Scott et al., "Explanation Capabilities of Production-Based Consultation Systems," STAN-77-593, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1977). |
William Clancey, "An Antibiotic Therapy Selector which Provides for Explanations," HPP-78-26 (working paper) Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1978). |
William Clancey, "Tutoring Rules for Guiding a Case Method Dialog," HPP-78-25, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1978). |
Barr et al., "Transfer of Expertise: A Theme for AI Research," HPP-79-11 (working paper), Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1979). |
Clancey et al., "Intelligent Computer-Aided Instruction for Medical Diagnosis," 3rd Computer Application in Medical Care, (Oct. 1979) pp. 175-183. |
William Clancey, "Dialogue Management for Rule-Based Tutorials," HPP79-9 (working paper), Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1979). |
Yu et al., "Antimicrobial Selection by a Computer," Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 242 (Sep. 21, 1979) pp. 1279-1282. |
Scott et al., "Oncology Protocol Management Using the ONCOCIN System: A Preliminary Report," HPP-80-15, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1980). |
Shortliffe et al., "ONCOCIN: An Expert System for Oncology Protocol Management," HPP-81-7, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1981). |
Grenesereth et al., "The MRS Dictionary," HPP-80-24, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1981). |
Van Melle et al., "The Emycin Manual," HPP-81-16, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1981). |
William Clancey, "The Epistemology of a Rule-Based Expert System: A Framework for Explanation," HPP-81-17, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1981). |
William Clancey, "Methodology for Building an Intelligent Tutoring System," HPP-81-18, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1981). |
Clancey & Letsinger, "NEOMYCIN: Reconfiguring a Rule-Based Expert System for Application to Teaching," HPP-81-2, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1982). |
Clancey & Buchanan, "Exploration of Teaching and Problem-Solving Strategies, 1979-1982," HPP-82-8, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1982). |
London & Clancey, "Plan Recognition Strategies in Student Modeling: Prediction and Description," HPP-82-7, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1982). |
Genesereth and Smith, "Meta-Level Architecture," HPP-81-6, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1982). |
Clancey & Bock, "MRS/NEOMYCIN: Representing Metacontrol in Predicate Calculus," HPP-82-31, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1983). |
William Clancey, "Communication, Simulation and Intelligent Agents: Implications of Personal Intelligent Machines for Medical Education," HPP-83-3, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1983). |
William Clancey, "The Advantages of Abstract Control Knowledge in Expert System Designs," HPP-83-17, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1983). |
Bischoff et al., "Integration of a Computer-Based Consultant into the Clinical Setting," HPP-83-14, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1983). |
William Clancey, "GUIDON," Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, vol. 10 Nos. 1 & 2, (Summer 1983) pp. 8-15, [HPP-83-42]. |
Michael Genesereth, "The MRS Casebook," HPP-83-26, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1983). |
Diane Hasling, "Abstract Explanations of Strategy in a Diagnostic Consultation System," HPP-83-18, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1983). |
Slowman et al., "POPLOG: A Multilanguage Program Development Environment," Info. Tech. Res. & Dev., vol. 2 (1983) pp. 109-122. |