This product was designed in pursuit to increase the amount of light that is emitted from a cfl or led light bulb through the use of reflection. The goal is to be able to eliminate the need for high watt bulbs. This product creates more light in ceiling luminaire assemblies without additional electricity, and reduces the need for high watt bulbs.
Most reflectors that are produced are for warehouse lights, grow lights, or other specialty where a lot of light is used. Some reflectors are built into lighting units and are part of the fixture casing.
Light Bulb Reflector 2 is an accessory that can be used with a variety of bulbs and lighting fixtures to make lighting more efficient and eliminate the need for high watt bulbs. Light Bulb Reflector 2 adds such an increase in total light that it can eliminate the need for dual bulbs as in a typical home ceiling lighting unit.
Light Bulb Reflector 2 is an accessory that can be used in various ceiling fixtures, refridgerators, or other various metal fixtures.
Most reflectors also have a significant amount of space between them and the bulb. Light Bulb Reflector 2 sits very close alongside the bulb and should not come contact with the bulb at center. The reflector becomes hot and should not be used in an enclosed lighting unit. Proper installation instructions and product safety instructions must accommodate Light Bulb Reflector for its proper use.
When Light Bulb Reflector is used in a lamp unit, additional light is created, which reduces the need for high watt bulbs. The effect of the use of this reflector in a lamp is an increase in total light.
Light Bulb Reflector is made of a flat Coilzak sheet and a thin magnet. The Coilzak is cut into a rounded shape larger than the width and height of a standard led light bulb. Then a section is cut flat at the bottom so that it fits in a fixture with the light socket at the bottom. A thin magnet is glued onto the Coilzak with JB Weld glue. The reflector is designed to sit just above the light bulb creating more downward light.
In a typical ceiling light, the Light Bulb Reflector 2 and testing led light bulb has a reading with a lux light meter of 32% more light than with the led light bulb alone. Total light emitted by the lamp has been increased by up to 32%, which creates greater lighting efficiency.
Please do not publish my invention. I did find a way to select this as an option so I am including it here.