A. Eastham, G. Dawson, D. Atherton, S. Dewan, G. Slemon, R. Ong, W. Ballantyne, L. Coathup, Analysis and Assessment of the Homopolar Linear Synchronous Motor for Urban Transit Applications, app. E (1984), available as CIGGT Report No. 84-2. |
E. Levi, Design Studies on Iron-Core Synchronously Operating Linear Motors, 13-17 (1981), available as U S DOT Report No. FRA/ORD 81/74. |
E. Levi, High-Speed, Iron-Cored, Synchronously Operating Linear Motors (1974), presented at IEE Conference on Linear Electric Machines, London. |
G. Slemon, R. Bhatia, Linear Homopolar Synchronous Motor for Urban Transit Application (1982), available in Can. Elec. Eng. J., vol. 7, No. 2. |
G. Dawson, E. Unteregelsbacher, A Transverse Laminated Linear Synchronous Homopolar Machine (1980), presented at IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, Cincinnati. |