IrrE protein functional domain for improving anti-oxidation capability of cell and application thereof


  • Patent Grant
  • 10738314
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, May 9, 2016
    8 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, August 11, 2020
    4 years ago
Provided is an amino acid optimization of a functional motif on an IrrE protein of a Deinococcus geothermalis strain and homologous proteins thereof obtained by site mutation, wherein a second-site or fifth-site alanine in a functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 is mutated. into serine.

This application is the national phase entry of International Application No. PCT/CN2016/081403, filed on May 9, 2016, which is based upon and claims priority to Chinese Patent Application No. CN 2015102367908, filed on May 11, 2015, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.


This invention relates to a gene functional domain for enhancing cell oxidation resistance, specially relates to Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 with optimized domain and its homologous proteins thereof, as well as the use of this protein to enhance the resistance of host against desiccation, oxidation and ultraviolet irradiation.


IrrE is a specific global regulatory factor of Deinococcus, which plays a central regulatory role in DNA damage repair, stress responsive and protective pathways. IrrE can activate catalase of Deinococcus, and then enhance to clean up the intracellular oxygen free radical, activate pathways of multiple proteins synthesis and protein cyclic utilization; in addition, it can activate modification system of transcription, translation and post-translation, and then generate more defensive proteins as well as accelerate degradation of the damaged proteins, in order that cell can recover faster from damage of ionizing radiation. It's shown by research results that, IrrE protein of D. radiodurans can significantly strengthen salt tolerance of model organisms like Escherichia coli and tobacco.

The important regulatory protein IrrE of Deinococcus geothermalis is coded by Dgeo0395 gene. According to information in NCBI (the US National Center for Biotechnology Information) database, it's discovered currently that there are 23 homologous proteins of IrrE in total. The protein ID and corresponding amino acid sequences of the 23 homologous proteins of IrrE in NCBI ( are as following.

Protein ID
Amino acid sequences recorded in the NCBI

1 mrelasayvr glpgldthsl msgldatltf mpmgdrdgay

(SEQ ID NO.11)
dpehrvvlin srvrperqrf

61 tlaheishal llgdddllsd lhdayegerl eqvleticnv

gaaailmpda lidellarfg

121 psgralaela rradvsassa lyalaertaa pvlyavcava

rleaepgdee rptgkaltvr

181 asggapsvky slrpgtlipa ehpvavalet hlpiaqesyv

pfrsgrrmpa yvdafperqr

241 vmvsftltpr ptkggesdep ag

1 mtqgrtptep isadaspdag alapakarmr elaaayvqgl

(SEQ ID NO.12)
pgldthslms gldatltflp

61 mgdrdgaydp ehrvvlinsr vrperqrftl aheishalll

gdddllsdlh dayegerleq

121 vietlcniga aailmpeali devvsrfgps gralaelarr

advsassaly alaerttapv

181 lyavcavtrl aepgeerpsd kaltvrasgg apgykyslrp

gtripddhpv avalethlpm

241 tqesyvpfrs grrmpayvda fperqrvlvs falmpraarg


1 mrelaaayvq glpgldthsl msgldatltf lpmgdrdgay

(SEQ ID NO.13)
dpehrvvlin srvrperqrf

61 tlaheishal llgdddllsd lhdayegerl eqvietlcni

gaaailmpea lidevvsrfg

121 psgralaela rradvsassa lyalaertta pvlyavcavt

rlaepgeerp sdkaltvras

181 ggapgykysl rpgtripddh pvavalethl pmtqesyvpf

rsgrrmpayv dafperqrvl

241 vsfalmpraa rgseddepvt

1 mrelaaayar rlpgldthsl msgldatlkf mpmgdrdgay

(SEQ ID NO.14)
dpehrvvlin sqvrperqrf

61 tlaheishal llgdddllsd lhdafegerl eqvietlcnv

gaaallmpea lvdevmarfg

121 ptgralaels rradvsassa lyalaertta pvlyavcalt

rpevegsdea rpaekvltvr

181 vsggapgvky slrpgtvipd dhpvaaalet hlpigqesyv

pfrsgrrmpa yvdafperqr

241 vlvsfalrpr pakggedhdp ea

1 mrelaatyas glpgrdthsl lagldatlrf lpmgerdgay

(SEQ ID NO.15)
dpehrvvlin srvrperqrf

61 tlahevshal lladddllsd lhdafegerl eqvietlcnv

gaaallmpda lidevlarhg

121 psgqaladls rraevsassa lyalvgrtsa pvlyavcavs

rleteaeetp pgkgltvras

181 sgapgvrysl rpgtpipddh pvalslathl plaqesyvpf

rsgrrmpayv dafperqrvl

241 vsfalgqrgr vgedge

1 mrelaatyas glpgrdthsl lagldatlrf lpmgerdgay

(SEQ ID NO.16)
dpehrvvlin srvrperqrf

61 tlahevshal lladddllsd lhdafegerl eqvietlcnv

gaaallmpda lidevlarhg

121 psgqaladls rraevsassa lyalagrtta pvlyavcavs

rleteaedtp sgkgltvras

181 sgapgvrysl rpgtpipddh pvalslathl plaqesyvpf

rsgrrmpayv dafperqrvl

241 vsfalgqrgr agedge

1 mrelatayvq hlpgldthsl magldgvtlr flpmgerdga

(SEQ ID NO.17)
ydpehhvili nsavrpsrqr

61 ftlaheisha lllgdddlls dlhdayegdr legvietlcn

vgaaailmpd tliaellsrf

121 gptgrtlael arradvsass alyalaerte apviyavcal

srvdteerep dedgavapst

181 tkvltvrass aapgvkyslr pgtpipdthp vavaldtnfp

lsqesyvpfr sgrkmpayld

241 afperqvvmv sfalpvppas sqapkkddd

1 mrelaadyar alpgldthsl msgldgvtlt fmamgdrdga

(SEQ ID NO.18)
ydpehrvili nsrvrperqr

61 ftlaheigha lllgdddlls dlhdnfegdr leevietlcn

vaaaailmpe eltaelltrf

121 gpsgralael trradvsass alytlaertd apviyavcav

aridaepgds deerpsgkal

181 tvrasssaag vkyslrpgtp ipddhpvava ldtgipitqd

syipfrsgrk mpahvdvfpe

241 rnrvlvsfal pvkaskdei

1 mrelaadyaq alpgldthsl msgldgvtlt fmamgdrdga

(SEQ ID NO.19)
ydpehrvili nsrvrperqr

61 ftlaheigha lllgdddlls dlhdnfegdr leevietlcn

vaaaailmpe nlitellarf

121 gpsgralael srradvsats alytlaerte apviyavcav

srleadpadd addarptgka

181 ltvrassaap gvkyslrpgt pipedhpvav aldtripitq

dsyipfrsgr kmpayvdvfp

241 erhralvsfa lpvkpstvqd rreev

1 mrelaaayaq alpgldthsl megldgvtlt fmamgdrdga

(SEQ ID NO.20)
ydpehrvili nsrvrperqr

61 ftlaheigha lllgdddlls dlhdnfegdr leevietlcn

vaaaailmpe eltaellarf

121 gpsgralael srradvsats alytlaerte apviyavcav

aridagpger sdeppagkal

181 tvrasspapg vkyslrpgtv ipddhpvava ldtripiaqd

syipfrsgrk mpayvdvfpe

241 rnramvsfal pvrpgpadav reqeev

1 mtdpapppta laaakarmre laasygaglp grdthslmhg

(SEQ ID NO.21)
ldgitltfmp mgqrdgaydp

61 ehhvilinsq vrperqrftl aheishalll gdddllsdlh

deyegdrleq vietlcnvga

121 aallmpaeli ddlltrfgpt gralaelarr advsatsaly

alaertappv iyavcalsrq

181 edegegggak eltvrassas agvkyslsag tpvpddhpaa

laldtrlpla qdsyvpfrsg

241 rrmpayvdaf perqrylvsf alpagrsepd adkpeapgdq s

1 mrdlaaayar tvpgldahsl megldgislt fmpmgdrdga

(SEQ ID NO.22)
ydpehrvimi nssvrperqr

61 ftlaheisha lllgdddlls dihdeyegdr leqvietlcn

vgaaailmpd dliadvlrrf

121 gptgralael arradvsass alytlaeqtr dpviyavcav

trldgedgeg prkeltvras

181 sgapgykyvp gqdtvipsdh paavtldtgl padedsyvpf

rsgrrmparv nafaergrvl

241 vsfhlrddka grpeadgals dsaaspa

1 mrdlaaayar tvpgldahsl megldgislt fmpmgdrdga

(SEQ ID NO.23)
ydpehrvimi nssvrperqr

61 ftlaheisha lllgdddlls dihdeyegdr leqvietlcn

vgaaailmpd dliadvlrrf

121 gptgralael arradvsass alytlaeqtr dpviyavcav

trldgedgeg prkeltvras

181 sgapgykyvp gqdtvipsdh paavtldtgl padedsyvpf

rsgrrmparv nafaergrvl

241 vsfhlrddka grpeadgals dsaalpt

1 mrelaaayga glpgrdthsl mtglpgvelr flslgwrdga

(SEQ ID NO.24)
fdpehnvivi nsdvrperqr

61 ftlaheigha lllgdddlls dlhdayegde leqkietlcn

vaaaailmpe pvvaemlerf

121 gatgralael akraevsass alyalaeatp eptiyavcal

gkpprealpa dpdspsgekv

181 lsvrassstr dvkytlasgt pipgdhpaav afetgmevke

ssyvpfrsgk kmkafvaayp

241 srglytysfq ldaarlgkke dra

1 mpsanvsppc psgvrgggmg pkakaeaskp hpqipvklpf

(SEQ ID NO.25)
vtapdalaaa karmrdlaaa

61 yvaalpgrdt hslmagvpgy dlkfmplgwr dgafdpehnv

ilinsaarpe rqrftlahei

121 ghaillgddd llsdihdaye gerleqviet lcnvaaaail

mpepviaeml erfgptgral

181 aelakraevs assalyalte qtpvpviyav capgkppreq

aasdedagps tekvltvras

241 sstrgykvtl asgtpvpadh paalalatgm evreesyvpf

rsgrkmkaev daypsrgiva

301 vsfefdparl grkdseqadr depqdaaq

1 mrdlaaayva alpgrdthsl magvpgvdlk fmplgwrdga

(SEQ ID NO.26)
fdpehnvili nsaarperqr

61 ftlaheigha illgdddlls dihdayeger leqvietlcn

vaaaailmpe pviaemlerf

121 gptgralael akraevsass alyalteqtp vpviyavcap

gkppreqaas dedagpstek

181 vltvrassst rgvkytlasg tpvpadhpaa lalatgmevr

eesyvpfrsg rkmkaevday

241 psrgivavsf efdparlgrk dseqadrdep qdaaq

1 mrelaaayaa rvpsldahgl mdgldgvqlr fmpmgqrdga

(SEQ ID NO.27)
ydpehhvili nsqvrperqr

61 ftlaheisha lllgdddlls dlhdsfeger leqvietlcn

vgaaallmpd aliaellerf

121 gatgralael srradvsast alyalaertp gavlyavctr

srletetdde dggaasgtal

181 tvrvsggsag mkytlrpgtp ipadhpvqaa fesnlpltgp

syvpfrsgrk mpaevdafpv

241 rgrvmvsfdl ngrggt

1 msvpapafqe lkarmqglaa dyaaslpaqd mssmilgleg

(SEQ ID NO.28)
ilpqvpqvka vplgdrdgay

61 dpehhlilid saaspqrqrf tlaheishal llndddllsd

vhdlfegerl eqaietlcnv

121 gaaamlmppa lvhdvigrfg ptgralsela rradvsasaa

lytlaaetet avlyavcgag

181 raagdslqvr asaaspsfpy slspgtaipa dhpvqearas

glpveavsyl pfrsgrrmpa

241 yvtaypaggl vaaafalgka qlerlgaasa agaaaes

1 mthdadglap hkarmrelar ayadaapsrd ahgltdplga

(SEQ ID NO.29)
klvymdlgdr dgaydpehgv

61 ilynskyqpg rqrftlahei shallladdd llsalhdeyd

gdrleqviet lcnvgaaail

121 mphelltell trfgatgrav aelarradvs vstamyalae

cvtdrvlfav avaaggrltv

181 rasaatdgvk ytlsngtaip ddhpihdaha thleitarsy

vpfrsgrrlp arvnayplrg

241 rvvasftldq pappdgttpg sda

1 mrdlarefas rqkvreahal aeglgarlvy mdlgerdgay

(SEQ ID NO.30)
dpehavilvn qthspqrqrf

61 tlahevshal llgdedllsd lhdlfegdal enaietlcnv

gaatilisde elraaverhg

121 asgaaiadva rradvsaava myaladfvkt

pavfavctgg hnrpllvqss astssmrysl

181 rpgtvipdgh pvdtafrtgl pieepsffpf rsgkkmpayv

taypiktrvl csfeer

1 mtanetqths feahkarmra larefgraha skdphalaeg

(SEQ ID NO.31)
lgarlaymdl gerdgaydpe

61 hgvilvngsh srerqrftla hevshallla dedllsdlhd

tfdgealena ietlcnvgaa

121 tilisdddlr salerfgtsg qtiaevarra dvsapvalya

ladfvrtpam fvvcapdsal

181 rgharfspgr gvvvqhsast asmryslspg tpipeghtvd

tafrtglpid evsffpfrsg

241 krmpaivsaf pqrgrvlcaf eerg

1 mralarefgr ahaskdphal aeglgarlay mdlgerdgay

(SEQ ID NO.32)
dpehgvilvn gshsrerqrf

61 tlahevshal lladedllsd lhdtfdgeal enaietlcnv

gaatilisdd dlrsalerfg

121 tsgqtiaeva rradvsapva lyaladfvrt pamfvvcapd

salrgharfs pgrgvvvqhs

181 astasmrysl spgtpipegh tvdtafrtgl pidevsffpf

rsgkrmpaiv safpqrgrvl

241 cafeerg

1 mdpkpqhkar mrelaldfar thqardlysl geaagtklvf

(SEQ ID NO.33)
mdlgerdgay dpehkaiiin

61 ntrdlnrqkf tlaheiahal llddddllsd ihedfegdsl

eqvieklcdw gaaniliepe

121 tlqevlnrhg isaqgvmdls rkahislrsa mvaiaeqaqn

ptlivlfqpa apqkplvvnf

181 taqnaafkyt ltpgqvlvqd hpvqvsfetr lpleedsyvp

fasgkkmpah lttypekmrv

241 lavfktp

It's well-known that IrrE protein coded by Dgeo0395 can specifically respond stress signals, and enhance expression of resistance genes of this bacterial strain own.

However, if s has not been reported yet that Dgeo0395 protein in Deinococcus geothermalis can enhance resistance against desiccation, oxidation and ultraviolet irradiation in other organisms. Also, the report that the key functional motif of this protein is analyzed, and its function thereof is optimized by site-specific mutagenesis has not been found yet.


The purpose of this invention is to modify the specific global regulatory protein IrrE of Deinococcus through gene engineering technology, to optimize the key functional motif of IrrE protein (Dgeo0395) of Deinococcus geothermalis, and obtain the sequence of new protein with better regulatory capacity, so as to enhance resistance of recombinant strain.

This invention analyses structural domains of regulatory protein Dgeo0395 through homology modeling. It's discovered that, Dgeo0395 consists of three domains, wherein, HTH domain plays a role of participate in combining target gene promoter. HTH domain consists of 3 α helix (α6, α7 and α8).

Wherein, α7 helix contains important domain motif “154LAELA159”. Currently, all sequences of 23 homologous proteins of Dgeo0395 in NCBI database comprise this section of functional domain motif sequence, and this section of functional domain motif only be founded in Deinococcus strains (FIG. 1).

This invention analyses and compares the influences of amino-acid residues of different sites on stress resistance of whole regulatory protein Dgeo0395 by using site-specific mutagenesis of amino acids, and through stress resistance experiment results, find a mutation mode to perform amino acid optimization on the important functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 of regulatory protein Dgeo0395 of Deinococcus geothermalis.

The Specific Research Content is as Follows:

Amino-acid optimization on functional domain motif of Dgeo0395 gene

1). The functional analysis of structural domain is performed on amino acid sequence (as shown in SEQ ID NO. 2) of Dgeo0395 of Deinococcus geothermalis. And site-specific mutagenesis of amino acids is performed on the important functional motif 154LAELAR159 (as shown in SEQ ID NO. 3).

The following is amino acid sequence of Dgeo0395, wherein, the part with underline is functional domain motif 154LAELAR159.







Said site-specific mutagenesis is the 2nd site of alanine (155A) and/or the 5th site of alanine (158A) on the functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 are mutated to serine.

Wherein, the 2nd site of alanine (155A) on the functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 is mutated to serine, with the sequence shown as SEQ ID NO. 4; the 5th site of alanine is mutated to serine, with the sequence shown as SEQ ID NO. 5. If s shown as the following table:


optimization of amino acid on the functional domain motif of Dgeo0395 gene


Leu Ala Gln Leu Ala Arg

Leu Ser Gln Leu Ala Arg
the second site of alanine is

mutated to serine

Leu Ala Glu Leu Ser Arg
the fifth site of alanine is mutated

to serine

2). The recombinant engineering strain with mutant gene is constructed, and resistance of recombinant strain against desiccation, oxidation and ultraviolet irradiation stress is identified

It's demonstrated by this experiment that, the functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 is important for Deinococcus geothermalis to play the function of Dgeo0395. Comparing with recombinant strain before optimization, resistance against ultraviolet irradiation of the recombinant strain which expresses the optimized Dgeo0395 protein (Dgeo0395-A155S and Dgeo0395-A158S) is enhanced more than 10 times (see also example 3 and FIG. 4, 5).

3). Amino acid site-specific mutagenesis is performed on the same functional domain motif of homologous protein DR-0167 (as shown in SEQ ID NO. 6) and DGo_CA2805 (as shown in SEQ ID NO. 7), and the analysis of resistance against ultraviolet irradiation stress is performed.

It's demonstrated by this experiment that, the functional domain motif function and its modification referred in this invention apply to not only Dgeo0395 protein of Deinococcus geothermalis, but also multiple homologous proteins of Dgeo0395. s indicated that there is a generality in the effect of modification of this functional domain motif on resistance function of homologous proteins against ultraviolet irradiation stress.

Information of Sequence List

SEQ ID NO. 1: DNA sequence of Dgeo0395 gene; gene sequence of Deinococcus geothermalis IrrE, which is a natural sequence of wild type without any modification;

SEQ ID NO. 2: amino acid sequence of Dgeo0395; amino acid sequence of Deinococcus geothermalis IrrE (protein number Dgeo0395), which is a natural sequence without any modification, and has capacity to enhance resistance of host against oxidation;

SEQ ID NO.3: the functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 in Deinococcus geothermalis IrrE found by this invention;

SEQ ID NO.4: artificial modification on the functional domain motif shown as SEQ ID NO.3, the second site of A is changed to S;

SEQ ID NO.5: artificial modification on the functional domain motif shown as SEQ ID NO.3, the fifth site of A is changed to S;

SEQ ID NO. 6: amino acid sequence of D. radiodurans IrrE (protein number DR_0167), which is a natural sequence without any modification. This protein is a homologous protein of Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 of this invention. This invention has modified its similar functional domain motif, and obtained the same stress resistance effect.

SEQ ID NO. 7: amino acid sequence of Deinococcus gobiensis IrrE (protein number DGo_CA2805), which is a natural sequence without any modification. This protein is a homologous protein of Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 of this invention, and also has capacity to enhance resistance of host against oxidation. This invention has modified the similar functional domain motif, and also verified the important function of this functional domain motif.

SEQ ID NO.8: the modified amino acid sequence of Deinococcus geothermalis IrrE. The functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 in this protein has been modified, the second site of A is changed to S, to make resistance of the natural protein against oxidation enhanced 10 times.

SEQ ID NO.9: the modified amino acid sequence of Deinococcus geothermalis IrrE. The functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 in this protein has been modified, the fifth site of A is changed to S, to make resistance of the natural protein against oxidation enhanced almost 1000 times.

SEQ ID NO.10: the modified amino acid sequence of Deinococcus geothermalis IrrE. The functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 in this protein has been modified, the second site of A is changed to S, the fifth site of A is changed to S.


FIG. 1 is a phylogenetic tree of Dego0395 and its homologous proteins. One marked by transverse line is Dgeo0395 protein, protein sequence in this figure comprises all currently found homologous proteins of Dgeo0395, in total 23 homologous proteins. Data is from NCBI (the US National Center for Biotechnology Information) database.

FIG. 2 is electrophoretogram of PCR product including sequence of Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 and vector verification;

Lane 1: 2K plus Marker; Lane 2˜3: PCR product of pJET-0395; Lane 4: pRADZ3-0395/NdeI; Lane 5: pRADZ3-0395/NdeI+Spe I; Lane 6: pRADZ3-0395/Spe I; Lane 7: pRADZ3-0395/NdeI+Spe I

FIG. 3 is growth contrast between Escherichia coli with prokaryotic expression vector containing Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 (JM-0395) and Escherichia coli with empty vector (JM-Z3), before and after being subjected to stresses of ultraviolet irradiation, oxidation of mitomycin C and desiccation;

FIG. 4 is growth contrast between Escherichia coli with prokaryotic expression vector containing Deinococcus geothermahs Dgeo0395 (JM-0395) and strains JM-A155S as well as JM-A158S with mutant vector containing the functional domain motif, before and after being subjected to stresses of oxidation of mitomycin C and desiccation;

FIG. 5 is growth contrast between Escherichia coli with prokaryotic expression vector containing Deinococcus geothermahs Dgeo0395 (JM-0395) and strains JM-A155S as well as JM-A158S with mutant vector containing the functional domain motif, before and after being subjected to stresses of ultraviolet irradiation;

FIG. 6 is survival curve of Escherichia coli with prokaryotic expression vector containing Deinococcus geothermahs Dgeo0395 (JM-0395) and strains JM-A155S as well as JM-A158S with mutant vector containing the functional domain motif, before and after being subjected to stresses of ultraviolet irradiation;

FIG. 7 is sequence alignment and structure analysis of Dego0395 and its homologous proteins thereof. The frame area is the functional domain motif referred by this invention. Protein sequence in this figure comprises all currently found homologous proteins of Dgeo0395, in total 15 homologous proteins. Data is from NCBI (the US National Center for Biotechnology Information) database. The sequences used for analysis are as follows: D. deserti (SEQ ID NO.21), D. geothermalis (SEQ ID NO.2), D. apachensis (SEQ ID NO.11), D. phoenicis (SEQ ID NO.12), D. marmoris (SEQ ID NO.18), D. aquatilis (SEQ ID NO.17), D. murrayi (SEQ ID NO.15), D. frigens (SEQ ID NO.19), D. swuensis (SEQ ID NO.20), D. gobiensis (SEQ ID NO.7), D. radiodurans (SEQ ID NO.6), D. maricopensis (SEQ ID NO.29), D. proteolyticus (SEQ ID NO.28), D. pimensis (SEQ ID NO.30), D. peraridilitoris (SEQ ID NO.31).

FIG. 8 is growth contrast between Escherichia coli expressing D. radiodurans DR-0167 (JM-DR0167) and strains JM-A155S as well as JM-A158S expressing protein with the mutant functional domain motif, before and after being subjected to stresses of ultraviolet irradiation.

FIG. 9 is growth contrast between Escherichia coli expressing Deinococcus gobiensis DGO-CA2805 (JM-CA2805) and strain JM-5131A expressing protein with the mutant functional domain motif, before and after being subjected to stresses of ultraviolet irradiation.


The plasmids and strains described in the following examples are just used for further explaining this invention, instead of limiting the substantive content or scope of the invention. Where no specific experimental conditions are indicated, all the conditions are according to conventional conditions well known to a person skilled in the art, such as, the conditions recorded in Sambrook et al., “Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual” (New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1989), or according to the conditions recommended by manufacturers.

The sources of the plasmid and strains in examples are as follows:

Cloning vector pJET: commercially available products of ThermoFisher;

Shuttle plasmid pRADZ3: preserved in the applicant's laboratory;

E. coli JM 109: commercially available products of Beijing TransGen Biotech Company.

Embodiment 1. Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 Gene Sequence Expression in E. coli
I. Experimental Method

1. PCR specific primers were designed based on the published sequence of Dgeo0395 gene in the genome of Deinococcus geothermalis strain DSM 11300.

(SEQ ID NO.34)



(SEQ ID NO.35)



2. The target gene sequence was amplified from the genomic DNA of Deinococcus geothermalis strain DSM 11300 by PCR method.

Reaction conditions: 94° C. 10 min, [94° C. 30 sec, 60° C. 30 sec, 72° C. 1.5 min] 35 cycles, 72° C. 10 min.

3. PCR products were cloned on the vector pJET after gel extraction which was named as pJET-0395 and was confirmed by sequencing. Then, Dgeo0395 gene containing the cohesive end and pRADZ3 vector containing groEL promoter were obtained by SpeI/NdeI double enzymes digestion. Dgeo0395 gene was connected to pRADZ3 vector to construct E. coli expression vector pRADZ3-0395.

4. The expression vector was transformed into E. coli JM109. Whether the inserted sequence is inserted correctly was verified through PCR, enzyme digestion and sequencing (see also FIGS. 2, 3). This strain was named as JM-0395. E. coli JM109 containing pRADZ3 empty plasmid was named as JM-Z3.

II. Experimental Result

The recombinant E. coli engineering strain expressing Dgeo0395 was successfully constructed.

Embodiment 2. Stress Resistance Experiment of the Recombinant Engineering Strain Containing Dgeo0395 Gene of Deinococcus geothermalis
I. Experimental Material

The recombinant engineering strain: JM-0395 strain containing Deinococcus geothermalis strain Dgeo0395 obtained in example 1

Control strain: JM-Z3 strain containing the empty plasmid as described in example 1.

II. Experimental Method

1. The control strain and the recombinant engineering strain were activated by streaking on LB solid medium plates;

2. a single colony was picked to inoculate in liquid LB medium with the corresponding antibiotic and incubated at 37° C. into the mid and late exponential growth stages;

3. Thalli were collected by centrifugation at 6,000 rpm for 5 min at room temperature, then thalli were washed twice with the same volume of phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), and shocked evenly;

next, experiments of resistance against UV irradiation, mitomycin C and desiccation were performed.

A. UV Irradiation Resistance Analysis

1) The bacteria liquid was divided into two parts of equal volumes;

2) One part was centrifuged at 6,000 rpm for 5 min at room temperature to collect thalli as a control;

3) The other part of bacteria liquid was irradiated by UV for 5 min, and then thalli were collected after centrifugation at 6,000 rpm for 5 min at room temperature;

4) The bacteria liquid in different time was diluted 10 times to 10−5. 10 μL of bacteria liquid was pointed on LB solid culture medium plate, incubated at 37° C. for 2 d for observing, and recording the growth of different strains;

5) The bacteria liquid in different time was diluted 10 times to 10−5. 200 μL, of bacteria liquid was spread on LB solid culture plate and incubated at 37° C. for 2 d, the number of bacterial colony was recorded, the survival rate of the strain was calculated; this experiment was repeated 3 times.

B. Mitomycin C Oxidation Resistance Analysis

1) The bacteria liquid was divided into two parts of equal volumes;

2) One part was centrifuged at 6,000 rpm for 5 min at room temperature to collect thalli as a control;

3) The thalli were resuspended in LB liquid medium with mitomycin C at a final concentration of 10 μg/mL and shakily cultured at 30° C. and 220 rpm for 5 min, 10 min and 15 min;

4) The bacteria liquid in different time was diluted 10 times to 10−5. Taking 10 μL of diluted bacteria liquid and pointing on the LB solid culture medium plate, incubated at 37° C. for 2 d for observing and recording the growth of different strains;

5) The bacteria liquid in different time was diluted 10 times to 10−5. Taking 2004, of bacteria liquid was spread on LB solid culture plate, incubated at 37° C. for 2 d, the number of bacterial colonies was recorded, the survival rate of the strain was calculated, and this experiment was repeated 3 times.

C. Desiccation Shock Analysis

1) The bacteria liquid was divided into two parts of equal volumes;

2) One part was centrifuged at 6,000 rpm for 5 min at room temperature to collect thalli as a control;

3) The other part was packed in an open Eppendorf tube and placed in a sterile drier (granular silica gel was taken as a desiccant);

4) A batch of several different strains was taken out every 10 days, and multiple proportion diluted to 10−5, and then 104, was pointed on the LB solid culture medium plate, incubated at 37° C. for 2 d to observe, and record the growth of different strains;

5) The bacteria liquid in different time was diluted 10 times to 10−5. Taking 10 μL of diluted bacteria liquid and spread on LB solid culture plate and incubate at 37° C. for 2 d, the number of bacterial colonies was recorded, the survival rate of the strain was calculated, and this experiment was repeated 3 times.

III. Experimental Result

As shown in FIG. 3, the growth status of JM-0395 strain containing Deinococcus geothermalis strain Dgeo0395 was basically consistent with that of JM-Z3 strain containing empty plasmid before UV irradiation, mitomycin C and desiccation shock.

After UV irradiation, mitomycin C and desiccation shock, The JM-0395 recombinant strain containing Deinococcus geothermalis strain Dgeo0395 gene grew well, whose bacteria colony number was significantly higher than that of the JM-Z3 strain containing only the empty plasmid (see also FIG. 5). The UV irradiation resistance and desiccation stress resistance increased 2 orders of magnitude about 100 times than the control strain. Mitomycin C oxidative stress resistance increased 3 orders of magnitude, about 1000 times.

It's clearly found through the survival rate calculation of strain after the stress shock that:

After UV irradiation, the survival rate of the control strain was 0.644%±0.052%, and the survival rate of the JM-0395 strain expressing strain Dgeo0395 was 45.570%±3.797%, which was nearly 70 times higher than the control strain.

After desiccation stress treatment, the survival rate of the control strain was 3.040%±0.929%, while the survival rate of JM-0395 strain was 88.889%±7.274%, which was nearly 30 times higher than the control strain.

After the mitomycin C oxidative stress, almost all of the control strains were dead, while the survival rate of JM-0395 strain was 58.642%±4.660%, and the viability of JM-0395 strain was significantly higher than the control strain.

Table 2 shows comparison between the survival rates of the strain containing the empty vector (JM-Z3) and the recombinant E. coli strain (JM-0395) containing Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 gene before and after stress treatments of UV irradiation, mitomycin C oxidation and desiccation.


Comparison of the strains survival rates after three stress treatment

Control strains
Experimental strains
The times of Experimental strains

Stress treatment
on the improved survival status

UV irradiation
0.644% ± 0.052%
45.570% ± 3.797%
About 70

3.040% ± 0.929%
88.889% ± 7.274%
About 30

Mitomycin C
Almost all dead
58.642% ± 4.660%


IV. Experimental Conclusion

Deinococcus geothermalis strain Dgeo0395 gene significantly increased the ability of prokaryotes against stresses of UV irradiation, oxidation and desiccation.

Embodiment 3. Construction of the Amino Acid Optimization Sequence of the Functional Domain Motif of Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 Gene

Based on the analysis data of the homologous gene sequence alignment, amino acid sequence of the important functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 of Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 expression protein was optimized.

I. Experimental Method

Amino acid optimization was conducted for the important functional motif 154LAELAR159 of Deinococcus geothermalis regulatory protein Dgeo0395. The domain of the regulatory protein Dgeo0395 was analyzed by homology modeling. The Dgeo0395 consists of three domains, wherein the HTH domain participated in target gene promoter binding. The HTH domain consists of three a helixes (α6, α7 and α8), wherein the α7 helix contains an important functional domain motif 154LAELA159. Currently, in total 23 sequences of the Dgeo0395 homologous protein are found in the NCBI database, and are found only in the Deinococcus strain (FIG. 1). These protein sequences all contain this functional domain motif. By using the method of amino acid site-directed mutagenesis, the effect of amino acid residues at different sites on resistance against stresses of the whole regulatory protein Dago0395 was analyzed.

1. The optimization analysis of the amino acid sequence of the functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 of Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 was performed by amino acid site-directed mutagenesis. Nucleotide sequence of encoding amino acid of target site was mutated by fusion PCR method, and protein mutant of changing site mutation was obtained. The selected mutation sites were 154L, 155A, 157L, 158A and 159R. Respectively the 154th site of leucine was mutated to valine, the 155th site of alanine was mutated to serine, the 157th site of leucine was mutated to valine, the 158th site of alanine was mutated to serine, and the 159th site of arginine was mutated to lysine.

The primer sequences are as follows:

(SEQ ID NO.34)


5′ accactagtatgacgcagggccagacc 3′

(SEQ ID NO.35)


5′ acccatatgtcagacacccgactcatcct 3′

(SEQ ID NO.36)


5′ gggcgtgcgGTGgctgagctggcgcggcgggcagacgtga 3′

(SEQ ID NO.37)


5′ tcacgtctgcccgccgcgccagctcagcCACcgcacgccc 3′

(SEQ ID NO.38)


5′ gggcgtgcgctgAGCgagctggcgcggcgggcagacgtga 3′

(SEQ ID NO.39)


5′ tcacatctgcccgccgcgccagctcGCTcaccgcacgccc 3′

(SEQ ID NO.40)


5′ gggcgtgcgctggctgagGTGgcgcggcgggcagacgtga 3′

(SEQ ID NO.41)


5′ tcacgtctcccgccgcgccagCACagccaccgcacgccc 3′

(SEQ ID NO.42)


5′ gggcgtgcgctggctgagctgAGCcggcgggcagacgtga 3′

(SEQ ID NO.43)


5′ tcacgtctgcccgcccGCTcagctcagccaccgcacgccc 3′

(SEQ ID NO.44)


5′ gggcgtgcgctggctgagaggcgAAgcgggcagacgtga 3′

(SEQ ID NO.45)


5′ tcacgtctgcccgCTTcgccagctcagccacgcacgccc 3′

2. Two primers b and c containing the site-directed mutagenesis sequences were designed at the nucleic acid sites to be mutated, meanwhile the upstream and downstream primers a and d of the gene were designed. Two fragments 1 and 2 were obtained by PCR amplification respectively using the primers a, b and c, d by taking the genome as template. Afterwards the two fragments 1, 2 were mixed at a molar ratio of 1:1, and the mixture was taken as a template, and these two fragments were fused by using the primers a and d.

The reaction conditions of fragment 1, 2: 94° C. 10 min, [94° C. 30 sec, 60° C. 30 sec, 72° C. 1.5 min] 30 cycles, 72° C. 10 min.

Fusion reaction conditions: 94° C. 10 min, [94° C. 30 sec, 60° C. 30 sec, 72° C. 2 min] 40 cycles, 72° C. 10 min.

3. The recombinant engineering strains JM-L154V, JM-A155S, JM-L157V, JM-A158S-F, JM-R159K were obtained by link the obtained recombinant mutant fragment to vector pRADZ3 and transformed into E. coli (method referred to example 1).

II. Experimental Result

The recombinant engineering strains JM-L154V, JM-A155 S, JM-L157V, JM-A158S-F, JM-R159K which express the amino acid mutant sites on the important functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 of Deinococcus geothermalis regulatory protein Dgeo0395 were successfully constructed.

Embodiment 4. The Stress Resistance Experiment of the Optimized Recombinant Engineering Strain Expressing Important Functional Domain Motif 154LAELAR159 of Deinococcus geothermalis Strain Dgeo0395 Protein
I. Experimental Purpose

It aims to indentify resistance of each recombinant strain against stresses of desiccation, oxidation and UV irradiation, and to compare with the blank control and the original strains.

II. Experimental Material

The recombinant engineering strain: the recombinant engineering strain JM-L154V, JM-A155S, JM-L157V, JM-A158S-F, JM-R159K expressing the amino acid mutant sites on the importantly functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 of Deinococcus geothermalis regulatory protein Dgeo0395 obtained by example 3.

Control Strain:

Said JM-Z3 strain containing empty plasmid of example 1; Said the JM-0395 strain containing Deinococcus geothermalis strain Dgeo0395 of example 1.

III. Experimental Method

Experiments for the resistance of each strain against three stresses of desiccation, oxidation and UV irradiation was carried on according to the experimental method of example 2.

IV. Experimental Results

1. UV Stress

The results are shown in the following table


Comparison on survival rates between each

strain under UV irradiation stress

Survival rates (%)

Experimental strain


Negative control
No strain
No strain








bacteria 1


(SEQ ID NO.56)


bacteria 2




bacteria 3


(SEQ ID NO.57)


bacteria 4




bacteria 5


(SEQ ID NO.58)

When UV stress treating for 10 min, the control strain JM-Z3 had all died, and the survival rate of the recombinant strain JM-0395 expressing Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 was reduced to 0.125%. However, the survival rate of the recombinant strain JM-A155S expressing the Dgeo0395 optimized gene was 1.263%, and the survival rate of the recombinant strain JM-A158S expressing Dgeo0395 optimized gene was the best, keeping at 62.5%.

The mutation sites of each modified bacteria were:

JM-L154V: the 154th site of leucine mutation to valine;

JM-A155S: the 155th site of alanine mutated to serine, i.e., amino acid sequences as shown in SEQ, ID, NO. 4;

JM-L157V: the 157th site of leucine mutation to valine;

JM-A158S: the 158th site of alanine mutation to serine;

JM-R159K: the 159th site of arginine mutation to lysine, i.e., amino acid sequences as shown in SEQ, ID, NO. 5;

When UV stress treating for 15 min, the survival rate of the recombinant strain JM-0395 expressing Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 was further reduced to 0.014%. However, the survival rate of the recombinant strain JM-A155S expressing the Dgeo0395 optimized gene was 0.197%, and the survival rate of the recombinant strain JM-A158S expressing Dgeo0395 optimized gene remained at around 12% (Table 2).

It's shown by UV irradiation survival curve that, the modified protein expressed by the recombinant strain JM-A158S, whose amino acid sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO.8, and the 155th site of alanine in the functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 is mutated to serine, as shown in SEQ ID NO. 4, made the survival rate of the recombinant strain about 15 times higher than pre-mutation under irradiation for 15 min. However, the modified protein expressed by the recombinant strain JM-A155S, whose amino acid sequence is shown in SEQ ID NO.9, and the 158th site of alanine in the functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 is mutated to serine, as shown in SEQ ID NO. 5, made the survival rate of the recombinant strain about 900 times higher than pre-mutation under irradiation for 15 min (Table 2, FIG. 6).

2. Resistance of the recombinant strain JM-A155S and JM-A158S against stresses of desiccation and oxidation

Resistance of the recombinant strains JM-A155S and JM-A158S against stresses of desiccation and oxidation were consistent with the recombinant strain JM-0395 of pre-mutation (see also FIG. 4).

V. Experimental Conclusion

1. Resistance of the recombinant strain JM-A155S and JM-A158S with optimized functional domain motif against UV irradiation stress was significantly higher than the original strain JM-0395, which increased more than 10 times (FIG. 5).

Therefore, the 155th site and the 158th site of alanine in 154LAELAR159 were the active sites for enhancing anti-ultraviolet radiation stress function.

2. Resistance of the recombinant strains JM-L154V, JM-L157V and JM-R159K against desiccation, oxidation and ultraviolet irradiation were consistent with that of strain JM-0395, which were all higher than empty plasmid strains. It was demonstrated that the L154V, L157V and R159K site mutations on 154LAELAR159 did not affect resistance activity of the original bacteria, ie, no effect on the regulation of Dgeo0395.

3. The functional domain motif 154LAELAR159 of Deinococcus geothermalis Dgeo0395 had an important role in improving the resistance of the protein Dgeo0395.

Embodiment 5 Modification of Amino Acid Sequence Optimization on the Functional Domain Motif of IrrE Homologous Protein in Deinococcus Radiodurans and UV Resistance Experiment
I. Experimental Purpose

Alignment analysis was performed on Dgeo0395 homologous protein sequence by using NCBI database gene information (see also FIGS. 1, 7). The homologous protein of Dgeo0395 in Deinococcus radiodurans was DR0167, which also contained the important functional domain motif 180LAELAR185 found by this invention in the α7 position, and the amino acid sequence was the same as Dgeo0395 (see also FIG. 7). The second or fifth site of alanine in the important functional domain motif 1801LAELAR185 of the homologous protein DR0167 in Deinococcus radiodurans was optimized, mutated and modified, to identify the role of the functional domain motif in resistance of the recombinant mutant protein against UV stress.

II. Experimental Method

1. The functional domain motif 180LAELAR185 with spatial structure of the same location on the amino acid sequence of the Deinococcus radiodurans IrrE homologous protein DR0167 was optimized and analyzed through amino acid site-directed mutagenesis manners. In the same way, the nucleotide sequence encoding the amino acid at target site was mutated by fusion PCR, in order to obtain protein mutant with site mutations. The selected mutation sites were two alanines of 181A and 184A in the functional domain motif. Respectively, the 181′ site of alanine was mutated to serine, and the 184th site of alanine was mutated to serine.

The primer sequences were as follows:

(SEQ ID NO.46)


5′ taactagtgtgcctagtgccaacgtcag 3′

(SEQ ID NO.47)


5′ tacatagtcactgtgcagcgtcct 3′

(SEQ ID NO.48)


5′ ggccccaccgggcgcgccctcAGCgaactcgccaagcgggc 3′

(SEQ ID NO.49)


5′ ggcccgcttggcgagttcGCTgaggacacgcccggtggggcc 3′

(SEQ ID NO.50)


5′ ggcccaccgggcgcgccctcgccgaactcAGCaagcgggcc 3′

(SEQ ID NO.51)


5′ ggcccgcttGCTgagttcggcgagggcgcgcccggtggggcc 3′

2. The original gene fragment and the recombinant mutant fragment of the Deinococcus radiodurans DR0167 was connected to the vector pRADZ3 and transformed into E. coli (method referred to examples 1, 3). The recombinant engineering strains JM-DR0167, JM-A181S and JM-A184S were obtained.

3. The resistance experiment of each strain to UV irradiation was carried out according to the experimental method of example 2.

III. Experimental Result

It's shown by UV irradiation stress treatment that, Deinococcus radiodurans DR-0167 also could improve the prokaryotic microbial UV stress resistance. Similarly, that the second or fifth site of alanine on the functional domain motif 180LAELAR185 are optimized and mutated to serine can further enhance the ability of recombinant proteins to improve resistance of cell against UV irradiation (FIG. 8). It's shown by experiment results that, that the second site of alanine on the functional domain motif 180LAELAR185 is mutated to serine can increase only 10-fold on the protective effect compared with that of the original DR-0167 protein. However, that the fifth site of alanine on the functional domain motif 180LAELAR185 is mutated to serine can increase 2 orders of magnitude on the protective effect compared with the original DR-0167 protein, nearly enhancing at 100 times (see also FIG. 8).

IV. Experimental Conclusion

Deinococcus radiodurans DR-0167 was the homologous protein of Dgeo0395. DR-0167 also contains the important functional domain motif 180LAELAR185 found by this invention, whose amino acid sequence was the same as Dgeo0395. Its shown by the experimental results that, that the second or fifth site of alanine on the functional domain motif 180LAELAR185 was optimized and mutated to serine can further enhance the ability of the recombinant protein to enhance resistance of cell against anti-ultraviolet irradiation. It's shown by the experimental results that, the discovery mentioned in this invention that the second or fifth site of alanine on the important functional domain of the Dgeo0395 mentioned in this invention was mutated to serine, which can enhance this protein to protect resistance of prokaryotic cells against UV stress also applies to modification on resistance of Dgeo0395 homologous proteins against stress.

Embodiment 6 Modification on Amino Acid Sequence of the Functional Domain Motif of IrrE Homologous Protein in Deinococcus Gobiensis and UV Resistance Experiment Identification
I. Experimental Purpose

Dgeo0395 homologous protein sequence was analyzed through alignment by using NCBI database gene information (see also FIG. 1, 7). The homologous protein of Dgeo0395 in Deinococcus gobiensis is DGo_CA2805, which also contains the important functional domain motif 127LAELSR132 found by the invention on the α7 location, and its amino acid sequence is different from Dgeo0395, whose the fifth site was not alanine, but serine (see also FIG. 7). The fifth site of serine on the important functional domain motifs 127LAELSR132 of the homologous protein DGo_CA2805 in Deinococcus gobiensis was reversely mutated to alanine, to indentify the role of the functional domain motif in resistance of recombinant mutant protein against UV.

II. Experimental Method

1. The functional domain motif 127LAELSR132 with spatial structure of the same location on the amino acid sequence of the Deinococcus gobiensis IrrE homologous protein DGo_CA2805 was analyzed through amino acid site-directed mutagenesis manners. In the same way, the nucleotide sequence encoding the amino acid at target site was mutated by fusion PCR, in order to obtain protein mutant with site mutations. The selected mutation site was the fifth site of serine in the functional domain motif. The 131′ site of serine was reversely mutated to alanine.

The primer sequences were as follows:

(SEQ ID NO.52)


5′ taactagtataggcgagctggcggcgg 3′

(SEQ ID NO.53)


5′ tacatatgtgagagggagacgcgct 3′

(SEQ ID NO.54)


5′ cgcgccctggccgagttgGCCcgccgcgccgacgtgagt 3′

(SEQ ID NO.55)


5′ actcacgtcggcgcggcgGGCcaactcggccaggggcgcg 3′

2. The obtained original gene fragment and recombinant mutant fragment of Deinococcus gobiensis DGo_CA2805 were respectively connected to the vector pRADZ3 and transformed into E. coli (methods referred to examples 1, 3). The recombinant engineering strains JM-CA2805 and JM-S131A were obtained.

3. The resistance experiments of each strain against UV irradiation were carried out according to the experimental method of example 2.

III. Experimental Result

It's shown by UV irradiation stress treatment that, Deinococcus gobiensis DGo_CA2805 also could improve resistance of the prokaryotic microbial against UV stress. Similarly, the fifth site of serine on the functional domain motif 127LAELSR132 was mutated to alanine, which significantly reduced the ability of recombinant proteins to improve cell resistance against UV irradiation (FIG. 9). It's shown by the experiment results that, that the fifth site of serine was mutated to alanine of the functional domain motif 127LAELSR132 reduced 2 orders of magnitude on the protective function of the original protein DGo_CA2805, nearly 100 times (see also FIG. 9).

IV. Experimental Conclusion

Deinococcus gobiensis DGo_CA2805 is the homologous protein of Dgeo0395. DGo_CA2805 also contains the important functional domain motif 127LAELSR132 found by this invention. Its amino acid sequence is different from Dgeo0395 and its fifth site of amino acid is natural serine. In this example, the amino acid at this site was reversely mutated, and the role of the functional domain motif in UV resistance function of the recombinant mutant protein was validated. It's shown by experimental results that, that the fifth site of serine mutation in the functional domain motif 127LAELSR132 was reversely mutated to alanine significantly reduced the ability of the recombinant protein to enhance cell resistance against anti-ultraviolet irradiation. It's proven by the experimental results from the opposite direction that, the discovery that the second or fifth site of alanine in the important functional domain of Dgeo0395 mentioned in the present invention is mutated to serine, which improves the ability of this protein to protect the resistance of prokaryotic cells against UV stress also applies to modification on resistance of Dgeo0395 homologous proteins against stress.

  • 1. A method of enhancing stress resistance of E. coli, comprising following steps:performing amino acid optimization on a functional domain motif LAELAR (SEQ ID NO: 3) of Deinococcus geothermalis IrrE protein, wherein the amino acid optimization is the 2nd site alanine or the 5th site alanine on the functional domain motif LAELAR being mutated to a serine;constructing an expression vector containing a nucleotide sequence encoding optimized protein of said IrrE protein;transforming said expression vector into E. coli cells;subjecting the E. coli cells containing said expression vector to oxidation, ultraviolet irradiation or desiccation stress, and selecting the E. coli cells for improved stress resistance.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the stress resistance is a resistance against the ultraviolet irradiation stress.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein the Deinococcus geothermalis IrrE protein is Dgeo0395 protein comprising the amino acid sequence set forth in SEQ ID NO: 2.
Priority Claims (1)
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2015 1 0236790 May 2015 CN national
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PCT/CN2016/081403 5/9/2016 WO 00
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WO2016/180300 11/17/2016 WO A
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104830873 Aug 2015 CN
2917365 Sep 2015 EP
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20180163215 A1 Jun 2018 US