The present invention relates to the art of insect control devices, and to the particular field of insect biocontrol devices.
Biocontrol or biological control of insects is a strategy that utilizes pests' natural enemies for their suppression. These natural enemies may include predators, parasites, and microorganisms such as insect bacteria, fungi and viruses. Biocontrol is an important component of agriculture and forestry that practice “integrated pest management”. Some successful biocontrol examples include: 1) The suppression of Winter moths (Operophtera brumata). In Canada, these insects are pests of forest and shade trees. They have been successfully controlled by Cyzenis albicans (a tachinid fly) and Agrypon flaveolatum (an ichneumonid wasp). 2) The suppression of Cereal leaf beetles (Oulema melanopus). This species is a pest of small grains in the Midwestern U.S. Its eggs are attacked by a mymarid wasp (Anaphes flavipes), its larvae are parasitized by a eulophid wasp (Tetrastichus julis), and adults are susceptible to a fungal pathogen (Beauveria bassiana).
Biocontrol of insects is becoming increasingly important because the widely used chemical insecticides are causing a multitude of environmental, food safety and health problems. The pathogenic microorganisms used in biocontrol, such as insect bacteria, fungi and viruses are referred to as biopesticides. The advantages of biocontrol are: 1) biopesticides are less toxic than chemical pesticides; 2) biopesticides are insect species-specific, i.e. they will not harm other animals, humans, or different insects; 3) biopesticides do not need to be reapplied as often as chemical pesticides, and they can be effective in small quantities.
When targeted insects ingest or come into contact with specific biopesticides, they become the host for the multiplication of these pathogenic microorganisms, which ultimately lead to their death. Because insects are social beings, the infected insects spread these pathogenic microorganisms through social activities such as feeding and mating. After the infected insects are killed, their carcasses become a pool of the biopesticides, which can cause further infection and killing. The effect of biopesticide can have a latency period of 5-7 days. Once the infection starts, it has a snowball effect, which eventually leads to the suppression of a particular pest insect.
The US Environmental Protection Agency regulates biopesticides. It performs an extensive review of health and safety information to ensure that the use of a particular biopesticide does not pose unreasonable risks or harm to human health and the environment. Progress in the development of biopesticides has made it possible to practice biocontrol on a large scale. There are commercially-available suspensions of fungus spores, or virus particles that can be sprayed onto crops in a manner similar to chemical insecticides.
Semiochemicals are compounds that insects secrete to communicate with each other. They play a major role in delivering behavioral messages. Some semiochemicals may be attractants or repellents, some may stimulate or inhibit feeding, some may direct flight or inhibit it. The most frequently-used semiochemicals in insect biocontrol are insect sex pheromones. They have been utilized successfully in the mass trapping of sexually active adult male insects, in order to reduce population density and to lower the pest's reproductive potential. Many semiochemicals have been isolated from their natural source or chemically synthesized, and therefore are commercially available.
In U.S. Pat. No. 5,359,807 A, Method and Apparatus for Autodissemination of Insect Pathogens, a flying insect is lured into a trap by an attractant, it crawls through a space which contains biopesticide by the design configuration, and eventually exits from another end to escape.
In U.S. Pat. No. 5,189,831 A, A Method and Device for the Biological Control of Insects, an insect is lured into a cone-shaped trap by an attractant, it drops into a chamber containing biopesticide to be infected, and escapes from an exit.
In U.S. Pat. No. 5,452,540 A, Autoinoculating Device for Contaminating Insects with Active Agents, an insect enters from the top of a funnel drop-type trap, it drops to the chamber containing biopesticide by gravity, and eventually exits from the side of the chamber.
The prior art profile indicates the existence of several insect biocontrol devices. However, the novel aspects and advantages of this invention are:
1. it is solar powered,
2. it actively lures target insects with an insect-attracting lamp, with semiochemicals, or with both, and then draws them in with a gentle trap fan,
3. it has a sprayer which actively sprays biopesticide on the targeted insects,
4. it uses a motor fan to actively draw out infected insects for release to cause further infection,
5. the combination of 1-4 is hitherto unknown.
All components of the device are readily commercially-available. It is their combination to be used as a biocontrol device to achieve “Attract-Infect-Release” (AIR) technology that is hitherto unknown.
As shown in drawings “FIG. 1” and “FIG. 2”, solar panel 1 generates power, which recharges battery pack 2. Solar charge controller 3 regulates the recharging of battery pack 2, distributes power to and controls the on/off times of insect-attracting lamp 4, trap fan 5 (only in
There are two ways the said device can function, one with fans, another without.
With fans, as in drawing “FIG. 1”:
1. As targeted insects are attracted to the vicinity of the AIR device via insect-attracting lamp 4 and/or semiochemicals 6, the trap fan 5 gently draws them into the device.
2. Insects enter the chamber containing the biopesticide sprayer 7.
3. Sprayer 7 is has a built-in timer which enables it to turn on for a certain period of time at regular intervals to spray biopesticide onto trapped insects.
4. After a certain period of time, the sprayer 7 turns off, and the infected insects are gently drawn out of the device by exit fan 8. These infected insects are the new hosts of pathogenic microorganisms to cause further infection and the suppression of the pest insect population.
Without fans, as in drawing “FIG. 2”:
1. Targeted insects are attracted to the vicinity of the AIR device via insect-attracting lamp 4, and/or semiochemicals 6. Lamp 4 has a timer to turn on and off at certain times
2. Biopesticide sprayer 7 turns on to spray the area around lamp 4, and/or semiochemicals 6.
3. Lamp 4 and sprayer 7 both turn off at the same time to allow complete dispersion of infected insects.
After a certain time interval, lamp 4 turns on again to begin another cycle of insect-attraction, infection, and release.