This Industry University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) award funds the planning phase of the University of Arkansas (UA) in their activities to join the proposed Center for Infrastructure Security in the Era of AI (ISEAI). George Mason University (GMU) is the lead site of the Phase I proposal for creating ISEAI. After successful completion of the planning phase, the (UA) proposers will be eligible to submit a site addition proposal to join an existing IUCRC. The ISEAI seeks to promote widespread adoption of its research outcomes, thereby improving national security and resilience against threats.<br/><br/>When realized, the ISEAI Center will conduct applied research at the forefront of infrastructure security using advanced AI techniques, significantly contributing to the intellectual landscape. It aims to generate cutting-edge insights and solutions that address current challenges and deepen the foundational understanding of evolving threats from traditional and AI-enabled malicious actors. By developing practical solutions, the ISEAI Center effectively bridges theoretical advancements with real-world applications. This planning grant will help the UA site enhance research and education at the intersection of infrastructure security and AI.<br/><br/>When created, the ISEAI Center will have substantial societal impact by enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructure systems. Through innovative solutions and active student involvement at all levels, the Center will contribute to workforce development and foster a skilled talent pool. Furthermore, ISEAI will commit to technology advancement and transfer, integration of research outcomes into practical industry applications, drive innovation and economic growth and address societal needs, thereby bolstering national security, resilience, and well-being. This planning grant will facilitate closer interactions between faculty and students at UA, with industry.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.