This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 1 project is in the general area of infrared (IR) spectrometry in the subfield of chemical analysis. This project will develop linear detector arrays for application to infrared spectroscopy. The availability of these uncooled arrays will lead to the development of a new generation of IR spectrometers. The advantages associated with array-based instruments (no moving parts, high measurement speed, ruggedness, and reduced cost) will then be extended to the infrared region of the spectrum. In Phase I, single element detectors were fabricated using thin film deposition and etching techniques. These broadband bolometers incorporate recently-developed high temperature-coefficient of resistance films, absorber layers and ultra-thin substrates. Measured detectivities (at 15 Hz) are three times higher than observed in the best commercially available uncooled IR detectors. In Phase II, research will concentrate on fabricating and testing linear detector arrays of high performance. %%% This research has the potential of allowing spectrometer builders to reach the goal of a compact mid-infrared spectrometer with no moving parts having high stability and reliability. This would be of great value in education and technology.