"Using VMOS for Direct and Reverse Phase Control", C. F. Christiansen, M. Benedetti, Rev. Telegr. Electron. (Argentina), vol. 69, No. 819, pp. 499-503 (Jun. 1981). |
"Power FET Controlled Dimmer for Incandescent Lamps", C. F. Christiansen, M. Benedetti, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. (USA), vol. 1A-19, No. 3, pt. 1, pp. 323-327, (May-Jun. 1983). |
"Bright New World?-Part III", M. Callahan, Lighting Dimensions magazine, vol. VII, No. 3, Jun. 1983, pp. 35-42. |
TBA Technology, "Magic Lantern, The Low Voltage Solution" brochure, undated. |
Lighting Methods, Inc., L86/I5M data sheet, undated. |
Electronics Diversified, Inc., "Problem/Solution" USITT TD&T publication, Winter 1991, vol. XXVII, No. 1, p. 22. |
Electronics Diversified, Inc., "Omega", Theatre Crafts Directory, Jun./Jul. 1988, vol. 22, No. 6, p. 69. |
Comprehensive Video Supply Co. IR-1000 Dimmer listing, Lighting Dimensions 1985/86 Buyers Guide & Directory, Sep. 1, 1985, vol. IX, No. 5, p. 151. |
"Product Report Union Connector's SU-1/DIGI-1" Reprinted from Theatre Crafts magazine, May 1984. |
Union Connector Co., Inc., Series 2400 Wireless Remote Control Stage Lighting System data sheet, 1984. |
"Skirpan Design Fills TV Gap" Reprinted from TV Technology, Aug. 1984. |
Union Connector Co., Inc., Unitrol Dimming System brochure, 1986. |
"Power Supply Aspects of Semiconductor Equipment", H. A. Gauper, Jr., J. D. Harden, Jr., A. M. McQuarrie, IEEE Spectrum (USA), vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 32-43, (Oct. 1971). |
"Lamp Acoustical Noise and the Reverse Phase Controlled Dimmer", R. M. Burkhart, R. W. Burtness, 1971 Sixth Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industry and General Applications Group, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Oct. 18-21, 1971 (New York, USA: IEEE 1971) pp. 949-966. |
"Lamp Acoustical Noise and the Reverse Phase Controlled Dimmer", R. M. Burkhart, R. W. Burtness, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. (USA), vol. 1A-8, No. 1, pp. 84-88, (Jan.-Feb. 1972). |
"Reverse Phase Control Dimmer for Incandescent Lighting", R. M. Burkhart, D. L. Ostrodka, Industrial Applications Society IEE-IAS Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Oct. 1-5 1978 (New York, USA: IEEE 1978) pp. 614-617. |
"Reverse Phase Control Dimmer for Incandescent Lighting", R. M. Burkhart, D. L. Ostrodka, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. (USA), vol. 1A-5, No. 5, pp. 579-583, (Sep.-Oct. 1979). |
Electro Controls, QD.sup.tm Series Dimmer brochure, undated. |
Strand Lighting, Lightboard XP/DC90 Dimmer brochure, undated. |
Vari-Lite, Inc. VL3 Wash Luminaire data sheet, 1987. |
"Stage Lighting and the State of the Art in Twenty Years", J. F. Rubin, Lighting Dimensions magazine, vol. VII, No. 1, Mar. 1983, pp. 52-60. |
"Bright New World? Tour System Design for the 1980s", M. Callahan, Lighting Dimensions magazine, vol. VII, No. 1, Mar. 1983, pp. 62-73. |
"Dimming and Lighting Control . . . State of What Art?", J. M. Good III, International Technical Conference, Theatre, Television, and Film Lighting, Committee of Illuminating Engineering Society, Oct. 5, 1987, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. |
Theatre Crafts magazine, vol. 20, No. 8, Oct. 1986, p. 14. |
Production Arts Lighting, Inc. Model 96-2400 High Density Dimmer Rack data sheet, 83-V-6. |
"Dimming Controls Provide Stage Production Sparkle", M. O'Neal, Contractor's Electrical Engineering magazine, vol. 39, No. 4, Apr. 1987, pp. 46-48. |
"The ET Dimmer Test", John Huntington, Lighting Dimensions Magazine, vol. XV, No. 7, Oct. 1991, pp. 94-105. |