Chief objectives of this international workshop are: sharing of latest research results on product sound quality, noise engineering, and human factors and psychoacoustics; understanding industry's current practices and future needs; defining joint research projects that will improve understanding of how people perceive and are affected by the complex sounds produced by machinery; and exploring mechanisms by which that understanding can be put to good use by practicing engineers. The forum will provide a unique opportunity for a closer interaction between leading U.S. academics and industry parctitioners and experts from Western Europe, Japan and Korea. The 3-day symposium activities will be supplemented with a 2-day visit to several industry facilities including two new automaotive company Noise-Vibration-Harshness (NVH) facitities which are engage in extensive activities in sound quality. Summary reports on the PSQ '01 workshop based on both workshop proceedings and those projects sparked by the workshop will be presented at meetings of the Acoustical Society and the Institute of Noise Control Engineering. This symposium intends to identify common international interests and priorities in the area of noise and product sound quality and focus on important relevant scientific issues