This award from the Division of Chemistry (CHE) supports a new international Research Experiences for Undergraduates (iREU) organized and managed by Bradley Miller of the American Chemical Society (ACS) for the summers of 2008-2010. This iREU takes a non-traditional approach by connecting U.S. students with undergraduate research experiences throughout Europe and by connecting European students with undergraduate research experiences throughout the U.S. through the network of U.S. Chemistry REU sites. U.S. students will be placed throughout Europe through collaboration with the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) and its Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE) program in Germany and with the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) and its partner institutions in ECTN member states that are recognized as major producers of scientific knowledge. For 2008-2010, partner institutions will include the Ecole Superieure de Chimie Physique Electronique de Lyon (CPE-Lyon, France), the Universita degli Studi di Perugia (Italy), and the University of Strathclyde (Scotland, UK). Eighteen U.S. students will be recruited nationally to participate in this ten-week iREU program. Fifteen U.S. students will be sent to Germany through RISE, and the DAAD will send an equal number of students to the U.S. One U.S. student will go to Perugia, one to Lyon, and one to Strathclyde, and these institutions will each send one student to the U.S. Participants will be matched with research mentors and projects within the traditional core areas of chemistry or its associated disciplines, including biochemistry, chemical engineering, and chemical biology. All ACS-iREU participants will be invited to present their research at the Fall ACS National Meeting after their internship and attend a reception bringing together the iREU faculty, students, and key scientists from the countries involved.