Goal: This will be an international symposium on mutlifunctional devcies and multiferroic materials. <br/><br/>Intellectual Merit: <br/><br/>The ISIF gathers many scientists and engineers from academia, national laboratories, and industries worldwide, enabling the direct exchange of information and discussions about the most important and actual topics relevant to their work. Due to the emergence of novel materials with multifunctionalities, and the significant progress made in recent years on new memory technologies, ISIF coverage has now been expanded to include the science and technology of many multifunctional materials, thus providing a new vision of the field of integrated functionalities. <br/><br/>Broader Impact: <br/><br/>Most of the distinguished invited (over 120) and plenary (5) speakers, have already confirmed their participation, ensuring representation from the Americas, Europe, and Asia. This proposal will enable the ISIF organizers to support attendance by at least 10 graduate students for the full length of the symposium. The students will be able to attend all conferences, present their research in poster sessions, visit the technical exhibit, and interact with all other participants. In addition several tutorials by specialists will be offered free-of-charge. The unique educational opportunities offered by this symposium will enhance the preparation of participating students, and their participation will also in turn enrich ISIF by fostering interest by the next generation of scientists and engineers who will advance the crucial research areas which are central to the emerging field of multifunctional materials and technology.