This invention relates generally to text and speech processing, and more particular to dialog mangers.
A dialog manager is a system that accomplishes certain tasks using a dialog, either spoken or text. The dialog alternates between user and system turns. The dialog can include sequences of user actions and system actions. The user actions are hidden from the system. The system determines the user actions from observations. The user has a changing state that is also hidden from the system. The system uses planning to determine a next system action given previous system actions and observations based on user speech or texts. The planning is described below.
The dialog manager can be rule based, or use a statistical framework, e.g., a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). In a POMDP dialog system, the dialog is represented by a set of random variables. At each turn, the dialog including an observed variable representing what the user said, a hidden state variable representing the progress of the dialog so far, and a selected system action. The POMDP model defines two probabilistic dependencies: the conditional probability of the current state given the previous state and system action; and the conditional probability of the observation given the current state and previous system action.
A reward function specifies, for each turn, a fitness criterion as a function of the state and selected action for that turn. Given the reward function, it is possible to determine a policy that provides the optimal system action given what is known about the state distribution at the current time. This policy can then be used to generate system actions in the course of a dialog. Selecting system actions in order to maximize the reward is called planning.
To have a working system, the model parameters that define probabilities in the POMDP need to be estimated. This estimation is called learning. The parameters are typically estimated using a maximum likelihood (ML) criterion, rather than using the reward function. For example, a maximum likelihood dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) can be used. A major problem with those approaches is that planning and learning are optimized separately and independently using different criteria. In addition, planning and learning are notoriously difficult optimization problems because inference becomes intractable in variable spaces large enough to handle real problems.
The embodiments of the invention provide text and spoken dialog systems based on a statistical dialog framework. In contrast with a generative model used in conventional approaches, the invention uses a discriminative model to represent the relationship between system actions, observations, and other information based on a log-linear model framework. Then, the dialog manager outputs an appropriate system action given a sequences of previous observations and system actions by directly optimizing an expected reward using a belief propagation (BP) procedure.
Because the invention uses a log-linear model, various features obtained during dialogs can be incorporated in the model. The parameters in the log-linear model can be statistically trained by using dialog data based on the belief propagation procedure to improve performance using refined system actions.
The embodiments provide a coherent system that has the advantage of a consistent optimization criterion, and at the same time is more efficient to optimize. The dialog system is modeled using a log-linear probability distribution. Thus, the invention provides a log-linear dialog manager.
Log-linear distributions have been, used to model sequences since the introduction of conditional random fields (CRF). Although log-linear models in general cannot represent all distribution families, their flexible use of feature functions enables the models to express a wide family of probabilistic models. Because the model is a Markov chain, efficient procedures can be exploited, for optimization. In particular, the embodiments optimize a sum of rewards along the time axis.
To represent the space of possible states, user actions, and system actions, context-five grammar (CFG) are used each of which is based on a graph of semantic representations related to the domain of the dialog system.
Instead of being simple multinomials, the random variables take values in the space of parse trees generated by the CFGs. This provides a rich structure that enables the extraction of a wide range of features. Because of the flexible use of features inherent in log-linear models, the features can be designed to make the dialog system behave exactly like a conventional rule-based dialog system as a special case. This is done by implementing the rules of the dialog system as indicator-function features, and initializing the parameters, such that the log-linear probability distributions correspond to these rules.
As shown in
System Model
Our probabilistic model has four variables at each time step t. Two are observable variables: a system action at 102 and an observation ot 101. The other two are latent variables are inferred: a user action ut 201 and the state st.
Each step of the dialog proceeds as follows. Based on all of the previous system actions and previous observations up to time t−1, the system prompts the user with a query at−1. The response by the user is represented by ot hi one embodiment, ot is a sequence of words spoken by the user. However, it is understood that response can be typed text, or the response can be entered into the system by other means.
The meaning of the response is represented by the user action ut, which can be inferred from the observation. The new state st, can be inferred, based on the system action at−1 and user action ut, and the previous state st−1. In our system, the state st represents the user's intention, although in general it could also include additional contextual in formation.
Using subscripted colons to denote sequences, e.g., s0:T≡{s0, s1, . . . , sT}, a dialog session of duration T is represented by four variable sequences: s0:T,a0:T,o1:T,u1:T.
where Zθ is a normalizing constant, φf and φg are vectors of feature functions, and θf and θg are vectors of the corresponding model parameters, respectively.
At time t=T, st+1 and ut+1 are undefined, so as shown in factor fT of the factor graph. At time t=T we define φƒ as a function of only its first two inputs. To simplify notation, we also define the following vectors:
which enable us to rewrite equation (1) more succinctly as
is the partition function of p(s0:T,a0:T,u1:T,o1:T).
Variable Spaces
We let S, U, A, and O represent the variable spaces, i.e., the set of all possible values for the variables st, ut, at, and ot, respectively. Each observation oεO can be waveforms, acoustic features, recognized texts, and/or linguistic features. We use oεO to represent the input sequence, and we define the variable space O as the set of all sequences of words in a vocabulary set V.
We define each of the variable spaces S, U, and A using a context-free grammar (CFG) including a set of production rules. Each variable space is defined as the set of all possible parse trees that can be generated by its CFG.
As can be seen in the factor graph in
Suppose GS, GU, and GA are the set of production rules in the CFGs that define the variable spaces for S (states), U (user actions), and A (system actions), respectively. For factor g, we associate each production rule in a user action with a language model for the associated word sequences. Specifically, given a user action ut and observation ot, we have features of the form 1kεu
The language model for a production rule that appears close to the root of the tree models a general class of utterance, whereas production rules that appear close to the leaves of the tree are more specialized. For factor f, we can consider production rules that co-occur. For example, the feature 1kεs
Planning and Learning
The two basic problems a dialog manager needs to solve are planning 100 and learning 200. We assume there is a reward function r:S×A→R+ that assesses our model. We now describe the planning and learning in terms of the reward function.
Planning at time τ is the problem of determining the optimal system action aτ, given all previous system actions a0:τ-1 and observations o1:τ. Suppose the dialog has a duration T. We define the planning; problem as determining aτ to maximize the expected reward E as an objective function
The expectation is taken over all variables not given, i.e., all states, all user actions, and all future system actions and observations.
The objective function could be optimized exactly by hypothesizing each action aτ, determining the expected reward given that action using the sum-product procedure, and selecting the action that maximized expected reward.
However, for ease of implementation and speed, we instead optimize the objectives variational lower bound,
obtained from Jensen's inequality, where the γt are variational parameters such that Σtγt=1. Although the γt can be optimized using an expectation-maximization (EM) procedure, take γt=1/(T+1) to further simplify the computation.
This product form has the nice property that the reward factorizes with time. In other words, equation (6) can be expanded to
where Z′ is the partition function of p with a0:τ-1, o1:τ given. Now, the optimal aτ can be determined by a conventional sum-product procedure on the graphical model with an additional term for the reward.
First, we collect beliefs from both ends of the graphical model to time τ, and determining the aτ there that maximizes equation (6). If we write out the belief propagation explicitly, then it becomes a forward-backward procedure. For example, the forward message
from factor node ft to variable node st+1 is determined by the following summations over of the messages
with the (un-normalized) probability distribution of time
is the message from variable node at to factor node ft. We can use any distribution, including a uniform distribution where we don not assume any prior distributions for
is the message from variable node st to factor node
is recursively determined from the previous step,
The message from variable node ut+1 to factor node ft is
message is determined from the distribution as
Thus, we avoid the summation over sequences
to determine the message
The other messages can also be determined efficiently without computing the summation over the sequences based on the belief propagation methods.
Note that averaging over future actions using the sum-product procedure is different from conventional POMDP optimization, which seeks to maximize the reward over future system actions. It is also possible to use a max-product procedure on at while using sum-product on the other variables to achieve maximization over future system actions. However, the model itself contains a stochastic policy that provides a predictive distribution over future actions.
The learning part 200 is similar to planning, except that instead of determining the optimal action we are interested in determining the optimal model parameters. In other words, we want to find θ 103 such that the expected reward
is maximized given all system actions a0:T and all observations o1:T. Again the expectation is taken over all variables not given, namely all states and all user actions. Similar to the planning part, we could also use the variational lower bound of equation (8) here.
We use gradient descent to optimize the learning objective. In general, for any utility function v(x) and probability distribution of the form based on the log-linear model
the derivative of the expected utility is:
Note that for each parameter θi in θ, the derivative is the covariance between the corresponding feature φi and the utility. Thus, the parameters corresponding to features that are positively correlated with utility are increased, while those whose corresponding features are negatively correlated with utility are decreased.
Applying this to our model gives:
where expectations are determined using p(s0:T,u1:T|a0:T,o1:T). In the general case, it may be hard to determine these quantities. We use particle belief propagation.
Particle Belief Propagation
Because the variable spaces are too large to marginalize over, we solve the problem using particle belief propagation.
Consider a message mf
If we rewrite the sum with importance sampling, then we obtain
for some sampling distribution πt(a), πt(u), πt(s) over which the expectation is determined
We can then approximate the expectation with a sum
Although the invention has been described by way of examples of preferred embodiments, it is to be understood that various other adaptations and modifications can be made within the spirit and scope of the invention. Therefore, it is the object of the appended claims to cover all such variations and modifications as come within the true spirit and scope of the invention.