys 26 including, for example, a “Superkey” for providing user access to additional menus on display 23, cancel, redial, hold, transfer/conference, message keys, etc.; a keypad 27; hands-free speaker 28, and handset 29.

In operation, upon receipt of an incoming call from the PSTN to one of the IP phones 5, it is conventional for call control software within iPBX 1 to send a message containing CLID information for display on the phone. However, as discussed in greater detail below, according to an aspect of the present invention, call control sends a message to the phone containing relevant call information (e.g. in a proprietary application such as a MiNET message, SIP or similar mechanism) for display in an abbreviated format (such as a label “Tanya Tilden 592-7423” on a self-labeling line button 21). The information may also displayed in full on the main display 23 of the phone when selected by an application within the phone (the “more info service” discussed in greater detail below), as shown within stippled line box 22 illustrated in FIG. 2B.

Turning to FIG. 3, in the event of an incoming call (step 31) to a particular line appearance on a phone 5 (e.g. a line appearance identified by DN: 4532 on a phone identified by DN: 3410), the phone (or phone proxy) and iPBX 1 exchange one or more messages to determine whether the phone is capable of displaying label information (step 32), or whether a phone proxy representing the phone within the network, is available on the iPBX 1 for displaying label information (step 33). Alternatively, if call control already knows that the phone is compatible then no message exchange is required. If the phone is not capable of displaying label information, the call proceeds in a conventional manner (step 34) where CLID information is presented on the central display 23 of the phone (if the phone is so equipped).

If the phone is capable of displaying label information on its line buttons 21 (or a phone proxy is available for doing so), then call control creates one or more further messages (step 35) using CLID information (e.g. OLI—Originating Line Identity (Name & Number)) and/or TLI—Terminating Line Identity (Name & Number), button DN (e.g. 4532), telephone DN (e.g. 3410). Moreover, according to an alternative embodiment the phone 5 (or phone proxy) may obtain additional information regarding the OLI and/or TLI via an additional message exchange with the contact information server 11 (e.g. an initial greeting, order status and purchase history), and display such additional information within a graphical window 22 on the main phone display 23 as shown in FIG. 2B. The phone 5 (or phone proxy) may also use configuration options to determine relative priority of information to display (particularly with respect to the abbreviated data presented on the labels 21 (e.g. OLI first, TLI second, then contact information server data).

The call information is then sent as a message from the iPBX 1 to the phone 5 (step 37) or relevant proxy (step 36). The call information message is, according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention, an Application Interface message (e.g. a message sent in accordance with the Mitel proprietary MiNET messaging protocol), with the format set forth in Table A, as follows:


Field Name
# of Octets

MT Code
Application Interface Message . . . 0x90

CLID data Message . . . 0x02

Data Length
Number of data octets following

Button Number
Line number or key # that the call is coming in on (e.g.

Button 6)

Call Info Type
Indicates type of information included:

1-new, 2-update, 3-obsolete

CLID Digit size
Specifies number of digits in CLID up to a maximum of


CLID digit string
Up to 26
This is an ASCII string containing diallable digits “0 . . . 9,

*, #” (e.g. 5927423)

Specifies number of characters in Name string for the

length, First

first name (e.g. 5)

Specifies number of characters in Name string for the

length, Middle

middle name (e.g. 0)

Specifies number of characters in Name string for the

length, Last

last name (e.g. 6)

Fixed Limit or
The combined Name string including First, Middle(s)

and Last names (maximum total of 30) (e.g. Tanya


Upon receipt of the call information from iPBX 1, the label of the associated line button 21 at phone 5 is updated to display an abbreviated form of the call information using self-labeling keys such as provided, for example, on Mitel 5330, 5340, 5325 and Web telephones of Mitel Networks Corporation. However, if an information update is indicated in the message (step 39), an information update procedure is executed as discussed in greater detail below with reference to FIG. 6. Call processing then proceeds as usual (step 38).

With reference to FIG. 4, upon receipt of the message (step 41) at the telephone appliance 5 (or proxy), and if the “Call Info Type” indicates new or updated information (step 43), then the content of the initial display is prepared (step 45) using one or more of display area available, and user preferences (e.g. preferred button, prioritizing display of caller name, caller number, originally dialed digits, etc.), and the initial call information is then displayed (step 46). Otherwise, if the “Call Info Type” indicates ‘obsolete’ information then the steps of FIG. 6 are executed.

Preferably, the information is displayed on a self-labeling button 21. Optionally, an ellipsis or icon indication may be displayed in addition to, or instead of, the abbreviated call information in order to indicate availability of additional call related information (steps 47 and 48). The indication may also be provided in the call processing display area 23 and/or by illuminating the associated button 21 with a different colour (i.e. via an indicator LED).

As shown in FIG. 5, the “more info Service” process waits for a user key input (step 51), such as the user pressing a designated hard key on the telephone 5 and/or feature key for answering the call. If all of the call information is already displayed (step 53), then call control assigns normal behaviour to the key (step 54), and the “more info service” awaits further user input (step 51). Selecting a different line button results in the “more info” service updating the dialog window with information for the selected line button. Pressing the same line button again results in dismissal of the “more info” service (i.e. removes the dialog window and restores the telephone appliance display to normal) and also answers the call. Similarly, pressing any other hardkey/feature key/etc., other than another line button, results in dismissal of the “more info service” and performs the operation associated with the key that has been pressed.

The “more info service” presents a dialog window or similar mechanism 22 that uses more of the telephone appliance display than is normally available, as shown in FIG. 2B. If no additional call information is available (step 55) and the key has been allocated by call control to handle “more info service” (step 56), then call control awaits further user input (step 51). On the other hand, if the key has not been allocated to handle “more info service” then call control assigns normal behaviour to the key (step 57), and the “more info service” awaits further user input (step 51).

Selecting a line button when additional call information is available (step 55) causes call control to prepare additional information to display (step 58), using information associated with the selected button 21 (i.e. information obtained from contact server 11, as discussed above) and, optionally, user preferences. Next, the dialog window 22 is updated to present all available call related information (i.e. the initial call related information displayed on the line button 21 as well as additional information such as called number, whether or not the call was attendant handled, important information concerning the topic of the call, a greeting (e.g. “Fine Widget VIP Support. How can we help?), etc. Additional call information that may be included and presented by the “more info service” includes, but is not limited to: call forwarding/redirection history, language of the incoming caller (if available), dialog to use when answering the call (e.g. “Hello, Mr. Johnston, your car is ready”).

In the event the Call Into Type indicates ‘obsolete’ information (step 43), the portion of the telephone display for the associated self labeling key 21 is restored to its initial condition (step 61 of FIG. 6). If the obsolete info is displayed by the “more info service” then the telephone display is updated to indicate that the information is no longer current (step 65) and the process terminates. If the obsolete information is not displayed by the “more info service” then the process terminates.

The present invention has been described with respect to a preferred embodiment. Other embodiments, variations and applications of the invention are possible. For example, as discussed above, the relevant call information can be stored and displayed on behalf of the telephone appliance by a proxy application (within the PBX or by a PC based application) instead of an application within the telephone appliance. A touch screen telephone (e.g. Mitel 5235) may also present a selectable icon (e.g. a question mark in a circle) such that touching the icon initiates the “more info service”. Likewise, the selectable icon may be programmed to support dismissal of the service. A telephone appliance that does not support self labeling keys can use the call processing display area 23 to present call information displayed by the “more info service”. The “more info service” may also be initiated by pressing a ‘Superkey’ button such as found on Mitel telephone appliances, followed by a line button with additional call information. The principles of the present invention may also be applied to the presentation of non-call associated information (e.g. ACD threshold alerts and queue status).

The many features and advantages of the invention are apparent from the detailed specification and, thus, it is intended by the appended claims to cover all such features and advantages of the invention that fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention. Further, since numerous modifications and changes will readily occur to those skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and operation illustrated and described, and accordingly all suitable modifications and equivalents may be resorted to, falling within the scope of the invention.

  • 1. A system, comprising: a communication switch for receiving an incoming call and in response generating a message containing predetermined information related to said call and a directory number for an intended line appearance; andat least one telephone appliance having multiple line appearances selectable via associated self-labeling line buttons, for receiving said message from said communication switch and in response displaying said predetermined information at one of said self-labeling line buttons associated with the directory number for said intended line appearance.
  • 2. The system of claim 1, wherein said predetermined information is call-related information.
  • 3. The system of claim 1, wherein said communication switch comprises an IP-based PBX connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and via a local area network to said at least one telephone appliance.
  • 4. The system of claim 2, wherein said at least one telephone appliance includes a main display for displaying further call-related information in addition to said call-related information displayed at said one of said self-labeling line buttons.
  • 5. A method of displaying predetermined information on a particular line appearance of a telephone appliance, comprising: generating a message containing said information and an indication of said line appearance; andreceiving said message at said telephone appliance and in response displaying said information at a self-labeling line button associated with said particular line appearance.
  • 6. The method of claim 5, wherein said predetermined information is call-related information.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, further comprising displaying further call-related information on a main display of said telephone appliance.
  • 8. The method of claim 5, wherein said information includes at least one of Caller Line Identification (CLID) and Terminating Line Identity (TLI), button directory number (DN), telephone directory number (DN), contact information server data, and configuration options.
  • 9. The method of claim 7, further comprising displaying an indication of availability of said further call-related information, and displaying said further call-related information on said main display in response to user selection of said indication of availability.
  • 10. The method of claim 9, wherein said indication of availability is a selectable icon displayed in said main display area.
  • 11. The method of claim 9, wherein said indication of availability comprises illuminating said line button with a predetermined colour.
  • 12. A method of displaying predetermined information on a telephone appliance, comprising: generating a message containing said information and an indication of at least one display area on said telephone for displaying said information;receiving said message at said telephone appliance and in response displaying an abbreviated portion of said information at said at least one display area; andresponsive to user input displaying a remainder of said information at a further display area.
  • 13. The method of claim 12, wherein said abbreviated portion of said at least one display area is a self-labeling line button associated with a particular line appearance of said telephone appliance.
  • 14. The method of claim 12, wherein said predetermined information is call-related information.
  • 15. The method of claim 14, wherein said further display area is a main display of said telephone appliance.
  • 16. The method of claim 12, wherein said information includes at least one of Caller Line Identification (SLID) and Terminating Line Identity (TLI) button directory number (DN), telephone directory number (DN), contact information server data, and configuration options.
  • 17. The method of claim 15, further comprising displaying an indication of availability of said remainder of said information, and displaying said remainder of said information on said main display in response to user selection of said indication of availability.
  • 18. The method of claim 17, wherein said indication of availability is a selectable icon displayed in said main display area.
  • 19. The method of claim 17, wherein said indication of availability comprises illuminating said line button with a predetermined colour.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
06114731.0 May 2006 EP regional