Laundry detergent tablets

Laundry detergent tablets are proposed comprising


[0001] The invention is situated in the field of shaped laundry detergents and relates to tablets with surfactants, builders, and disintegrants, that further comprise cationic polymers as finishing agents.


[0002] Laundry detergents available on the market include those which not only clean the laundry but also give it a particular soft hand. Such formulations, frequently referred to as soft detergents, include finishing agents which are generally cationic surfactants of the tetraalkylammonium compound type, usually in combination with phyllosilicates. The quaternary ammonium compounds mentioned are unsatisfactory in terms of their biodegradability; moreover, it is known that, with very sensitive users, laundry treated with them may trigger irritations. In combination with anionic surfactants, furthermore, the unwanted formation of salts occurs readily. For this reason, there is a lively interest in substitutes which are free from these disadvantages.

[0003] One solution would be to replace the quaternary ammonium compounds by other cationic surfactants of the ester quat type. Although these are assessed significantly better in terms of their ecotoxicological compatibility and indeed possess finishing properties which are often superior, even many times so, they are of only limited hydrolysis resistance under the alkaline conditions of the laundry in process and are therefore unsuitable as a true substitute.

[0004] Accordingly, it was the object of the present invention to provide novel shaped laundry detergents, preferably in the form of tablets, which are no longer objectionable in terms of their ecotoxicological compatibility and are readily soluble under laundering conditions, which exhibit sufficient chemical resistance, and which in particular give the laundry an excellent soft hand.


[0005] The invention provides laundry detergent tablets comprising

[0006] (a) anionic, nonionic and/or amphoteric surfactants,

[0007] (b) cationic polymers,

[0008] (c) zeolites,

[0009] (d) disintegrants, and if desired

[0010] (e) phyllosilicates.

[0011] It has surprisingly been found that the laundry detergent tablets of the invention comply excellently with the requirements specified at the outset. The cationic polymers constitute ideal substitutes for monomeric cationic surfactants, since they bring about comparable finishing while being chemically stable under alkaline conditions and giving no cause for objection on either ecological or toxicological grounds. Particularly in combination with phosphate builders, an especially advantageous finishing effect is observed which may be improved still further by adding phyllosilicates and/or by using a surfactant system based on alkylbenzenesulfonates and alkyl sulfates. Preferably, the laundry detergents are free from cationic surfactants.

[0012] Anionic Surfactants

[0013] The laundry detergents may comprise as component (a) anionic, nonionic and/or amphoteric or zwitterionic surfactants; preferably, however, anionic surfactants or combinations of anionic and nonionic surfactants are present. Typical examples of anionic surfactants are soaps, alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkanesulfonates, olefinsulfonates, alkyl ether sulfonates, glycerol ether sulfonates, α-methyl ester sulfonates, sulfo fatty acids, alkyl sulfates, fatty alcohol ether sulfates, glycerol ether sulfates, hydroxy-mixed ether sulfates, monoglyceride (ether) sulfates, fatty acid amide (ether) sulfates, mono- and dialkyl sulfosuccinates, mono- and dialkyl sulfosuccinamates, sulfotriglycerides, amide soaps, ether carboxylic acids and salts thereof, fatty acid isethionates, fatty acid sarcosinates, fatty acid taurides, N-acyl amino acids such as, for example, acyl lactylates, acyl tartrates, acyl glutamates and acyl aspartates, alkyl oligoglucoside sulfates, protein fatty acid condensates (especially plant products based on wheat), and alkyl (ether) phosphates. Where the anionic surfactants contain polyglycol ether chains, these chains may have a conventional or, preferably, a narrowed homolog distribution. Preference is given to using alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, soaps, alkanesulfonates, olefinsulfonates, methyl ester sulfonates, and mixtures thereof.

[0014] Alkylbenzenesulfonates

[0015] Preferred alkylbenzenesulfonates conform preferably to the formula (I)

R—Ph—SO3X  (I)

[0016] in which R is a branched or, preferably, a linear alkyl radical having from 10 to 18 carbon atoms, Ph is a phenyl radical, and X is an alkali metal and/or alkaline earth metal, ammonium, alkylammonium, alkanolammonium or glucammonium. Of these, particular suitability is possessed by dodecylbenzenesulfonates, tetradecylbenzenesulfonates, hexadecylbenzenesulfonates, and their technical-grade mixtures in the form of sodium salts.

[0017] Alkyl and/or Alkenyl Sulfates

[0018] Alkyl and/or alkenyl sulfates, frequently also referred to as fatty alcohol sulfates, are the sulfation products of primary and/or secondary alcohols, conforming preferably to the formula (II)

R2O—SO3Y  (II)

[0019] in which R2 is a linear or branched, aliphatic alkyl and/or alkenyl radical having from 6 to 22, preferably from 12 to 18 carbon atoms, and Y is an alkali metal and/or alkaline earth metal, ammonium, alkylammonium, alkanolammonium or glucammonium. Typical examples of alkyl sulfates that may be used in the context of the invention are the sulfation products of caproyl alcohol, caprylyl alcohol, capryl alcohol, 2-ethylhexyl alcohol, lauryl alcohol, myristyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, palmoleyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, isostearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, elaidyl alcohol, petroselinyl alcohol, arachyl alcohol, gadoleyl alcohol, behenyl alcohol, and erucyl alcohol, and their technical mixtures obtained by high-pressure hydrogenation of industrial methyl ester fractions or aldehydes from the Roelen oxo synthesis. The sulfation products may be used preferably in the form of their alkali metal salts and in particular of their sodium salts. Particular preference is given to alkyl sulfates on C16/18 tallow fatty alcohols or vegetable fatty alcohols of comparable C-chain distribution in the form of their sodium salts. In the case of branched primary alcohols, the compounds in question are oxo alcohols, as obtainable, for example, by reacting carbon monoxide and hydrogen with alpha-olefins by the Shop process. Such alcohol mixtures are available commercially under the trade names DOBANOL® or NEODOL®. Suitable alcohol mixtures are DOBANOL 91®, 23®, 25®, and 45®. A further possibility are oxo alcohols such as are obtained by the classic oxo process of Enichema or of Condea by addition reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with olefins. These alcohol mixtures comprise a mixture of highly branched alcohols. Such alcohol mixtures are available commercially under the trade name LIAL®. Suitable alcohol mixtures are Lial 91®, 111®, 123®, 125®, and 145®.

[0020] Soaps

[0021] Soaps, finally, are fatty acid salts of the formula (III)


[0022] in which R3CO is a linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated acyl radical having from 6 to 22 and preferably from 12 to 18 carbon atoms, and X is alkali metal and/or alkaline earth metal, ammonium, alkylammonium or alkanolammonium. Typical examples are the sodium, potassium, magnesium, ammonium and triethanolammonium salts of caproic acid, caprylic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid, capric acid, lauric acid, isotridecanoic acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, palmoleic acid, stearic acid, isostearic acid, oleic acid, elaidic acid, petroselinic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, eleostearic acid, arachinic acid, gadoleic acid, behenic acid, and erucic acid, and also their technical-grade mixtures. Preference is given to using coconut or palm kernel fatty acid in the form of their sodium or potassium salts.

[0023] Nonionic Surfactants

[0024] Typical examples of nonionic surfactants are fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers, alkylphenol polyglycol ethers, fatty acid polyglycol esters, fatty amide polyglycol ethers, fatty amine polyglycol ethers, alkoxylated triglycerides, mixed ethers and mixed formals, alk(en)yl oligoglycosides, fatty acid N-alkylglucamides, protein hydrolysates (especially plant products based on wheat), polyol fatty acid esters, sugar esters, sorbitan esters, polysorbates and amine oxides. Where the nonionic surfactants contain polyglycol ether chains, these chains may have a conventional or, preferably, a narrowed homolog distribution. Preference is given to using fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers, alkoxylated fatty acid lower alkyl esters or alkyl oligoglucosides.

[0025] Fatty Alcohol Polyglycol Ethers

[0026] The preferred fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers conform to the formula (IV)


[0027] in which R4 is a linear or branched alkyl and/or alkenyl radical having from 6 to 22, preferably from 12 to 18 carbon atoms, R5 is hydrogen or methyl, and n stands for numbers from 1 to 20. Typical examples are the adducts of on average from 1 to 20 and preferably from 5 to 10 mol of ethylene oxide and/or propylene oxide with caproyl alcohol, caprylyl alcohol, 2-ethylhexyl alcohol, capryl alcohol, lauryl alcohol, isotridecyl alcohol, myristyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, palmoleyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, isostearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, elaidyl alcohol, petroselinyl alcohol, linolyl alcohol, linolenyl alcohol, eleostearyl alcohol, arachyl alcohol, gadoleyl alcohol, behenyl alcohol, erucyl alcohol, and brassidyl alcohol, and their technical-grade mixtures. Particular preference is given to adducts of 3, 5 or 7 mol of ethylene oxide with technical-grade coconut fatty alcohols.

[0028] Alkoxylated Fatty Acid Lower Alkyl Esters

[0029] Suitable alkoxylated fatty acid lower alkyl esters include surfactants of the formula (V)


[0030] in which R6CO is a linear or branched, saturated and/or unsaturated acyl radical having from 6 to 22 carbon atoms, R7 is hydrogen or methyl, R8 is linear or branched alkyl radicals having from 1 to 4 carbon atoms, and m stands for numbers from 1 to 20. Typical examples are the formal insertion products of an average from 1 to 20 and preferably from 5 to 10 mol of ethylene oxide and/or propylene oxide into the methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, and tert-butyl esters of caproic acid, caprylic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid, capric acid, lauric acid, isotridecanoic acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, palmoleic acid, stearic acid, isostearic acid, oleic acid, elaidic acid, petroselinic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, eleostearic acid, arachic acid, gadoleic acid, behenic acid, and erucic acid, and their technical-grade mixtures. The products are normally prepared by inserting the alkylene oxides into the carbonyl ester linkage in the presence of special catalysts, such as calcined hydrotalcite, for example. Particular preference is given to reaction products on an average from 5 to 10 mol of ethylene oxide into the ester linkage of technical-grade coconut fatty acid methyl esters.

[0031] Alkyl and/or Alkenyl Oligoglycosides

[0032] Alkyl and alkenyl oligoglycosides, which are likewise preferred nonionic surfactants, normally conform to the formula (VI)

R9O[G]p  (VI)

[0033] in which R9 is an alkyl and/or alkenyl radical having from 4 to 22 carbon atoms, G is a sugar radical having 5 or 6 carbon atoms, and p stands for numbers from 1 to 10. They may be obtained by the relevant processes of preparative organic chemistry. As representatives of the extensive literature, reference may be made here to the documents EP 0301298 A1 and WO 90/03977. The alkyl and/or alkenyl oligoglycosides may derive from aldoses and/or ketoses having 5 or 6 carbon atoms, preferably from glucose. The preferred alkyl and/or alkenyl oligoglycosides are therefore alkyl and/or alkenyl oligoglucosides. The index p in the general formula (VI) indicates the degree of oligomerization (DP), i.e., the distribution of monoglycosides and oligoglycosides, and stands for a number between 1 and 10. While p in a given compound must always be integral and in this case may adopt in particular the values p=1 to 6, p for a particular alkyl oligoglycoside is an analytically determined arithmetic variable which usually represents a fraction. Preference is given to using alkyl and/or alkenyl oligoglycosides having an average degree of oligomerization p of from 1.1 to 3.0. From a performance standpoint, preference is given to alkyl and/or alkenyl oligoglycosides whose degree of oligomerization is less than 1.7 and is in particular between 1.2 and 1.4. The alkyl and/or alkenyl radical R9 may derive from primary alcohols having from 4 to 11, preferably from 8 to 10 carbon atoms. Typical examples are butanol, caproyl alcohol, caprylyl alcohol, capryl alcohol, and undecyl alcohol, and their technical-grade mixtures, as obtained, for example, in the hydrogenation of technical-grade fatty acid methyl esters or in the course of the hydrogenation of aldehydes from the Roelen oxo synthesis. Preference is given to alkyl oligoglucosides of chain length C8-C10 (DP=1 to 3), which are obtained as the initial fraction during the distillative separation of technical-grade C8-C18 coconut fatty alcohol and may have an impurities fraction of less than 6% by weight of C12 alcohol, and also alkyl oligoglucosides based on technical-grade C9/11 oxo alcohols (DP=1 to 3). The alkyl and/or alkenyl radical R9 may also derive from primary alcohols having from 12 to 22, preferably from 12 to 14 carbon atoms. Typical examples are lauryl alcohol, myristyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, palmoleyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, isostearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, elaidyl alcohol, petroselinyl alcohol, arachyl alcohol, gadoleyl alcohol, behenyl alcohol, erucyl alcohol, brassidyl alcohol, and their technical-grade mixtures, which may be obtained as described above. Preference is given to alkyl oligoglucosides based on hydrogenated C12/14 cocoyl alcohol with a DP of from 1 to 3.

[0034] Amphoteric or Zwitterionic Surfactants

[0035] Typical examples of amphoteric or zwitterionic surfactants are alkyl betaines, alkylamido betaines, aminopropionates, aminoglycinates, imidazolinium betaines and sulfo betaines. The aforementioned surfactants exclusively comprise known compounds. With regard to the structure and preparation of these substances, reference may be made to relevant review works; for example, J. Falbe (ed.), “Surfactants in Consumer Products”, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1987, pp. 54-124 or J. Falbe (ed.), “Katalysatoren, Tenside und Mineralöladditive”, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1978, pp. 123-217.

[0036] The laundry detergents may comprise the anionic, nonionic and/or amphoteric or zwitterionic surfactants in amounts of from 1 to 50, preferably from 5 to 25, and in particular from 10 to 20% by weight, based on the laundry detergents.

[0037] Cationic Polymers

[0038] Cationic polymers suitable as component (b) are, for example, cationic cellulose derivatives, such as a quaternized hydroxyethylcellulose which is obtainable under the designation POLYMER JR 400® from Amerchol, cationic starch, copolymers of diallylammonium salts and acrylamides, quaternized vinylpyrrolidone/vinylimidazole polymers, such as LUVIQUAT® (BASF), condensation products of polyglycols and amines, quaternized collagen polypeptides, such as Lauryldimonium Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Collagen (LAMEQUAT® L/Grünau), for example, quaternized wheat polypeptides, polyethyleneimine, cationic silicone polymers, such as amodimethicones, for example, copolymers of adipic acid and dimethylaminohydroxypropyldiethylenetriamine (CARTARETINE®/Sandoz), copolymers of acrylic acid with dimethyldiallylammonium chloride (MERQUAT® 550/Chemviron), polyaminopolyamides, as described, for example, in FR 2252840 A, and crosslinked water-soluble polymers thereof, cationic chitin derivatives such as quaternized chitosan, for example, divided into microcrystalline form where appropriate, condensation products of dihaloalkyls, such as dibromobutane, with bisdialkylamines, such as 1,3-bisdimethylaminopropane, quaternized ammonium salt polymers, such as MIRAPOL® A-15, MIRAPOL® AD-1, and MIRAPOL® AZ-1 from Miranol, and also, in particular, cationic guar gum, also known as guar hydroxypropyl-trimethylammonium chloride, such as JAGUAR® CBS, JAGUAR® C-17, and JAGUAR® C-16 from Celanese or COSMEDIA® guar from Cognis.

[0039] The compositions of the invention may comprise the cationic polymers in amounts of from 0.1 to 10, preferably from 1 to 8, and in particular from 3 to 5% by weight, based on the compositions.

[0040] Zeolites

[0041] As builders (component c) the laundry detergent tablets of the invention comprise finely crystalline, synthetic zeolites containing bound water, preferably zeolite A and/or P. An example of the particularly preferred zeolite P is zeolite MAP® (commercial product from Crosfield). Also suitable, however, are zeolite X and also mixtures of A, X and/or P and also Y. Also of particular interest is a cocrystallized sodium/-potassium aluminum silicate comprising a zeolite A and zeolite X, which is available commercially as VEGOBOND AX® (commercial product from Condea Augusta S.p.A.). The zeolite may be employed in the form of spray-dried powder or else as an undried (still wet from its preparation), stabilized suspension. Where the zeolite is used in suspension form, said suspension may include small additions of nonionic surfactants as stabilizers: for example, from 1 to 3% by weight, based on zeolite, of ethoxylated C12-C18 fatty alcohols having from 2 to 5 ethylene oxide groups, C12-C14 fatty alcohols having from 4 to 5 ethylene oxide groups or ethoxylated isotridecanols. Suitable zeolites have an average particle size of less than 10 μm (volume distribution; measurement method: Coulter counter) and contain preferably from 18 to 22% by weight, in particular from 20 to 22% by weight, of bound water. In the end formulations, the zeolites are present preferably in amounts of from 10 to 60, in particular from 15 to 25% by weight, based on the compositions.

[0042] Disintegrants

[0043] Disintegrants (component d) are substances which are added to the tablets in order to accelerate their breakdown when they are brought into contact with water. Overviews of this subject can be found, for example, in J. Pharm. Sci. 61 (1972) or Rompp Chemielexikon, 9th edition, volume 6, p. 4440. Within the tablet, viewed macroscopically, the disintegrants may be present in a homogeneously distributed form; viewed microscopically, however, the preparation process results in them forming zones of increased concentration. The preferred disintegrants include polysaccharides, such as natural starch and its derivatives (carboxymethylstarch, starch glycolates in the form of their alkali metal salts, agar, guar gum, pectins, etc.), celluloses and their derivatives (carboxymethylcellulose, microcrystalline cellulose), polyvinylpyrrolidone, Kollidon, alginic acid and the alkali metal salts thereof, amorphous or else partly crystalline phyllosilicates (bentonites), polyurethanes, polyethylene glycols, and gas-producing systems. Further disintegrants which may be present in the context of the invention, can be found, for example, in the documents WO 98/40462 (Rettenmeyer), WO 98/55583 and WO 98/55590 (Unilever), and WO 98/40463, DE 19709991 and DE 19710254 (Henkel). The teaching of these documents is expressly incorporated by reference. The tablets may comprise the disintegrants in amounts of from 0.1 to 25, preferably from 1 to 20, and in particular from 5 to 15% by weight, based on the tablet.

[0044] Phyllosilicates

[0045] As optional component (e) the compositions may further comprise phyllosilicates or bentonites. Typical examples are crystalline, layered sodium silicates of the general formula NaMSixO2x+1.yH2O, where M is sodium or hydrogen, x is a number from 1.9 to 4, y is a number from 0 to 20, and preferred values for x are 2, 3 or 4. Crystalline phyllosilicates of this kind are described, for example, in the European patent application EP 0164514 A1. Preferred crystalline phyllosilicates of the formula indicated are those in which M is sodium and x adopts the value 2 or 3. In particular, both β- and δ-sodium disilicates Na2Si2O5.yH2O are preferred, β-sodium disilicate, for example, being obtainable by the process described in the international patent application WO 91/08171. Further suitable phyllosilicates are known, for example, from the patent applications DE 2334899 A1, EP 0026529 A1 and DE 3526405 A1. Their usefulness is not restricted to a specific composition or structural formula. However, preference is given here to smectites, especially bentonites. Suitable phyllosilicates which belong to the group of the water-swellable smectites include, for example, those of the general formulae

(OH)4Si8−yAly(MgxAl4-x)O20 montmorillonite

(OH)4Si8−yAly(Mg6−zLiz)O20 hectorite

(OH)4Si8−yAly(Mg6−zAlz)O20 saponite

[0046] where x=0 to 4, y=0 to 2, z=0 to 6. Moreover, small amounts of iron may be incorporated into the crystal lattice of the phyllosilicates in accordance with the above formulae. Moreover, on the basis of their ion exchange properties, the phyllosilicates may contain hydrogen, alkali metal and/or alkaline earth metal ions, especially Na+ and Ca2+. The amount of water in hydrate form is generally in the range from 8 to 20% by weight and is dependent on the state of swelling and/or on the nature of processing. Phyllosilicates which can be used are known, for example, from U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,966,629, 4,062,647, EP 0026529 A1 and EP 0028432 A1. It is preferred to use phyllosilicates which owing to an alkali treatment are substantially free of calcium ions and strongly coloring iron ions.

[0047] Alternatively, it is also possible to use amorphous sodium silicates having an Na2O:SiO2 modulus of from 1:2 to 1:3.3, preferably from 1:2 to 1:2.8, and in particular from 1:2 to 1:2.6, which are dissolution-retarded and have secondary washing properties. The retardation of dissolution relative to conventional amorphous sodium silicates may have been brought about in a variety of ways, for example, by surface treatment, compounding, compacting, or overdrying. In the context of this invention, the term “amorphous” also embraces “X-ray-amorphous”. This means that, in X-ray diffraction experiments, the silicates do not yield the sharp X-ray reflections typical of crystalline substances but instead yield at best one or more maxima of the scattered X-radiation, having a width of several degree units of the diffraction angle. However, good builder properties may result, even particularly good builder properties, if the silicate particles in electron diffraction experiments yield vague or even sharp diffraction maxima. The interpretation of this is that the products have microcrystalline regions with a size of from 10 to several hundred nm, values up to max. 50 nm and in particular up to max. 20 nm being preferred. So-called X-ray-amorphous silicates of this kind, which likewise possess retarded dissolution relative to the conventional waterglasses, are described, for example, in the German patent application DE 4400024 A1. Particular preference is given to compact amorphous silicates, compounded amorphous silicates, and overdried X-ray-amorphous silicates.

[0048] Based on the compositions, the phyllosilicates may be present in amounts of from 1 to 10, preferably from 3 to 8% by weight.

[0049] Builders

[0050] Further preferred ingredients of the laundry detergents of the invention are additional organic and inorganic builder substances, with zeolites being employed primarily as inorganic builder substances. The amount of cobuilder should be included within the preferred amounts of zeolites.

[0051] Phosphates

[0052] Particularly suitable are the sodium salts of the orthophosphates, of the pyrophosphates, and particularly of the tripolyphosphates. In certain cases it has been found that tripolyphosphates in particular, even in small amounts of up to not more than 10% by weight, based on the finished composition, in combination with other builder substances lead to a synergistic improvement in the secondary detergency.

[0053] Poly- and Hydroxycarboxylic Acids

[0054] Organic builder substances which may be used are, for example, the polycarboxylic acids that can be used in the form of their sodium salts, such as citric acid, adipic acid, succinic acid, glutaric acid, tartaric acid, sugar acids, and mixtures thereof. The acids per se may also be used. In addition to their builder effect, the acids typically also possess the property of an acidifying component and thus also serve to establish a lower and milder pH in laundry detergents or cleaning products. In this context, mention may be made in particular of citric acid, succinic acid, glutaric acid, adipic acid, gluconic acid, and any desired mixtures of these.

[0055] Further organic cobuilders which can be used are, for example, acetylated hydroxycarboxylic acids and/or their salts, which may also be present, where appropriate, in lactone form and which contain at least 4 carbon atoms and at least one hydroxyl group and also not more than two acid groups. Cobuilders of this kind are described, for example, in the international patent application WO 95/20029.

[0056] Polymeric Polycarboxylates

[0057] Suitable polymeric polycarboxylates are, for example, the sodium salts of polyacrylic acid or of polymethacrylic acid, examples being those having a relatively molecular mass of from 800 to 150 000 (based on acid and in each case measured against polystyrenesulfonic acid). Particularly suitable copolymeric polycarboxylates are those of acrylic acid with methacrylic acid and of acrylic acid or methacrylic acid with maleic acid. Copolymers of acrylic acid with maleic acid, containing from 50 to 90% by weight acrylic acid and from 50 to 10% by weight maleic acid, have proven particularly suitable. Their relative molecular mass, based on free acids, is generally from 5 000 to 200 000, preferably from 10 000 to 120 000, and in particular from 50 000 to 100 000 (measured in each case against polystyrenesulfonic acid). The (co)polymeric polycarboxylates may be used either as powders or in the form of an aqueous solution, in which case preference is given to aqueous solutions with a strength of from 20 to 55% by weight. Granular polymers are generally admixed subsequently to one or more base granules. Particular preference is also given to biodegradable polymers made up of more than two different monomer units, examples being those in accordance with DE 4300772 A1, containing as monomers salts of acrylic acid and of maleic acid and also vinyl alcohol and/or vinyl alcohol derivatives, or those in accordance with DE 4221381 C2, containing as monomers salts of acrylic acid and of 2-alkylallylsulfonic acid and also sugar derivatives. Preferred also as copolymers are those which are described in the German patent applications DE 4303320 A1 and DE 4417734 A1 and whose monomers comprise preferably acrolein and acrylic acid/acrylic salts or acrolein and vinyl acetate. Further preferred builder substances include polymeric amino dicarboxylic acids, their salts or their precursors. Particular preference is given to polyaspartic acids and their salts and derivatives.

[0058] Polyacetals

[0059] Further suitable builder substances are polyacetals, which may be obtained by reacting dialdehydes with polyolcarboxylic acids having from 5 to 7 carbon atoms and at least 3 hydroxyl groups, as described for example in the European patent application EP 0280223 A1. Preferred polyacetals are obtained from dialdehydes such as glyoxal, glutaraldehyde, terephthalaldehyde and mixtures thereof and from polyolcarboxylic acids such as gluconic acid and/or glucoheptonic acid.

[0060] Dextrins

[0061] Further suitable organic builder substances are dextrins, examples being oligomers and polymers of carbohydrates, which may be obtained by partial hydrolysis of starches. The hydrolysis may be conducted by customary processes, examples being acid-catalyzed or enzyme-catalyzed processes. The hydrolysis products preferably have average molar masses in the range from 400 to 500 000. Preference is given here to a polysaccharide having a dextrose equivalent (DE) in the range from 0.5 to 40, in particular from 2 to 30, DE being a common measure of the reducing effect of a polysaccharide in comparison to dextrose, which possesses a DE of 100. It is possible to use both maltodextrins having a DE of between 3 and 20 and dry glucose syrups having a DE of between 20 and 37, and also so-called yellow dextrins and white dextrins having higher molar masses, in the range from 2 000 to 30 000. One preferred dextrin is described in the British patent application GB 9419091 A1. The oxidized derivatives of such dextrins comprise their products of reaction with oxidizing agents which are able to oxidize at least one alcohol function of the saccharide ring to the carboxylic acid function. Oxidized dextrins of this kind, and processes for preparing them, are known, for example, from the European patent applications EP 0232202 A1, EP 0427349 A1, EP 0472042 A1 and EP 0542496 A1 and from the international patent applications WO 92/18542, WO 93/08251, WO 93/16110, WO 94/28030, WO 95/07303, WO 95/12619 and WO 95/20608. Likewise suitable is an oxidized oligosaccharide in accordance with the German patent application DE 19600018 A1. A product oxidized at C6 of the saccharide ring may be particularly advantageous.

[0062] Disuccinates

[0063] Further suitable cobuilders are oxydisuccinates and other derivatives of disuccinates, preferably ethylenediamine disuccinate. Particular preference is given in this context as well to glycerol disuccinates and glycerol trisuccinates, as described for example in the US patents U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,524,009, 4,639,325, in the European patent application EP 0150930 A1 and in the Japanese patent application JP 93/339896. Suitable use amounts in formulations containing zeolite and/or silicate are from 3 to 15% by weight.

[0064] Fat- and Oil-detaching Components

[0065] In addition, the compositions may also comprise components which have a positive influence on the ease with which oil and fat are washed off from textiles. The preferred oil- and fat-dissolving components include, for example, nonionic cellulose ethers such as methylcellulose and methylhydroxypropylcellulose having a methoxy group content of from 15 to 30% by weight and a hydroxypropoxy group content of from 1 to 15% by weight, based in each case on the nonionic cellulose ether, and also the prior art polymers of phthalic acid and/or of terephthalic acid and/or of derivatives thereof, especially polymers of ethylene terephthalates and/or polyethylene glycol terephthalates, or anionically and/or nonionically modified derivatives thereof. Of these, particular preference is given to the sulfonated derivatives of the phthalic acid polymers and of the terephthalic acid polymers.

[0066] Bleaches

[0067] Among the compounds used as bleaches which yield H2O2 in water, particular importance is possessed by sodium perborate tetrahydrate and sodium perborate monohydrate. Further bleaches which may be used are, for example, sodium percarbonate, peroxypyrophosphates, citrate perhydrates, and H2O2-donating peracidic salts or peracids, such as perbenzoates, peroxophthalates, diperazelaic acid, phthaliminoperoxy acid or diperdodecanedioic acid. The bleach content of the compositions is preferably from 5 to 35% by weight and in particular up to 30% by weight, use being made advantageously of perborate monohydrate or percarbonate.

[0068] Bleach Activators

[0069] Bleach activators which may be used are compounds which under perhydrolysis conditions give rise to aliphatic peroxocarboxylic acids having preferably from 1 to 10 carbon atoms, in particular from 2 to 4 carbon atoms, and/or unsubstituted or substituted perbenzoic acid. Suitable substances are those which carry O-acyl and/or N-acyl groups of the stated number of carbon atoms, and/or substituted or unsubstituted benzoyl groups. Preference is given to polyacylated alkylenediamines, especially tetraacetylethylenediamine (TAED), acylated triazine derivatives, especially 1,5-diacetyl-2,4-dioxohexahydro-1,3,5-triazine (DADHT), acylated glycolurils, especially tetraacetylglycoluril (TAGU), N-acyl imides, especially N-nonanoylsuccinimide (NOSI), acylated phenolsulfonates, especially n-nonanoyl- or isononanoyloxybenzenesulfonate (n- or iso-NOBS), carboxylic anhydrides, especially phthalic anhydride, acylated polyhydric alcohols, especially triacetin, ethylene glycol diacetate, 2,5-diacetoxy-2,5-dihydro-furan, and the enol esters known from the German patent applications DE 19616693 A1 and DE 19616767 A1, and also acetylated sorbitol and mannitol and/or mixtures thereof (SORMAN) described in the European patent application EP 0525239 A1, acylated sugar derivatives, especially pentaacetylglucose (PAG), pentaacetylfructose, tetraacetylxylose and octaacetyllactose, and also acetylated, optionally N-alkylated glucamine and gluconolactone, and/or N-acylated lactams, an example being N-benzoyl caprolactam, which are known from the international patent applications WO 94/27970, WO 94/28102, WO 94/28103, WO 95/00626, WO 95/14759 and WO 95/17498. The hydrophilically substituted acyl acetals known from the German patent application DE 19616769 A1 and the acyl lactams described in the German patent application DE 19616770 and also in the international patent application WO 95/14075 are likewise used with preference. It is also possible to use the combinations of conventional bleach activators known from the German patent application DE 4443177 A1. Bleach activators of this kind are present in the customary quantity range, preferably in amounts of from 1% by weight to 10% by weight, in particular from 2% by weight to 8% by weight, based on overall composition. In addition to the abovementioned conventional bleach activators, or instead of them, it is also possible for the bleach-boosting transition metal salts and/or transition metal complexes and/or sulfone imines known from the European patents EP 0446982 B1 and EP 0453003 B1 to be present as so-called bleaching catalysts. The transition metal compounds in question include in particular those manganese, iron, cobalt, ruthenium or molybdenum salen complexes known from the German patent application DE 19529905 A1, and their N-analog compounds known from the German patent application DE 19620267 A1; the manganese, iron, cobalt, ruthenium or molybdenum carbonyl complexes known from the German patent application DE 19536082 A1; the manganese, iron, cobalt, ruthenium, molybdenum, titanium, vanadium and copper complexes with nitrogen-containing tripod ligands that are described in the German patent application DE 19605688; the cobalt, iron, copper and ruthenium ammine complexes known from the German patent application DE 19620411 A1; the manganese, copper and cobalt complexes described in the German patent application DE 4416438 A1; the cobalt complexes described in the European patent application EP 0272030 A1; the manganese complexes known from the European patent application EP 0693550 A1; the manganese, iron, cobalt and copper complexes known from the European patent EP 0392592 A1; and/or the manganese complexes described in the European patent EP 0443651 B1 or in the European patent applications EP 0458397 A1, EP 0458398 A1, EP 0549271 A1, EP 0549272 A1, EP 0544490 A1 and EP 0544519 A1. Combinations of bleach activators and transition metal bleaching catalysts are known, for example, from the German patent application DE 19613103 A1 and from the international patent application Wo 95/27775. Bleach-boosting transition metal complexes, especially those with the central atoms Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Mo, V, Ti and/or Ru, are employed in customary amounts, preferably in an amount of up to 1% by weight, in particular from 0.0025% by weight to 0.25% by weight, and with particular preference from 0.01% by weight to 0.1% by weight, based in each case on overall composition.

[0070] Enzymes

[0071] Particularly suitable enzymes include those from the class of the hydrolases, such as the proteases, esterases, lipases or lipolytic enzymes, amylases, cellulases or other glycosyl hydrolases, and mixtures of the stated enzymes. All of these hydrolases contribute in the wash to removing stains, such as proteinaceous, fatty or starchy stains, and instances of graying. Cellulases and other glycosyl hydrolases may, by removing pilling and microfibrils, make a contribution to color retention and to enhancing the softness of the textile. For bleaching and/or for inhibiting dye transfer it is also possible to use oxidoreductases. Especially suitable active enzymatic substances are those obtained from bacterial strains or fungi, such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Streptomyces griseus and Humicola insolens. It is preferred to use proteases of the subtilisin type, and especially proteases obtained from Bacillus lentus. Of particular interest in this context are enzyme mixtures, examples being those of protease and amylase or protease and lipase or lipolytic enzymes, or protease and cellulase, or of cellulase and lipase or lipolytic enzymes, or of protease, amylase and lipase or lipolytic enzymes, or protease, lipase or lipolytic enzymes and cellulase, but especially mixtures containing protease and/or lipase, or mixtures containing lipolytic enzymes. Examples of such lipolytic enzymes are the known cutinases. Peroxidases or oxidases have also proven suitable in some cases. The suitable amylases include, in particular, α-amylases, iso-amylases, pullulanases, and pectinases. Cellulases used are preferably cellobiohydrolases, endoglucanases and β-glucosidases, also referred to as cellobiases, and mixtures of these. Since the different cellulase types differ in their CMCase and Avicelase activities, the desired activities may be established by means of particular mixtures of the cellulases.

[0072] The enzymes may be adsorbed on carrier substances and/or embedded in coating substances in order to protect them against premature decomposition. The fraction of the enzymes, enzyme mixtures or enzyme granules may be, for example, from about 0.1 to 5% by weight, preferably from 0.1 to about 2% by weight.

[0073] Enzyme Stabilizers

[0074] In addition to the monofunctional and polyfunctional alcohols, the compositions may comprise further enzyme stabilizers. For example, from 0.5 to 1% by weight of sodium formate may be used. Also possible is the use of proteases stabilized with soluble calcium salts, with a calcium content of preferably about 1.2% by weight, based on the enzyme. Besides calcium salts, magnesium salts also serve as stabilizers. However, it is particularly advantageous to employ boron compounds, examples being boric acid, boron oxide, borax and other alkali metal borates such as the salts of orthoboric acid (H3BO3), of metaboric acid (HBO2), and of pyroboric acid (tetraboric acid, H2B4O7)

[0075] Graying Inhibitors

[0076] Graying inhibitors (antiredeposition agents) have the function of keeping the soil detached from the fiber in suspension in the liquor and so preventing the reattachment (redeposition) of the soil. Suitable for this purpose are water-soluble colloids, usually organic in nature, examples being the water-soluble salts of polymeric carboxylic acids, glue, gelatin, salts of ether carboxylic acids or ether sulfonic acids of starch or of cellulose, or salts of acidic sulfuric esters of cellulose or of starch. Water-soluble poly-amides containing acidic groups are also suitable for this purpose. Furthermore, use may be made of soluble starch preparations and starch products other than those mentioned above, examples being degraded starch, aldehyde starches, etc. Polyvinylpyrrolidone as well can be used. However, it is preferred to use celluose ethers, such as carboxymethylcellulose (Na salt), methylcellulose, hydroxyalkylcellulose, and mixed ethers, such as methylhydroxyethylcellulose, methylhydroxypropylcellulose, methylcarboxymethylcellulose and mixtures thereof, and also polyvinylpyrrolidone, for example, in amounts of from 0.1 to 5% by weight, based on the compositions.

[0077] Optical Brighteners

[0078] As optical brighteners the compositions may comprise derivatives of diaminostilbenedisulfonic acid and/or alkali metal salts thereof. Suitable, for example, are salts of 4,4′-bis(2-anilino-4-morpholino-1,3,5-tri-azinyl-6-amino)stilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid or compounds of similar structure which instead of the morpholino group carry a diethanolamino group, a methylamino group, an anilino group, or a 2-methyoxyethylamino group. It is possible for brighteners of the substituted diphenylstyryl type to be present, examples being the alkali metal salts of 4,4′-bis(2-sulfostyryl)biphenyl, 4,4′-bis(4-chloro-3-sulfostyryl)-biphenyl or 4-(4-chlorostyryl)-4′-(2-sulfostyryl)bi-phenyl. Mixtures of the aforementioned brighteners may also be used. Uniformly white granules are obtained if, in addition to the customary brighteners in customary amounts, examples being between 0.1 and 0.5% by weight, preferably between 0.1 and 0.3% by weight, the compositions also include small amounts, examples being from 10−6 to 10−3% by weight, preferably around 10−5% by weight, of a blue dye. One particularly preferred dye is TINOLUX® (commercial product from Ciba-Geigy).

[0079] Soil Repellents

[0080] Suitable dirt-repelling polymers (soil repellents) include those substances which preferably contain ethylene terephthalate and/or polyethylene glycol terephthalate groups, it being possible for the molar ratio of ethylene terephthalate to polyethylene glycol terephthalate to be situated within the range from 50:50 to 90:10. The molecular weight of the linking polyethylene glycol units is situated in particular in the range from 750 to 5 000, i.e., the degree of ethoxylation of the polymers containing polyethylene glycol groups can be from about 15 to 100. The polymers feature an average molecular weight of about 5000 to 200 000 and may have a block structure, though preferably have a random strucure. Preferred polymers are those having ethylene terephthalate/polyethylene glycol terephthalate molar ratios of from about 65:35 to about 90:10, preferably from about 70:30 to 80:20. Preference is also given to those polymers which have linking polyethylene glycol units with a molecular weight of from 750 to 5 000, preferably from 1 000 to about 3 000, and with a molecular weight of the polymer of from about 10 000 to about 50 000. Examples of commercial polymers are the products MILEASE® T (ICI) or REPELOTEX® SRP 3 (Rhône-Poulenc).

[0081] Defoamers

[0082] As defoamers it is possible to use waxlike compounds. “Waxlike” compounds are those whose melting point at atmospheric pressure is more than 25° C. (room temperature), preferably more than 50° C., and in particular more than 70° C. The waxlike defoamer substances are virtually insoluble in water; that is, at 20° C. they have a solubility in 100 g of water of below 0.1% by weight. In principle, any of the waxlike defoamer substances known from the prior art may be included. Examples of suitable waxlike compounds are bisamides, fatty alcohols, fatty acids, carboxylic acid esters of monohydric and polyhydric alcohols, and also paraffin waxes, or mixtures thereof. An alternative possibility is of course to use the silicone compounds which are known for this purpose.

[0083] Paraffin Waxes

[0084] Suitable paraffin waxes generally constitute a complex substance mixture without a defined melting point. The mixture is normally characterized by determining its melting range using differential thermal analysis (DTA), as described in The Analyst 87 (1962), 420, and/or its solidification point. The solidification point is the temperature at which the paraffin, by slow cooling, undergoes transition from the liquid to the solid state. Paraffins which are completely liquid at room temperature, i.e., those having a solidification point below 25° C., cannot be used in accordance with the invention. It is possible to use, for example, the paraffin wax mixtures known from EP 0309931 A1, made up for example of from 26% by weight to 49% of micro-crystalline paraffin wax having a solidification point of from 62° C. to 90° C., from 20% by weight to 49% by weight of hard paraffin with a solidification point of from 42° C. to 56° C., and from 2% by weight to 25% by weight of soft paraffin having a solidification point of from 35° C. to 40° C. It is preferred to use paraffins or paraffin mixtures which solidify in the range from 30° C. to 90° C. It needs to be borne in mind here that even paraffin wax mixtures which appear solid at room temperature may include various fractions of liquid paraffin. In the case of the paraffin waxes suitable for use in accordance with the invention, this liquid fraction is as low as possible and is preferably absent entirely. Accordingly, particularly preferred paraffin wax mixtures have a liquid fraction at 30° C. of less than 10% by weight, in particular from 2% by weight to 5% by weight, a liquid fraction at 40° C. of less than 30% by weight, preferably from 5% by weight to 25% by weight, and in particular from 5% by weight to 15% by weight, a liquid fraction at 60° C. of from 30% by weight to 60% by weight, in particular from 40% by weight to 55% by weight, a liquid fraction at 80° C. of from 80% by weight to 100% by weight, and a liquid fraction at 90° C. of 100% by weight. In the case of particularly preferred paraffin wax mixtures, the temperature at which a liquid fraction of 100% by weight of the paraffin wax is attained is still below 85° C., in particular at from 75° C. to 82° C. The paraffin waxes may comprise petrolatum, microcrystalline waxes, and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated paraffin waxes.

[0085] Bisamides

[0086] Appropriate bisamide defoamers are those deriving from saturated fatty acids having from 12 to 22, preferably from 14 to 18 carbon atoms, and from alkylenediamines having from 2 to 7 carbon atoms. Suitable fatty acids are lauric, myristic, stearic, arachic and behenic acid and mixtures thereof, such as are obtainable from natural fats and/or hydrogenated oils, such as tallow or hydrogenated palm oil. Examples of suitable diamines are ethylenediamine, 1,3-propylenediamine, tetramethylenediamine, pentamethylenediamine, hexamethylenediamine, p-phenylenediamine, and tolylenediamine. Preferred di-amines are ethylenediamine and hexamethylenediamine. Particularly preferred bisamides are bismyristoyldiethylenediamine, bispalmitoylethylenediamine, bisstearoylethylenediamine, and mixtures thereof, and also the corresponding derivatives of hexamethylenediamine.

[0087] Carboxylic Esters

[0088] Suitable carboxylic ester defoamers derive from carboxylic acids having from 12 to 28 carbon atoms. The esters in question particularly include those of behenic acid, stearic acid, hydroxystearic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, myristic acid and/or lauric acid. The alcohol moiety of the carboxylic ester comprises a monohydric or polyhydric alcohol having from 1 to 28 carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain. Examples of suitable alcohols are behenyl alcohol, arachidyl alcohol, cocoyl alcohol, 12-hydroxystearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, and lauryl alcohol, and also ethylene glycol, glycerol, polyvinyl alcohol, sucrose, erythritol, pentaerythritol, sorbitan and/or sorbitol. Preferred esters are those of ethylene glycol, glycerol, and sorbitan, the acid moiety of the ester being selected in particular from behenic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid or myristic acid. Suitable esters of polyhydric alcohols are, for example, xylitol monopalmitate, pentaerythritol monostearate, glycerol monostearate, ethylene glycol monostearate, and sorbitan monostearate, sorbitan palmitate, sorbitan monolaurate, sorbitan dilaurate, sorbitan distearate, sorbitan dibehenate, sorbitan dioleate, and also mixed tallow alkyl sorbitan monoesters and diesters. Glycerol esters which can be used are the mono-, di- or triesters of glycerol and the carboxylic acids mentioned, with the monoesters or diesters being preferred. Glycerol monostearate, glycerol monooleate, glycerol monopalmitate, glycerol monobehenate, and glycerol distearate are examples thereof. Examples of suitable natural ester defoamers are beeswax, which consists principally of the esters CH3(CH2)24COO—(CH2)27CH3 and CH3(CH2)26COO(CH2)25CH3, and carnauba wax, which is a mixture of carnaubic acid alkyl esters, often in combination with small fractions of free carnaubic acid, further long-chain acids, high molecular mass alcohols and hydrocarbons.

[0089] Carboxylic Acids

[0090] Suitable carboxylic acids as further defoamer compounds are particularly behenic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, myristic acid, and lauric acid, and also mixtures thereof, such as are obtainable from natural fats and/or optionally hydrogenated oils, such as tallow or hydrogenated palm oil. Preference is given to saturated fatty acids having from 12 to 22, in particular from 18 to 22, carbon atoms.

[0091] Fatty Substances

[0092] Suitable fatty alcohols as further defoamer compounds are the hydrogenated products of the fatty acids described. Furthermore, dialkyl ethers may additionally be present as defoamers. The ethers may be asymmetrical or else symmetrical in composition, i.e., contain two identical or different alkyl chains, preferably with from 8 to 18 carbon atoms. Typical examples are di-n-octyl ether, diisooctyl ether and di-n-stearyl ether; particularly suitable are dialkyl ethers having a melting point of more than 25° C., in particular more than 40° C. Further suitable defoamer compounds are fatty ketones, which may be obtained by the relevant methods of preparative organic chemistry. They are prepared, for example, starting from carboxylic acid magnesium salts, which are pyrolyzed at temperatures above 300° C. with elimination of carbon dioxide and water, in accordance for example with the German laid-open specification DE 2553900 A. Suitable fatty ketones are those prepared by pyrolyzing the magnesium salts of lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, elaidic acid, petroselinic acid, arachic acid, gadoleic acid, behenic acid or erucic acid.

[0093] Fatty Acid Polyethylene Glycol Esters

[0094] Further suitable defoamers are fatty acid polyethylene glycol esters, which are obtained preferably by homogeneous base-catalyzed addition reaction of ethylene oxide with fatty acids. In particular, the addition reaction of ethylene oxide with the fatty acids takes place in the presence of alkanolamine catalysts. The use of alkanolamines, especially triethanolamine, leads to extremely selective ethoxylation of the fatty acids, especially where the aim is to prepare compounds with low degrees of ethoxylation. Within the group of the fatty acid polyethylene glycol esters, preference is given to those having a melting point of more than 25° C., in particular more than 40° C.

[0095] Carrier Materials

[0096] Within the group of the waxlike defoamers, particular preference is given to using the above-described paraffin waxes as sole waxlike defoamers or in a mixture with one of the other waxlike defoamers, the fraction of the paraffin waxes in the mixture accounting preferably for more than 50% by weight, based on the waxlike defoamer mixture. Where appropriate, the paraffin wax may have been applied to carriers. Suitable carrier materials include all known inorganic and/or organic carrier materials. Examples of typical inorganic carrier materials are alkali metal carbonates, aluminosilicates, water-soluble phyllosilicates, alkali metal silicates, alkali metal sulfates, an example being sodium sulfate, and alkali metal phosphates. The alkali metal silicates preferably comprise a compound having an alkali metal oxide to SiO2 molar ratio of from 1:1.5 to 1:3.5. The use of such silicates results in especially good particle properties; in particular, high abrasion stability and yet high dissolution rate in water. The aluminosilicates referred to as carrier materials include in particular the zeolites, examples being zeolite NaA and NaX. The compounds referred to as water-soluble phyllosilicates include, for example, amorphous or crystalline waterglass. It is also possible to use silicates which are in commerce under the designation AEROSIL® or SIPERNAT®. As organic carrier materials, suitable examples include film-forming polymers, examples being polyvinyl alcohols, polyvinylpyrrolidones, poly (meth)acrylates, polycarboxylates, cellulose derivatives, and starch. Cellulose ethers that may be used are, in particular, alkali metal carboxymethylcellulose, methylcellulose, ethylcellulose, hydroxyethyl-cellulose, and what are known as cellulose mixed ethers, examples being methylhydroxyethylcellulose and methylhydroxypropylcellulose, and also mixtures thereof. Particularly suitable mixtures are composed of sodium carboxymethylcellulose and methyl-cellulose, the carboxymethylcellulose usually having a degree of substitution of from 0.5 to 0.8 carboxymethyl groups per anhydroglucose unit and the methylcellulose having a degree of substitution of from 1.2 to 2 methyl groups per anhydroglucose unit. The mixtures preferably comprises alkali metal carboxymethylcellulose and nonionic cellulose ethers in weight proportions of from 80:20 to 40:60, in particular from 75:25 to 50:50. Another suitable carrier is natural starch, which is composed of amylose and amylopectin. Natural starch is starch such as is available as an extract from natural sources, for example, from rice, potatoes, corn, and wheat. Natural starch is a commercially customary product and as such is readily available. As carrier materials it is possible to use one or more of the compounds mentioned above, selected in particular from the group of the alkali metal carbonates, alkali metal sulfates, alkali metal phosphates, zeolites, water-soluble phyllosilicates, alkali metal silicates, polycarboxylates, cellulose ethers, polyacrylate/polymethacrylate, and starch.

[0097] Particularly suitable mixtures are those of alkali metal carbonates, especially sodium carbonate, alkali metal silicates, especially sodium silicate, alkali metal sulfates, especially sodium sulfate, and zeolites.

[0098] Silicones

[0099] Suitable silicones are customary organopolysiloxanes which may contain finely divided silica, which in turn may also have been silanized. Such organopolysiloxanes are described, for example, in the European patent application EP 0496510 A1. Particularly preferred polydiorganosiloxanes are those which are known from the prior art. It is, however, also possible to use compounds crosslinked by way of siloxane, which the skilled worker knows by the name of silicone resins. In general, the polydiorganosiloxanes contain finely divided silica, which may also have been silanized. Dimethylpolysiloxanes containing silica are especially suitable. The polydiorganosiloxanes advantageously have a Brookfield viscosity at 25° C. in the range from 5 000 mPas to 30 000 mpas, in particular from 15 000 to 25 000 mpas. The silicones are preferably on carrier materials. Suitable carrier materials have already been described in connection with the paraffins. The carrier materials are generally present in amounts of from 40 to 90% by weight, preferably in amounts of from 45 to 75% by weight, based on defoamers.

[0100] Perfume Oils and Fragrances

[0101] As perfume oils and/or fragrances it is possible to use certain odorant compounds, examples being the synthetic products of the ester, ether, aldehyde, ketone, alcohol and hydrocarbon type. Odorant compounds of the ester type are, for example, benzyl acetate, phenoxyethyl isobutyrate, p-tert-butylcyclohexyl acetate, linalyl acetate, dimethylbenzylcarbinyl acetate, phenylethyl acetate, linalyl benzoate, benzyl formate, ethyl methylphenylglycinate, allyl cyclohexylpropionate, styrallyl propionate, and benzyl salicylate. The ethers include, for example, benzyl ethyl ether; the aldehydes include, for example, the linear alkanals having 8-18 carbon atoms, citral, citronellal, citronellyloxy-acetaldehyde, cylamen aldehyde, hydroxycitronellal, lilial, and bourgeonal; the ketones include, for example, the ionones, α-isomethylionone and methyl cedryl ketone; the alcohols include anethole, citronellol, eugenol, geraniol, linalool, phenylethyl alcohol and terpineol; and the hydrocarbons include primarily the terpenes such as limonene and pinene. Preference, however, is given to the use of mixtures of different odorants, which together produce an appealing fragrance note. Such perfume oils may also contain natural odorant mixtures, such as are obtainable from plant sources, examples being pine oil, citrus oil, jasmine oil, patchouli oil, rose oil or ylang-ylang oil. Likewise suitable are clary sage oil, camomile oil, clove oil, balm oil, mint oil, cinnamon leaf oil, lime blossom oil, juniperberry oil, vetiver oil, olibanum oil, galbanum oil, and labdanum oil, and also orange blossom oil, nerol oil, orangepeel oil, and sandalwood oil.

[0102] The fragrances may be incorporated directly into the compositions of the invention; alternatively, it may be advantageous to apply the fragrances to carriers which intensify the adhesion of the perfume on the laundry and, by means of slower fragrance release, ensure long-lasting fragrance of the textiles. Materials which have become established as such carriers are, for example, cyclodextrins, it being possible in addition for the cyclodextrin-perfume complexes to be further coated with other auxiliaries.

[0103] Water-soluble Inorganic Salts

[0104] Further suitable ingredients of the compositions are water-soluble inorganic salts such as bicarbonates, carbonates, amorphous silicates, standard waterglasses, which have no outstanding builder properties, or mixtures of these; use is made in particular of alkali metal carbonate and/or amorphous alkali metal silicate, especially sodium silicate having an Na2O:SiO2 molar ratio of from 1:1 to 1:4.5, preferably from 1:2 to 1:3.5. The sodium carbonate content of the end formulations is preferably up to 40% by weight, advantageously between 2 and 35% by weight. The sodium silicate (without particular builder properties) content of the compositions is generally up to 10% by weight and preferably between 1 and 8% by weight. If desired, the end formulations may additionally include inorganic salts as make-up or standardizing agents, such as sodium sulfate, for example, which is present preferably in amounts of from 0 to 10, particularly from 1 to 5,% by weight, based on the composition.

[0105] Production of the Laundry Detergent Tablets

[0106] The tablets are generally produced by tableting or press-agglomeration. The particulate press-agglomerates obtained may either be used directly as laundry detergents or may be aftertreated and/or processed beforehand in accordance with customary methods. The customary aftertreatments include, for example, powdering with finely divided ingredients of laundry detergents or cleaning products, thereby generally bringing about a further increase in the bulk density. Another preferred aftertreatment, however, is the procedure in accordance with the German patent applications DE 19524287 A1 and DE 19547457 A1, in which dustlike or at least finely divided ingredients (the so-called fine fractions) are adhesively bonded to the particulate end process products produced in accordance with the invention, which act as a core, so as to give compositions which contain these so-called fine fractions as an outer shell. Advantageously, this takes place in turn by means of a melt agglomeration operation. As regards the melt agglomeration of the fine fractions, express reference is made to the disclosure in the German patent applications DE 19524287 A1 and DE 19547457 A1. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, the solid laundry detergents are in tablet form, these tablets preferably having rounded corners and edges for reasons in particular associated with storage and transit. The base area of these tablets may, for example, be circular or rectangular. Multilayer tablets, especially tablets having 2 or 3 layers, which may also be differently colored, are particularly preferred. Blue-white or green-white or blue-green-white tablets are particularly preferred here. The tablets may also include compressed and uncompressed portions. Tablets having a particularly advantageous dissolution rate are obtained if the granular constituents prior to compression contain less than 20% by weight, preferably less than 10% by weight, or particles having a diameter outside of the range from 0.02 to 6 mm. Preference is given to a particle size distribution in the range from 0.05 to 2.0 and, with particular preference from 0.2 to 1.0 mm.


[0107] Inventive examples 1 to 5, comparative examples C1 and C2. In a washing machine (Miele W 918), 3.5 kg of standard laundry and a towel (which had been pretreated by washing it twice with a universal laundry detergent) were washed in a main wash cycle at 90° C. Immediately before each test, two laundry detergent tablets (40 g) whose composition was as in table 1 were placed in the dispenser drawer. Following the wash cycle, the towel was dried at room temperature for 24 hours and then subjected to testing by a panel of 20 individuals. Each person awarded a score of between 1 and 4 (1=hard; 4=very soft). The average gave the evaluation for the products, which is also given in table 1.
1TABLE 1Laundry detergent composition and soft hand12345678Sodium4. cocoyl alcohol sulfate10. saltC12/18 coconut fatty acid2.02.0sodium saltC12/18 coconut fatty alcohol +4.04.07EOC12/14 cocoalkyl glucoside15. cocoamphoacetate sodium10.0saltZeolite A25. hydroxypropyl trimethyl5. chloride1)Phyllosilicate2)5.05.0Sodium carbonate15. silicate5. defoamer3) cellulose8. sulfateto 100Hand rating1. ® Guar C 261 2)Bentone ® EW 3)Dehydran ® 760

  • 1. A laundry detergent tablet comprising (a) anionic, nonionic and/or amphoteric surfactants, (b) cationic polymers, (c) zeolites, (d) disintegrants, and if desired (e) phyllosilicates.
  • 2. The laundry detergent tablet as claimed in claim 1 comprising anionic surfactants selected from the group consisting of alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkyl sulfates, soaps, alkanesulfonates, olefin-sulfonates, methyl ester sulfonates, fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers, alkoxylated fatty acid lower alkyl esters, and alkyl and/or alkenyl oligoglycosides.
  • 3. The laundry detergent tablet as claimed in claim 1 and/or 2, comprising the surfactants in amounts of from 1 to 50% by weight, based on the laundry detergent.
  • 4. The laundry detergent tablet as claimed in at least one of claims 1 to 3, comprising cationic polymers selected from the group consisting of cationic cellulose derivatives, cationic starches, copolymers of diallylammonium salts and acrylamides, quaternized vinylpyrrolidone/vinyl-imidazole polymers, condensation products of poly-glycols and amines, quaternized collagen polypeptides, quaternized wheat polypeptides, polyethyleneimine, cationic silicone polymers, copolymers of adipic acid and dimethylaminohydroxypropyldiethylenetriamine, copolymers of acrylic acid with dimethyldiallylammonium chloride, polyamino-polyamides, cationic chitin derivatives, condensation products of dihaloalkyls with bisdialkylamines, quaternized ammonium salt polymers, and cationic guar gums.
  • 5. The laundry detergent tablet as claimed in claim 4, comprising guar hydroxypropyltrimethyl-ammonium chloride as cationic polymer.
  • 6. The laundry detergent tablet as claimed in at least one of claims 1 to 5, comprising the cationic polymers in amounts of from 0.1 to 10% by weight, based on the composition.
  • 7. The laundry detergent tablet as claimed in at least one of claims 1 to 6, comprising zeolite A and/or zeolite P.
  • 8. The laundry detergent tablet as claimed in at least one of claims 1 to 7, comprising the zeolites in amounts of from 10 to 60% by weight, based on the composition.
  • 9. The laundry detergent tablet as claimed in at least one of claims 1 to 8, comprising disintegrants selected from the group consisting of polysaccharides, polyvinylpyrrolidone, Kollidon, alginic acid and the alkali metal salts thereof, amorphous or else partially crystalline phyllosilicates, polyurethanes, and polyethylene glycols.
  • 10. The laundry detergent tablet as claimed in at least one of claims 1 to 9, comprising the disintegrants in amounts of from 0.1 to 25% by weight, based on the composition.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
100 44 496.2 Sep 2000 DE