The purpose of the Liquid Illuminator is to give a sports bottle, or a translucent liquid container the ability to glow when the liquid is inserted in the poly material container. The liquid can be any liquid that is clear or a color that has some transparent values to it. The functioning is such that liquid can be disposed of by drinking the fluid and then replenishing it. The container, being of a poly transparent material of any color that the consumer or customer desires, will reflect the light and glow when the switch is activated on the container. The further purpose of the Liquid Illuminator is to have a product that will excite the consumer at entertainment parks, sports events, concerts or any other event which a crowd will be drawn to. The Liquid Illuminator will also be a product that will create great promotional excitement that any restaurant chain or business will use to show off their liquid products or their logo which will be screen printed on the surface of the poly bottle.
The invention is designed to be used with a variety of sports events and business advertising poly bottles. It is meant to be able to be made in many different sites to be able to fit any size poly bottles. There are other patent (U.S. Pat. No. 6,254,247 to Carson) which illuminates the bottle, but do not specify a silk screen logo. It specifies illuminating a holographic image silk screened on a film of material and then slipped over the bottle. In the Carson patent the bottle and the illuminating mechanism are fabricated as one unit. The invention proposed in this application is made a separate unit to fit any poly bottle. (U.S. Pat. No. 6,520,657 to DeNicola) is an illumination device that operates on pressure, has a short life, is a chemiluminescent illuminating, and as stated operates on applying pressure. (U.S. Pat. No. 6,786,614 to Clarrocchi Jr.) is an illuminating patent device that needs an external power and is placed inside of a beverage container. (U.S. Pat. No. 6,676,269 to Dorney) is a glow cup with an chemiluminescent fluid placed between two cups to create a glow in the fluid. It operates on no power source.
The functioning of the Liquid Illuminator (
One of the main purpose of the invention is not only to illuminate a liquid in a sports or a poly drinking container, but also to give the promoter or advertiser a product to advertise their event, or place of business. This advertising is achieved by placing the logo of the business on the poly bottle as shown in (