Intelligent video verification of point of sale (POS) transactions

Non video data regarding a point of sale (POS) transaction is received. POS primitives are generated based on the received non video POS data. Video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction is received. Video primitives are generated based on the received video data. An exceptional transaction is inferred based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and at least one of the generated POS primitives or video primitives.


The foregoing and other features and advantages of the invention will be apparent from the following, more particular description of the embodiments of the invention, as illustrated in the accompanying drawings.

FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary video surveillance system according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 2 is the diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary local processing system according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 3 is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary remote processing system according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention.;

FIG. 4 is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary distributed processing system according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 5 is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary video surveillance system according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 6 is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary video surveillance system according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 7 is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary local processing system according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 8 is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary remote processing system according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 9 is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary distributed processing system according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 10A is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary video camera configuration according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 10B is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary video camera configuration according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 10C is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary video camera configuration according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 10D is a diagrammatic illustration of an exemplary video camera configuration according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 11 is an image of an exemplary graphical user interface according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 12 is an image of an exemplary graphical user interface according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 13 shows exemplary reports generated according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention; and

FIG. 14 shows exemplary reports generated to an exemplary embodiment of the invention.


In describing the invention, the following definitions are applicable throughout (including above).

“Video” may refer to motion pictures represented in analog and/or digital form. Examples of video may include: television; a movie; an image sequence from a video camera or other observer; an image sequence from a live feed; a computer-generated image sequence; an image sequence from a computer graphics engine; an image sequences from a storage device, such as a computer-readable medium, a digital video disk (DVD), or a high-definition disk (HDD); an image sequence from an IEEE 1394-based interface; an image sequence from a video digitizer; or an image sequence from a network.

A “video sequence” may refer to some or all of a video.

A “video camera” may refer to an apparatus for visual recording. Examples of a video camera may include one or more of the following: a video imager and lens apparatus; a video camera; a digital video camera; a color camera; a monochrome camera; a camera; a camcorder; a PC camera; a webcam; an infrared (IR) video camera; a low-light video camera; a thermal video camera; a closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera; a pan, tilt, zoom (PTZ) camera; and a video sensing device. A video camera may be positioned to perform surveillance of an area of interest.

“Video processing” may refer to any manipulation and/or analysis of video, including, for example, compression, editing, surveillance, and/or verification.

A “frame” may refer to a particular image or other discrete unit within a video.

A “computer” may refer to one or more apparatus and/or one or more systems that are capable of accepting a structured input, processing the structured input according to prescribed rules, and producing results of the processing as output. Examples of a computer may include: a computer; a stationary and/or portable computer; a computer having a single processor, multiple processors, or multi-core processors, which may operate in parallel and/or not in parallel; a general purpose computer; a supercomputer; a mainframe; a super mini-computer; a mini-computer; a workstation; a micro-computer; a server; a client; an interactive television; a web appliance; a telecommunications device with internet access; a hybrid combination of a computer and an interactive television; a portable computer; a tablet personal computer (PC); a personal digital assistant (PDA); a portable telephone; application-specific hardware to emulate a computer and/or software, such as, for example, a digital signal processor (DSP), a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), an application specific instruction-set processor (ASIP), a chip, chips, or a chip set; a system on a chip (SoC), or a multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC); an optical computer; a quantum computer; a biological computer; and an apparatus that may accept data, may process data in accordance with one or more stored software programs, may generate results, and typically may include input, output, storage, arithmetic, logic, and control units.

“Software” may refer to prescribed rules to operate a computer. Examples of software may include: software; code segments; instructions; applets; pre-compiled code; compiled code; interpreted code; computer programs; and programmed logic.

A “computer-readable medium” may refer to any storage device used for storing data accessible by a computer. Examples of a computer-readable medium may include: a magnetic hard disk; a floppy disk; an optical disk, such as a CD-ROM and a DVD; a magnetic tape; a flash removable memory; a memory chip; and/or other types of media that may store machine-readable instructions thereon.

A “computer system” may refer to a system having one or more computers, where each computer may include a computer-readable medium embodying software to operate the computer. Examples of a computer system may include: a distributed computer system for processing information via computer systems linked by a network; two or more computer systems connected together via a network for transmitting and/or receiving information between the computer systems; and one or more apparatuses and/or one or more systems that may accept data, may process data in accordance with one or more stored software programs, may generate results, and typically may include input, output, storage, arithmetic, logic, and control units.

A “network” may refer to a number of computers and associated devices that may be connected by communication facilities. A network may involve permanent connections such as cables or temporary connections such as those made through telephone or other communication links. A network may further include hard-wired connections (e.g., coaxial cable, twisted pair, optical fiber, waveguides, etc.) and/or wireless connections (e.g., radio frequency waveforms, free-space optical waveforms, acoustic waveforms, etc.). Examples of a network may include: an internet, such as the Internet; an intranet; a local area network (LAN); a wide area network (WAN); and a combination of networks, such as an internet and an intranet. Exemplary networks may operate with any of a number of protocols, such as Internet protocol (IP), asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), and/or synchronous optical network (SONET), user datagram protocol (UDP), IEEE 802.x, etc.

Detailed Description of Exemplary Embodiments

In describing the exemplary embodiments of the present invention illustrated in the drawings, specific terminology is employed for the sake of clarity. However, the invention is not intended to be limited to the specific terminology so selected. It is to be understood that each specific element includes all technical equivalents that operate in a similar manner to accomplish a similar purpose. Each reference cited herein is incorporated by reference.

With reference to FIG. 1, a point of sale (POS) transaction verification system 100 performs a POS transaction verification and analysis process. A POS data parsing engine 102 may receive, parse and convert non video POS data into POS primitives 104. The POS data may be received, for example, from a POS terminal (not shown). The POS primitives 104 may be data descriptions of the content of the POS data. The POS primitives 104 may be related to video primitives as described in U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0146605, identified above. A video capture engine 110 may capture a video data or sequence 112 of a POS transaction, for example, from a video camera (not shown). The video data 112 may be optionally stored in a video database 114. The video database 114 may include video files, or video stored on a digital video recorder (DVR), network video recorder (NVR), personal computer (PC), video tape, or other appropriate storage device.

A video content analysis engine 120 may analyze the video sequence 112 by using known data processing content analysis algorithms to generate video primitives 122, as described, for example, in U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0146605, identified above. For example, the video primitives 122 may include information relating to the number of people present in each area in each frame; where the people's hands are positioned, e.g., in what direction the hands are reaching; how many objects are being bagged, and the like.

Optionally, the video primitives 122 and POS primitives 104 may be stored in a primitive database 124 for off-line analysis, as described, for example, in U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0146605, identified above.

An exceptional transaction definition engine 128 may define what constitutes an exceptional transaction. In one embodiment, an exceptional transaction may be defined by combining a predetermined video data event and a predetermined POS data event. In another embodiment, an exceptional transaction may be defined based on one of the predetermined video data event or predetermined POS data event. For example, an operator may interact with the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100, via a first graphical user interface (GUI) 130 to define exceptional transaction definitions or rules 132. An exemplary exceptional transaction may be a “a cash refund or void transaction with no customer present”, which may be defined by combining a “cash refund or void transaction” POS data event with a “no person detected in the customer area” video data event. Another exemplary exceptional transaction may be: “a manager override without a manager present”, which may be defined by combining a “POS transaction requiring manager override” POS data event, e.g. a large refund or void transaction, with an “only one person visible in the employee area” video data event. Another exemplary exceptional transaction may be: “stealing a controlled item”, which may be defined by combining a “detecting the grabbing of a controlled item”, e.g. a pack of cigarettes, video data event with a “POS transaction does not include the controlled item immediately afterward” POS data event. Another exemplary exceptional transaction may be: “returning a stolen item”, which may be defined by combining a “refund POS transaction” POS data event with the “customer coming to the POS register from within the store, not from the entrance” video data event. Another exemplary exceptional transaction may be: “a sweethearting”, e.g. an employee deliberately not ringing up some items, which may be defined by combining an “x items scanned” POS data event with the “x+y items placed in bags or handed to the customer” video data event. Another exemplary exceptional transaction may be: “cash drawer is open without a legitimate transaction occurring”, which may be defined by combining a “cash drawer is open” video data event and a “no POS transaction” POS data event. Of course, it is contemplated that other exceptional transaction definitions 132 may be defined by the exceptional transaction definition engine 128.

An exceptional transaction inference engine 140 may process the video primitives 122 and POS primitives 104 and determine if an exceptional transaction 144 has occurred based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule 132. The exceptional transaction inference engine 140 may be implemented as described in U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0162515, identified above. The determined exceptional transactions 144 may be stored in an exceptional transactions database 146 for further study or analyzed in real-time for policy violations as described below. The exceptional transactions may be detected real-time, or offline, based on data stored in the primitive database.

The exceptional transactions 144 may include, for example, the following data:

Date and time of each transaction

POS data

Video associated with each transaction

Store name

Store ID/Location


POS terminal ID

Employee ID(s)

Cash Value

Tender type (credit, debit, cash, check, gift card, other)

Transaction type (sale, refund, void, discount, other)

Reason for determining a transaction as an exceptional transaction (which rule is broken)

Ground Truth (fraudulent, non-fraudulent)

Ground Truth history (who labeled—“system” by default)

A policy violation definition engine 148 may determine what constitutes a violation with respect to the exceptional transaction. For example, an operator may interact with the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100 via a second GUI 150 to define store policy violation definitions 152 with respect to the exceptional transactions. Policy violation definitions 152 may describe combinations of exceptional transaction data that constitute breach of policy and therefore may require further investigation or disciplinary action. Examples of policy violation definitions may include: “any exceptional transaction;” “the same employee performs x exceptional transactions in y period of time;” “exceptional transactions are detected at the same POS terminal x times within a day;” “exceptional transactions occur at a particular time of a day;” or the like. A policy violation inference engine 160 may process each exceptional transaction 144 and determine, based on a corresponding policy violation definition or rule 152, whether the exceptional transaction 144 constitutes a policy violation 162. The policy violation inference engine 160 may process the exceptional transactions 144 in real time, or analyze the exceptional transactions 144 after the event occurrence based on the data stored in the exceptional transactions database 146. The policy violation inference engine 160 may be implemented as described, for example, in U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0162515, identified above.

The policy violation inference engine 160 may generate policy violation report or reports 170 that may be viewed by a user at a third GUI 172, printed, exported or otherwise managed as a document.

The exceptional transactions database 146 may be queried by an exceptional transaction query engine 174 to generate a report or reports 176 of exceptional POS activity or activities as described in greater detail below. For example, a user may create a query by using a fourth GUI 182. As a result, the exceptional transactions database 146 may be searched. Records that match the query may be retrieved and processed to generate the exceptional transaction report 176. Examples of transaction queries may include: “show all exceptional transactions;” “show all exceptional transactions from store x;” “show the exceptional cash refund transactions over $50 in value;” “show the exceptional transactions involving employee ID x;” “show the exceptional transactions over $50 involving employee x;” or the like.

In one embodiment, the fourth GUI 182 may be used for manual handling or sorting of the exceptional transactions. For example, the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100 may detect an exceptional transaction that is not in fact exceptional. For example, the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100 may produce a false alarm when the transaction does not meet the criteria for being exceptional. As another example, the transaction may meet the criteria as being exceptional, but there may be a legitimate reason for the transaction to exist, such as training. Thus, the transaction can not be considered suspicious. Consequently, the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100 may allow a user to define or label such transactions as, for example: “false alarm,” “legitimate exception,” “do not care,” or with other appropriate label.

Of course, it is contemplated that the user interfaces 130, 150, 172, 182 may be collocated, distributed, part of the same interface, or different interfaces.

With reference to FIG. 2, the exceptional transaction detection and analysis as described above with reference to FIG. 1 may be performed in an exemplary local processing system 200 which may include an analysis device or appliance 202, which may be a stand-alone device, a personal computer (PC), a digital video recorder (DVR), a network video recorder (NVR), a video encoder, a traditional exception-based reporting system, a router, or any other appropriate device type. The analysis device 202 may include all or any combinations of components of the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100.

The analysis device 202 may receive a first video sequence 203 from a first, primary, or analysis video camera 204 which may observe a POS terminal area (not shown). The first video sequence 203 may include direct analog or digital video, wireless internet protocol (IP) video, networked IP video, or any other video transmission mechanism. In one embodiment, the first video sequence 203 may be received via a video recording/transmission system or device 210 such as a DVR, NVR, router, encoder, or other appropriate device which may store, transmit, or use the first video sequence 203 for a purpose other than the video analysis of the POS transactions. In addition, the analysis device 202 may optionally receive a second video sequence 218 from a second, secondary, or spotter video camera 220. The second video camera 220 may be positioned in a different viewing location than the first video camera 204 and may provide auxiliary video information. For example, if the first video camera 204 is ceiling mounted, the second video camera 220 may be mounted to provide good face snapshots. The second video camera 220 may be used only as auxiliary data for human viewing. The second video camera 220 may also be used for additional video analytics, e.g., for face recognition. In one embodiment, the second video sequence 218 may be received via an optional video device, such as the video device 210. For example, the video device 210 may transmit a third video sequence 222 to the analysis device 202. In one embodiment, the third video sequence 222 may be a combination of the first and second video sequences 203, 218. The video device 210 may transmit at least one of the first video sequence 203, second video sequence 218, or a combination of the first and second video sequences to an auxiliary device, devices or applications 226.

The analysis device 202 may receive POS data 228 from a POS terminal 230, such as a cash register, via a serial communications port, a network interface, or any other appropriate communication mechanism. Alternatively, the analysis device 202 may receive the POS data 228 via a POS data interpreter 232. The POS data interpreter 232 may include a serial interface, a POS parser, a DVR, a POS data management application or device, or any other appropriate POS interface device. For example, the POS data interpreter 232 may send parsed POS data 234 to the analysis device 202. Optionally, the POS data interpreter 232 may send the parsed POS data 234 to an auxiliary device 236 such as an application, or communication channel for some other purpose.

Interacting with the analysis device 202 may be done in a number of different ways. The analysis device 202 may be configured and operated locally via a local user interface terminal 240 via, for example, a first keyboard, video, mouse (KVM) switch 241. Optionally, the analysis device 202 may be configured and operated remotely via a communication channel 242. The communication channel 242 may include a network, a wireless network, a local area network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), a serial network, a universal serial bus (USB) network, a dial-up connection, a digital subscriber line (DSL) connection, or any other appropriate communication network configuration. The analysis device 202 may be configured and operated from a remote user interface 243 via a web interface or remote connection 244 and a second KVM switch 246. The analysis device 202 may be configured and operated via a mobile device 250, such as a cell phone 252, PDA 254, or the like. It is contemplated that multiple analysis devices receiving POS data and video data concerning multiple POS terminals 256 in multiple stores may be configured and operated from the same central location.

With reference to FIG. 3, the exceptional transaction detection and analysis as described above with reference to FIG. 1 may be performed in an exemplary remote processing system 300. The first video sequence 203 from the first video camera 204 and, optionally, the second video sequence 218 from the second video camera 220 may be sent to an analysis device or appliance 302 via a communication channel 304. Optionally, the first and the second video sequences 203, 218 may be sent to the video device 210 as described above. The video device 210 may transmit the third video sequence 222 to the analysis device 302 via the communication channel 304. The first, second and/or third video sequence 203, 218, 222 may include wireless video, Internet protocol (IP) video, analog video, or any other appropriate video format.

The POS data 228 may be transmitted to the analysis device 302 via the communication channel 304. Optionally, the POS data 228 may be transmitted via the POS data interpreter 232 to the communication channel 304 and, consequently, to the analysis device 302. Alternatively, some of the video sequences 203, 218, 222 or POS data 228 may be received by the analysis device 302 omitting the communication channel 304. For example, one data source may transmit the data via the communication channel 304, while the other data source may transmit the data directly to the analysis device 302.

The analysis device 302 may include all or any combinations of the components of the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100 and perform the exceptional transaction detection and analysis as described above regarding FIG. 1. The analysis device 302 may be configured and operated locally by the local user interface terminal 240 or through the network connection by the remote terminal 243 using the web interface or remote desktop connection 244. Alternatively, the analysis device 302 may be configured and operated by the mobile device 250, such as the cell phone 252, PDA 254, or the like. It is contemplated that the analysis device 302 may process the POS data and the video data from multiple POS terminals 256 at multiple locations.

With reference again to FIG. 1 and further reference to FIG. 4, the POS verification and analysis process described above with reference to FIG. 1 may be split between local processing 402 and remote processing 404 in an exemplary distributed processing system 405. For example, in the local processing 402, a first analysis device 410 may generate the video primitives 122 and optionally the POS primitives 104. The video primitives 122 and the POS data 228 or POS primitives 104 may be streamed to a second analysis device 420 via a communication channel 422. The rest of the processing may be performed by the second analysis device 420 as a remote processing. E.g., configuration of definitions of exceptional transactions 132 and policy violations 152, detection of exceptional transactions and policy violations, generation of reports, and the like. In this embodiment, the bandwidth between the local and the remote locations may be controlled. E.g., the high bandwidth video may be processed locally, while only low bandwidth video primitives and POS data may be sent to the central location, allowing inferencing over multiple locations. In addition, multiple back-end applications may be supported. Examples of such an architecture are described in U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0169367, identified above. This embodiment is particularly well suited for integration with legacy systems. Some stores, which use exception based reporting (XBR) systems installed remotely, download the POS data in batches, e.g., once a day. Transmitting the full video to the remote location requires very high bandwidth, hence it is advantageous to process the video data locally and transmit only the substantially smaller extracted information, such as the video primitives or the results of the video based inferencing.

With reference to FIG. 5, in a POS transaction verification and analysis system 500, a video analysis system 502 and a POS analysis system 504 may handle video and POS analysis independently from one another. For example, the POS data may be processed first to infer a candidate exceptional transaction, e.g., a potentially exceptional transaction. If a transaction requires corresponding video verification, then the corresponding video data may be processed on demand or request. E.g., the POS analysis system 504 may control the video analysis system 502 to process the corresponding video offline. Because video processing is resource intensive and only relatively few transactions require video verification, a single video analysis system may cover several POS terminals. The video content analysis engine 120 may analyze the video sequence 112. The video primitives 122 may be sent to a video inference engine 506. The video inference engine 506 may receive a video based rule or rules 507 as an input. An example of the video based rule 507 may be a specification of an area of interest in which the video inference engine 506 is to count the number of people. The video based rule 507 may be defined by the exceptional transaction definition engine 128 or the policy violation definition engine 148, and may be specified by the user via at least one of the first or second GUI 130,150. The video inference engine 506 may continually evaluate the video data based on the video rule or rules 507. For example, the video inference engine 506 may compute and report the number of people in the area of interest. Video event or events 508 may be stored in a POS and video event database 512, along with POS data 513 received from the POS data parsing engine 102. Exceptional transactions 144 may be inferred or determined by an exceptional transaction inference engine 514 based on the data stored in the POS and video event database 512. Such inference may or may not include the video events 508. A policy violation inference engine 520 may determine the policy violations 162. Similarly to the determination of exceptional transactions, the policy violation determination may or may not include the video events 508. In this embodiment, the video system 502 may be independent from the POS system 504 and specific retail policies by detecting the video events 508, based on the video based rules 507. In one embodiment the video events 508 may be stored as auxiliary fields in the POS and video event database 512, so that searches may be extended to handle the video events 508.

With continuing reference to FIG. 5 and further reference to FIG. 6, in a POS transaction verification and analysis system 600, the video content analysis engine 120 may process video, archived in the video database 114, on request. A video analysis system 602 of this embodiment may perform video content analysis and inferencing for a great number of POS terminals. Based on the exceptional transaction definitions 132 and policy violation definitions 152, the exceptional transaction inference engine 514 and policy violation inference engine 520 may determine the suspicious transactions and potential policy violations using only the POS information. To verify whether those are truly exceptional transactions or policy violations, the POS transaction verification and analysis system 600 may request that the video analysis system 602 process the corresponding archived video. The video content analysis engine 120 and video inference engine 506 may analyze the corresponding video by retrieving the video from the video database 114 on request. The resulting video events 508 may be stored along with the corresponding POS data 513 in the POS and video event database 512. The video events may confirm that the suspicious transaction is indeed an exceptional transaction 144 and that the potential policy violation is indeed a policy violation 162. For example, the POS data may indicate a refund transaction. The POS transaction verification and analysis system 600 may submit the corresponding video from the video database 114 to the video content analysis engine 120. The video content analysis engine 120 may generate video primitives 122. The POS transaction verification and analysis system 600 may set up the video based rule 507 asking for the number of people in the customer AOI. The video inference engine 508 may compute the number of people based on the video primitives 122 and the video rule 507, and generate the video event 508, which may be stored in the POS and video event database 512. The video event 508 may provide the final piece of evidence to determine whether the refund transaction was indeed exceptional (with no customer present), or it was a legitimate transaction (with a customer present).

With continuing reference to FIGS. 5 and 6 and further reference to FIG. 7, an exemplary local processing system 700 may perform the POS and the video analysis locally. The processing system 700 may include the video analysis system and the POS analysis system, such as an exception based reporting (XBR) system. The local processing system 700 may include an analysis device or appliance 710, which may be a stand-alone device, a personal computer (PC), a digital video recorder (DVR), a network video recorder (NVR), a video encoder, a traditional exception-based reporting system, a router, or any other appropriate device type. The analysis device 710 may include all or any components of the POS transaction verification and analysis system 500, 600 and perform the exceptional transaction detection and analysis as described above.

The analysis device 710 may receive the POS data 228 from the POS terminal 230 such as a cash register, directly via a serial communications port, a network interface, or any other appropriate communication mechanism. Alternatively, the analysis device 710 may receive the POS data 228 via the POS data interpreter 232. The POS data interpreter 232 may include a serial interface, a POS parser, a DVR, a POS data management application or device, or any other appropriate POS interface device. For example, the POS data interpreter 232 may send parsed POS data 234 to the analysis device 710. Optionally, the POS data interpreter 232 may send the parsed POS data 234 to the auxiliary device 236 such as an application, or communication channel for some other purpose.

On request, the video data of a corresponding POS transaction may be analyzed. The video content analysis engine 120 may receive the first video sequence 203 from the first or analysis video camera 204 which may observe a POS terminal area (not shown). The first video sequence 203 may include direct analog or digital video, wireless internet protocol (IP) video, networked IP video, or any other video transmission mechanism. In the embodiment of FIG. 6, the first video sequence may be sent to the video content analysis engine 120 from the video database 114 on request. The video content analysis engine 120 may analyze the first video sequence 203. The video primitives 122 may be sent to the video inference engine 506. The video inference engine 506 may evaluate the first video sequence 203 based on the video rules 507, and report the video events 508 to the analysis device 710.

The analysis device 710 may optionally receive the second video sequence 218 from the second or spotter video camera 220. Optionally, the second video sequence 218 may be received via an optional video device, such as the video device 210. For example, the video device 210 may transmit the third video sequence 222 to the analysis device 710. In one embodiment, the third video sequence 222 maybe a combination of the first and second video sequences 203, 218. The video device 210 may transmit at least one of the first video sequence 203, second video sequence 218, or a combination of the first and second video sequences 203, 218 to the auxiliary device, devices or applications 226.

Interacting with the analysis device 710 may be done in a number of different ways. The analysis device 710 may be configured and operated directly via the local user interface terminal 240 via, for example, the first keyboard, video, mouse (KVM) switch 241. Optionally, the analysis device 710 may be configured and operated remotely via the communication channel 242. The communication channel 242 may include a network, a wireless network, a local area network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), a serial network, a universal serial bus (USB) network, a dial-up connection, a digital subscriber line (DSL) connection, or any other appropriate communication network configuration. The analysis device 710 may be configured and operated from the remote user interface 243 via the web interface or remote connection 244 and the second KVM switch 246. The analysis device 710 may be configured and operated via the mobile device 250, such as the cell phone 252, PDA 254, or the like. It is contemplated that multiple analysis devices from multiple POS terminals 256 in multiple stores may all be configured and operated from the same central location.

With continuing reference to FIGS. 5 and 6 and further reference to FIG. 8, in an exemplary remote processing system 800, the video and POS data may be sent for processing to a remote location. For example, the POS data 228 may be transmitted to an analysis device 810 via a communication channel 812. Optionally, the POS data 228 may be transmitted via the POS data interpreter 232 to the communication channel 812 and, consequently, to the analysis device 810. On request, video data of a corresponding POS transaction may be analyzed. The first video sequence 203 from the first video camera 204 and, optionally, the second video sequence 218 from the second video camera 220 may be sent to a video content analysis engine 814 via the communication channel 812. Optionally, the first and/or the second video sequence 203, 218 may be sent to the video device 210 as described above. The video device 210 may transmit the third video sequence 222 to the video content analysis engine 814 via the communication channel 812. The first, second and/or third video sequence 203, 218, 222 may include wireless video, Internet protocol (IP) video, analog video, or any other appropriate video format. In the embodiment of FIG. 8, the video data may be sent to the video content analysis engine 814 via the communication channel 812 from the video database 114 on request. Video primitives 820 may be sent to a video inference engine 822 for analysis based on video rules 824. Inferred video events 826 may be sent to the analysis device 810.

The analysis device 810 may be configured and operated locally by the local user interface 240 or via the remote terminal 243 using the web interface or remote desktop connection 244. Alternatively, the analysis device 810 may be configured and operated by the mobile device 250, such as the cell phone 252, PDA 254, or the like. The analysis device 810 may process the POS data and the video data from multiple POS terminals 256 at multiple locations.

With continuing reference to FIGS. 5 and 6 and further reference to FIG. 9, in an exemplary distributed processing system 900, the POS verification and analysis process described above may be split between local processing 902 and remote processing 904. An analysis device 920 may receive the POS data 228 from the POS terminal remotely via a communication channel 922. Optionally, the analysis device 920 may receive the parsed POS data 234 via the POS data interpreter 232. On request, video data of a corresponding POS transaction may be analyzed in the local processing 902. The video content analysis engine 120 may generate the video primitives 122. The video primitives 122 may be sent to the video inference engine 506, which, based on the video rules 507, may analyze the video primitives 122 and infer the video events 508. The video events 508 may be streamed to the analysis device 920 via the communication channel 922. In this embodiment, the bandwidth between the local and the remote locations may be controlled as explained above regarding FIG. 4. In addition, multiple back-end applications may be supported. Examples of such an architecture are discussed in U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0169367, identified above.

With reference to FIGS. 10A, 10B, 10C and 10D, the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100, 500, 600 may include various video camera configurations depending on video camera optics and POS terminal layout. It is possible to tie multiple POS terminals to a single analysis video camera view to save infrastructure resources. As illustrated in FIG. 10A, the POS transactions verification and analysis system 100, 500, 600 may verify transactions between a customer 1001 and an employee 1002 at a single POS terminal 1003 in a single video camera view. As illustrated in FIGS. 10B and 10C, the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100, 500, 600 may verify transactions from two POS terminals 1004, 1006 in a single video camera view. As illustrated in FIG. 10D, the POS transaction verification and analysis system 100, 500, 600 may verify transactions from four POS terminals 1010, 1012, 1014, 1016 in a single video camera view. However, the application is not limited to the illustrated configurations. It is contemplated that different numbers of POS terminals may be observed in a single video camera view depending on application. In addition, the secondary video cameras may be configured independently from the primary video cameras. In an exemplary configuration there may be only a single primary camera covering multiple POS terminals, but a separate secondary camera for each terminal. In another exemplary configuration a single secondary camera may correspond to multiple primary cameras.

With reference to FIG. 11, an exemplary user interface window or screen 1100 for defining an exceptional manager override rule is illustrated. An area of interest on the video image defines the area in which the employees are expected to operate. Text in a window 1120 may include a description 1122. An event description area 1124 may specify a number of persons to be present and a manager to be present when the refund is for more than $50. A schedule 1126 may specify for the rule to continuously run. A response 1130 may specify that an alert may be issued if the conditions of the rule are not satisfied such as when a refund transaction occurs with only one person present in the monitored area.

With reference to FIG. 12, exemplary reports may be generated by querying the exceptional transaction database 146 as described above with reference to FIGS. 1, 5, and 6. A filtering tool 1210 may be used by an operator to request exceptional transactions fulfilling specific criteria. For example, the operator may checkmark a corresponding box to filter out transactions by an event type 1212, ground truth 1214, employee name/id 1220, register number 1222, or store location 1224. Of course, other appropriate criteria, such as time of day or a cash value, may be specified. By putting a checkmark in a box 1230, the operator may select all available criteria.

With reference to FIG. 13, an exemplary summary report 1300 may display the start date and time 1310 and the end date and time 1312, for which the summary report 1300 is generated. A line 1320 may display a name of an employee for whom the summary report 1300 is generated, e.g., Smith. A summary screen 1330 may display a summary of the detected exceptional activities for the selected employee, such as a number 1332 of invalid returns, a number 1334 of invalid overrides, a total number 1336 of exceptional transactions, a dollar value 1340 for invalid returns, a dollar value 1342 for invalid overrides, and a total dollar value 1344 for detected exceptional transactions. The event categories 1332, 1334, 1336 and dollar value categories 1340, 1342, 1344 may be further categorized into fraudulent events 1350, non-fraudulent events 1352 and “do not care” events 1354.

A summary report 1360 may display a summary of events for the selected employee. A summary report 1362 may display the POS registers 1364 from which the information was collected for the selected employee and corresponding events.

With reference to FIG. 14, a summary report 1410 may include a store name 1412, and total numbers 1414 for each type of inferred transaction events for the selected employee. A report 1420 may display each alert notification 1422 received for the selected employee. The report 1420 may include date/time 1424 for each alert notification 1422, type of event 1426, a ground truth 1430, an item tag 1432, a dollar amount 1434, a receipt number 1436, an employee name/ID 1440, a register number 1442, and a store location 1444. Of course, it is contemplated that other reports including other categories may be generated. The reports may include one or more links back to the associated POS data and/or video data.

Embodiments of the invention may take forms that include hardware, software, firmware, and/or combinations thereof. Software may be received by a processor from a computer-readable medium, which may, for example, be a data storage medium (for example, but not limited to, a hard disk, a floppy disk, a flash drive, RAM, ROM, bubble memory, etc.), or it may be received on a signal carrying the software code on a communication medium, using an input/output (I/O) device, such as a wireless receiver, modem, etc. A data storage medium may be local or remote, and software code may be downloaded from a remote storage medium via a communication network.

The examples and embodiments described herein are non-limiting examples.

The invention is described in detail with respect to exemplary embodiments, and it will now be apparent from the foregoing to those skilled in the art that changes and modifications may be made without departing from the invention in its broader aspects, and the invention, therefore, as defined in the claims is intended to cover all such changes and modifications as fall within the true spirit of the invention.

  • 1. A computer-readable medium comprising software for monitoring a point of sale (POS) transaction, which software, when executed by a computer system, causes the computer system to perform operations comprising a method of: receiving non video data regarding the point of sale (POS) transaction;generating POS primitives based on the received non video POS data;receiving video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction;generating video primitives based on the received video data; andinferring an exceptional transaction based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and at least one of the generated POS primitives or video primitives.
  • 2. The medium as set forth in claim 1, wherein the method further includes: prior to inferring the exceptional transaction, defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined video data events or predetermined non video data events.
  • 3. The medium as set forth in claim 1, wherein the method further includes: determining a policy violation based on a corresponding policy violation rule and the inferred exceptional transaction.
  • 4. The medium as set forth in claim 3, wherein the method further includes: prior to determining the policy violation, defining policy violation rules based at least on predetermined exceptional transactions.
  • 5. The medium as set forth in claim 3, wherein the method further includes: generating a policy violation report based on the determined policy violation.
  • 6. The medium as set forth in claim 1, wherein the method further includes: generating an exceptional transaction report based on the inferred exceptional transaction.
  • 7. The medium as set forth in claim 1, wherein the POS primitives and video primitives are generated contemporaneously.
  • 8. The medium as set forth in claim 1, wherein the method further includes: storing the video and POS primitives in a primitive database prior to the step of inferring; andone of performing the step of inferring in real time or withdrawing the video and POS primitives from the primitive database and inferring the exceptional transaction based on the withdrawn video or POS primitives.
  • 9. The medium as set forth in claim 1, wherein receiving video data includes: receiving video data from a first video camera.
  • 10. The medium as set forth in claim 9, wherein receiving video data further includes: receiving an auxiliary video data from a second video camera.
  • 11. The medium as set forth in claim 1, wherein the method is performed locally.
  • 12. The medium as set forth in claim 1, wherein the method further includes: receiving the non video data regarding the POS transaction via a communication channel at a remote location;receiving the video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction via the communication channel at the remote location;generating the POS primitives and the video primitives at the remote location;defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined non video data events and predetermined video data events at the remote location; andinferring the exceptional transaction at the remote location.
  • 13. The medium as set forth in claim 1, wherein the method further includes: receiving the non video data regarding the POS transaction locally;receiving the video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction locally;transmitting the non video and video data to a remote location via a communication channel;generating the POS primitives and video primitives at the remote location;defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined non video data events and predetermined video data events at the remote location; andinferring the exceptional transaction at the remote location.
  • 14. A computer-readable medium comprising software for monitoring a point of sale (POS) transaction, which software, when executed by a computer system, causes the computer system to perform operations comprising a method of: receiving non video data regarding the point of sale (POS) transaction;inferring a potentially exceptional transaction based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and the received POS non video data; andverifying the inferred potentially exceptional transaction with video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction.
  • 15. The medium as set forth in claim 14, wherein the method further includes: prior to verifying the inferred potentially exceptional transaction with video data, requesting video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction;receiving the video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction;generating video primitives based on the received video data;generating a video event based on the video primitives and a corresponding video rule; andconfirming the exceptional transaction based on the generated video event.
  • 16. The medium as set forth in claim 15, wherein receiving the video data includes one of : receiving a first video data from a first video camera, orstoring a first video data obtained by a first video camera in an archive and receiving the first video data from the archive.
  • 17. The medium as set forth in claim 16, wherein receiving video data further includes: receiving a second video data obtained by a second video camera.
  • 18. The medium as set forth in claim 14, wherein the method further includes: prior to inferring potentially exceptional transaction, defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined video data events or predetermined non video POS data events.
  • 19. The medium as set forth in claim 14, wherein the method further includes: determining a policy violation based on a corresponding policy violation rule and at least one of the verified or potentially inferred exceptional transaction.
  • 20. The medium as set forth in claim 19, wherein the method further includes: prior to determining the policy violation, defining policy violation rules based at least on predetermined exceptional transactions.
  • 21. The medium as set forth in claim 19, wherein the method further includes: generating a policy violation report based on the determined policy violation.
  • 22. The medium as set forth in claim 14, wherein the method further includes: generating an exceptional transaction report based on at least one of the verified or potentially inferred exceptional transaction.
  • 23. The medium as set forth in claim 14, wherein the method is performed locally.
  • 24. The medium as set forth in claim 14, wherein the method further includes: receiving the non video data regarding the POS transaction via a communication channel at a remote location;defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined non video data events and predetermined video data events at the remote location; andinferring the potentially exceptional transaction at the remote location.
  • 25. The medium as set forth in claim 24, wherein the method further includes: receiving the video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction via the communication channel at the remote location at request;generating video primitives based on the received video data at the remote location;generating a video event based on a video rule and the video primitives at the remote location; andconfirming the inferred potentially exceptional transaction based on the video event at the remote location.
  • 26. The medium as set forth in claim 24, wherein the method further includes: receiving the video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction locally;generating video primitives locally;receiving a video rule from the remote location via the communication channel;generating a video event based on the video rule and the video primitives locally;transmitting the generated video event to the remote location on request; andconfirming the inferred potentially exceptional transaction based on the transmitted video event.
  • 27. A method for monitoring a point of sale (POS) transaction, comprising: receiving non video data regarding the point of sale (POS) transaction;generating POS primitives based on the received non video POS data;receiving video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction from a first video camera;generating video primitives based on the received video data; andinferring an exceptional transaction based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and at least one of the generated POS primitives or video primitives.
  • 28. The method as set forth in claim 27, further including: prior to inferring the exceptional transaction, defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined video data events or predetermined non video POS data events.
  • 29. The method as set forth in claim 27, further including: determining a policy violation based on a corresponding policy violation rule and the inferred exceptional transaction.
  • 30. The method as set forth in claim 29, further including: prior to determining the policy violation, defining policy violation rules based at least on predetermined exceptional transactions.
  • 31. The method as set forth in claim 29, further including: generating a policy violation report based on the determined policy violation.
  • 32. The method as set forth in claim 27, further including: generating an exceptional transaction report based on the inferred exceptional transaction.
  • 33. The method as set forth in claim 27, wherein the POS primitives and video primitives are generated contemporaneously.
  • 34. The method as set forth in claim 27, further including: storing the video and POS primitives in a primitive database prior to the step of inferring; andone of performing the step of inferring in real time or withdrawing the video and POS primitives from the primitive database and inferring the exceptional transaction based on the withdrawn video or POS primitives.
  • 35. The method as set forth in claim 27, wherein receiving video data includes: receiving an auxiliary video data from a second video camera.
  • 36. The method as set forth in claim 27, -wherein the method is performed locally.
  • 37. The method as set forth in claim 27, further including: receiving the non video data regarding the POS transaction via a communication channel at a remote location;receiving the video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction via the communication channel at the remote location;generating the POS and video primitives at the remote location;defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined non video data events and predetermined video data events at the remote location; andinferring the exceptional transaction at the remote location.
  • 38. The method as set forth in claim 27, further including: receiving the non video data regarding the POS transaction locally;receiving the video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction locally;transmitting the non video and video data to a remote location via a communication channel;generating the POS primitives and video primitives at the remote location;defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined non video data events and predetermined video data events at the remote location; andinferring the exceptional transaction at the remote location.
  • 39. A method for monitoring a point of sale (POS) transaction, comprising: receiving non video data regarding the point of sale (POS) transaction;inferring a potentially exceptional transaction based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and the received POS non video data; andverifying the inferred potentially exceptional transaction with video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction.
  • 40. The method as set forth in claim 39, further including: prior to verifying the inferred potentially exceptional transaction with video data, requesting video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction;receiving the video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction;generating video primitives based on the received video data;generating a video event based on the generated video primitives and a corresponding video rule; andconfirming the potentially exceptional transaction based on the generated video event.
  • 41. The method as set forth in claim 40, wherein receiving the video data includes one of: receiving a first video data from a first video camera, orstoring a first video data obtained by a first video camera in an archive and receiving the first video data from the archive.
  • 42. The method as set forth in claim 41, wherein receiving video data further includes: receiving a second video data obtained by a second video camera.
  • 43. The method as set forth in claim 39, further including: prior to inferring potentially exceptional transaction, defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined video data events or predetermined POS data events.
  • 44. The method as set forth in claim 39, further including: determining a policy violation based on a corresponding policy violation rule and the verified exceptional transaction.
  • 45. The method as set forth in claim 44, further including: prior to determining the policy violation, defining policy violation rules based at least on predetermined exceptional transactions.
  • 46. The method as set forth in claim 44, further including: generating a policy violation report based on the determined policy violation.
  • 47. The method as set forth in claim 39, further including: generating an exceptional transaction report based on at least one of the verified or potentially inferred exceptional transaction.
  • 48. The method as set forth in claim 39, wherein the method is performed locally.
  • 49. The method as set forth in claim 39, further including: receiving the non video data regarding the POS transaction via a communication channel at a remote location;defining exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined non video data events and predetermined video data events at the remote location; andinferring the potentially exceptional transaction at the remote location.
  • 50. The method as set forth in claim 49, further including: receiving video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction via the communication channel at the remote location at request;generating video primitives based on the received video data at the remote location;generating a video event based on a video rule and the video primitives at the remote location; andconfirming the inferred potentially exceptional transaction based on the video event at the remote location.
  • 51. The method as set forth in claim 49, further including: receiving the video data regarding the corresponding POS transaction locally;generating video primitives locally;receiving a video rule from the remote location via the communication channel;generating a video event based on the video rule and the video primitives locally;transmitting the generated video event to the remote location on request; andconfirming the inferred potentially exceptional transaction based on the transmitted video event.
  • 52. A system, comprising: a POS data parsing engine to receive non video data regarding a POS transaction and generate POS primitives;a video content analysis engine to receive the video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction and generate video primitives; andan exceptional transaction inference engine to infer an exceptional transaction based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and at least on one of the generated POS primitives or video primitives.
  • 53. The system as set forth in claim 52, further including: an exceptional transaction definition engine to define exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined video data events or predetermined non video POS data events.
  • 54. The system as set forth in claim 52, further including: a policy violation definition engine to define policy violation rules based at least on predetermined exceptional transactions.
  • 55. The system as set forth in claim 54, further including: a policy violation inference engine to determine a policy violation based on a corresponding policy violation rule and the inferred exceptional transaction and generate a policy violation report based on the determined policy violation.
  • 56. The system as set forth in claim 52, further including: an exceptional transaction query engine to generate an exceptional transaction report based on the inferred exceptional transaction.
  • 57. The system as set forth in claim 52, wherein the exceptional transaction inference engine infers the exception transaction in real time.
  • 58. The system as set forth in claim 52, further including: a primitive database to store the POS and video primitives, from which primitive database the exceptional transaction inference engine withdraws the POS primitives or video primitives to infer the exceptional transaction as post processing.
  • 59. The system as set forth in claim 52, wherein the video data includes: a first video data obtained from a first video camera.
  • 60. The system as set forth in claim 59, wherein the video data further includes: a second video data obtained from a second video camera.
  • 61. The system as set forth in claim 52, further including: an analysis device which embodies the system of claim 52.
  • 62. The system as set forth in claim 61, further including: a communication channel to transmit the non video and video data to the analysis device disposed at a remote location.
  • 63. The system as set forth in claim 62, further including: a first analysis device disposed locally which first analysis device embodies the POS data parsing engine and the video content analysis engine;a second analysis device disposed at a remote location which second analysis device embodies the exceptional transaction inference engine; anda communication channel through which the POS primitives and the video primitives are streamlined to the second analysis device.
  • 64. A system, comprising: a POS data parsing engine to receive and process non video data regarding a POS transaction; andan exceptional transaction inference engine to infer a potentially exceptional transaction based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and the processed non video POS data and verify the inferred potentially exceptional transaction based on video data.
  • 65. The system as set forth in claim 64, wherein the exceptional transaction inference engine verifies the inferred potentially exceptional transaction as post processing.
  • 66. The system as set forth in claim 64, further including: a first video camera to obtain the video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction;a video content analysis to generate video primitives based on the obtained video data; anda video inference engine to infer a video event based on the video primitives and a video based rule.
  • 67. The system as set forth in claim 66, further including: a POS and video event database to store the processed non video POS data and inferred video event, from which database the exceptional transaction inference engine withdraws the non video POS data or video event to, respectively, infer the potentially exceptional transaction or verify the inferred potentially exceptional transaction.
  • 68. The system as set forth in claim 66, further including: a video database to store the video data obtained with the first video camera, from which video database the video content analysis engine withdraws the stored video data to generate the video primitives.
  • 69. The system as set forth in claim 66, further including: a second video camera to obtain an auxiliary video data and to provide the auxiliary video data to the video content analysis engine.
  • 70. The system as set forth in claim 64, further including: an exceptional transaction definition engine to define exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined video data events or predetermined POS data events.
  • 71. The system as set forth in claim 64, further including: a policy violation definition engine to define policy violation rules based at least on predetermined exceptional transactions.
  • 72. The system as set forth in claim 71, further including: a policy violation inference engine to determine a policy violation based on a corresponding policy violation rule and the verified exceptional transaction and generate a policy violation report based on the determined policy violation.
  • 73. The system as set forth in claim 64, further including: an exceptional transaction query engine to generate an exceptional transaction report based at least on one of the verified or potentially inferred exceptional transaction.
  • 74. The system as set forth in claim 64, further including: an analysis device which embodies the system of claim 64.
  • 75. The system as set forth in claim 74, further including: a communication channel to transmit the non video POS data to the analysis device disposed at a remote location, which analysis device defines exceptional transaction rules based at least on one of predetermined non video POS data events or video data events and infers the potentially exceptional transaction.
  • 76. The system as set forth in claim 75, further including: a video content analysis engine to receive video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction via the communication channel on request and generate video primitives based on the received video data; anda video inference engine to receive a video rule from the analysis device and infer a video event based on the video rule and the video primitives at the remote location for the analysis device to confirm the inferred potentially exceptional transaction based on the video event.
  • 77. The system as set forth in claim 75, further including: a video content analysis engine to receive video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction locally and generate video primitives based on the received video data; anda video inference engine to receive a video rule from the analysis device via the communication channel and infer a video event based on the video rule and the video primitives locally and transmit the video event to the analysis device via the communication channel, wherein the analysis device confirms the inferred potentially exceptional transaction based on the video event.
  • 78. An apparatus, comprising: means for receiving non video point of sale (POS) data of a POS transaction;means for processing the non video POS data;means for receiving video data of a corresponding POS transaction;means for processing the received video data; andmeans for inferring an exceptional transaction based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and at least on the processed non video POS data or the processed video data.
  • 79. An application-specific hardware to perform a method comprising steps of: receiving non video data regarding a point of sale (POS) transaction;generating POS primitives based on the received non video POS data;receiving video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction;generating video primitives based on the received video data; andinferring an exceptional transaction based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and at least one of the generated POS primitives or video primitives.
  • 80. An application-specific hardware to perform a method comprising steps of: receiving non video data regarding a point of sale (POS) transaction;inferring a potentially exceptional transaction based on a corresponding exceptional transaction rule and the received POS non video data; andverifying the inferred potentially exceptional transaction with video data regarding a corresponding POS transaction.

The following patents and publications, the subject matter of each is being incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, are mentioned: U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2007/0058040, published Mar. 15, 2007, by Zhang et al., entitled “Video Surveillance Using Spatial-Temporal Motion Analysis,” U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2006/0291695, published Dec. 28, 2006, by Lipton et al., entitled “Target detection and tracking from overhead video streams,” U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2006/0262958, published Nov. 23, 2006, by Yin et al., entitled “Periodic motion detection with applications to multi-grabbing,” U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0169367, published Aug. 4, 2005, by Venetianer et al., entitled “Video Surveillance System Employing Video Primitives,” U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0162515, published Jul. 28, 2005, by Venetianer et al., entitled “Video Surveillance System,” U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2005/0146605, published Jul. 7, 2005, by Lipton et al., entitled “Video Surveillance System Employing Video Primitives,” and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/700,007, filed Jan. 31, 2007, by Zhang et al., entitled “Target Detection and Tracking From Video Streams,” Attorney Docket No. 37112-232074.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60803191 May 2006 US