The instant invention is related to the advanced materials area, specially to alloys exhibiting remarkable magnetocaloric and mechano-caloric effects which were associated to their first order phase transition.
Magnetic materials that undergo a significant increase or decrease, in temperature upon the application or removal of an external magnetic field in the temperature region in which a first- or second-order phase transition has been experienced, referred as magnetocaloric materials, can be used to develop coolers and heaters their temperature they can exchange heat with their immediate environment. In view of that, they find applications in a new cooling technology referred as magnetic refrigeration, as heaters or in modern medicine:
a) Magnetic refrigeration is a solid-state cooling refrigeration technology under development worldwide based on the magnetocaloric effect (MCE). In comparison with conventional refrigeration technology, based on the compression/expansion of gases (Joule-Thomson effect), magnetic refrigeration can be up to 30% more energy efficient and does not directly contaminate the environment. Thus, it is more economically convenient and eco-friendly. For magnetic refrigeration purposes, the maximum values of magnetic entropy |ΔSMpeak| and adiabatic temperature ΔTadmax changes, together with the refrigerant capacity RC, being the main figures of merit that characterize a magnetocaloric material. Whereas ΔTad characterizes the driving force for heat transfer between the cold and hot sinks, RC measures the amount of heat that the refrigerant can transfer from the cold to the hot sinks during an ideal refrigeration cycle. In practice, for a given material and value of the magnetic field change μoΔH, RC is determined by the magnitude of ΔSM and the working temperature range of the refrigerant, usually given by the full-width at a half-maximum δTFWHM of the ΔSM(T) curve. Thus, a large refrigerant capacity depends on having a large maximum magnetic entropy change |ΔSMpeak| and a broad ΔSM(T) curve (i.e., a large δTFWHM) in the phase transition region. In addition, for refrigeration systems to be able to work in a given temperature a span a table-like shaped ΔSM(T) curve is desired.
b) The heat released by a magnetocaloric material can be also used for medical applications [A. M. Tishin, Y. I. Spichkin, V. I. Zverev, P. W. Egolf, Int. J. Refrig., Vol. 68 (2016) 177-186]. A bioactive substance absorbed in a thermo-sensitive polymer can be locally released in a controlled way in a certain place of the human body by means of core-shell composite particles consisting of a magnetocaloric particle (or core) coated by the thermo-sensitive polymer. The increase in temperature of the magnetocaloric particle is obtained by applying an external magnetic field change. Another medical application is the local heating to destroy malignant neoplasms.
c) A magnetocaloric material with a giant magneto-caloric effect associated to a magneto-elastic transition that can be also used in a mechanocaloric heater or refrigerator system due to also exhibits significant barocaloric and elastocaloric effects. In mechano-caloric devices the working substance gets cooled or heated due to the application of an external mechanical stimulus such as isostatic pressure or uniaxial stress. The multi-caloric apparatus simultaneously combines the magneto-caloric effect joined to the desired mechano-caloric effect for an enhancement of the caloric response. The magneto-caloric is encapsulated into a container (as example of Sn) hermetically as compressive pressure-transmitting media immerse into an inert perfluorinated liquid. The application of the stress fields makes the working substance get heat or cool around its first order magneto-elastic phase transition. In particular, the large surface area in a powdered sample is conducive to heat transfer.
In all of these applications, a large low magnetic-field induced magnetocaloric effect is desirable. This feature can be assessed by the relationship |ΔSMpeak|/μoΔH (given in Jkg−1K−1T−1).
Binary Fe100-xRhx alloys, with a chemical composition close to the equiatomic one (i.e., 48≤x≤52 at. %), have the higher magnetocaloric effect (MCE) close to room temperature ever reported in terms of ΔTadmax [S. A Nikitin, G. Myalikgulyev, A. M. Tishin, M. P. Annaorazov, A. L. Tyurin, Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 148 (1990) 363-366; M. P. Annaorazov, K. A. Asatryan, G. Myalikgulyev, S. A. Nikitin, A. M. Tishin, A. L. Tyurin, Cryogenics, Vol. 32 (1992) 867-872; E. Stem-Taulats, A. Planes, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 89 (2014) 214105; Enric Stern-Taulats, Adrià Gràcia-Condal, Antoni Planes, Pol Lloveras, Maria Barrio, Josep-Lluis Tamarit, Sabyasachi Pramanick, Subham Majumdar, Lluis Mañosa, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 107 (2015) 152409; A. Chirkova, K. P. Skokov, L. Schultz, N. V. Baranov, O. Gutfleisch, T. G. Woodcock, Acta Materialia, Vol. 106 (2016) 15-211. In these alloys, the giant MCE is due to the first-order magneto-elastic phase transition that the chemically-ordered CsCl-type crystal structure undergoes. At a given temperature, the unit cell volume expands (or contracts, approximately one percent on heating (or cooling) changing the interatomic distances which lead to a modification in the magnetic structure from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic (and vice versa). [F. de Bergevin, L. Muldawer, Compt. Rend., Vol. 252 (1961) 1347; A. I. Zakharov, A. M. Kadomtseva, R. Z. Levitin, E. G. Ponyatovskii, Sov. Phys. JETP, Vol. 19 (1964) 1348].
According to the binary Fe—Rh phase diagram [J. L. Swartzendruber, Bull. Alloy Phase Diag., Vol. 5 (1984) 456-462], Fe100-xRhx alloys can exhibit a high temperature phase with the fcc crystal structure in the whole composition range, known as γ phase, which is paramagnetic (PM). Depending on the synthesis conditions the bcc α′ and fcc γ magnetic phases could coexist in thermally annealed alloys (as it is frequently reported) [V. I. Zverev, A. M. Saletsky, R. R. Gimaev, A. M. Tishin, T. Miyanaga, J. B. Staunton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 108, (2016) 192405; A. Chirkova, F. Bittner, K. Nenkov, N. V. Baranov, L. Schultz, K. Nielsch, T. G. Woodcock, Acta Materialia, Vol. 131 (2017) 31-38]. The presence of the fcc γ phase in the Fe100-xRhx resulting alloy and the local stress owing to its microstructural interaction with the ordered α′ phase has a strong influence on the AFM→FM (or FM→AFM) phase transition temperature and the resulting magnetocaloric response [A. Chirkova, F. Bittner, K. Nenkov, N. V. Baranov, L. Schultz, K. Nielsch, T. G. Woodcock, Acta Materialia, Vol. 131 (2017) 31-38]. Overall, in order to achieve reproducible results that were related to the magnetocaloric response of these alloys the characteristics on the structural transition should be reproducible. Thus, the starting and finishing temperatures of the transition in both directions, abruptness and total magnetization change. Therefore, a strict control of chemical composition, phase constitution, microstructure characteristics, and chemical order of the CsCl-type crystal structure is needed. Rapid solidification using the melt spinning technique, followed by an appropriate thermal treatment, provides a unique control over all these metallurgical features. Due to the solidification of the molten metallic mass at a very high cooling rate (˜106 K/s) to form a thin ribbon (of thickness usually varying from 10 to 50 μm), the chemical composition is homogeneously reproduced in the as-solidified ribbons. In addition, a properly modification of melt spinning process parameters allows the control, within certain limits, of an average grain size and the grain orientation regarding to both ribbon surfaces.
In the present invention, a magnetocaloric material based on polycrystalline Fe100-xRhx melt spun and annealed ribbons with 48≤x≤52 at. % exhibiting a giant low magnetic-field induced and table-like MCE has been synthesized by the rapid solidification of a molten alloy using the melt spinning technique. Overall, the improved magnetocaloric properties in a lower magnetic field change (<1 T) in comparison with the reported until now in the specialized literature for bulk alloys or thin films are obtained [M. Balli, D. Fruchart, D. Gignoux, A. Yekini, Negative magnetocaloric effect in Fe1-xRhx compounds, ICMR (2007); Meghmalhar Manekar, S. B. Roy, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 41 (2008) 192004; Radhika Barua, Félix Jimenez-Villacorta, L. H. Lewis, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 115 (2014) 17A903; Enric Stern-Taulats, Antoni Planes, Pol Lloveras, Maria Barrio, Josep-Lluís Tamarit, Sabyasachi Pramanick, Subham Majumdar, Carlos Frontera, Lluís Mañosa, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 89 (2014) 214105; A. Chirkova, K. P. Skokov, L. Schultz, N. V. Baranov, O. Gutfleisch, T. G. Woodcock, Acta Materialia, Vol. 106 (2016) 15-21; M. P. Annaorazov, K. A. Asatryan, G. Myalikgulyev, S. A. Nikitin, A. M. Tishin, A. L. Tyurin, Cryogenics, Vol. 32 (1992) 867-872; A. Chirkova, F. Bittner, K. Nenkov, N. V. Baranov, L. Schultz, K. Nielsch, T. G. Woodcock, Acta Materialia, Vol. 131 (2017) 31-38]. These characteristics provokes superior and advantageous properties related to the giant magnetocaloric effect, and working temperature.
The present invention provides a magnetocaloric material exhibiting a giant magnetocaloric effect close to room temperature at a well lower applied magnetic field change, i.e., <1 Tesla, than that used for highly efficient cooling or heating (applying or removing an external magnetic field).
The magnetocaloric material according to the present invention is represented by the general chemical formula Fe100-xRhx where x falls in the range 48≤x≤52 at. % and has a chemically ordered bcc CsCl-type crystalline structure. In this crystalline structure: (a) Fe atoms carry a local magnetic moment (˜3.3 μB) and they order antiferromagnetically (AFM) at temperatures below the structural transition temperature (whereas Rh atoms do not carry a magnetic moment); (b) Fe atoms slightly reduce the magnetic moment to ˜3.2μB and Rh atoms exhibit a magnetic moment of ˜0.9μB and both couple ferromagnetically (FM) above the structural transition temperature.
The magnetocaloric material according to the present invention is formed by the rapid solidification into ribbons with an average thickness varying between 10 and 50 μm. For practical applications, the large surface-to-volume ratio of the ribbon shape is a crucial advantage of the present material since it allows an efficient heat exchange between the magnetocaloric material and the surrounding media. Said material is polycrystalline being composed of micronic grains with average size ranging from 2 to 150 μm.
The invention also comprises a method for the manufacture of said magnetocaloric materials, comprising the step of its fabrication by rapid solidification using the melt-spinning technique to form a polycrystalline ribbon made of micronic in size grains followed by a high temperature thermal treatment. For instance, the magnetocaloric material of the present invention can be produced, by the following method:
a) Melting the raw metals (namely Rh and Fe, of purity of 99.9% and over), according to the general chemical formula Fe100-xRhx where x falls in the range 48≤x≤52 at. %, by arc (or suction casting) or induction melting techniques in a crucible to obtain an ingot by solidification of the molten mass. This process is usually carried out in an Ar or He atmosphere;
b) Melting again the obtained ingot by induction melting into a quartz or boron nitride crucible having a circular (diameter 0.5-0.7 mm) or rectangular nozzle (width 0.5-0.7 mm; length 1-7 mm) and ejecting the molten alloy onto the polished surface of a large mass cooper wheel that rotates at a linear speed that can vary between 10 and 50 m/s to form the polycrystalline ribbons. The process can be carried out either in Ar or He atmosphere (or vacuum);
c) Heat-treating the as-solidified ribbons in a temperature range from 900 to 1100° C., for a few seconds to 72 hours. After these thermal treatment ribbons are immersed into oil, iced or room temperature water.
The magnetocaloric material is used for heating and cooling by applying mechanical stimulus such as isostatic pressure or uniaxial stress.
The present invention is related to the abovementioned refrigeration and medical applications associated to the heating and cooling of a magnetocaloric material by the action of an external magnetic field.
The instant invention is related to a polycrystalline magnetocaloric material based on thermally annealed Fe100-xRhx melt-spun ribbons with a Rh content x in the interval 48×52 at. % and the chemically-ordered bcc CsCl-type crystal structure (also referred as B2) that shows a giant magnetocaloric effect upon the application of a low applied magnetic field change.
In the abovementioned general formula, the x increased (within the established composition limit), the thermal treatment temperature and time and the substitution of Rh by small amounts of Pd, Cu or Au, are effective to reduce the magneto-structural transition temperature Tt that can be adjusted in a wide temperature interval around room temperature (260≤Tt≤380 K). Tt can be determined either from the peak of the endothermic (exothermic) DSC scan or the maximum of the |dM/dT(T)|max of the measured M(T) curve under a low magnetic field strength μoH.
This material has improved magnetocaloric properties, i.e., giant low magnetic field-induced maximum magnetic entropy |ΔSMpeak| and adiabatic temperature ΔTadmax changes, linked to its first-order magneto-elastic phase transition when compared with bulk alloys of similar chemical composition manufactured by conventional melting techniques. In addition, this shows an enhanced refrigerant capacity RC close to room temperature owing to its table-like magnetic entropy change as a function of temperature ΔSM(T) curve.
In said material the bcc CsCl-type (B2) crystal structure (Pearson Symbol: cP2; Space Group: Pm-3m) undergoes a temperature-induced unit cell volume change around 1% at 320-340 K that changes the magnetic structure on heating (cooling) from AFM to FM (FM to AFM). The first-order transition in both directions (i.e., heating or cooling), is accompanied by an abrupt change in magnetization, ΔM (120 Am2kg−1≤ΔM≤135 Am2kg−1). In addition, they are also sensitive to the application of an external magnetic field (i.e., both can be induced by the magnetic field). For the AFM to FM transition (this is, on heating), the material of the present invention displays a flattened magnetic entropy change curve at μoΔH>1 T with |ΔSMpeak| of 15.9 Jkg−1K−1 and a working temperature range δTFWHM=17 K, whereas the integral refrigerant capacity RC-2 and the estimated maximum adiabatic temperature change ΔTadmax are 238 Jkg−1 and 14.6 K, respectively, at μoΔH=2 T. For the FM to AFM transition (this is, on cooling), said material at μoΔH=2 T exhibits |ΔSMpeak 1=14.4 Jkg−1K−1, δTFWHM=18 K, RC-2=231 Jkg−1 and ΔTadmax=13.1 K values. A distinctive feature of the alloys of the present invention is the large low-magnetic field which has induced a magnetocaloric effect, that has been evaluated through the relationship |ΔSMpeak|/μoΔH (Jkg−1K−1T−1).
The material according to the present invention is useful as working substance in magnetocaloric refrigerators or winter heaters, and for medical applications linked to heat release such as controllable delivery and release of bio-active substances imbedded in a thermo-sensitive polymer coating the same and local heating to destroy malignant neoplasms.
The melt-spun samples of the present invention were produced from pure metallic elements (≥99.9%). In the melt-spun ribbons of the magnetocaloric alloys, that according to the present invention are represented by the general chemical formula Fe100-xRhx where x falls in the range 48≤x≤52 at. %, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analyses confirm that the starting chemical composition has been replicated in the ribbon specimens. In addition, melt-spun ribbon samples crystallize into a single-phase with the chemically ordered bcc CsCl-type crystalline structure; the indexed room temperature X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern for alloy ribbons with a Fe49.5Rh50.5 composition, shown in
The magnetocaloric effect was mainly evaluated from the temperature dependence of the magnetic entropy change, the ΔSM(T) curves, that were obtained for several magnetic field change values, μoΔH, from 0.5 to 2 T. For such a purpose, sets of isofield M(T) curves were measured, the examples of such M(T) curves are shown in
The magnetic field was applied along the major length of the magnetically studied ribbon specimens in order to minimize the internal demagnetizing magnetic field. Moreover, the refrigerant capacity RC was estimated from the following criteria: (a) RC-1=|ΔSMpeak|×6 TFWHM, where δTFWHM is the full-width at half-maximum of the ΔSM(T) curve, i.e., δTFWHM=Thot−Tcold; (b) from the area below the ΔSM(T) curve between the temperatures Tcold and Thot. This is, RC-2=∫coldhot[ΔSM(T,μo,ΔH)]μ
The inset of
A summary of the magnetocaloric properties associated to the AFM→FM and FM→AFM transitions on thermally annealed Fe49.5Rh50.5 melt-spun ribbon, for several magnetic field changes ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 T, are given in TABLE I. The parameters listed are |ΔSMpeak|, |ΔSMpeak|/μoΔH, RC-1, RC-2, <HL>, δTFWHM, Thot, Tcold, RC-3, δTRC-3, ThotRC-3 and TcoldRC-3.
TABLE II compares the |ΔSMpeak|, RC-2, δTFWHM and |ΔSMpeak|/μoΔH values of the magnetic field changes at and below 2 T obtained on thermally annealed Fe49.5Rh50.5 melt-spun ribbons at the AFM*FM and FM→AFM transitions with the available data reported in literature in bulk Fe100-xRhx alloys with x in the range 48≤x≤52 at. %. The method which was followed on estimating the ΔSM(T) curve, either from magnetization and calorimetric measurements, has been indicated. If a magnetic field change μoΔHmax≤1 T is considered, the material of the present invention shows a large value of the relationship |ΔSMpeak|/μoΔH in comparison with the reported in literature for bulk alloys.
Hereinafter, the specific method for making the magnetocaloric alloys Fe100-xRhx (48≤x≤52 at. %) with ribbon shape according to the present invention will be described through the specific example of Fe49.5Rh50.5. It should be noted, however, that the present invention is in no way limited to the filling specific example.
The magnetocaloric materials of the present invention (ribbons), with a nominal composition of Fe100-xRhx (48≤x≤52 at. %), were produced from suction-casting, arc- or induction-melted bulk pellets of the same composition by rapid solidification using the melt spinning technique under the Ar (or He) atmosphere. The linear speed of the rotating copper wheel varied from 10 to 50 m/s, resulting in ribbons with thickness from 50 to 10 μm, respectively. A thermal annealing, that was carried out at temperatures between 900 and 1100° C. for a time ranging from few seconds to 72 hours, was performed in a furnace under vacuum, or Ar, or He atmosphere, or vacuum. This thermal annealing ended with a fast quenching into oil, iced or room temperature water.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of ribbons samples were collected with a Rigaku Smartlab high-resolution diffractometer using Cu—Kalpha radiation (λ=1.5418 Å), in the 28 interval 20°≤2θ≤90°), with a step increment of 0.01°. The heating and cooling differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) scans were recorded using a TA Instruments model Q200 differential scanning calorimeter in absence of the applied magnetic field (temperature sweep rate of 10 Kmin−1).
Magnetization measurements were performed in a Quantum Design PPMS© Dynacool system using the vibrating sample magnetometer option. The magnetic field μ01-1 was applied along the major ribbon length to minimize the internal demagnetizing magnetic field. Zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) magnetization as a function of temperature M(T) curves were measured between 300 and 380 K under static magnetic fields of 5 mT and 2 T at a temperature sweep rate of 1.0 Kmin−1.
The magnetic entropy change ΔSM(T, μoΔH) curves were determined from a numerical integration of the Maxwell relation, i.e.,
For such a purpose, the sets of isofield M(T) curves, were measured with a temperature sweep rate of 1.0 Kmin−1 under applied magnetic fields from 0.05 T to 2.0 T through both the AFM→FM and FM→AFM transitions. A fixed thermal protocol, referred elsewhere as “back and forward” [A. Quintana-Nedelcos, J. L. Sánchez Llamazares, C. F. Sánchez-Valdés, P. Álvarez Alonso, P. Gorria, P. Shamba, N. A. Morley, J. Alloys Compd., Vol. 694 (2017) 1189-1195.], was followed prior to measure each isofield M(T) curve in the temperature range of the phase transition. Considering, for instance, the AFM→FM transition, the thermal protocol was as follows: at a zero magnetic field, the sample was first heated to 380 K to stabilize the ferromagnetic phase, cooled down to 270 K to completely reach the antiferromagnetic state, and then a given magnetic field was set to record the corresponding M(T) curve on heating. In order to minimize errors in the ΔSM(T) estimation, the magnetization versus temperature curves were measured for a large number of μoH values. The values of RC-1, RC-2 and RC-3 were obtained from the criteria stated above (see the magnetocaloric properties section).
After thermal annealing, bulk alloys with the chemical compositions of Fe49.5Rh50.5 and Fe49Rh51 showed a giant magnetocaloric effect in a relatively low magnetic field change associated to the first-order magneto-elastic transition in both directions (this is, through the AFM→FM transition, and vice versa). Bulk samples of both alloys can be produced by suction casting, arc melting or induction melting under an inert atmosphere (i.e., Ar or He).