“Superscape Goes Live with World's Fastest 3-D Viewer for the Internet; Virtual Reality Company launches Netscape Plug-In”—Business Wire, Mar. 25, 1996.* |
“VRML opens up 3D Worlds in the Web”—Jake Richter in CADalyst, Feb. 1997.* |
“The Mac's 3-D edge”—Jim Heid in Macworld, Aug. 1996.* |
“Trispectives should be a hit” Terry Wohlers in Computer Graphics World, Nov. 1995.* |
V-realm Builder Named Top Seller on BuyDirect.com—Business Wire, Feb. 20, 1997.* |
Wirfs-Brock et al (“Surveying Current Research in Object Oriented Design”; Sep. 1990, vol. 33, No. 9, Communications of the ACM), Sep. 1990.* |
“Information Models, Views, and Controllers: the key to reusability in Smalltalk-80 lines within MVC”; Adele Goldberg, Dr. Dobb's Journal, v15, n7, p54(8), Jul. 1990.* |
“Virtual Environments: Reserach in North America” by J. Michael Moshell and Richard Dunn-Roberts, Virtual Reality: An International Directory of Research Projects, Jeremy Thompson Ed., 1993, Chapter 1, pp. 3-26. |
“The Inventor Mentor” by Josie Wernecke, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1994, Chapter 1 pp. 3-20. Chapter 3 pp. 35-77, Chapter 4 pp. 79-90, Chapter 12 pp. 309-325, Appendix A pp. 471-478. |
“The VRML 2.0 Handbook” by Jed Hartman and Josie Wernecke, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1996, Chapter 11 pp. 259-368. Chapter 12 pp. 369-375. |
“Sharing Virtual Worlds” by Robert Braham and Richard Comerford, IEEE Spectrum, Mar. 1997, vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 18-51. |
“The Future of Virtual Reality: Head Mounted Displays Versus Spatially Immersive Displays” by Steve Bryson; David Zelter; Mark T. Bolas; Bertrand de La Chapelle: and David Bennett, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, SIGGRAPH 96, New Orleans, Louisiana, Aug. 4-9, 1996, pp. 485-486. |
“Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality” by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.; Philip Hubard; Randy Pausch; and Andries van Dam, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, SIGGRAPH 94, Orlando, Florida, Jul. 24-29 1994, pp. 473-474. |
“Interactive Design, Analysis, and Illustration of Assemblies” by Elena Driskill and Elaine Cohen, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1995, pp. 27-33. |
“Spatial Representation for Navigation in Animats” by Tony J. Prescott, Adaptive Behavior, vol. 4, No. 2, 1996 pp. 85-123. |
“From Complex Environments to Complex Behaviors” by Filippo Menczer and Richard K. Belew, Adaptive Behavior, vol. 4, No. 3/4, 1996, pp. 317-363. |
“VR and the Future of the Net” by Bernie Roehl, Virtual Reality Special Report, Mar./Apr. 1996, pp. 16-21. |
“Desktop VR: A Progress Report” by Sara Reese Hedberg, Virtual Reality Special Report, Buyer's Guide 1996, pp. 6-10. |
Visual Programming Of Program Visualizations A Gestural Interface For Animating Algorithms: by Robert Duisberg, Visual Languages and Applications, pp. 161-173. |
“Principles Of Aladdin And Other Alogorithm Animation Systems” by Esa Helttula, Aulikki Hyrskykari, and Kari-Jouko Raiha, Visual Languages and Applications, pp. 175-187. |
“Simulacrum: A System Behavior Example Editor” by Dave Bridgeland, Visual Languages and Applications, pp. 191-202. |
“Action Graphics A Spreadsheet-Based Language For Animated Simulation” by Charles E. Hughes and J. Michael Moshell, Visual Languages and Applications, pp. 203-235. |
“Animation Using Behavior Functions” by Timothy C. Lethbridge and Colin Ware, Visual Languages and Applications, pp. 237-252. |
“Modeling For Virtual Reality” by Diana Phillips Mahoney, Computer Graphics World, Oct. 1995, pp. 45-50. |
“3D Worlds On The Web” by John R. Vacca, Computer Graphics World, May 1996, pp. 43-50. |
“Virtual Reality On The PC” by Diana Phillips Mahoney, Computer Graphics World, May 1996, pp. 53-60. |
“Simulating Humans” by Norman I. Badler; Cary B. Phillips; and Bonnie Lynn Webber, Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. 1-270. |
“Virtual Reality—Through the new looking glass” by Ken Pimentel and Kevin Teixeira, Windcrest McGraw-Hill, 1993, pp. 64-142. |