Light emitting diode projection system

The present invention generally relates to video and/or television projection systems, and more particularly, to LED based light source systems utilizing generally non-rotationally symmetric, preferably oblong or rectangular, non-imaging collection optics for providing improved projection systems relative to arc lamp and other LED based light source systems. The non-rotationally symmetric non-imaging collection optics are configured to operate with LEDs to provide preferred, generally, uniform light distributions whose étendues match those of downstream applications such as those encountered in projection systems. Also provided are various arrangements for coupling LED output to the entrance aperture of collection optics and for coupling the outputs from a plurality of collection optic outputs to form single beams of illumination of preferred patterns, intensities, and color.


The structure, operation, and methodology of the invention, together with other objects and advantages thereof, may best be understood by reading the following detailed description in connection with the drawings in which each part has an assigned numeral or label that identifies it wherever it appears in the various drawings and wherein:

FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic plan view showing a 3-color LED projection light source acting as the input to a lens system that relays the LED light to the plane of a digital imaging device such as a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) that, in turn, produces an image through a projection lens onto a video screen;

FIG. 2 is an enlarged diagrammmatic perspective view of the LED projection light source of FIG. 1 shown in more detail 3 rectangular compound parabolic concentrators (CPCs), a waveguiding X-Cube, and a mixing pipe;

FIG. 3 is a diagrammatic perspective view showing a single rectangular CPC used in the light source of FIG. 2 to provide light at equal output angles;

FIG. 4 is a diagrammatic plan view showing a raytrace of the system of FIG. 2 for the straight through case;

FIG. 5 is a diagrammatic plan view showing a raytrace of the system of FIG. 2 for one of the orthogonal cases;

FIG. 6 is an exploded diagrammatic perspective view showing the system of FIG. 2 interfaced to heat sinking and packaged;

FIG. 7 is a diagrammatic perspective view of a hollow rectangular CPC and a section view thereof;

FIG. 8A is a three-dimensional plot showing the near field intensity distribution of the rectangular CPC of FIG. 3;

FIG. 8B is a two-dimensional plot showing the variation of intensity taken along orthogonal axes in FIG. 8A;

FIGS. 9A and 9B are two dimensional topographical plots of the far field intensity distribution of the CPC of FIG. 3;

FIG. 10A is an isometric view of a rectangular CPC having an asymmetric far field;

FIG. 10B is an Iso Candela plot of the rectangular far field of the CPC of FIG. 10A;

FIGS. 11A and 11B are diagrammatic perspective views comparing, respectively, a full rectangular CPC with a theta by theta rectangular CPC, which collects less than the full angular distribution of a Lambertian source of increased dimension;

FIG. 12 is a straight tapered concentrator for the purpose of comparing the performance to the rectangular CPC of FIG. 3;

FIGS. 13A and 13B show the far field distribution of the tapered concentrator of FIG. 12;

FIG. 14 is a diagrammatic perspective view of alternative embodiment of the invention that may be used as the LED source of FIG. 2;

FIGS. 15A and 15B show diagrammatic isometric and cross sectional views, respectively, of an LED die with a thin conformal encapsulant for the purpose of extracting more LED light;

FIGS. 16A and 16B are diagrammatic perspective views showing rectangular CPCs designed from more than two CPC curves for the purpose of obtaining a substantially circular far field while maintaining a rectangular near field;

FIG. 17A is a diagrammatic perspective view showing the CPC of FIG. 11B with an input extension of rectangular cross section for the purpose of providing improved uniformity;

FIG. 17B is a ray trace through the extended CPC of FIG. 17A;

FIG. 18 is a plot of the total integrated power for a Lambertian source as a function of the collection angle;

FIG. 19 is a plot showing the increase in luminous emittance for constant étendue as a function of collection angle and also indicates the associated increase in drive power to the LED;

FIG. 20 is a diagrammatic plan view of an X-Cube beam coupling system for producing a white light output;

FIG. 21 is a diagrammatic plan view of an X-Plate beam coupling system for producing a white light output;

FIG. 22 is a diagrammatic plan view of a beam coupling system using 2 standard dichroic beam splitters in conjunction with RGB sources to generate a white light output;

FIG. 23 is a diagrammatic plan view of a transmission grating coupler for an RGB LED projection source;

FIGS. 24A and 24B are diagrammatic views showing a piezo electric actuated total internal reflection active beam splitter for coupling two independent beams;

FIGS. 25A, 25B, and 25C are diagrammatic views showing a piezo electric actuated total internal reflection active beam splitter for coupling three independent beam paths, for example red, green, and blue light;

FIG. 26 is a diagrammatic view of a galvanometric actuated mirror for color sequential coupling of two or more color LED source beams;

FIG. 27 is a diagrammatic view of a servo motor actuated beam coupling system that allows the LEDs to lie in the same plane for simplified cooling geometry;

FIG. 28 is a diagrammatic elevational view of an LED package which incorporates one or more layers of thermal impedance material between the LED die and the metal substrate;

FIG. 29 shows a diagrammatic exploded perspective view of the layers of an LED board design which allows the LED die to be attached directly to the metal substrate for improved thermal performance;

FIG. 30 is a plot of optical output versus electrical input to an LED indicating the benefit of attaching the LED die directly to a metal substrate;

FIG. 31 is a plot of the 1931 CIE Chromaticity diagram showing the color gamut of an LED based projection system relative to the NTSC standard;

FIG. 32 is a spectral plot of blue, green, and red LED die used in an LED projection system;

FIG. 33 is the photopic response of the human eye; and

FIG. 34 is a plot indicating the differences between blue, green, and red LED die with respect to thermal coefficients.

  • 1. An illumination apparatus for providing an output beam that matches the étendue of a downstream application, said illumination apparatus comprising at least one LED optical source having a predetermined étendue and spectral output; andat least one non-imaging optic for collecting substantially all of the light emitted by said at least one LED optical source and re-emitting it as a beam of substantially the same étendue as that of said LED optical source, said non-imaging optic having an entrance aperture, an exit aperture, and a non-rotationally symmetric cross-sectional shape that continuously enlarges from said entrance to said exit aperture, said at least one LED optical source being positioned at and fully across said entrance aperture so that said entrance aperture is substantially uniformly filled by said output of said LED optical source, said output of said at least one LED optical source being directed by said non-imaging optical shape to emerge from said exit aperture as a beam having substantially the same étendue as that of said at least one LED optical source but altered in angle and dimensions to substantially match the étendue of the downstream application.
  • 2. The illumination apparatus of claim wherein the cross-sectional shape of said entrance and exit apertures of said non-imaging optic and the cross-sectional shape thereof is oblong.
  • 3. The illumination apparatus of claim 1 wherein said geometry is rectangular to provide said beam with a near field that is also rectangular.
  • 4. The illumination apparatus of claim 3 wherein said rectangular shapes of said entrance and exit apertures differ in size and have the same aspect ratio.
  • 5. The illumination apparatus of claim 3 wherein the far field of said beam is also rectangular.
  • 6. The illumination apparatus of claim 1 wherein said non-imaging optic is solid being composed of a transmissive dielectric material.
  • 7. The illumination apparatus of claim 6 wherein said at least one LED is coupled to said entrance aperture of said solid non-imaging optic with an index matching material.
  • 8. The illumination apparatus of claim 6 wherein said at least one LED is optically coupled to said entrance aperture of said solid non-imaging optic by a non-index-matching material.
  • 9. The illumination apparatus of claim 8 wherein said solid non-imaging optic comprises a first straight-walled section beginning with said entrance aperture and a second section having the shape of a CPC and ending with said exit aperture, said first straight walled-section and said second CPC section joining at an interface where they share common points of tangency so that said solid nonimaging optic can efficiently utilize the output of an LED that is larger than it otherwise could be without said conical section.
  • 10. The illumination apparatus of claim 9 further including an entrance homogenizer optically coupled to said first straight-walled section and wherein said at least one LED is optically coupled to said entrance homogenizer without index matching.
  • 11. The illumination apparatus of claim 3 wherein said non-imaging optic has at least two profiles of different shape as seen in planes mutually orthogonal to its longitudinal optical axis.
  • 12. The illumination apparatus of claim 11 wherein one of said two profiles is in the form of a CPC that runs the full length of said non-imaging optic while the other is in the form of a CPC of length shorter than the full length of said non-imaging optic.
  • 13. The illumination apparatus of claim 12 wherein the longitudinal profile of said non-imaging optic varies as a function of the azimuthal angle looking along the optical axis to provide said beam with a far field that is substantially circular in shape.
  • 14. The illumination apparatus of claim 1 wherein said at least one LED source comprises at least one other LED source of different spectral content.
  • 15. The illumination apparatus of claim 14 further comprising a combiner for receiving the outputs from said beams having different spectral content and combining them for travel as a single beam whose content is a uniform mixture of the spectral content of both beams.
  • 16. The illumination apparatus of claim 15 wherein said combiner is configured and arranged to operate to pipe light therethrough in at least two directions.
  • 17. The illumination apparatus of claim 15 wherein said combiner comprises an optical device selected from the group consisting of X-cubes, X-plates, beam splitters, transmission gratings, dynamic prisms with one selectively separable interface, dynamic prisms with two selectively separable interfaces, tilting mirrors, and rotating prisms.
  • 18. The illumination apparatus of claim 15 further including a beam homogenizer for receiving said single beam emerging from said combiner.
  • 19. The illumination apparatus of claim 18 wherein said homogenizer is tilted to compensate for keystoning effects.
  • 20. The illumination apparatus of claim 18 wherein said homogenizer is hollow.
  • 21. The illumination apparatus of claim 1 further including a homogenizer having one end optically coupled to said input aperture of said non-imaging optic and one end optically coupled to said at least one LED.
  • 22. The illumination apparatus of claim 15 wherein said spectral content of said beams comprise R, G, B colors so that, when combined, they produce white light.
  • 23. The illumination apparatus of claim 1 further including a digital device for selectively modulating light incident thereto and a relay lens for imaging the near field from said non-imaging optic onto said digital device to form video images.
  • 24. The illumination apparatus of claim 23 wherein said digital device is selected from the group consisting of rectangular shaped DMDs, LCOS chips, and LCD chips.
  • 25. The illumination apparatus of claim 23 further including a projection lens and a screen for projecting said digital device onto said screen as said digital device is modulated so that the video images formed thereon can be observed on said screen.
  • 26. The illumination apparatus of claim 23 wherein said relay lens images the far field of said beam from said non-imaging optic into the aperture stop of said projection lens.
  • 27. A projection apparatus for forming video images, said projection apparatus comprising: at least one LED optical source having a predetermined étendue and spectral output;a digital device for selectively modulating light incident thereto, said digital device having a given étendue;at least one non-imaging optic for collecting substantially all of the light emitted by said at least one LED optical source and re-emitting it as a spatially uniform beam of substantially the same étendue as that of said LED optical source, said non-imaging optic having an entrance aperture, an exit aperture, and a nonrotationally symmetric cross-sectional shape that continuously enlarges from said entrance to said exit aperture, said at least one LED optical source being positioned at and fully across said entrance aperture so that said entrance aperture is substantially uniformly filled by said output of said LED optical source, said output of said at least one LED optical source being directed by said non-imaging optical shape to emerge from said exit aperture as a beam having substantially the same étendue as that of said at least one LED optical source but altered in angle and dimensions to substantially match the étendue of said digital device;a relay lens for imaging the near field from said non-imaging optic onto said digital device to form video images;a screen for viewing images formed thereon; anda projection lens for projecting said digital device onto said screen as said digital device is modulated so that video images formed thereon can be observed on said viewing screen.
  • 28. The projection apparatus of claim 27 wherein said relay lens images the far field of said beam from said non-imaging optic into the aperture stop of said projection lens.
  • 29. The projection apparatus of claim 27 wherein said digital device is selected from the group consisting of rectangular shaped DMDs, LCOS chips, and LCD chips.
  • 30. An illumination apparatus for providing an output beam that matches the étendue of a downstream application, said illumination apparatus comprising at least one LED optical source having a predetermined étendue and spectral output; andat least one solid non-imaging optic for collecting substantially all of the light emitted by said at least one LED optical source and re-emitting it as a spatially uniform beam of substantially the same étendue as that of said LED optical source, said non-imaging optic having an entrance aperture, an exit aperture, and a rotationally symmetric cross-sectional shape that continuously enlarges from said entrance to said exit aperture, said at least one LED optical source being air spaced from and fully across said entrance aperture so that said entrance aperture is substantially uniformly filled by said output of said LED optical source, said output of said at least one LED optical source being directed by said non-imaging optical shape to emerge from said exit aperture as a beam having substantially the same étendue as that of said at least one LED optical source but altered in angle and dimensions to substantially match the étendue of the downstream application.
  • 31. The illumination apparatus of claim 30 wherein said solid non-imaging optic comprises a first conical section beginning with said entrance aperture and a second section having the shape of a CPC and ending with said exit aperture, said first conical section and said second CPC section joining at an interface where they share common points of tangency so that said solid non-imaging optic can efficiently utilize the output of an LED that is larger than it otherwise could be without said conical section.
  • 32. The illumination apparatus of claim 31 further including a entrance homogenizer optically coupled to said first straight-walled section and wherein said at least one LED is optically coupled to said entrance homogenizer without index matching.
  • 33. An LED apparatus comprising: a bare LED die having an emitting surface that is at least in part diffusely reflective; anda low absorption encapsulant conformally overlying said bare LED die, said low absorption encapsulant being formed of a material having an index of refraction greater than unity so as to operate to at least in part totally internally reflect light at the encapsulant air interface so that it impinges onto said diffusely reflective emitting surface after which it is at least in part transmitted back through said encapsulant air interface so that the overall output of said apparatus is increased over what it would otherwise be without said encapsulant.
  • 34. The LED apparatus of claim 33 wherein said index of refraction of said encapsulant material is 1.5 or more and wherein the diffuse reflectivity of said emitting surface exceeds 50 percent.
Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60779556 Mar 2006 US