A load balancer is capable of receiving and identifying multicast streams associated with a multicast session, and selecting at least one of the multicast streams for delivery to a selected stream processor. The selected stream processor is selected from a group of stream processors that are capable of providing the Layer 4-7 processing required for the multicast stream. The load balancer will monitor the processed multicast stream provided by the output of the selected stream processor, and send the processed multicast stream toward its destination. The load balancer can detect a failure in the selected stream processor by monitoring the output of the selected stream processor. If there is a failure of the selected stream processor, the load balancer will select another stream processor for processing the multicast stream, and redirect the multicast stream from the failed stream processor to the selected stream processor, wherein the process continues.

The present invention relates to processing multicast content streams, and in particular to balancing the loads of multiple stream processors, as well as providing failover protection when an active stream processor fails.


With the evolution of the Internet, users are demanding real time access to various types of media content, including audio and video content. Virtually any type of content may be streamed in real time to any number of end users. When numerous end users wish to see the same content at the same time, multicasting is often employed to avoid sending individual dedicated streams to each end user. Instead, a content source may send out a single stream with a dedicated multicast address, which allows the various end users to receive the streaming content. Network routers and the like can recognize multicast destination addresses, and distribute different streams to the different end users as necessary to ensure that the appropriate end users receive the streaming content. As such, multicasting provides an efficient way to send streaming content to multiple end users.

In many applications, the streaming content must be processed prior to being delivered to the end users. The type of processing will depend on the type of content being streamed and the particular application associated with the streaming content. In audio and video applications, the processing may include but is not limited to encryption, transcoding, compression, protocol conversion, watermarking, advertisement insertion, content manipulation, and the like. Such processing is typically referred to as application layer processing, wherein content associated with Layers 4-7 is modified and processed.

In many instances, service providers need to take measures to ensure the delivery of multicast streams to end users. To ensure delivery of the multicast streams, service providers often require failover protection, and as such, incorporate redundancy in the network architecture. Typical network architectures incorporate redundant stream processors for each multicast stream, as illustrated in FIG. 1. FIG. 1 illustrates a communication environment 10 wherein a content source 12 can deliver multicast content to various end users associated with endpoints 14. Multicast content is provided in multicast streams to multiple upstream routers 16, which forward the multicast streams to appropriate stream processors 18 to provide any necessary Layer 4-7 processing. As illustrated, stream processor A1 and stream processor A2 receive the same multicast stream and provide the same processing for the multicast stream. As such, multicast streams are provided to both stream processors A1 and A2, which process the streams in parallel and forward the processed streams to appropriate downstream routers 20. The downstream routers 20 will then multicast one or all of the processed streams to the appropriate endpoints 14.

Stream processors B1 and B2 operate in a similar fashion. Stream processors A1 and A2 may provide the same processing as stream processors B1 and B2 for the same or different multicast streams, depending on the network configuration. Alternatively, stream processors A1 and A2 may provide different processing for the same or different multicast streams than stream processors B1 and B2. Providing one-to-one redundancy among the stream processors 18 results in a robust network architecture; however, such a network architecture is excessively expensive and very complex to deploy. Further, there is no way to effectively balance the loads among the stream processors 18. Even if certain pairs of stream processors 18 are overloaded, other stream processors 18 that could provide the same functionality may be running well under capacity.

To address the inefficiencies of the system of the network architecture illustrated in FIG. 1, service providers have incorporated a stream processor manager 22 as illustrated in FIG. 2, to control the stream processors 18 in a more efficient manner. In particular, the number of stream processors 18 is effectively reduced by having the stream processor manager 22 allow certain stream processors 18 to act as redundant backups for multiple stream processors 18. For example, stream processor A2 may act as a redundant backup for both stream processors A1 and A3. However, the architecture is still inefficient, since all of the stream processors 18 employed for a given multicast session are constantly processing each of the redundant multicast streams. Further, load balancing remains an issue. Accordingly, there is a need for a more efficient multicast processing architecture that is capable of providing failover protection. There is a further need to provide load balancing in such a system in an efficient and effective manner.


The present invention provides a load balancer that is capable of receiving and identifying multicast streams associated with a multicast session, and selecting at least one of the multicast streams for delivery to a selected stream processor. The selected stream processor is selected from a group of stream processors that are capable of providing the Layer 4-7 processing required for the multicast stream. The load balancer will monitor the processed multicast stream provided by the output of the selected stream processor, and send the processed multicast stream toward its destination. The load balancer can detect a failure in the selected stream processor by monitoring the output of the selected stream processor. If there is a failure of the selected stream processor, the load balancer will select another stream processor for processing the multicast stream, and redirect the multicast stream from the failed stream processor to the selected stream processor, wherein the process continues.

As such, different stream processors do not need to redundantly process the same or different multicast streams for the multicast session. Further, the load balancer can efficiently and effectively distribute multicast streams for different multicast sessions among the various stream processors to effectively balance the loads among the stream processors in addition to ensuring an available failover process. The load balancer, and perhaps one or more of the stream processors, may be incorporated in an application switch that is used to facilitate access to any number of servers, which represent content sources. Thus, requests from the end users are processed by the application switch to select an appropriate content source for delivery of the requested content.

Those skilled in the art will appreciate the scope of the present invention and realize additional aspects thereof after reading the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments in association with the accompanying drawing figures.


The accompanying drawing figures incorporated in and forming a part of this specification illustrate several aspects of the invention, and together with the description serve to explain the principles of the invention.

FIG. 1 is a block representation of a multicast delivery architecture according to the prior art.

FIG. 2 is a block representation of another multicast delivery architecture according to the prior art.

FIG. 3 is a block representation of a multicast delivery architecture according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating operation of a load balancer according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIGS. 5A and 5B illustrate failover operation according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 6 illustrates an alternative multicast delivery architecture according to a second embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 7 is a block representation of a load balancer according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 8 is a block representation of a stream processor according to one embodiment of the present invention.


The embodiments set forth below represent the necessary information to enable those skilled in the art to practice the invention and illustrate the best mode of practicing the invention. Upon reading the following description in light of the accompanying drawing figures, those skilled in the art will understand the concepts of the invention and will recognize applications of these concepts not particularly addressed herein. It should be understood that these concepts and applications fall within the scope of the disclosure and the accompanying claims.

The present invention provides a load balancer that is capable of receiving and identifying multicast streams associated with a multicast session, and selecting at least one of the multicast streams for delivery to a selected stream processor. The selected stream processor is selected from a group of stream processors that are capable of providing the Layer 4-7 processing required for the multicast stream. The load balancer will monitor the processed multicast stream provided by the output of the selected stream processor, and send the processed multicast stream toward its destination. The load balancer can detect a failure in the selected stream processor by monitoring the output of the selected stream processor with excellent reliability. If there is a failure of the selected stream processor, the load balancer will select another stream processor for processing the multicast stream, and redirect the multicast stream from the failed stream processor to the selected stream processor, wherein the process continues.

As such, different stream processors do not need to redundantly process the same multicast streams for the multicast session. Further, the load balancer can efficiently and effectively distribute multicast streams for different multicast sessions among the various stream processors to effectively balance the loads among the stream processors in addition to ensuring an available failover process. The load balancer, and perhaps one or more of the stream processors, may be incorporated in an application switch that is used to facilitate access to any number of servers, which represent content sources.

Turning now to FIG. 3, a first embodiment of the present invention is illustrated. In operation, the content source 12 may provide multicast streams for multicast sessions to different upstream routers 16, which will forward the respective multicast streams to a load balancer 24. The load balancer 24 will route one or more of the multicast streams to one or more of the stream processors 18. In a preferred embodiment, only one of the multicast streams is selected from the various multicast streams in the multicast session, and is provided to a selected stream processor 18. The selected stream processor 18 will provide the requisite processing at one or more of Layers 4-7 to generate a processed multicast stream, which is sent back to the load balancer 24. The processed multicast stream is then sent to one or more downstream routers 20 in a multicast fashion. The downstream routers 20 may then multicast the resultant processed multicast streams to the appropriate endpoints 14. The stream processors 18 may simultaneously process numerous multicast streams for different multicast sessions. The Layer 4-7 processing may entail encryption, transcoding, compression, protocol conversion, watermarking, advertisement insertion, content manipulation, and the like.

The load balancer 24 may be configured to recognize the processing capabilities of the various stream processors 18 as well as determine the processing required for the various multicast streams of the multicast sessions. Again, different stream processors 18 may provide the same or different processing capabilities. As such, multicast streams arriving at the load balancer 24 from the content source 12 are analyzed to determine the required processing, and based on the required processing for the multicast streams, an appropriate stream processor 18 is selected for processing the multicast stream.

Selection of a stream processor 18 for the multicast stream may also incorporate load balancing criteria. The load balancer 24 may keep track of the number and bandwidth of multicast streams being processed by each of the stream processors 18, and select an appropriate stream processor 18 based on the relative loads of the stream processors 18 that are capable of providing the required processing for a given multicast stream. Different load balancing techniques are applicable, and the term “load balancing” does not necessarily require an even distribution of processing among the stream processors 18. For example, one stream processor 18 may be kept idle or at a relatively low capacity, such that it is available as a spare or redundant stream processor 18 in case one of the other stream processors 18 fails. The relative loads among the other stream processors 18 that have like functionality may be evenly distributed. Alternatively, the selected multicast streams of the various multicast sessions that require the same type of processing may be evenly distributed among all of the available stream processors 18, wherein the extra capacity of the stream processors 18 may be employed if any one of the stream processors 18 fails. The load of the failed stream processor 18 may be distributed among the remaining active stream processors 18. The load balancer 24 may also report when approaching stream processing capacity, or when capacity has reduced or negated the ability to failover. Those skilled in the art will recognize various load balancing techniques while employing the concepts of the present invention.

The load balancer 24 may detect a failure of a stream processor 18 in various ways. For instance, a failure may be recognized when a selected stream processor 18 stops providing a processed multicast stream. Failures may also be detected when the processed multicast stream slows down or is errantly processed. For example, the load balancer 24 may be configured to monitor processed multicast streams in a fashion to detect errors in the processing provided by the stream processor 18. Those skilled in the art will recognize various techniques for detecting failure of a stream processor 18 by monitoring the output of the stream processors 18.

FIG. 4 provides a flow diagram illustrating the operation of a load balancer 24 according to one embodiment of the present invention. Initially, the load balancer 24 will receive multicast streams from a content source 12 for a given multicast session (step 100). Since numerous multicast streams for numerous multicast sessions may be received at the load balancer 24 at any given time, the load balancer 24 will identify the multicast streams associated with a given multicast session (step 102) and select a multicast stream from the multicast streams of the multicast session to be processed (step 104). Based on the required processing, load balancing criteria, or other pertinent criteria, the load balancer 24 will select a stream processor 18 to process the multicast stream (step 106) and may instruct the selected stream processor to process the multicast stream (step 108).

The load balancer 24 will then send the multicast stream to the selected stream processor 18 for processing (step 110). The stream processor 18 will provide the requisite processing, which may entail monitoring and manipulating Layer 4-7 content to provide a processed multicast stream. The processed multicast stream is provided back to the load balancer 24, which will monitor the processed multicast stream (step 112) and determine whether the processed multicast stream was properly provided by the selected stream processor 18 (step 114). If the multicast stream is properly received by the load balancer 24 (step 114), the processed multicast stream is sent toward its destination (step 116). Although the multicast streams may be sent directly from the stream processors 18, the processed multicast stream may be received by the load balancer 24 and sent to the appropriate downstream routers 20 by the load balancer 24.

If the processed multicast stream is not properly provided by the selected stream processor 18 (step 114), the load balancer 24 will select another stream processor 18 to process the multicast stream (step 106), and the process continues, wherein the newly selected stream processor 18 will take over for the failed stream processor 18 with little or no impact on the overall processing of the multicast stream. The load balancer 24 may also choose a downstream router 20 to which to forward the multicast stream, based on its availability, if the downstream routers 20 are configured in a redundant fashion and dual-sourced multicast traffic cannot be resolved by the routing infrastructure.

Failover protection may be provided on a stream-by-stream basis. Alternatively, if one processed multicast stream is not provided properly, the load balancer 24 may reallocate all of the multicast streams being delivered to the selected stream processor 18 to one or more other stream processors 18. Even during a failover process, the load balancer 24 may use load balancing criteria to allocate the various multicast streams from a failed stream processor to one or more of the other stream processors 18.

Turning now to FIGS. 5A and 5B, a graphical representation of a failover process is depicted. With particular reference to FIG. 5A, assume that the content source 12 provides a multicast session M having two multicast streams, M1 and M2. The different multicast streams are sent to different upstream routers 16, which forward the multicast streams M1, M2 to the load balancer 24. The load balancer 24 will select one of the multicast streams M1, and determine an appropriate stream processor 18 for processing the multicast stream M1 of the multicast session M. In this example, stream processor A1 is selected to process the multicast stream M1. Notably, the multicast stream M2 may be dropped, such that only one multicast stream M1 of the multicast session M is processed by stream processor A1. Stream processor A1 will process the multicast stream M1 to provide a processed multicast stream M1(A1). The load balancer 24 will receive and forward the processed multicast stream M1(A1) to the respective downstream routers 20, which will send the processed multicast stream M1(A1) to the respective endpoints 14, in a traditional multicast fashion.

If the load balancer 24 detects a failure in stream processor A1 by monitoring the processed multicast stream M1(A1), the stream processor A2 may be selected as a failover stream processor for processing the multicast stream M1. As such, the load balancer 24 will instruct stream processor A2 to process the multicast stream M1 in a desired fashion and begin sending the multicast stream M1 to stream processor A2 as illustrated in FIG. 5B. The processed multicast stream M1(A2) provided by the backup stream processor A2 is received by the load balancer 24, monitored, and delivered toward the multicast destinations. As depicted, the processed multicast streams M1(A1) or M1(A2) may be sent to each and every endpoint 14.

As illustrated in FIG. 6, different load balancers 24 (LB1 and LB2) may share a group of stream processors 18. The load balancers 24 and the stream processors 18 will operate as described above. Notably, the multicast streams provided by a given load balancer 24 will be processed by a selected stream processor 18 and returned to the load balancer 24 from which the multicast stream originated. The load balancers 24 may communicate with each other to facilitate failover among the load balancer 24. Again, the processing may be Layer 4-7 processing. As depicted, the processed multicast stream may be sent to each and every endpoint 14.

Although the present invention is particularly beneficial and capable of processing multicast streams for a multicast session, unicast, anycast, and broadcast streams may also require processing provided by the stream processors 18. As such, the load balancers 24 may receive any of these types of content streams along with multicast streams and operate to identify the processing required and select a stream processor 18 based on the required processing and load balancing criteria.

FIG. 7 is a block representation of a load balancer 24. The load balancer 24 will include a control system 26 having sufficient memory 28 for the requisite processing logic 30 to operate as described above. The control system 26 will be associated with a switching matrix 32, which is coupled to one or more network interfaces 34 to facilitate receiving multicast streams, routing the multicast streams through an appropriate stream processor 18, monitoring the processed multicast streams, and delivering the multicast streams toward their multicast destinations. The switching matrix 32 and network interface(s) 34 will provide similar functionality for anycast, unicast, and broadcast streams.

FIG. 8 illustrates a stream processor 18. The stream processor 18 will include a control system 36 having sufficient memory 38 for the processing logic 40 necessary to operate as described above. The control system 36 will be associated with one or more network interfaces 42 to facilitate communications with the load balancer 24. In certain embodiments, the stream processor 18 may be configured to send processed streams to the load balancer 24 as well as toward their respective destinations, depending on whether the processed streams are sent toward their destinations through the load balancer 24 or in a direct fashion.

Those skilled in the art will recognize improvements and modifications to the preferred embodiments of the present invention. All such improvements and modifications are considered within the scope of the concepts disclosed herein and the claims that follow.

  • 1. A method comprising: receiving a selected multicast stream of a multicast session;selecting a first stream processor from a plurality of stream processors to process the selected multicast stream;sending the selected multicast stream to the first stream processor, which will process the selected multicast stream to generate a processed selected multicast stream; andmonitoring the processed multicast stream to detect a failure of the first stream processor.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 further comprising, upon detecting the failure of the first stream processor, selecting a second stream processor from the plurality of stream processors to process the selected multicast stream.
  • 3. The method of claim 1 wherein upon detecting the failure of the first stream processor, further comprising: sending the selected multicast stream to the second stream processor, which will process the selected multicast stream to generate the processed multicast stream; andmonitoring the processed multicast stream to detect a failure of the second stream processor.
  • 4. The method of claim 1 wherein receiving the selected multicast stream comprises: receiving a plurality of multicast streams of the multicast session; andselecting one of the plurality of multicast streams as the selected multicast stream.
  • 5. The method of claim 4 wherein only the selected multicast stream of the plurality of multicast streams is sent to one of the plurality of stream processors.
  • 6. The method of claim 4 wherein at least one of the plurality of multicast streams is not sent to one of the plurality of stream processors.
  • 7. The method of claim 1 further comprising receiving the processed multicast stream and sending the processed multicast stream toward a multicast destination.
  • 8. The method of claim 1 wherein the first stream processor provides at least one of the group consisting of Layer 4, Layer 5, Layer 6, and Layer 7 processing on the selected multicast stream to generate the processed multicast stream.
  • 9. The method of claim 1 wherein the first stream processor is selected from the plurality of stream processors based on a type of processing required for the selected multicast stream, and the first stream processor provides the type of processing required for the selected multicast stream.
  • 10. The method of claim 9 further comprising determining the type of processing required for the selected multicast stream based on information contained in the selected multicast stream.
  • 11. The method of claim 1 wherein the first stream processor is selected from the plurality of stream processors based on load balancing criterion that is a function of processing loads at certain ones of the plurality of stream processors.
  • 12. The method of claim 11 wherein the second stream processor is selected from the plurality of stream processors based on the load balancing criterion.
  • 13. The method of claim 1 wherein the selected multicast stream is at least one of a group consisting of an audio content stream and a video content stream.
  • 14. A system comprising: at least one communication interface; anda control system associated with the at least one communication interface and adapted to: receive a selected multicast stream of a multicast session;select a first stream processor from a plurality of stream processors to process the selected multicast stream;send the selected multicast stream to the first stream processor, which will process the selected multicast stream to generate a processed multicast stream; andmonitor the processed multicast stream to detect a failure of the first stream processor.
  • 15. The system of claim 14 wherein the control system is further adapted to, upon detecting the failure of the first stream processor, select a second stream processor from the plurality of stream processors to process the selected multicast stream.
  • 16. The system of claim 14 wherein upon detecting the failure of the first stream processor, the control system is further adapted to: send the selected multicast stream to the second stream processor, which will process the selected multicast stream to generate the processed multicast stream; andmonitor the processed multicast stream to detect a failure of the second stream processor.
  • 17. The system of clam 14 wherein to receive the selected multicast stream, the control system is further adapted to: receive a plurality of multicast streams of a multicast session; andselect one of the plurality of multicast streams as the selected multicast stream.
  • 18. The system of claim 17 wherein only the selected multicast stream of the plurality of multicast streams is sent to one of the plurality of stream processors.
  • 19. The system of claim 17 wherein at least one of the plurality of multicast streams is not sent to one of the plurality of stream processors.
  • 20. The system of claim 14 wherein the control system is further adapted to receive the processed multicast stream and send the processed multicast stream toward a multicast destination.
  • 21. The system of claim 14 wherein the first stream processor provides at least one of the group consisting of layer 4, layer 5, layer 6, and layer 7 processing on the selected multicast stream to generate the processed multicast stream.
  • 22. The system of claim 14 wherein the first stream processor is selected from the plurality of stream processors based on a type of processing required for the selected multicast stream, and the first stream processor provides the type of processing required for the selected multicast stream.
  • 23. The system of claim 22 wherein the control system is further adapted to determine the type of processing required for the selected multicast stream based on information contained in the selected multicast stream.
  • 24. The system of claim 14 wherein the first stream processor is selected from the plurality of stream processors based on load balancing criterion that is a function of processing loads at certain ones of the plurality of stream processors.
  • 25. The system of claim 24 wherein the second stream processor is selected from the plurality of stream processors based on the load balancing criterion.
  • 26. The system of claim 14 wherein the selected multicast stream is at least one of a group consisting of an audio content stream and a video content stream.