1) Field of Invention
Parking meters are now being replaced or augmented by two parking payment technologies: Personal parking meters and Pay stations. Personal parking meters are credit card sized electronic devices that include a display screen and prepaid parking time. Buttons on the front of the device control the functions to start and stop the parking time as well as control the parking zone displayed on its screen. Pay stations are centrally located machines that collect money and issue a receipt for the parking paid, the location and the time remaining. Both the personal parking meter and the pay station receipt typically require their display on the dashboard of the vehicle so enforcement officers may verify the parking payment and correct location.
The present invention provides a method to secure a personal parking meter or other proof of parking payment to an open vehicle like motorcycle or convertible.
2) Description of the Prior Art
There currently is no device to secure a personal parking meter to an open vehicle. Parking payment receipts often have sticky backs so they can be attached so they do not blow away. However there is no way to prevent a passerby from taking the receipt for their own use.
The present invention allows an open vehicle to display proof of paid parking in a secure and tamper resistant holder.
A locking holder in accordance with the present invention includes a hard-sided container with at least one clear side and is attachable to part of an open vehicle (like the handlebar or steering wheel) with a locking cable or padlock.
The present invention may be better understood as detailed in the description given here and by reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
With reference to the drawings, a preferred embodiment of a Locking Parking Payment Holder in accordance with the present invention has been shown.
Preferably, the holder is made of durable plastic that is clear or transparent so that the contents are visible from the outside.