The present invention is related to the recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries; especially from applications of E-Mobility like electric vehicles but not limited to these and offers a highly efficient recycling method for Lithium-Ion Batteries achieving high recovery rates by effective pretreatment and hydrometallurgical procedures.
Nowadays, Lithium-Ion Batteries (LiBs) are considered as exceptionally reliable and efficient technology for sustainable and green (electric) energy storage systems due to several reasons like high energy densities and power per unit of battery weight, allowing them to be lighter and smaller than other rechargeable batteries. New research and manufacturing methods for Lithium-Ion Batteries are providing increased storage capacities, faster charging speeds, and longer overall lifespans. Whereas new developments and innovations in this sector strongly rely on the availability and price of virgin raw materials that are mined in non-European and non-Mediterranean countries and primarily by foreign entities. Furthermore, the required raw materials for the manufacturing of new Lithium-Ion Batteries are limitedly available due to the finiteness and low reserves; whereby the risk of running out and demand overweighting the supply is already real to this day (e.g. in the case of Cobalt, Lithium and Nickel).
Additionally, from a sustainability perspective, raw materials like Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), Manganese (Mn), and Lithium (Li) are extracted from natural minerals which require mining operations on great areas which in some cases are even farmlands or residential areas and use chemical hazardous treatments. These extraction operations are strongly contributing to the pollution of the environment and air with heavy metals and consume copious quantities of water. Also, use of high-throughput machines for extraction and processing leads to the emission of green-house gases. As a result, environmentally sustainable and economically viable recycling technologies are becoming a critical focus area as the global demand for Lithium-Ion Battery manufacturing grows. Therefore, alternative material sources for Lithium-Ion Batteries gain attention and importance in modern society, whereby recycling is one major technology that will be relevant in this case.
The state-of-the-art Lithium-Ion Battery recycling considers the recycling of Lithium-Ion Battery cathode active materials like compositions of Lithium-Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt-Oxide (NMC), Lithium-Cobalt-Oxide (LCO), Lithium-Manganese-Oxide (LMO) or Lithium-Nickel-Oxide (LNO) whereas other important components of a Lithium-Ion Battery pack are either unconsidered, badly recovered or destroyed. The recycling and recovery primarily focusses on winning cathode active materials due to the financial overpowering weight of the cathode materials. The recovery of the Lithium-Ion Battery materials can be done by recovering cathode materials compositions as a combination of products and compounds of the cathode active elements Nickel, Cobalt, Manganese, and Lithium with varying stoichiometry. This powder mixture of active material compounds with varying contents of chemical elements is an accumulation and often referred to as “black mass” wherein impurities of iron, phosphor, aluminum, copper, and plastics can still be present. It is important to emphasize that the initial cathode active materials, e.g. Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt, Lithium-Cobalt-Oxide, or Lithium-Ferrous-Phosphate (LFP) are not recycled and recovered as separate chemical pure elements but as collective chemical products/compounds with some degree of impurities as precursor materials. Some recycling procedures recover elements but are only capable of reaching recycling efficiencies below 80% (under optimistic assumption) when the input material mass is considered to the output material mass (input mass vs. recovered mass of output materials). Anode materials and other implemented materials, e.g. metallic collectors, are also recovered however mostly in form of mixed and crushed powders which are recovered with a high impurity level and require additional purification steps.
The core process of current recycling methods resolves around “shredding/crushing” as a mechanical pretreatment process in order to reduce the volume and gain a maximum of up to 75% of the mass of active materials implemented in Lithium-Ion Batteries by crushing Lithium-Ion Batteries into small-sized pieces. For this, Lithium-Ion Battery modules (with casings, plastics, adhesives, connectors, battery cells, etc.) are reduced by shredding down to micrometer particle size before separating the dissimilar materials of the received powder mixture, e.g. into the active materials of cathode, anode, and collector materials. During this process, the materials experience high stresses, temperatures, and forces whereby some particles get incinerated, destroyed, or irreversibly altered that no recycling of these materials is possible. Most often, the mechanical pretreatment is not finished by utilizing a single crushing step but rather by at least 2 crushing process steps whereas some recycling methods have shown no improvement with 3 crushing process steps which are also available in the industry. Additionally, a complex sieving, cleaning and posttreatment process is required to obtain processable black mass after crushing.
Current recycling methods consider the following steps for the recovery of black mass: Shredding as a pre-treatment with inorganic acid leaching and high complexity separation process:
Dismantling as a pre-treatment with inorganic acid leaching and without further separation process of elements:
An example of such an application is disclosed in the published patent application CN108285977A. The application discloses a method for recycling waste Lithium-Ion Battery positive electrode materials. The method comprises the steps of discharging the Lithium-Ion battery, disassembling it, and crushing the Lithium-Ion battery to obtain the positive electrode piece, a leaching process, and a drying process. In this method, the materials are crushed, whereby different metals need to be extracted before leaching which increases the impurity of the materials.
The disadvantages of the recycling processes to gain active materials as black mass and their applied process steps will be managed separately below: Shredding: Due to the mechanical procedure with high forces, pressures and stresses the input materials are crushed, milled, and in local extreme positions incinerated. Additionally, by applying an inertia medium (to suppress electrical discharges during shredding, or other undesired reactions), the shredding mechanism leads to the destruction and incineration of critical raw materials yielding high material losses between 20% to 40%, whereby valuable materials are lost. Therefore, the recycling efficiency of the system “battery to material” only has an efficiency of lower than 80%. This means, that 1 ton Lithium-Ion Battery (NMC) input material relates to an economic loss of up to 1′150 € in terms of current raw material values. With a conservative calculation of available Lithium-Ion Battery recycling materials of up to 3′000′000 tons in 2030, this relates to an economic loss of up to 3.45 billion € in terms of material values. Knowing that the raw materials (resources and reserves) for the manufacturing of Lithium-Ion Batteries are limited and the demand for Lithium-Ion Batteries is exponentially increasing in the next years, the application of shredders is neither economically nor ecologically profitable or advisable in the long-term perspective. Furthermore, shredding of Lithium-Ion Batteries is not a clean technology that offers reusable products for the Lithium-Ion Battery industry. The powder that is achieved by single stage shredding is often insufficient, whereby multi-step shredding is often applied. Additionally, the powder has a high impurity level, whereby multiple post-treatment methods are required, like flotation, magnetic separation, multistep sieving, etc., that increase the number of process steps, complexity, operation costs and reduce the final yield.
Dismantling and inorganic leaching to win black mass: In the state-of-the-art methods, the leaching step is combined with the separation step where the cathode active material is separated from the collector by applying (high-pressure) inorganic acid streams. While this procedure might require less time due to the combination of 2 process steps in one (active material separation from collector and leaching), more material is lost due to the strong impact and scatter of separated materials dissolved in the liquid phase, additional impurities are introduced due to the strong interactions with the metallic collector, whereby no efficient material recovery is present. A cleaning/purification step is required after this leaching process (often in form of filtration or sieving), where the dissolved cathode active material is collected and dried, whereby the black mass, an accumulation/compound of the active materials, is obtained.
Low quality recovered material/final product or only precursor: Another major disadvantage of the shredding and separating down to black mass or manual dismantling and separating down to black mass procedures is the fact that the final product or recovered material is a composition of dissimilar materials of unknown properties, pureness, and mix of different chemical elements, products, and compounds. Therefore, the properties of the final black mass strongly depend on the input cathode active materials. Obtaining only black mass is heavily limiting the usability of the output materials since the cathode active material chemistries have different ratios/stoichiometric compositions, e.g. in case of N:M:C=1:1:1 or 8:1:1 or 5:3:2. This means that dismantling or shredding the input material in a recovery/recycling process of active materials only down to the NMC level is only feasible when the same active material chemistry (ratio) is being used in order to build new cathodes; thereby also limiting the use of only one fixed input material chemistry. Therefore, an ideal recycling process with the battery input stream based on NMC 1:1:1 active material is able to yield a black mass of nearly NMC 1:1:1 chemistry that can be used for the manufacturing of Lithium-Ion Batteries with a cathode active material chemistry of NMC 1:1:1. However, this assumption is only valid if the preceding leaching process is tailored to maximize the leaching capacities for the cathode active materials by recovering almost 100% of the input elements Nickel, Manganese, Cobalt, Lithium when for example an input Lithium-Ion Battery-NMC was used. Otherwise, the final ratio of elements would vary and cannot ensure a final product with the desired chemistry ratio. In all other cases with mixed input materials, the final mixture of black mass with cathode active materials of various chemistries can hardly or not be used for the manufacturing of Lithium-Ion Batteries. Furthermore, the recovered black mass cannot be completely utilized for building new Lithium-Ion battery cells with a share of recycled/recovered materials of 100% but is limited down to a share of currently 10% in combination with 90% new virgin materials, assuming a high purity of the recycled materials, which is often not achieved.
Hazardous gas and wastewater production due to the usage of inorganic acids in the leaching process: The usage of inorganic leaching agents to recover the Lithium-Ion Battery materials is a common factor for both processes leading to the development and emission of hazardous gases and fluids that are dangerous to humans and nature which is partly caused by the impure pretreatment and its affiliated post-pretreatments to obtain the black mass. This, furthermore, adds to the environmental pollution by hazardous agents that additionally can lead to the poisoning of the working staff. Beyond that, the usage of hazardous agents requires high active and passive safety and health standards for the operators and working staff, which are hardly met by recycling facilities.
The present invention solves the following problems and challenges of the current state-of-the-art solutions for recycling Lithium-Ion Batteries (for the ones given in the state-of-the-art section and others that were not mentioned above):
Exemplary embodiments of the Lithium-Ion Battery recycling method according to the invention are illustrated in the attached drawings in which:
The process in the flowchart is described by vertical lines along the main process steps with capital letters without numbering and subprocess steps along the horizontal lines with capital letters and numbering. The parts in said figures are individually referenced as following.
To overcome the aforementioned challenges of the industry and disadvantages of the state-of-the-art applied methods; the following method is proposed and described especially for Lithium-Ion Battery packs of electrical vehicles (EVs), whereas other Lithium-Ion Batteries of other applications such as E-Bikes, E-Scooters, Notebooks, Mobile phones, etc. or from different builds, e.g. modules and cells, can be recycled by this method as well. The invention and process describe a comprehensive approach for the recycling of raw materials from Lithium-Ion Batteries including various input streams for EV packs, modules, and Lithium-Ion Battery cells. Other types of Lithium-Ion Batteries except Lithium-Ion Battery EV packs can be integrated into the recycling process stream after the pretreatment and discharging in their respective process steps according to their built type, e.g. modules (C) or cells (D). Additionally, the invention can process all common binary Lithium-Ion Battery chemistries like LCO, LMO, LNO and ternary Lithium-Ion Batteries like NMC and LNMO with different internal stoichiometric compositions, Lithium-Ion Batteries of different applications and all major Lithium-Ion Battery cell types like cylindrical, pouch and prismatic cells.
The present invention relates to a recycling method of Lithium-ion Batteries, especially based on dry discharging wherein the discharged energy is reused, dismantling and disassembling as mechanical pretreatment and organic acid leaching for the chemical recovery. The method comprises the following steps:
Step 1: Preparation step (A) which comprises a diagnostic tool and discharging step (preferably dry discharging) of Lithium-Ion Batteries (A3).
Step 2: Dismantling, disassembling, separating, and collecting processes for Lithium-Ion Batteries which comprises dismantling the Lithium-Ion Battery casings, disassembling the Lithium-Ion Batteries part-by-part without any crushing or shredding process for any materials involved and thus separating and collecting all relevant parts down to the Lithium-Ion Battery cell components like cathode (positive electrode) with its respective active material composition, anode (negative electrode) with its respective active material composition, separator, and electrolyte; next to the collection of other undamaged and reusable materials that are implemented in the Lithium-Ion Batteries system e.g. battery pack, casing, cables, PMS, PCB's (B, C and D).
Step 3: Removal of the binding agent between anode and cathode (E) to separate the active materials of the cathode and/or anode from their respective metallic collector foils individually by either thermal, mechanical, or chemical treatments or by any combination of these methods without introducing any impurities or strong deteriorations and removing any residual electrolyte.
Step 4: Chemical recovery of active materials (F) of cathodes and anodes separately with environmentally friendly hydrometallurgical operations with high yield rates, such as leaching in organic acid solutions (F1) with or without reducing agents to obtain a leaching liquor with all target materials of the input material (e.g. cathode active material metals) dissolved completely or partly; wherein the chemical recovery of active materials is continuable to obtain either the active material elements individually or obtain a chemical precursor agent of anode or cathode materials.
Step 5: Chemical separation and processing of cathode and anode active materials inside the leaching liquor separately down to their individual chemical elements as individual products by stepwise methods with reusable agents (G).
Step 6: Cleaning, drying, packaging (H) and preparation processes of the obtained and separated materials from the recycling process as finishing steps of the recycling process for Lithium-Ion Batteries. The obtained products after the final steps are prepared for re-use, re-sale, or further processing as products.
In step 1, preparation of Lithium-Ion Batteries for the discharging process (A) is performed, in order to reduce the risk of thermal runaway, fire or other possible danger potentials during processing; thus, disarming the charge and threat potential of the Lithium-Ion Batteries. This step (step 1) considers Lithium-Ion Battery packs, modules and cells and at least comprises the following preferably discharging procedure:
State of Health check (A1); which comprises at least one of optical and/or electrical and/or mechanical examination, in order to classify the Lithium-Ion Batteries and determine their status for further processing. This process step is important to determine whether the Lithium-Ion Battery is healthy, to determine its built type, its implemented technology, and therefore determine the most suited and most efficient processing route, or more precise, the required discharging setup. In a preferred embodiment, with respect to the result of the state of health check, it is determined whether the Lithium-Ion Battery is suitable for recycling or whether it can be used for a second life usage. state of charge check (A2); where the state of charge of the Lithium-Ion Battery is analyzed in order to determine the rest amount of electrical energy/residual voltage still stored/available in the Lithium-Ion Battery. This analysis gives the necessary information for the parameters about the following discharging step; like required duration and discharge current to be applied. Discharging the Lithium-Ion batteries (A3) by electrical means wherein preferably currents of 2 to 20 Ampere and a duration of 1 to 120 minutes are applied in order to discharge the Lithium-Ion Battery. The amount of current and discharging duration within the given limits is determined with reference to the previous step; according to the determined rest amount of electrical energy stored in the Lithium-Ion Battery. The Lithium-Ion Battery is preferably discharged under the critical voltage level for processing of 2 Volts and most preferably to a voltage level of about 0.5 V for every Lithium-Ion Battery module. Without discharging the Lithium-Ion Battery lower than the critical integrity voltage level (which is about 0.5 V), the treatment of the Lithium-Ion Battery would be too dangerous based on carrying the risk of thermal runaways, short circuits and inflaming when further processed. In a preferred embodiment, the discharging energy that is obtainable in step 1 will be either directly used to power the recycling processes further steps, re-introduced to the grid, used to charge other applications of Lithium-Ion Batteries (e.g. second life applications) or used for other applications (like EV charging stations) whereby the discharged energy will not be lost.
The whole step 1 (A) or at least discharging the Lithium-Ion Battery step (A3) is partly or fully automated. Furthermore, a special pre-process is needed for Lithium-Ion Batteries that are introduced to the recycling process as Lithium-Ion Battery packs. The Lithium-Ion Battery packs need to be opened whereby the Lithium-Ion Battery modules need to be disconnected from the Lithium-Ion Battery pack in order to discharge every single Lithium-Ion Battery module of the Lithium-Ion Battery pack to guarantee a safe process, and to bypass the BMS of the battery pack while keeping the structural integrity of Lithium-Ion Batteries intact. Opening the Lithium-Ion Battery pack can be performed manually or automatically by releasing the joints, closures, screws and/or cutting the enclosing case. The suitable method will be determined from the preparation step (step 1) during the State of Health check (A1).
After step 1, the discharged Lithium-Ion Battery (pack: X1, module: X2, cell: X3) is manually or automatically transferred to the respective dismantling process step (pack: B, module: C, cell: D) given above as Step 2.
The whole step 2 for an EV Lithium-Ion Battery pack preferably comprises the following sub-steps:
As will be given in detail, during the disassembling process, Lithium-Ion Batteries are disassembled primarily by mechanical means, but the process can be supported by thermal and/or optical systems and like thermal, thermomechanical, chemical, thermochemical, or mechano-chemical means
Dismantling and disassembling the Lithium-Ion Battery pack (B) down to Lithium-Ion Battery modules: the manual or automated dismantling and disassembling of the Lithium-Ion Battery pack is necessary in order to save recyclable and valuable Lithium-Ion Battery pack components like aluminum, steel, copper, cables, electronics, plastics, etc. This procedure comprises:
Dismantling and disassembling the Lithium-Ion Battery modules (C) down to the Lithium-Ion Battery cells: the manual or automated disassembling of the Lithium-Ion Battery module is necessary to save further recyclable and valuable components. Furthermore, it is necessary to reach the Lithium-Ion Battery cells and cell component materials without damaging, deteriorating, or contaminating them as these are the most valuable materials of the Lithium-Ion Battery. This procedure comprises:
Dismantling and disassembling the Lithium-Ion Battery cells (D) down to the Lithium-Ion Battery cell components like cathode, anode, separator, and electrolyte: The manual or automated dismantling and disassembling of the Lithium-Ion Battery cell is necessary in order to save valuable components and materials at high quantities and qualities and to minimize required treatment steps. By utilizing process steps like dismantling and disassembling and not relying on shredding, process steps like magnetic separation, sieving and floatation can be discarded. Furthermore, the following chemical processing will achieve higher yields and pureness if the quality and pureness of the input materials like anode and cathode are obtained at the highest purity level possible which is possible with dismantling and disassembling. This procedure comprises:
The manual or automated dismantling and disassembling of the Lithium-Ion Batteries step by step as given above is necessary to save valuable components and active materials (of cathodes and anodes alike) that are targeted by the recycling process and need to be recovered in order to be able to reuse them, and further increase the recycling efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, dismantling and disassembling are necessary to obtain the highest material input quantity and quality of the cell components like the anode, cathode, and further components.
The separation of the Lithium-Ion Battery cell components (separator, electrolyte, anode, cathode) is necessary to reach a separated process stream for anode and cathode active materials in order to increase the purity of the final recovered elements.
In step 3, the binding agent between the anode and cathode is removed (E) to separate the active materials of the cathode and/or anode from their respective metallic collector foils in order to further recover the active materials in the chemical organic leaching process. Besides the removal of the binding agent also some residual electrolytes inside the respective anodes and cathodes will be removed as well. This step preferably comprises the following sub-steps:
The manual or automated separation of the Lithium-Ion Batteries cell active materials from their collector foils is necessary to save valuable components and active materials in high quantities and qualities without the need for further processing steps; whereby the separated active materials can be introduced into their respective processing streams directly.
In step 4, chemical recovery of active materials of cathode and anode (F) is provided. The chemical organic recovery of the active materials is achieved by dissolving the obtained solid mass of active materials in a reusable leach liquor (J1) from which the individual materials can be recovered, thus improving the value of recovered materials from the recycling process as reusable materials. The chemical recovery of the anode (graphite, silicon or other) and cathode materials (e.g., based on compositions of Nickel, Cobalt, Manganese, Lithium) are performed in separate reactors, in physically separated processes that are independent of each other and will not be combined, wherein cathode materials with similar chemistries like NMC and LCO are mixable. The chemical recovery consists preferably of the following operations:
The chemical recovery process is applicable for Lithium-Ion Batteries from one source or application whereas it is also applicable for mixed Lithium-Ion Battery streams from different applications and chemistries, like NMC-111, NMC-811, NMC-532, etc. or chemistries that rely on elements that are present in the NMC chemistry, like LCO, LNO, LMO batteries.
After step 4, the recovered/leached cathode active materials (X7) can be transported manually or automatically to a next process step; step 5; to separate the recovered cathode active material composition into its chemical elements to increase the re-usability and flexibility of the process output materials. Therefore, after step 4 the following step 5 is performed for the recovered cathode active material:
Step 5: Chemical separation of cathode active materials from Lithium-Ion Batteries (G) is performed by sequential chemical separation procedures of target materials from the pregnant leach liquor with metal ions like Lithium, Nickel, Cobalt and/or Manganese, in arbitrary order (the exemplary embodiment given in
In a preferred embodiment, chemical separation of cathode active material elements comprises the following:
In another preferred embodiment, the chemical separation of cathode active material elements comprises:
In a preferred embodiment of the invention, as given in
As given in
In step 5, the chemical separation process of valuable metals (cathode active material elements) from the leaching liquor (G) is divided into separation steps for each chemical element present in the pregnant leach liquor. The separation can be done via direct precipitation from the leach liquor into a solidifying compound and/or by solvent extraction (liquid-liquid extraction) in arbitrary orders. In a preferred embodiment, after filtration and separation of one component from the leach liquor, the former solution is divided into a carrier solution or precipitate and residual leach liquor, which will be further used in the next process step to separate the remaining chemical elements from the leach liquor.
The following extractants can be used (with varying concentration or volume content variation) with the phase stabilizer Tributyl phosphate (TBP) and diluent kerosene for separation of valuable metals from the leaching liquor:
The chemical precipitation extractants do not require a phase stabilizer and kerosene as diluent.
In a preferred embodiment, step 5 comprises at least one of the “Separation of cathode active materials of binary Lithium-Ion Battery chemistries” (G1) or “Separation of cathode active materials of ternary Lithium-Ion Battery chemistry” (G2) active materials processes given below with the following sub-steps and details:
Separation of cathode active materials of binary Lithium-Ion Battery chemistries (G1), exemplary for LCO (LiCoO2), whereby the transition metal Cobalt is primarily extracted from the leaching liquor followed by the extraction of Lithium. However, the reverse process of first extracting Lithium, then Cobalt followed by a final Lithium extraction is also possible whereas different optimized process conditions are selected. The separation step includes the recovery of metal ions from the leach liquor into an organic phase by chemical reaction or direct precipitation, whereby the resulting solution or compound with the extracted metal ion is separated from the remaining leaching solution which carries the remaining transition metals and is processed further to separate the other metal ions. The separated solution or compound with the recovered metal ions is further treated in the extraction and filtration step to transfer the target metal into another phase and recover the initially used agent for the solvent extraction process. The recovered metal ions are then precipitated, filtered, and obtained as a compound which can be further processed in posttreatment steps. The above-mentioned process can be laid out also for other binary Lithium-Ion Battery chemistries like LNO and LMO wherein the separation process for the respective transition metal can be taken from the below described process for ternary Lithium-Ion Batteries. In detail, the recovery of the cathode active materials of LCO from leach liquor comprises:
Separation of cathode active materials of ternary Lithium-Ion Battery chemistry (G2), whereby the separation order for the transition metals Nickel, Cobalt and Manganese are variable. Hence, the following possible separation orders are possible:
Whereas Lithium is frequently extracted at last but there are also extraction conditions whereby Lithium can be extracted first and then again as the last extraction step. The following description describes the process for the separation of a ternary Lithium-Ion Battery with the separation order of Cobalt-Nickel-Manganese-Lithium, wherein the laid-out methods for each individual material can be used for other orders as well. The separation step includes the recovery of metal ions from the leach liquor into an organic phase by chemical reaction or direct precipitation, whereby the resulting solution or compound with the extracted metal ion is separated from the remaining leaching solution which carries the remaining transition metals and is processed further to separate the other metal ions subsequentially. The separated solution or compound with the recovered metal ions is further treated in the extraction and filtration step to transfer the target metal into another phase and recover the initially used agent for the solvent extraction process. The recovered metal ions are then precipitated, filtered, and obtained as a compound which can be further processed in posttreatment steps. The above-mentioned process can be laid out for mixtures of binary and ternary Lithium-Ion Battery chemistries or for solely ternary Lithium-Ion Batteries. In detail, the recovery of the cathode active materials from leach liquor of at least ternary Lithium-Ion Batteries comprises:
The separation steps for the transition metals to organic phases or direct precipitation (G2.1, G2.2, G2.3, G2.4), the extraction and filtration steps of solutions or compounds with the separated metal ions (GA.1, GA.2, GA.3, GA.4) to transfer the target metal into another phase and recover the initially used agent for the solvent extraction process. Afterwards, the extracted metal ion is obtained as a compound by posttreatment steps (GB.1, GB.2, GB.3, GB.4). The following procedure is exemplarily described for the ternary Lithium-Ion Battery chemistry of NMC and exemplary separation order of Cobalt-Nickel-Manganese-Lithium:
The separated and extracted cathode active materials (X13, X14, X15, X16) from the respective separation steps that are obtained after the posttreatment (GB.1, GB.2, GB.3, GB.4) are transferred to the next processing step, namely step 6, the drying and packaging step (H) either manually or by automated means.
Following step 5, in the drying and packaging step (H), the final processing is conducted; wherein the drying process of the separated active material elements (X13, X14, X15, X16) and/or obtained precursor materials (XP1, XP2) is conducted. The drying process is preferably performed in a hermetical facility to suppress oxidation and agglomeration, e.g. inside a vacuum furnace or inert gas furnace, whereby an automated or manual packaging of the final products/elements into air-tight bags is connected. In a preferred embodiment, the drying duration is set to a period of 0.5 to 8.0 hours, and the drying temperature is set between 50° C. to 250° C. and preferably to 70° C. Preferably the drying environment is under an inert gas like argon or nitrogen at normal atmospheric pressure.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
22167412.0 | Apr 2022 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/EP2023/059064 | 4/5/2023 | WO |