The present invention relates in general to systems for use in the construction projects, in the building trades and inspection businesses, and in activities that relate to using surveys, floorplans, and blueprints real property and improvements thereon.
Within the construction industry, efficient creation and implementation of quality punch lists is a process that taxes resources in terms of time, manpower, and ultimately money. Ask many contractors what is one facet of project development that needs improvement, and the punch list would consistently rank near the top. The ongoing problem in the construction industry is that there is not enough time to complete specific tasks. The problem that needs to be solved for contractors is to readily identify building errors and have the capability of solving these at a faster rate. Current practices include both traditional and nontraditional methods.
Contractors have found that one of the most time consuming endeavors are punch lists. This includes the inspection of work and identifying issues that need to be repaired and/or corrected in order to be in line with plans and construction documents, meet industry standards, and the inspector's requests, etc. These objectives are met via two employees conducting a “Walk Through” of the building with the construction documents in tow. While burdensome blueprints and other construction documents are lugged, they inspect the work completed and ensure it conforms to the plans and construction documents. The plans are viewed and remaining issues are identified while the other contractor marks them. This is usually accomplished by use of a marker or spray paint while a list is written of the items that need to be addressed. Upon completion of this “Walk Through”, separate lists are prepared for each subcontractor responsible for additional work. If required, the list is translated into a different language in order to expedite the completion of the corrective work. The work is reviewed and by using plans or construction documents, these tasks are performed. The contractor will notify others when the work is completed. They will need to repeat the process of going through the building to inspect that the work has in fact been corrected. If it has all been corrected, the next facet of the construction process will be completed. The process may need to be repeated if there are items that were not addressed correctly. In many instances we are told that all of the work is done before it is in fact is completed. On occasion, subcontractors have told us that certain items were never on the original list, but were added after the initial list was submitted to the contractor. This typically happens after they lose their copy of the list.
This invention is a system that is user friendly to enable a person with limited technological expertise to use with ease. This application will be used by all team members, to maximize collaboration, and ease in the completion of tasks. This application will eliminate many or most of the concerns noted above. The ultimate goal is to reduce and/or minimize their impact on the construction schedule and the cost involved in this and future construction projects.
In its most base form, punch lists have traditionally been created utilizing two man teams. One person walks the project closely examining the environment and identifying any errors that require attention before final completion of the project. The other person writes down what is said in terms of the extent of the mistake and what is needed to rectify the problem. Moreover, the physical location of what needs to be fixed within the project is noted. That information is often in the form of a simple note pad and then passed on to the contractor and/or subcontractors to facilitate the completion/correction of the found mistakes. This is a time consuming and inefficient process that allows room for miscommunication, a lack of accountability, inaccuracy in information, and all relevant parties not being aligned.
Recognizing the inherent limitations with, and with the continued advent of technology, contractors have seen the development of various software applications. These applications focus on the aforementioned problems and create a more streamlined and accurate process. They represent an initial attempt to utilize technology to improve service delivery. Current offerings, although differing in subtle ways, share features that start the process of improving the management and completion of punch lists, including but not limited to: utilizing mobile devices to input and share data; use of voice recognition to identify and record issues that need to be fixed; creating due dates and assigning responsibility to parties with automatic overdue emails sent; sharing information to all relevant parties instantly; the ability to identify any issues found on electronic blueprints on mobile devices; and the ability to view the plans, insert photos, notes, and to collaborate with others.
In the present state of the industry, inefficiency in both time and cost is rampant in following plans and undertaking required tasks so as to complete punch lists in a timely manner. While some attempts have been made to cure these inefficiencies, such as in the system described in U.S. Pat. No. 9,424,545 to Lee designed for use in large scale construction projects, such systems lack the simplicity and cost effectiveness of the present invention. Other examples are the patent application of Gil, US 2016/0033652, geared toward a surveying system having the complexity of the use of a panoply of antennas; Kochevar's application, US 2012/0330852, dealing with repairs to facilities having fire protection systems; and U.S. Pat. No. 9,225,858 to Anderson, not applicable per se to the construction industry, but dealing with tracking locations of persons vis a vis a floor plan in a system that requires a multiplicity of electronic devices. None of the current technology provides the scope and ease of use of the present invention.
A summary of the present invention divided into the following areas:
1. Calibration for the Initial Project Set-Up of the System of the Present Invention
The system allows the users to select plans, documents that are going to be used on this project. Input the plans, drawings layouts and other needed documents that are going used for Global Positioning System (GPS) for reference in the system. Plans, documents can be input from CAD files, downloads, scanning, and the like.
The system allows for the labeling of plans in system as needed. Plans being used for GPS location will need to be labeled in greater detail. For example, outline the perimeter of the second floor on the plans to be used and label as “Second Floor” as in
Calibrate plans into program by using several GPS points/locations where the building will be constructed and match each of these points to the corresponding location on a plan that has been previously downloaded. (i.e. located the southeast corners of the building on the construction site) as in
In addition to this, the user has the capability of accessing the elevation of the building being viewed. For instance, there are times where a window is broken and needs to be replaced. Select that view, locate the window. Insert a comment, take a picture and send it on its way. The application will allow the user to create a rough layout of the outside of the building, as well as input various elevation options. After determining the outside boundaries of a building or property, the user will be able to input field measure of the interior walls, stairwells, doors, windows, etc., and incorporate them into the building. The user has the ability to add (copying) more floors. The user will have the ability to copy and paste complete (saved) documents/drawings, or parts of documents/drawings. A rough sketch can be saved, added to, sketches, and construction documents. A developer or potential real estate investor has the ability to add structures and superimpose onto site plans, google earth, and similar mappings. When a user is looking at a building in which he or she is interested in purchasing or leasing, the program provides the ability to take points of reference by using GPS locations of the outside corners of the building, or the distance from one point to the other.
2. The Use of the System of this Invention in Construction Projects
Once the calibration is completed, the user can locate his position in or outside the building through the software and the relation to the plans that have been downloaded into the system. The user walks into the building, selects the area that he is going to inspect (i.e. second floor). The plan that was loaded and labeled as “Second Floor” will load into the software as in
An individual that is given access can respond or comment, and will have use of the program based on the permissions given to that user. The users can have the same GPS and labeling functionality available to them. One can locate himself in relation to building or to add flexibility in being able to walk a site (in and outside the building) and comment on progress or identifying items that need to be addressed (i.e. clean-up, moving materials, open trenches, improperly completed grading). If one enters a building and selects the second floor, the application of the system will identify that the person is on the “Second Floor.” The system will identify that you are on the Second Floor in Apartment 6, as soon as the user walks into Apartment 6 as in
3. Other Uses of the Invention
The location of a parcel of land, subdivision can be established in the system. This can be done by entering latitude longitude coordinates and dimensions supplied by a surveyor and/or using the system. This system can again be used should that parcel is again subdivided or split into more than parcels. The parcel can be updated in the system when a sub-division plan is filed with the township. As revisions or updated to this sub-division plan if submitted, than again it is updated into the system. The location of a structure, along with the plans for the structure, can be added to a parcel of land, within the system, when plans are submitted for permits to an authority. Structures can also be added to the system as described above.
The system will be able to track, among other things, is the property is inhabited, vacant, abandoned, and its condition. A mapping of the city, town, county, state, and country will begin to take shape as more parcels are added. All the information associated with each parcel/building/residence/unit can be stored within a database which will be linked to the mapping. The information stored can be limitless.
Information regarding construction of the structure. Plans, deeds, owner's information, tax information, insurance information, and the like. Public safety information can also be stored (locations of pipelines, construction details and plans for fire & safety). An officer responds to a call. As he drives he is able to turn the system on and, like the navigation system, a mapping of the area he is traveling will pass on the screen. He can get all information made available to him, on any of the parcels/buildings/residences/units by clicking in a designated area. He can scroll or search for areas/parcels/buildings/residences/units that are not visible on his screen. When he arrives at the call, he can pull up the site or building plans to familiarize himself with the area prior to entering. The officer an also be equipped with the “Indoor Positioning and Recording System”. The office will have real time knowledge of the location of all personnel using the system. This will allow for the best use, and deployment of resources. This system can, possible, be incorporated into body cameras. This will also allow for a visual of the situation. This will protect the officers from harm, and help to bring life threatening situations to a peaceful resolve. A fire fighter will have access to the plans along with sit/building characteristics. The firefighter will know the layout of the building and what the roofs constructed of prior to stepping on it.
This system can facilitate an inspectors in the performance of their inspections. Inspections can be fast tracked, with the inspector being able to forward the results of his inspection directly to the recipients. Inspection forms will be auto populated and inspector will be able to move within building in same manner as described above. This gives the inspector the ability to get feedback from the recipient. The system can be made to automate the scheduling of inspections, along with the permit application/approval/invoicing process. All can be done on line or by phone to reduce time office personnel spend dealing with these items.
The system is updated when there is a change of ownership of a parcel or a building. This system can also be used by a city, town, county, state, country, etc. to track abandoned, uninhabited, decapitated, etc. properties. Detailed inspection reports, scheduling of follow-up inspections, condemning properties can be streamlined. This will save valuable time and possibly lives.
The system can be integrated into home business security. Motion detectors, glass breaks sensors, and surveillance cameras are great. This system will allow for the location all persons using the system to be identified and guided by a dispatcher from danger.
This system is also ideal for the infirmed, elderly, or persons living alone. The system added to an Emergency Alert System. The system will complement the capabilities of systems currently available by allowing the emergency response center to also know the exact location of the person which can be a life saver.
This system, being used with security cameras will allow for dispatchers to be monitor a situation and be able to direct any person (by cell phone or text). A group of armed men enter a school. The alarm activated. All persons that are using the instant invention are notified on their cell phone that the alarm has been activated (by text by the cell phone in silent mode). The situation can be monitored by the dispatched, always knowing the location of the systems user, and with access to the cameras. The dispatchers can advise the user as the events unfold and recommend a course of action (For the user and those around the user). A teacher or administrator has a better chance of saving lives with this system. This system can be used by any organization.
This system can also be used by an organization to monitor the location of the user of the system described herein. This system can be used to schedule and track the user and tasks being performed by the user. It can be used for verification of hours worked, including those worked on an each individual task.
The application can be used to input the GPS location of any new structure that are being built or require building permits. This can be done by using available plans or surveys. Existing structures can be added to the system. This can be done by using plans or surveys that are on file with the municipality or county. Existing structures can also be added by inspection of the structure and field calibration and inputting of pertinent information relating to the structure. The size of the building, location of windows, doors, stairwells, elevators, etc. can be added. Information that is needed in case of emergency, such as construction of floors, walls, and roofs can be added to the system. The end result is a drawing of the structure that the GPS application can be used with in the same way that it can be used over plans. This information about the structure can be overlaid on a virtual map of the desired area (City, County, State, or National). This will allow for a map of the area that shows the location of each individual structure and allow for the icon of any desired individual user to be incorporated. Vacant properties can be identified. Budgeting, management, tracking employees, scheduling work/tasks, invoicing, paying bills, etc. can be managed through this portal. This invention can be used by law enforcement authorities and use of the application would extend to school districts as well. Just as has been noted above, having a virtual layout of a school will enable first responders to know exact details about the structure in the event of an emergency (i.e. fire, active shooter, medical emergency, etc.). Having this information available the instant it is needed increases the odds that lives of students and staff are saved.
In addition to use in an emergency situation, school districts would also be able to utilize the program for facility management purposes as well. Facilities management is a huge task for school districts. Having a program to designate, track, and evaluate work that needs to be completed would be invaluable.
Dispatch will know where law enforcement is at all times. When receiving a call an officer will have instant access to the layout of the house. This gives him an advantage about his surrounding before he even leaves his car. He can track himself and others at the scene. The office knows where his team members are. He knows if they are on the first of second floor or where on the exterior of the house they are. This minimizes the change of offices being injured, lawsuits resulting for the call, etc.
This Application can be a block or platform to build upon for many uses. Each platform will have the GPS capabilities described above. Modules can be added to this platform to meet the needs of the user. Modules will be industry or user specific. This will be a platform that can handle the day to day operations of the user at both the individual (micro) level and systems/administrative level (macro). Information entered can be made available to future users.
Another use of the application would be to assist the elderly and disabled. Individuals who are elderly and/or disabled presents a unique set of home care/safety challenges. The device could be worn by an individual and give immediate and continuous feedback as to their whereabouts in any structure that has been previously added to the existing database. If a safety concern arises (falls, accidents, medical emergencies, etc.), responders will be able to immediately identify where in a structure the person is so as to provide help more quickly and efficiently. This includes not only a general sense of where they are in the structure (i.e. the southwest corner of the house but unsure as to whether on 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor, etc.), but the specific rooms they are in (i.e. 2nd floor hallway bathroom), as this information concerning internal elevations has already been preloaded into the program.
Radiuses can be created. Radiuses would be similar to the how (in the Application) we are locating the individual rooms, or sections within a building so that the software can identify where the user is at or where he is pointing his cursor. This allows the software to be able to know and auto load into any documents/reports that are being produced. The radius is locating a center point and creating a radius around it and labeling this area. The user is identified and his location noted any time a reports is produced, an item delivered or dispersed. This could be used within a building or anywhere outside of a building. To identify a trailer, storage yard, etc. A good way to confirm that someone is actually at the trailer taking a delivery and checking the items into the trailer. Can also be used to track actual time spent by a user on individual project/site. Can be used to schedule/sequence/track deliveries/tasks being completed by a user at/to various sites/locations. There can be created around a project, a town, a state (as large or small as desired). Structures and locations on a site can be identified and radiuses created (i.e. storage trailers, lumber yards, dumpsters, etc.). System can timestamp when and where reports are created and show location on site where the report was created. System has the ability to interact with other software for project management (i.e. materials being verified and counted as being delivered to a site can be timestamped and the location of the user identified. The location and time that materials, tools, etc. being sold, lent, distributed can be identified. Punchlists can be timestamped.
There are a number of points of novelty of the present invention including, but not limited to, using GPS to calibrate the location of the user within the project on blue prints overlay; the ability to label the overlaid plans, thus making it possible for the application to auto-identify both the location of the user and potential problem; the ability of the application to auto-fill all reports with locations; the invention functions in real time; and, above all, the ability to translate text notes for each problem marked on the application into other languages which is especially salient considering the various languages used by contractors and subcontractors.
Unlike the use of pen and paper, utilizing the system's application program will enhance quality, productivity, and save time on future projects. The purpose of having a GPS module is to assist project associates to correct problems before they actually occur. Likewise, this module will give an employee the access to have a better understanding of what they are physically looking at. The GPS application will benefit an employee if they make a mistake by demonstrating what they missed or the subcontractor who has to complete the work. Another significant advantage in having the GPS application is the ability of a user to move from page to page on each plan. This can be simply performed by uploading the plans on the application that is labeled job specific.
An additional benefit of the GPS application is that this can enhance communication on site to the office and other team members. Consequently, users can upload a document or plan that is job specific and have the ability to comment on what work was performed. This application can correct any discrepancies and avoid others that the employer has with subcontractors in relation to the work completed or yet to be completed. Nevertheless, this will benefit the employer when it pertains to receiving invoices for work completed. This application will allow users to sign off work completed by other trades and instantly report back to office personnel.
To further increase the efficiency of the application, the icon representing the user will be continuously centered on the device screen as they move around the structure. Stated another way, the software will automatically depict where the user is in relation to the blueprints/plans. As the user moves, so too will the blueprints/plans. Once any notations/corrections are loaded into the program, they will be localized to specific floors and rooms, in addition to the structure as a whole. The result is that when it is time to fix the problem, the end user will be able to search the structure as a whole, specific floors, or even specific rooms, all as their needs dictate.
The system can significantly reduce the amount of time spent at the project site, as well as improve the efficiency and quality of making any necessary corrections to problems created during construction.
This system has the following potential uses and users: Punch list for construction projects. Project progress reports. Safety inspections and site visits. Repair and maintenance reports. Project management. Building Inspectors Government Agencies. Builders/Developers. General Contractors. Sub-Contractors. Real Estate Agents/Brokers Property Managers. Property Maintenance Companies. Surveyors. Law Enforcement. School Districts. Warehousing. Manufacturing Government/State/County/Municipalities Public Safety and First Responders.
The invention will become more readily apparent from the following description of preferred embodiments thereof shown, by way of example only, in the accompanying drawings wherein:
The preferred embodiment of the instant invention can be appreciated by reviewing first the exemplary drawings, especially
The system at step 51 provides a means that allows the users to select plans, documents that are going to be used on this project by scanning the documents onto a server. Input the plans, drawings layouts and other needed documents that are going used for Global Positioning System (GPS) for reference in the system. Plans, documents can be input from CAD files, downloads, scanning, and the like.
The system allows for the labeling of plans in system as needed pursuant to step 52. Plans being used for GPS location will need to be labeled in greater detail. For example, outline the perimeter of the second floor on the plans to be used and label as “Second Floor” as in
Within many documents, including blueprints, links are created by identifying the symbols, letter, numbers, and pictures. Indicating and identifying the information within the symbol needed to locate the details or other information related the document or portion of the document that you are reviewing, looking at, or seeking additional information on. The application will identify the symbol, letter, number, etc. and direct you to the appropriate page(s), detail(s) or document(s) related to this item. A list of the linked information or pop-up window with the linked detail, page, document, etc. will appear when you slide your cursor over a linked item or symbol. A click of the mouse will allow the opening of the linked item in the pop-up window and maximized if needed. The next time a document that is related to one that the system has “learned from is downloaded, the system will be able to find similarities with previous documents entered, and apply the information required or requested that it has learned from the previous document to the new document so that the sender, recipients, project name and location, pages, and links will all be applied. The document can be automatically delivered or placed in the correct project and folder. Access will be given to the recipients, author and any other team member requiring access.
The system will first identify type of document to find similarities (i.e. blueprints, specifications, requests for information, submittals, images, sketches, etc.). The system will always look for the author or creator of the document first and identify the most recent versions of any document related to the project for inputting and matching for a new document. The system will go through documents from newest to oldest with a specific project and then newest to oldest for similar projects until all the required information needed has been applied to the document. This will reduce inconsistencies as documents and their authors evolve. Any information that the system cannot find or has difficulty matching can be entered manually for the document as described above. When all of the desired information has been, it is added to the database for that type of document, author, etc. The database will be able to identify information and locations within documents by learning from similarities between documents of the same type and/or from the same author. The actual documents that the identifying and linking information is being retrieved from will not be made available to the user of the document being entered unless they are the original author, a recipient, or authorized to have access to the document. The database will be available for document recognition anytime a new user is given access to the system. A new user can input a document, or set of plans and have any requested information auto loaded, and links created without striking a key of with minimal inputting. The database will have access to all documents downloaded within the system from all users for the inputting of the user's document. The information is easily incorporated into the project and made available for all team members. System can also incorporate documents being added to ongoing and existing projects in the same way.
Calibration of plans into program in step 53 is accomplished by using several GPS points at which the building will be constructed and match each of these points to the corresponding location on a plan that has been previously downloaded. (i.e. located the southeast corners of the building on the construction site) as in
In addition to this, the user has the capability of accessing the elevation of the building being viewed. For instance, there are times where a window is broken and needs to be replaced. Select that view, locate the window. Insert a comment, take a picture and send it on its way. The application will allow the user to create a rough layout of the outside of the building, as well as input various elevation options. After determining the outside boundaries of a building or property, the user will be able to input field measure of the interior walls, stairwells, doors, windows, etc., and incorporate them into the building. The user has the ability to add (copying) more floors. The user will have the ability to copy and paste complete (saved) documents/drawings, or parts of documents/drawings. A rough sketch can be saved, added to, sketches, and construction documents. A developer or potential real estate investor has the ability to add structures and superimpose onto site plans, google earth, and similar mappings. When a user is looking at a building in which he or she is interested in purchasing or leasing, the program provides the ability to take points of reference by using GPS locations of the outside corners of the building, or the distance from one point to the other.
Once the calibration is completed in step 53, the user can locate his position in or outside the building through the software and the relation to the plans that have been downloaded into the system. The user walks into the building, selects the area that he is going to inspect (such as the Second Floor 10). The plan that was loaded and labeled as “Second Floor” will load into the software as in
An individual that is given access can respond or comment, and will have use of the program based on the permissions given to that user as in
Each individual site, that is, a building, a subdivision, or a lot, can be loaded into the database to create a virtual town, county, state, a nation or world. Adding new “sites” can be achieved by the inputting of data from existing surveys, site plans, subdivision plans, deeds, etc., or from or as describe above. Adding existing site where the above information is not available, as well as any future site development, can be achieved by using method described above. The end result will be a map of the desired area with the individual site on it. This virtual map can be viewed in several different ways. Each user will have access to the virtual mapping of their sites. A township can incorporate a new subdivision with all the information related to it into their “town”. A house can be added to each lot in the subdivision is developed. All the information associated with that house is added. Even locations of sewer water, and other utilities, if desired, can be added. Inspection can be scheduled, completed, and recorded in the same manner as noted above. The information distributed to all desired parties. Information can be added, and/or updated when the house is sold, resold, altered, etc. All the information associated with this house (form its inception) can be contained within this virtual lot. All employees, using the system can be tracked while completing projects for the site. Their location can be made visible to desired members of their team. This will facilitate efficient scheduling of work, and potentially reduce possible lawsuits. Employees can be tracked while working. The employee will have access to needed information related to the individual site.
In varied embodiments of the system, the following features can be found: Comments can be generated for multiple recipients at the same time and sent to the appropriate recipients with one push of the button; the user can point to the location on which plans comments have been added; the user has the capability of adding photos, and any other documents, voice recordings, and voice-to-text explanation and the recording can be sent to the selected recipients; voice recordings can automatically be converted to text for proofing and/or sending to recipient; text can be converted from and to other languages, if needed; the system can also be set up in different languages to accommodate the user, while all incoming text will be displayed in the preset language; each user can access documents (details, scopes, submittals, etc.) to ensure quick verification of work completed, and comment when necessary; a user can comment on any discrepancies and dispatch it to the responsible person as in the use of the system by the worker in
The system is capable of integration with programs such as AutoCad to import drawings directly. By having access to programs such as these, this provides the user ability to move within a 3D drawings, and overlay with electronic maps and google earth are available.
Unlike the use of pen and paper, utilizing a GPS application will enhance quality, productivity, and save time on future projects. The purpose of having a GPS module is to assist project associates to correct problems before they actually occur. Likewise, this module will give an employee the access to have a better understanding of what is being viewed. The GPS application will benefit an employee if they make a mistake by demonstrating what they missed or the subcontractor who has to complete the work. Another significant advantage in having the GPS assisted system is the ability of a user to move from page to page on each plan. This can be simply performed by uploading the plans on the application that is labeled job specific.
An additional benefit of the GPS input is that this can enhance communication on site to the office and other team members. Consequently, users can upload a document or plan that is job specific and have the ability to comment on what work was performed. This application can correct any discrepancies and avoid others that the employer has with subcontractors in relation to the work completed or yet to be completed. Nevertheless, this will benefit the employer when it pertains to receiving invoices for work completed. This application will allow users to sign off work completed by other trades and instantly report back to office personnel.
To further increase the efficiency of the application, the icon representing the user 100 will be continuously centered on the device screen as they move around the structure. Stated another way, the software will automatically depict where the user is in relation to the blueprints/plans. As the user moves, so too will the blueprints/plans. Once any notations/corrections are loaded into the program, they will be localized to specific floors and rooms, in addition to the structure as a whole. The result is that when it is time to fix the problem, the end user will be able to search the structure as a whole, specific floors, or even specific rooms, all as their needs dictate.
The ultimate goal of the GPS application is to both significantly reduce the amount of time spent at the project site, as well as improve the efficiency and quality of making any necessary corrections to problems created during construction. Punch lists are completed as per step 57 in a timely manner and efficiently under budget. It should be appreciated that the preferred embodiment of the instant invention is exemplary and that other embodiments, and other uses, of this invention are intended to be covered by this application for letters patent.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/352,598 filed on Jun. 21, 2016 and U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/423,349 filed on Nov. 17, 2016.