Stoughton Midel ASDCW Catalog date approx. 1989, 4 pages. |
Stoughton Catalog (Domestic Container and 3" Gooseneck Chassis, approx date mid 1992, 4 pages. |
Monon Chassis Specifications and drawings, 5 Sheets Jan. 1992. |
West Lake Intermodal, Inc., Corner Fittings Twistlocks, 3 pages--Jan. 1992. |
General Assembly drawing, 1 Sheet--late 1989. |
Monon Dry Freight Domestic Container Drawings, dated approx. mid-1988, 12 Sheets. |
"Cargo Systems Newsletter, U.S. Domcon Breakthrough" article, Nov. 1992. |
Buffers USA Catalog, 32 Pages--Jan. 1992. |
Buffers USA Catalog, 2 Sheets--Jan. 1992. |
Buffers USA Catalog, spec. sheet, 2 Pages--1992. |
Blair Good Ideas in Practice--Container Products Catalog, 12 Sheets--1992. |
Blair Drawings, 1992, 4 Sheets. |
Stoughten Drawings, 1992, 3 Sheets. |
Stoughten Drawings, 1992, 1 Sheet. |