This application relates to retro-reflectors and in particular to modulated retro-reflectors and to communication systems using them.
Retro-reflectors are well known and available including the corner cube retro-reflector and the cat's eye retro-reflector. When the aperture of one of these devices is illuminated by a light beam from a wide range of angles, a portion of the light beam is reflected in the general direction of its source. A large portion of light passing through a portion of the retro-reflector aperture is reflected toward the source with small divergence. This portion of the aperture is called the “clear aperture”. It is well known that a conventional cat's eye retro-reflector with a 120° field of view has a small clear aperture, and hence low optical efficiency.
Modulating retro-reflector devices play an integral role in several modern lasercom system concepts. These devices are useful for communication to and from the mobile stations where space, weight or electric power is very limited. Various approaches have been proposed for modulation devices, the most prominent of which is multiple quantum well technology. A multiple quantum well modulated retro-reflector is described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,154,299 which is incorporated herein by reference.
A basic design for conventional cat's eye retro-reflector with a 120 degree field of view is shown in
For a single retro-reflector the received power is proportional to the clear aperture area. Therefore, P∝D2, where D is the clear aperture diameter. Further, the divergence of the retro-reflected beam is proportional to φ∝λ/D where λ is the wavelength and the area S of the retro-reflected beam spot at the interrogator is proportional to
Since the power received is inversely proportional to the beam spot area, the received power P at the interrogator depends on the clear aperture diameter as
Due to this fourth power law, when the clear aperture diameter is increased by a factor of 3.5, the received power is increased by a factor of (3.5)4=150. This increase of the optical efficiency is critically important for the MRR link because the received power at the interrogator reduces with the range as L−4.
What is needed is a much more efficient modulated retro-reflector.
The present invention provides a large clear aperture cat's eye retro-reflector system that improves the optical efficiency by two orders of magnitude over conventional cat's eye retro-reflectors. It achieves this increase by using a wide-angle lens design with a curved focal plane, so the entrance aperture is not limited by the design constraints of a solid glass sphere. Since light reflected from a retro-reflector increases as the fourth power of the reflector aperture, light reflected from the retro-reflector of the present invention is increased by two orders of magnitude as compared to the prior art cat's eye retro-reflector of conventional size.
When used as a communication device, the retro-reflector is preferably modulated by a quantum well modulator providing very high speed communication. In preferred embodiments a moving quantum well modulator is placed near the focal plane, where the beam footprint is much smaller than the entrance aperture, effectively allowing a small modulator to modulate a large diameter beam. A tracking system tracks the source of interrogating beams and positions the small modulator to intersect the incoming beam near the focal plane where the beam footprint is very small. The lens design also keeps the region near the focal plane empty, providing a space to move the modulating chip along the top surface of a curved cat's eye mirror. The required motion is slow, with only coarse tracking required to keep the modulator within a 4° field of view. The motion of the moving modulator provides a 120° field of regard with an effective clear aperture equal to approximately 30 percent of the full aperture of the cat's eye at 0 degrees and about 20 percent of the cat's eye aperture at +/−60 degrees.
A retro-reflector 16 representing a preferred embodiment of the present invention is shown in
Cat's Eye Retro-Reflector
The prior art cat's eye retro-reflector is comprised of two hemispheres 6 and 8 both of which are transparent to visible light. The outside surface 10 of bottom hemisphere 8 is coated to reflect visible light and the radii and material of the two hemispheres are chosen so that visible light illuminating the surface of hemisphere 6 is focused onto the reflective surface of hemisphere 8. The result is that visible light illuminating a portion 12 of the surface 14 of the top hemisphere 6 of cat's eye retro-reflector 2 from any angle between about +/−90 degrees from normal is retro-reflected back in the direction of its source. The portion 12 is referred to as the “clear aperture” of the cat's eye retro-reflector and represents about 15 percent of the diameter of the cat's eye device.
Large Aperture Retro-Reflector
A large aperture retro-reflector according to the present invention is shown in
In the directions of +/−60 degrees light retro-reflected from this retro-reflector is about 150 times as great as light retro-reflected from a conventional size prior art cat's eye retro-reflector. It may be utilized in almost all applications now using conventional cat's eye retro-reflectors such as highway signs. It may also be used as a communication device as describe below.
Prior art U.S. Pat. No. 6,154,299 referred to in the Background Section describes a cat's eye modulated retro-reflector with a quantum well modulator located at intersection of the two hemispheres comprising the prior art cat's eye device as shown at 4 in
Modulator on Top Surface
In a preferred embodiment of the present invention shown in
Since the entire lens acts as a coherent reflector, diffraction patterns will be determined by the pattern diameter, not the diameter of individual apertures. Some vignetting will occur, but that will typically be tolerable, and will depend on the fill factor. The reader should note that this will not work for a corner-cube retro-reflector, since the incoming and outgoing paths are not aligned. For a refractive retro-reflector, as shown in
Array of Large Aperture Modulated Retro-Reflectors
Another preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes an array of the modulated retro-reflector shown in
Tilted Retro-Reflector Arrays
Moving Modulator
In a preferred embodiment of a large aperture modulated cat's eye type retro-reflector the modulator is a moving modulator as shown in
Because the instantaneous communications field of view is large enough (several degrees), only slow, very coarse tracking is required. The estimates show that to track the airborne interrogator transmitter moving at 1 degrees/sec (10 km*1 degrees/sec=390 MPH), the modulator velocity about 1.5 mm/sec ( 1/16″/sec) is needed. In order to compensate for the vehicle motion on the ground, when the vehicle turns at 90 degree in 4 seconds a higher modulator velocity of 28 mm/sec is required, which is still fairly slow motion. This reduces the complexity and cost of the tracking system.
To increase the signal return at the airborne interrogator, another embodiment uses a small array of four of these
Because the retro-reflected beam in these retro-reflecting communication links propagates through the same atmospheric turbulence twice: first from the interrogator to the retro-reflector and then back to the interrogator, the scintillation in the retro-reflected beam exceeds the corresponding level in a one-way communication link when the transmitter and receiver are located at the different ends of the propagation path. In addition, the aperture averaging function in a retro-reflected beam does not gradually decrease with the receiving aperture diameter, but saturates at a constant level. The latter is due to a so-called residual turbulent scintillation effect. This effect occurs when the spatial correlation scale of intensity variations in the interrogator beam exceeds the retro-reflector diameter, l1>D. Under this condition intensity variations in the interrogator beam caused by scintillation modulate the total retro-reflected flux. As a consequence, the received signal at the interrogator correlates at all points of the receiving aperture, and a large aperture receiver cannot average out these signal variations.
In a weak scintillation regime the intensity spatial correlation scale in a diverging laser beam is determined by the radius of the first Fresnel zone l1=1.6{square root}{square root over (λL)}, where λ is the wavelength, and L is the range. For λ=1.55 μm and L=20 km the intensity correlation scale is l1=28 cm, whereas it is l1=20 cm for 10 km range. For the conventional cat's eye design, the clear aperture diameter is typically on the order of 1 cm. Therefore, l1>>D, and the residual turbulent scintillation effect occurs in the retro-reflected beam.
In order to determine the link margin required to mitigate the impact of scintillation on the retro-reflected link, this effect needs to be quantified. Applicants evaluated the scintillation in the retro-reflected beam by using a wave-optics code. The following system parameters were used in the simulation: the wavelength λ=1.55 μm, the range L=20 km, the interrogator altitude H=10 km, the elevation angle ε=30°, the interrogator beam divergence 50 μrad, the MRR size 4 cm. The simulation grid size was 1024×1024, and the sample spacing was 5.7 mm. The atmospheric turbulence was modeled by using 9 phase screens. Two atmospheric turbulence models were employed: the HV5/7 turbulent model, which characterizes the night time turbulence, and a daytime turbulent model, where the refractive index structure characteristic near the ground is equal to Cn2=5×10−13 m2/3. The atmospheric coherence diameter, or Fried parameter, for HV5/7 model and elevation angle ε=30° is equal to r0=13 cm, whereas for daytime turbulence model r0=8.6 cm.
The x and y slices of the normalized intensity standard deviation at the retro-reflector and at the interrogator at 20 km range and elevation angle ε=30° in daytime turbulence is shown in
Mitigation of Turbulence-Induced Scintillation Using an Array of Retro-Reflectors Now we consider an array of retro-reflectors separated at a distance which exceeds the intensity spatial correlation scale in the interrogator beam, Δl≧l1. The intensity in the retro-reflected wave is given by the sum
where Ii is the intensity in the beam retro-reflected by the ith modulated retro-reflector, and N is the number of the retro-reflectors in the array. If intensities Ii are statistically independent, then the scintillation in the retro-reflected wave is reduced.
The scintillation in the retro-reflected wave is reduced due to two effects. First, the scintillation in the interrogator beam is reduced because the optical signals acquired by each MRR separated by the distance Δl≧l1 are uncorrelated. Second, the MRR array transmits back to the interrogator N spatially separated beams, which sample different turbulence volumes. Consequently, the scintillation is additionally reduced due to averaging over a finite angular size of the retro-reflector array, φ>1.6{square root}{square root over (λ/L)}. This effect is similar to the effect which reduces the scintillation for the planets as compared to that for the stars. Due to the above two effects the normalized intensity standard deviation in a retro-reflected wave is reduced proportionally to σ1∝1/{square root}{square root over (N)}. The simulation results confirm this conclusion.
To mitigate the effect of scintillation for an array of 4 retro-reflectors in daytime turbulence only the SNR=16 dB is needed, whereas for a single MRR the SNR=26 dB is required. Furthermore, an array of retro-reflectors provides an additional SNR gain, as compared to a single retro-reflector. This allows us to mitigate the effect of cirrus clouds as well.
For an array of retro-reflectors, coherent interference of the light beams reflected from each retro-reflector is a concern. Coherent interference between the light beams reflected from each retro-reflector can cause additional intensity variations in the return beam and thus degrade the performance of the retro-reflector link. Therefore, this effect must also be mitigated. In order to eliminate coherent interference between the retro-reflected beams, each retro-reflector must be located in a different coherent volume of the interrogator beam. One can achieve this goal by separating the retro-reflectors in the transverse (perpendicular to the optical axis) or in the longitudinal, or beam propagation, direction.
The lateral coherence diameter, or Fried parameter, depends on the vertical profile of the refractive index structure characteristic Cn2 (h) and elevation angle, ε, and it is given by
where H is the altitude of the interrogator, and h0 is the altitude of the array of MRRs. For HV5/7 turbulence model r0=5 cm for λ=0.5 μm and propagation at the zenith. For λ=1.55 μm and ε=90′, the lateral coherence diameter is r0=20 cm, whereas for ε=30′, r0=13 cm. For daytime turbulent model the Fried parameter is r0=8.6 cm. Thus, if the modulated retro-reflectors are separated at the distance Δl>20 cm, then each retro-reflector will be located in a different coherent volume and coherent interference between the retro-reflected beams will be eliminated.
In addition, the longitudinal coherence length,
is determined by the wavelength, λ, and the laser line width, Δλ. For λ=1.55 μm and line width of Δλ=1.0 nm, the longitudinal coherence length is lc=1.2 mm. Therefore, if the spacing between the retro-reflectors in the longitudinal direction exceeds 1.2 mm, the longitudinal coherence length, Δl1>lc, then each retro-reflector will be located in a different coherent volume. This will prevent coherent interference between the retro-reflected beams.
The preliminary retroreflector design is based on a refractive optical system with a curved mirror at the focal plane, as shown in
Assuming a 6 mm diameter modulator, and an 86 mm focal length, the instantaneous field of view is 4°. A reasonable focal ratio of F/2.4 leads to an input aperture of 36 mm. This is much larger than any cat's-eye design with a similar focal length. The field of regard for this simple doublet with a primary mirror is 120 degrees.
We have designed a preliminary system to show the essential details. The simple doublet shown in
The optimization merit function, which the ray tracing program automatically minimizes to find the best optical solution, will be weighted to emphasize the edge of the field of view. This is where the communication range is the longest (20 km) and the effective aperture is the smallest. For light coming in on-axis, the maximum range is only 10 km, so the retro-reflected signal is roughly 16 times stronger. If the optical design shows good performance on-axis, this will result in good communication under more adverse conditions. This type of tradeoff will be studied during lens optimization.
While an all-spherical design is desired, it might be necessary to place a simple asphere on some lens surfaces. Molded plastic or glass lenses are now routinely used in the commercial world, so this aspect should not restrict the design. The goal is to produce a design with the largest possible aperture, but some tradeoffs with manufacturability must always be considered.
The design should also be rugged and work over a wide temperature range. The spacing between the lenses and the mirror is critical. For best performance in this retro-reflecting system, the focus error should be on the order of the wavelength times the square of the focal ratio, or about 10 microns. This can easily be held with the appropriate spacer materials; Invar or silica, for example, are adequate. Depending on the actual glasses used in the final design, their effect on the focal length might also have to be considered in the overall compensation equation. Passive thermallization is always desired, but since some feedback from the airborne interrogator is possible, active thermallization might also be considered to further enhance performance.
Finally, if it is necessary to protect the reflecting surface from dust and contamination that might reduce retro-reflective efficiency, two alternatives are presented. The baseline approach is to make the mirror a second surface Mangin type. The mirror is not too large, so that BK7 can be used as a substrate, and a reflective coating applied to the back side. The reflection then goes through the glass, and any dust or contaminants on the first surface would be out of focus. Since that refractive surface is close to focus, its shape is not too critical, and a simple concentric surface should be acceptable. The back side reflector could be a gold coating, protected with a lacquer layer.
The alternative design, if the mirror is made of some low-expansion glass that does not transmit well, is to use a hard dielectric first surface mirror and use an anti-static type brush around the modulator aperture to keep the surface swept clean. As the modulator moves around the surface, the soft brush would sweep away dust, assuring that the reflection is always perfect.
Applicants' preferred modulator for the retro-reflectors shown in
Applicants' preferred embodiments includes optical tracking. Assuming the modulator diameter is 6 mm, the tracking requirements are easy to meet. An error of 1 mm would cause a negligible decrease in signal, so a precision tracking system is not required. The tracking camera presented in the next section can handle an angular tracking motion of 24 degrees per second. On the mirror surface, this corresponds to traversing the mirror surface in 5 seconds. For the mirror shown here, the maximum velocity would be only 28 mm/sec. Normally, the motion would be much slower.
Two mechanical designs have been considered: one uses cables to directly pull the modulator on hinged rails placed near the mirror; the alternate design uses magnetic coupling through the mirror to pull the modulator anywhere on the surface, without rails.
The baseline design uses rails to guide the modulator, as shown in
One advantage of this design is that the optics are never touched, preserving the optical alignment and the mirror surface for good retro-reflections. The main disadvantage is that the rails are somewhat difficult to design, or align. A rail-less system is shown in
Taking advantage of the curved back surface, a few strong magnets can be positioned anywhere on the surface with a few opposing cables. A pair of rare earth magnets only 19 mm diameter can easily work through a substrate 50 mm thick, as long as the friction is not too large. The modulator board would be supported over the mirror by small rolling sapphire spheres or Teflon pads. Even if the mirror were a first surface design, durable hard-coated dielectric mirrors can easily survive this type of friction.
The advantage of this type of design is that it is more reliable. The primary disadvantage is the potential problem of scratches appearing on the reflective surface. Since all the mechanical parts are on the back side, however, the optical chamber can be assembled and sealed in a clean room, preserving the optical cleanliness. The tradeoffs between these motion control choices will be studied in more detail once the optical design has been finalized, in case that design discourages the Mangin mirror approach.
The modulator board is shown with no direct connections to signal or power supplies. In either option presented so far, a thin flexible cable could be used to connect the modulator board, or even a fiber optic cable. A flexible service loop could be located near the chamber walls, and springs could be used to keep the slack from getting in the way of the optical beam. In Applicants' preferred approach, however, Applicants are presenting a wireless link to provide both power and signal. This approach seems reasonable, especially since the requirements over such a short range seem simple to implement. This wireless option reduces risk and enhances reliability by reducing the number of moving or flexible components. The wireless transmitter is shown at 50 in
Getting a 45 MHz signal to the board is relatively simple, using a diffused laser source as a signal transmitter. A quick calculation shows that if a 3 mW-laser at 850 nm floods the optical chamber, a 10 mm silicon detector will pick up about 1 microwatt of laser power, or about 1000 times its noise level. This is more than enough margin to assure error-free signal transmission.
Inductive power coupling is used in a wide variety of consumer goods to provide power to electric razors and toothbrushes, as well as computer accessories. Normally, the wireless component runs on batteries that are kept charged while the unit is docked to the charging station. Since the modulator here may be turned on for a long period, we are assuming that our power requirements are continuous. The modulator board would only have a small capacitor storage cell that would operate the modulator for perhaps one or two seconds. This would reduce weight on the board, and by eliminating batteries, would enhance reliability. Power transfer over the entire range of the modulator motion is inefficient compared to close-coupled transfers, but the power requirements are expected to be so small that this inefficiency is not important.
An alternative to inductive coupling is using a solar cell on the board that picks up light from a bright LED. This is relatively inefficient because the light must be spread all across the field of regard, and only a small fraction can be captured. This light might also cause problems for the communication signal, although with appropriate filters, this could be a small effect. A few bright LEDs could provide 10 microwatts from a 40 mm2 solar cell.
To keep a modulator on the line-of-sight with an interrogator, a tracking input is required. The baseline approach assumes that one tracker is adequate for the retro-reflector array and an IR tracking system is included. The tracker 52 for this proposal is based on a compact InGaAs digital camera with commercial specifications, shown in
There is plenty of room around the lens perimeters for the small tracking camera, so it fits nicely into the top of the assembly, as shown in
To prevent such a small aperture from being blocked by dirt or water, a cover 54 should be provided.
The effect of direct sunlight onto the IR tracker focal plane is a concern. The baseline design already includes a filter to block all but IR light from hitting the focal plane, but since the angle of incidence is so large, a narrow band filter is probably difficult to manufacture. The sunlight that leaks though this wide filter has a total power far too small to cause damage, but the light may still be bright enough to cause blooming in the video signal. This would disrupt tracking, even when the searching laser is some distance away from the sun.
According to the vendor, their design does incorporate anti-blooming circuitry that should work for a signal saturated by over 1000×. Depending on the scenario, however, a factor of 1,000,000 might be desired. A proposed solution for this problem is to use a photo-chromic glass or plastic sheet just in front of the focal plane. Normally, this material is transparent, but when irradiated by sunlight (specifically, the ultraviolet rays from the sun), the material darkens. Sunglasses have been made from this material for many years, depending on the absorption of the free silver that is produced, to block sunlight. Since only a small portion of the focal plane will be irradiated by direct sunlight, only that portion of the focal plane will be affected, exactly as required. Since the sun would move only slowly, even in a traveling vehicle, much of the sunlight would always be blocked.
The intensity of sunlight on the focal plane is actually higher than for direct sunlight, due to the concentrating power of the lens. Even though such a small aperture is used, the intensity is still well above the threshold to darken the material. The magnitude of the blocking is not certain, however, so some simple experiments are required. Fortunately, the material is not affected by IR light, so even a strong interrogation beam (similar in power to the sun) will be unaffected.
Instead of glass, many new sunglasses use a plastic substrate with a thin photosensitive coating. Instead of silver, organic compounds are used that change absorption after irradiation. It is likely that infrared radiation would not be blocked, but this requires more testing. The advantage of this type of material is that it might be engineered especially for our application, including speeding up the response and recovery time. These are among the details that will be studied during the design optimization.
Applicants expect that airborne interrogators must be able to acquire the modulator retro-reflector on the ground using a retro-reflected return. In preferred systems with a moving modulator, the return is only visible when the optical tracking at the retro-reflector has begun and the modulator is located on the line-of-sight with the interrogator. The IR tracking camera has a flat focal plane and a small aperture, so it provides an insignificant return.
To provide an augmented return for acquisition of Applicants' large aperture array by the interrogator, a simple corner cube can be added. It is not modulated, and will simply appear as a strong glint. The IR tracker will detect the search beam, however, and will then move the modulator on the line-of-sight with the interrogator. As soon as the modulator is in place, the tracking signal will become modulated, positively eliminating a false alarm. The time to move the modulator into position may require a few seconds, but this may not be of any consequence. To reduce the background noise once the interrogator has locked onto the system, a shutter might be used in front of the corner cube to block its reflection. Another alternative would be to use a small aperture cat's eye modulated retro-reflector. Applicants' calculations show that the maximum aperture will be only 11 mm, far too small for a 45 MHz communication link, but more than adequate to provide a low bandwidth modulated acquisition signal. This cat's eye was shown in the center of
For the static cat's eye modulated retro-reflectors with a field of regard of 120 degrees the clear aperture diameter is 10.3 mm, whereas the full aperture diameter is 96 mm. By using a moving modulator and an optical tracker, the clear aperture diameter in the present invention is increased to 36 mm. This increases an optical efficiency of the retro-reflector, as compared to the prior art cat's eye retro-reflector by a factor of 150. An array of four large aperture retro-reflectors of the type described above has the same optical efficiency as an array of 600 prior art static cat's eye modulated retro-reflectors.
While there have been shown what are presently considered to be preferred embodiments of the present invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications can be made herein without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. For example, the inside surface of mirror element 22 shown in
Thus, the scope of the invention is to be determined by the appended claims and their legal equivalents.