The present invention relates to a thruster for propulsion of a satellite. In particular, the invention relates to a Liquid Metal Ion Thruster (LMIT) formed from an array of wetted tips.
Since the mid 1960s, near-earth space has been populated by ever larger spacecraft, typically today in the ˜1000 kilogram category, launched and boosted into Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) for communications, or Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for mapping and defense purposes. There is a rapidly growing commercial demand for small satellites of 100-200 Kg mass in sun-synchronous Low Earth Orbit (LEO) of approximately 200 nautical miles, but a significant reduction in the cost of access to orbit for small payloads is essential for success of the emerging commercial space industry. Today's high costs are justified mostly by defense needs, or by launching large satellites into GEO where their useful life is long enough to justify amortized life-cycle costs. Modern satellite launches into LEO use chemical propulsion systems, such as liquid or solid propellant single-stage and multi-stage rockets. Innovative approaches not yet made practical include launching at high altitude from airborne platforms. Advances in structural materials will be one key enabling technology to meeting the challenging cost-to-LEO target. Nano-composite materials could increase the strength/mass ratio of rocket structures and lead to single-stage to orbit with higher payload and hence reduced cost/kilogram delivered to LEO. Exotic chemical propellants that generate higher exhaust velocities would also increase payload delivered to LEO for a given launch pad mass, and hence reduce launch costs.
Small satellites in LEO will place more demands on micro-spacecraft in the 1 kg-10 kg class and small satellites in the ˜100 kg class. With increasing ability to integrate cameras and sophisticated communications systems, the demand for propulsion systems for small (and inherently power limited) spacecraft will grow.
In modern satellites, high thrust for rapid maneuvers has been provided to spacecraft by chemical propulsion, such as hydrazine and other rocket motors. The exhaust velocity of such chemical rockets is limited by the inherent specific energy released by combustion, to ˜2500-3000 m/s. Due to this limited speed, chemical rockets burn up more propellant to effect an orbital maneuver than would other forms of propulsion that offer higher exhaust speeds. These include electro-thermal rockets and electric propulsion. In electro-thermal rockets, the chemical energy released by the propellant is augmented by additional energy input via an external heater. The higher exhaust speeds possible are limited by the temperature at which the rocket nozzle may be safely operated. Electric propulsion is the most efficient in terms of propellant utilization, as it offers much higher exhaust speeds. This is possible because electric rockets add energy to passive propellants via external means and contain the high energy propellant ions or plasma in electromagnetic fields, so that they are not in contact with material walls. Thus the usual limitation on propellant temperature is removed. At high temperatures, exhaust speeds in the 10,000-30,000 m/s range are possible for plasma rockets, while electrostatic ion engines may boost the exhaust speed of ions to still higher velocities, (>100,000 m/s) limited only by breakdown of vacuum gaps at high voltages. Such an order-of-magnitude higher exhaust speed for electric rockets makes them far more efficient in terms of propellant utilization for in-space maneuvers. To illustrate this by example, consider a 100 kg satellite that must be moved in its orbit by a change in orbital velocity of 2000 m/s. If a chemical rocket with 100N of thrust and an exhaust speed of 3000 m/s is used, the orbital maneuver would take about 24 minutes to complete, with a fuel consumption of 49 kg which implies that only half of the initial 100 Kg spacecraft mass would arrive at the destination. By contrast, for an electric propulsion engine with thrust of only 1N, but having an exhaust speed of 30,000 m/s, the same orbital maneuver would take 54 hours but consume only 6.5 kg of propellant, so nearly 94% of the initial mass would be delivered to its destination. The cost/kg of useful payload delivered would be half as much as with the chemical propulsion, in exchange for a longer mission duration. As the required velocity change becomes larger and larger relative to the exhaust speed, chemical propulsion becomes far less efficient. For example, if in the above example, the velocity change were increased from 2 km/s to 4 km/s, the chemical rocket would deliver only 26 kg of the original 100 kg to its destination, vs. 88 kg for the electric rocket. This factor of 3.3 higher useful payload could significantly reduce costs to move objects in space. The above example is illustrative of the general advantage of higher exhaust speed in space. However, the example also shows that the price paid for higher speed electric rockets is often a much longer mission duration, due to the typically much lower thrust offered by such engines, relative to their chemical counterparts. For a given efficiency, the thrust T and exhaust speed are inversely related via:
with Pe being the power into the thruster, η the overall thruster efficiency and uexhaust the exhaust velocity of the rocket engine. As the above example illustrates, chemical rockets have given high thrust but at low exhaust velocity, while electric rockets have given low thrust at high velocities. Orbital maneuvers in space could be dramatically improved if a single propulsion engine were available that offered variable exhaust speed and thrust for a fixed power input at high efficiency. With such an engine, one could operate at high thrust and lower velocity for rapid maneuvers that consume more fuel, but reduce to low thrust at very high velocity, to accomplish slower missions far more efficiently. Rather than carrying two completely different types of engine on board to accomplish this (as is done today) one could utilize a single electric engine to do both tasks.
A new type of electric thruster is known as a Liquid Metal Ion Thruster (LMIT). LMITs offer the advantage that they can be integrated into Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) structures, very similar to current systems being used for field emitters in plasma displays. An LMIT works by producing a high velocity ion current via field emission from a liquid metal source. A high voltage is applied between an extractor electrode at cathode potential and a liquid metal coated field enhancing structure like a small (micron radius) sharp tip. The high voltage leads to the formation of tiny micro tips protruding from the liquid metal surface, known as Taylor cones. These Taylor cones enhance the applied electric field further, leading to a condition where ions can “tunnel” out of the liquid phase into vacuum. The applied extraction voltage accelerates the ions to a velocity u,
e as the elementary charge (1.6×10−19 Coulomb),
V is the extraction voltage, and
mion is the mass of the individual ion.
In LMIT systems with increasing extractor voltage, the velocity and the number of ions extracted increase and essentially more thrust is produced.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,328,667 by Valentian et al. describes a liquid metal ion thruster assembly having a plurality of hollow-cone tips coupled to a reservoir of liquid metal, where the metal ions are drawn from the tip by the electrostatic force generated by an adjacent electrode.
U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,097,139 and 6,741,025 by Tuck et al. describe the use of impurities on a surface for the formation of enhanced electric fields for use as composite field emitters.
U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,516,024 by Mojarradi et al. and 6,996,972 by Song describe a hollow tip liquid ion extractor assembly for generation of thrust.
U.S. Pat. No. 7,059,111 describes a thruster whereby liquid metal ions are boiled from a reservoir and electro-statically attracted through a cylindrical ring, thereby generating thrust.
U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,531,811 and 7,238,952 describe an ion extractor having a reservoir opposite a needle tip and an extractor electrode.
A first object of the invention is a liquid metal ion thruster having an array of pedestals, each pedestal having one end attached to a substantially planar substrate, and an opposite end tapering to a tip located on a pedestal axis, an extractor electrode co-planar to said substrate and located above said pedestal tip, the extractor electrode having an aperture for the emission of ions at the intersection of each pedestal axis with the extractor electrode, the pedestals and planar substrate having a wetted surface for the conduction of a liquid metal suitable for ionization and extraction from the tip of each pedestal.
A second object of the invention is a liquid metal ion thruster having an array of pedestals, attached to a substantially planar substrate, each pedestal having one or more grooves on the surface of the pedestal which are substantially parallel to the axis of each pedestal, the grooves carrying liquid metal from the substrate to the tip of the pedestal, an extractor electrode co-planar with the planar substrate for drawing ions from the pedestals, the extractor electrode having a plurality of apertures located on the axis of each pedestal, and a plurality of focusing electrodes located co-planar to the extractor electrode and forming the extracted ions into a stream of flows substantially parallel to the axis of the associated pedestal.
A third object of the invention is a liquid metal ion thruster having an array of pedestals, one end of each pedestal attached to a substantially planar substrate, and the other end formed into a tip having an axis, the axis of each tip forming an ion flow axis, an extractor electrode co-planar to the substrate and having apertures for each ion flow axis, one or more focusing electrodes co-planar to the extractor electrode and having an aperture for each ion flow axis, the focusing electrode producing a substantially co-linear flow of extracted ions, and a source of neutralizing electrons applied to the co-linear flow of extracted ions to produce a neutral charge to ensure continued co-linear ion flow beyond the extent of the focusing electrodes.
In a first embodiment of the invention, a substrate is formed which includes a plurality of pedestals, each pedestal having an axis, each pedestal having one end attached to the substrate, and the pedestal having an opposite end which tapers to a tip. Parallel to the planar substrate and located above the pedestal tips is a substantially planar extraction electrode which has apertures located at the intersection points of the axis of each pedestal and the extraction electrode. The surface of the substrate and the pedestals is wetted with a liquid metal such that in operation, a film of liquid metal coats the substrate and pedestals. Upon application of an electric potential between the extraction electrode and the pedestals, which are connected to each other and the substrate through the liquid metal, the liquid metal at the tips of the pedestals forms an ion beam. The reaction force of the ions results in the generation of a thrust.
In another embodiment of the invention, the pedestals have surface grooves which are parallel to the pedestal axis and provide a conduit for liquid metal.
In another embodiment of the invention, the pedestals have surface grooves or channels which are parallel to the pedestal axis, and additionally the substrate has surface grooves or channels which interconnect the pedestals to each other and also to a reservoir of liquid metal.
In another embodiment of the invention, the pedestals have surface roughness on their tapered opposing end segments that allows surface capillary flow of liquid metal from the surface grooves or channels which are parallel to the pedestal axis, to the tips of the pedestals. Without such surface roughness, capillary flow will be inhibited from moving along the tapered opposing end portions of the pedestals towards their sharp points.
In another embodiment of the invention, the pedestals have surface grooves or channels which connect at one end, to the surface grooves or channels that are along the sides of the pedestals, and at the other end converge to the tip of the pedestal. These converging channels along the tapered opposing end surface must have channel widths that decrease towards the point and are designed to allow continuous and stable flow of liquid metal from the surface grooves or channels which are parallel to the pedestal axis, to the tips of the pedestals. Without such decreasing channel width along the tapered opposing end of the pedestals, capillary flow will be inhibited from moving along the tapered opposing end portions of the pedestals towards their sharp points.
In another embodiment of the invention, the extraction electrode has a parallel set of planar electrostatic focusing electrodes such that each pedestal generates a flow of ions that is substantially parallel to the pedestal axis.
In another embodiment of the invention, the extractor electrode is coated with an insulator.
In another embodiment of the invention, the region below the pedestal tips and planar substrate contains an insulating material.
In another embodiment of the invention, the liquid metal is indium and the extractor electrode is insulated.
In another embodiment of the invention, the liquid metal on the substrate is indium at a sufficient temperature to keep it in the liquid state, and the extractor electrode is coated with indium at a sufficient temperature to keep it in a solid state.
The particular liquid metals which are good candidates for use in a liquid metal ion thruster include Indium, Gallium, alloys of these metals, and more broadly, metals with a melting point in the range of 300° K. to 700° K.
The pedestal typically has circular symmetry about its axis 114, and may include features such as grooves or scallops cut into the pedestal outer surface to act as channels for the conduction of liquid metal from the planar substrate 102 up the walls of the pedestal 118 via the grooved channels, and to the emission tip 108. The liquid metal travels along patches of surface roughness or along the narrowing channels that converge to the pedestal tip, where the separating ions respond to the concentrated electric field by forming a Taylor cone.
The choice of a substrate is often governed by the ease of machining, often using chemical etching or chemical machining, as is known in the art of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), where features are etched on a substrate material such as Silicon. Although easily etched, one difficulty of Silicon is that it is not easily wetted by liquid metal candidates such as Indium or Gallium, so the substrate may require a metal coating, such as Titanium, Molybdenum, or Tungsten over Nickel, or any combination of these metals. Finally, a surface roughening may be applied to the layer of metal coating in contact with the liquid metal of the thruster, which may improve liquid metal flow over this surface.
There are several operational requirements for optimum operation of the device shown in
1) It is critical that a continuously wetted surface be available from the substrate surface to the tip of the emitter, particularly in the regions responsible for feeding liquid metal to the Taylor cone.
2) Ionic emissions from the Taylor cone should be accelerated by the electric field formed by extraction electrode 110, but the ions should pass through aperture 122 such that the ions do not deposit on the extractor electrode 110, as this would reduce the thrust efficiency and operational lifetime of the thruster.
3) Due to the small size of the pedestal and its features, it is desired to form the substrate and pedestal from silicon using machining techniques such as those used in MEMS, where the substrate may be silicon and the features of the substrate including the pedestal etched using photolithographic or direct erosion etching techniques, or any chemical machining technique known in the art of MEMS device fabrication.
4) It may be advantageous to apply a surface metallization after machining the substrate and pedestals such that the surface metallization will ease the initial application of a liquid metal propellant with a low melting temperature, such as Indium or Gallium, which also has an undesirably high surface tension and tends to resist forming initial conformal coatings, instead forming isolated spherical depositions when sputtered.
In addition to the grooved features of the pedestals, enhanced liquid metal flow results where the pedestal grooves or scallops, and optionally substrate grooves or depressions, have surface roughness on their tapered opposing end segments that allows surface capillary flow of liquid metal from the surface grooves or channels which are parallel to the pedestal axis, with the surface roughness continuing up the sides of the pedestal to the tip. Without such surface roughness, capillary flow will be inhibited from moving along the tapered opposing end portions of the pedestals towards their sharp points. In the best mode, the surface roughness Ra for the conduction of liquid Indium is on the order of 5μ (in the range of 0.1μ to 5μ), however the roughness may be varied to improve liquid metal flow according to the flow characteristics of the particular metal or metal alloy being supported. Surface roughening of the coating which will be in contact with the liquid metal may be accomplished by chemical etching, method of sputtering, or any technique which results in the required surface roughness Ra.
In an alternate embodiment for the extractor electrode 902 shown in
One problem of an ion thruster is that the ion stream tends to spread and disperse over distance because of internal space charge effects, where the similarly charged ions repel away from each other. Furthermore, in the absence of a charge neutralizing cloud, the positively charged ion cloud leaving the spacecraft will cause the potential on the spacecraft to become negative, eventually applying a braking force on the ion cloud and pulling it back towards the spacecraft. This space charge effect will reduce the thrust to zero, as there will be no net flow of positive ions away from the spacecraft. This problem may be reduced or eliminated by using a source of electron injection as was shown in the charge neutralizing structure 615 of
In another embodiment of the invention, the ion extraction voltage sources such as V11004 of
The particular embodiments described herein are for example only. It is clear that the various embodiments can be practiced separately or in combination. In particular, the various forms of liquid metal reservoir, the various liquid metals used as ion sources, the coatings or insulations applied to the extractor electrode, the types and number of focusing electrodes, the various structures of the ion charge neutralizers, and the manner in which voltage is applied to the ion extractor electrode to regulate and control the amount of thrust are each independent variations of the thruster invention which may be practiced alone or in combination.
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