"Charge Relationships of Dual Polymer Retention Aids", Edgar E. Moore, vol. 59, No. 6, Jun. 1976/Tappi. |
"Retention and Bonding of Synthetic Dry Strength Resins", W. F. Linke, vol. 51, No. 11, Nov. 1968/Tappi. |
"Interaction of Cationic Clay Particles with Pulp Fibers", B. Alince and P. Lepoutre, Tappi Journal/Jan. 1983. |
"Benefits of Dual Retention Aid Systems", A. Fowler (vol. 187, No. 3, 1977), Paper, Feb. 7, 1977. |
"First Pass Fines Retention Critical to Efficiency of Wet Strength Resin", E. R. Sandstrom, Paper Trade Journal, Jan. 30, 1979. |
"40% Filler Loaded Paper . . . Dream or Reality?", Mrs. A. J. Hayes, Paper Technology and Industry, May 1985. |
"The Hylode System for Fibre Replacement", R. D. Mather, Pira Seminar. |
"Production of Paper at High Filler Levels", R. D. Mather, Papermakers Conference, 1982. |
"Some Aspects for Filler Optimisation", D. S. Gardner, Pira Seminar. |
"Production and Application Experience of High-Filled CTMP-Containing Papers", Per Batelson. |
"The Use of Calcium Carbonate Filler and a Neutral Sizing Agent in Offset Printing Paper", S. Faktorowitsch et al. |
"Ways to Increased Filler Content of Paper at Constant Strength", A. Breunig, Wiggins Teape, May 8, 1981. |
J56-123498, "Paper Prodn. with Fixed Calcium Carbonate . . . ", Abstract. |
"Retention Chemistry", U. E. Unbehend et al. |
"The Superfilled Paper with Rattle" (Translation from Swedish with Swedish Language Attached). |
"The Superfilled Paper with Rattle", Tissue Today, Paper-Dec. 5, 1983. |
Translation, DE 3 412 535 A, pulbihsed Oct. 1984, "Paper Production Process". |
"Method for Making Paper with Improved Strength by Pretreatment of Filler", J55-163298, abstract. |
"Praktische und theoretische Ergebnisse aif dem Gebiet der mit EPI-Polyamin-Polyamid-Harz erzugten nabfesten Papier", vol. 10A, Year 23, pp. 672-682 (1969), only the summary considered. |
"Polyacrylamide as a Stock Additive", Tappi, vol. 45, No. 4, Apr. 1962. |