The present disclosure relates to a storage blood system having an oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion device and a blood storage bag for the long-term storage of red blood cells (RBCs). More particularly, the present disclosure relates to a blood storage system that is capable of removing oxygen and carbon dioxide from the red blood cells prior to storage and gamma and/or X-ray irradiating red blood cells either pre- or post-anaerobic treatment, as well as maintaining oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide depleted states during storage, thereby prolonging the storage life and minimizing deterioration of the deoxygenated red blood cells.
Adequate blood supply and the storage thereof is a problem facing every major hospital and health organization around the world. Often, the amount of blood supply in storage is considerably smaller than the need therefore. This is especially true during crisis periods such as natural catastrophes, war and the like, when the blood supply is often perilously close to running out. It is at critical times such as these that the cry for more donations of fresh blood is often heard. However, unfortunately, even when there is no crisis period, the blood supply and that kept in storage must be constantly monitored and replenished, because stored blood does not maintain its viability for long.
Stored blood undergoes steady deterioration which is, in part, caused by hemoglobin oxidation and degradation and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and 2-3,biphosphoglycerate (DPG) depletion. Oxygen causes hemoglobin (Hb) carried by the red blood cells (RBCs) to convert to met-Hb, the breakdown of which produces toxic products such as hemichrome, hemin and free Fe3+. Together with the oxygen, these products catalyze the formation of hydroxyl radicals (OH.cndot.), and both the OH.cndot. and the met-Hb breakdown products damage the red blood cell lipid membrane, the membrane skeleton, and the cell contents. As such, stored blood is considered unusable after 6 weeks, as determined by the relative inability of the red blood cells to survive in the circulation of the transfusion recipient. The depletion of DPG prevents adequate transport of oxygen to tissue thereby lowering the efficacy of transfusion immediately after administration (levels of DPG recover once in recipient after 8-48 hrs). In addition, these deleterious effects also result in reduced overall efficacy and increased side effects of transfusion therapy with stored blood before expiration date, when blood older than two weeks is used. Reduction in carbon dioxide content in stored blood has the beneficial effect of elevating DPG levels in red blood cells.
There is, therefore, a need to be able to deplete oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in red blood cells prior to storage on a long-term basis without the stored blood undergoing the harmful effects caused by the oxygen and hemoglobin interaction. Furthermore, there is a need to store oxygen and carbon dioxide depleted red blood cells in bags containing or in a bag surrounded by a barrier film with oxygen and carbon dioxide depletion materials. Furthermore, there is a need to optimize ATP and DPG levels in stored red blood cells by varying the depletion or scavenging constituents prior to and/or during storage depending upon the needs of the recipient upon transfusion. Furthermore, the blood storage devices and methods must be simple, inexpensive and capable of long-term storage of the blood supply.
Another issue relates to transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease (TA-GVHD) which is a rare but nearly fatal complication associated with transfusion therapy in severely immuno-compromised blood recipients (for example, bone marrow transplant recipient, patients receiving aggressive chemotherapy, premature neonates). Prevention of TA-GVHD requires complete removal of, or arrest of the proliferative potential of T-lymphocytes from donor blood. Although leuko reduction filters are widely in use, they are not adequate in prevention of TA-GVHD because it cannot completely eliminate lymphocytes. Thus, lymphocyte inactivation by gamma-irradiation is currently the only recommended method for TA-GVHD prevention. Since it is a nearly fatal side effect of transfusion, some hospitals and countries irradiate every unit of RBC for TA-GVHD prevention. More commonly, RBC units ordered for specific recipients are irradiated before dispensed to the bedside.
Accordingly, anaerobically stored RBC must be compatible with gamma- or X-ray irradiation treatment so that anaerobically stored blood can be transfused to patients requiring irradiated RBC.
Gamma-irradiation abrogates proliferation of T-lymphocytes by damaging the DNA directly and via reactive oxygen species (ROS), namely hydroxyl radicals produced during gamma-radiolysis of water. Although red blood cells (RBC) do not contain DNA, ROS generated by gamma-irradiation have been shown to cause significant damage to the RBC. The major damage observed includes: i) increased hemolysis; ii) increased K+ leak; iii) reduction in post-transfusion survival; and iv) reduced deformability. Such damage is similar to, but an exaggerated form of storage-induced damage of RBC. The compromised status of RBC is well known to the physicians who administer such compromised RBC. The FDA mandates restricted use of such RBC in terms of shortened shelf life after gamma-irradiation (14 days) and/or 28 days total shelf life for irradiated units.
The irradiation of blood components has received increased attention due to increasing categories of patients eligible to receive such blood to prevent transfusion-associated graft versus host disease. However, irradiation leads to enhancement of storage lesions, which could have deleterious effects when such blood is transfused. It is well known in the field that the main deleterious side-effect of radiation on RBC is oxidative damage caused by ROS.
Radiation damage to RBC in the presence of oxygen can occur in two ways;
On the other hand, there is ample literature suggesting ROS as a major culprit in causing deterioration of red blood cell (RBC) during refrigerated storage at blood banks, and that storing RBC under anaerobic condition significantly reduce such damages. Studies have shown that irradiated red blood cells that are oxygen and oxygen and carbon dioxide depleted are equivalent or healthier (in terms of K+ leakage, hemolysis and oxidized proteins/lipids) in comparison to non-irradiated and non-oxygen and carbon dioxide depleted blood and non-oxygen and carbon dioxide depleted irradiated blood. In the context of the present application, the higher concentration of potassium in RBC storage media was at levels that indicated red blood cell damage. The present disclosure applies the finding of compatibility of gamma-irradiation with anaerobically stored blood, as well as the protective effects of anaerobic conditions in enhancing ATP, DPG and in reducing oxidative damage during refrigerated storage, to substantially reduce the negative or deleterious effect of gamma- and X-ray irradiation of RBCs in the presence of oxygen.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,362,442 to Kent describes adding a scavenger to bind free radicals such as ethanol. U.S. Patent No. 61875572 to Platz et al. describes adding chemical sensitizers; U.S. Pat. No. 6,482,585 to Dottori and U.S. Pat. No. 6,403,124, also to Dottori, describe adding L-carnitine or an alkanoul derivative to reduce RBC cell membrane damage induced by irradiation. These additives are not required to prevent the deleterious effects of irradiation on RBCs when treated anaeorobically.
A method and system for gamma or X-ray irradiation of RBC under anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 depleted conditions, and extended refrigerated storage of such RBC under anaerobic or anaerobic and/or CO2 depleted conditions using an oxygen and/or CO2 depletion device.
A method and system for removing plasma with or without platelets, adding an additive solution (e.g., nutrient and/or metabolic supplements) to the concentrated RBC, filtering out leukocytes and/or platelets via a leuko reduction filter, removing oxygen and/or CO2 from the filtered RBC, and gamma irradiating or X-ray irradiating the oxygen and/or CO2 filtered RBC either prior to or during storage thereof. The preferred range of gamma irradiation is a minimum of between about 25 Gy to 50 Gy.
Gamma or X-ray irradiating RBC under anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 conditions (ambient to 1° C.) defined as less than 20% SO2 (oxygen-saturation of hemoglobin), more preferably less than 5%, and most preferably less than 3%.
Storing gamma or X-ray irradiated (either under anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 conditions) RBC for extended time at 1-6° C. under anaerobic condition defined as less than 20% SO2 (oxygen-saturation of hemoglobin), more preferably less than 5%, and most preferably less than 3%.
Gamma or x-ray irradiating RBC under anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 depleted conditions (ambient to 1° C.) defined as less than 20% SO2 (oxygen-saturation of hemoglobin), more preferably SO2<5%, and most preferably SO2<3% and pCO2<10 mmHg; pCO2<5 mmHg; pCO2<1 mmHg.
Gamma or x-ray irradiating RBC under aerobic conditions (ambient to 1° C.) and then removing oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide from the irradiated RBC to levels defined as less than 20% SO2 (oxygen-saturation of hemoglobin), more preferably SO2<5%, and most preferably SO2<3% and pCO2<10 mmHg; pCO2<5 mmHg; pCO2<1 mmHg. The gamma or x-ray irradiation under aerobic conditions and removal of oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide can be performed before placing blood for extended storage, or within 24 hr of blood collection, between 1 through 7 days after blood collection or beyond 7 days
Using older blood, defined as blood stored for more than one week, and exposing such blood to gamma or x-ray irradiating RBC under aerobic conditions (ambient to 1° C.) and then removing oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide from the irradiated RBC to levels defined as less than 20% SO2 (oxygen-saturation of hemoglobin), more preferably SO2<5%, and most preferably SO2<3% and pCO2<10 mmHg; pCO2<5 mmHg; pCO2<1 mmHg.
Using older blood, defined as blood stored for more than one week, and removing oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide from such older blood and exposing such blood to Gamma or x-ray irradiation at wherein the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide are levels defined as less than 20% SO2 (oxygen-saturation of hemoglobin), more preferably SO2<5%, and most preferably SO2<3% and pCO2<10 mmHg; pCO2<5 mmHg; pCO2<1 mmHg.
Storing gamma or X-ray irradiated or pre-irradiated RBC (either under anaerobic conditions with or without CO2 depletion) RBC for extended time at 1-6° C. under anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 depleted condition defined as less than 20% SO2 (oxygen-saturation of hemoglobin), more preferably less than 5%, and most preferably 3% and less than pCO2<10 mmHg; pCO2<5 mmHg; pCO2<1 mmHg.
A preferred embodiment includes a blood storage system comprising: a collection vessel for red blood cells; an oxygen or oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion device; tubing connecting the collection vessel to the oxygen or oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion device and the storage vessel for red blood cells that can be gamma or X-ray irradiated and stored under anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 depleted condition for extended time.
Preferably, the anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 condition is measured as an oxygen-saturation of hemoglobin of less than 20% SO2, preferably about 5% or less, and most preferably about 3% or less.
The oxygen or oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion device comprises: a cartridge; a plurality of gas permeable hollow fibers or sheets extending within the cartridge from an entrance to an exit thereof, wherein the hollow fibers or gas-permeable films are adapted to receiving and conveying red blood cells; and an amount of an oxygen scavenger or both oxygen scavenger and a carbon dioxide scavenger packed within the cartridge and contiguous to and in between the plurality of hollow fibers.
Preferably, the oxygen or oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion device comprises: a cartridge; a plurality of hollow fibers or gas-permeable films extending within the cartridge from an entrance to an exit thereof, wherein the hollow fibers or gas-permeable films are adapted to receiving and conveying red blood cells; and a low oxygen or a low oxygen and carbon dioxide environment is created outside the hollow fibers by flowing an inert gas in-between the hollow fibers.
The blood storage system further comprising a leuko reduction filter disposed between the collection vessel and the oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion device. The blood storage system further comprising an additive solution vessel in communication with the collection vessel. The blood storage system further comprising a plasma vessel in communication with the collection vessel.
A method for storing red blood cells, the method comprising: removing oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide from red blood cells to produce anaerobic red blood cells; and storing irradiated RBC with either gamma- or X-ray, thereby producing irradiated anaerobic red blood cells; and storing the irradiated anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 depleted red blood cells.
The irradiated anaerobic or irradiated anaerobic and CO2 depleted red blood cells are preferably stored at a temperature from between about 1° C. to about 6° C. under anaerobic conditions.
The present disclosure also provides for a device and method of removing carbon dioxide (CO2) in addition to oxygen (O2) prior to or at the onset of anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 depleted storage and/or gamma or X-ray irradiation.
The present disclosure provides for a blood collection system that incorporates an oxygen or oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion device having an oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide sorbent in combination with a filter or membrane to strip oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide from the blood during transport to the storage bag, wherein the oxygen/carbon dioxide depleted blood is gamma or X-ray irradiated either prior to or during storage.
The present disclosure further provides for a system to deplete the oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide from collected red blood cells that includes an (optional additive solution), an oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide depletion device, and a blood storage bag that maintains the red blood cells in an oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide depleted state after gamma- or X-ray irradiation.
The present disclosure and its features and advantages will become more apparent from the following detailed description with reference to the accompanying drawings.
RBCs do not require oxygen for their own survival. It was shown previously that when RBCs were stored in blood bank refrigerator (1-6° C.) under anaerobic or anaerobic and CO2 depleted conditions, they demonstrated significantly improved post-transfusion recovery after 6-week storage compared to the conventionally stored controls. The mechanisms of reduction in storage lesions under anaerobic or anaerobic/CO2 depleted conditions have been described and direct evidences demonstrated. It is, at least in part, due to reduction in oxidative damages in the presence of O2 caused by ROS during refrigerated storage.
Because gamma- or X-ray irradiation exacerbate oxidative damage on treated RBC, storing irradiated RBC under anaerobic and, optionally, CO2 depleted condition is not expected to intensify the damage; it is also expected to prevent damage resulting from ROS generated during irradiation by depriving O2 that fuels those reactions.
Effectiveness of gamma- or X-ray irradiation is not dependent on the presence of oxygen. In contrast, anaerobic condition is shown to be more effective in causing damage to DNA (and thus inhibiting proliferation of lymphocytes). Furthermore, absence of O2 during and/or immediately after gamma- or X-ray irradiation will reduce O2-fueled oxidative damages to RBC induced by hydroxyl radicals and ROS produced by radiolysis of water with gamma- or X-rays.
Referring to the drawings and in particular to
Oxygen or oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion device 100 removes the oxygen from collected RBCs prior to the RBCs being stored in blood storage bag 200. The oxygen content in RBCs must be depleted from oxy-hemoglobin because more than 99% of such oxygen is hemoglobin-bound in venous blood. Preferably, the degree of oxygen saturation is to be reduced to less than 4% within 48 hours of blood collection. The oxygen depletion is preferably accomplished at room temperature. The affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin is highly dependent on the temperature, with a p50 of 26 mmHg at 37° C. dropping to ˜4 mmHg at 4° C. Furthermore, this increase in O2 affinity (Ka) is mainly due to reduction in O2 release rate (k-off), resulting in an impractically low rate of oxygen removal once RBC is cooled to 4° C. Thus, it places a constraint on oxygen stripping such that it may be preferable to accomplish it before RBC are cooled to storage temperatures of 1° C. to 6° C.
In addition to oxygen depletion, carbon dioxide depletion has the beneficial effect of elevating DPG levels in red blood cells. Carbon dioxide exists inside RBCs and in plasma in equilibrium with HCO3− ion (carbonic acid). Carbon dioxide is mainly dissolved in RBC/plasma mixture as carbonic acid and rapid equilibrium between CO2 and carbonic acid is maintained by carbonic anhydrase inside RBC. Carbon dioxide is freely permeable through RBC membrane, while HCO3− inside RBC and plasma is rapidly equilibrated by anion exchanger (band 3) protein. When CO2 is removed from RBC suspension, it results in the known alkalization of RBC interior and suspending medium. This results from removal of HCO3− inside and outside RBC; cytosolic HCO3− is converted to CO2 by carbonic anhydrase and removed, while plasma HCO3− is removed via anion exchange inside RBC. Higher pH inside RBC is known to enhance the rate of glycolysis and thereby increasing ATP and DPG levels. ATP levels are higher in Ar/CO2 (p<0.0001). DPG was maintained beyond 2 weeks in the Argon purged arm only (p<0.0001). Enhanced glycolysis rate is also predicted by dis-inhibition of key glycolytic enzymes via metabolic modulation and sequesterization of cytosolic-free DPG upon deoxygenation of hemoglobin as a result of anaerobic condition. DPG was lost at the same rate in both control and Ar/CO2 arms (p=0.6) despite thorough deoxygenation of hemoglobin, while very high levels of ATP were achieved with OFAS3 additive (
Referring to the drawings, and in particular to
Alternatively, blood in collection bag 510 may be gamma- or X-ray irradiated via device 551 prior to oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide depletion and low temperature storage, as shown in
Referring to
After oxygen and, optionally, carbon dioxide have been stripped from RBCs in the OCDD of
RBCs pass through an oxygen permeable film or membrane, that may be formed as hollow fibers 115 of
Referring to
Referring to
Referring to
In the oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion devices disclosed herein, a plurality of gas permeable films/membranes may be substituted for the plurality of hollow fibers. The films and fibers may be packed in any suitable configuration within the cartridge, such as linear or longitudinal, spiral, or coil, so long as they can receive and convey red blood cells.
A further use of the depletion devices is to add back oxygen and or carbon dioxide prior to transfusion by flushing with pure oxygen or air. This use is for special cases, such as massive transfusions, where the capacity of the lung to re-oxygenate transfused blood is not adequate, or sickle cell anemia.
Similarly, depletion devices can be used to obtain intermediate levels or states of depletion of oxygen and carbon dioxide depending needs of the patient to obtain optimal levels in the transfused blood depending upon the patients needs.
Referring to
Referring to
Referring to
Referring to the embodiments of
Referring to
Referring to
The embodiments of
For each of the several embodiments addressed above, an additive solution from bag 300 is provided prior to stripping oxygen and carbon dioxide from the RBCs is used. The additive solution 300 preferably contains the following composition adenine 2 mmol/L; glucose 110 mmol/L; mannitol 55 mmol/L; NaCl 26 mmol/L; Na2HPO4 12 mmol/L citric acid and a pH of 6.5. Additive solution 300 is preferably an acidic additive solution OFAS3, although other similar additive solutions could also be used that are shown to enhance oxygen/carbon dioxide-depleted storage. OFAS3 has shown enhanced ATP levels and good in vivo recovery as disclosed herein. While OFAS3 is a preferred additive solution, other solutions that offer similar functionality could also be used. Alternatively, additive solutions used currently in the field, such as AS1, AS3, AS5, SAGM, and MAPS can also be used. Additive solutions help to prevent rapid deterioration of RBCs during storage and are typically added prior to RBCs being made anaerobic.
Additionally, we envision that the OCDD and storage bags 100 and 200 can be manufactured independent of other components of the disposable, anaerobic blood storage system (i.e., every item upstream of and including leuko reduction filter 400 in
It is within the scope of the present disclosure to remove oxygen from the RBCs or to strip oxygen and carbon dioxide from the blood prior to storage in the storage bags. An oxygen scavenger can be used to remove the oxygen from the RBCs prior to storage in the blood bags. As used herein, “oxygen scavenger” is a material that irreversibly binds to or combines with oxygen under the conditions of use. For example, the oxygen can chemically react with some component of the material and be converted into another compound. Any material where the off-rate of bound oxygen is zero can serve as an oxygen scavenger. Examples of oxygen scavengers include iron powders and organic compounds. The term “oxygen sorbent” may be used interchangeably herein with oxygen scavenger. As used herein, “carbon dioxide scavenger” is a material that irreversibly binds to or combines with carbon dioxide under the conditions of use. For example, the carbon dioxide can chemically react with some component of the material and be converted into another compound. Any material where the off-rate of bound carbon dioxide is zero can serve as a carbon dioxide scavenger. The term “carbon dioxide sorbent” may be used interchangeably herein with carbon dioxide scavenger. For example, oxygen scavengers and carbon dioxide scavengers are provided by Multisorb Technologies (Buffalo, NY) or Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co (Tokyo, Japan). Oxygen scavengers may exhibit a secondary functionality of carbon dioxide scavenging. Such materials can be blended to a desired ratio to achieve desired results.
Carbon dioxide scavengers include metal oxides and metal hydroxides. Metal oxides react with water to produce metal hydroxides. The metal hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide to form water and a metal carbonate. For example, if calcium oxide is used, the calcium oxide will react with water that is added to the sorbent to produce calcium hydroxide
The calcium hydroxide will react with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate and water.
It will be appreciated that scavengers can be incorporated into storage receptacles and bags in any known form, such as in sachets, patches, coatings, pockets, and packets.
If oxygen removal is completed prior to introduction of the RBCs to the blood storage device, then it can be accomplished by any method known in the art. For example, a suspension of RBCs can be repeatedly flushed with an inert gas (with or without a defined concentration of carbon dioxide), with or without gentle mixing, until the desired oxygen and or carbon dioxide content is reached or until substantially all of the oxygen and carbon dioxide has been removed. The inert gas can be argon, helium, nitrogen, mixtures thereof, or any other gas that does not bind to the hememoiety of hemoglobin.
The OCDDs and various storage bags of the present disclosure can be used in varying combinations. For example, OCDD 101 of
The present disclosure also provides another embodiment of a blood storage device. The device is a sealed receptacle adapted to retain and store red blood cells. The receptacle has walls formed from a laminate. The laminate has (a) an outer layer of a material substantially impermeable to oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide, (b) an inner layer of a material compatible with red blood cells, and (c) an interstitial layer between the outer layer and the inner layer. The interstitial layer is of a material having admixed therein an amount of an oxygen scavenger or an oxygen/carbon dioxide scavenger. The layers preferably take the form of polymers. A preferred polymer for the outer layer is nylon. A preferred polymer for inner layer is PVC. The polymer of the interstitial layer should provide effective adhesion between the inner and outer layers and provide effective admixture of oxygen scavengers or oxygen/carbon dioxide scavengers therein. Useful polymers for the interstitial layer include, for example, olefin polymers, such as ethylene and propylene homopolymers and copolymers, and acrylic polymers.
The present disclosure also provides another embodiment of a blood storage system. The system has a collection bag for red blood cells; a unitary device for depleting oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide and reducing leukocytes and/or platelets from red blood cells; a storage bag for red blood cells; and tubing connecting the collection bag to the unitary device and the unitary device to the storage bag. A feature of this embodiment is that the functions of depleting oxygen or oxygen and carbon dioxide and reducing leukocytes and/or platelets from red blood cells are combined into a single, unitary device rather than require separate devices. For instance, unitary device can take the form of a single cartridge. Leukocyte and/or platelet reduction is typically carried out by passing red blood cells through a mesh. In this embodiment, a mesh can be incorporated into either the flushing or the scavenging oxygen or oxygen/carbon dioxide depletion device disclosed herein. The mesh is preferably located within the device so that leukocyte and/or platelet reduction takes place prior to the onset of flushing or scavenging.
The following are examples of the present disclosure and are not to be construed as limiting.
Whole blood was collected into CP2D (Pall), centrifuged 2K×G for 3 minutes, plasma removed, and additive solution AS-3 (Nutricel, Pall), or experimental OFAS3 added. The unit was evenly divided into 3 600 mL bags. 2 bags were gas exchanged ×7 with Ar or Ar/CO2, transferred to 150 mL PVC bags and stored 1° C. to 6° C. in anaerobic cylinders with Ar/H2 or Ar/H2/CO2. One control bag was treated in the same manner without a gas exchange and stored 1° C. to 6° C. in ambient air. Bags were sampled weekly for up to 9 weeks.
The plots of
Irradiating RBC for immuno-compromised individuals is a necessity. The present results show that irradiated RBC that were also oxygen depleted did not increase K+ leakage rates, an indicator of RBC damage. The benefits of oxygen depleted RBC including increased levels of ATP and DPG-2,3 are not negatively impacted by the irradiation.
In graph above, four ABO Rh identical units (in AS3 additive, leukoreduced; standard RBC concentrate obtained from American Red Cross) are pooled. The three units were used for above-graphed experiment from the pooled unit after it was sub-divided into 4 fractions within 24 hours of blood collection and stored at 1-6° C.
Although the present disclosure describes in detail certain embodiments, it is understood that variations and modifications known to those skilled in the art that are within the disclosure. Accordingly, the present disclosure is intended to encompass all such alternatives, modifications and variations that are within the scope of the disclosure as set forth in the disclosure.
The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/156,136, filed Oct. 10, 2018, and now U.S. Pat. No. 11,284,616, issued Mar. 29, 2022, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/289,722, filed Nov. 4, 2011, and now U.S. Pat. No. 10,136,635, issued Nov. 27, 2018, which is a non-provisional application of U.S. Provisional Application 61/410,684, filed Nov. 5, 2010. U.S. Patent application Ser. No. 13/289,722 is also a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/901,350, filed Oct. 8, 2010, and now U.S. Pat. No. 8,535,421, issued Sep. 17, 2013, which is a non-provisional application of U.S Provisional Application No. 61/331,693, filed May 5, 2010, and U.S Provisional Application No. 61/250,661, filed Oct. 12, 2009, the entireties of each of which are herein incorporated by reference.
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