Lidstock laminate


  • Patent Grant
  • 6627273
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, March 13, 2001
    23 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, September 30, 2003
    21 years ago
A packaging laminate useful as a lidstock comprises first and second films, and an image between the first and second films. The first film comprises a sealant layer forming the inside surface of the first film. The first film has a free shrink at 220° F. in at least one direction of at least about 7%. The second film comprises an outside layer forming the outside surface of the second film. The outside layer comprises at least about 40% by weight of the outside layer of one or more relatively high-melt polymers each having a melting point at least about 25° F. higher than the lowest melting point polymer of the sealant layer. The second film has a free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 10% in each of the machine and transverse directions. The outside surface of the first film is directly laminated to the inside surface of the second film. The first film has an oxygen transmission rate greater than the oxygen transmission rate of the second film. The laminate has an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about 100 cubic centimeters.


The present invention relates to a packaging film, and more particularly to a laminate useful as a lidstock for sealing a tray closed.

It is common in food packaging operations for a food product, such as fresh meat, to be placed on a tray, such as a thermoformed expanded polystyrene tray having a central depressed area and a surrounding peripheral flange. A thermoplastic film or laminate may then be positioned over the food and heat sealed to the peripheral flange to hermetically enclose the food product. In such arrangement, the thermoplastic film or laminate is the “lid” or “lidstock” and the tray is a “support member.”

It is important that the lidstock be capable of forming a strong, hermetic seal with the support member. This is true even where the sealing area of the tray may be exposed or contaminated with by-product (e.g., meat purge) from the packaged food. This is also true where, as is commonly the case, the support member is relatively rigid. Heat sealing a flexible lidstock to a rigid support member is more challenging than heat sealing the flexible lidstock to either another flexible film or laminate or to itself (for example, in a fin seal arrangement commonly used in vertical form-fill-seal operations).

To heat seal the lid to the support member, a heated bar engages the outside of the lid to compress it against the flange of the support member. In so doing, heat transfers from the heated bar to the outside of the lid, through the thickness of the lid, to the inside sealant layer of the lid, and to the flange of the support member. The resulting heat and compression causes the contacting surfaces of the lid and support member to become molten and to intermix with one another. The heating bar is then removed to allow the sealed area to cool and form a sealed bond.

The seal strength of the resulting sealed package may be determined by several methods. The support member may be pierced with an inflation needle and the interior of the sealed package may then be inflated until the lid or seal between the lid and support member fails. A higher internal inflation pressure at failure indicates a stronger seal strength. Alternatively, the sealed package may be placed in a vacuum chamber and subjected to decreasing external pressures until failure—a lower external pressure at failure indicating a stronger seal strength. Also, a representative sample of the seal may be cut from the sealed package (or formed separately) so that the lidstock may be pulled from the support member, for example, using an Instron tensile tester under specified conditions. A higher maximum force attained before failure indicates a stronger seal strength.

In all of these tests of seal strength, the failure mechanism may occur in one or more of several ways. In each case, the failure mode seeks a failure path requiring the least amount of force. For example, the bond between the lidstock and the support member may fail adhesively so that the lidstock simply peels away from the support member. Or, the lidstock may fail cohesively along a path cutting generally perpendicularly through one or more layers of the lidstock—and then fail adhesively along the interface between two layers of the lidstock. The failure path may combine an intricate path of cohesive and adhesive failures—all while the lidstock is being stretched by the applied force—to present a complicated failure mode.

The above discussion is made to establish that a weaker cohesive strength within a layer of the lidstock and/or a weaker adhesive bond strength between layers of the lidstock may weaken the seal strength of the sealed package. This is especially true where the seal strength failure mode is not simply the peeling of the lidstock from the support member by adhesive failure of the sealing bond between the lid and the support member.

A desirable lidstock provides gas (e.g., oxygen, carbon dioxide) barrier attributes sufficient to enhance the storage life of the packaged food. The barrier characteristics of the lidstock may have increased importance where the interior atmosphere of the package may be modified, for example, to decrease the concentration of oxygen from that of ambient air or to increase the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide from that of ambient air. For example, in packaging meat, the atmosphere in the sealed package may comprise about 80% by volume oxygen and about 20% by volume carbon dioxide in order to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms and extend the time period in which the meat retains its attractive red (“bloom”) coloration. Oxygen and carbon dioxide barrier attributes may be imparted to a film by incorporating, for example as a film layer, one or more resins having low permeability to oxygen. (Since carbon dioxide barrier properties generally correlate with oxygen barrier properties, only oxygen barrier properties are discussed in detail herein.)

It is not unusual for the inter-layer bond strengths associated with the incorporation of barrier resins or barrier layers into a lidstock to be weaker than the inter-layer bond strengths that would be present if the barrier resin or layer were absent. That is to say, the inter-layer bond strength between a barrier layer and an adjacent layer is usually the weakest inter-layer bond strength of a film. It is also possible that weaker inter-layer bond strengths may be associated with one or more “tie layers” that may accompany the use of a barrier layer. Although a tie layer may be inserted between the barrier layer and an otherwise adjacent film layer in order to improve the inter-layer bond adhesion, the resulting bond strength between the tie layer and its adjacent film layer may be less than the bond strength between the tie layer and its adjacent barrier layer. Accordingly, the tie layer may present the weakest inter-layer bond strength of the lidstock—and thus present the failure path during a seal strength test.

In order to produce packaged product at a fast (and therefore economical) rate, the lidstock should be capable of being quickly heat sealed to the support member. A lidstock that facilitates quick heat sealing is said to have good “sealability.”

It is also desirable for the lidstock to be printed. Such printing provides important information to the end-user of the packaged food—information such as the ingredients of the packaged food, the nutritional content, package opening instructions, food handling and preparation instructions, and food storage instructions. The printing may also provide a pleasing image and/or trademark or other advertising information to enhance the retail sale of the packaged product.

Such printed information may be placed on the outside surface of the lidstock. However, such surface printing is directly exposed to a heated bar during the heat seal operation that seals the lid to the support member. As a result, the surface printing may become smeared or otherwise degraded. A surface printing is also exposed to other physical abuses during distribution and display of the packaged product. Such abuse may also degrade the clarity and presentation of the printed image.

An existing lidstock laminate (set forth as Comparative 1 in the Examples section) has the general construction of A/B/C/D/C/B/A//E, where A comprises a linear low density polyethylene (“LLDPE”) sealant layer, B comprises an anhydride grafted LLDPE layer, C comprises a nylon blend polyamide layer, D comprises a nylon and an ethylene/vinyl alcohol copolymer (“EVOH”) blend oxygen barrier layer, and E comprises a biaxially oriented polypropylene (“BOPP”) layer. The double slashes “//” represent the lamination (i.e., adhesive lamination) interface. The E layer is reverse trap printed. Although this lid laminate performs well, there exists a demand for lidstock having improved seal strength and sealability, while maintaining good oxygen barrier and printability performance.


The present invention addresses one or more of the aforementioned problems.

A laminate useful as a lidstock comprises first and second films, and an image between the first and second films. The first film comprises a sealant layer forming the inside surface of the first film. The first film has a free shrink at 220° F. in at least one direction of at least about 7%. The second film comprises an outside layer forming the outside surface of the second film. The outside layer comprises at least about 40% by weight of the outside layer of one or more relatively high-melt polymers each having a melting point at least about 25° F. higher than the lowest melting point polymer of the sealant layer. The second film has a free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 10% in each of the machine and transverse directions. The outside surface of the first film is directly laminated to the inside surface of the second film. The first film has an oxygen transmission rate greater than the oxygen transmission rate of the second film. The laminate has an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about 100 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.

A package comprises a laminate sealed to a support member. The support member has a sealing area adjacent the periphery of the support member. The laminate comprises first and second films, and an image between the first and second films. The first film comprises a sealant layer forming the inside surface of the first film. The sealant layer of the first film of the laminate is sealed to the sealing area of the support member. The first film has a free shrink at 220° F. in at least one direction of at least about 7%. The second film has a free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 10% in each of the machine and transverse directions. The outside surface of the first film is directly laminated to the inside surface of the second film. The first film has an oxygen transmission rate greater than the oxygen transmission rate of the second film. The laminate has an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about 100 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.

The inventive laminate can provide enhanced seal strength relative to laminates having a barrier layer as an inner layer of the sealant film of the laminate. It is believed that a barrier layer often presents a weaker inter-layer bond strength relative to the inter-layer bond strengths of the other layers. When a packaging seal fails, it is typically because of a delamination between layers having the weakest inter-layer bond strength within a film of the laminate.

By placing the barrier layer in the outside film of the laminate, the relatively weaker inter-layer bond strength may be positioned farther from the bond between the laminate and the support member. When such potential inter-layer failure is farther from the inside (i.e., food-side) of the laminate, the failure tear propagation (i.e., the path of inter-film cohesive failure) must travel farther to reach the “weakest link” inter-layer delamination path. This farther distance in the present invention is believed to enhance the seal strength.

Further, the placement of barrier components in the low- or non-shrink, outside film of the laminate may allow for greater flexibility in manufacturing the lidstock laminate. This is because the inside sealant film may be manufactured without the additional restriction associated with accommodating barrier components in a coextruded, oriented film. For example, the extrusion of a barrier layer often requires higher temperatures than those needed to extrude the other layers of the film. This higher temperature associated with a barrier layer may limit the amount of lower melting point materials that can be used in the film—otherwise, the film may flow too easily and the melt strength may be lowered to an unacceptable level for processing. Also, the orientation of a film having a barrier layer may require a higher orientation temperature, which can soften lower melting point materials in the film to an unacceptable level, causing an unstable orientation or welding together of adjacent layers. Thus, the incorporation of the barrier components in the outside film allows greater choices in imparting the desired shrink and other attributes to the inside, sealant film of the laminate.

Further, where the inside sealant film


has a heat-shrinkable attribute and the outside barrier film


has a non-heat shrinkable attribute, the resulting laminate


presents a superior appearance upon sealing to the support member


. Namely, the laminate


has a tighter, more wrinkle free appearance that is pleasing to the retail customer.

The inventive laminate may incorporate a trap print arrangement, which enhances the protection of the printed image of the laminate during the heat seal process that seals the laminate to a support member.

The laminate provides a low rate of oxygen transmission, which enables the atmosphere within the sealed package to be modified to extend the shelf life and bloom “color life” of a packaged red meat product. The laminate also provides excellent print quality and optical clarity. Further, the laminate can provide exceptional dimensional stability. This is helpful in maintaining registration and repeatable lengths of the laminate when forming sealed packaging incorporating the laminate as lidstock.

The laminate can provide excellent sealability to a support member. This allows a packager to run the heat sealing machine at a fast rate while also providing good seal strength between the laminate and the tray. The resulting seal between the laminate and the tray can provide excellent strength even where the seal is formed in the presence of contaminants and under variable heat sealing temperatures.

These and other objects, advantages, and features of the invention will be more readily understood and appreciated by reference to the detailed description of the invention and the drawings.


FIG. 1

is a perspective view of the sealed package of the present invention; and

FIG. 2

is a fragmentary, representational sectional view of the inventive laminate and sealed package of the present invention.


The inventive laminate


comprises sealant film


laminated to barrier film


to trap print image


between the sealant and barrier films. Sealant film


may be monolayer, two-layer, or have three or more layers (as shown in FIG.


). Also, barrier film


may be monolayer, two-layer, or have three or more layers (as shown in FIG.


). The laminate


may be sealed to support member


(e.g., a tray) to form sealed package


enclosing food product




The sealant film


defines an inside (i.e., food side) surface


and an outside surface


opposite the inside surface. The polymer material (i.e., component or blend of components) that forms the inside surface


of the sealant film has a melting point that facilitates heat sealing the laminate


to a support member


. If the sealant film is monolayer, then it may have the composition, attributes, and physical characteristics as discussed in conjunction with the Sealant Layer section below.

The sealant film


may have any total thickness as long as it provides the desired properties (e.g., flexibility, Young's modulus, optics, strength) for the given packaging application of expected use. The sealant film may have a thickness of less than about any of the following: 10 mils, 5 mils, 4 mils, 3 mils, 2 mils, 1.5 mils, 1.4 mils, 1.3 mils, 1.2 mil and 1 mil. (A “mil” is equal to 0.001 inch.) The sealant film may also have a thickness of at least about any of the following: 0.3 mils, 0.4 mils, 0.5 mils, 0.6 mils, 0.7 mils, 0.75 mils, 0.8 mils, 0.9 mils, 1 mil, 1.2 mil, 1.4 mil, and 1.5 mil. If the sealant film is too thin relative to the barrier film, then the resulting “tightness” appearance of the sealed package may be adversely affected. Preferably, then, the sealant film has a thickness of at least about any of the following percentages of the thickness of the barrier film: 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, 120%, 130%, 140%, 150%, 160%, and 175%. For example, the thickness of the sealant film may be greater than or equal to the thickness of the barrier film.

The sealant film


may be relatively permeable to oxygen relative to the barrier film


discussed below. For example, the sealant film


may have an oxygen transmission rate higher than that of the barrier film


by at least about any of the following: 50, 75, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C., measured according to ASTM D-3985. Also, the sealant film


may have an oxygen transmission rate of at least about any of the following: 110, 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, and 50,000 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C., measured according to ASTM D-3985.

Preferably, the sealant film


has a heat-shrinkable attribute, and more preferably a heat-shrink attribute greater than that (if any) of the barrier film


. For example, the sealant film


may have a free shrink in at least one direction (i.e., machine or transverse direction), in at least each of two directions (machine and transverse directions), or a total free shrink measured at 220° F. that is higher than the sum of the shrink of the barrier film


with any of the following shrink values: 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60%. Also, sealant film


may have any of a free shrink in at least one direction (machine or transverse directions), in each of at least two directions (machine and transverse directions), or a total free shrink measured at 220° F. of at least about any of the following: 7%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 55%, 60% and 65%. Further, the sealant film may have any of a free shrink in at least one direction (machine or transverse direction), in at least each of two directions (machine and transverse directions), or a total free shrink of at least about any of these listed shrink values when measured at any of 185° F., 190° F., 200° F., and 210° F.

As is known in the art, the total free shrink is determined by summing the percent free shrink in the machine (longitudinal) direction with the percentage of free shrink in the transverse direction. For example, a film which exhibits 50% free shrink in the transverse direction and 40% free shrink in the machine direction has a total free shrink of 90%. Although preferred, it is not required that the film have shrinkage in both directions. Unless otherwise indicated, each reference to free shrink in this application means a free shrink determined by measuring the percent dimensional change in a 10 cm×10 cm specimen when subjected to selected heat (i.e., at a certain temperature exposure) according to ASTM D 2732. Also, a reference herein to the shrink attributes of a film that is a component of a laminate refers to the shrink attributes of the film itself, which can be measured by separating the film from the laminate—for example, by using an appropriate solvent to dissolve the adhesive that bonds the films together to form the laminate.

The sealant or first film


is preferably multilayer (i.e., includes two or more layers) so that the layers in combination impart the desired performance characteristics to the sealant film. The sealant film


may, for example, comprise from 2 to 15 layers, at least 3 layers, at least 4 layers, at least 5 layers, from 2 to 4 layers, from 2 to 5 layers, and from 5 to 9 layers. As used herein, the term “layer” refers to a discrete film component which is coextensive with the film and has a substantially uniform composition.

A multilayer sealant film includes a sealant layer


forming the food-side or inside surface and a skin or print-side layer


forming the outside or non-food surface of the sealant film. The multilayer sealant film may also include one or more additional layers


, such as core, bulk, and tie layers, although it is preferred that the sealant film have a composition such that tie layers are not incorporated in the sealant film.

Below are some examples of preferred combinations in which the alphabetical symbols designate the resin layers. Where the multilayer sealant film representation below includes the same letter more than once, each occurrence of the letter may represent the same composition or a different composition within the class that performs a similar function.

A/D, A/C/D, A/B/D, A/B/C/D, A/C/B/D, A/B/B/D, A/C/B/C/D, A/B/B/B/D, A/B/C/B/D, A/C/B/B/D, A/C/B/B/C/D, A/B/C/B/C/D, A/C/B/C/B/D, A/B/C/B/B/D, A/C/B/B/B/D, A/C/B/C/B/D, A/C/B/B/B/C/D

“A” is the sealant layer (heat seal layer), as discussed below.

“B” is a core or bulk layer, as discussed below.

“C” is a tie layer, as discussed below.

“D” is an skin or print-side layer, as discussed below.

Sealant Layer of the Sealant Film

Sealant layer


forms the inside surface


of the laminate


. Sealant layer


facilitates the heat-sealing of laminate


to another object, such as a support member or tray


. The sealant layer preferably includes selected components having a melt or softening point lower than that of the components of the other layers of the sealant film. The sealant layer may comprise a resin having a Vicat softening temperature of less than about any of the following values: 120° C., 115° C., 110° C., 105° C., 100° C., 95° C., and 90° C. The sealant layer may include one or more polymers having a melt-flow index of at least about any of the following: 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2, 2.2., 2.5, 2.8, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, and 20. The sealant layer may include one or more polymers having a melting point of less than about any of the following: 130° C., 125° C., 120° C., 115° C., 112° C., 110° C., 108° C., 105° C., 103° C., 100° C., 98° C., and 95° C., in an am any of the following percentages (based on the weight of the sealant layer): 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100.

All references to “Vicat” values in this application are measured according to ASTM 1525 (1 kg). All references to melt-flow index in this application are measured according to ASTM D1238, at a temperature and piston weight as specified according to the material as set forth in the ASTM test method. All references to the melting point of a polymer or resin in this application refers to the melting peak temperature of the dominant melting phase of the polymer or resin as determined by differential scanning calorimetry according to ASTM D-3418.

The sealant layer may include one or more thermoplastic polymers including polyolefins, polystyrenes, polyurethanes, polyamides, polyesters, polyvinyl chlorides, and ionomers.

Useful polyolefins include ethylene homo- and co-polymers and propylene homo-and co-polymers. Ethylene homopolymers include high density polyethylene (“HDPE”) and low density polyethylene (“LDPE”). Ethylene copolymers include ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymers (“EAOs”), ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymers, and ethylene/(meth)acrylic acid. (“Copolymer” as used in this application means a polymer derived from two or more types of monomers, and includes terpolymers, etc.)

EAOs are copolymers of ethylene and one or more alpha-olefins, the copolymer having ethylene as the majority mole-percentage content. Preferably, the comonomer includes one or more C




α-olefins, more preferably one or more C




α-olefins, and most preferably one or more C




α-olefins. Particularly preferred α-olefins include 1-butene, 1-hexene, 1-octene, and mixtures thereof.

EAOs include one or more of the following: 1) medium density polyethylene (“MDPE”), for example having a density of from 0.93 to 0.94 g/cm3; 2) linear medium density polyethylene (“LMDPE”), for example having a density of from 0.926 to 0.94 g/cm3; 3) linear low density polyethylene (“LLDPE”), for example having a density of from 0.915 to 0.930 g/cm3; 4) very-low or ultra-low density polyethylene (“VLDPE” and “ULDPE”), for example having density below 0.915 g/cm3, and 5) homogeneous EAOs. Useful EAOs include those having a density of less than about any of the following: 0.925, 0.922, 0.92, 0.917, 0.915, 0.912, 0.91, 0.907, 0.905, 0.903, 0.9, and 0.898 grams/cubic centimeter. Unless otherwise indicated, all densities herein are measured according to ASTM D 1505.

The polyethylene polymers may be either heterogeneous or homogeneous. As is known in the art, heterogeneous polymers have a relatively wide variation in molecular weight and composition distribution. Heterogeneous polymers may be prepared with, for example, conventional Ziegler Natta catalysts.

On the other hand, homogeneous polymers are typically prepared using metallocene or other single site-type catalysts. Such single-site catalysts typically have only one type of catalytic site, which is believed to be the basis for the homogeneity of the polymers resulting from the polymerization. Homogeneous polymers are structurally different from heterogeneous polymers in that homogeneous polymers exhibit a relatively even sequencing of comonomers within a chain, a mirroring of sequence distribution in all chains, and a similarity of length of all chains. As a result, homogeneous polymers have relatively narrow molecular weight and composition distributions. Examples of homogeneous polymers include the metallocene-catalyzed linear homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer resins available from the Exxon Chemical Company (Baytown, Tex.) under the EXACT trademark, linear homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer resins available from the Mitsui Petrochemical Corporation under the TAFMER trademark, and long-chain branched, metallocene-catalyzed homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer resins available from the Dow Chemical Company under the AFFINITY trademark.

Another useful ethylene copolymer is ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer, which is the copolymer of ethylene and one or more unsaturated ester monomers. Useful unsaturated esters include: 1) vinyl esters of aliphatic carboxylic acids, where the esters have from 4 to 12 carbon atoms, and 2) alkyl esters of acrylic or methacrylic acid (collectively, “alkyl (meth)acrylate”), where the esters have from 4 to 12 carbon atoms.

Representative examples of the first (“vinyl ester”) group of monomers include vinyl acetate, vinyl propionate, vinyl hexanoate, and vinyl 2-ethylhexanoate. The vinyl ester monomer may have from 4 to 8 carbon atoms, from 4 to 6 carbon atoms, from 4 to 5 carbon atoms, and preferably 4 carbon atoms.

Representative examples of the second (“alkyl (meth)acrylate”) group of monomers include methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, isobutyl acrylate, n-butyl acrylate, hexyl acrylate, and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate, ethyl methacrylate, isobutyl methacrylate, n-butyl methacrylate, hexyl methacrylate, and 2-ethylhexyl methacrylate. The alkyl (meth)acrylate monomer may have from 4 to 8 carbon atoms, from 4 to 6 carbon atoms, and preferably from 4 to 5 carbon atoms.

The unsaturated ester (i.e., vinyl ester or alkyl (meth)acrylate) comonomer content of the ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer may range from about 6 to about 18 weight %, and from about 8 to about 12 weight %, based on the weight of the copolymer. Useful ethylene contents of the ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer include the following amounts: at least about 82 weight %, at least about 85 weight %, at least about 88 weight %, no greater than about 94 weight %, no greater than about 93 weight %, and no greater than about 92 weight %, based on the weight of the copolymer.

Representative examples of ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymers include ethylene/methyl acrylate, ethylene/methyl methacrylate, ethylene/ethyl acrylate, ethylene/ethyl methacrylate, ethylene/butyl acrylate, ethylene/2-ethylhexyl methacrylate, and ethylene/vinyl acetate.

Another useful ethylene copolymer is ethylene/(meth)acrylic acid, which is the copolymer of ethylene and acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, or both.

Useful propylene copolymer includes propylene/ethylene copolymers (“EPC”), which are copolymers of propylene and ethylene having a majority weight % content of propylene, such as those having an ethylene comonomer content of less than 10%, preferably less than 6%, and more preferably from about 2% to 6% by weight.

Useful polyesters and polyamides include those described in this application below.

Ionomer is a copolymer of ethylene and an ethylenically unsaturated monocarboxylic acid having the carboxylic acid groups partially neutralized by a metal ion, such as sodium or zinc, preferably zinc. Useful ionomers include those in which sufficient metal ion is present to neutralize from about 15% to about 60% of the acid groups in the ionomer. The carboxylic acid is preferably “(meth)acrylic acid”—which means acrylic acid and/or methacrylic acid. Useful ionomers include those having at least 50 weight % and preferably at least 80 weight % ethylene units. Useful ionomers also include those having from 1 to 20 weight percent acid units. Useful ionomers are available, for example, from Dupont Corporation (Wilmington, Del.) under the SURLYN trademark.

The sealant layer


may have a composition such that any one of the above described polymers comprises at least about any of the following weight percent values: 30, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, and 100% by weight of the layer.

The thickness of the sealant layer is selected to provide sufficient material to effect a strong heat seal bond, yet not so thick so as to negatively affect the manufacture (i.e., extrusion) of the sealant film by lowering the melt strength of the film to an unacceptable level. The sealant layer may have a thickness of at least about any of the following values: 0.2 mils, 0.25 mils, 0.3 mils, 0.35 mils, 0.4 mils, 0.45 mils, 0.5 mils, and 0.6 mils. The sealant layer may have a thickness ranging from about 0.05 to about 6 mils, more preferably from about 0.1 to about 2 mils, and still more preferably from about 0.2 to about 0.5 mils. Further, the thickness of the sealant layer as a percentage of the total thickness of the sealant film may range (in ascending order of preference) from about 1 to about 50 percent, from about 5 to about 45 percent, from about 10 to about 45 percent, from about 15 to about 40 percent, from about 15 to about 35 percent, and from about 15 to about 30 percent. The sealant layer may have a thickness relative to the thickness of the sealant film of at least about any of the following values: 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%.

Skin Layer of the Sealant Film

The skin layer


of the sealant film may provide the surface upon which a printed image (e.g., printed information) is applied, in which case the layer is preferably capable of providing a surface that is compatible with the selected print ink system. Further, the skin layer


provides the outside surface


to which the barrier film


is directly laminated, as discussed in more detail below.

The skin layer


may include any of the thermoplastics or compositions as discussed above in conjunction with the sealant layer


. The skin layer


may have a composition or thickness (or both) substantially similar to the sealant layer


. Preferably, the skin layer


has a thickness and/or composition different from the sealant layer


. For example, the skin layer


may comprise one or more polymers having a melting point higher than the melting point of the lowest melting point polymer of the sealant layer


by at least about any of the following values: 3° F., 5° F., 7° F., 10° F., 15° F., 20° F., 25° F., 30° F., and 35° F. The one or more higher melting point polymers of the skin layer may comprise a weight percentage of the skin layer of at least about any of the following values: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95%.

Further, the one or more polymers of the skin layer


having a lowest melting point of the polymers of the skin layer may also have a melting point higher than the one or more polymers of the sealant layer


having a lowest melting point of the polymers of the sealant layer. For example, the lowest melting point polymer of the skin layer may have a melting point higher by at least about any of the following values: 3° F., 5° F., 7° F., 10° F., 15° F., 20° F., 25° F., 30° F., and 35° F. This differential in melting point values generally results in the skin layer


having lower tackiness than the sealant layer


, since a higher melting point polymer generally has less tackiness than a lower melting point polymer. As a result, the manufacture of the sealant film may be facilitated, because the sealant film is less likely to stick to itself when wound into a roll —and less likely to cause a reduction in processing speeds by sticking to processing equipment.

The skin layer


may include one or more of any of the above-described polymers, for example, polyamides, polyethylene, and/or polypropylene, either alone or in combination. The skin layer


may have a composition such that any one of the above-described polymers comprises at least about any of the following weight percent values: 30, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, and 100% by weight of the layer.

The skin layer may have a thickness of from about 0.05 to about 5 mils, preferably from about 0.2 to about 2 mils, and more preferably from about 0.2 to about 0.5 mils. The thickness of the skin layer may range as a percentage of the total thickness of the sealant film of from about (in ascending order of preference) 1 to 50 percent, 3 to 45 percent, 5 to 40 percent, 7 to 35 p and 7 to 30 percent. Useful thicknesses for the skin layer include at least about any of the following values. 0.1 mils, 0.15 mils, 0.2 mils, and 0.25 mils.

Additional Layers of the Sealant Film

The sealant film


may include one or more additional layers


, such as a tie, core, or bulk layers. A tie layer is an inner film layer having the primary purpose of adhering two layers of a film together. The tie layers, if present in the sealant film, may have the composition and other attributes as described below in conjunction with the tie layers of barrier film


. Preferably, the adjacent layers of a multiple layer sealant film


have sufficient compatibility so that a tie layer is not needed to form a inter-layer bond strength that is sufficiently strong for the expected end use.

A core or bulk layer may be an inner film layer having a primary purpose other than as a barrier or tie layer—for example, serving to provide a multilayer film with a desired level of strength, modulus, or optics. A core or bulk layer may include one or more of the polymers and/or have a composition as described above in the Sealant Layer section with respect to the sealant layer.

Each of the additional layers


may have a thickness of from about 0.05 to about 5 mils, preferably from about 0.1 to about 2 mils, and more preferably from about 0.2 to about 0.5 mils. The thickness of an additional layer may range as a percentage of the total thickness of the sealant film of from about (in ascending order of preference) 1 to 80 percent, 3 to 50 percent, 5 to 40 percent, 7 to 35 percent, and 7 to 30 percent. Preferably, adjacent film layers have different compositions.


The barrier film


defines an inside surface


and an outside surface


opposite the inside surface. The outside surface


of the barrier film


forms the surface that may engage the heated bar of a heat-sealing device (not shown) used in sealing laminate


to support member


, as discussed in more detail below. The outside layer


forms the outside surface


of the barrier film.

The barrier film


may have any total thickness as long as it provides the desired properties (e.g., flexibility, Young's modulus, optics, strength, barrier) for the given packaging application of expected use. The barrier film may have a thickness of less than about any of the following: 10 mils, 5 mils, 4 mils, 3 mils, 2 mils, 1.5 mils, 1.2 mils, and 1.1 mils. The barrier film may also have a thickness of at least about any of the following: 0.25 mils, 0.3 mils, 0.35 mils, 0.4 mils, 0.45 mils, 0.5 mils, 0.6 mils, 0.75 mils, 0.8 mils, 0.9 mils, 1 mil, 1.2 mils, and 1.5 mils.

The barrier film


preferably has a composition that imparts oxygen barrier attributes to the barrier film. Examples of the components that are useful in imparting decreased oxygen barrier properties to the film (i.e., “barrier components”) are discussed below in the Barrier Layer section. If the barrier film


is multilayer, then the one or more layers of the film that incorporate barrier components sufficient to decrease the oxygen permeability of the film are considered “barrier layers.” If the barrier film is monolayer, then the barrier components may be incorporated in the sole layer of the barrier film, in which case the monolayer barrier film itself would be considered the “barrier layer.” In such case, the barrier layer may also provide one or more additional functions, such as the inside, outside (abuse), bulk, and/or core layers of the barrier film. Accordingly, if the barrier film


is monolayer, then it may have the composition, attributes, and physical characteristics as discussed in conjunction with any of the Barrier Layer, Abuse Layer, or Inside Layer sections below.

Useful oxygen transmission rates for the barrier film


and laminate


are discussed below in the Barrier Layer section.

Preferably, the barrier film


has low or no heat-shrinkable attributes. Also preferably, the free shrink of the barrier film in at least one direction (i.e., machine or transverse direction), in at least each of two directions (machine and transverse directions), or a total free shrink measured at 185° F. is less than that of the sealant film. For example, the barrier film


may have a free shrink in at least one direction (i.e., machine or transverse direction), in at least each of two directions (machine and transverse directions), or a total free shrink, measured at any of 185° F., 190° F., 200° F., 210° F., and 220° F., that is no more than about any of the following values: 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 12%, 10%, 7%, 5%, 3%, and 0%.

Preferably, the barrier film


comprises one or more polymers forming the outside surface


, where the one or more polymers have a melting point greater than that of the lowest melting point polymer of the sealant layer


—preferably greater by at least about any of the following values: 5° F., 10° F., 15° F., 20° F., 25° F., 30° F., 40° F., 50° F., 65° F., 70° F., 80° F., 90° F., and 100° F. Further, outside layer


may comprise one or more polymers having a melting point greater than that of the lowest melting point polymer of the sealant layer


—preferably greater by at least about any of the following values: 5° F., 10° F., 15° F., 20° F., 25° F., 25° F., 30° F., 40° F., 50° F., 65° F., 70° F., 80° F., 90° F., and 100° F. Further preferably, the lowest melting point polymer of the outside layer


has a melting point higher than the lowest melting point polymer of the sealant layer


, preferably higher by at least about any of the following values: 5° F., 10° F., 15° F., 20° F., 25° F., 30° F., 40° F., 50° F., 65° F., 70° F., 80° F., 90° F., and 100° F. The amount of the one or more polymers of the outside layer


having either: 1) a melting point greater than that of the lowest melting point polymer of the sealant layer


or 2) having the lowest melting point of the outside layer


may comprise a weight percentage of the outside layer


of at least about any of the following values: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95%.

The barrier or second film


is preferably multilayer so that the layers in combination impart the desired performance characteristics to the barrier film. The barrier film


may comprise multiple layers, for example 2 layers, from 2 to 15 layers, 3 layers, at least 3 layers, at least 4 layers, at least 5 layers, from 2 to 4 layers, from 2 to 5 layers, and from 5 to 9 layers.

A multilayer barrier film includes: i) an inside layer


forming the inside surface


of the barrier film—a layer that upon lamination is proximate the outside layer


of the sealant film


and ii) an abuse or outside layer


forming the outside surface


of the barrier film


. The inside layer


may be directly adhered to the outside layer


. Alternatively, one or more inner layers


, such as barrier, tie, core, and bulk layers, may exist between the inside layer


and the outside layer


. Further, a barrier layer may be directly adhered to outside layer


. Preferably, the barrier layer is a coated barrier layer, that is, a barrier layer formed by coating onto to another layer, for example, directly coated onto the inside surface of abuse layer


or as an exterior layer of the barrier film.

Below are some examples of preferred layer combinations for the multiple layer barrier film


in which the alphabetical symbols designate the resin layers. Where the multilayer barrier film representation below includes the same letter more than once, each occurrence of the letter may represent the same composition or a different composition within the class that performs a similar function.

E/G, G/F, E/G/F, E/C/G, G/C/F, E/B/G, G/B/F, E/G/C/F, E/C/G/F, E/C/G/C/F, E/C/B/G/B/F, E/C/B/G, G/C/B/F

“B” is a core or bulk layer, as discussed above with respect to the sealant film.

“C” is a tie layer, as discussed below.

“E” is the inside layer of the barrier film, as discussed below. (If “E” is not present, then the first letter represents the inside layer, for example if “G” is the first letter, then the inside layer is also a barrier layer. Layer “E” may comprise any of the thermoplastics or compositions discussed above in the Sealant Layer section.)

“F” is an outside or abuse layer of the barrier film, as discussed below. (If “F” is not present, then the last letter represents the outside layer, for example if “G” is the last letter, then the outside, abuse layer is also a barrier layer. Layer “F” may comprise any of the thermoplastics or compositions discussed above in the Sealant Layer section.)

“G” is a barrier layer, as discussed below.

Barrier Layer of the Barrier Film

The barrier film may include one or more barrier layers, which incorporate one or more components (“barrier components”) that markedly decrease the oxygen transmission rate through the layer and thus the film incorporating such layer. Accordingly, the barrier layer of the film that is utilized in a lidstock laminate incorporated in a package may either help to exclude oxygen from the interior of the package—or to maintain oxygen within the package.

Useful barrier components include: ethylene/vinyl alcohol copolymer (“EVOH”), polyvinyl alcohol (“PVOH”), vinylidene chloride polymers (“PVdC”), polyalkylene carbonate, polyester (e.g., PET, PEN), polyacrylonitrile (“PAN”), and polyamide.

EVOH may have an ethylene content of between about 20% and 40%, preferably between about 25% and 35%, more preferably about 32% by weight. EVOH may include saponified or hydrolyzed ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymers, such as those having a degree of hydrolysis of at least 50%, preferably of at least 85%.

Vinylidene chloride polymer (“PVdC”) refers to a vinylidene chloride-containing polymer or copolymer—that is, a polymer that includes monomer units derived from vinylidene chloride (CH




) and also, optionally, monomer units derived from one or more of vinyl chloride, styrene, vinyl acetate, acrylonitrile, and C




alkyl esters of (meth)acrylic acid (e.g., methyl acrylate, butyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate). As used herein, “(meth)acrylic acid” refers to both acrylic acid and/or methacrylic acid; and “(meth)acrylate” refers to both acrylate and methacrylate. Examples of PVdC include one or more of the following: vinylidene chloride homopolymer, vinylidene chloride/vinyl chloride copolymer (“VDC/VC”), vinylidene chloride/methyl acrylate copolymer, vinylidene chloride/ethyl acrylate copolymer, vinylidene chloride/ethyl methacrylate copolymer, vinylidene chloride/methyl methacrylate copolymer, vinylidene chloride/butyl acrylate copolymer, vinylidene chloride/styrene copolymer, vinylidene chloride/acrylonitrile copolymer, and vinylidene chloride/vinyl acetate copolymer.

Useful PVdC includes that having between 75 and 95 weight % vinylidene chloride monomer. Useful PVdC includes that having from about 5 to about 25 weight %, from about 10 to about 22 weight %, and from about 15 to about 20 weight % comonomer with the vinylidene chloride monomer. Useful PVdC includes that having a weight-average molecular weight (M


)of at least 80,000, such as at least 90,000, at least 100,000, at least 111,000, at least 120,000, at least 150,000, and at least 180,000; and between 80,000 and 180,000, such as between 90,000 and 170,000, between 100,000 and 160,000, between 111,000 and 150,000, and between 120,000 and 140,000. Useful PVdC also includes that having a viscosity-average molecular weight (M


) of at least 130,000, such as at least 150,000, at least 170,000, at least 200,000, at least 250,000, and at least 300,000; and between 130,000 and 300,000, such as between 150,000 and 270,000, between 170,000 and 250,000, and between 190,000 and 240,000.

A barrier layer that includes PVdC may also include a thermal stabilizer (e.g., a hydrogen chloride scavenger such as epoxidized soybean oil) and a lubricating processing aid (e.g., one or more acrylates).

Useful polyamides include polyamide 6, polyamide 9, polyamide 10, polyamide 11, polyamide 12, polyamide 66, polyamide 610, polyamide 612, polyamide 61, polyamide 6T, polyamide 69, copolymers made from any of the monomers used to make two or more of the foregoing homopolymers (e.g., copolyamide 6/12, polyamide 12, copolyamide 66/69/6I, copolyamide 66/610, copolyamide 6/66, and copolyamide 6/69), and blends of any of the foregoing homo- and/or copolymers. Polyamide copolymers include: (a) copolyamide 6/12 comprising (i) caprolactam mer in an amount of from about 20 to 80 weight percent (preferably 30 to 70 weight percent, more preferably 40 to 60 weight percent), and (ii) laurolactam mer in an amount of from about 80 to 20 weight percent; and (b) copolyamide 66/69/61 comprising 10 to 50 weight percent hexamethylene adipamide mer (preferably from about 20 to 40 weight percent), 10 to 50 weight percent polyamide 69 mer (preferably from about 20 to 40 weight percent), and 10 to 60 weight percent hexamethylene isophthalamide mer (preferably, from about 10 to 40 weight percent).

Useful polyesters include those described in the Abuse Layer section below.

A barrier layer preferably has a thickness and composition sufficient to impart either to barrier film


or laminate


incorporating the barrier film an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about (in ascending order of preference) 1000, 500, 150, 100, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C. All references to oxygen transmission rate in this application are measured at these conditions according to ASTM D-3985.

A barrier layer may also be formed from a latex emulsion coating grade of vinylidene chloride/vinyl chloride copolymer having 5-15% vinyl chloride. The coating grade copolymer of vinylidene chloride/vinyl chloride may be present in an amount of from 5-100% (of total solids) with the remainder being 2-10% epoxy resin and melt extrusion grade material.

The barrier layer may comprise barrier component in an amount of at least about any of the following: 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%, based on the weight of the barrier layer. The barrier layer thickness may range from about any of the following: about 0.05 to about 6 mils, about 0.05 to about 4 mils, about 0.1 to about 3 mils, and about 0.12 to 2 mils.

Abuse Layer of the Barrier Film

The barrier film


may be exposed to environmental stresses, for example once the barrier film is incorporated into laminate


and formed into a package


. Such environmental stresses include abrasion and other abuse during processing and shipment. The outside or abuse layer


preferably provides enhanced resistance to abuse. Since the abuse layer


may be directly exposed to the heat seal bar of the heat-sealing equipment (not shown) when forming the sealed package


, the abuse layer preferably provides heat-resistant characteristics to the barrier film


(and laminate


) to help prevent “bum-through” during heat sealing. This is because in forming package


by conductance heat sealing the laminate


to support member


, sealant layer


is placed in contact with the support member


, while the outside layer


is proximate the heated bar of the heat sealing apparatus. The heat seal bar transfers heat through the outside layer


, through laminate


, to the sealant layer


to form the heat seal


between the laminate and support member. Accordingly, outside layer


may be exposed to the highest temperature during the sealing operation. Useful melting point attributes for the abuse or outside layer


have been discussed above.

The abuse layer


may include one or more of any of the following: polyolefins (e.g., polyethylenes, polypropylenes), polyamides, polyesters, polystyrenes, polyurethanes, and polycarbonates. For example, the abuse layer may include any of these polymers in an amount of at least 50 weight %, more preferably at least 70%, still more preferably at least 90%, and most preferably 100% by weight of the layer.

Examples of suitable polyesters include amorphous (co)polyesters, poly(ethylene/terephthalic acid), and poly(ethylene/naphthalate). Poly(ethylene/terephthalic acid) with at least about 75 mole percent, more preferably at least about 80 mole percent, of its mer units derived from terephthalic acid may be preferred.

Useful polyamides, polyethylenes, and polypropylenes include those described above.

The outside layer


may have a thickness of from about 0.05 to about 5 mils, preferably from about 0.3 to about 4 mils, and more preferably from about 0.5 to about 3.5 mils. The thickness of the outside layer may range as a percentage of the total thickness of the barrier film from about (in ascending order of preference) 1 to 50 percent, 3 to 45 percent, 5 to 40 percent, 7 to 35 percent, and 7 to 30 percent. Useful thicknesses for the outside layer include at least about any of the following values: 0.05 mils, 0.1 mils, 0.15 mils, 0.2 mils, 0.25 mils, 0.3 mils, 0.35 mils, and 0.4 mils.

Tie Layer of the Barrier Film

The barrier film


may include one or more tie layers, which have the primary purpose of improving the adherence of two layers of a film to each other. Tie layers may include polymers having grafted polar groups so that the polymer is capable of covalently bonding to polar polymers. Useful polymers for tie layers include ethylene/unsaturated acid copolymer, ethylene/unsaturated ester copolymer, anhydride-modified polyolefin, polyurethane, and mixtures thereof. Preferred polymers for tie layers include one or more of ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer having a vinyl acetate content of at least 15 weight %, ethylene/methyl acrylate copolymer having a methyl acrylate content of at least 20 weight %, anhydride-modified ethylene/methyl acrylate copolymer having a methyl acrylate content of at least 20%, and anhydride-modified ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer, such as an anhydride grafted LLDPE.

Modified polymers or anhydride-modified polymers include polymers prepared by copolymerizing an unsaturated carboxylic acid (e.g., maleic acid, fumaric acid), or a derivative such as the anhydride, ester, or metal salt of the unsaturated carboxylic acid with—or otherwise incorporating the same into—an olefin homopolymer or copolymer. Thus, anhydride-modified polymers have an anhydride functionality achieved by grafting or copolymerization.

The barrier film


may also include a tie layer directly adhered (i.e., directly adjacent) to one or both sides of an internal barrier layer. Further, a tie layer may be directly adhered to the inner (food-side) surface of the outside layer


. The tie layers are of a sufficient thickness to provide the adherence function, as is known in the art. Each tie layer may be of a substantially similar or a different composition and/or thickness.

Inside Layer of the Barrier Film

The inside layer


of the barrier film


may provide the surface upon which a printed image (e.g., printed information) is applied, in which case the inside layer is preferably capable of providing a surface that is compatible with the selected print ink system. Further, the inside layer


provides the inside surface


to which the sealant film


is directly laminated, as discussed in more detail below. The inside layer


may be a barrier layer.

The inside layer


may include any of the thermoplastics or compositions as discussed above in conjunction with the sealant layer


of the sealant film


. The inside layer


may have a thickness of from about 0.05 to about 5 mils, preferably from about 0.1 to about 2 mils, and more preferably from about 0.2 to about 0.5 mils. The thickness of the inside layer


may range as a percentage of the total thickness of the barrier film


of from about (in ascending order of preference) 1 to 50 percent, 3 to 45 percent, 5 to 40 percent, 7 to 35 percent, and 7 to 30 percent. Useful thicknesses for the inside layer include at least about any of the following values: 0.1 mils, 0.15 mils, 0.2 mils, and 0.25 mils.

Bond Strengths of the Sealant and/or Barrier Films

The term “inter-layer bond strength” as used herein means the amount of force required to separate or delaminate two adjacent film layers by adhesive failure, as measured in accordance with ASTM F88-94 where the Instron tensile tester crosshead speed is 5 inches per second, using five, 1-inch wide, representative samples. The weakest of the inter-layer bond strength of either or both of the sealant film and barrier film may be at least about any of the following: 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 pounds/inch.

The term “intra-layer cohesive strength” as used herein means the amount of force required to separate a film layer by cohesive failure, as measured in a direction that is perpendicular to the plane of the film and in accordance with ASTM F88-94 where the Instron tensile tester crosshead speed is 5 inches per second, using five, 1-inch wide, representative samples.

The term “intra-film cohesive strength” refers to the internal force with which a film remains intact, as measured in a direction that is perpendicular to the plane of the film. In a multilayer film, intra-film cohesive strength is provided both by inter-layer adhesion (the adhesive strength between the layers which binds them to one another) and by the intra-layer cohesion of each film layer (i.e., the cohesive strength of each of the film layers). In a monolayer film, intra-film cohesive strength is provided only by the intra-layer cohesion of the layer which constitutes the film. The weakest of the intra-film cohesive strength of either or both of the sealant film and barrier film may be at least about any of the following: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 pounds/inch.

Additives of Sealant and/or Barrier Films

One or more layers of the sealant and or barrier films of laminate


may include one or more additives useful in packaging films, such as, antiblocking agents, slip agents, antifog agents, colorants, pigments, dyes, flavorants, antimicrobial agents, meat preservatives, antioxidants, fillers, radiation stabilizers, and antistatic agents. Such additives, and their effective amounts, are known in the art.

An antifog agent may advantageously be incorporated into sealant layer


or coated onto sealant layer


, because sealant layer


forms the inside layer adjacent the interior of the sealed package


. The incorporation of the antifog agent may occur either before or after lamination of the barrier film to the sealant film. Suitable antifog agents may fall into classes such as esters of aliphatic alcohols, esters of polyglycol, polyethers, polyhydric alcohols, esters of polyhydric aliphatic alcohols, polyethoxylated aromatic alcohols, nonionic ethoxylates, and hydrophilic fatty acid esters. Useful antifog agents include polyoxyethylene, sorbitan monostearate, polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate, polyoxyethylene monopalmitate, polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate, polyoxyethylene sorbitan trioleate, poly(oxypropylene), polyethoxylated fatty alcohols, polyoxyethylated 4-nonylphenol, polyhydric alcohol, propylene diol, propylene triol, and ethylene diol, monoglyceride esters of vegetable oil or animal fat, mono- and/or diglycerides such as glycerol mono- and dioleate, glyceryl stearate, monophenyl polyethoxylate, and sorbitan monolaurate. The antifog agent is incorporated in an amount effective to enhance the antifog performance of the laminate



Optional Energy Treatment of the Sealant and/or Barrier Films

One or more of the thermoplastic layers of the sealant and/or barrier films—or at least a portion of the entire sealant and/or barrier films—may be cross-linked to improve the strength of the film, improve the orientation of the film, and help to avoid burn through during heat seal operations. Cross-linking may be achieved by using chemical additives or by subjecting one or more film layers to one or more energetic radiation treatments—such as ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma ray, beta ray, and high energy electron beam treatment—to induce cross-linking between molecules of the irradiated material. Useful radiation dosages include at least about any of the following: 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 kGy (kiloGrey). Useful radiation dosages include less than about any of the following: 130, 120, 110, 100, 90, 80, and 70 kGy (kiloGrey). Useful radiation dosages include any of the following ranges: from 5 to 150, from 10 to 130, from 5 to 100, and from 5 to 75 kGy.

All or a portion of one or two surfaces the sealant film and/or the barrier film may be corona and/or plasma treated to change the surface energy of the film, for example, to increase the ability to print or laminate the film. One type of oxidative surface treatment involves bringing the sealant film into the proximity of an O


- or N


-containing gas (e.g., ambient air) which has been ionized. Exemplary techniques are described in, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,120,716 (Bonet) and 4,879,430 (Hoffman), which are incorporated herein in their entirety by reference. The sealant film may be treated to have a surface energy of at least about 0.034 J/m


, preferably at least about 0.036 J/m


, more preferably at least about 0.038 J/m


, and most preferably at least about 0.040 J/m



Manufacture and Orientation of the Sealant and Barrier Films

The sealant film


and barrier film


may each be separately manufactured by thermoplastic film-forming processes known in the art (e.g., tubular or blown-film extrusion, coextrusion, extrusion coating, flat or cast film extrusion). A combination of these processes may also be employed.

Each of the sealant film


and barrier film


may be oriented (i.e., before lamination discussed below) or non-oriented. Either or both of the sealant film


and the barrier film


may be oriented in either the machine (i.e., longitudinal) or the transverse direction, preferably in both directions (i.e., biaxially oriented), for example, in order to enhance the optics, strength, and durability of the film. Each of the sealant and barrier films may independently be oriented in at least one direction by one of the following ratios: at least about 2.5:1, from about 2.7:1 to about 10:1, at least about 2.8:1, at least about 2.9:1, at least about 3.0:1, at least about 3.1:1, at least about 3.2:1, at least about 3.3:1, at least about 3.4:1, at least about 3.5:1, at least about 3.6:1, and at least about 3.7:1. If the barrier film is oriented, then it is preferably heat set or annealed after orientation to reduce the heat shrink attribute to a desired level.




includes sealant film


laminated to barrier film


, preferably trapping the printed image


between the sealant and barrier films. Preferably inside sealant film


has a heat-shrinkable attribute and the outside barrier film


has a substantially non-heat shrinkable attribute, so that the resulting laminate


presents a superior appearance upon sealing to the support member


(as described below).

Although it is desirable that the sealant film


have a heat-shrink attribute, it is still desirable that laminate


have a relatively lower heat shrink characteristic. This is because the use of a laminate having good dimensional stability in a heated environment provides the benefits of better registration though processing machinery. Also, if the laminate


has too much heat shrink attribute, then it may bend, bow, or otherwise distort the support member


after exposure to the elevated temperatures associated with sealing the laminate


to the support member. The laminate


may have any of a free shrink in at least one direction (machine or transverse direction), in at least each of two directions (machine and transverse directions), or a total free shrink measured at 185° F. of less than about any of the following: 40%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 7%, and 5%. Preferably, laminate


has free shrink at 185° F. of at least about 2% in each direction (machine and transverse directions), more preferably, at least about 3% in each direction.

The thickness of the laminate may be less than about any of the following values: 10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2.8, 2.5, 2.3, 2.2, 2.1, 2, 1.9, 1.8, and 1.7 mils. The oxygen transmission rate attributes of the laminate are discussed in the Barrier Layer section above.

Trap Printed Image

A printed image


is disposed (i.e., trap printed) between the sealant and barrier films at the interface between the outside surface


of sealant film


and the inside surface


of the barrier film


. This may be accomplished by printing one or more images


on one or both of these surfaces before laminating the films together, so that upon lamination the printed images


are “trapped” between the two films. For example, the printed image may be “reverse trap printed” by printing the image onto surface


of the barrier film.

The trapped print


is visible through a relatively transparent barrier film to provide information to the retail purchaser of the package. Accordingly, package


may be provided with consumer-specific information at the time of packaging at a centralized packaging facility, in the form of a printed image trapped within the laminate


used at part of the sealed package


. The availability of trap printed information in laminate


reduces and potentially eliminates the need for additional package printing or labeling at the retail distribution point. The printed image


may include indicia such as product information, nutritional information, source identification, and other information, as discussed above.

To form the printed image, one or more layers of ink are printed onto the print surface. The ink is selected to have acceptable ink adhesion, appearance, and heat resistance once printed on the film. The film may be printed by any suitable method, such as rotary screen, gravure, or flexographic techniques. Inks and processes for printing on plastic films are known to those of skill in the art. See, for example, Leach & Pierce, The Printing Ink Manual, (5


ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993), which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.

To improve the adhesion of the ink to the surface of the sealant or barrier film, the surface of the sealant or barrier film may be treated or modified before printing. Surface treatments and modifications include: i) mechanical treatments, such as corona treatment, plasma treatment, and flame treatment, and ii) primer treatment. Surface treatments and modifications are known to those of skill in the art. The flame treatment is less desirable for a heat-shrinkable film, since heat may prematurely shrink the film. The ink system should be capable of withstanding without diminished performance the temperature ranges to which it will be exposed during lamination, heat sealing, packaging, and end use.

Appearance Characteristics of the Laminate

Each of laminate


and barrier film


preferably has low haze characteristics. Haze is a measurement of the transmitted light scattered more than 2.5° from the axis of the incident light. Haze is measured against the outside surface


of the barrier film


, according to the method of ASTM D 1003, which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference. All references to “haze” values in this application are by this standard. Preferably, the haze of either laminate


or barrier film


is no more than about (in ascending order of preference) 20%, 15%, 10%, 9%, 8%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 4%, and 3%.



preferably has a gloss, as measured against the outside surface


of the barrier film 40 of at least about (in ascending order of preference) 40%, 50%, 60%, 63%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, and 95%. These percentages represent the ratio of light reflected from the sample to the original amount of light striking the sample at the designated angle. All references to “gloss” values in this application are in accordance with ASTM D 2457 (45° angle).

Preferably, laminate


is transparent (at least in the non-printed regions) so that the packaged food item


is visible through the laminate. “Transparent” as used herein means that the material transmits incident light with negligible scattering and little absorption, enabling objects (e.g., packaged food or print) to be seen clearly through the material under typical unaided viewing conditions (i.e., the expected use conditions of the material). If laminate


is transparent then both barrier film


and sealant film


are also transparent. Optionally, barrier film


maybe transparent while sealant film is opaque, in which case laminate


is opaque while trap print


is still clearly visible through barrier film


. Preferably, the transparency (i.e., clarity) of any of the laminate


, sealant film


, and barrier film


are at least about any of the following values: 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, and 90%, as measured in accordance with ASTM D1746.

Modulus of the Laminate



preferably exhibits a Young's modulus sufficient to withstand the expected handling and use conditions. Young's modulus may be measured in accordance with one or more of the following ASTM procedures: D882; D5026-95a; D4065-89, each of which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference. Each of the sealant film


, barrier film


, and/or laminate


may have a Young's modulus of at least about any of the following: 70,000, 80,000, 90,000, 100,000, 150,000, 200,000, 250,000, 300,000, 350,000 pounds/square inch, measured at a temperature of 73° F. A higher modulus film has an enhanced stiffness, which may help reduce the tendency of the trap printed image


to crack when the laminate is flexed. Further, it is helpful that barrier film


have a high modulus at the elevated temperatures present when the laminate


is exposed to heat seal temperatures, for example, during the lidstock sealing process discussed below. Accordingly, it is preferable that the Young's modulus of the barrier film


be greater than the modulus of the sealant film


, for example, greater by at least about one of the following amounts: 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 90%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, and 200%.

Manufacture of the Laminate

To manufacture laminate


, the outside surface


of the sealant film


is placed adjacent to or in contact with the inside surface


of barrier film


so that the films may be bonded together by a suitable lamination technique. Suitable lamination techniques are known in the art, and include adhesive bonding, reactive surface modification (e.g., corona treatment, flame treatment, or plasma treatment), heat treatment, pressure treatment, heat-welding, and combinations thereof. Suitable lamination methods are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,779,050 issued Jul. 14, 1998 to Kocher et al entitled “Lidded Package Having a Tab to Facilitate Peeling,” which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.

Barrier film


may be directly laminated to sealant film


. The term “directly laminated” as used herein means that a first film is bonded to a second film by a suitable lamination method without an additional film between the first and second films. The first film (e.g., sealant film) may be considered as “directly laminated” to the second film (e.g., barrier film)—even if additional material is present between the first and second films—if the additional material is present primarily to facilitate the lamination of the first and second films (e.g., an adhesive used in adhesive lamination) or to form part of the trap print (e.g., a printed image) between the first and second films.



has an inter-film bond strength sufficient to survive the expected packaging and end use conditions without delamination. The term “inter-film bond strength” as used herein means the amount of force required to separate or delaminate two directly laminated films, as measured in accordance with ASTM F88-94 where the Instron tensile tester crosshead speed is 5 inches per second, using five, 1-inch wide, representative samples. Preferably, the inter-film bond strength between sealant film


and barrier film


is at least about any of the following values: 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 2, and 2.5 pounds/inch.

As a reactive surface modification lamination method, corona treatment may be combined with pressure and, optionally, heat immediately after the corona treatment. The corona treatment provides the film with a reactively modified surface to enhance lamination bonding. The amount of corona discharge to which the films are exposed is directly proportional to the amount of power supplied to the corona treatment units, and also indirectly proportional to the speed at which the films are passed through the units. In general, corona treatment units operate by passing a high voltage electrical current through an electrode positioned adjacent a film surface to be treated. The electrode then produces an electrical discharge which ionizes the surrounding air to cause reactive surface modification, e.g., oxidation, of the treated film surface.

Any desired combination of power input to the corona unit and film speed may be employed to achieve a desired bond-strength between the films. The amount of power to supplied to the corona treatment units may range, for example, from about 0.02 to about 0.5 kilowatts (kw) per inch of film width. The film speed through the corona treatment unit may range, for example, from about 10 to about 2000 feet/minute.

Alternatively or in addition to a reactive surface modification lamination method, heat-welding may be employed to laminate the films together. For example, skin layer


of sealant film


and inside layer


of barrier film


may comprise materials capable of forming a heat-weld bond during lamination. Suitable materials for the interfacing layers for a heat-weld lamination were discussed above in conjunction with the sealant layer of the sealant film. The same or different thermoplastics may be included in the adjacent film layers.

In order to facilitate fast and reliable sealing of the lidstock laminate


to the support member, it is preferable that laminate


has good hot tack attributes. The term “hot tack” is understood to those of skill in the art. Preferably, laminate


has a hot tack strength of at least 2 Newtons, more preferably at least about 4 Newtons.


The lidstock laminate


may be heat sealed to support member


to form sealed package



Support Member

Support member


is a component of package


in addition to laminate


. Product


(e.g., a food product) may be disposed on or in support member


. For example, meat products may be disposed in a tray-like support member comprising, for example, expanded polystyrene sheet material that has been thermoformed into a desired shape for supporting the meat product. Product support member


preferably is in the form of a tray having side walls


and base


—which define cavity


into which the product


may be disposed. A peripheral flange


preferably extends from side walls


to provide a sealing surface for attachment of lid


to the support member


to enclose the product


within the cavity



Although the drawings show support member


in one configuration, support member


may have any desired configuration or shape, such as rectangular, round, or oval. The support member may be substantially rigid, semi-rigid, or flexible. For example, the support member may have a 1% secant flex modulus of at least about any of the following values: 120,000, 140,000, 160,000, 180,000, 200,000, and 225,000 pounds/square inch.



may also have any desired shape or design, such as the substantially flat design presenting a single sealing surface as shown in the drawings, or a more elaborate design which presents two or more sealing surfaces, such as the flange configurations disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,348,752 and 5,439,132, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.

Support member


may be formed from any material useful for the expected end use conditions, including polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene terephthalate, polystyrene, polyolefins (e.g., high density polyethylene or polypropylene), paper pulp, nylon, and polyurethane. The support member may be foamed or non-foamed as desired. Preferably support member


provides a barrier to the passage of oxygen therethrough, particularly when product


is an oxygen-sensitive food product. When such oxygen-sensitive products are to be packaged in a modified atmosphere environment to extend shelf-life or bloom color life, support member


preferably has a thickness and composition sufficient to provide an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about (in ascending order of preference) 1000, 500, 150, 100, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.

To achieve oxygen barrier attributes, support member


may comprise one or more of the barrier components discussed above in the Barrier Layer section in order to provide oxygen barrier attributes to the support member. Such barrier components may be incorporated within structural sections or aspects of the support member—or optionally incorporated in a surface layer or film


laminated or otherwise bonded to form the inside surface of the support member, as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,847,148 and 4,935,089, and in U.S. Ser. No. 08/326,176, filed Oct. 19, 1994 and entitled “Film/Substrate Composite Material” (published as EP 707 955 Al on Apr. 24, 1996), each of which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.

In addition to (or as an alternative to) providing oxygen barrier attributes, the surface layer or film


may enhance the sealability of the lidstock laminate


to the support member


. In heat sealing laminate


to the support member


, layer or film


of the support member contacts and melds with sealant layer


of the sealant film


to form heat seal


. To facilitate a strong heat seal


, layer or film


may comprise one or more thermoplastics that are compatible with the thermoplastic composition of the sealant layer


. Accordingly, layer or film


may comprise any of the polymer compositions and thicknesses as discussed in the Sealant Layer and Skin Layer sections regarding sealant film


. The outer surface of layer or film


may comprise polymer having a melting point or softening point essentially equivalent to or less than that of the polymer forming surface


of sealing layer


, for example, less by about any of the following values: 5° F., 10° F, 15° F., 20° F.

It was discovered that a strong bond between the laminate


and support member


was formed where the melting point of the polymer forming the surface of layer


was higher than the melting point of the polymer forming the surface


of sealant layer


. This bond was found to be stronger than that formed where the melting point of the polymer forming the surface of layer


was lower than the melting point of the polymer forming the surface of sealant layer



Further, it is believed that the result of the stronger bond with a relatively higher melting point surface layer


was facilitated where the melt-flow index of the surface layer


was lower than the melt-flow index of the sealant layer


of the sealant film. Accordingly, the melt-flow index of the polymer forming surface layer


may be lower than the melt-flow index of the polymer forming the surface


of sealant layer


, for example lower by at least about any of the following values: 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2, 2.2, 2.5, 2.8, 3, 3.5, and 4 g/10 minutes.

As previously discussed, the sealant layer


may comprise one or more polymers. There is inherently a highest temperature above which the melting point or softening point of at least 70 weight % of the one or more polymers of the sealant layer exists. Similarly, there are such highest temperatures for other such selected weight percentages, such as 80, 90, and 100%. The sealing area of the outer surface of the support member or layer


may comprise any of at least about 70, 80, 90, or 100 weight % of one or more polymers each having a melting point or softening point at least about any of 3° F., 5° F., 7° F., 10° F., 15° F., 20° F., 25° F., 30° F., or 35° F. higher than such highest temperature.

Manufacture of the Sealed Package

To make sealed package


, the item to be packaged (e.g., product


) is placed onto support member


. Then laminate


is placed over the support member so that the sealant film


of the laminate contacts the support member


. Laminate


may be supplied from a larger web of the laminate, for example, from a roll that is unwound to supply laminate as needed.

A heated bar or member engages the perimeter of the lid


corresponding with the perimeter flange


of the support member to compress the lid against the flange of the support member. The resulting heat transfer and compression causes the sealant layer


of the lid and surface layer


of the support member to soften and intermix with one another. The excess lid material extending beyond the flange may be trimmed by a cutting operation. Further, if the laminate is supplied from a roll, portions may be severed from the web after or simultaneously with the heat-welding of the laminate to support member


. Laminate


may be severed by a conventional cutting device (e.g., a sharp cutting instrument or a thermal cutting device such as a heated wire or heated blade). The heating bar is removed to allow the sealed area to cool and form a sealed bond. A representative process for heat sealing a lid to a support member is described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,779,050 to Kocher, which was previously incorporated by reference.

The resulting heat-weld or heat-seal


preferably extends continuously around the upper surface of flange


to hermetically seal or enclose product


within package


. In this manner, laminate


and support member


preferably form a substantially gas-impermeable enclosure for product


to protect it from contact with the surrounding environment including, atmospheric oxygen, dirt, dust, moisture, and microbial contaminates. Product


may be packaged in a modified atmosphere where product


is oxygen-sensitive (i.e., perishable, degradable, or otherwise changeable in the presence of oxygen) in order to extend the shelf life or bloom color life. Such oxygen-sensitive products include fresh red meat products (e.g., beef, veal, lamb, and pork), poultry, fish, and cheese.

The sealing of the laminate


to support member


may be by one or more of the heat sealing methods, including thermal conductance sealing (as described above), impulse sealing, ultrasonic sealing, and dielectric sealing.



is shown as a “low profile” product—that is, a product having a maximum height that is below the maximum height of support member


(i.e., the level at which flange


is located). However, a “high profile” product—that is, a product having a maximum height that is above the maximum height of support member


—may also be packaged in accordance with the present invention so that the portion of the product which extends above the level of flange


will be in contact with lid



Seal Strength

The resulting heat seal bond


between the laminate


and the support


is sufficiently strong to withstand the expected use conditions. For example, the heat seal bond strength may be at least about any of the following values: 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9. 1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.8, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, and 8 pound/inch. The term “heat seal bond strength” as used herein means the amount of force required to separate the sealant layer of the laminate from the support member to which the sealant layer has been sealed, as measured in accordance with ASTM F88-94 where the Instron tensile tester crosshead speed is 5 inches per second, using five, 1-inch wide, representative samples.

Preferably, the weakest point of any of the inter-layer bond strength of the sealant film, the inter-layer bond strength of the barrier film, the intra-layer cohesive strength of the layers of the sealant and barrier films, and the inter-film bond strength is located from the inside surface


of the sealant film by a distance of at least about any of the following values: 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2 mils.

Further, the resulting sealed packaged also has a seal strength sufficient to withstand the expected end use conditions, for example, a seal strength of at least about any of the following values: 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5., 6, 6.5, 7, and 7.5 pounds/inch. The term “seal strength” in conjunction with a sealed package refers to the maximum amount of force required to cause a cohesive or adhesive failure either within laminate that is sealed to the support member, in the bond between the laminate and the support member of the package, or in the support member itself, measured in accordance with ASTM F88-94 by pulling representative samples of the film or laminate sealed to the support member using an Instron tensile tester with a crosshead speed of 5 inches per second and averaging the results from five, 1-inch wide, representative samples. ASTM F88-94 is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.

As used herein, an “adhesive failure” is a failure in which the interfacial forces (e.g., valence forces or interlocking action or both) holding two surfaces together are overcome. A “cohesive failure” is one in which the molecular attractive forces holding together a layer composition are overcome.

Preferably, each of the sealed package


, laminate


, and the films incorporated in laminate


(e.g., sealant film


and barrier film


) are non-peelable. The term “non-peelable” used in conjunction with a sealed package, laminate, or film means that the seal strength failure mode results in a jagged, tattered, or ragged separation—that is, one that does not cleanly, consistently, or reliably fail in the same manner and along the same position each time. In this sense, the seal strength failure mode of a non-peelable film or laminate is contrary to that of a peelable film, which is specifically designed to fail cleanly, consistently, and reliably in the same manner and along the same relative position each time, for example by incorporation of non-compatible thermoplastics and/or contaminates in two adjacent film layers to facilitate peeling and also by incorporating a mechanism such as a tab to initiate a peel separation, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,919,547 issued Jul. 6, 1999 to Kocher entitled “Laminate Having a Coextruded, Multilayer Film Which Delaminates and Package Made Therefrom,” which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.

The following examples are presented for the purpose of further illustrating and explaining the present invention and are not to be taken as limiting in any regard.


In the comparatives and examples below, the following materials were used:

“Additives” are antifog additives (mono & diglycerides and propylene glycol) and antiblock additives (anhydrous sodium silicate);

“Adhesive 1” is a methylene bis(phenyl isocyanate), an ethyl ester of acetic acid and a polyol curing agent;

“EMA” is an ethylene/methyl acrylate copolymer having 20 weight % methyl acrylate content and a 2.0 melt-flow index;

“EVA1” is an ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer having 9 percent by weight of vinyl acetate, a density of 0.93 g/cc, and a 2.0 melt-flow index, available from Exxon Corporation (Houston, Tex.) under the ESCORENE LD-318.92 trademark.;

“EVA2” is an ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer having 3.3 percent by weight of vinyl acetate, a melt-flow index of 2.0, and a density of 0.92 g/cc;

“EVA3” is an ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer having 28 percent by weight vinyl acetate content and a 2 melt-flow index;

“EVOH1” is an ethylene/vinyl alcohol copolymer having 44 mole % ethylene content, a melt flow index of 1.6, and a melting point of 165° C.;

“EVOH2” is an ethylene/vinyl alcohol copolymer having 44 mole % ethylene and a melting point of 166.5° C.;

“LLDPE1” is a heterogeneous ethylene/octene copolymer having a melt-flow index of 1.0 and a density of 0.920 g/cc, available from the Dow Chemical Company (Midland, Mich.) under the DOWLEX 2045 trademark;

“LLDPE2” is a heterogeneous ethylene/hexene copolymer with a melt-flow index of 3.2 and a density of 0.9175 g/cc, available from Exxon Corporation under the ESCORENE LL3003.32 trademark.

“LMDPE” is a heterogeneous ethylene/octene copolymer having an octene content of 2.5 weight %, a melt-flow index of 2.5, and a density of 0.935 g/cc, available from the Dow Chemical Company (Midland, Mich.) under the DOWLEX 2037 trademark;

“MPE” is a long-chain branched, homogeneous ethylene/alpha olefin copolymer having a melt flow index of 6.0 and a density of 0.900 g/cc, available from Dow Chemical Company (Midland, Mich.) under the AFFINITY PL1280 trademark;

“Nylon1” is a nylon 6/66 copolymer having a melting point of 196° C.;

“Nylon2” is a nylon 6/12 copolymer having a melting point of 130° C.;

“PET1” is a 0.48 mil-thick polyethylene terephthalate sheet that is biaxially oriented and heat set to dehabilitate shrink, and that is coated on one side with about 0.06 to 0.08 mils of vinyl chloride/vinylidene chloride copolymer, available from Du Pont Chemical Company under the MYLAR Type 50 M44 trademark;

“PETG” is a polyethylene terephthalate glycol produced from the condensation reaction of ethylene terephthalic acid, cyclohexanedimethanol, and ethylene glycol;

“PP 1 ” is a polypropylene sheet that is biaxially oriented and heat set to dehabilitate shrink;

“PP2” is a polypropylene homopolymer having a melting point of 161° C. and a melt-index ranging from 29-37 (condition L);

“Tie1” is an anhydride-grafted LLDPE; and

“Tie2” is an anhydride-modified ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer.

Comparative 1

A trap-printed laminate having the composition and construction shown in Table 1 was formed by adhesively laminating the First Film to the Second Film having a printed image on its inside surface. The Comparative 1 laminate had a total thickness of 1.5 mils. The first film had free shrinks measured at 180° F. of 12% in the machine direction and 16% in the transverse direction. The second film had essentially no shrink at this temperature. The resulting laminate had a free shrink of 5% in the transverse direction and 3% in the machine direction at 185° F.






Layer Composition

Thickness Ratio of



(weight %)

Layer/Total Laminate



75% LLDPE 1



(inside or



Additives (minor amt)


Second (tie)



Third (bulk,

80% Nylon1



20% Nylon2



90% EVOH1



10% Nylon2

Fifth (bulk,

80% Nylon1



20% Nylon 2


Sixth (tie)




75% LLDPE 1


(skin layer)


Additives (minor amt)






First layer







Comparative 2

A laminate having the composition and construction as disclosed in Example 4 of U.S. Pat. No. 5,919,547 issued Jul. 6, 1999 to Kocher was formed by laminating a First Film to a Second Film. The First Film was a coextruded, biaxially oriented film having a peelable inter-layer bond between the second and third layers. The First Film was also micro-perforated via electrostatic discharge. The Second Film was a coextruded, hot-blown film containing substantially no stretch orientation. The side of each film that was to form the inter-film interface was corona treated; the treated sides of the films were pressed together by a pair of nip rollers to form the laminate. The total thickness of the laminate was about 3.6 mils.



Layer Designation

Layer Composition



(weight %)

First Film

First (inside or sealant layer)

50% LLDPE1


25% EVA1

Additives (minor amt)





Fourth (tie)




Sixth (outside, skin)


25% EMA

50% LLDPE1

Second Film

First (inside)




Third (tie)


Fourth (barrier)


Fifth (tie)




Seventh (outside, abuse)


Example 1

A trap-printed laminate having the composition and construction shown in Table 3 was formed by adhesively laminating a First Film to a Second Film having a printed image on its inside surface. The Example 1 laminate had a total thickness of 1.5 mils. The First Film had free shrinks measured at 185° F. of 13% in the machine direction and 23% in the transverse direction. The second film had essentially no shrink at this temperature.





Ratio of


Layer Designation





(weight %)



First (inside or sealant layer)







Third (bulk, core)






Fifth (outside, skin)



Lamination adhesive




First/Second layers (barrier,





Example 2

A trap-printed laminate having the composition and construction shown in Table 4 was formed by adhesively laminating a First Film to a Second Film having a printed image on its inside surface. The Example 2 laminate had a total thickness of 1.5 mils. The First Film had free shrinks measured at 185° F. of 10% in the machine direction and 10% in the transverse direction. The second film had essentially no shrink at this temperature.





Ratio of


Layer Designation





(weight %)



First (inside or sealant layer)







Second (bulk, core)



Third (outside, skin)






Lamination adhesive




First/Second layers (barrier,





Example 3

A trap-printed laminate having the composition and construction shown in Table 5 was formed by adhesively laminating a First Film to a Second Film having a printed image on its inside surface. The Example 3 laminate had a total thickness of 1.5 mils. The First Film had free shrinks measured at 185° F. of 9% in the machine direction and 11% in the transverse direction. The second film had essentially no shrink at this temperature.





Ratio of


Layer Designation





(weight %)



First (inside or sealant layer)

80% MPE





Second (bulk, core)



Third (outside, skin)






Lamination adhesive




First/Second layers (barrier,





Seal Initiation Testing

The seal initiation attributes of each of the Examples 1-3 and Comparatives 1-2 were tested as described below. This testing mimics a tray sealing production machine's ability to seal a laminate to a support member at the quickest rate while imparting an acceptable seal.

Samples of each laminate were sealed to a “DuraFresh Tray” support member, available from Rock-Tenn Company. The heat seal was formed using a Sentinel sealing apparatus at the seal bar temperatures set forth in Table 6 under a contact pressure of 60 psi for 1 second dwell time. The result of each seal was measured by a “finger pull” test, in which three 1-inch wide representative samples were cut from the sealed laminate/tray, the laminate is grasped by the fingers of one hand, the tray is grasped by the fingers of the other hand, and the laminate and tray are peeled apart by hand. The bond strengths of the seal between the laminate and the tray were each assigned a grade based on the following scale representing increasing bond strengths with higher numbers: 0=no seal; 1-2=unusable seal (i.e., did not survive the finger pull test); 3=acceptable seal (did survive the finger pull test indicating the bond would survive expected end-use conditions); 4-5=excellent seal (the bond strength exceeds that needed to survive expected end-use conditions). The results are shown in Table 6.


Seal Bar


200° F.

225° F.

250° F.

265° F.

275° F.

Comparative 1






Comparative 2






Example 1






Example 2






Example 3






The results indicate that Example 3, having a sealing layer comprising homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer, has the ability to run on a sealing production machine to form an acceptable bond at a faster rate than the other laminates that do not have such a sealing layer.

Seal Strength

The seal strength attributes of each of the Examples 1-3 and Comparatives 1-2 were tested as described below. Samples of each laminate were sealed to a “DuraFresh Tray” support member, available from Rock-Tenn Company. The heat seal was formed using a Sentinel sealing apparatus at seal bar temperature of 320° F. under a contact pressure of 60 psi for 1 second dwell time. Three, one-inch wide, representative samples were cut from each sealed laminate/tray.

Each sample was pulled in a peel arrangement using an Instron tensile tester with a crosshead speed of 5 inches per second. The maximum amount of force required to cause a cohesive or adhesive failure either within laminate that was sealed to the support member or in the bond between the laminate and the support member was measured in accordance with ASTM F88-94. The results were averaged for each sample and are shown in Table 7.



Seal Strength (lb/inch)

Comparative 1


Comparative 2


Example 1


Example 2


Example 3


Each of Examples 1-3 show a higher seal strength in comparison to the comparison samples. Further, in each of Examples 1-3, the inter-film bond strength was less than about 2 pounds/inch. Yet, the seal strength is significantly higher than 2 pounds/inch.

The above descriptions are those of preferred embodiments of the invention. Various alterations and changes can be made without departing from the spirit and broader aspects of the invention as defined in the claims, which are to be interpreted in accordance with the principles of patent law, including the doctrine of equivalents. All parts and percentages are by weight, unless otherwise indicated or well understood in the art. Except in the claims and the specific examples, or where otherwise expressly indicated, all numerical quantities in this description indicating amounts of material, reaction conditions, use conditions, molecular weights, and/or number of carbon atoms, and the like, are to be understood as modified by the word “about” in describing the broadest scope of the invention. Any reference to an item in the disclosure or to an element in the claim in the singular using the articles “a,” “an,” “the,” or “said” is not to be construed as limiting the item or element to the singular unless expressly so stated. Each ASTM test reference and method referred to in this application is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.

  • 1. A laminate comprising:a first film having an inside surface and an outside surface opposite the inside surface of the first film, the first film having a free shrink at 220° F. in at least one direction of at least about 7%, the first film comprising a sealant layer forming the inside surface of the first film, the sealant layer comprising one or more polymers each having a given melting point; a second film having an inside surface and an outside surface opposite the inside surface, the second film comprising an outside layer forming the outside surface of the second film, the outside layer comprising at least about 40% by weight of the outside layer of one or more relatively high-melt polymers each having a melting point at least about 25° F. higher than the lowest melting polymer of the sealant first film's layer, the second film having a free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 10% in each of the machine and transverse directions; and a printed image between the first and second films, wherein: the outside surface of the first film is directly laminated to the inside surface of the second film; the first film has an oxygen transmission rate greater than the oxygen transmission rate of the second film, measured (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.; and the laminate has an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about 100 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.
  • 2. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the outside layer comprises at least about 60% by weight of the outside layer of the one or more relatively high-melt polymers.
  • 3. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the laminate has a transparency of at least about 70%.
  • 4. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the second film has a transparency of at least about 80%.
  • 5. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the second film has a haze of no more than about 10%, measured against the outside surface of the second film.
  • 6. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the second film has a haze of no more than about 6%, measured against the outside surface of the second film.
  • 7. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the inside surface of the first film is formed by a first composition and the outside surface of the first film is formed by a second composition, the first and second compositions being different.
  • 8. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the second film has a free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 5% in each of the machine and transverse directions.
  • 9. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the laminate has a free shrink at 185° F. in at least one direction of less than about 20%.
  • 10. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the first film has an oxygen transmission rate of at least about 110 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.
  • 11. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the sealant layer comprises a homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer.
  • 12. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the second film comprises a barrier layer comprising a vinylidene chloride polymer.
  • 13. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the second film comprises only two layers.
  • 14. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the sealant layer comprises at least 30% based on the weight of the sealant layer of a polymer having a melting point of less than about 115° C.
  • 15. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the first film is un-perforated.
  • 16. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the second film has an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about 30 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.
  • 17. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the image is printed on the inside surface of the second film.
  • 18. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the first film has a total free shrink at 185° F. of at least about 15% and the second film has a total free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 3%.
  • 19. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the second film has a Young's modulus of at least about 200,000 pounds/square inch.
  • 20. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the thickness of the first film is greater than or equal to the thickness of the second film.
  • 21. The laminate of claim 1 wherein the first film comprises two or more layers.
  • 22. The laminate of claim 21 wherein each inter-layer bond strength of the first film is at least 1 pound/inch.
  • 23. The laminate of claim 21 wherein each inter-layer bond strength of the first film is at least 2.5 pound/inch.
  • 24. The laminate of claim 21 wherein the second film comprises two or more layers.
  • 25. The laminate of claim 24 wherein the inter-layer bond strength between adjacent layers of the first film is greater than the intra-layer cohesive strength of the adjacent layers.
  • 26. A laminate comprising:a first film having an inside surface and an outside surface opposite the inside surface of the first film, the first film comprising a sealant layer forming the inside surface of the first film, the first film having a free shrink at 220° F. in at least one direction of at least about 7%; a second film having an inside surface and an outside surface opposite the inside surface of the second film, the second film having a free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 10% in each of the machine and transverse directions and a haze of no more than about 6% as measured against the outside surface of the second film; and a printed image between the first and second films, wherein: the outside surface of the first film is directly laminated to the inside surface of the second film; the first film has an oxygen transmission rate greater than the oxygen transmission rate of the second film, measured (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.; and the laminate has an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about 100 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.
  • 27. The laminate of claim 26 wherein the second film is oriented.
  • 28. The laminate of claim 26 wherein the second film has a haze of no more than about 5%.
  • 29. The laminate of claim 26 wherein the laminate has a transparency of at least about 70%.
  • 30. The laminate of claim 26 wherein the second film has a transparency of at least about 80%.
  • 31. A laminate comprising:an un-perforated first film comprising two or more layers and having an inside surface and an outside surface opposite the inside surface of the first film, wherein: the first film comprises a sealant layer forming the inside surface of the first film, wherein: the sealant layer comprises a homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer and at least 30% (based on the weight of the sealant layer) of a polymer having a melting point of less than about 115° C.; and the sealant layer comprises one or more polymers each having a given melting point; the first film has a free shrink at 220° F. in at least one direction of at least about 7% and a total free shrink at 185° F. of at least about 15%; the first film has an oxygen transmission rate of at least about 110 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.; and each inter-layer bond strength between adjacent layers of the first film is at least 1 pound/inch and is greater than the intra-layer cohesive strength of the adjacent layers; a second film having only two layers and comprising a barrier layer comprising a vinylidene chloride polymer, wherein: the second film has an inside surface and an outside surface opposite the inside surface; the second film has a free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 5% in each of the machine and transverse directions and a total free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 3%; the second film has a transparency of at least about 80%; the second film has a haze of no more than about 6%, measured against the outside surface of the second film; the second film comprises an outside layer forming the outside surface of the second film, the outside layer comprising at least about 40% by weight of the outside layer of a relatively high-melt polymer having a melting point at least about 25° F. higher than the lowest melting polymer of the sealant first film's layer; the second film has an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about 30 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.; and the second film has a Young's modulus of at least about 200,000 pounds/square inch; an image printed on the inside surface of the second film, wherein: the outside surface of the first film is directly laminated to the inside surface of the second film; the first film has an oxygen transmission rate greater than the oxygen transmission rate of the second film, measured (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.; the laminate has an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about 100 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.; the laminate has a transparency of at least about 70%; the inside surface of the first film is formed by a first composition and the outside surface of the first film is formed by a second composition, the first and second compositions being different; the laminate has a free shrink at 185° F. in at least one direction of less than about 20%; and the thickness of the first film is greater than or equal to the thickness of the second film.
  • 32. A package comprising:a support member having a sealing area adjacent the periphery of the support member; and a laminate comprising: a first film having an inside surface and an outside surface opposite the inside surface of the first film, the first film comprising a sealant layer forming the inside surface of the first film, the first film having a free shrink at 220° F. in at least one direction of at least about 7%; a second film having an inside surface and an outside surface opposite the inside surface of the second film, the second film having a free shrink at 185° F. of no more than about 10% in each of the machine and transverse directions; and a printed image between the first and second films, wherein: the outside surface of the first film is directly laminated to the inside surface of the second film; the first film has an oxygen transmission rate greater than the oxygen transmission rate of the second film, measured (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.; and the laminate has an oxygen transmission rate of no more than about 100 cubic centimeters (at standard temperature and pressure) per square meter per day per 1 atmosphere of oxygen pressure differential measured at 0% relative humidity and 23° C.; and the sealant layer of the first film of the laminate is sealed to the sealing area of the support member.
  • 33. The package of claim 32 wherein the package has a seal strength of at least about 5 pounds/inch.
  • 34. The package of claim 32 wherein the package has a seal strength of at least about 6 pounds/inch.
  • 35. The package of claim 32 wherein the laminate is non-peelable.
  • 36. The package of claim 32 wherein the sealant film is non-peelable.
  • 37. The package of claim 32 wherein the support member comprises a rigid tray.
  • 38. The package of claim 32 wherein:the sealant layer of the first film comprises one or more polymers, whereby there is a highest temperature above which the melting point of at least 70 weight % of the one or more polymers of the sealant layer exists; and the sealing area of the support member comprises at least about 70 weight % of one or more polymers each having a melting point at least about 3° F. higher than said highest temperature.
  • 39. The package of claim 38 wherein the at least about 70 weight % of one or more polymers of the sealing area each has a melting point at least about 7° F. higher than said highest temperature.
  • 40. The package of claim 32 wherein:the sealant layer of the first film comprises a homogeneous ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer; and the sealing area of the support member is rigid.
  • 41. The package of claim 32 further comprising a package interior defined by the support member and the laminate, wherein the package interior has an oxygen concentration different from that of ambient air.
  • 42. The package of claim 32 wherein the support member has an oxygen transmission rate no greater than that of the laminate.
  • 43. The package of claim 32 wherein the sealing area of the support member comprises a surface film bonded to the support member.
  • 44. A method of packaging a food product comprising the steps of:providing a support member; placing a food product on the support member; and sealing the laminate of claim 32 to the support member to hermetically enclose the food product between the support member and laminate.
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