Plastic bags/Trash bags
Single use trash bags currently exist in a box or on a roll. Getting the next bag requires a separate action of extracting from the box or roll.
The Infinity Bag will revolutionize the single use trash bag by removing the hassle of putting in a new trash bag after taking a full one out. While also providing a simple and efficient way to double bag heavy loads of trash. The Infinity Bag's unique pre-nested design allows for a continuous flow of bags right from the trash can automatically supplying the next bag to the user.
Each trash bag is pre-nested into the one below it, connected with adhesive technology (double sided tape or perforation). The nested bags are set within each other, allowing the bottom bag to be lifted up when the current bag is taken out.
Trash bags are uniquely folded and rolled to properly produce the next trash bag. After bags are connected with adhesive technology, any inside air is compressed to allow easier folding and rolling. Both sides of the bags are folded inwards 8 inches and then tightly rolled from the last bag to the first.
The bags are placed on the bottom of the trash can, each time a new bag is pulled up the next bag is automatically brought up; allowing continual bags to be produced. The bags on the bottom of the trash bin are heavy enough to stay down, while new bags are being pulled up.
When pulling the current trash bag out all that is needed is a light tug, while holding on to attached bag. The bags will detach allowing the consumer to place their full bag to the side and position the newly provided bag around their trash bin.
To double bag the consumer will simply pull the existing full bag out, grab the edges of the newly provided bag and with a small tug the full bag will fall into new bottom bag. The consumer will then repeat the beginning steps by lifting the doubled trash bag, perform a small tug while holding on to the next provided bag, sit the doubled bag to the side and place the newly provided bag around their trash bin.
Adhesive technology 4,4′: Double sided tape or perforation. Adhesion technology has been tested, providing evidence of success.
The Infinity bag roll 2,2′ is placed at the bottom of the trash bin 1. The first infinity bag 3,3′ is set over trash bin 1.
The full trash bag 3,3′ is unset from trash bin 1.
When the full trash bag 3,3′ is lifted out, the adhesive technology 4,4′ allows the pre nest bag 5 to automatically be brought up. The pre nested bag 5 is brought up from the roll of bags 2,2′ that remain at the bottom of the trash bin 1.
The adhesive technology 4,4′ keeps the full trash bag 3,3′ and the pre nested bag 5 connected until the user performs a light tug to separate both bags.
After the full trash bag 3,3′ is removed from the trash bin 1. The newly provided bag 5 is set around trash bin 1.
This process is repeated from start to finish when the bag 5 is ready to be taken out.