Each year in the United States there are thousands of vehicle fatalities. To go along with that number there are over one million injuries that occur from vehicle accidents. Per United States Department of Transportation.
This invention is designed to prohibit drunk driving. It is also designed to eliminate distracted drivers. Due to careless driving. Even more to target the drivers that participate in the use of texting, face time, social sites, and social media while operating a vehicle. And the observation of vehicle speed if another area of concern this invention will address.
Drunk Driving—If someone has been drinking and over the legal limit the steering wheel will lock. Working in conjunction is the steering wheel and app. At this point the steering device will call and text the contacts that have been loaded into the app on the behalf of the driver. The contact numbers loaded into this app should be people with the best interest of the driver. There will be an alcohol detector and heart rate sensor built into the steering wheel. It will be located in the center of the steering wheel ring which you hold to drive. To make this work we will take the steering wheel ring cut it into two pieces. Once separated the alcohol detector/heart rate sensor ring is placed between the two parts of the steering wheel. Then four bolts are placed in the back of the steering wheel to attach all three parts.
Distracted Driver—If someone is driving and try to use texting, face time, social sites, and social media the steering device will not allow it. Until the vehicle gear is placed in park is when they can use those features. This is done by the interruption feature which will be located behind the airbag on an electronic board.
Distracted Driver—If someone is operating a vehicle and there is not enough pressure on the steering wheel it will alert the driver. Sending sound through the speakers in the steering wheel and flashing lights located on the steering wheel. The steering device will then call and text someone on the drivers behalf. This part of the device is made with speakers that are placed on each side of the airbag behind the port covers. Two alert lights will be placed on top of the port covers. The other light will be placed on the frame of the steering wheel under the airbag. The connections for the speakers and lights will be made on the electronic board behind the airbag.
Speed—If the vehicle is operating with erratic speeds this will cause the steering device to call and text someone on the driver's behalf. For this to be made will lie in conjunction through the steering wheel on an electronic board chip and app that both understand speed.
There is a built in tracking device that's located on an electronic board behind the airbag. Through the app the vehicle can be tracked. Bluetooth is also built in on the electronic board. This connects the steering wheel and app.