Joint / tissue inflammation therapy and monitoring device(s) JITMon device

A device is provided, in direct skin contact, surrounding an injured area for the treatment, reduction of joint inflammation, edema and excitation of neural and muscular stimulation associated with human and mammal tissues. This therapeutic light source includes a multiplicity of light emitting diodes (LED's) found in the ranges of 350 nm to 1000+ nm and fiber optic connections. A neoprene type material or other non-allergenic material will be used to set the LED's and fiber optics in layers consisting of contact with the skin to few centimeters from the skin tissue. Distance will vary from contact or near contact with devices to several millimeters of separation. Each LED array will be independently controlled allowing for optimal modulation of light frequencies and wavelengths. Technology will be integrated allowing for biomedical feedback of tissue temperature and other statistical information. A low voltage, portable power supply, will be integrated into the device as well as an analog/digital, input/output connection device. The design will be created for continuous wear, flexibility and comfort.


[0003] There is NO claim for federal support in research or development of this product.


[0004] 1. Field of Invention

[0005] As identified in the USPTO US Manual of Classifications, the identified device(s) have been researched primarily under the following Class/Subclass: 128/Surgery, 601/2+, 602/2+, 604/20, 606/2+-27+, 607/88-89. Note that each of these subject classes is an integral part of Class 128.

[0006] 2. Pathology of Inflammation

[0007] To reduce such pain and suffering as found in joint inflammation and tissue edema, which are associated with the conditions of muscular strain, muscular stress, arthritis, blunt trauma, surgical procedures . . . Common methods have been introduced to the public. This range from the use of external chemicals and ointments, cold and heat treatments to sophisticated physical therapy applied to the area of inflammation in question. The principle behind this action is to stimulate blood flow and circulation to the effected area. Over the past several years, light technology and photosensitizing agents have been used to reduce edema to surrounding tissues during pre and post surgical procedures to sensitive areas such as the eyes.

[0008] When the body has been injured either by accident or through medical procedures there is going to be a period of time where inflammation and edema will set into the effected tissue area. This is a natural defense mechanism that is extremely valuable to the body whether it is human or mammal.

[0009] To understand this problem in more detail, one must understand the five- (5) common signs of inflammation and the metabolic phases at which they occur. When in the process or reviewing or diagnosing a patient, the following signs are usually identified as follows: (a) swelling (edema), (b) redness or discoloration, (c) radiant heat from the wounded site, (d) pain (tender to the touch) and (e) possible loss of motor or neurological functions to the affected area. In addition, there are three primary metabolic phases which inflammation progresses through and they are usually identified as degenerative, vascular and healing.

[0010] Of these three phases, the vascular and healing phases are the most concern to the design and application of this product. Hyper migration and activity of the “Inflammatory Cells” such as neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes, and monocytes, occur during changes in blood vessels identified as the vascular phase. From this hyper-activity, the capillary and postcapillary networks become flooded and expand causing hyperemia. Due to this proliferation of the capillaries, redness will present itself in the inflamed tissue. Normally, the blood temperatures in the dermal and epidermal layers of tissue are cooler due external ambient temperatures. Increased blood flow to this damaged area of tissue increases the temperature to ranges that area similar to blood found in the heart or aorta. This effect is the heat or warm feeling that surrounds the wound or injured area.

[0011] The physiology of the human body to heal, is directly associated with the aforementioned cells (neutrophils and monocytes). These cells, as a family, are known as leukocytes. As they move along the blood vessel walls looking for fissures or gaps through which they can migrate, leukocytes begin to attack dying or dead cells. This begins a process of releasing a fluid that combines with a serous substance being extrude from the wall of the blood vessel. Later this process helps in the reduction of pathogenic microorganisms to develop into the blood stream. Another cell, known as a platelet, begins the adhesion process to the walls of the damaged vessel. Fibrin fibers simultaneously appear forming a fine mesh and developing a “clot” which pulls the damaged edges of the wound together whether this is an internal tear or external laceration.


[0012] The device or inventions that are to be developed relate to the field of Photochemistry and Photobiology as it applies to inflammation, edema, muscular and neural stimulation of human and mammal skin tissues. As a design, this device may be applied in the field of pharmacotheraputics with the use of photodynamic therapy but not required. Sports Medicine has developed a major need for this type of product for the service of patients, of all age groups, acquiring the need for immediate and/or long-term controlled noninvasive, noncoherent radiant heat therapy specific to the inflammation of joints, tendons and ligaments. Most common needs are associated with arthritis, sprain, strains, tears, blunt trauma and orthopedic surgery of the joint membranes or the loss of damaged cartilage.

[0013] Some of the major conditions, syndromes, disease and associated disorders that will benefit from this type of technology are including, but not limited to: Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), Avascular Necrosis Osteonecrosis), Back Pain, Behcet's Disease, Bursitis and Other Soft Tissue Diseases, Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate, Crystal Deposition Disease (CPPD) (Pseudo Gout), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Connective Tissue-Related Diagnoses, Crohn's Disease, Dermatomyositis, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Fibromyalgia, Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica Gout, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Juvenile Arthritis and Related Conditions, Juvenile Dermatomyositis, Juvenile Non-Inflammatory Disorders, Juvenile Psoriatic Arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA), Juvenile Scleroderma, Juvenile Spondyloarthropathy Syndromes, Juvenile Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Juvenile Vasculitis, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD), Marfan Syndrome, Myofascial Pain, Myositis (Polymyositis, Dermatomyositis), Osteoarthritis, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Osteonecrosis (Avascular Necrosis Arthritis), Osteoporosis, Paget's Disease, Polyarteritis Nodossa and Wegener's Granulomatosis, Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis, Polymyositis, Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (PXE), Psoriatic Arthritis, Raynaud's Phenomenon, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, Reactive Arthritis (Reiter's Syndrome), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sarcoidosis, Scleroderma, Sjogren's Syndrome, Soft Tissue Disease, Still's Disease, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Lupus), Tendinitis, and Wegenef's Granulomatosis.

[0014] The goal is to improve the outcome of the treatment by shortening the period of edema and tenderness and muscular atrophy in the local area and surrounding tissue.


[0015] A method of treating diabetic angiopathy of inferior limbs (Russian Patent No. C1, 2049500, Dec. 10, 1995) is known that implies an internal irradiation of blood with a low-frequency IR emission. A method of treating diabetes mellitus (Russian Patent No. C1 2018329 Aug. 30, 1994) is known that uses a coherent emission to directly irradiate the liquid blood component. The above methods imply a direct effect of an internal irradiation upon the blood. They, however, provide no possibility to affect the physiological processes in tissue cells, or their effects are mediated by a number of uncontrolled factors. Besides, a coherent IR emission used in this case features a lower degree of penetration into tissues, which makes its effect on the tissue structure less organic and, consequently, more rigid.

[0016] A device for general local body heating (German Patent No.4113803, 1992) is known that provides a deep penetration of IR emission into a human body. A rise of tissue temperature that leads to an enhanced necrosis and drying of tissues in the process of their healing, thus promoting a secondary inflammatory process and introducing an additional, however, provide its curing effect risk factor in case of vasodilatation in pathologically changed tissues.

[0017] A method of treating skin injuries (Russian Patent No. C1 2032432 Apr. 30, 1995) is known based and the effect produced by a pulsed monochromatized light beam in the red wavelength band. The beam pulse mode, however, is applied in a limited wavelength band as the treated tissues are exposed to light having the wavelength of only 0.6 to 0.69. mu.m at a reduced power density of 5 to 10 mW/cm.sup.2. Thus, it cannot produce a curing effect for the whole class of diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders.

[0018] A multi-wavelength medical laser (U.S. Pat. No. 5,304,167 Apr. 19, 1994) is known that generates a first beam of pulsed electromagnetic energy and a second beam of electromagnetic energy having its wavelength in a visible portion of the optical spectrum, with both of them affecting the tissues simultaneously. This reference, however, discloses that the laser's wave energy is used for surgery rather than therapy.

[0019] An apparatus for thermal stimulation (Russian Patent No. 2045969 C1, Oct. 20, (1995) is known that affects tissues by IR emission in order to stimulate tissue processes. However, the stimulation used for the purpose is thermal.

[0020] A method of stimulating biologically active points (Russian Patent No. 93003767 A, Jul. 27, 1995) is known that stimulates body processes through use of IR-range wavelengths that feature a better penetration through the skin. However, the irradiation waveband ranges from 0.8 to 3 .mu.m with its source located over the biologically active points affecting the entire body functions, rather than over the organ that controls the course of disease, thus leaving the disease out of consideration.

[0021] A method for treating the bleeding of hemophiliacs (U.S. Pat. No. 5,161,526 Nov. 10, 1992) is known based on biostimulation of affected regions of muscles and joints with a beam of light. This method, however, is applied only to stop bleeding and to increase blood coagulability through use of wavelengths ranging from 5.0 to 1.1 mu.m that are not effective for curing the whole set of medical indications typical to the entire class of diseases in question.

[0022] A method of affecting biological objects (Russian Patent No. 93015098 A, Sep. 10, 1995) is known that uses modulated pulses of energy, for instance IR energy, to optimize functioning of the biological object energy system and to affect the region of a sore organ. This method, however, does not imply affecting metabolic, regenerative, and enzymatic processes in tissues by treating disorders in tissue capillary circulation, vascular circulation, flow of lymph, as well as treating deceleration of blood flow and oxidation-reduction processes that cause functional, anatomic, and morphological changes in the structure of tissues of all kinds. Besides, the produced effects provide no increase to the curing efficiency compared to the optimum curing effect for diseases caused by disorders of metabolic, regenerative and enzymatic processes in tissues.

[0023] The closest to the suggested method of treatment is a method of treating gastric and duodenal ulcers (Russian Patent No. 94019587 A, 1997), implying a 1 to 20 minute transcutaneous irradiation of the affected region of mucosa with IR emission having the power density of 50 to 300 mW/cm.sup.2. However, the efficiency of this method is rather low, since the irradiation is performed through the skin site located directly over the affected region of mucosa and is unable to produce an optimum effect on metabolic, enzymatic, and regenerative processes in tissues. The emission has the wavelength from 7 to 25 mu.m. The given method of treatment provides a curing effect after a large number of irradiation sessions, however, complications are observed in the form of tissue necrosis and edema that decrease the efficiency of treatment by lowering the level of effects on tissues' regenerative, enzymatic, and metabolic processes. This is caused by the fact that the shallow penetration of the emission is unable to activate all the potentials of tissue structures across their entire thickness. Besides, activation and optimization of processes in tissues is also not equally effective for different types of tissues, different locations of affected tissues (deep or shallow), and different types of diseases. This increases the risk of relapses and complications, and decelerates the tissue healing process, since certain undesirable effects like necrosis, keloid cicatrices, and tissue edema hive sufficient time to evolve.

[0024] A selective polarizing laser mirror (Russian Patent No. 2034318 C1, Apr. 30, 1995) is known with a multi-layer dielectric coat applied onto an optical substrate. The mirror polarizes the emission. The latter, however, is generated by another source; hence, the given device cannot control its polarization parameters.

[0025] A method of filtering-optical emission (SU No. 1810868 C1, Apr. 23, 1993) is known based on a linear polarization of light. The method makes it possible to cut off a long-wave portion of the emission and to continuously vary the limiting passband frequency. However, it cannot linearly polarize a specific wavelength of the emission that varies in accordance with the task.

[0026] A device for treatment of undesired skin disfigurements (U.S. Pat. No. 5,320,618 Jun. 14, 1994) is known that emits a pulsating light beam. However, the light wavelength transformer used in the device does not respond to wavelength variations and cannot provide an optimum curing effect by combining a specific wavelength of the emission with a certain magnitude of its pulsation.

[0027] High-energy light emitting diodes (LED's) for photodynamic therapy (PCT Patent No. 93/21842 A1, 1993) are known. The device and the method suggested for activating the healing processes by photodynamic therapy utilize the emission of powerful LED's in a certain pre-selected portion of the optical spectrum. However, a complex feedback circuit needed to monitor the light parameters makes it impossible to adjust the device to a specific type of disease.

[0028] A polarizing grating (SU No. 1781659 C1, Dec. 15, 1992) is known that polarizes light in a broad waveband from 1 to 100 .mu.m. However, it provides for no variations of emission parameters required for treating a specific type of disease, since no wavelength selection within the preset band is envisaged An apparatus for bioenergetic therapy (Russian Patent No. 2043759 C1, Sep. 20, 1995) is known consisting of a pulse generator and an IR generator. However, it cannot provide the required combinations of a specific wavelength of the emission with certain pulse parameters through a direct control over the light emitter to obtain an optimum curing effect for a specific disease.

[0029] An irradiating device (German Patent No. 4129192 A1, March 1993) is known that passes the varying-portion of the emission through by means of a frequency-selective partially transparent glass. In other words, a spectrum, initially containing parasitic (harmful) components, is emitted and then corrected by a special unit.

[0030] An irradiating device (German Patent No. 4112275 A1, 1992) is known in which special spectrum dividers with a diachronic coat divide the spectrum, The device permits to emit a spectrum with preset characteristics, though provides no spectrum variation in combination with and depending upon the length, polarization, and modulation of the wave.

[0031] A method and a device for inducing tanning by pulsating light (U.S. Pat. No. 5,282,842, Feb. 1, 1994) are known. However, the device emitter is not included into the circuit designed for varying the pulse cycles, thus the device itself cannot be adjusted to a specific type of disease.

[0032] A light therapy system (U.S. Pat. No. 5,259,380 Nov. 9, 1993) is known based on LED's that emit a narrow-band noncoherent light with a central wavelength. The LED's are grouped into diode banks controlled by a device that generates a difference of potentials and a unit that forms a voltage with preset characteristics. However, selection of required emission parameters is performed by the entire system, rather than through use of emitter properties.

[0033] A light therapy device Russian Patent No. 2014854 C1, Jun.30, 1994) is known that provides a curing effect using a periodic pulsed IR beam of controlled intensity. Metal halogen lamps that have a certain filling and provide control over the intensity and spectral composition of the emitted light, though being unable to provide its linear polarization and ensure generate the emission on optimum combination of the wavelength, modulation, and polarization required for treating a specific disease.

[0034] Light therapy devices comprising light emitters and a control system (Russian Patent No. 2014854 C1, Sep. 20, 1994; and Russian Patent No. 2033823 A1, Sep. 20, 1995) are the closest by their engieerng solution to the proposed device. Their emitters are calibrated depending on the requirements to the emitted flux density, and the process of controlling the flux parameters depends on the program of therapy. However, the control over the flux parameters is secured by changing the location of the emitter relative to the pathology focus or by changing the emitters themselves, which prevents selection of an optimum combination of emission characteristics to obtain the maximum curing effect for a specific disease.

[0035] The method for treating inflammatory processes and uncomplicated ulcerations of gastric and duodenal mucosa (Russian Patent No. 4707945 A1, Nov. 26, 1991) is the closest by its technical essence to the suggested method of treating pathological tissues. It envisages a possibility of simultaneous treatment of both the surface layers of mucosa and deeper layers of the organ walls with a partial absorption of the irradiation by the tissues located between these layers. However, the applied spectral band can be varied only by combining the powers supplied to the emitter, for instance to a set of halogen lamps, or by changing the distance from the distal end of an endoscope to the irradiated tissue surface. The method does not allow combining polarization and modulation together with power and wavelength variation to obtain an optimum combination of emission parameters for treating a specific disease.



[0036] Drawing AES-1—Typical Head Cover JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0037] Drawing AES-2—Typical Neck Brace JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0038] Drawing AES-3—Typical Thoracic Vest JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0039] Drawing AES-4—Typical Thoracic Vest JITMon Device (Internal View/Side View) Concept Drawing

[0040] Drawing AES-5—Typical Upper/Lower Arm JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0041] Drawing AES-6—Typical Elbow JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0042] Drawing AES-7—Typical Hand/Glove JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0043] Drawing AES-8—Typical Wrist/Hand JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0044] Drawing AES-9—Typical Abdominal/Lumbar JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0045] Drawing AES-10—Typical Hip JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0046] Drawing AES-11—Typical Upper/Lower Leg JITMon Device(s) (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0047] Drawing AES-12—Typical Knee JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0048] Drawing AES-13—Typical Ankle JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0049] Drawing AES-14—Typical Foot/Ankle JITMon Device (Internal View) Concept Drawing

[0050] Drawing AES-15—Typical JITMon Device (Cross-Section) Concept Drawing

[0051] Drawing AES-16—Cross-Section JITMon Device Layer Design #1 Concept Drawing

[0052] Drawing AES-17—Cross-Section JITMon Device Layer Design #2 Concept Drawing

[0053] Drawing AES-18—Cross-Section JITMon Laser Diode/Fiber Optic Design Concept Drawing

[0054] Drawing AES-19—Cross-Section JITMon Single Layer Design Concept Drawing


[0055] The Joint/Tissue Inflammation Therapy and Monitoring Device or “JIT-Mon” will be made of a neoprene elastic material like that found in wetsuits. Sizing of the device will be made with Velcro type straps allowing for an easy and comfortable fit. Each JIT-Mon will have strategically located Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) with calibrating wavelengths and modulated light frequencies to allow for controlled heat/energy and muscular therapy to an area of inflammation. Additional monitoring devices, using optical fiber, photodetector and photoresin technologies, will be integrated into the JIT-Mon device and will be supported with customized software and hardware. This information and technology will allow a physician or therapist to monitor and record vital information such as blood flow in the area, skin temperature and moisture to an external-monitoring device.

  • 1. A method for treating and reducing inflammation and edema both internal and external, to joints, muscles, nerves and skin tissues of the subject (human or animal) comprising of; (a) an elastic, portable device configured to be worn in contact with the skin and surrounding the area or areas of inflammation, edema, neural and muscular damage over short and long periods of time; whereas the construction of the device is configured with multiple layers of LED's and fiber optics distributed in a range consisting of “near contact with the skin to a few centimeters from the skin tissue; with orientation toward the subject; integrated low voltage power, electronic memory and communications via analog/digital connection or telemetric medical sensor; allowing for independent control of tissue temperature and modulation of the light frequencies and wavelengths of the LED's and; (b) an elastic, portable device configured to be worn in contact with the skin and surrounding the area or areas of inflammation, edema, neural and muscular damage over short and long periods of time; whereas the construction of the device is configured with a single laver of LED's and fiber optics distributed in a range consisting of “near contact with the skin to a few centimeters from the skin tissue; with orientation toward the subject; integrated low voltage power, electronic memory and communications via analog/digital connection or telemetric medical sensor, allowing for independent control of tissue temperature and modulation of the light frequencies and wavelengths of the LED's and; (c) an elastic, portable device configured to be worn in contact with the skin and surrounding the area or areas of inflammation, edema, neural and muscular damage over short and long periods of time; whereas the construction of the device is configured with multiple types and modulated light intensities of LED's of multiple ranges and fiber optics distributed in a range consisting of “near contact with the skin to a few centimeters from the skin tissue; with orientation toward the subject; integrated low voltage power, electronic memory and communications via analog/digital connection or telemetric medical sensor; allowing for independent control of tissue temperature and modulation of the light frequencies and wavelengths of the LED's and; (d) an elastic, portable device configured to be worn in contact with the skin and surrounding the area or areas of inflammation, edema, neural and muscular damage over short and long periods of time; whereas the construction of the device is configured with multiple types and modulated light intensities including Laser Diode Technology and fiber optics distributed in a range consisting of “near contact with the skin to a few centimeters from the skin tissue; with orientation toward the subject; integrated low voltage power, electronic memory and communications via analog/digital connection or telemetric medical sensor; allowing for independent control of tissue temperature and modulation of the light frequencies and wavelengths of the LED's supported by the laser diode and; (e) an elastic, portable device configured to be worn in contact with the skin and surrounding the area or areas of inflammation, edema, neural and muscular damage over short and long periods of time; whereas the construction of the device is configured with multiple types and a single laver of modulated light intensities including Laser Diode Technology and fiber optics distributed in a range consisting of “near contact with the skin to a few centimeters from the skin tissue; with orientation toward the subject; integrated low voltage power, electronic memory and communications via analog/digital connection or telemetric medical sensor; allowing for independent control of tissue temperature and modulation of the light frequencies and wavelengths of the LED's supported by the laser diode and (f) the development of software to be integrate into a personal computer or hand held device allowing for the monitoring and documentation of information accumulated from 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) identifying wavelengths, light modulated frequencies, localized heat and heat variances, skin temperature and other biometrics as needed associated with the subject as it applies to the localization of the device. (g) The integration of laser photo diodes and photodetector technology allowing for data to be gathered stored and retrieved in both “real time” and historical events. This integration will be coupled with PMT technology and CCD technology.
  • 2. The method of claim 1(a) wherein the device may/will be constructed of multiple layer technology integrating the light emitting diodes (LED's), fiber optic strands and fiber optic bundles.
  • 3. The method of claim 1(b) wherein the-device may/will be constructed of single layer technology integrating light emitting diodes (LED's), fiber optic strands and fiber optic bundles.
  • 4. The method of claim 1(c) wherein the device may/will be constructed of multiple types and ranges of light emitting diodes (LED's), fiber optic strands and fiber optic bundles.
  • 5. The method of claim 1(d) wherein the device may/will be constructed of multiple layer technology integrating Laser Diode Technology, fiber optic strands and fiber optic bundles.
  • 6. The method of claim 1(e) wherein-the device may/will be constructed of multiple types and single technology integrating Laser Diode Technology, fiber optic strands and fiber optic bundles.
  • 7. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e) wherein the device will be constructed of a neoprene type material or other Non-Allergenic Material(s), allowing for elasticity, flexibility, protection and comfort of the injured site and patient.
  • 8. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e) wherein the device will be designed in multiple pediatric and adult sizes i.e. small, medium, large and extra-large and with wrap-around velcro type adhesive/connectivity or other connective material allowing for a secure fit.
  • 9. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) wherein the device will be designed with LED's or Laser Diodes having wavelengths in ranges of 350 nm to 1000+ nm.
  • 10. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) wherein the LED's or Laser Diode wavelength range of 350 nm to 1000 +nm will be introduced to the skin tissues allowing for muscular and or neural stimulation under low white light conditions.
  • 11. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) wherein, modulated light frequencies may range less than (<) 1 Hz and less than (<) 1 GHz will be introduced to the skin tissues allowing for muscular and or neural stimulation under low white light conditions.
  • 12. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) wherein the LED's or Laser Diode wavelength range from 390 nm to 1000 +nm will be introduced to the skin tissue allowing for internal penetration of the tissue inducing controlled heat/energy through out the injured area.
  • 13. The method of claim 1(a, b; c, d, e, g) wherein the device will be controlled penetrating light wavelengths and modulated light frequencies using light-emitting diodes to control heat/energy and duration directly to the injured site.
  • 14. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) wherein the device will be designed with insulated low voltage being produced by VDC technology.
  • 15. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) wherein the device will incorporate a micro circuit board containing an Electronic Erasable Programming Read Only Memory (EEPROM) chip, Central Processing Unit (CPU), CCD Integration, Laser Photo Diodes, Photodetector Technology, PMT biometrics sensory devices and digital input/output device.
  • 16. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) wherein the device will incorporate a telemetric monitoring transceiver configured for Spread Spectrum Technology in bandwidths ranging at 2.0+ GHz or others approved by the FCC.
  • 17. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) wherein the light-emitting diodes or laser diodes will be integrated into the device using all wavelengths of the spectrum and modulated light frequencies from less than (<) 1 Hz to less than (<) 1 GHz, as possible, for the technology.
  • 18. The method of claim 1(a, b, c, d, e, g) wherein the sensory devices will be integrated into the device allowing for physiological monitoring of the patient and for the ability of adjusting the wavelength and modulated light frequencies.
  • 19. The method of claim 2, wherein the device may/will be configured with LED's in multiple layers consisting of depths from contact with the skin and continuing to 3.5 cm or more.
  • 20. The method of claim 2, wherein the device may/will be configured with arrayable holding devices in single, tri-level and quad-level configurations allowing for multi-band LED's to be connected to fiber optic cabling encapsulating the skin tissues at multiple points separated as needed or required to produce optimal-results.
  • 21. The method of claim 2 wherein the device may/will be designed and configured for the technology of evanescent wavelength in the spectrums of Ultra Violet including Blue, Green, Yellow and Red to near infrared.
  • 22. The method of claim 3, wherein the device may/will be configured with LED's in single layer(s) consisting of depths from contact with the skin and continuing to 3.5 cm or more.
  • 23. The method of claim 3, wherein the device may/will be configured with an array, holding devices in single, tri-level and quad-level configurations allowing for multi-band LED's to be connected to fiber optic cabling encapsulating the skin tissues at multiple points separated as needed or required, to produce optimal results.
  • 24. The method of claim 3 wherein the device may/will be designed and configured for the technology of evanescent wavelength in the spectrums of Ultra Violet including Blue, Green, Yellow and Red to near infrared.
  • 25. The method of claim 4, wherein the device may/will be configured with multiple types and ranges of LED's consisting of depths from contact with the skin and continuing to 3.5 cm or more.
  • 26. The method of claim 4, wherein the device may/will be configured with an array, holding devices in single, tri-level and quad-level configurations allowing for multi-band LED's to be connected to fiber optic cabling encapsulating the skin tissues at multiple points separated as needed or required, to produce optimal results.
  • 27. The method of claim 4, wherein the device may/will be configured with an array, holding devices in single, tri-level and quad-level configurations allowing for multi-band LED's to be connected to fiber optic cabling encapsulating the skin tissues at multiple points separated as needed or required, to produce optimal results.
  • 28. The method of claim 5, wherein the device may/will be configured with multiple layer configurations implementing Laser Diode Technology consisting of depths from contact with the skin and continuing to 3.5 cm or more.
  • 29. The method of claim 5, wherein the device may/will be configured with Laser Diode Technology to be connected to fiber optic cabling encapsulating the skin tissues at multiple points separated as needed or required, to produce optimal results.
  • 30. The method of claim 5, wherein the device may/will be configured with an array, holding devices in single, tri-level and quad-level configurations allowing for laser diode(s) to be connected to fiber optic cabling encapsulating the skin tissues at multiple points separated as needed or required, to produce optimal results.
  • 31. The method of claim 6, wherein the device may/will be configured with single layer technology implementing Laser Diode Technology consisting of depths from contact with the skin and continuing to 3.5 cm or more.
  • 32. The method of claim 6, wherein the device may/will be configured with Laser Diode Technology to be connected to fiber optic cabling encapsulating the skin tissues at multiple points separated as needed or required, to produce optimal results.
  • 33. The method of claim 6, wherein the device may/will be configured with an array, holding devices in single, tri-level and quad-level configurations allowing for laser diode(s) to be connected to fiber optic cabling encapsulating the skin tissues at multiple points separated as needed or required, to produce optimal results.
  • 34. The method of claim 12, 13 wherein the biometrics sensors monitor induced heat/energy, blood flow, baseline temperatures, oxygenated blood and circulation.
  • 35. The method of claim 12, 13 wherein this device is designed to be used with a photosensitizing agent or without, pending on the need and recommendations of the physician.
  • 36. The method of claim 13 wherein the device will be designed of a reflective property or clear film allowing for refractive wavelengths of LED's surrounding the injured site.
  • 37. The method of claim 18 wherein applying these devices to an injured joint, a non-invasive method will be established to decrease inflammation and edema and to enhance the recovery time and flexibility of the joint and damaged tissues. This will allow for a better prognosis and implementation plan prescribed by the physician.
  • 38. The method of claim 1(f) wherein software and engineering designs will be developed to interpret and record the diagnostic information.
  • 39. The method of claim 1, 15 wherein the proprietary software will be designed and compiled to integrate to the micro circuit board, CCD Technology and EEPROM previously identified.
  • 40. The method of claim 1(f) wherein the telemetry and network engineering will allow for communications between the device and information repository (Personal Computer, CCD or Hand Held Device).
  • 41. The method of claim 1(f) wherein the device will have an integrated Digital Input/Output Device allowing for direct connectivity between the information repository and device allowing for calibrations and documentation of changes introduced to the device.

[0001] This application is related to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Number 60/361,161, entitled “Joint Inflammation Therapy and Monitoring Device”, filed Mar. 4, 2002, which is herein incorporated by reference, [0002] The following are patents found that may be associated with this information. 1U.S. Patent DocumentsPatent #DateAuthor4932934June 1990Dougherty et al.5161526November 1992Hellwing et al.5171749December 1992Levy et al.5259380November 1993Mendes et al.5282842February 1994Changaris.5283255February 1994Levy et al.5304167April 1994Freiberg.5320618June 1994Gustafsson5358503October 1994Bertwell et al.5360734November 1994Chapman et al.5422362June 1995Vincent et al.5707986January 1998Miller et al.5993442November 1999Omori5944748August 1999Mager et al.5951596September 1999Bellinger5957960Sepember 1999Chen et al.5993442November 1999Omori6171331January 2001Bagraev, et al.6267779July 2001Gerdes6350275February 2002Vreman, et al.6393315May 2002Aprahamian, et al.20010049609November 2001Benni et al.20010045564November 2001Koike et al.20020022071March 2002Whitehurst, Colin20020077553June 2002Govari, Assaf; et al.Foreign Patent DocumentsPatentDateCountry ID4113803October 1992DE.4112275November 1992DE.4129192March 1993DE.4707945November 1991RU.2014854June 1994RU.2018329August 1994RU.2033823April 1995RU.2032432April 1995RU.2034318April 1995RU.93003767July 1995RU.2043759Sepember 1995RU.93015098Sepember 1995RU.2045969October 1995RU.2049500December 1995RU.94019587December 1997RU.1781659December 1992SU.1810868April 1993SU.9321842November 1993WO.

Provisional Applications (1)
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60361161 Mar 2002 US