Inflatable devices for separating layers of tissue, and methods of using

An apparatus and method for separating a first layer of tissue from a second layer of tissue. An inflatable balloon is mounted to a delivery device. The inflatable balloon has a first, inwardly-displaced portion which everts when the balloon is inflated. The balloon is inserted into a patient between the first and second tissue layers when the balloon is in the deflated state. The balloon is then inflated so that the first portion is everted thereby minimizing trauma to the tissue layers.


The present invention relates to the field of inflatable tissue separation devices and methods of using such devices. The apparatus and methods of the present invention may be used in any procedure requiring dissection and/or retraction of tissue planes throughout the body including inguinal hernia repair, pelvic lymphadenectomy and bladder neck suspension in the preperitoneal space; renal, adrenal, aortic and anterior spinal access in the retroperitoneal space; penile prosthetic reservoir placement in the anterior abdominal wall; and augmentation mammaplasty prosthetic placement. By way of example only, use of such devices and methods for hernia repair will be described.

A hernia is the protrusion of part of a body part or structure through a defect in the wall of a surrounding structure. Most commonly, a hernia is the protrusion of part of abdominal contents, including bowel, through a tear or weakness in the abdominal wall, or through the inguinal canal into the scrotum.

An abdominal hernia is repaired by suturing or stapling a mesh patch over the site of the tear or weakness. The mesh patch has a rough surface that can irritate the bowel and cause adhesions. It is therefore preferred to install the patch properitoneally. It is intended that the terms properitoneal and preperitoneal be synonymous. The mesh patch is preferably attached to the properitoneal fascia of the abdominal wall, and covered by the peritoneum. To attach the mesh patch to the properitoneal fascia, the peritoneum must be dissected from the properitoneal fascia. This is a difficult process which involves the risk of puncturing the peritoneum. Moreover, strands of properitoneal fat interconnecting the peritoneum and the properitoneal fascia make it difficult to see the site of the hernia.

The use of laparoscopic techniques to perform hernia repair is becoming increasingly common. In the conventional procedure for carrying out a hernia repair laparoscopically, an endoscope and instruments are introduced into the belly through one or more incisions in the abdominal wall, and are advanced through the belly to the site of the hernia. Then, working from inside the belly, a long incision is made in the peritoneum covering the site of the hernia. Part of the peritoneum is dissected from the properitoneal fat layer to provide access to the fat layer. This is conventionally done by blunt dissection, such as by sweeping a rigid probe under the peritoneum. In this procedure, it is difficult to dissect the peritoneum cleanly since patchy layers of properitoneal fat tend to adhere to the peritoneum.

In an alternative known laparoscopic hernia repair procedure, the belly is insufflated. An incision is made in the abdominal wall close to the site of the hernia. The incision is made through the abdominal wall as far as the properitoneal fat layer. The peritoneum is then blunt dissected from the properitoneal fat layer by passing a finger or a rigid probe through the incision and sweeping the finger or rigid probe under the peritoneum. After the peritoneum is dissected from the properitoneal fat layer, the space between the peritoneum and the properitoneal fat layer is insufflated to provide a working space in which to apply the mesh patch to the properitoneal fascia.

During the blunt dissection process, it is easy to puncture through the peritoneum, which is quite thin. Additionally, after initial dissection of the properitoneal space, known surgical procedures require introduction of various instruments in the space to conduct the surgery. These instruments can cause inadvertent puncture of the peritoneum wall after the initial dissection. A puncture destroys the ability of the space between the peritoneum and the fascia to hold gas insufflation; pressurized gas can travel through a puncture in the peritoneum to allow the fluid to migrate to the abdominal cavity and degrade the pressure differential maintaining the properitoneal cavity. Also, it is difficult to dissect the peritoneum cleanly since patchy layers of properitoneal fat tend to adhere to the peritoneum. Clearing difficult adhesions can sometimes result in a breach of the peritoneum itself.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,309,896, of which this application is a Continuation-in-Part, discloses a laparoscopic hernia repair technique that enables a mesh patch to be attached to the properitoneal fascia without breaching the peritoneum. An incision is made through the abdominal wall as far as the properitoneal fat layer. A multi-chambered inflatable retraction device is pushed through the incision into contact with the peritoneum, and is used to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layers. The main end chamber of the inflatable retraction device is then inflated to elongate the inflatable retraction device towards the site of the hernia. As it inflates, the inflatable retraction device gently separates the peritoneum from the underlying layers. Once the main chamber of the inflatable retraction device is fully inflated, a second inflatable chamber is inflated. The second inflatable chamber enables the inflatable retraction device to continue to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layers after the main inflatable chamber has been deflated.

One or more apertures are then cut in the envelope of the main inflatable chamber to provide access to the site of the hernia for instruments passed into the main chamber. With such an arrangement, instruments pass through the main chamber situated between the peritoneum and the underlying layers. In this way, a patch can be attached to the properitoneal fascia without breaching the peritoneum.

Another device for separating tissue layers is disclosed in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714, of which this application is a continuation-in-part. The apparatus includes a main envelope that defines a main inflatable chamber. The apparatus also includes an introducing device for introducing the main envelope in a collapsed state between the first layer of tissue and the second layer of tissue. The introducing device inflates the main envelope into an expanded state to separate the first layer of tissue from the second layer of tissue, and to create a working space between the first layer of tissue and the second layer of tissue. Finally, the apparatus includes an insufflating device for introducing insufflation gas into the working space between the first layer of tissue and the second layer of tissue.

In a method according to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714 of separating a first layer of tissue from a second layer of tissue, a main envelope and insufflation gas are provided. The main envelope defines a main inflatable chamber. The main envelope is introduced in a collapsed state between the first layer of tissue and the second layer of tissue. The main envelope is inflated into an expanded state to separate the first layer of tissue from the second layer of tissue, and to create a working space between the first layer of tissue and the second layer of tissue. Finally, insufflation gas is introduced into the working space between the first layer of tissue and the second layer of tissue.

In a first practical embodiment of an apparatus according to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714, the main envelope and the introducing device constitute a first component that separates the first layer of tissue from the second layer of tissue to create the working space. The insufflation device constitutes a second component, which insufflates the working space to maintain the separation of the first layer of tissue from the second. The insufflation device is tubular, has an anchor flange slidably mounted on it, and has a toroidal inflatable chamber at its distal end. The anchor flange and toroidal inflatable chamber together form a gas-tight seal with the second layer of tissue.

In a method according to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714 of using the two-component apparatus, the introducing device is used to push the main envelope in a collapsed state through an incision through the second layer of tissue to place the main envelope between the first layer of tissue and the second layer of tissue. The main envelope is then inflated to gently separate the first layer of tissue from the second layer of tissue, and to create a working space between the two layers of tissue. An endoscope may be passed through the bore of the introducing device into the main chamber to observe the extent of separation of the layers of tissue. The main envelope is then returned to a collapsed state, and the main envelope and the introducing device are removed from the incision.

The insufflating device is inserted into the incision so that its distal end projects into the working space between the two layers of tissue. The toroidal inflatable chamber is inflated into an expanded state. The anchor flange is slid distally along the insufflating device to compress the second layer of tissue between it and the expanded toroidal inflatable chamber, and thus to form a gas-tight seal. Insufflating gas is then passed through the insufflating device into the working space to maintain the separation of the first layer of tissue from the second. An endoscope may be passed through the bore of the insufflating device into the working space to observe within the working space.

In a first embodiment of a one-component apparatus according to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714, the introducing device is also used for returning the main envelope to a collapsed state. A single elongated tube provides the introducing device and the insufflating device. The main envelope is detachable from the single elongated tube. The single elongated tube has an anchor flange slidably mounted on it, and has a toroidal inflatable chamber at its distal end. The anchor flange and toroidal inflatable chamber together form a gas-tight seal with the second layer of tissue.

In a method according to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714 of using the first embodiment of a one-component apparatus to separate a first layer of tissue from a second layer of tissue, the elongated tube is used to push the main envelope in a collapsed state through an incision through the second layer of tissue to place the main envelope between the first layer of tissue and the second layer of tissue. The main envelope is then inflated to gently separate the first layer of tissue from the second layer of tissue, and to create a working space between the two layers of tissue. An endoscope may be passed through the bore of the single elongated tube into the main chamber to observe the extent of separation of the layers of tissue. The main envelope is then returned to a collapsed state, detached from the elongated tube, and removed from the working space between the layers of tissue through the bore of the elongated tube.

The toroidal inflatable chamber at the distal end of the elongated tube is then inflated into an expanded state. The anchor flange is slid distally along the elongated tube to compress the second layer of tissue between it and the expanded toroidal inflatable chamber to form a gas-tight seal. Insufflating gas is passed through the elongated tube into the working space to maintain the separation of the first and second tissue layers. An endoscope may be passed through the bore of the single elongated tube into the working space to observe within the working space.

In a second embodiment of a one-component apparatus according to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714, the introducing device is an outer elongated tube, and the insufflating device is an inner elongated tube mounted in the bore of the outer elongated tube. The proximal ends of the tubes are flexibly coupled together. The main envelope is a cylindrical piece of elastomeric material. One end of the main envelope is everted with respect to the other, and is attached to the distal end of the outer elongated tube. The other end of the main envelope is attached to the distal end of the inner elongated tube. The main inflatable chamber defined by the main envelope is thus substantially toroidal. The outer elongated tube has an anchor flange slidably mounted on it. The anchor flange and the main inflatable chamber together form a gas-tight seal with the second layer of tissue.

In a method according to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714 of using the second embodiment of a one-component apparatus to separate a first layer of tissue from a second layer of tissue, the outer elongated tube is used to push the main envelope in a collapsed state through an incision through the second layer of tissue to place the main envelope between the first layer of tissue and the second layer of tissue. The main envelope is then inflated to gently separate the first layer of tissue from the second layer of tissue, and to create working a space between the layers of tissue. An endoscope may be passed through the outer elongated tube into the main chamber to observe the extent of separation of the layers of tissue.

The anchor flange is slid distally along the introducing device tube to compress the second layer of tissue between it and the main inflatable chamber, to form a gas-tight seal. Insufflating gas is then passed through the bore of the inner elongated tube and the bore of the main envelope into the working space to maintain the separation of the first layer of tissue from the second. An endoscope may be passed through the bore of the inner elongated tube and the bore of the main envelope into the working space to observe within the working space.

In a further method according to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714, access through the abdominal wall to repair a hernia is provided. The abdominal wall includes the peritoneum and an underlying layer. A main envelope and an insufflation gas are provided. The main envelope defines a main inflatable chamber. The main envelope is introduced in a collapsed state between the peritoneum and the underlying layer. The main envelope is inflated into an expanded state to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layer, and to create a working space between the peritoneum and the underlying layer. Insufflation gas is introduced into the working space, and the hernia is repaired using an instrument passed into the working space.

In a final method according to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 07/911,714, access is provided through the abdominal wall from near the umbilicus to repair a hernia. The abdominal wall includes the peritoneum and an underlying layer. A main envelope and insufflation gas are provided. The main envelope defines a main inflatable chamber. An incision is made at the umbilicus through the abdominal wall, including the underlying layer, excluding the peritoneum. The main envelope is introduced in a collapsed state into the incision to bring the main envelope into contact with the peritoneum. The main envelope is inflated into an expanded state to separate a portion of the peritoneum from the underlying layer, and to create a space between the portion of the peritoneum and the underlying layer. The main envelope is returned to a collapsed state. The main envelope is advanced in the direction of the hernia to the boundary of the separated portion of the peritoneum. The main envelope is re-inflated into an expanded state to separate an additional portion of the peritoneum from the underlying layer, and to enlarge the space. Finally, insufflation gas is introduced into at least part of the space.

In a variation, the collapsing, advancing, and re-inflating steps are repeated with the main envelope being expanded to a partially expanded state to create a narrow tunnel between the incision at the umbilicus and the hernia. At the hernia, the main inflatable chamber is inflated into a fully expanded state to create a working space that is later insufflated.

Before being inserted into a patient, the inflatable envelopes and chambers are deflated and packed into a sheath. A known method of packing the chamber in the deflated, compact state is to roll the chamber inwardly from opposing lateral sides as shown in FIG.



A problem which occurs during inflation of the balloon packed in the known manner of

FIG. 18

is that unrolling of the balloon produces relatively high differential motion between the balloon and tissue which can cause trauma to the tissue. Referring to

FIG. 19

, a balloon packed in the known manner of

FIG. 18

is in a partially inflated state during deployment. During inflation, the balloon unrolls and displaces outwardly. The top side of the balloon rubs against the upper tissue layer and can cause trauma to the tissue layer.


The present invention solves the problems associated with known methods of packing a deflated balloon by providing the balloon with an inwardly displaced portion which everts during inflation of the balloon. The everting portion minimizes differential motion between the balloon and the adjacent tissue layers thereby minimizing tissue trauma.

An inflatable balloon is mounted to a delivery and inflation device. The balloon is movable between a deflated state and an inflated state. A first portion of the balloon is displaced-inwardly when the balloon is packed in the sheath so that the first portion everts when the balloon is inflated. The first portion is preferably formed as a roll which is positioned between opposing sides of the interior surface when the balloon is in the deflated state. The balloon also preferably includes a second portion which is also displaced-inwardly and formed in a roll. The rolls are then packed within a sheath for insertion into a patient.

The inwardly-displaced portions are rolled-up within the interior of the balloon with a rolling device having a pair spaced apart rods. The rod is introduced through the bore of the delivery device and the inwardly-displaced portion is positioned between the rods. The device is then rotated to form the roll within the interior of the balloon.

In another preferred method of packing a balloon, the first portion is displaced-inwardly to separate the balloon into an upper part and a lower part. The first portion and the upper and lower parts are then rolled-up in the conventional manner and packed into a sheath. In yet another preferred method of packing a balloon the balloon is configured with accordion-folds.

Other features and advantages of the invention will appear from the following description in which the preferred embodiment has been set forth in detail in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.


FIG. 1

is a cross-sectional view of the abdominal wall showing the peritoneum, the properitoneal fat layer, the properitoneal fascia, and other tissue layers.

FIGS. 2A through 2E

show a two-component apparatus according to the invention, wherein:


shows the separation component of the two-component apparatus according to the invention.


shows part of the distal part of the separation component of the two-component apparatus according to the invention with the main envelope in its everted position.


shows part of the distal part of the separation component of the two-component apparatus according to the invention with the main envelope in its inverted position.


shows the insufflation component of the two-component apparatus according to the invention with the toroidal inflatable chamber in its collapsed state.


shows the insufflation component of the two-component apparatus according to the invention with the toroidal inflatable chamber in its expanded state.

FIGS. 3A through 3I

are longitudinal cross sections of the abdomen illustrating the method according to the invention of using a two-component apparatus according to the invention to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layer, wherein:


shows an incision made through the abdominal wall, including the properitoneal fat layer, excluding the peritoneum.


shows the distal part of the separation component of a two-component apparatus according to the invention inserted into the incision. The separation component includes the main envelope in its collapsed state.


shows the main envelope inflated to its expanded state to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layer.


shows the main envelope returned to its collapsed state.


shows the separation component removed from the incision.


shows the distal part of the insufflation component of the two-component apparatus according to the invention inserted into the incision.


shows the toroidal inflatable chamber of the insufflation component inflated to its expanded state and the anchor flange slid into contact with the skin of the abdominal wall to provide a gas-tight seal.


shows the working space between the peritoneum and the underlying layer insufflated with a gas passed through the bore of the insufflation component.


shows additional instruments passed through gas-tight trocar sheaths into the insufflated working space to repair the hernia by attaching a mesh patch to the properitoneal fascia.

FIGS. 4A through 4C

show the main embodiment of the first one-component apparatus according to the invention, wherein:


shows the main embodiment of the first one-component apparatus according to the invention with the main envelope in its expanded state.


shows details of the area marked “A” at the distal end of the tube assembly in FIG.




shows the distal part of the tube assembly with the toroidal inflatable chamber in its expanded state.

FIGS. 5A through 5D

show the alternative embodiment of the first one-component apparatus according to the invention, wherein:


shows the alternative embodiment of the first one-component apparatus according to the invention with the main envelope in its expanded state.


shows the elongated main envelope of the alternative embodiment of the first one-component apparatus according to the invention.


shows the distal part of the tube assembly of the alternative embodiment of the first one-component apparatus according to the invention with the main envelope in its everted state.


shows the distal part of the tube assembly of the alternative embodiment of the first one-component apparatus according to the invention with the main envelope in its inverted state.

FIGS. 6A through 6H

are longitudinal cross sections of the abdomen illustrating the method according to the invention of using a first one-component apparatus according to the invention to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layer, wherein:


shows an incision made through the abdominal wall, including the underlying layer, excluding the peritoneum.


shows the distal part of the tube assembly of a one-component apparatus according to the invention inserted into the incision. The tube assembly includes the main envelope in its collapsed state.


shows the main envelope inflated to its expanded state to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layer.


shows the main envelope returned to its fully collapsed state.


shows the apparatus advanced into the incision such that the envelope of the toroidal inflatable chamber clears the incision.


shows the toroidal inflatable chamber inflated to its expanded state.


shows the anchor flange slid into contact with the skin of the abdominal wall. The anchor flange together with the expanded toroidal inflatable chamber provides a gas-tight seal.


shows the space between the peritoneum and the underlying layer insufflated with a gas passed through the bore of the apparatus.

FIGS. 7A and 7B

show a second embodiment of a one-component apparatus according to the invention, wherein:


shows the second one-component apparatus according to the invention with the main envelope in its expanded state.


shows the second one-component apparatus according to the invention with the main envelope in its collapsed state.


shows the second one-component apparatus according to the invention with the main envelope in its expanded state and an endoscope passed through the bore of the outer tube into the main inflatable chamber.


shows the second one-component apparatus according to the invention with the main inflatable chamber in its partially expanded state and an endoscope passed through the bore of the inner tube and through the bore of the main envelope.

FIGS. 9A through 9F

are longitudinal cross sections of the abdomen illustrating the method according to the invention of using a second one-component apparatus according to the invention to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layer, wherein:


shows an incision made through the abdominal wall, including the underlying layer, excluding the peritoneum.


shows the distal part of the tube assembly of a one-component apparatus according to the invention inserted into the incision. The tube assembly includes the main envelope in its collapsed state.


shows the main envelope inflated to its expanded state to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layer.


shows the main envelope returned to its partially-collapsed state.


shows the anchor flange slid into contact with the skin of the abdominal wall. The anchor flange and the partially-collapsed main inflatable chamber together provide a gas-tight seal.


shows the space between the peritoneum and the underlying layer insufflated with a gas passed through the bore of the inner tube of the apparatus.

FIGS. 10A through 10I

illustrate the alternative method according to the invention of using any of the apparatus according to the invention to separate the peritoneum from the underlying layer near the groin, with the apparatus inserted through an incision near the umbilicus.

FIGS. 10A through 10H

are longitudinal cross sections of the abdomen, wherein:

FIG. 10A

shows an incision made through the abdominal wall, including the underlying layer, excluding the peritoneum.

FIG. 10B

shows the distal part of the apparatus according to the invention inserted into the incision. The tube assembly includes the main envelope in its collapsed state.

FIG. 10C

shows the main envelope inflated to a partially-expanded state to separate part of the peritoneum from the underlying layer.

FIG. 10D

shows the main envelope returned to its collapsed state.

FIG. 10E

shows the apparatus advanced in the direction of the groin to bring the main envelope to the limit of the separated part of the peritoneum.

FIG. 10F

shows the main envelope re-inflated to a partially-expanded state to separate an additional part of the peritoneum from the underlying layer.

FIG. 10G

shows the main envelope advanced to close to the site of the hernia and re-inflated to its fully inflated state to create a working space.

FIG. 10H

shows the introducer component advanced through the tunnel into the working space, and the toroidal inflatable chamber inflated to form a gas-tight seal with the entrance of the tunnel.

FIG. 10I

is a plan view of the abdomen showing the insufflator component in position with its distal end in the working space and its toroidal inflatable chamber forming a gas-tight seal with the entrance of the tunnel. The figure also shows the lesser extent to which the peritoneum is detached in the tunnel compared with in the working space.

FIGS. 11A through 11C

show a retraction device having a first inflatable chamber for maintaining separation between two tissue layers, wherein:

FIG. 11A

shows the first inflatable chamber in a collapsed state and contained within a perforated sheath.

FIG. 11B and 11C

show the first inflatable chamber in an expanded state.

FIGS. 12A and 12B

show a second inflatable chamber for maintaining separation between two tissue layers, wherein:

FIG. 12A

is an end view of the second inflatable chamber for maintaining separation between two tissue layers.

FIG. 12B

is a side view of the second inflatable chamber in the expanded state.

FIGS. 13A through 13C

show the construction of the first inflatable chamber, wherein.

FIG. 13A

shows the orientation of the first and second sheets, baffles and release agent before RF welding the baffles and sheets.

FIG. 13B

shows an exploded cross-sectional view of

FIG. 13A

with the RF welding electrodes in position.

FIG. 13C

shows the baffles attached to the first and second sheets.

FIGS. 14A and 14B

show a third inflatable chamber for maintaining separation between two tissue layers, wherein:

FIG. 14A

is an end view of the third inflatable chamber.

FIG. 14B

is a side view of the third inflatable chamber.

FIGS. 15A and 15B

show a fourth inflatable chamber for maintaining separation between two tissue layers, wherein:

FIG. 15A

is an end view of the fourth inflatable chamber.

FIG. 15B

is a side view of the fourth inflatable chamber.

FIGS. 16A and 16B

show a fifth inflatable chamber for maintaining separation between tissue layers, wherein:

FIG. 16A

is an end view of the fifth inflatable chamber.

FIG. 16B

is a side view of the fifth inflatable chamber.

FIGS. 17A and 17B

show a retraction device having the fourth inflatable chamber advanced through a tunnel into a working space and an additional instrument passing adjacent the fourth inflatable chamber.

FIG. 18

shows a balloon rolled in the known manner with two rolls formed by rolling the balloon inward from opposing outer edges;

FIG. 19

shows deployment of the balloon of

FIG. 18

with the top of the rolls rubbing against the upper tissue layer;

FIG. 20

shows an isometric view of an inflatable balloon;

FIG. 21

shows a plan view of the inflatable balloon of

FIG. 20


FIG. 22

shows a first portion of the balloon of

FIG. 20

displaced inwardly;

FIG. 23

shows a rolling device grasping an end of the first, inwardly-displaced portion between two rods;

FIG. 24

shows the rolling device of

FIG. 23

used for rolling-up the first inwardly-displaced portion of the balloon;

FIG. 25

shows the rolling device during rolling of the first portion of the balloon;

FIG. 26

shows a cross-sectional view of the balloon of

FIG. 20

with first and second inwardly-displaced portions rolled-up into first and second rolls and an obturator positioned therebetween;

FIG. 27

shows the balloon of

FIG. 26

during inflation and deployment between tissue layers;

FIGS. 28 and 29

show a cross-sectional view of a balloon packed in accordance with another preferred method of packing a deflated balloon;

FIGS. 30 and 31

show a cross-sectional view of a balloon packed in accordance with another preferred method of packing a deflated balloon.

FIG. 32

shows a balloon having accordion-folds; and

FIG. 33

shows the balloon of

FIG. 32

in a compact state.


A cross-sectional view of the abdominal wall is shown in FIG.


. The abdominal wall includes the several layers of tissue shown. The peritoneum P is the innermost layer. Underlying the peritoneum are several layers of tissue, including the properitoneal fat layer FL and the properitoneal fascia F. The properitoneal fascia is the layer to which the mesh patch is preferably attached in hernia repair. The properitoneal fat layer separates the peritoneum from the properitoneal fascia. The properitoneal fat layer is relatively weak, which enables the peritoneum to be separated relatively easily from the fascia.

When the peritoneum is separated from the fascia, separation takes place at or in the properitoneal fat layer. The properitoneal fat layer can remain attached to the properitoneal fascia, or can come away with the peritoneum. Alternatively, part of the properitoneal fat layer can remain attached to the peritoneum and part of the fat layer can come away attached to the peritoneum. Because of the uncertainty in the point of separation, the layer which is detached will be called the peritoneum, and the layer from which the peritoneum is detached will be called the underlying layer. Additional layers of tissue lie between the properitoneal fascia and the skin S.

An inguinal hernia occurs when the contents of the abdominal cavity break through the abdominal wall. As described above, a hernia is repaired by attaching a piece of mesh to the abdominal wall. To prevent the mesh from causing trauma to the bowel, either through irritation of the bowel by the rough surface of the mesh, or by adhesion of the bowel to the mesh, it is preferred to attach the mesh to the properitoneal fascia. With the mesh attached to the fascia, the peritoneum covers the mesh and isolates the bowel from the mesh.

Conventional techniques of attaching the mesh patch to the properitoneal fascia, both laparoscopic and normal, involve blunt dissecting the peritoneum away from the properitoneal fascia, working from inside or outside the belly. The apparatus and methods according to the invention enable the peritoneum to be separated from the properitoneal fascia and the mesh patch attached to the fascia without entering the belly.

Although the following description will describe the apparatus and methods according to the invention with respect to hernia repair, the apparatus and methods are not restricted to hernia repair. The apparatus and methods can equally well be used in other procedures in which one layer of tissue is separated from another to form a working space between the layers. These procedures include thoracoscopy in patients with pleural adhesions; pericardioscopy, or the introduction of an endoscope into the pericardial cavity, in patients with pericardial adhesions; retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, in which the peritoneum on the distal aspect of the abdominal cavity is separated from the underlying tissue which includes lymph nodes; and in separating a blood vessel from surrounding connective tissue in the course of, for example, a femoropopliteal arterial bypass graft procedure.

1. Two-Component Apparatus and Method of Using

The two-component form of the apparatus according to the invention is shown in

FIGS. 2A through 2C



shows a partially cut-away view of the separation component


of the apparatus. In the separation component, the introducer tube


is a rigid tube having a bore with a circular cross section that can accommodate an endoscope.

The proximal end of the introducer tube is fitted with a port


, in the proximal end


of which is mounted a flapper valve


. The shutter


of the flapper valve is operated by the button


. The seat


of the flapper valve additionally forms a gas-tight seal with an endoscope or other instrument inserted though the flapper valve into the bore of the introducer tube


. The port


is also fitted with a valve


to which a supply of a suitable inflation fluid can be connected.

The main envelope


defines a main inflatable chamber


. The main envelope is fitted to the distal end


of the introducer tube


. The main envelope and main inflatable chamber are shown in their collapsed states. The dotted line


X indicates the extent of the main envelope when the main inflatable chamber


in its expanded state. It should be noted that although the main envelope


is illustrated as generally spherical, it can be formed as oblong, “hockey puck” or disc shaped, kidney bean shaped or other shapes as are suited for the particular dissection contemplated.

The main envelope


is preferably formed from an elastomeric material, such as latex, silicone rubber, or polyurethane. The main envelope can also be formed-from a thin, inelastic material such as Mylar®, polyethylene, nylon, etc. If an inelastic material is used, it should be suitably packaged to fit inside the bore of the introducer tube


when in its collapsed state.

The preferred elastomeric main envelope


can be simply attached to the distal end


of the introducer tube


by stretching the main envelope over the distal end of the introducer tube, as shown in FIG.


B. The main envelope is then kept in place by friction resulting from the tension caused by stretching. A suitable adhesive, such as an epoxy or cyanoacrylate adhesive, may additionally or alternatively be used. Other means of attaching the main envelope to the inside or the outside of the introducer tube can be used.

After attachment, the main envelope


is inverted into the bore of the introducer tube, as shown in FIG.


C. Inverting the main envelope into the bore of the introducer tube makes it easier to use the introducer tube to pass the main envelope through an incision and place it adjacent to the peritoneum as will be described next.

The first part of a method according to the invention of using the separation component


of a two-component apparatus according to the invention to separate a first layer of tissue from a second layer of tissue will next be described. As an illustration, separating the peritoneum from the properitoneal fascia in the course of repairing a hernia will be described.

FIGS. 3A through 3H

show a longitudinal cross section of the lower abdomen. An incision about 12-15 mm. long is made in the abdominal wall AW, and is carried through the abdominal wall as far as, and including, the properitoneal fat layer FL. The distal end


of the introducer tube


of the separation component


is then inserted into the incision to bring the distal end into contact with the peritoneum P. Additional gentle pressure detaches the part of the peritoneum in the immediate vicinity of the incision from the underlying layer, as shown in FIG.




shows the peritoneum detached from the properitoneal fat layer FL. The main envelope cannot be seen in these figures because it is inverted within the bore of the introducer tube



A source of a suitable inflation fluid (not shown) is connected to the valve


. A gas, preferably air, is the preferred inflation fluid, but other gases, such as carbon dioxide, can be used. A liquid, such as saline solution, can be used, but liquids are less preferable to gases because they change the optical properties of any endoscope inserted into the main inflatable chamber


. The flow of inflation fluid is turned on, which ejects the main envelope


of the main inflatable chamber


from the bore of the introducer tube



The inflation fluid progressively expands the main envelope


, and hence the main inflatable chamber


defined by the main envelope, into an expanded state. The main envelope expands between the peritoneum and the properitoneal fascia, and gently and progressively detaches an increasing area of the peritoneum from the underlying layer as it expands. When the main envelope is in its expanded state, the main inflatable chamber is preferably about 4″-6″ (100-150 mm) in diameter.

Early in the process of expanding the main envelope


, an endoscope E is inserted into the flapper valve


in the port


, as shown in FIG.


C. The endoscope E is passed through the bore of the introducer tube


into the main inflatable chamber


. Once partially expanded, the main envelope


is sufficiently transparent for the extent of the detachment of the peritoneum to be observed through the endoscope.

When a sufficient area of the peritoneum has been detached, the supply of inflation fluid is turned off. The inflation fluid is then vented from the main inflatable chamber, and the main envelope


progressively returns to its collapsed state. The peritoneum remains detached from the properitoneal fascia, however, as shown in FIG.


D. The separation component


, including the collapsed main envelope, is then withdrawn from the incision I (FIG.



The insufflation component


of the two-component apparatus, shown in


, will next be described. The insufflation component


comprises an inner tube


and an outer tube


mounted coaxially, with the outer tube covering the inner tube over most of the length of the inner tube. The inner tube is similar to the introducer tube




A), and is a rigid tube having a bore with a circular cross section that can accommodate a 10 mm endoscope.

The proximal end of the inner tube


is fitted with a port


, the proximal end


of which has a flapper valve


. The shutter


of the flapper valve is operated by the button


. Additionally, the seat


of the flapper valve forms a gas-tight seal with an endoscope (not shown) or an obturator, such as the obturator


, inserted though the flapper valve into the bore of the inner tube


. The port


is also fitted with a first valve


to which a supply of a suitable insufflation fluid can be connected.

The distal end


of the outer tube


stops short of the distal end


of the inner tube


. The insufflation component


includes a toroidal inflatable chamber


. The envelope


of the toroidal inflatable chamber is a cylindrical piece of a thin elastomeric material, such as latex, silicone rubber, or polyurethane. The envelope


is placed over the distal ends of the inner tube and the outer tube. The proximal end


of the envelope is attached to the distal end


of the outer tube, and the distal end


of the envelope is attached to the distal end


of the inner tube



The bore of the outer tube


is spaced from the outer surface of the inner tube


. The annular space


between the inner tube and the outer tube inter connects the toroidal inflatable chamber


and a second valve


. The second valve


is connected to a source of a suitable inflation fluid (not shown). Thus, the toroidal inflatable chamber


can be inflated using an inflation fluid passing into the toroidal inflatable chamber via the second valve


and the annular space


. The toroidal inflatable chamber is shown in its collapsed state in


, and in its expanded state in FIG.



The anchor flange


is slidably mounted on the outer tube


, and can be locked in a desired position along the length of the outer tube with a simple over-center action locking lever (not shown). As will be described in detail below, the anchor flange and the toroidal inflatable chamber, in its expanded condition, enable the insufflator component


to form a gas-tight seal to prevent insufflation gas passed through the insufflator component from escaping.

The use of the insufflation component


in the second part of the method according to the invention of using the two-component apparatus according to the invention will next be described. It is preferred to use the insufflation component


in conjunction with the first part of the method and the separation component


for dissecting the first and second tissue layers, however, the second part of the method and the insufflation component


may be used in conjunction with any other dissection method or apparatus including manual dissection with an endoscope, graspers, operating scope or any blunt instrument which may be used to dissect the tissue layer by sweeping the area between the layers.

An obturator


, having a blunt tip


, is preferably inserted through the flapper valve


in the port


into the bore of the inner tube


. The tip of the obturator projects beyond the distal end of the inner tube to provide the insufflation component


with a blunt nose. The blunt nose enables the distal end of the insufflation component to be atraumatically inserted into the properitoneal space through the incision I. The insufflation component is advanced through the incision until the proximal end of the cylindrical envelope


is in the properitoneal space, clear of the incision, as shown in FIG.



A suitable source (not shown) of an inflation fluid is attached to the second valve


. A gas, such as air or carbon dioxide, can be used for the inflation fluid; alternatively, a liquid, such as saline can be used. Since the volume of inflation fluid required to inflate the toroidal inflatable chamber is small, about 15 ml in the preferred embodiment, the inflation fluid can be forced into the toroidal inflatable chamber from a large syringe. Inflation fluid is fed into the toroidal inflatable chamber


to expand the toroidal inflatable chamber to its expanded condition, as shown in FIG.



The anchor flange


is then advanced in the direction of the arrow


along the outer tube


to bring the anchor flange into contact with the skin S of the abdominal wall AW. The insufflation component


is then gripped, and the anchor flange is further advanced slightly. This forces the expanded toroidal inflatable chamber


into contact with the underlying layer, and slightly compresses the abdominal wall, including the underlying layer, but excluding the peritoneum P, between the toroidal inflatable chamber and the anchor flange. Once adjusted, the anchor flange is locked in position on the outer tube. The expanded toroidal inflatable chamber is held against the underlying layer, and forms a gas-tight seal between the insufflation component and the abdominal wall, including the underlying layer, excluding the peritoneum.

A suitable source (not shown) of an insufflation gas is attached to the first valve


, and insufflation gas is passed through the bore of the inner tube


into the working WS space between the peritoneum P and the underlying layer created by separating by the peritoneum from the underlying layer using the separation component of the apparatus in the first part of the method described above. The pressure of the insufflation gas re-separates the peritoneum from the underlying layer, as shown in


, and provides a working space in which repair of the hernia can be carried out. The obturator is removed from the bore of the inner tube


. The bore of the inner tube


can then be used to pass instruments, such as the endoscope E, into the working space to perform the repair procedure. Insufflation pressure is maintained by the flapper valve



As part of the hernia repair procedure, additional gas-tight trocar sheaths are inserted through the abdominal wall into the working space WS, shown in FIG.


. An endoscope (not shown) can be passed into the working space through the bore of the inner tube


, or through one of the additional trocar sleeves for observation. If the properitoneal fat layer FL remains attached to the properitoneal fascia F, it is scraped off the fascia around the site of the hernia so that the patch can be attached directly to the fascia.

A patch M, preferably a Dacron® or Teflon® mesh, is shown gripped by the grippers G, and passed through the trocar sleeve TS


into the working space. Using the grippers, the patch is manipulated to place it in contact with the properitoneal fascia F over the site of the hernia. The patch is attached to the properitoneal fascia by staples inserted using the stapler ST passed through the trocar sleeve TS


into the working space. Sutures can alternatively be used to attach the patch to the properitoneal fascia.

After the treatment procedure is completed, the first valve


is operated to release the insufflation gas from the working space. The second valve


is operated to release the inflation fluid from the toroidal inflatable chamber


. The envelope


of the toroidal inflatable chamber returns to its collapsed state, flush with the outer surfaces of the inner tube and the outer tube. The insufflating component is then withdrawn from the incision, and the incision is closed using sutures or clips. The pressure of the viscera against the peritoneum returns the peritoneum into contact with the underlying layer. Over time, the peritoneum reattaches to the underlying layer.

2. First One-Component Apparatus

(a) Main Embodiment

The separation component can be dispensed with, and the insufflation component can be modified to provide the first embodiment of a one component apparatus according to the invention. The first one-component apparatus is shown in FIG.


A. The first one-component apparatus


is similar to the insufflation component just described. Like components will use the same reference numbers with


added. The first one component apparatus comprises a tube assembly


, including an inner tube


coaxially mounted inside an outer tube


. The outer tube covers the inner tube over most of the length of the inner tube. The inner tube is a rigid tube having a bore with a circular cross section that can accommodate an endoscope (not shown).

The proximal end of the inner tube


is fitted with a port


, the proximal end


of which includes a flapper valve


. The shutter


of the flapper valve is operated by the button


. Additionally, the seat


of the flapper valve forms a gas-tight seal with an endoscope (not shown), or other instrument, inserted though the flapper valve into the bore of the inner tube


. The port


is also fitted with a first valve


to which a supply of a suitable insufflation fluid can be connected.

Unlike the insufflator component of the two-component apparatus, the distal end


of the outer tube


extends as far as the distal end


of the inner tube


. The tubes are connected together over a distal portion


of their lengths (see detail in FIG.


B). A circumferential groove


is formed in the inner wall of the distal portion


. A groove with a wedge-shaped cross section is shown. The circumferential groove can have other cross sections, such as square, or semi-circular. The circumferential groove retains the main envelope


, which defines the main inflatable chamber


, in the bore of the inner tube, as will be described in more detail below.

The envelope


of the toroidal inflatable chamber


covers the distal part of the tube assembly


. The envelope


is a cylindrical piece of a thin elastomeric material, such a latex, silicone rubber, or polyurethane. The proximal end


and the distal end


of the envelope are attached to the outer surface


of the tube assembly using a circumferential line of adhesive applied at each end of the envelope. An epoxy or cyanoacrylate adhesive is preferably used. When the toroidal inflatable chamber is in its collapsed state, the envelope


lies almost flush with the outer surface of the tube assembly



The outer tube


is spaced from the inner tube


over at least part of its circumference. The space


between the inner tube and the outer tube, and a radial passage


through the wall of the outer tube interconnect the toroidal inflatable chamber


and the second valve


. The second valve


is connected to a source of a suitable inflation fluid (not shown). The toroidal inflatable chamber is shown in its collapsed state in

FIGS. 4A and 4B

, and in its expanded state in FIG.



The anchor flange


is slidably mounted on the tube assembly


, and can be locked in a desired position along the length of the tube assembly with a simple over center action locking lever (not shown). As will be described in detail below, the anchor flange and the toroidal inflatable chamber, in its expanded condition, form a gas-tight seal to prevent insufflation gas from escaping.

The first one-component apparatus also includes a main envelope


detachably attached to the bore of the inner tube


. The main envelope defines the main inflatable chamber


. The main envelope is preferably formed of an elastomeric material such as latex, silicone rubber, or polyurethane. The main envelope can also be formed from a thin, inelastic material such as Mylar®, polyethylene, nylon, etc. If an inelastic material is used, it should be suitably packaged to fit inside the bore of the inner tube when in its collapsed state.

The main envelope


is formed such that it has a substantially spherical shape when it is in its expanded state, and is also formed with a neck


. The neck has an outside diameter substantially equal to the diameter of the bore of the inner tube


. The neck


can be rolled outwards a number of times, as in the neck of a common toy balloon, or the neck can be attached to a suitable O-ring


, as shown in FIG.


B. The rolled neck, or the O-ring attached to the neck, engages with the circumferential groove


in the inner wall in the inner tube to attach the main envelope


to the inner tube. The main envelope is housed in the bore of the inner tube when the main inflatable chamber is in its collapsed state.

The rip cord


is attached to the neck


of the main envelope


, runs proximally up the bore of the inner tube


, and emerges from the port


through the flapper valve


. The part of the rip cord


emerging from the flapper valve can be gripped and pulled in a proximal direction to release the rolled neck


or the O-ring


from the circumferential groove


. By pulling further on the rip cord, the entire main envelope can be pulled proximally through the bore of the inner tube.

(b) Alternative Embodiment

An alternative embodiment of the first one-component apparatus having an elongated main envelope


A is shown in FIG


A. The tube assembly


A includes the inner tube


A mounted coaxially inside the outer tube


A, with the proximal and distal ends of the tubes interconnected. The space


A between the inner tube and the outer tube communicates with the toroidal inflatable chamber through the radial passage


A in the wall of the outer tube. The space between the inner tube and the outer tube also communicates with the toroidal chamber inflation valve



The bore of the inner tube


A communicates with the port


A, fitted with the insufflation valve


. The port


A is also fitted with a flapper valve


A, including the flapper valve seat


A, which maintains gas pressure when the apparatus is used for insufflation. The flapper valve seat


A also provides a gas-tight seal around any instrument, such as the endoscope E, passed through the flapper valve.

The elongated main envelope


A is shown in FIG.


B. The main envelope is an elongated cylinder with a closed distal end


. The main envelope is preferably formed from an elastomeric material, such as latex, silicon rubber, or polyurethane. Attached to the proximal end of the main envelope is a manifold


which mates with the proximal face


A of the port


A. The manifold


is fitted with an O-ring seal


, which forms a gas-tight seal with any instrument passed through it. The manifold


is also fitted with the main chamber inflation valve


A to which a supply (not shown) of a suitable inflation fluid can be attached to inflate the main inflatable chamber



The elongated main envelope


A is passed through the flapper valve


A into the bore of the inner tube


A. The manifold


is engaged with the proximal face


A of the port


A. When the manifold is engaged, the distal end


of the main envelope projects beyond the distal end of the tube assembly


A, as shown in FIG.


C. The distal end of the main envelope is then inverted into the bore of the inner tube


A, as shown in FIG.



An endoscope, or some other suitable instrument, is inserted through the O-ring seal


to seal the manifold before inflation fluid is passed through the main chamber inflation valve


A to inflate the main inflatable chamber



Alternatively, the seal


can be replaced by an additional flapper valve (not shown) so that the main inflatable chamber can be inflated without the need to use an instrument to seal the manifold.

When inflation fluid is passed into the main inflatable chamber


A through the valve


A, the distal end


of the main envelope


A is ejected from the inner tube


A. The inflation fluid then progressively expands the main envelope


A, and hence the main inflatable chamber


A defined by the main envelope, into an expanded state, as shown in FIG.


A. The part of the main envelope inside the inner tube is subject to the same inflation pressure as the distal end


of the main envelope, but is constrained by the inner tube and so does not inflate.

After using the main envelope


A to separate the peritoneum away from the underlying layer, as will be described in detail below, the inflation pressure fluid is vented from the main inflatable chamber


A, and the main envelope returns to its collapsed state. When the main envelope is in its collapsed state, it can move freely in the bore of the inner tube


. The main envelope is removed from the inner tube by disengaging the manifold


from the proximal face


A of the port


A, and using the manifold


to pull the main envelope proximally through the bore of the inner tube.

Inflation fluid for the toroidal inflatable chamber the envelope of which


A is shown in


, is passed through the toroidal chamber inflation valve


A. Insufflation gas is passed through the insufflation valve



The toroidal inflatable chamber and the anchor flange


A of the alternative embodiment of the first one-component apparatus are the same as in the main embodiment, and will therefore not be described.

(c) Method of Using the First One-Component Apparatus (Both Forms)

The method according to the invention of using either form of the first one-component apparatus according to the invention to separate a first layer of tissue from a second layer of tissue will next be described. As an illustration, separating the peritoneum from the properitoneal fascia in the course of repairing a hernia will be described.

FIGS. 6A through 6H

show a longitudinal cross section of the lower abdomen. An incision about 12-15 mm. long is made in the abdominal wall AW, and carried through the abdominal wall as far as, and including the properitoneal fat layer FL, as shown in FIG.


A. The distal end


of the tube assembly


of the one-component apparatus


is then inserted into the incision to bring the distal end into contact with the peritoneum. Additional gentle pressure detaches the part of the peritoneum in the immediate vicinity of the incision from the underlying layer, as shown in FIG.




shows the peritoneum detached from the properitoneal fat layer FL. The main envelope cannot be seen in these figures because it is inverted within the bore of the tube assembly.

A source of inflation fluid (not shown) is connected to the valve


. A gas, preferably air, is the preferred inflation fluid, but other gases, such a carbon dioxide can be used. A liquid, such as saline solution can be used, but liquids are less preferable to gases because they change the optical properties of any endoscope inserted into the main inflatable chamber


. The flow of inflation fluid is turned on, which ejects the main envelope


from the bore of the tube assembly



The inflation fluid progressively expands the main envelope


, and hence the main inflatable chamber


defined by the main envelope, into an expanded state. The main envelope expands between the peritoneum P and the properitoneal fat layer FL, and gently and progressively detaches an increasing area of the peritoneum from the underlying layer as it expands. When the main envelope is in its expanded state, the main inflatable chamber is preferably about 4″-6″ (100-150 mm) in diameter.

Early in the process of expanding the main envelope


, an endoscope E is inserted into the flapper valve


in the port


, as shown in FIG.


C. The endoscope E is passed through the bore of the tube assembly


into the main inflatable chamber


. Once the main envelope is partially expanded, the main envelope is sufficiently transparent for the extent of the detachment of the peritoneum to be observed using the endoscope.

When a sufficient area of the peritoneum is detached, the supply of inflation fluid is turned off. The inflation fluid is then vented from the main inflatable chamber


, and the main envelope progressively returns to its collapsed state. The peritoneum remains detached from the underlying layer, however, as shown in FIG.


D. The main envelope is then removed from the bore of the tube assembly


. The different methods of removing the main envelope from the bore of the tube assembly for the two different forms of the first one-component apparatus are described above.

After the main envelope


has been removed from the bore of the tube assembly, the tube assembly is advanced into the incision in the direction of the arrow


until the proximal end of the envelope


of the toroidal inflatable chamber is in the properitoneal space, clear of the incision, as shown in FIG.



A suitable source (not shown) of an inflation fluid is attached to the valve


. A gas, such as air or carbon dioxide, can be used for the inflation fluid; alternatively, a liquid, such as saline can be used. Since the volume of inflation fluid required to inflate the toroidal inflatable chamber is small, about 15 ml in the preferred embodiment, the inflation fluid can be contained in a large syringe. Inflation fluid is fed into the toroidal inflatable chamber


to expand the toroidal inflatable chamber to its expanded condition, as shown in FIG.



The anchor flange


is then advanced in the direction of the arrow


along the tube assembly


to bring the anchor flange into contact with the skin S of the abdominal wall AW. The tube assembly


is then gripped, and the anchor flange is further advanced slightly. This forces the expanded toroidal inflatable chamber


into contact with the underlying layer, and slightly compresses the abdominal wall AW, including the underlying layer but excluding the peritoneum P, between the expanded toroidal inflatable chamber and the anchor flange, as shown in FIG.


G. Once adjusted, the anchor flange is locked in position on the tube assembly. The expanded toroidal inflatable chamber is held against the underlying layer and forms a gas-tight seal with the abdominal wall, excluding the peritoneum.

A suitable source (not shown) of an insufflation gas is attached to the first valve


, and insufflation gas is passed through the bore of the inner tube


into the working space WS between the peritoneum P and the underlying layer created by separating the peritoneum from the underlying layer. The pressure of the insufflation gas re-separates the peritoneum from the underlying layer, as shown in


, and provides a working space in which repair of the hernia can be carried out. The bore of the tube assembly


can be used to pass instruments, such as the endoscope E, into the working space to perform the repair procedure. When no instrument is inserted into the bore of the tube assembly, insufflation pressure is maintained by the flapper valve.

As part of the hernia repair procedure, additional gas-tight trocar sleeves (not shown) are inserted through the abdominal wall into the working space. The same procedure as described above in connection with


is used to attach a mesh patch to the properitoneal fascia over the site of the hernia. The process can be observed with the aid of an endoscope (not shown) passed through the bore of the tube assembly


, or through one of the additional trocar sleeves.

After the treatment procedure is completed, the valve


is operated to release the insufflation gas from the working space WS. The valve


is operated to release the inflation fluid from the toroidal inflatable chamber


, which releases compression of the abdominal wall AW, excluding the peritoneum. The toroidal inflatable chamber returns to its collapsed state, with its envelope


flush with the outer surface the tube assembly


. The tube assembly is then withdrawn from the incision, and the incision is closed using sutures or clips. The pressure of the viscera against the peritoneum returns the peritoneum into contact with the underlying layer. Over time, the peritoneum reattaches to the underlying layer.

3. Second One-Component Apparatus

(a) Second One-Component Apparatus

A second embodiment of a one-component apparatus is shown in

FIGS. 7A and 7B

. The second one-component apparatus


is similar to the first one-component apparatus just described. However, the second one-component apparatus has a substantially spherical toroidal main inflatable chamber, that avoids the need to detach and remove the main envelope at the end of the separation process. Also, in the second one-component apparatus, a single toroidal main inflatable chamber provides the separating function of the main inflatable chamber and the sealing function of the toroidal inflatable chamber of the first one-component apparatus.

In the following description, similar components will use the same reference numbers with an additional 100 added.

The second one-component apparatus comprises a tube assembly


, including an outer tube


to which is attached a twin port assembly


is attached. The port assembly includes a first port


and a second port


. The first port is provided with a first flapper valve


, including the flapper valve seat


. The second port is provided with a second flapper valve


, including the flapper valve seat


. Each flapper valve seat additionally forms a gas-tight seal with an instrument passed through it.

The tube assembly


also includes the inner tube


. The inner tube has a length that is shorter than the length of the outer tube


. The proximal end


of the inner tube is flexibly attached to the proximal end


of the outer tube


and to the first port


. The flexible attachment enables the distal end


of the inner tube to move in the direction shown by the arrow


. The first port communicates with the bore of the inner tube


, and the second port communicates with the bore of the outer tube



The insufflation valve


communicates with the first port


, and the bore of the inner tube


. The main chamber inflation valve


communicates with the second port


, and the bore of the outer tube



The main envelope


defines the main inflatable chamber


and comprises a cylindrical piece of an elastomeric material such a latex, silicone rubber, or polyurethane. The apparatus is shown with its main envelope in its collapsed state in


, in which the structure of the main envelope can also be seen. The main envelope preferably has a diameter smaller than the outside diameter of the inner tube. One end


of the main envelope is attached to the distal end


of the inner tube


by means of a suitable adhesive, such as an epoxy or cyanoacrylate adhesive. The other end


of the main envelope is everted (i.e., turned back on itself to bring the inside surface


of the main envelope to the outside) and attached to the distal end


of the outer tube using the same type of adhesive. The main envelope is preferably attached to the outer surfaces of the inner tube and the outer tube.

The apparatus is shown with the main envelope


in its expanded state in

FIG. 7A. A

suitable source of inflation gas is connected to the valve


and flows into the main inflatable chamber through the bore of the outer tube


. The pressure acting on the surface


of the main envelope


causes the main envelope to assume the toroidal shape shown in


to define the toroidal main chamber




A and


B show the correspondence between the surfaces




of the main envelope when the main envelope is in its collapsed state (


) and in its expanded state (FIG.



The anchor flange


is slidably mounted on the tube assembly


, and can be locked in a desired position along the length of the tube assembly. The anchor flange


is similar to the anchor flange




) and so will not be described further.



, an endoscope E is shown passed through the second flapper valve


, the second port


, and the bore of the outer tube


into the main inflatable chamber


. The flexible mounting of the inner tube


in the outer tube enables the endoscope to displace the inner tube


in direction of the arrow


to gain access to the main inflatable chamber. The endoscope is inserted through the second port into the main inflatable chamber during the separation phase of using the apparatus to observe the extent of the separation of tissue.



, an endoscope E is shown passed through the first flapper valve


, the first port


, the bore of the inner tube


, and the bore


of the main envelope


. The distal part of the endoscope emerges from the bore of the main envelope, and can be advanced beyond the main inflatable chamber


to observe the site of the hernia more closely. The endoscope is inserted through the first port, the inner tube, and the bore of the main envelope during the insufflation phase of using the apparatus. Instruments other than endoscopes can also be passed to the site of the hernia through the first flapper valve, the first port, the inner tube, and the bore of the main envelope if desired.

Also in


, the main envelope


is shown in the partially collapsed state that it preferably assumes during the insufflation phase of the procedure. In this part of the procedure, the partially collapsed main inflatable chamber and the anchor flange


together provide a gas-tight seal to prevent the leakage of insufflation gas. Alternatively, this part of the procedure can be carried out with the main inflatable chamber in a fully expanded state.

Method of Using the Second One-Component Apparatus

The method according to the invention of using the second embodiment of the one-component apparatus according to the invention to separate a first layer of tissue from a second layer of tissue will next be described. As an illustration, separating the peritoneum from the properitoneal fascia in the course of repairing a hernia will be described.

FIGS. 9A through 9F

show a longitudinal cross section of the lower abdomen. An incision about 12-15 mm long is made in the abdominal wall AW, and carried through the abdominal wall as far as, and including, the properitoneal fat layer FL, as shown in FIG.


A. The distal end


of the tube assembly


of the second one-component apparatus


is then inserted into the incision to bring the distal end into contact with the peritoneum P. Additional gentle pressure detaches the part of the peritoneum in the immediate vicinity of the incision from the underlying layer, as shown in FIG.




shows the peritoneum detached from the properitoneal fat layer FL. The main envelope cannot be seen in these figures because it is inverted within the bore of the tube assembly.

A source of inflation fluid (not shown) is connected to the valve


. A gas, preferably air, is the preferred inflation fluid, but other gases, such a carbon dioxide can be used. A liquid, such as saline solution can be used, but liquids are less preferable to gases because they change the optical properties of any endoscope inserted into the main inflatable chamber. The flow of inflation fluid is turned on, which ejects the main envelope


from the bore of the tube assembly



The inflation fluid progressively expands the main envelope


, and hence the main inflatable chamber


defined by the main envelope, into an expanded state. The main envelope expands between the peritoneum P and the properitoneal fat layer FL, and gently and progressively separates an increasing area of the peritoneum from the underlying layer as it expands. When the main envelope is in its expanded state, the main inflatable chamber is preferably about 4″-6″ (100-150 mm) in diameter.

Early in the process of expanding the main envelope


, an endoscope E is inserted into the first flapper valve


, as shown in FIG.


C. The endoscope E is passed through the bore of the outer tube


into the main inflatable chamber


. Once partially expanded, the main envelope


is sufficiently transparent for the extent of the separation of the peritoneum to be observed using the endoscope.

When a sufficient area of the peritoneum is separated, the supply of inflation fluid is turned off. The endoscope E is removed from the main inflatable chamber


. The valve


is then opened to allow inflation fluid to vent partially from the main inflatable chamber


. The main envelope


progressively returns part-way towards its collapsed state, as shown in FIG.


D. Alternatively, the main envelope may be kept fully expanded.

The anchor flange


is then advanced in the direction of the arrow


along the tube assembly


to bring the anchor flange into contact with the skin S of the abdominal wall AW. The tube assembly


is then gripped, and the anchor flange is further advanced slightly. This forces the main inflatable chamber


into contact with the underlying layer, and slightly compresses the abdominal wall, including the underlying layer but excluding the peritoneum, between the main inflatable chamber and the anchor flange, as shown in FIG.


E. Once adjusted, the anchor flange is locked in position on the tube assembly. The main inflatable chamber is held against the underlying layer and forms a gas-tight seal with the abdominal wall, excluding the peritoneum.

A suitable source (not shown) of insufflation gas is attached to the second valve


, and insufflation gas is passed through the bore of the inner tube


, and the bore


of the main envelope, into the working space WS between the peritoneum P and the underlying layer. The pressure of the insufflation gas re-separates the peritoneum from the underlying layer, as shown in


, and provides a working space in which repair of the hernia can be carried out.

Instruments, such as the endoscope E, can be passed through the second flapper valve


, the bore of the inner tube


, and the bore


of the main envelope, as shown in


, into the working space to perform the repair procedure. When no instrument is inserted into the bore of the inner tube, insufflation pressure is maintained by the second flapper valve.

As part of the hernia repair procedure, additional gas-tight trocar sleeves (not shown) are inserted through the abdominal wall into the working space. The same procedure as described above in connection with


is used to attach a mesh patch to the properitoneal fascia over the site of the hernia. The process can be observed with the aid of an endoscope (not shown) passed into the working space through the bore of the inner tube


, or through one of the additional trocar sleeves.

After the treatment procedure is completed, the valve


is operated to release the insufflation gas from the working space. The valve


is operated to release the inflation fluid from the main inflatable chamber


, which releases compression from the abdominal wall, excluding the peritoneum. The main envelope returns to its collapsed state inside the bore of the outer tube



The tube assembly is then withdrawn from the incision, and the incision is closed using sutures or clips. The pressure of the viscera against the peritoneum returns the peritoneum into contact with the underlying layer. Over time, the peritoneum reattaches to the underlying layer.

4. Hernia Repair Method With Incision at the Umbilicus

The hernia repair methods described so far show the incision placed close to the site of the hernia. In practice, it is preferred to make the incision at or near the umbilicus because the boundary between the peritoneum and the properitoneal fat layer can be more directly accessed near the umbilicus. The midline location of the umbilicus is devoid of muscle layers that would otherwise need to be traversed to reach the properitoneal fat layer.

Apparatus of the types described above inserted through an incision at the umbilicus would require a very large main inflatable chamber to detach the peritoneum from the umbilicus to the groin. Instead, in the method according to the invention to be described next, an apparatus of any one of the types described above is used to provide a tunnel from an incision at the umbilicus to the site of the hernia in the groin, and then to provide an insufflated working space at the site of the hernia.

The main envelope is partially expanded, collapsed, and advanced towards the site of the hernia. This sequence is repeated to progressively separate the peritoneum from the underlying layer and form the tunnel from the umbilicus to the site of the hernia. Then, at or near the site of the hernia, the main envelope is fully expanded to provide the working space at the site of the hernia. The working space is then insufflated to maintain the separation of the peritoneum from the underlying layer.

The following method can be practiced using the two-component embodiment of the apparatus, or any of the one-component embodiments of the apparatus. The method will be described using the two-component apparatus.

An incision about 12-15 mm long is made in the abdominal wall AW, and is carried through the abdominal wall as far as, and including, the properitoneal fat layer FL. The incision is made at the umbilicus U, as shown in FIG.



The distal end


of the introducer tube


of the separation component


is then inserted into the incision to bring the distal end into contact with the peritoneum P. Additional gentle pressure detaches the part of the peritoneum in the immediate vicinity of the incision from the underlying layer, as shown in FIG.


B. In

FIG. 10B

, the peritoneum is shown detached from the properitoneal fat layer FL. The main envelope cannot be seen in these figures because it is inverted within the bore of the introducer tube



A source of a suitable inflation fluid (not shown), as previously described, is connected to the valve


. The flow of inflation fluid is turned on, which ejects the main envelope


of the main inflatable chamber


from the bore of the introducer tube


. The inflation fluid progressively expands the main envelope


, and hence the main inflatable chamber


defined by the main envelope, into a partially-expanded state, as shown in FIG.


C. The main envelope expands between the peritoneum and the properitoneal fat layer FL, and gently and progressively detaches an increasing area of the peritoneum P from the underlying layer near the umbilicus as it expands.

An endoscope (not shown) can be inserted into the main inflatable chamber


through the flapper valve


and the bore of the introducer tube


. The endoscope can be used to observe the extent of the separation of the peritoneum, as described above.

When the main envelope


expanded such that the main inflatable chamber


is about one-fourth of its fully-expanded diameter, i.e., about 1.0″-1.5″ (25-37 mm) in diameter, the supply of inflation fluid is turned off. The valve


is then operated to vent inflation fluid from the main inflatable chamber


. The main envelope progressively returns to its collapsed state, as shown in FIG.


D. The peritoneum DP that was separated by the main inflatable chamber remains detached from the underlying layer, however, as shown. Alternatively, the main envelope can be inflated to a fully-expanded state.

The separation component


, including the collapsed main envelope


, is then manipulated in the direction indicated by the arrow


, and then in the direction indicated by the arrow


, to advance the distal part


of the introducer tube


to the limit of the detached part of the peritoneum DP in the direction of the groin, as shown in FIG.


E. An endoscope E inserted through the flapper valve


into the bore of the introducer tube


enables the position of the distal part of the introducer tube relative to the detached part of the peritoneum to be observed.

Once the distal part


of the introducer tube has been positioned, the separation component


is clamped in position, or is gripped, and inflation fluid is once more passed through the valve


, and the bore of the introducer tube


into the main inflatable chamber


. The main envelope


expands once more, increasing the extent of the detached part of the peritoneum towards the groin, as shown in FIG.


F. The increased extent of the detached part of the peritoneum is indicated by the line DP′ in the figure. It should be noted that the extent of the detached part of the peritoneum is increased in the direction from the umbilicus to the groin, but not in the direction transverse to this direction. The endoscope E is used to observe the extent of the separation.

The process of collapsing the main envelope


, advancing the distal part


of the introducer tube to the limit of the detached part of the peritoneum DP, in the direction of the groin, holding the introducer tube in position, and partially re-inflating the main envelope


, is repeated until the detached part of the peritoneum includes the peritoneum over the site of the hernia. This process provides the tunnel T between the incision at the umbilicus and the site of the hernia. This can be seen in FIG.


I. Alternatively, the main envelope can be fully re-inflated.

When the main envelope is in the vicinity of the site of the hernia H, the main envelope


is fully inflated to form a working space WS including the site of the hernia. This is shown in FIG.



The working space at the site of the hernia is then insufflated. With the two-component apparatus, inflation fluid is vented from the main inflatable chamber


to collapse the main envelope


, and the separation component


is withdrawn from the tunnel T through the incision I. The insufflation component


is introduced into the incision, and advanced through the tunnel until the envelope


of the toroidal inflatable chamber


lies within the working space WS, clear of the tunnel. The toroidal inflatable chamber is inflated, the anchor flange is clamped in position, and insufflation gas is passed into the working space, as shown in FIG.


H. The toroidal inflatable chamber provides a gas-tight seal with the entrance of the tunnel.

FIG. 10I

shows a plan view of the abdomen with the insufflator component


in place. The anchor flange has been omitted for clarity. The toroidal inflatable chamber


provides a gas-tight seal with the entrance of the tunnel T. The extent of the separated peritoneum is indicated by the dotted line DP. It can be seen that the lateral extent of the separated peritoneum is considerably greater in the working space WS than in the tunnel T.

With the first embodiment of the one-component apparatus, inflation fluid is vented from the main inflatable chamber to collapse the main envelope, and the main envelope is withdrawn from the working space through the bore of the tube assembly. The tube assembly is partially withdrawn until the envelope of the toroidal inflatable chamber lies within the working space, clear of the entrance to the tunnel. The toroidal inflatable chamber is inflated, the anchor flange is clamped in position and insufflation gas is passed into the working space, as already described. The toroidal inflatable chamber seals against the entrance from the tunnel into the working space.

Using the second embodiment of the one-component apparatus, the main envelope is preferably returned to a partially collapsed state, the tube assembly is partially withdrawn until the main inflatable chamber lies within the working space, adjacent to the entrance of the tunnel. The anchor flange is clamped in position, and insufflation gas is passed into the working space, as already described. The partially-collapsed main chamber seals against the entrance from the tunnel into the working space.

If the main envelope is inflated to a fully expanded state during the separation part of the procedure, the whole of the space is insufflated with a gas-tight seal at the incision, as previously described.

Irrespective of the embodiment of the apparatus used to create the insufflated working space WS, the hernia is then repaired using the procedure described in connection with FIG.



5. Inflatable Chambers for Maintaining Separation of Tissue Layers

As previously discussed, during dissection of the properitoneal space or during subsequent surgical procedures near the peritoneum, it is common to puncture or otherwise breach the peritoneum. Such a puncture or breach prevents the properitoneal space from retaining pressurized fluid (gas or liquid) used to maintain the space in an open condition. If pressure is lost, visualization of the space and the actual volume of the space will decrease and compromise the surgery. Absent some way of mechanically maintaining the space, loss of pressure can result in inability to complete the procedure.

An additional consideration in laparscopic surgery inside the peritoneal space is fouling of the distal end of the endoscope with body fluids caused by incidental contact with either tissues near the entry point of the endoscope or tissues near the distal end of the cannula through which the endoscope has been inserted.

(a) First Inflatable Chamber

Referring to

FIGS. 11A and 11B

, an insufflation and retraction device


having a first inflatable chamber


is shown. The insufflation and retraction device


is similar to the insufflation component


of the two-component apparatus, shown in

FIGS. 2D and 2E

, and like reference numerals represent like components. It is understood that although it is preferred to use the inflatable chambers described below with the insufflation and retraction device


, the inflatable chambers may also be used with any other delivery or inflation device.

The insufflation and retraction device


includes an inner tube


and a coaxial outer tube


. The distal end


of the inner tube


extends beyond the distal end


of the outer tube


. The inner tube


is similar to the introducer tube




) and is a rigid tube having a bore with a circular cross section that can preferably accommodate a 10 mm endoscope, however, any cross-sectional shape or area may be provided. The proximal end of the inner tube


is fitted with a flapper valve as described above in connection with the insufflation component of

FIGS. 2D and 2E

. A seat at the proximal end of the inner tube forms a gas-tight seal with an appropriately sized instrument. A shutter covers the seat and is operated by a button


. A blunt obturator


is shown extending through the seat and through the distal end


of the inner tube




A and


B). A valve


is fluidly coupled to the interior of the inner tube


and may be used to supply insufflation gas or liquid.

The first inflatable chamber


has a distal side


coupled to the inner tube


and a proximal side


coupled to the outer tube


so that the interior of the inflatable chamber


is fluidly coupled to the annular space between the inner and outer tubes




. The proximal and distal sides




of the inflatable chamber


are preferably attached to the inner and outer tubes




at flanges


. A valve


is adapted to be connected to a source of a suitable inflation gas or liquid (not shown) for inflating the inflatable chamber


. The inflatable chamber


is shown in a collapsed state in FIG.


A and in an expanded state in

FIGS. 11B and 11C


An anchor flange


is slidably mounted to the outer tube


and can be locked along the length of the outer tube


with a locking lever


. The anchor flange


helps to immobilize the device and, further, helps the inflatable chamber


form a seal to limit the escape of insufflation gas during laparoscopic procedures. When the anchor flange


is locked into position, the anchor flange


and inflatable chamber


apply a modest compressive force to the tissue between the inflatable chamber


and the anchor flange


thereby improving the gas-seal.

Referring to

FIG. 11A

, the inflatable chamber


is folded and contained within a sheath


before insertion into a patient. The inflatable chamber


may be folded in any manner but is preferably folded inwardly from lateral, side edges




toward the extended distal end of obturator


. The sheath


is preferably perforated but may be formed in any other manner permitting easy opening. The inflatable chamber


is initially in the folded, compact orientation of

FIG. 11A

before insertion into the patient so that the retraction device may be easily inserted through a small opening in the patient. As will be described below, after the inflatable chamber


has been positioned within a patient and between the two tissue layers to be separated, inflation air is injected into the inflatable chamber


through the second valve


. Inflation of the chamber


tears the sheath


along the perforation


and releases the inflation chamber


. Alternatively, the sheath


may include an independent opening mechanism, such as a removable thread which binds the sheath together.

Referring to

FIG. 11C

, the inflatable chamber


preferably has a substantially trapezoidal shape. First and second sides




of the inflatable chamber


are preferably slightly curved but may also be linear or bi-linear. The first and second sides




and lateral sides




may also include surface features such as ridges or rounded teeth to help anchor the inflatable chamber


and improve the insufflation gas seal. The second side


is preferably longer than the first side


and forms angles of less than


degrees with the lateral sides




. Furthermore, the inner and outer tubes




are preferably connected to the inflatable chamber


closer to the first side


than the second side


. A throughhole


is defined by the outer tube and extends through the first and second sheets. The shape of inflatable chamber


may also be modified and/or optimized to suit the particular use contemplated. The location and configuration of the throughhole


may also be modified.

The inflatable chamber


is formed with first and second sheets




attached together along a periphery


. This arrangement results in relatively high localized stress at the periphery


of the first and second sheets




. To withstand this stress, the strength of the sheets must be increased. One way of increasing the strength of the sheets is to increase the thickness of the sheets. A problem with simply increasing the sheet thickness is that the inflatable chamber


becomes larger in the collapsed state (

FIG. 11A

) which will causes more problems during insertion into a patient.

To alleviate the problem of localized stresses without increasing the sheet thickness, the present invention provides baffles


disposed between the first and second sheets




. The baffles


interconnect the first and second sheets




and help absorb the pressure forces thereby reducing stresses at the periphery


. The baffles


also help define the shape of the inflatable chamber


and limit the separation distance between the first and second sheets




when the inflatable chamber


is in the expanded shape. The preferred method of attaching the baffles


to the first and second sheets




is described below.

(i) Preferred Material for the Inflatable Chamber

The first and second sheets




and baffles


are preferably made of a polyester and polyurethane composite material. Polyester has desirable strength characteristics but it is relatively rigid and crinkles easily. Moreover, polyester is very difficult to RF weld which is a preferred method of connecting the baffles and sheets together as will be described below. Polyurethane, on the other hand, is soft, nonabrasive, and easy to RF weld. Unfortunately, the tensile strength of polyurethane is relatively low. The composite material exploits the advantages of both polyester and polyurethane.

The composite material is formed by bonding polyurethane to a nylon or polyester film having a preferred thickness of about 0.5 to 2 mil. (12-50 μm), although a polyester fabric may also be used. The nylon or polyester fabric may be a woven fabric or may be composed of randomly-oriented fibers. The film or fabric layer is laminated (or cast, captured or encapsulated) between two polyurethane layers to provide a composite material having a preferred thickness of about 3 mil. (75 μm). The resulting composite material is strong, supple, non-abrasive, transparent, and easily RF welded. The composite material will also fold with small radius folds so that the inflatable chamber


can be compacted into a small volume for easy insertion into a patient.

The composite material is relatively inelastic and, therefore, must be folded into the sheath as described above (FIG.


A). The present invention may also be practiced with an elastic material which, when expanded, provides the shape of the inflatable chambers of the present invention. The composite material is disclosed in co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/134,573, filed Oct. 8, 1993, which is herein incorporated by reference.

(ii) Method of Constructing the Inflatable Chamber

The baffles


are preferably fabricated and attached to the first and second sheets




in the manner shown in

FIGS. 13A through 13C

. The first and second sheets




and baffles


are cut into the desired shape and oriented as shown in

FIG. 13A

with the first and second sheets




being offset with respect to one another. The baffles preferably do not extend completely between the first and second sides so that all portions of the interior of the inflatable chamber are fluidly coupled together. Alternatively, the baffles


may include openings to fluidly couple the various portions together. The baffles


are preferably made of the same material as the first and second sheets but may also be made of a different material.

Referring to the exploded cross-sectional view of

FIG. 13B

, RF welding electrodes




are positioned against the first and second sheets




. RF welding imparts radio frequency energy to the working piece. When radio frequency energy is imparted onto polyurethane, the molecules are excited and the polyurethane melts thereby bonding together adjacent polyurethane layers together. A suitable release agent


is applied to either the sheets




or baffles


to prevent formation of RF welds at certain locations. A preferred release agent


is powdered polyethylene and teflon. Without the releasing agent


, the baffle


would be RF welded to both the first and second sheets




on both sides. Application of the release agent


advantageously enables attaching the baffles


to the sheets in a single welding operation.

The RF welding apparatus is activated to weld the baffles


to the first and second sheets




. Adjacent polyurethane layers bond at all locations between the RF welding electrodes


except where the release agent


has been applied. The first and second sheets are then displaced so that they overlie one another as shown in FIG.


C. The resulting baffles


have a generally S-shaped configuration-when the inflatable chamber is in the expanded condition. A second RF welding operation (not shown) welds the periphery


of the first and second sheets together





(b) Second Inflatable Chamber for Maintaining Separation of Tissue Layers

A second inflatable chamber


for maintaining separation between tissue layers is shown in

FIGS. 12A and 12B

. The second inflatable chamber


includes an intermediate weld


which reduces pressure induced stresses at the periphery


of the inflatable chamber


. The intermediate weld


eliminates the need to provide baffles, however, baffles may also be provided if necessary. The intermediate weld


is preferably a semi-circular segment having terminal ends


positioned adjacent the periphery


. An interior area


is fluidly coupled to the remainder of the inflatable chamber


via two fluid paths


so that when the inflatable chamber


is inflated, the interior area


is also inflated. The fluid paths


are preferably provided between the terminal ends


of the intermediate weld


and the periphery


; however, the fluid path


may be positioned anywhere along the intermediate weld


. Furthermore, although it is preferred to provide two fluid paths, any number of paths may be provided.

The periphery


of the inflatable chamber


is substantially bell-shaped with the hemispherical interior area


protruding slightly from a bottom side


. The bell-shaped periphery


has a semi-circular upper portion


which is substantially concentric with a throughhole


. The remainder of the peripheral wall


is shaped like a truncated triangle extending downward from the semi-circular upper portion


. As previously described, the shape of the inflatable chamber may be modified to suit the particular use contemplated. Materials and construction techniques are as described previously.

(c) Third Inflatable Chamber for Maintaining Separation of Tissue Layers

Referring to

FIGS. 14A and 14B

, a third inflatable chamber


is shown which also includes intermediate welds


. The inflatable chamber


is advantageously formed from only first and second sheets




of material. The intermediate welds


are preferably circular but may take any other shape. The intermediate welds bond the first and second sheets




together throughout the entire circular area of the welds. Before insertion into a patient, the inflatable chamber


is preferably folded and contained within a perforated sheath as described above in connection with the first inflatable chamber



The inflatable chamber


has a substantially trapezoidal shaped periphery


. The sides








of the inflatable chamber are preferably linear but may also be curved. A first side


is smaller than a second side


and-the second side preferably forms an angle of between 20 and 90 degrees with the lateral sides





(d) Fourth Inflatable Chamber for Maintaining Separation of Tissue Layers

Referring to

FIGS. 15A and 15B

, a fourth inflatable chamber


is shown which has the same general features as the second inflatable chamber


, however, inflatable chamber


includes first and second extensions




having a space


therebetween. The space


provides clearance for insertion of additional instruments into the working space while minimizing the risk that the additional instruments will pierce the inflatable chamber


as described below. A throughhole


extends through the inflatable chamber


which is adapted to be connected to the insufflation component of

FIGS. 11A and 11B

or may be connected to any other delivery or inflating device.

The fourth inflatable chamber


is preferably symmetrical about a line of symmetry


passing through the throughhole


. First and second peripheral points




are located on the line of symmetry


with the first peripheral point


being closer to the throughhole


than the second peripheral point


. The first and second extensions




have radially outward points




. A line


passing through the center of the throughhole


and the radially outward to points




preferably forms an angle A between 10 degrees and 80 degrees with respect to a line


extending between the throughhole and the first peripheral point


. The extensions are preferably triangular-shaped with rounded edges but may also take any other shape so long as the space


is provided therebetween. Furthermore, the space


is also preferably triangular shaped but may also be semi-circular, square, or a relatively shallow circular segment. Modifications to the proportions illustrated as well as providing asymmetrical designs are also contemplated to suit the particular application.

During laparoscopic surgery, additional instruments are often introduced above the longitudinal axis of the delivery device. The space


between the extensions




facilitates introduction of additional instruments along the longitudinal axis of the delivery device above the inflatable chamber


while minimizing the-risk that the additional instruments will puncture the inflatable chamber



The inflatable chamber


is preferably formed from first and second sheets




of the composite material described above but may be formed in any other manner or with any other materials to provide the extensions




and space


therebetween. The first and second sheets




are preferably attached together about the periphery


by RF welding as described above. The first and second sheets




are also preferably coupled together by an intermediate weld


. The inflatable chamber


may also be formed with baffles or with a sheet material of sufficient thickness to withstand the stress at the periphery



(e) Fifth Inflatable Chamber for Maintaining Separation of Tissue Layers

Referring to

FIGS. 16A and 16B

, a fifth inflatable chamber


is shown which is an alternative to inflatable chamber



FIGS. 11B through 11C

. The fifth inflatable chamber


may be used with any inflation or delivery device but is preferably used in connection with the insufflation component of

FIGS. 2D and 2E


FIGS. 11A and 11B


The fifth inflatable chamber


has essentially the same structural features as the first inflatable chamber


, however, the inflatable chamber


includes a pair of triangular-shaped wings


. The triangular wings


provide a wider working space within the patient than the inflatable chamber


. The wings


may also advantageously provide additional tissue dissection when the chamber


is inflated.

Inflatable chamber


is preferably made from the same or like materials as inflatable chamber


and, furthermore, is constructed with baffles


in the same manner as inflatable chamber



For the first, second, third, fourth and fifth embodiments of the inflatable chamber described above, it should be recognized that the shape of each embodiment has the common functional benefit of maintaining the properitoneal space by retaining the separation of the peritoneum from the overlying tissue in the event of loss of optimal pressurization or when a gasless technique is used.

More specifically, the embodiments each employ a bottom surface which contacts the peritoneum and an upper surface that contacts the overlying fascia. For example, in the first embodiment shown in

FIG. 11C

, the upper surface can be characterized as side


and the lower side characterized as side


. The physical distance between the upper and lower surfaces causes like separation or the peritoneal layer and fascia layers in the dissected properitoneal cavity. The inflatable chamber can be dimensionally sized to create optimal separation while limiting potential trauma to tissue. Furthermore, the location of throughhole


within the inflatable chamber can be selected to optimize the separation of retracted tissue from an endoscope or other instrument passed through throughhole


. Throughhole


thus can be centered or offcenter in the inflatable chamber as desired. Preferably, throughhole


is located slightly off-center towards the upper surface, but centered laterally. Such a location optimizes the desired features of reducing endoscope fouling by body fluids as the scope is passed into throughhole


, and separating the scope from the peritoneum to provide maximum viewing field with a scope through throughhole


. The reduction of fouling is accomplished by displacing the throughhole


from the upper surface, and thus overlying fascia, to minimize potential tissue contact with throughhole


and an endoscope passed through throughhole


. Likewise, the viewing field is maximized by separating throughhole


, and thus an endoscope in it, from peritoneum being deflected downward by the lower surface of inflatable chamber.

6. Hernia Repair Method With Incision at the Umbilicus

The hernia repair method described above in connection with the insufflation component having the toroidal inflatable chamber will know be described with respect to the fourth inflatable chamber


described above. It is understood that the following method may be practiced using any of the inflatable chambers











Referring to

FIGS. 17A and 17B

, an incision


is made at or near the umbilicus and a tunnel


is formed from the incision toward the site of the hernia. The peritoneum P is then dissected from the underlying layer U. The tissue layers are preferably dissected with the apparatus and methods described above; however, dissection may also be accomplished in a conventional manner. For example, dissection may be accomplished with an endoscope, graspers, an operating scope or any blunt instrument which may be used to dissect the tissue layers by sweeping the area between the layers.

Once the tissue layers have been dissected, the retraction device is inserted through the tunnel


while in the compact deflated condition of FIG.


A. When the inflatable chamber


is within the working space WS, an inflation fluid (any suitable gas or liquid, such as air or saline) is injected into the inflatable chamber


thereby expanding the inflatable chamber to the shape of

FIG. 17A. A

conventional hand bulb or syringe can be used to inject the fluid through port


. The anchor flange


is moved toward the distal end and locked in position so that a compressive force is exerted on the abdominal wall by the anchor flange


and inflatable chamber


. The compressive force ensures that the inflatable chamber


forms a seal which inhibits the escape of insufflation gas through the tunnel


. Insufflation gas is then passed into the working space WS and the hernia H is then repaired using the procedure described in connection with FIG.


I. During repair of the hernia, an additional instrument I may be introduced into the working chamber in the space


between the extensions




. The space


permits introduction of the additional instrument I while minimizing the risk that the additional instrument I might puncture the inflatable chamber



7. Method and Apparatus for Packing Deflated Balloons

As mentioned above, a known method of packing inflatable balloons is to roll the balloon inward from opposing sides of the chamber as shown in

FIG. 18. A

problem which occurs during inflation of the balloon packed in the known manner of

FIG. 18

is that unrolling of the balloon can cause trauma to the tissue layer due to differential motion between the tissue layer and the balloon. Referring to

FIG. 19

, a balloon


compacted in the known manner of

FIG. 18

is in a partially inflated state. During inflation, rolls


displaces outwardly with a top edge


rubbing against the upper tissue layer


which can cause trauma to the tissue layer.

The problem of traumatizing the tissue layers is particularly problematic when using an inflatable balloon in the properitoneal space. If the peritoneum is punctured or otherwise breached due to a tear caused by unrolling of the balloon, the properitoneal space cannot retain pressurized fluid to maintain the space. If pressure is lost, the volume of the space will decrease and compromise the surgery.

Referring to

FIGS. 20 and 21

, a preferred balloon


for dissecting the preperitoneal space is shown. The balloon


has a kidney-bean cross-sectional shape as shown in FIG.


. It is understood that the present invention may be practiced using any shape balloon and the balloon


is merely an example. For example, the balloon


may also be spherical, oblong, cylindrical or any other shape suited for the particular dissection and/or retraction contemplated.

The balloon


is preferably mounted to an inflation and delivery device as shown in


but may also be attached to any other inflation and delivery device. The balloon is mounted to an introducer tube


having a bore


with a circular cross-section that can accommodate an endoscope. The bore


houses a fluid path


for inflating the balloon. The proximal end of the introducer tube is fitted with a port


in which is mounted a flapper valve


. The shutter of the flapper valve is operated by a button


. The flapper valve forms a gas-tight seal with an endoscope or other instrument inserted though the flapper valve into the bore of the introducer tube. The port is also fitted with a valve


to which a supply of a suitable inflation fluid can be connected. The inflation fluid passes through the valve, introducer tube and into the balloon



The balloon


is preferably formed from first and second sheets




in the manner described above in connection with the inflatable chambers of

FIGS. 11-16

. The balloon


is also preferably made of the materials and fabricated in the manner described above in connection with

FIGS. 11-16

. Other preferred materials include latex, silicone rubber, or polyurethane. Furthermore, although the term balloon is used, the inflatable balloon may be elastic or inelastic.

Referring to

FIG. 22

, a first portion


of the balloon is displaced-inwardly toward the interior of the balloon in accordance with a preferred method of packing the balloon. Although it is preferred to displace the first portion


of the balloon in a direction perpendicular to a longitudinal axis


of the introducer tube


, the balloon


may also be displaced inwardly in any other direction.

The first inwardly-displaced portion is then preferably rolled-up within the interior of the balloon with a rolling device


inserted through the bore of the introducer tube


. Referring to

FIGS. 23 and 24

, the rolling device


includes two rolling rods


for grasping the first inwardly-displaced portion


. Each rod


has a diameter of about ⅛ inch and a gap of preferably less than {fraction (1/16)} inch therebetween. The gap size and diameter of the rods


may vary, of course, depending on the thickness of the balloon material. Furthermore, the rolling device


may include any other feature for grasping the inwardly displaced portion, such as a pair of jaws, a clamp or a pair of elastically deformable arms. The rolling device has a knurled handle for manipulating the rolling device.

The rolling device


is rotated to roll the first portion as shown in FIG.


. After the first portion has been rolled into a sufficiently compact roll, a second portion of the balloon is displaced inwardly and rolled in the same manner. The two rolls




are then housed within a sheath


as described above in conjunction with the inflatable chambers of

FIGS. 11-16

. An obturator


is positioned in the bore of the introducer tube and between the two rolls




to provide structural support for the balloon


during insertion into the patient. The obturator


is also shown in




A and


B. The rolls




are positioned on opposite sides of the obturator


with the obturator


including concave portions


for receiving the rolls





The compact, deflated balloon is introduced into the patient between the two tissue layers to be separated and is then inflated. The balloon


may be used for dissecting and/or retracting tissue planes throughout the body. Referring to

FIG. 27

which shows the balloon during inflation in the peritoneum, the inwardly-displaced portions evert during inflation so that differential motion between the balloon


and adjacent tissue layers


is minimized thereby reducing trauma to the tissue layers.

Although it is preferred to roll the first and second inwardly-displaced portions into first and second rolls




within the interior of the balloon


, the balloon


may be packed in any other manner so long as an inwardly-displaced portion is provided which everts during inflation. Referring to

FIGS. 28 and 29

, the inwardly-displaced portions




may also be displaced to a side opposite the initial displacement and then rolled-up into the rolls as previously described. This packaging method essentially captures the inverted portions of the balloon such that the inverted portions will completely unroll before beginning to evert during inflation.

The first and second inwardly-displaced portions




may also be rolled in the conventional manner from opposing lateral sides after displacing the portions inward as shown in

FIGS. 30 and 31

. The first and second portions




divide the balloon


into an upper part


and a lower part


. The upper part


, first portion


and lower part


are then rolled-up in the conventional manner as shown in FIG.


. When the balloon


is rolled in the manner shown in

FIG. 30 and 31

, the balloon


will suffer the problem of relatively high differential motion between the balloon


and the adjacent tissue layer during the initial inflation and deployment, however, during the end of the inflation, the balloon will have relatively low differential motion relative to the tissue layers. This method of packing a balloon is useful when problematic internal structures are positioned laterally outward from the obturator.

When the balloon is formed from first and second sheets




, the upper and lower parts are preferably formed by the first and second sheets


, respectively. By configuring the balloon


in this manner, the first and second portions include a part of the seam


between the first and second sheets




. When coupling the first and second sheets




together with an RF weld, the seam


forms a relatively thin, rigid periphery which can cut or otherwise traumatize the tissue layers. Referring to

FIG. 27

, the seam


everts into a space


between the tissue layers along the lateral edges of the balloon


thereby minimizing contact between the seam


and the tissue layers.

The balloon


may also include a number of inwardly-displaced portions in the form of accordion-folds


as shown in FIG.



FIG. 33

illustrates the balloon of

FIG. 32

in the compact, deflated state.

Although individual preferred embodiments have been described, the invention may be practiced using any combination of preferred features. For example, a small roll may be formed in the manner shown in the

FIGS. 23 and 25

followed by the procedure shown in FIG.


. Furthermore, modification and variation can be made to the disclosed embodiments without departing from the subject of the invention as defined by the following claims.

  • 1. A method of separating tissue layers, comprising the steps of:(a) providing an inflatable balloon having an interior surface which defines an opening for receiving fluid for inflating the balloon, said balloon having a deflated state and an inflated state; (b) when the balloon is in the deflated state with the interior surface substantially surrounding a first volume, displacing a first portion of the balloon inwardly; (c) after step (b) but before inflating the balloon, inserting the balloon into a patient; (d) after step (c), inflating the balloon to separate adjacent tissue layers in the patient, the first portion of the balloon being everted during inflation of the balloon; (e) after step (b), but before step (c), inserting a rolling device into the first volume; (f) after step (e), but before step (c), grasping the first portion of the balloon with the rolling device; and (g) after step (f), but before step (c), rotating the rolling device so that the first portion of the balloon is rolled into a first roll.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising the steps of:(h) after step (g), but before step (c), displacing a second portion of the balloon inwardly; (i) after step (h), but before step (c), grasping the second portion of the balloon with the rolling device; and (j) after step (i), but before step (c), rotating the rolling device so that the second portion of the balloon is rolled into a second roll.
  • 3. The method of claim 2, wherein step (a) includes the steps of providing a support structure having a fluid path, the inflatable balloon being attached to the support structure with at least a portion of the support structure extending through the opening such that, when said inflatable balloon is in the deflated state, the first volume is fluidly coupled to the fluid path, and wherein the support structure includes a hollow tube having a longitudinal axis, and wherein steps (b) and (h) are carried out by displacing the first and second portions inwardly toward the longitudinal axis.
  • 4. A method of separating tissue layers, comprising the steps of:(a) providing an inflatable balloon having an interior surface which defines an opening for receiving fluid for inflating the balloon, said balloon having a deflated state and an inflated state; (b) when the balloon is in the deflated state with the interior surface substantially surrounding a first volume, displacing a first portion of the balloon inwardly forming a folded portion separating the balloon into an upper part, a lower part and a fold therebetween; (c) after step (b) but before inflating the balloon, inserting the balloon into a patient; and (d) after step (c), inflating the balloon to separate adjacent tissue layers in the patient, the first portion of the balloon being everted during inflation of the balloon, and (e) after step (b) but before step (c), rolling the upper part, the lower part, and the fold together to form a roll.
  • 5. The method of claim 4, wherein step (a) comprises the step of:coupling together a first sheet and a second sheet to form the balloon, the first sheet including the upper part and the second sheet including the lower part.
  • 6. A method of separating tissue layers, comprising the steps of:(a) providing an inflatable balloon having an interior surface which defines an opening for receiving fluid for inflating the balloon, said balloon having a deflated state and an inflated state; (b) when the balloon is in the deflated state with the interior surface substantially surrounding a first volume, displacing a first portion of the balloon inwardly forming a folded portion separating the balloon into an upper part, a lower part and a fold therebetween; (c) after step (b) but before inflating the balloon, inserting the balloon into a patient; and (d) after step (c), inflating the balloon to separate adjacent tissue layers in the patient, the upper part contacting one of the tissue layers and the lower part contacting an other of the tissue layers, and the first portion being positioned between the upper and lower parts and being everted during inflation of the balloon.
  • 7. A method of separating tissue layers, comprising the steps of:(a) providing an inflatable balloon having an interior surface which defines an opening for receiving fluid for inflating the balloon, said balloon also having a deflated state and an inflated state, and an exterior surface; (b) when the balloon is in the deflated state, inverting a part of the balloon inwardly to form a folded portion which separates the balloon into an upper part, a lower part, and a fold therebetween, and rolling the folded portion to form a first portion; (c) after step (b), inserting the balloon into a patient; and (d) after step (c), inflating the balloon to separate adjacent tissue layers in the patient, the first portion of the balloon being everted and unrolled during inflation of the balloon.
  • 8. The method of claim 7, wherein step (b) also includes the step of:when the balloon is in the deflated state, inverting another part of the balloon inwardly to form a second folded portion of the balloon, and rolling the second folded portion to form a second portion of the balloon, and wherein during step (d), the second portion of the balloon is everted and unrolled.
  • 9. The method of claim 7, also including the steps of: (e) after step (b) but before step (c), covering the balloon with a sheath when the balloon is in the deflated states.
  • 10. A method of packing device for separating tissue layers, comprising the steps of:(a) providing an inflatable balloon having a deflated state, an inflated state, an exterior surface, an interior surface, and an interior; (b) when the balloon is in the deflated state, inverting a part of the balloon inwardly to form a folded portion which separates the balloon into an upper part, a lower part, and a fold therebetween, and rolling the folded portion to form a first portion; and (c) when the balloon is in the deflated state, inverting another part of the balloon inwardly to form a second folded portion of the balloon, and rolling the second folded portion to form a second portion.
  • 11. The method of claim 10, also including the step of:(d) after steps (b) and (c), covering the balloon with a sheath when the balloon is in the deflated state.
  • 12. The method of claim 10, followed by (also including) the steps of:(d) after steps (b) and (c), inserting the balloon into a patient; and (e) after step (d) inflating the balloon to separate adjacent tissue layers in the patient, the first portion of′ the balloon being everted and unrolled during inflation of the balloon, and the second portion of the balloon also being everted and unrolled during said inflation of the balloon.
Parent Case Info

This application is a continuation of Ser. No. 08/319,552, filed Oct. 7, 1994, now abandoned, which is a continuation in part of Ser. No. 08/287,287, filed Jul. 29, 1994 of inventors Frederic H. Moll, Jeff Smith, John P. Lunsford and Albert K. Chin, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,704,372, which is a Continuation-in-Part of application Ser. No. 07/911,714, filed Jul. 10, 1992, of inventors Albert K. Chin and John P. Lunsford, now pending, which is a Continuation-in-Part of application Ser. No. 07/794,590, filed Nov. 19, 1991, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 5,309,896, of inventors Frederic H. Moll, Charles Gresl, Jr., Albert K. Chin, and Philip K. Hopper, which is a Continuation-in-Part of application Ser. No. 07/706,781, filed May 29, 1991, now abandoned, of inventors Frederic H. Moll, Albert K. Chin, Diane E. Caramore, and Frank T. Watkins III.

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Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/319552 Oct 1994 US
Child 08/828751 US
Continuation in Parts (4)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/287287 Jul 1994 US
Child 08/319552 US
Parent 07/911714 Jul 1992 US
Child 08/287287 US
Parent 07/794590 Nov 1991 US
Child 07/911714 US
Parent 07/706781 May 1991 US
Child 07/794590 US