Interference colored filters


  • Patent Application
  • 20050157414
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    March 10, 2005
    19 years ago
  • Date Published
    July 21, 2005
    19 years ago
A pattern structure of at least two different layer system elements disposed adjacent one beside the other upon a carrier substrate, at least one of said layer system elements comprises a layer of dielectric material, the layer of dielectric material residing upon a layer of a material that is resistant to activated oxygen or activated water and having a second surface facing toward the substrate. The dielectric layer of the one layer system element forms a disturbed region between the adjacent layer system elements, the dielectric layer having a thickness of ds and wherein the disturbed region has a width of at least 10*ds.

The present invention relates to a structure on a substrate, in which a structured lacquer layer with lacquer layer surface regions and lacquer-free regions is deposited in lift-off technique, subsequently a color filter layer system is deposited and, lastly, with the lacquer layer surface regions the regions deposited thereon of the color filter layer system are removed.

Such a technique is known as lift-off technique. It is relatively cost-efficient since therein relatively few process steps have to be carried out in a vacuum atmosphere. This technique is known, for example, from U.S. Pat. No. 3,914,464.

As a lift-off mask a photosensitive lacquer or a metal layer with given thickness of, for example, 4 to 6 μm is deposited and thereover is deposited a dielectric interference color filter layer system of only one half the thickness.

The lift-off lacquer is cured over a long period of time, more than 8 hours at 200° C. in a vacuum atmosphere, before the color filter layer system is precipitated above it. In the lift-off step proper the lift-off lacquer or its structured areas are removed with hot xylene after precipitation of the color filter layer system.

It is evident that the lift-off lacquer layer structure is treated at high expenditures and specifically such that vapor deposition can even be used as the precipitation process for the color filter layer system. In order to ensure satisfactory quality of the precipitated system layers, a vapor deposition temperature of more than 200° C. must be maintained. The subjacent lacquer layer must, in any event, be able to tolerate these temperature without undergoing any changes.

Furthermore, it is known from the literature, for example H. A. MACLEOD, “Thin-Film Optical Filters”, Second Edition, Adam Hilger Ltd., 1986, pp. 357 to 405, that optical layers vapor-deposited at lower temperatures are spectrally unstable. Their spectral properties vary with ambient temperature and humidity, with the cut-on and cut-off edges of the spectral characteristics, in particular, being shifted. If the intent is to precipitate spectrally stable layers with satisfactory quality, the vapor-deposition temperature must be very high which leads to the fact that the subjacent lacquer is polymerized and the subsequent lift-off process is made extremely difficult. On the other hand, if it is attempted to keep the temperature of the vapor-deposition process low, this, as described, is obtained at the expense of strong spectral shifts of said edges, which shifts are a function of the temperature and air humidity.

The long heating of the lacquer in vacuo, proposed in the above cited publication, is, in addition, extremely expensive and reduces significantly the production rate of production installations for such structures. The use of hot xylene for dissolving the lacquer resistant to temperatures, which, by necessity, are relatively high, furthermore is highly questionable in view of the carcinogeneity of xylene. Since, moreover, due to the method of applying the color filter layer system at temperatures far above 200° C., a lacquer layer resistant to these temperatures must be provided, large attack areas for the solvent must be made available for the subsequent removal of the lacquer. Therefore, the lacquer layer thickness must be significantly greater than the thickness of the color filter layer system to be deposited thereon. This results in large disturbed zones; if, following the lacquer application and the structuring of the lacquer layer, a color filter subsystem is deposited in the lacquer regions and those free of lacquer, then, as depicted in FIG. 1, due to the shadowing by the edges of the lacquer regions 1, disturbance zones result in the margin regions 3 of the color filter structure, in which the thickness of the color filter structure is less than in the undisturbed regions 5. The greater the lacquer thickness d, the greater are the regions of the disturbed color filter structure.

It is, in addition, known that substrate glasses shrink, i.e. change their form, at the temperatures necessary for the vapor deposition of said color filter layer systems. This leads to the fact that the precipitation of color filter layer systems taking place side by side, with differing spectra, such as, for example, for red, yellow and blue, cannot take place with geometric precision which leads to lack of sharpness between filter regions of differing spectral regions. The glass substrate, furthermore, becomes brittle at said high temperatures, in particular taking into account the alternating thermal stress, for example during the sequential precipitation of several color filter layer systems in lift-off technique. This leads to degradation of the stability against fracture of the manufactured structures and therewith also to an increase of disturbed structures.

It would be a further alternative to use a lacquer which endures the requisite high vapor deposition temperatures, thus temperatures in the range of 300° C. However, such lacquers are expensive and difficult to process further. Further, lift-off masks of metal, for example comprising Al or Cr, could be used. Since their application, however, conventionally requires again a vacuum coating step, this would also be too expensive.


Building on a process of the above cited type, it is the task of the invention to remedy said disadvantages. This is attained when carrying out said process according to the invention.

It becomes thereby possible to stress thermally the lift-off lacquer to a significantly lesser degree during the precipitation of the filter layer systems, that is, far below the polymerization temperature of, for example, conventional photosensitive lacquers. Through the proposed plasma-enhanced precipitation process, in which the substrate is exposed to high ion bombardment density, preferably through plasma-enhanced vapor deposition or through sputtering, furthermore filters with dense layers and spectral properties are generated which are temperature and humidity stable. Since the lacquer is thermally significantly less stressed, its necessary thermal resistance can be decisively reduced which, in turn, leads to the fact that a significantly shorter lacquer treatment and significantly reduced lacquer layer thicknesses are required which, in turn, reduces the extension of the disturbed regions 3 according to FIG. 1. Moreover, conventional photosensitive lacquers can be used and can be dissolved by means of customary solvents, such as by means of acetone or NMP (N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone) for the lift-off.

The process according to the present invention:

    • Consequently results in significantly reduced coating temperatures which leads to the reduction of the necessary lacquer thickness and to the fact that conventional cost-effective lacquers can be used. The further resulting lacquer thickness reduction leads directly to the reduction of the extension of the disturbed regions according to FIG. 1.
    • Due to the plasma enhancement of the coating, be that by generation of charged particles in a separate plasma chamber, extraction through grids into the coating volume or by plasma generation in the coating volume, a bombardment of the substrates with an ion current of high density is realized, with which dense, optically stable filter layers are realized.
    • The extension of the disturbed loci effected by shadowing can be reduced through additional directing measures, such as provision of collimators orthrough electrostatic orientation of the ion movement. In addition, low minimum pressures are used in the coating chamber, with correspondingly large mean free path length.

If, without providing additional directing measures, sputtering is used, according to FIG. 1, disturbed regions 3 with an extension of approximately 5*d are obtained, with more directed plasma-enhanced processes down to approximately 1*d. This results even with the values for d (the laquer layer thickness) which, according to the invention, are low per se.

A more directed coating process than sputtering is the plasma-enhanced vapor deposition in which, as is known, a material is thermally vaporized from a vaporization crucible into the process atmosphere, for example by electron beam vaporization, wherein a plasma is maintained in the atmosphere. Therewith the problem of the shadowing is further remedied, and it becomes also possible to precipitate color filter layer system structures with very small extension under control and with high efficiency.

The proposed process is especially suitable for the color filter structuring for LCD projectors and CCD sensors.


In the following the invention will be explained by example in conjunction with drawings wherein:

FIG. 1 is a schematic depiction of a lacquered, structured, and coated substrate to explain the development of disturbed regions;

FIG. 2 schematically illustrates a sputter coating installation in schematic form suitable for carrying out the process according to the invention;

FIG. 3 illustrates an installation suitable for carrying out the process according to the invention for the plasma-enhanced thermal vapor deposition, again shown schematically;

FIG. 4 schematically illustrates a lacquer structure deposited on a substrate and its rounding-up of the succeeding coating; and

FIG. 5 is a representation analogous to FIG. 4, the provision of an intermediate layer between lacquer structures and subsequently precipitated filter layer to avoid the rounding-up of the edges explained in conjunction with FIG. 4, of the photosensitive lacquer.


FIG. 2 schematically depicts a first embodiment of an installation for sputtering used according to the invention. Above a sputter source 10 with the target material to be sputtered off, such as, for example, a magnetron source, a plasma 13 is maintained. Ions of a supplied working gas AG, such as, for example, Ar, by pulse transmission knock largely neutral target material particles N out of the target, which become deposited onto a workpiece 15. As shown schematically at the feed unit 17, the plasma above the sputter source can be operated with DC or by means of a pulsed DC voltage PL or, in principle, by means of superimposed DC and AC or with AC, in particular RF power. Due to the precipitation of interest in the present case, of dielectric layers on customarily non-conducting workpiece substrates 15, the feasibility is in particular pointed out of operating the plasma by means of a DC voltage, however, to connect low-ohmically the plasma-generating electrodes, as shown schematically in FIG. 2 at 19a and 19b and as indicated thereon in dashed lines, at given time intervals, preferably periodically. With respect to the plasma-enhanced coating of non-conducting substrates with dielectric layers and using DC plasmas or of substrate bias, reference can be made to:

EP 508 359 or U.S. Pat. No. 5,423,970; and EP 564 789 or U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,948,224 and 6,149,783.

The layers of the color filter layer systems are each generated either nonreactively, thus exclusively using the working gas AG and/or by a reactive sputtering process and use of a reactive gas RG, such as of O2, for example depending on which layer materials are used. Therein, according to the invention, temperatures of the coated workpieces 15, provided with the lift-off lacquer 11, of maximally 150° C., preferably maximally 100° C., are maintained.

Due to the high ion bombardment density, dense layers are realized which hardly change their spectral properties at varying ambient temperature and humidity.

Without further directing measures, such as providing collimators, the sputter coating according to the invention is suitable for application in which disturbed regions 3 according to FIG. 1 having an extension of approximately 5*d can be accepted. Stated in terms of the maximum disturbed region thickness d5, each disturbed region 3 has a width of at most 10*d5 since, as will be explained later, the necessary lift-off lacquer layers of thickness d can be substantially thinner than twofold the color filter layer systems deposited thereon.

In FIG. 3, in a representation analogous to FIG. 1, a second process used according to the invention is shown schematically, namely plasma-enhanced or ion-enhanced vapor deposition. Herein, for example by means of an electron beam 23 and/or a heating unit 25, a material is vaporized from a crucible 27. Again, a dense plasma 24 is maintained above the crucible 27 with a feed source 28 which, with respect to the output signals, can be structured analogous to the source 17 explained in conjunction with FIG. 2. The workpieces are here preferably disposed on a rotationally driven carrier 26 shaped like a calotte whose sphere center is the center Z of the vaporization source 27. Again, temperatures are maintained not exceeding 150° C., in particular not exceeding 100° C. This directed process makes it possible to coat lift-off lacquer structures 11 with filter layer systems, which require disturbed regions 3 according to FIG. 1 whose extension is approximately 1*d and less.

In plasma-enhanced or ion-enhanced vapor deposition, according to FIG. 3, depending on the layer to be built up of the color filter layer system, work also proceeds nonreactively with the exclusive use of working gas AG or reactively using a reactive gas RG. In FIG. 4 is shown on an enlarged scale the lift-off lacquer structure 32 on the substrate 30. Above it is shown schematically the plasma 34 of the plasma-enhanced precipitation process. If the first layer 31 of the color filter layer system, shown in dashed lines in FIG. 4, is to be deposited by a reactive process, such as in particular using ionized oxygen, the lift-off lacquer structure, as shown schematically at 35, in particular in the edge regions is attacked by excited reactive gas, as stated, in particular O2 or by H2O activated in the plasma and/or split from the residual gas.

A first feasibility of preventing this comprises depositing the first layer of the color filter layer system nonreactively, thus in view of FIG. 2 or FIG. 3 with the exclusive use of the working gas Ar. For this purpose the layer material is used either directly as target or vaporization source material.

A second and preferred feasibility comprises according to FIG. 5 applying before application of the first layer 31 of the color filter layer system, an optically broadband and largely transmitting free of loss, i.e. optically neutral, well-adhering intermediate layer onto the lift-off lacquer structure, which as a protective layer withstands the subsequent process. The intermediate layer 45 shown in FIG. 5 having a thickness of 5 to 10 nm, comprises preferably SiO or SiO2, which is chemically not attacked by excited ionized reactive gas, in particular O2 or H2O from the residual gas. In FIG. 5 the layer 31 drawn in dashed lines denotes the subsequently applied first optically active layer of the color filter layer system which can now be deposited through a reactive process. Subsequently, the intermediate layer 45 can also comprise SiO2 which is precipitated nonreactively or only weakly reactively. In this case, an SiO2 intermediate layer forms the first, low-refractive layer of the filter layer system with following higher-refractive layers.

In the following, coating processes used by example with the resulting color filter structures will be introduced.



Filter structure:
Strips 160 μm wide

20 mm long, 100 μm spacing

Lacquer layer thickness:
3.2 μm

Shipley 1045, diluted 6:1

Optical filter layer system:
1.5 μm (d5 of FIG. 1)

Layer system:

Coating process SiO2: Reactive sputtering, Installation BAS 767

Si Target

Sputter power:
6.4 kW

Working gas:

Reactive gas:

Working gas flow:
40 sccm

Reactive gas flow:
50 sccm

0.3 nm/sec

Coating process TiO2: Reactive Sputtering

Ti Target

Sputter power:
10 kW

Working gas:

Reactive gas:

Working gas flow:
40 sccm

Reactive gas flow:
36 sccm

0.16 nm/sec

Coating temperature:
T ≦ 80° C.

  • Size of the disturbed zone
  • next to the lacquer mask (1 of FIG. 1): ≦10 μm
  • stability of the edges of the filter: <1 nm edge shift from 20° C. to 80° C.

In this example the intermediate layer has been omitted. The plasma is switched on before the coating proper is started. Therefore the lacquer mask comes into contact with O2/Ar plasma. The edges of the lacquer are thereby rounded. This makes the lift-off step difficult or necessitates a relatively thick lacquer mask.



Filter structure:
Strips 10 × 10 μm to 100 × 100 μm

Lacquer layer thickness (d):
0.5 μm-2 μm

optical filter layer (d5):
1.4 μm

Shipley 1045, Dilution 6:1 to 1:1

Layer system:
Intermediate layer SiO, 10 nm thick,


Coating process: SiO intermediate layer nonreactive without

plasma enhancement, SiO2/TiO2 system plasma-enhanced vapor

deposition, Installation LEYBOLD APS 1100

SiO nonreactive, without APS plasma source:

E-beam vaporizer with four-hole

crucible, SiO granulate

0.1 nm/sec

BAS 767

1 * 10−5 mbar

SiO2: Reactive vapor deposition with APS plasma source

E-beam vaporizer with four-hole crucible,

SiO2 granulate

0.6 m/sec

APS plasma source:

Discharge current:
50 A

Bias voltage:
150 V

U anode cathode:
130 V

Working gas:

Reactive gas:

Working gas flow:
15 sccm

Reactive gas flow:
10 sccm

Total pressure:
3.5 * 10−3 mbar

TiO2: Reactive vapor deposition with APS plasma source

E-beam vaporizer with four-hole crucible,

TiO tablets

0.3 m/sec

APS plasma source:

Discharge current:
50 A

Bias voltage:
110-120 V

U anode cathode:
100-110 V

Working gas:

Reactive gas:

Working gas flow:
11 sccm

Reactive gas flow:
35 sccm

Total pressure:
4.2 * 10−3 mbar

Coating temperature:
T ≦ 105° C.


<1 nm spectral edge shift

from 20° C. to 80° C.

Size (1) of the disturbed zone:
<2 μm

Through the process according to the invention it becomes possible to produce pixel structures, such as in particular for LCD light valve projectors and CCD sensors, cost-effectively and with low part rejects rate which, in addition, are spectrally extremely stable against environmental changes, in particular temperature and humidity changes. In particular, when using said intermediate layer, moreover, extremely good adhesion of the color filter system on the substrate is attained. The necessary lift-off lacquer layers can be substantially thinner than the twofold of the color filter layer systems deposited thereon. Providing overhanging side walls of the lacquer regions, as is customary in aluminization in the semiconductor production, is superfluous.

Since the application of the color filter layer systems takes place at low temperatures and consequently the subjacent lift-off lacquer structures are exposed to correspondingly low temperature stresses—thus need only have low temperature resistance—an extremely simplified lift-off technique results without hot and extremely aggressive solvents or ultrasound needing to be employed for the lift-off.

The preferred use of said intermediate layer avoids negatively influencing the reactive precipitations of the first filter layer on the lift-off lacquer, in particular the edge damage of the lacquer structures through reactive Ar—O2—H2O plasmas.

  • 1. A pattern structure of at least two different layer system elements disposed adjacent one beside the other upon a carrier substrate, at least one of said layer system elements comprising a layer of dielectric material, said layer of dielectric material residing upon a layer of a material that is resistant to activated oxygen or activated water and having a second surface facing toward said substrate, wherein said dielectric layer of said at least one layer system element forms a disturbed region between said adjacent layer system elements, said dielectric layer having a thickness of ds and wherein said disturbed region has a width of at least 10*ds.
  • 2. The structure of claim 1, wherein each of said at least two layer system elements has one of said dielectric material layers, said dielectric material layers of said at least two layer system elements being laterally disposed side by side.
  • 3. The structure of claim 1, wherein said resistant material is silicon or silicon dioxide.
  • 4. The structure of claim 1, wherein said second surface of said layer of resistant material facing toward said substrate resides upon the surface of said substrate.
  • 5. The structure of claim 1, wherein said width is at most 2*ds.
  • 6. The structure of claim 1, wherein said layer of resistant material has a thickness of between 5 and 10 nm.
  • 7. The structure of claim 1, wherein said thickness is at most 10 μm.
  • 8. The structure of claim 7, wherein said thickness is at most 2 μm.
  • 9. A pattern structure of at least two different layer system elements disposed adjacent one beside the other upon a carrier substrate, at least one of said layer system elements comprising a layer of dielectric material, said layer of dielectric material residing upon a layer of material that is resistant to activated oxygen or activated water and having a second surface facing towards the substrate, wherein said layer of resistant material has a thickness of between 5 and 10 nm.
  • 10. The structure of claim 9, wherein each of said at least two layer system elements has said layer of dielectric material.
  • 11. The structure of claim 9, wherein said resistant material is silicon or silicon dioxide.
  • 12. The structure of claim 9, wherein said second surface of said layer of resistant material facing towards said substrate resides upon the surface of said substrate.
  • 13. The structure of claim 9, wherein said dielectric layer has a thickness of ds and forms a disturbed region between said adjacent layer system elements, said disturbed region having a width of at most 10*ds.
  • 14. The structure of claim 13, wherein both of said at least two layer system elements have said dielectric layer.
  • 15. The structure of claim 14, wherein said dielectric layers at each of said at least two layer system elements are disposed side by side.
  • 16. The structure of claim 13, wherein said width is at most 2*ds.
  • 17. The structure of claim 13, wherein said thickness is at most 10 μm.
  • 18. The structure of claim 17, wherein said thickness is at most 2 μm.
  • 19. A method for manufacturing an array of different layer system elements on a carrier comprising the steps of: Depositing a layer of lacquer upon a surface of said carrier; removing said layer along selected first areas of said surface to expose said surface of said carrier, thereby forming second areas, where at said surface is still covered by said layer; depositing by a plasma-enhanced coating process a layer system upon said first and second areas and removing said layer system from said second areas by lifting off said layer so that an array of said layer system is formed, said layer system being present in said first areas and said surface being exposed in said second areas.
  • 20. The method of claim 19, wherein as a first layer of said layer system on the lacquer layer an intermediate layer is applied which, with respect to subsequently used coating atmosphere, is more stable than said lacquer.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
417/98 Feb 1998 CH national

This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 10/205,088 filed Jul. 25, 2002 and now U.S. Pat. No. ______, which was a divisional of application Ser. No. 09/641,486, filed Aug. 18, 2000, and now U.S. Pat. No. 6,468,703, which was a continuation of international application PCT/CH99/00026 filed Jan. 21, 1999, which claims priority on Swiss application 417/98 filed Feb. 20, 1998, on all of which priority is claimed here, and all of which are incorporated here by reference.

Divisions (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 09641486 Aug 2000 US
Child 10205088 Jul 2002 US
Continuations (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 10205088 Jul 2002 US
Child 11076691 Mar 2005 US
Parent PCT/CH99/00026 Jan 1999 US
Child 09641486 Aug 2000 US