In machine learning and data mining, reliably identifying interpretable discriminative interactions among high-dimensional input features with limited training data remains a difficult problem. For example, a major challenge in biomarker discovery and personalized medicine is to identify gene/protein interactions and their relations with other physical factors in medical records to predict the health status of patients. However, we often have limited patient samples but hundreds of millions of feature interactions to consider. One approach makes sparsity and hierarchical constraint assumptions to find discriminative features and their interactions. Hierarchical constraints for high-order feature interactions are suitable for some real-world problems but are too stringent for some others. In real-world applications, we often have abundant prior information about input features that can be readily obtained from many knowledge bases.
In one aspect, a scalable knowledge based high order sparse learning framework termed a Group Factorized High order Interactions Model (Group FHIM) is disclosed for identifying discriminative feature groups and high-order feature group interactions in classification problems.
In another aspect, an optimization-driven sparse learning framework is disclosed to identify discriminative system components among system input features that are essential for system output prediction. In biomarker discovery, to handle the combinatorial interactions among gene or protein expression measurements for identifying interaction complexes and disease biomarkers, the system uses both single input features and high-order input feature interactions.
Advantages of the system may include one or more of the following. The system addresses the challenging problem of identifying high order feature interactions with scalable models by incorporating existing knowledge about input features into the model construction process. The factorization technique incorporates domain knowledge such as grouping of features directly into the decomposition factors. Unlike previous sparse learning approaches, our model can recover both the discriminative feature groups and the pairwise feature group interactions accurately without enforcing any hierarchical feature constraints. Our Group FHIM estimator is asymptotically optimal. Experiments on synthetic and real datasets show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art sparse learning techniques, and it provides ‘interpretable’ high-order feature group interactions for gene expression prediction and peptide-MHC I binding prediction. The system provides efficient knowledge based techniques to capture the important ‘blockwise’ high-order feature and feature group interactions without making heredity assumptions.
Our knowledge-based sparse learning framework is based on weight matrix factorizations and l1/l2 regularization for identifying discriminative high-order feature group interactions in logistic regression and large-margin models. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world datasets show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art sparse learning techniques, and it provides ‘interpretable’ blockwise high-order feature interactions for gene expression prediction and peptide-MHC I protein binding prediction. Our sparse learning framework is quite general, and can be used to identify any discriminative complex system input interactions that are predictive of system outputs given limited high-dimensional training data.
Our method is capable of simultaneously identifying both informative discriminative feature groups and discriminative high order feature group interactions in a sparse learning framework by incorporating domain knowledge. Our method works on high-dimensional input feature spaces with much more features than data samples, which is typical for biomedical applications. Our method has interesting theoretical properties for generalized linear regression models. The feature group interactions identified by our method leads to better understanding of peptide-MHC I protein interaction and gene transcriptional regulation.
In one embodiment, for any vector w, let ∥w∥2 denote the Euclidean norm of w, and supp(w)⊂[1, p], denote the support of w, i.e. the set of features i∈[1, p] with wi≠0. A group of features is a subset g⊂[1, p]. The set of all possible groups is the power set of [1, p] and let us donate it as P . Let G⊂P denote a set of groups of features. In our work, the domain knowledge is presented in terms of G. For any vector w∈Rp, and any group g∈G, let wg denote a vector whose entries are the same as w for the features in g and 0 for other features. Let Wg denote a matrix of size p×p for some g∈G and the entries of Wg are non-zero for corresponding column entries in g (i.e. Wgij≠0 for g∈G and 0 otherwise). Let VG∈RP×G denote a set of NG tuples of vector v=(vg)g∈G, where each vg is a separate vector in Rp, with supp(vg)⊂g, ∀g∈G. If two groups overlap then they share at least one feature in common.
Let {(X(i),y(i))}, i∈[1, n] represent a training set of n samples and p features (predictors), where X(i)∈Rp is the ith instance (column) of the design matrix X and y(i)∈{−1,1} is the ith instance of response variable (output) y. Let {β,βg}∈Rp be the weight vector associated with single features (also called main effects) and feature groups respectively, and β0∈R be the bias term. Note, β=Σg∈Gβg. Let W be the weight matrix associated with the pairwise feature group interactions and let WOD be the weight matrix associated with only the pairwise feature group interactions without self interactions. WOD is an off-diagonal matrix and is given by equation (7).
The system includes identifying the discriminative feature groups βg and the pairwise feature group interactions WOD in classification settings, when domain knowledge such as grouping of features (G) is given, and without making any heredity assumptions. For the classification settings, we can model the output in terms of features and their high order interactions using logistic regression model or large-margin models. Here we consider both these popular classifiers. A logistic regression model with pairwise interactions can be written as follows:
The corresponding loss function (the sum of the negative log-likelihood of the training data) is given by
Similarly, we can solve the classification problem with high order interactions using large margin formulation with Hinge Loss as follows
Next, we present our optimization-driven knowledge based sparse learning framework to identify discriminative feature groups and pairwise feature-group interactions (blockwise interactions) for the classification problems of previous section. For simplicity, here we consider that the groups do not overlap. A natural way to recover the feature groups and their interactions is by regularization as shown below.
where vec(Wg) is the vectorization of the group block matrix Wg. When the number of input features is huge (e.g. biomedical applications), it is practically impossible to explicitly consider pairwise or even higher-order interactions among all the input feature groups based on simple l1-penalty or Group Lasso penalty. To solve this problem, we propose a novel way to factorize the block-wise interaction weight matrix W as sum of K rank-one matrices. Each rank-one matrix is represented by an outer product of two identical vectors (termed as rank-one factors) with the grouping structure imposed on these vectors. The feature group interactions of W can be effectively captured by the grouping on the rank-one factors. A feasible decomposition of blockwise W is shown below
where represents the tensor product/outer product and ak is a rank-one factor of W and is given by ak=Σg∈Gakg. The above decomposition is feasible since each rank-one matrix decomposition of W can be represented as weighted combinations of the group block matrices Wg.
Now, we can rewrite the optimization problem (4) to identify the discriminative feature groups and pairwise feature group interactions by using the grouped rank-one factors as follows,
where {circumflex over (β)},âk represent the estimated parameters of our model, D is a diagonalizing matrix operator which returns a p×p diagonal matrix, and ãk,i is the ith component of ak.
Let Q represent the objective function (loss function with the regularization penalties) i.e. the right hand side of the equation (5). We replace L in (5) by LLogReg(β, WOD, β0) for logistic regression, and by LHinge(β, WOD, β0) for large-margin classification. We call our model Group Factorization based High-order Interaction Model (Group FHIM). In section 4.1 we present a greedy alternating optimization algorithm to solve our optimization problem. Note that we use WOD in equation (5) instead of W. Although the original W is a sum of K rank-one matrix with the maximum rank K, the actual rank of WOD is often much larger than K. However, W and the off-diagonal WOD define the same interaction block-wise patterns between different input features. In practice, we often focus on identifying interpretable discriminative high-order interactions between different features instead of uninteresting self-interactions. Moreover, removing diagonal elements of W has the advantage of eliminating the interference between optimizing β and optimizing ak's for binary input feature vectors, which greatly helps our alternating optimization procedure and often results in much better local optimum in practice. Our empirical studies also show that, even for continuous input features, WOD often result in faster parameter learning and better local optima. Therefore, we used WOD instead of W in the objective functions of both FHIM and Group FHIM for all our experiments.
The non overlapping group structure used in Group FHIM limits its applicability in practice. Hence, an extension of Group FHIM can be used for overlapping groups case or Overlapping Group FHIM (denoted by OvGroup FHIM). In OvGroup FHIM, we consider the overlapping group penalty instead of the l1/l2 penalty used in Group FHIM. The overlapping group penalty for ak is given below.
The optimization problem in Equation 5 is convex in β but non-convex in ak. The non-convexity property of our optimization problem makes it is difficult to propose an optimization strategy which guarantees convergence to global optima. Here, we propose a greedy alternating optimization approach (Algorithm 1) to find a local optima for our problem. We use the Spectral Projected Gradient method for solving our optimization problems (Line 4 and 5) since we found through experiments that it is much faster than other popular approaches such as Quasi-Newton methods.
We use synthetic and real datasets to demonstrate the performance of our Group FHIM and OvGroup FHIM models, and compare it with LASSO, Hierarchical LASSO, Group Lasso, Trace-norm , Dirty model, QUIRE and FHIM. We use 80% of dataset for training and 20% for test, and 20% of training data as validation set to find optimal tuning parameters. We search tuning parameters for all methods using grid search, and for our model the parameters λβ and λa
We generate the features of design matrix X using a normal distribution with mean zero and variance one (N(0,1)). β,ak were generated as s-sparse vector from N(0,1), s is chosen as 5-10% of p and the number of groups |G|∈[10,50]. The group interaction weight matrix WOD was generated using equation (7) for a K∈[1,5]. The response vectors y was generated for logistic and large-margin formulation with a noise factor of 0.01. We generated several synthetic datasets by varying n, p, K, |G| and s. Note, we denote the combined total features (that is main effects+pairwise interaction) by q, here q=p(p+1)/2. Here, we show results for synthetic data in these settings: Case 1) n>p and q>n (high-dimensional setting w.r.t interaction features) and Case 2) p>n (high-dimensional setting w.r.t original features).
To assess the performance of our model, we tested our methods on three prediction tasks:
1. Classification on RCC sample: The test dataset contains 213 RCC samples from Benign and 4 different stages of tumor. Expression levels of 1092 proteins are collected in this dataset and these 1092 proteins belong to the 341 groups (overlapping groups). The number of Benign, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4 tumor samples are 40,101,17,24 and 31 respectively.
2. Gene Expression Prediction: The test dataset has 157 ChIP-Seq signals for transcription factor bindings and chromatin modifications and 1000 samples for gene transcripts. The features were grouped into 101 non-overlapping groups based on prior knowledge about ChIP-Seq experimental setup. For example, different ChIP-Seq experiments under different conditions or treatments for the same transcription factor are grouped into the same group.
3. Peptide-MHC I Binding Prediction: The test dataset has 9 positional groups (non-overlapping) and each positional group contains 20 features which are substitution log-odds from BLOSUM62 for the amino acid at this position.
For synthetic data, we evaluate performance of our methods using prediction error and support recovery experiments. For real dataset, we perform the following evaluations:
1. RCC Classification: We perform 3 stage-wise binary classification experiments using RCC samples:
(a) Case 1: Benign samples vs. Stage 1-4 .
(b) Case 2: Benign and Stage 1 vs. Stage 2-4.
(c) Case 3: Benign, Stage 1,2 vs. Stage 3,4.
2. ChIP-Seq Gene Expression Classification: We perform two binary classification experiments: Case 1) predict gene expression levels as low or high, Case 2) predict whether genes are expressed or not.
3. Peptide-MHC I Binding Prediction: We predict binding peptides from non-binding peptides for three alleles, HLA-A*0201, HLA-A*0206 and HLA-A*2402.
Tables 1 and 2 show that our Group FHIM and OvGroup FHIM outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches such as l1 Logistic Regression, Group Lasso yuan2006model, Hierarchical Lasso hlasso and FHIM FHIM_KDD. These models (except l1 Logistic Regression) were chosen for comparison because they are the state-of-the-art approaches which can recover grouping structure or high order feature interactions.
Next, we report systematic experimental results on classification of samples from different stages of RCC. This dataset does not have grouping information for proteins. In order to group the proteins, we use the web based tool Database for Annotation, Visualization, and Integrated Discovery (DAVID, There are a set of parameters that can be adjusted in DAVID based on which the functional classification is done. This whole set of parameters is controlled by a higher level parameter—“Classification Stringency”, which determines how tight the resulting groups are in terms of association of the genes in each group. We set the stringency level to ‘Medium’ which results in balanced functional groups where the association of the genes are moderately tight. The total number of groups based on cellular component annotations for RCC is 56. Each ungrouped gene forms a separate group, and in total we have 341 overlapping groups.
The predictive performance of the bio-markers and pairwise group interactions selected by our OvGroup FHIM model (Hinge Loss) is compared against the markers selected by Lasso, All-Pairs Lasso, Group Lasso, Dirty model, QUIRE and FHIM. We use SLEP SLEP, MALSAR malsar packages for the implementation of most of these models. QUIRE and FHIM codes were obtained from the authors. The overall performance of the algorithms are shown in
Gene Expression Prediction from ChIP-Seq Signals is detailed next. For case 1, the gene expression measured by Cap Analysis (CAGE) from the ENCODE project above 3.0 (the median of nonzero gene expression levels) is considered as high, while the gene expression between 0 and 3.0 is considered as low for the classification experiments; for case 2, the genes with nonzero expression levels are considered as expressed and the others as non-expressed. Table 4 shows the gene expression prediction results on these two classification experiments. We observed that our Group FHIM outperforms all the state-of-the-art models such as Group l1 logistic regression and FHIM. Moreover, our model discovers biologically meaningful ChIP-Seq signal interactions which are discussed in the section 6.5.1.
An investigation of the interactions identified by our Group FHIM on the ChIP-Seq dataset reveals that many of these interactions are indeed relevant for gene expression. Among these group interactions, POL2 catalyzes DNA transcription and synthesizes mRNAs and most of small non-coding RNAs, and many transcription factors require its binding to gene promoters to begin gene transcription; MYC is known to recruit histone modifications to activate gene expression; YY1 is known to interact with histone modifications to activate or repress gene expression; SETDB1 regulates histone modifications to repress gene expression; CTCF is an insulator, its binding to MYC locus prevents the expression of MYC to be altered by DNA methylation, and it regulates chromatin structure for which its group also appeared in the dicriminative ones identified by our model. Further investigations of the interactions identified by our Group FHIM model might reveal novel insights that will help us to better understand gene regulation.
Peptide-MHC I Binding Prediction is discussed next. Table 4 shows the comparison of peptide-MHC I binding prediction of our model with respect to the state-of-the-art l1 and Group l1 logistic regression and FHIM.
1 Logistic
A first storage device 122 and a second storage device 124 are operatively coupled to system bus 102 by the I/O adapter 120. The storage devices 122 and 124 can be any of a disk storage device (e.g., a magnetic or optical disk storage device), a solid state magnetic device, and so forth. The storage devices 122 and 124 can be the same type of storage device or different types of storage devices.
A speaker 132 is operatively coupled to system bus 102 by the sound adapter 130. A transceiver 142 is operatively coupled to system bus 102 by network adapter 140. A display device 162 is operatively coupled to system bus 102 by display adapter 160.
A first user input device 152, a second user input device 154, and a third user input device 156 are operatively coupled to system bus 102 by user interface adapter 150. The user input devices 152, 154, and 156 can be any of a keyboard, a mouse, a keypad, an image capture device, a motion sensing device, a microphone, a device incorporating the functionality of at least two of the preceding devices, and so forth. Of course, other types of input devices can also be used, while maintaining the spirit of the present principles. The user input devices 152, 154, and 156 can be the same type of user input device or different types of user input devices. The user input devices 152, 154, and 156 are used to input and output information to and from system 100.
Of course, the processing system 100 may also include other elements (not shown), as readily contemplated by one of skill in the art, as well as omit certain elements. For example, various other input devices and/or output devices can be included in processing system 100, depending upon the particular implementation of the same, as readily understood by one of ordinary skill in the art. For example, various types of wireless and/or wired input and/or output devices can be used. Moreover, additional processors, controllers, memories, and so forth, in various configurations can also be utilized as readily appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art. These and other variations of the processing system 100 are readily contemplated by one of ordinary skill in the art given the teachings of the present principles provided herein.
Referring now to
In one embodiment, components 204, 206, 208, and 210 may include any components now known or known in the future for performing operations in physical (or virtual) systems (e.g., temperature sensors, deposition devices, key performance indicator (KPI), pH sensors, financial data, etc.), and data collected from various components (or received (e.g., as time series)) may be employed as input to the engine 212 according to the present principles. The engine/controller 212 may be directly connected to the physical system or may be employed to remotely monitor and/or control the quality and/or components of the system according to various embodiments of the present principles.
While the machine-readable storage medium is shown in an exemplary embodiment to be a single medium, the term “machine-readable storage medium” should be taken to include a single medium or multiple media (e.g., a centralized or distributed database, and/or associated caches and servers) that store the one or more sets of instructions. The term “machine-readable storage medium” shall also be taken to include any medium that is capable of storing or encoding a set of instructions for execution by the machine and that cause the machine to perform any one or more of the methodologies of the present invention. The term “machine-readable storage medium” shall accordingly be taken to include, but not be limited to, solid-state memories, and optical and magnetic media.
In sum, the knowledge-based sparse learning framework called Group FHIM can identify discriminative high-order feature group interactions in logistic regression and large-margin models. Empirical experiments on synthetic and real datasets showed that our model outperforms several well-known and state-of-the-art sparse learning techniques such as Lasso, l1 Logistic Regression, Group Lasso, Hierarchical Lasso, and FHIM, and it achieves comparable or better performance compared to the state-of-the-art knowledge based approaches such as QUIRE. Our model identifies high-order positional group interactions for peptide-MHC I binding prediction, and it discovers the important group interactions such as POL2-MYC, YY1-histone modifications, MYC-histone modifications, and CTCF-MYC which are valuable for understanding gene transcriptional regulation.
The inventors contemplate a factorization of the weight matrix W as W=ΣkakbkT since it is more general and can capture non-symmetric W. Sparsistency can be done P({circumflex over (θ)}A
It is to be understood that the above description is intended to be illustrative, and not restrictive. Many other embodiments will be apparent to those of skill in the art upon reading and understanding the above description. Although the present invention has been described with reference to specific exemplary embodiments, it will be recognized that the invention is not limited to the embodiments described, but can be practiced with modification and alteration within the spirit and scope of the appended claims. Accordingly, the specification and drawings are to be regarded in an illustrative sense rather than a restrictive sense. The scope of the invention should, therefore, be determined with reference to the appended claims and equivalents thereof.
The present application claims priority to Provisional Application 62/127405 filed Mar. 3, 2015, the content of which is incorporated by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
62127405 | Mar 2015 | US |