ABSTRACT<br/>Proposal Id: EIA- 0120096<br/>PI: Gary G. Huang, Patricia C. Thompson and Young-Hee Yoon<br/>Institution: CSR, Inc<br/>Title: Information Technology Educational Pathways of African-Americans: A Synthetic Study with NELS 1988-2000 Data and Case Studies.<br/><br/>This award to CSR, Incorporated provides support for a 3-year study to examine the secondary and postsecondary educational pathways that African-American youth follow to pursue information technology(IT) careers. The study will distinguish specific factors linked to the successful pursuit of IT education from other generic predictors of educational attainment. The finding are intended to guide sound policy and program decisions that will support an equitable participation of African -Americans in the IT education and workforce. The study will compare the educational pathways taken by African-Americans to pursue careers in IT with similar pursuits in other"pre-professional" careers in law, medicine, and business administration, and the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology