Interactive contextual-based assistance for portable ISDN test set

An integrated services digital network (ISDN) test set includes an ISDN transceiver, a supervisory control processor which is operative to cause the ISDN transceiver to controllably transmit and receive ISDN communication messages over a communication circuit, and an alpha-numeric message display through which messages associated with the operation of the ISDN test set are displayed. The test set keypad also includes a dedicated ‘ASSIST’ key, that is selectably operated by the user, to cause the control processor to execute a user assistance routine, which accesses a contextual-based alpha-numeric database, whose contents are associated with and provide additional information of a displayed alpha-numeric message. This enables a test set user, regardless of training or experience, to be provided with information necessary to competently operate the test set and successfully test an ISDN line.


The present invention relates to telecommunication systems, and is particularly directed to a contextual-based assistance mechanism, that is incorporated within a craftsperson's ISDN test set having an architecture of the type described in the above-referenced '117 application, for facilitating the operation of the test set and thereby the testing and troubleshooting of an ISDN communication circuit.


As described in the above-referenced '117 application, a variety of telecommunication test units have been proposed for testing various types of digital signalling circuits. Such circuits may include, but are not limited to, those transporting high bit rate digital subscriber line (HDSL) signals, asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) signals, digital data service (DDS) signals and integrated services digital network (ISDN) signals. Unfortunately, such conventional test units are relatively cumbersome and hardware-intensive devices, typically resident in a telcom service office or other fixed system installation, that affords only a single point of access to the circuit of interest.

A non-limiting example of such a conventional test unit is described in the U.S. Pat. No. 5,208,846, to Hammond et al, entitled: “Subscriber Loop Tester for Telephone Switching Systems.” In order to be connectable with various types of telecommunication circuits, the Hammond et al test unit contains different types of line interfaces/jacks. Determining which jack is to be used requires that the test system operator have a prior knowledge of the communication link to which the test set is to be coupled. Without this knowledge, the user does not know to which jack the line should be connected, and cannot readily configure the test unit to support a particular user interface and associated termination hardware.

As noted above, conventional test units are relatively large and fixed pieces of equipment, so that they are not readily suited for use in the field (i.e., they are not portable), so that they cannot be readily interfaced with any accessible location along a communication link. This relatively poor facility of transport and ready connection to any location along a link to be tested also limits the practicality and effectiveness of such test units.

These shortcomings have become a particular concern to telecommunication service providers, especially with the continuing expansion and demand for integrated services digital network (ISDN) services. Not only is there currently a need for a practical, portable test set that is capable of testing already installed ISDN circuits, but one which can perform ‘dry loop’ line testing, prior to its use for ISDN service; namely, there is a need for an ISDN test device that will permit a circuit to be ‘prequalified’ (as ISDN-capable), before ISDN equipment is purchased and connected to the line to be used for ISDN service.

Advantageously, the portable test set described in the above-referenced '117 application contains a communication architecture that is readily interfaced with virtually any location along a line/circuit to be tested, so as to allow testing of the line, irrespective of its configuration (e.g., two-wire vs. four-wire), or the type of signals that may be conveyed over the line (analog or digital). In addition to circuitry for testing the operation of a standard analog (POTS) line, the portable test set described in the '117 application contains a digital communications controller and associated digital signalling interface circuits, including both ‘U’ interface and ‘S/T’ interface circuits.

Thus, the test set can be interfaced with either a two-wire network link or a four-wire customer premises link, and may transmit and receive ISDN bearer channel messages over whatever line to which it is connected. The contents of such bearer channel messages may be defined to evoke prescribed responses from a companion test set coupled to another portion (relatively far end) of the communication circuit of interest, so that the line linking the two test sets may be tested. When two such test sets are interfaced with spaced apart locations of the circuit/line under test, they may operate in respective master and slave modes, allowing a craftsperson using the master test set to initiate a bit error rate test (BERT) from one end of the circuit, and derive a measure of the operational performance characteristic of the in-between segment of the circuit.


The present invention is directed to an enhancement of the ISDN communication and testing functionality of the test set described in the '117 application, that is not only capable of performing line prequalification and post installation testing, but does so in a manner that simplifies the interaction between the user/craftsperson and the test set, thereby minimizing line testing inaccuracies (which often depend upon the skill and familiarity of the technician with ISDN communications) and improving performance.

In particular, the present invention is directed to a contextual-based assistance enhancement to the operational control software that is executed by the test set's supervisory processor, and which is accessed by the operation of an ASSIST key on the test set keypad. When this interactive user-assistance program is so accessed, it causes a test set user interface, such as a display panel, to generate one or more alpha-numeric messages, through which a craftsperson, regardless of training or experience, is provided with information necessary to competently operate the test set and successfully test an ISDN line.

The contextual-based assistance mechanism of the invention comprises a referential help database of alpha numeric terms/topics and their functional descriptions, which may be either associated with the architecture and operation of the test set, or associated with conditions that may be encountered by the craftsperson when using the test set to troubleshoot or test an ISDN line. This provides access to a library of terms/topics and their associated definitions, which may be employed as a tutorial guide in the course of troubleshooting a line. Auspiciously, operation of the ASSIST key when the test set's display screen contains a message that has been transmitted to the test set from another piece of telecommunication equipment, such as a central office switch, in association with the progress of a call/test, will cause the display of a clarifying definition of the message.

This clarifying message display not only serves to educate the user as to what the message means, but provides a guide to expediting the current operational use of the test set for the call or test, which caused the remotely sourced message. Namely, for any state of the test set, depressing the ASSIST key, one time, causes the execution of a contextual-based assistance routine that is operative to search, retrieve and output (e.g., display) additional explanatory information, associated with the alpha-numeric contents of whatever is currently supplied by way of a test set user interface (display screen). Depressing the ASSIST key a second time calls up a referential help database search subroutine.

When the referential help database search subroutine is called up, it causes the generation of an informational message that instructs the user to either begin scrolling through an alphabetized listing of topic/term definitions, or to press one of the alpha numeric keys on the keypad, that contains the letter which begins with the topic or term of interest. In response to the operation of a selected alpha-numeric key on the keypad


one or more times (to step through the letters for that key), a first alphabetical listing in a group of terms, each of which begins with the selected letter, is supplied. In addition, the user is instructed to depress a prescribed key (e.g., the “*” key) to view.a definition of the term.


FIG. 1

diagrammatically illustrates the architecture of the ISDN test set architecture described in the '117 application;

FIGS. 2 and 3

are respective front and rear isometric pictorial views of a housing configuration for the ISDN test set of

FIG. 1


FIG. 4

diagrammatically illustrates a public switched telephone network at opposite ends of which respective master and slave ISDN test sets may be connected;

FIG. 5

diagrammatically illustrates a dry loop ISDN circuit having opposite ends. connected to respective master and slave ISDN test sets;

FIG. 6

is a pictorial illustration of the test set keypad;

FIG. 7

is a flow chart of the contextual-based user assistance routine of the present invention;

FIG. 8

shows an example of a ‘home’ screen message that may be displayed by the display panel of the ISDN test set of

FIG. 1


FIGS. 9-13

show examples of explanatory contextual help messages that may be displayed by the display panel of the ISDN test set of

FIG. 1


FIGS. 14-18

show examples of referential help i.messages that may be displayed by the display panel of the ISDN test set of

FIG. 1

; and

FIGS. 19-24

show examples of contextual help—cause messages that may be displayed by the display panel of the ISDN test set of FIG.




Before describing in detail the new and improved contextual-based assistance mechanism of the present invention, it should be observed that the invention resides primarily in what is effectively an augmentation of the operational control software executed by the supervisory microcontroller of the test set of the '117 application. The circuitry of the test set is otherwise essentially unaffected. Consequently, the architecture of the test set per se, and the manner in which it is interfaced with communication equipment of a telephone network have been illustrated in the drawings by readily understandable block diagrams, which show only those specific details that are pertinent to the present invention, so as not to obscure the disclosure with details which will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art having the benefit of the description herein. Thus, the block diagram illustrations of the Figures are primarily intended to illustrate the major components of the system in a convenient functional grouping, whereby the present invention may be more readily understood.

The overall communication and signal processing circuit architecture of a test set of the type described in the '117 application, in which the communication and testing control mechanism of the present invention may be readily incorporated, is diagrammatically illustrated in FIG.


. To facilitate portability and ruggedized field use, the test set's circuit architecture is preferably housed within a robust protective casing physically configured as diagrammatically illustrated in the isometric pictorial views of

FIGS. 2 and 3

, and disclosed in detail in the following co-pending U.S. Patent applications: Design Ser. No. 29/061,617, now U.S. Pat. No. D400,875 entitled: “ISDN Test Set,” by R. Soto et al, filed Oct. 28, 1996, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S Design Ser. No. 29/053,246, entitled: “ISDN Test Set,” by R. Soto et al, filed Apr. 18, 1996 now abandoned; and Utility Applications: Ser. No. 08/754,077, filed Nov. 20, 1996, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,768,369 entitled “Telephone Test Set Keypad with Integrated Dynamic Microphone,” by E. Zoiss et al; Ser. No. 08/753,101, filed Nov. 20, 1996, entitled “Telephone Test Set LCD Panel Carrier,” by E. Zoiss et al; Ser. No. 08/754,075, filed Nov. 20, 1996, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,841,857 entitled “Line Cord Strain Relief Attachment for Telephone Test Set,” by E. Zoiss et al; and Ser. No. 08/754,076, filed Nov. 20, 1996, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,872,831 entitled “Variable Geometry Battery Compartment for Accommodating Different Sized Batteries in Telephone Craftsperson's Test Set,” by E. Zoiss et al. Each of the above applications is assigned to the assignee of the present application, and their disclosures are herein incorporated.

Referring now to

FIG. 1

, the communication and signal processing circuit architecture of the test set described in the '117 application is diagrammatically illustrated as comprising a multi-pin modular jack


, engagable by a multi-pin conductor plug terminating one end of a multi-conductor line cord, through which the test set is connectable with a circuit under test. The respective pins of the modular jack


are connected via multi-conductor links






, to the internal circuitry of the test set.

For this purpose, a first four-pin link


, two leads of which are respectively associated with tip and ring lead conductors of multi-pin jack


, is coupled to a four-pin common port


of a first switch


. A first, two-pin switch port


of switch


is coupled to a two-pin common port


of a second switch


. A second, four-pin switch port


of first switch


is coupled to a four conductor link


to a four-pin port


of a transformer interface


and to a four pin input port


of an 8:1 analog multiplexer


. Two-pin links




are coupled from modular jack


to respective two pin in ports




of 8:1 analog multiplexer



The 8:1 analog multiplexer


has an output port


coupled to a first input


of a voltage threshold comparator


. Voltage threshold comparator has a second input


coupled to receive a prescribed reference voltage V


. The output


of comparator is coupled to an input/output (I/O)—control bus


associated with the test set's supervisory microcontroller


. The multiplexer


has a multibit steering control input


coupled to control bus


, for selecting which of the respective portions of multiconductor links






is coupled to comparator


. Should the line voltage of the selected lead exceed the threshold reference voltage V


, the voltage comparator


provides an output on a voltage detect line portion


of the I/O control bus


, which is read by the micro-controller


. The states of the respective sets of leads




are mapped by an internal truth table used by the microcontroller


to identify the type of line to which the test set is connected.

A first, two pin port


of the switch


is coupled via link


to a POTS line interface module


. Module


module contains conventional dial tone detector and DTMF signalling circuitry, and is employed for conducting voice communications, DTMF and dial pulse signalling on a POTS line. A second two pin switch port


of switch


is coupled via link


to a controlled attenuator


. Attenuator


has a control port


coupled to the control bus


, and is transformer-coupled, by way of transformer circuit


, to a two wire port


of standard (two wire) ‘U’ interface chip


, used for standard 2B1Q signalling.

The ‘U’ interface chip


, which is coupled to and controlled by microcontroller


, is selectively controlled via a control port


to function as either a line termination (LT) or a network termination (NT). As will be described, when either bit error rate testing (BERT) of the line, or dry-loop communications are to be carried out over the line under test, the ‘U’ interface chip


is selectively placed in LT mode. A port


provides an interrupt link to the microcontroller


. Digital data. communications between the two-wire ‘U’ interface chip


and the microcontroller


are effected by way of a first (IDL) digital serial bus digital


and a second (SCP) digital serial bus



The four-wire transformer interface


, to the four pin port


of which the four lead conductor link


is coupled from port


of switch


, has respective pairs of two wire links




transformer-coupled, via transformer pairs




, to respective two wire ports




of a (four wire) ‘S/T’ interface chip


. Respective controlled attenuators




are coupled across links




, and are controlled by way of control bus


. Like the ‘U’ interface chip


, the ‘S/T’ interface chip


is coupled to microcontroller


by way of the first digital link IDL


and the second digital link SCP


. In addition, it has an interrupt port


for providing an interrupt signal to the microcontroller



The first (IDL) digital serial bus


is further coupled through a (5V-3V) logic level translation circuit


to a CODEC




is coupled via a DTMF link


to POTS line interface module




has a first output port


coupled through a controlled gain amplifier


to a common/input terminal


of a switch


. Switch


has a first output terminal


coupled to a speaker amplifier


, the output of which is coupled to an audio speaker


. Switch


has a second output terminal


coupled to link


which is coupled to of POTS line interface module


. Link


is further coupled to an earpiece receiver transducer


of the test set. A microphone (MIC)


is coupled to an amplifier


, the output of which is coupled via link


to port




and to an audio input port


of POTS line interface module



An auxiliary digital (RS 232) I/O port is provided by way of a multipin connector


, such as an RJ-


jack. This connector is coupled to an RS-232 transceiver


, which may be used to monitor externally provided bearer (B) channel information or to download communication control software into the microcontroller


. The RS-232 transceiver


is, in turn, ported to I/O-control bus



User/craftsperson inputs for controlling operation of the test set are effected by means of a standard multi-key keypad


, to which I/O-control bus


is coupled. Key depression of the keys of the keypad


generate input commands that are buffered in a latch


, the contents of which are asserted onto a distributed multibit data/address bus


. Data/address bus


is ported to a data/address port


of the microcontroller


. Microcontroller


has a limited storage capacity flash memory


, an EPROM


in which the operational software for the microcontroller is stored, and a random access memory


for storing data processed by the microcontroller's central processing unit (CPU).

The data/address bus


is also ported to an LCD unit


, which provides an alpha-numeric visual display of a menu of options/actions that may be selectively invoked by keypad inputs from the user, and an indication of the operation of the test set, as microcontroller


sequences through stored test routines, to be described. In addition to the LCD unit


, the test set may employ one or more discrete visual indicators, such as a set of LEDs that are coupled to I/O bus


, and selectively individually energized by the microcontroller


to provide an indication of prescribed status or operational conditions of the line under test such as, but not limited to, ON /OFF hook, tip/ring polarity and test set battery charging status.

As described in the above-referenced '117 application, the test set architecture of

FIG. 1

is able to conduct a number of analog and digital test operations of a line to it is connected. These test operations include an initial mode termed “LINE IDENTIFICATION MODE” (in which the type of line to which the test set is connected is automatically determined), and “POTS MODE,” (for testing a POTS line, in which the tip and ring line portions of the four-wire link


are coupled through switches




to the POTS line interface module



In addition, because the test set architecture of

FIG. 1

includes both two-wire ‘U’ interface chip


and four-wire ‘S/T’ interface chip


, the test set may be used to trouble-shoot a potentially faulty digital (e.g., ISDN) circuit that is either upstream (toward the central office), or downstream (toward a remote terminal-customer premises equipment) of the location at which the craftsperson has connected the test set. Where two test sets of the type shown in

FIG. 1

are available, the potentially faulty circuit of interest may be tested by placing the test sets in a master-slave mode of operation. The ‘master’ test set may be connected to a first, test supervisory location of the line, from which the test is to be conducted (such as at a central office line termination location). The ‘slave’ test set may be connected to a second site of the line, geographically remote from the first site (such as at a network termination of a customer premises). Once a loopback path has been established between the two test sets, a BER test may be initiated from the master test set.

In addition to loopback (for bit error rate testing), an echo-back mode of operation may also be used. This mode is somewhat similar to the loopback mode in that it's purpose is to have the slave test set send back to the master test set the contents of a prescribed data sequence. In echo-back mode, however, rather than the slave test set simply operating as a passive loopback device, the slave test set captures and then retransmits data placed on the D channel by the master test set.

A voice link may be also established either over a public switched network, as diagrammatically illustrated in

FIG. 4

, or between two test sets that are connected to opposite ends of a non-powered or ‘dry loop’ link, as diagrammatically illustrated in

FIG. 5

, with one of the test sets operating in LT mode as a line termination device, and the other operating in NT mode as a network termination device. Also described in the '117 application is a callback mode of operation, which allows an unmanned slave test set to return a voice call (i.e., without the participation of an attendant craftsperson), and thereby determine whether a voice call can be established over the circuit under test.






As described above, the present invention is directed to an enhancement to the operational control software that is executed by the test set's supervisory processor for controlling the communication and testing functionality of the test set, including that described in the '117 application. In accordance with the invention, the operational control software of the test set incorporates a contextual-based assistance mechanism, which is accessed by the operation of an ASSIST key on the test set keypad. The ASSIST key is diagrammatically shown at


in the pictorial illustration of the test set keypad





When the interactive user-assistance program is so accessed, it causes a test set user interface, such as the test set display panel


, to generate an alpha-numeric message, through which a craftsperson, regardless of training or experience, receives information necessary to competently operate the test set and successfully test an ISDN line. Although the test set display panel is a preferred form of user interface, it should be understood that the invention is not limited to use with this or any other form of user interface. Alternatively, other types of alpha-numeric information output devices, such as audio units, printers, etc., that are functionally equivalent to a display may be used.

The contextual-based assistance mechanism of the invention comprises a referential help database of alpha numeric terms/topics and their functional descriptions, which may be either associated with the architecture and operation of the test set, or associated with conditions that may be encountered by the craftsperson when using the test set to troubleshoot or test an ISDN line.

On the one hand, this provides access to a library of terms/topics and their associated definitions, which may be employed as a tutorial guide in the course of testing or troubleshooting a line, (similar to operation of a soft HELP button for a conventional graphics-based user interface of a personal computer). On the other hand, and of particular benefit, is the fact that operation of the ASSIST key, when the display screen contains a (usually abbreviated and somewhat cryptic) message that has been transmitted to the test set from another piece of telecommunication equipment (e.g., from a central office switch) in association with the progress of a call/test, will cause the display of a clarifying definition of that message.

This clarifying message display not only serves to educate the user as to what the message means, but gives a guide to expediting the current operational use of the test set for the call or line test, which gave rise to the remotely sourced message in the first place. Namely, regardless of the mode of operation or state of the test set, depressing the ASSIST key, one time, causes the execution of a contextual-based assistance routine that is operative to search, retrieve and display additional explanatory information, associated with the alpha-numeric contents of whatever is currently displayed on the test set's display screen.

Depressing the ASSIST key a second time calls up a referential help database search subroutine. When the referential help database search subroutine is called up, it causes the display of an information al message that instructs the user to either begin scrolling through an alphabetized listing of topic/term definitions, or to press one of the alpha numeric keys on the keypad, that contains the letter which begins with the topic or term of interest. In response to the operation of a selected alpha-numeric key on the keypad


one or more times (to step through the letters for that key), a first alphabetical listing in a group of terms, each of which begins with the selected letter, is displayed. In addition, the user is instructed to depress a prescribed key (e.g., the “*” key) to view a definition of the term.




More particularly, pursuant to the invention, whenever access to the (tutorial) database is desired, all that is necessary is for the user to operate the ASSIST key


on the test set keypad


, as shown at step


of the flow chart in FIG.


. In order to expedite a solution to whatever problem is currently being encountered by the user, in step


, the database access routine initially generates a definitional ‘status’ message that briefly explains what is currently being displayed on the test set's display






This is pictorially illustrated in

FIG. 8

, for the non-limiting example of a ‘home’ screen message


, where the test set is being initially configured to test an ISDN line. For this and other messages, the message display screen


will typically provide one or more soft key (in bold) options associated with terms of the message. For the non-limiting example of an ISDN call set up message of

FIG. 8

, three parameter soft keys: “Call,” “Switch” and “SPID” are displayed.






If the ASSIST key


is initially operated by the user during the display of a home screen message (that of

FIG. 8

in the present example), the contextual-based access routine of the invention will generate a definition message, shown in

FIG. 9

, explaining that the displayed screen message is such a ‘home’ screen which, in the present example includes call set up and selection parameters. As further shown in each of

FIGS. 9-13

, an ASSIST key-invoked explanation message will also contain one or both of a pair of menu scrolling choices: “Back” and “Fwd,” as well as an “Exit” choice to terminate the ASSIST routine.

As shown at step


of the flow chart of

FIG. 7

, the user may use a scroll control key (e.g., a FWD key) to step through the parameters of the home screen. With each operation of the scroll control key, a definition of the next respective parameter listed in the home screen is displayed, as shown at step


, with successive screens of

FIGS. 10-12

, associated with the user sequencing (and calling up) through tutorial explanations for the three respective parameter soft keys: “Call,” “Switch” and “SPID.” When the user has completed scrolling through all of the parameters listed in the home screen, then the referential help routine will cause the generation of a message instructing the user to operate the ASSIST key again, in order to bring up the referential help database, as shown in the screen message of FIG.








As pointed out above, whenever the ASSIST key is operated to access the referential help database (either directly, as would be the case in response to the current message shown in FIG.


), or during an operational condition of the test set), the contextual-based user assistance routine of

FIG. 7

displays an informational message instructing the user to either begin scrolling through an alphabetized listing of topic/term definitions, or to press one of the alpha numeric keys on the keypad that contains the letter which begins with the topic or term of interest. This is shown at step


in the flow chart of

FIG. 7

, and illustrated in the screen message of FIG.



In response to the operation of a selected alpha-numeric key one or more times (to step through the letters for that key) in step


, the first alphabetical listing in a group of terms, each of which begins with the selected letter, is displayed, as shown at step


, and the successive initial alphabetically successive (A-B-C . . . V) term/topic listing screen messages shown in

FIGS. 15-18

. In addition, in the screen message displayed for each alphabetical term/topic listing, the user is instructed to depress a prescribed key (e.g., the “*” key), in response to which the routine will display a definition of the term, as shown at step








As pointed out above, if the test set is already online and is being used to place a call or test a line, it can be expected to receive one or more messages from another piece of equipment (e.g., from a central office switch) in association with the progress of the call/test. For example, when a call is terminated, the (central office) switch will customarily transmit a relatively terse (CCITT-standards) ‘cause’ message representative of the reason for the termination of the call, but otherwise providing no explanation.

A non-limiting example of such a message (displayed in step



FIG. 7

) is illustrated in

FIG. 19

, as a “Cause #


Call Rejected,” and stating that Call A is being cleared. As pointed out above, the database employed by the contextual-based assistance routine of the invention not only includes an explanation of various terms and topics, but also operational messages, including, but not limited to CCITT ‘cause’ messages, that may be received during use of the test set. Pursuant to a further feature of the invention, operating the ASSIST key during the display of such an operational message will cause the contextual-based routine to access an explanatory ‘reason’ message, as shown at step



As shown in the display screen sequence of

FIGS. 20-24

, this accessed message contains both a detailed explanation of the operational (e.g., cause) message, and a description of why the operational message was generated. As further indicated by the press forward (FWD) statements of

FIGS. 20-23

, the craftsperson may use the scroll control key (FWD) to scroll through successive lines of the ‘reason’ message, as shown at steps




. When the user has completed scrolling through all of the lines of the reason message, then, in the last message, shown in

FIG. 24

, the routine will instruct the user to again operate the ASSIST key, if it is desired to bring up the referential help database, described above with reference to

FIGS. 14-18


As will be appreciated from the foregoing description, the contextual-based assistance mechanism of the present invention, which is readily accessed by the operation of an ASSIST key on the test set keypad dedicated for the purpose, is operative to cause the test set's display panel to generate an alpha-numeric user interface, through which a craftsperson, regardless of training or experience, may gain access to information necessary to competently operate the test set and successfully test an ISDN line. Advantageously, this information is stored as a referential help database of alpha numeric terms/topics and their functional descriptions, which may be either associated with the architecture and operation of the test set, or associated with conditions that may be encountered by the craftsperson when using the test set to troubleshoot or test an ISDN line.

This not only provides a library of terms/topics and their associated definitions, which may be employed as a tutorial guide in the course of testing or troubleshooting a line, but facilitates troubleshooting, simply by operating the ASSIST key, when the display screen contains a (CCITT cause) message that has been transmitted to the test set from telecommunication equipment in association with the progress of a call/test, so as to cause the display of a clarifying definition of that message. This clarifying message display both educates the user as to what the message means, and provides a guide to expediting the operational use of the test set for the call or test, which gave rise to the remotely sourced message.

Thus, irrespective of the mode of operation of the test set, depressing the ASSIST key, one time, causes the execution of a contextual-based assistance routine that is operative to search, retrieve and display additional explanatory information, associated whatever is currently displayed on the test set's display screen. Depressing the ASSIST key a second time calls up the referential help database search subroutine, which displays an informational message instructing the user to either begin scrolling through an alphabetized listing of topic/term definitions, or to press one of the alpha numeric keys on the keypad, that contains the letter which begins with the topic or term of interest.

While we have shown and described an embodiment in accordance with the present invention, it is to be understood that the same is not limited thereto but is susceptible to numerous changes and modifications as known to a person skilled in the art, and we therefore do not wish to be limited to the details shown and described herein, but intend to cover all such changes and modifications as are obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art.

  • 1. For use with an ISDN test set, through which a user may test and communicate over an ISDN communication circuit, and having a test set user interface through which alpha-numeric messages associated with the operation of said ISDN test set are presentable to said user, a method of supplying informational messages to said user in the course of use of said ISDN test set comprising the steps of:(a) storing within said test set a contextual-based alpha-numeric database, contents of which are associated with and provide additional information of said alpha-numeric messages that are presentable by said test set user interface; (b) providing an input/output element that is selectably operated by said user; and (c) in response to operation of said input/output element by said user, causing said test set user interface to present an alpha-numeric informational message derived from said contents of said contextual-based database, in accordance with a contextual content of an alpha-numeric messages presented by said test set user interface, and wherein in response to operation of said input/output element, when said test set user interface generates a message transmitted to said test set from telecommunication equipment in association with the use of said test set, causing said test set user interface to generate a detailed explanation of said message, and in response to a second operation of said input/output element, implementing a referential help database search subroutine.
  • 2. A method according to claim 1, wherein said test set user interface comprises a test set display element that is operative to display alpha-numeric messages associated with the operation of said test set.
  • 3. A method according to claim 1, wherein said input/output element comprises a manually operable switching element provided at a keypad region of said test set.
  • 4. A method according to claim 1, wherein said contextual-based alpha-numeric database includes a referential help database of alpha numeric terms/topics and their functional descriptions, that are associated with one or more of the architecture and operation of said test set, and conditions that may be encountered by said user when using the test set to test or communicate over said ISDN communication circuit.
  • 5. A method according to claim 1, wherein step (c) comprises, in response to operation of said input/output element when said test set user interface generates a ‘cause’ message, transmitted to said test set from telecommunication equipment in association with the termination of a call, causing said test set user interface to present an explanation of said ‘cause’ message.
  • 6. A method according to claim 1, wherein step (c) comprises, in response to a first operation of said input/output element, when said test set user interface presents a message transmitted to the test set from telecommunication equipment in association with use of said test set, causing the execution of a contextual-based assistance routine that is operative to output additional explanatory information, associated with the alpha-numeric contents of whatever is currently presented by way of said test set user interface.
  • 7. A method according to claim 1, wherein step (c) further comprises, in response to an additional operation of said input/output element, causing said test set user interface to present an alpha-numeric message for accessing a referential help database of alpha numeric terms/topics and their functional descriptions, that are associated with one or more of the architecture and operation of said test set, and conditions that may be encountered by said user when using the test set to test or communicate over said ISDN communication circuit.
  • 8. A method according to claim 1, wherein step (c) further comprises causing said test set user interface to present an informational message that instructs the user to either begin scrolling through an alphabetized listing of topic/term definitions, or to press one of the alpha numeric keys on a test set keypad, that contains the letter which begins with the topic or term of interest.
  • 9. A method according to claim 1, wherein step (c) further comprises, in response to the operation of a selected alpha-numeric key on said test set keypad one or more times, causing said test set user interface to present a first alphabetical listing in a group of terms, each of which begins with a selected letter.
  • 10. A method according to claim 1, wherein step (c) further comprises causing said test set user interface to present a message instructing the user to depress a prescribed keypad to view a definition of a currently presented term.
  • 11. An integrated services digital network (ISDN) telecommunications device comprising an ISDN transceiver, and a supervisory control processor which is operative to cause said ISDN transceiver, when coupled to a communication circuit, to controllably transmit and receive ISDN communication messages over said communication circuit, and having a user interface through which alpha-numeric messages associated with the operation of said ISDN test set are presentable to said user, an input/output element that is selectably operated by said user, and a contextual-based alpha-numeric database, contents of which are associated with and provide additional information of said alpha-numeric messages that are presentable by said test set user interface, and wherein said supervisory control processor is operative, in response to operation of said input/output element by said user, to cause said test set user interface to present an alpha-numeric informational message derived from said contents of said contextual-based database, in accordance with contextual content of an alpha-numeric messages presented by said test set user interface, wherein said supervisory control processor is operative, in response to operation of said input/output element, when said test set user interface generates a message transmitted to said test set from telecommunication equipment in association with the use of said test set, to cause said test set user interface to generate a detailed explanation of said message, and in response to a second operation of said input/output element, implementing a referential help database search subroutine.
  • 12. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 11, wherein said ISDN telecommunications device comprises a portable ISDN test set.
  • 13. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 11 wherein said user interface comprises a display element that is operative to display alpha-numeric messages associated with the operation of said ISDN telecommunications device.
  • 14. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 11, wherein said ISDN telecommunications device comprises a portable ISDN test set, said user interface comprises a display element that is operative to display alpha-numeric messages associated with the operation of said ISDN test set, and wherein said input/output element comprises a manually operable switching element provided at a keypad region of said test set.
  • 15. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 12 wherein said contextual-based alpha-numeric database includes a referential help database of alpha numeric terms/topics and their functional descriptions, that are associated with one or more of the architecture and operation of said test set, and conditions that may be encountered by said user when using the test set to test or communicate over said ISDN communication circuit.
  • 16. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 12 wherein said supervisory control processor is operative, in response to operation of said input/output element when said test set user interface generates a ‘cause’ message, transmitted to said test set from telecommunication equipment in association with the termination of a call, to cause said test set user interface to present an explanation of said ‘cause’ message.
  • 17. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 12, wherein said supervisory control processor is operative, in response to a first operation of said input/output element, when said test set user interface presents a message transmitted to the test set from telecommunication equipment in association with use of said test set, to execute a contextual-based assistance routine causes said test set user interface to present additional explanatory information, associated with the alpha-numeric contents of whatever is currently presented by way of said test set user interface.
  • 18. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 12, wherein said supervisory control processor is operative, in response to a further operation of said input/output element, to cause said test set user interface to present an alpha-numeric message for accessing a referential help database of alpha numeric terms/topics and their functional descriptions, that are associated with one or more of the architecture and operation of said test set, and conditions that may be encountered by said user when using the test set to test or communicate over said ISDN communication circuit.
  • 19. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 12, wherein said supervisory control processor is operative to cause said test set user interface to present an informational message that instructs the user to either begin scrolling through an alphabetized listing of topic/term definitions, or to press one of the alpha numeric keys on a test set keypad, that contains the letter which begins with the topic or term of interest.
  • 20. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 12, wherein said supervisory control processor is operative, in response to the operation of a selected alpha-numeric key on said test set keypad one or more times, to cause said test set user interface to present a first alphabetical listing in a group of terms, each of which begins with a selected letter.
  • 21. An ISDN telecommunications device according to claim 12, wherein said supervisory control processor is operative to cause said test set user interface to present a message instructing the user to depress a prescribed keypad to view a definition of a currently presented term.

The present application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/855,117, filed May, 13, 1997 now abandoned, entitled: “Test Set Using ISDN Bearer Channel for Testing Telephone Line,” by R. Soto et al (hereinafter referred to as the '117 application), assigned to the assignee of the present application, and the disclosure of which is herein incorporated. The present application also relates to subject matter disclosed in the following U.S. patent applications, each of which is assigned to the assignee of the present application, and the disclosures of which are herein incorporated: Ser. No. 08/984,287 now U.S. Pat. No. 6,185,191, entitled “Testing of ISDN Line via Auxiliary Channel Signaling,” by M. Dipperstein et al, Ser. No. 08/984,515 now abandoned, entitled “Automated Master-Slave Connectivity for Dry Loop ISDN Line,” by R. Soto et al, Ser. No. 09/433,269 now U.S. Pat. No. 6,163,594, entitled “Call Yourself BERT Testing of ISDN Line,” by M. Kennedy et al and Ser. No. 08,/984,284 now pending, entitled “*User Selectable Overlap and Enbloc Speed Dialing of ISDN Line,” by P. Katz et al.

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Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/855117 May 1997 US
Child 08/984233 US