Logical operation unit for packet processing


  • Patent Grant
  • 6658002
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Thursday, June 17, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, December 2, 2003
    20 years ago
An apparatus and method for performing logical operations on information in the communications protocol stack, such as the transport layer (L4) port numbers, characterizing a received packet or frame of data in a data communications device such as a router or switch. The results of the logical operations, along with other packet/frame-identifying data, are used to generate a more efficient lookup key. A content addressable memory (CAM) lookup is used to determine the action indicated by the rules defined by a rule-based routing or switching scheme, such as an access control list (ACL). The results of these logical operations extend the key space and thus provide a finer-grained match between the original, unextended input key and a rule action, thereby pointing to a rule action precisely tailored to packet processing. The rule can thus be applied with fewer CAM entries, providing the versatility improvement and CAM cost reduction necessary to keep up with the ever-increasing rule complexity requirements of advanced data communication and internetworking systems. An embodiment utilizing asymmetrical processing of packets, depending on whether the packet is inbound to the data communications device or outbound from it, is also disclosed. Furthermore, a ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM) implementation is disclosed. Use of a TCAM for ACL or other rule lookups further enhances the efficiency of rule processing by providing a masking capability for each TCAM entry which can be used to provide an additional level of flexibility for rule element checking.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention generally concerns data communications systems, in particular internetworking systems and specifically access control techniques for such systems.

2. Description of the Related Art


The data communications field encompasses a wide range of technologies, but systems for connecting networks of computers to other networks, known generally as internetworking, are of increasing importance. As these networks of networks (e.g., the Internet) proliferate, increasing attention is required to the problem of maintaining network security. In particular, access control at the data packet level has become a concern. Also known as packet filtering, packet-level access control is a technique whereby individual data packets in the communications data stream are examined to determine the propriety of accepting, transmitting, or forwarding them. Several different filtering opportunities exist. A packet could be inbound to a “local” computer connected to the switch device (i.e., on the receiving network), inbound but destined to be forwarded to another network, or originating from the local network and destined for another network (outbound). Also, the packet could originate from the local network and be destined for the local network.

FIG. 1

illustrates a high-level schematic view of the operation of a prior art data communications device, such as a router or switch. The device is generally referred to as a “router,” although persons of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that other networked data communications devices may serve an equivalent function.

A number of flows


, i.e., simultaneous packet- or frame-based messages from multiple sources, are presented to router


. These flows each consist of multiple packets of data, in a variety of sizes and presented at a variety of rates. Flows may be presented in different protocols, such as the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and the related User Datagram Protocol (UDP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Terminal Emulation Protocol (Telnet), and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Other internetworking protocols are found in the literature, such as Merilee Ford, et. al.,

Internetworking Technologies Handbook,

Cisco Press 1997, (hereinafter


) incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The packets are buffered in a buffer pool


, which is typically random access memory (RAM). Buffering is accomplished according to the directives of a controller


and a buffer manager


. Controller


includes a forwarding engine, not shown, which determines on a packet-by-packet basis the proper destination (“routing”) of each packet. This determination is made from information contained within each packet. The flows are sent to the proper output port


by way of a set of output queues


and a port scheduler


. Controller


, buffer manager


, and port scheduler


are conventionally implemented as one or more high speed microprocessors or custom ASICs with associated interface circuitry.

Routers are described in greater detail in


Chapter 5 and Karanjit S. Siyan,

Inside TCP/IP,

3d ed., New Riders Publishing 1997 (hereinafter

Siyan TCP/IP

), incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.

Access control functions in routers and related network communications devices are typically implemented in controller


with the co-operation of the forwarding engine. Access controls are discussed generally in Karanjit Siyan and Chris Hare,

Internet Firewalls and Network Security,

3d ed., New Riders Publishing 1995 (hereinafter

Siyan Firewalls

); and D. Brent Chapman and Elizabeth D. Zwicky,

Building Internet Firewalls,

O'Reilly & Associates, 1995 (hereinafter


). Both

Sivan Firewalls



are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.

Understanding the background of the present invention requires familiarity with the terminology and organization of modern networking. In particular, an understanding of the functions performed at each layer of the communications hierarchy is required. These functions are generally described by the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, well known in the art. See, e.g.,


Chapter 1 and

Siyan TCP/IP

Chapter 2.

Packet Filtering With Access Control Lists

An access control list (ACL) is a set of rules for evaluating whether a packet should be permitted to pass or denied routing. As applied to routers, an ACL is implemented as a series of commands that program the router to permit or deny packet access to the routing function. Various classes or families of internetworking devices, such as the Cisco Systems® Catalyst® family of switches and the Cisco 7xxx family of routers, respectively, share common command sets and syntax for ACL programming. The command set and syntax used in Cisco routers is more fully described in

Network Protocols Configuration Guide. Cisco IOS® Release

12.0, Cisco Press, 1998, (hereinafter

IOS Guide

), incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

The party controlling or maintaining the router (typically, the network administrator) must define the rules by which packet routing is to be controlled. The conventional process of defining these rules is further described in


Chap. 6 and

Siyan Firewalls,

Chap. 4. Rule definition is accomplished by commanding the router in accordance with the particular command syntax and programming method appropriate to the type of router used. The router's operational software (e.g., the Cisco IOS) then translates the access list commands into a form useable by the router. For example, the Cisco family of routers programming syntax is described in the

IOS Guide

referenced above. The complete Cisco IOS command set is described in further detail in Network

Protocols Command Reference, IOS Release

12.0, Cisco Press, 1998 (hereinafter

IOS Command Reference

), incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

ACL rules can be simple when expressed in plain English, such as “Permit TCP packets from any source to host with IP address equal to and TCP port number greater than 1023” or complex, such as “Permit UDP packets from any source to host with IP address equal to and TCP port number less than 1023, but not equal to 21, 80, or 128.” In the first example, the corresponding Cisco IOS router command, for example, contains a single rule element:

permit tcp any host gt 1023

where “gt” represents “greater than.” In the latter example, there are four elements to the rule, thus requiring four commands to the router:

deny udp any host eq 21

deny udp any host eq 80

deny udp any host eq 128

permit udp any host lt 1023

Another common rule example is “Deny TCP traffic going to host with IP address equal to and TCP port number range from 6000 to 6002.” represented in command form as:

deny tcp any host range 6000 60002

Rules may also be expressed in terms of permitting or denying access to or from certain destination or source IP addresses (respectively), e.g., “Deny IP traffic coming from subnet” In such situations, the rule command includes the IP address of interest:


One prior art method used in relatively slow routers required the operational software to interpret the ACL programming commands into a series of conditional statements, such as the well-known software “CASE” statement. ACL filtering was thus accomplished in software using the interpreted commands directly. This method limited the packet throughput, however, because processing depended on software execution speed.

A faster and more compact method of applying ACL rules is to convert the rule elements into entries in a content-addressable memory (CAM). Content-addressable memories, well-known in the art, allow a simultaneous search of all entries by performing a bit-wise comparison of an input value (the key or comparand) against every entry at the same time. If a match is found between the key and an entry, the CAM returns the address of the matching entry. This address may be used directly by the function requesting the comparison or, more commonly in ACL filtering applications, it may be used as a pointer to a conventional memory array to return another value. In a typical ACL application, the conventional memory contains the action to be taken for a packet whose flow label matches the corresponding CAM entry, such as “permit” or “deny.” (A flow label, also known in the art as a netflow label, contains a series of fields identifying a packet.)

In the context of ACL filtering, CAMs are used to hold bit masks representing elements of the ACL rules. The various rule elements are each implemented by one or more entries in a CAM. For example, the rule element “eq” is the simplest CAM entry, because a CAM is designed to test for equivalence between the key and each entry in the CAM. Thus, if the rule is “deny packets from port


,” the corresponding CAM entry is a bit string representing a value of 80 in the portion of the string corresponding to the port number. Note that, as the rules are typically more complex than simple filters on port numbers, the CAM entries typically consists of multiple fields corresponding to the parts of the conventional flow label of a packet. Such fields typically include the IP source address, IP destination address, source port number, destination port number, type of service (TOS), and Layer 3 and Layer 4 protocol identification. For simplicity, the following examples reflect the portion of the rule element and the corresponding CAM entry corresponding to a single port field (either source or destination). Typical rules filter on more than one flow label field, thus requiring CAM entries many bits wide.

The rule elements are evaluated top to bottom in order to define CAM entries. Their ordering is the sole means by which conflicts between rule elements are resolved, because the typical CAM used for ACL filtering returns the address of only the first matching entry. Thus, a long rule specifying, for example, that packets of a certain Layer 3 protocol (e.g. IP) sent by TCP source port x and destined to destination address a.b.c.d (representing the IP standard dotted-decimal addressing notation) should be permitted, will be first decomposed into its respective elements by the router command interpreter software. The resulting elements are sequenced in the order specified in the rule (in this example, L3 protocol, then TCP source port, then destination address), and the CAM is filled in the order defined by the sequence of rule elements, one rule at a time.

Although one method of filling a CAM is described, those skilled in the art will realize that other methods may be used, such as those requiring additional processing prior to writing the CAM. Accordingly, the invention is not limited to any particular method of filling the CAM.

The rule element lt 6, for example, is implemented in a conventional CAM-based ACL processing system with six entries. Each entry represents a bit mask that matches a port number (either source or destination, as specified in the rule) having any of bits [15:10] set, to wit:



















































































































where “0”=logic zero and “1”=logic one. (Note that this example only shows one of the many fields typically present in a CAM entry as currently used in the art.) If the key matches all bits in an entry, the corresponding action (permit or deny) stored in the memory location pointed to by the address of the matching entry is taken.

Clearly, the more elements in a given rule (i.e., the more complex it is), the more CAM entries required. Fundamentally, a CAM requires an entry, either in width or depth, for each element one wishes to filter access on. Thus, as rule sets increase in complexity, both in terms of number of rules and number of elements within each rule, the CAM needs to grow both wider and deeper. Additional width (i.e., the number of bits in each entry) is required to provide for ANDing of rule elements between different fields in the key. For example, a two-element rule testing for L3 protocol=IP and source address= requires testing both the L3 protocol and source address fields. Additional depth is required simply to accommodate all of the rules and rule elements.

FIG. 2

describes the prior art process of ACL filtering. A packet is initially received for access control processing at step


. In general, this step may be accomplished by dedicated hardware circuitry or software means. A flow label, identifying the packet from its header information and including, for instance, Layer 3 protocol, source, and destination fields, is assembled in step


. In some prior art implementations, the flow label is already defined elsewhere in the router and serves as an identifier for each packet.

The flow label is used as the key (comparand) for a CAM lookup in step


. The entire flow label or a subset of its fields may be employed as the key. They key may be created by reordering the flow label as well. Depending on the rule elements loaded into the CAM, the key will either match a CAM entry or not. When a match is found, the CAM returns the address of the matching entry. This address may be used directly as a permit/deny indicator. More commonly, however, the returned address is used as a pointer into an associated memory space, such as a conventional static RAM (SRAM). The SRAM, in one instance an n by 1 bit organization where n is the maximum number of CAM entries, contains a single bit flag for each possible pointer value. The flag indicates “permit” when set and deny when clear. Additional actions are also possible, including forwarding to a CPU.

In the event that the key is not found in the CAM, the default condition, for example, deny, is asserted for the packet. Step


consists of reading the SRAM entry pointed to by a successful match in the CAM or denial of access in the default, i.e., when no match is found.

The ACL processing step then loops and waits for the next packet arrival, step



Drawbacks of the Prior Art

The prior art necessitates a large number of entries for large and complex ACL rule sets. These complex rule sets require multiple entries in a CAM to apply a given complex rule. Modem systems can require thousands of rules. Thus, CAMs for such ACLs rapidly grow to unmanageable depths (i.e. size in terms of number of entries). The power consumed by such CAMs and their cost rapidly become excessive.

Furthermore, the CAM size problem is only exacerbated by the expected shift to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), which uses 128 bit addresses instead of the current 32 bit addresses used by IPv4. This shift requires wider CAMs. For a given size CAM, as the width increases, the depth must correspondingly decrease. This increases sensitivity to ACL entry expansion.

What is needed is a generalized process for pre-computing certain commonly-repeated rule elements and incorporating a “shorthand” code (or auxiliary field) representing the results as part of the lookup key so that a match to a single, extended CAM entry (extended by the addition of the shorthand code) will indicate the result of applying a set of rule elements. In this manner, the depth of the CAM needed to implement a given rule can be greatly reduced, thus reducing cost and power consumption. Alternatively, for a given size of CAM, more rules and/or more complex rules can be implemented without increasing the cost of the device.

Cisco Systems, Cisco IOS, and Catalyst are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. of San Jose, Calif.


The present invention performs logical operations on fields within the flow label characterizing a received packet or frame of data and uses the results, along with other packet/frame-identifying data, to generate a more efficient content addressable memory (CAM) lookup key. A CAM lookup is used to determine the packet action indicated by the rules defined by a rule-based routing or switching decision process, such as an access control list (ACL). The results of these logical operations extend the key space (i.e., the width of the key) by adding additional fields to the key. This provides a finer-grained match between the original, unextended input key and a rule action contained in the CAM. A fine-grain key match in the CAM thus points to a rule action precisely tailored to packet processing. The rule can thus be applied with fewer CAM entries, providing the rule application versatility improvement and CAM cost reduction necessary to keep up with the ever-increasing rule complexity requirements of advanced data communication and internetworking systems.

Both conventional CAM and ternary content-addressable memories (TCAM) implementations are described. Use of a TCAM for ACL lookups further enhances the efficiency of ACL processing by providing a masking capability for each TCAM entry that can be used to provide an additional level of rule element checking.


The present invention may be better understood, and its numerous objects, features, and advantages made apparent to those skilled in the art by referencing the accompanying drawings.

FIG. 1

is a high-level schematic representation of data flow and control in a generic router/switch well-known in the art.

FIG. 2

is simplified flowchart of the prior art ACL processing method.

FIG. 3

is high-level block diagram of one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 4

depicts the contents of a packet flow label according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 5

is simplified flowchart of the generalized process of the present invention.

FIG. 6

is a simplified flowchart of the specific process performed on inbound packets, according to an alternate embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 7

is a simplified flowchart of the specific process performed on outbound packets, according to an alternate embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 8

is a diagram of the prior art IPv4 header bit map.

FIG. 9

is a diagram of the prior art IPX packet bit map.

FIG. 10

is a simplified high-level block diagram of L4MAP, according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 11

is a functional block diagram of the address generation function of the Index2Label mapping table, according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 12

is a high-level block diagram of the logical operation unit, according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 13A

is a simplified block diagram of the AND-OR unit, according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 13B

is a simplified block diagram of the OR-AND unit, according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 14

is a high-level block diagram of LABELQ, according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 15

is a high-level block diagram of the lookup pipeline logic, according to one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 16

is a high-level block diagram of the L3 Forwarding Engine interface, according to one embodiment of the present invention.

The use of the same reference symbols in different drawings indicates similar or identical items.



Presently disclosed is an apparatus and method of use thereof for enhancing the speed and efficiency of rule-based processing in a router or other internetworking device concerned with packet-level filtering and access control. Such processing includes, but is not limited to, access control list (ACL) processing as known in the art. Although the terms router and/or switch will be used generally in this specification, those skilled in the art will realize that other related internetworking devices may be used, in addition to routers or switches, to perform analogous functions. Accordingly, the invention is not limited to any particular type of internetworking device, router, or switch. Also, although the primary focus of the current invention is Internet Protocol (IP) packet flows over Ethernet, those skilled in the will art realize that protocols and flows other than IP, such as IPX, can be benefit from the present invention and its alternate embodiments. Accordingly, the invention is not limited to any particular type of protocol or packet format.

The present invention is implemented as part of an otherwise conventional router or switch system well known in the art, such as that depicted in FIG.


. Other examples of such systems may be found in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,088,032, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ROUTING COMMUNICATIONS AMONG COMPUTER NETWORKS, to Leonard Bosack and U.S. Pat No. 5,740,171, ADDRESS TRANSLATION MECHANISM FOR A HIGH-PERFORMANCE NETWORK SWITCH, to Mario Mazzola et al., incorporated in their entirety herein by reference.

The present invention provides for the pre-processing of elements of the flow label associated with a packet in a conventional router. This pre-processing produces certain additional information in the form of an auxiliary field or fields that is/are appended to the flow label to create an extended lookup key for use in a content-addressable memory (CAM) configured for access control list processing. In particular, a CAM configured according to the present invention contains additional fields corresponding to the results of the pre-processing step. These auxiliary fields are configured so that each entry containing values in the additional fields substitutes for multiple entries typically required in conventional CAM-based ACL processing schemes.

High-Level Block Diagram

FIG. 3

is a high-level block diagram of one embodiment of the present invention. Frames of data, consisting of a single packet and certain router-generated header information, are received from an internal switch bus (called, in one embodiment, the DBus) at DBus interface (DBUSIF)


. Also referred to as the input interface circuit, DBUSIF


parses each received frame to form flow label


. Most of the information required to form the flow label is found in the packet; some of the information is read from the frame header.

FIG. 4

shows, in tabular form, the contents of flow label


. Flow label


consists of several fields readable by subsequent processing circuits. The source of each field in the flow label is also described in FIG.


. Note that, as initially supplied by DBUSIF


, several fields in flow label


are empty. Subsequent processing described herein, for ACL label


and L4OPs




and alternate


, fill in these previously undefined elements.

One of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that the above described parsing step may be accomplished by either hardware or software means or a combination thereof, such as a lookup table. Accordingly, the present invention is not limited to any particular parsing means.

The flow label


is passed to the Layer 4 mapping unit L4MAP


along with the packet's interface number (from the DBus frame), where the interface number is mapped onto ACL label


. (L4MAP


is also referred to as the mapping circuit.) The interface number (or “interface designation”) represents the physical connection upon which the particular packet in the current frame entered the router. This number thus identifies the source network connection at the highest level, since the physical connection of each router port to the rest of the network is known. The ACL label is an identifier that associates a given network connection with the access control list defined for that interface. For example, if a router is configured so that it is connected to a network operated by MCI Worldcom on interface number 3 (i.e. the physical cable connecting to MCI Worldcom;s network is plugged into the router external connector designated interface number 3), then the ACL list appropriate to MCI Worldcom traffic, designated by ACL label “MCI3,” is to be applied to any packets coming from (or going to) interface number 3. The ACL label, designated



FIG. 4

, is inserted into flow label


by L4MAP



Note that an interface maps to one ACL label, but multiple interfaces can also map to the same interface label. This allows the same filtering to be applied to packets of a general class. In the example above, if traffic from MCI comes in on ports




, then the interfaces




can both map to the same ACL label.



also contains a logic circuit that performs, in a substantially parallel process, a group of logical functions or operations on one or more readable fields in the flow label. Specifically, in one embodiment of the present invention, the L4 source and destination port numbers,




respectively in

FIG. 4

, are processed in Logical Operation Units (LOUs) (not shown) within L4MAP


. The LOUs are individually pre-defined (e.g., programmed) at router configuration time to perform a limited set of functions on a designated subset of flow label fields. This programming is determined by the elements of the ACL rules associated with each ACL label. Together, the results of the concurrent execution of these logical functions form a result vector. In normal operations, the selection of which LOUs within the result vector are applied to which flow label fields (in one embodiment, L4 source port number


and L4 destination port number


) is uniquely determined by the ACL label associated with each packet's interface number. Operation of the LOUs is discussed in greater detail below. The selected outputs of the designated LOUs (L4OPs) are concatenated or combined into the flow label. In one embodiment, the L4OPs are placed at positions


and optionally




, and


. Optional positions




, and


contain the higher-order bits of the LOU outputs when required.

Although a CAM lookup utilizing an extended key derived from router (L4) interface numbers is described, those skilled in the art will realize that lookups based on packet or data frame information other than L4 data can be used. In fact, any packet information, including but not limited to ToS bits, QoS or CoS fields, or packet statistics, from any layer in the OSI Reference Model (or whatever model most appropriately describes the communications interface) can be used to optimize packet processing in accordance with the present invention. Consequently, the invention is not limited to any particular type or format of packet, readable packet field, L4OP operator, or extended key. The present invention will implement any rule-based filtering function using one or more fields in a packet or frame of data.

The now-modified flow label is next passed to the Label Queue (LABELQ) module


, which provides (at a minimum) elastic buffering for the lookup requests to the CAM.




FIG. 3

) passes the modified flow label to lookup pipeline module (LPL)


, which controls CAM


and its associated lookup pipeline. The pipeline is a high speed parallel connection. LPL


handles all of the interfacing and flow control between LABELQ


and CAM



When a lookup produces a match, CAM


produces a pointer to a location in SRAM




in turn passes the contents of the address designated by that pointer to L3 Forwarding Engine Interface (L3FEIF)


, which communicates that information to the router's Forwarding Engine


to control the routing of the packet.

Collectively, LABELQ






, and SRAM


form the lookup interface circuit for the output of the logic unit portion of L4MAP



Although a content-addressable memory (CAM) is described generically, those skilled in the art will realize that commercially available CAMs include numerous functionally-equivalent variants, such as the ternary CAM (TCAM) with entry-level masking. Accordingly, the invention is not limited to any particular type of CAM.

In an alternate embodiment, LABELQ


serves two purpose: it provides elastic buffering for the lookup requests to the CAM for inbound packets and flow label buffering in support of outbound packet processing. “Inbound packets” are those packets being filtered on receipt by the router to determine if they are to be allowed to pass through (i.e. to be routed by) the router. Inbound packets are tested based on their sources. “Outbound packets” are those packets that are ready to be forwarded out of the router and are to be tested based on their destinations. As will be discussed in further detail, ACL processing differs slightly between inbound and outbound packets.

Sequence of Events

FIG. 5

is a simplified flowchart according to one embodiment of the method of the present invention. Operation begins on receipt of a frame of data


from the router's internal DBus. This frame contains the complete packet of data as sent over the network plus a DBus header prepended by the router's port device. The DBus header consists of certain router-specific internal data and includes an interface identification number (interface number) showing the physical ID of the router connection on which the packet was received.

Two procedures operate in parallel at this point. In one, the readable field containing the interface number is parsed from the DBus header,


, by the DBus interface (DBUSIF)


(referring to FIG.


). The interface number is mapped


to a corresponding ACL label in L4MAP


. This mapping consists of a simple table lookup of the interface number in a structure created at router configuration time. This structure is programmed to show the relationship between each physical router interface (designated by its interface number) and the appropriate ACL list associated thereto. This configuration is an essential part of the router's set-up and programming and is well-known in the art. See, e.g.,

IOS Guide


IOS Command Reference.

At essentially the same time, the L4 port number readable fields are parsed


from the packet itself (along with other data) to create a flow label



FIG. 4

for a description of the contents of the flow label, according to one embodiment of the present invention). This parsing step is also performed by DBUSIF


. The LOU portion of L4MAP


reads flow label


, and in particular the L4 port information




, and performs certain functions, referred to as logical operations, on the data in step


. These logical operations form a result vector. Logical operations


are discussed in further detail below.

The ACL label is then used, step


, to select (extract) the particular logical operation outputs (“L4OPs”) appropriate to the access control list associated with the packet. This selection is a subset of the L4OPs present in the result vector output by the LOU. The selected L4OPs form an auxiliary field that is combined with the flow label, step


, extending its width and creating a lookup key (comparand) which is then used to access a CAM lookup in step


. Based on the value returned from CAM-associated SRAM


, the packet is either permitted or denied further routing, step


. (The packet may also be sent to the device's CPU, not shown.) The process loops at step


to perform ACL processing on the next packet.

In an alternate embodiment, access control processing differs depending on the whether the access being tested is that of an inbound packet or an outbound packet. “Inbound packets” are packets coming into the router. “Outbound packets” are those for which a routing path has been determined and are ready for transmission out of the router. Outbound packets may or may not be enqueued prior to transmission.

As shown in

FIG. 6

, inbound packets: are first “snooped” in step


, according to this alternate embodiment of the present invention. When a packet comes into the router and the routing function is initiated, the packet is placed on the DBus as part of a DBus frame. (As discussed above, the DBus frame contains the packet and an additional header. Within that header is the input interface number identifying the physical interface where the packet entered the router.) As the DBus frame is sent over the DBus to other elements of the router, DBUSIF 310 reads the frame without interrupting its journey.

Access list processing for inbound packets proceeds as described above and in FIG.


. The result (permit or deny, step


) is passed to the Layer 3 (L3) Forwarding Engine (L3FE)


to tell it to permit or deny further routing. However, even if the inbound packet is permitted, the precise routing (determined via conventional means in the L3 Forwarding Engine


) defines an output interface which typically has a different ACL associated with it. Thus, a second ACL processing sequence is required once the output interface for the next hop is determined by L3FE


. This second pass is aided by the fact that LABELQ


has a buffered copy of the flow label associated with the packet already in place. The L3FE


thus only needs to pass the output interface number to L3FEIF


in a request message. L3FEIF


then accesses L4MAP


, which in turn maps the output interface number to the corresponding ACL label and associates the ACL label with the proper outbound port's flow label retrieved from LABELQ


. Further ACL processing then proceeds as above.

FIG. 7

shows the particular processing steps for an outbound packet, according to this alternate embodiment of the present invention. An ACL request message is first received from L3FE


in step


. The request message


contains the output interface number for the outbound packet, which is read in step


. The output interface number is mapped to a corresponding ACL label, as above, in step


. At substantially the same time, the flow label is retrieved from Label Queue




in step


. With both the output interface number and the flow label known to L3FEIF


, extracting the Layer 4 information


and logical operations


can commence as for the inbound packet. Steps




proceed in sequence as above.

Functional Block Descriptions

In one embodiment of the present invention, expedited access control list (ACL) processing is provided by a custom ASIC known by the development name “Perseus” in combination with a TCAM/SRAM chipset. The following detailed explanation of the Perseus system implementation is thus intended to describe a particular embodiment of the present invention without limiting the invention to the Perseus embodiment. One of ordinary skill in the art will readily appreciate that the present invention may be implemented in various forms, including electrical circuits of discrete components, integrated circuits, and apparatus based in whole or in part on software or firmware. Additionally, the method of operating an apparatus according to the present invention is similarly within the scope of this disclosure.


At its core, ACL processing consists of one or more lookups. Each lookup compares a value representing the flow label or portions thereof for a single packet against CAM entries representing the ACL rules. This flow label is the key used for the CAM lookup.

Each lookup produces the following raw information:

Hit or miss

Index to the Result SRAM

Contents of the Result SRAM indexed by the CAM output

The information is then processed by Perseus and communicated back to the Layer 3 Forwarding Engine. The information returned includes of:

Packet classification: permit/deny and forward

Hit/miss and error indicators

Sequence number

General purpose information, such as an index to a table

Perseus implements the two-track processing scheme of the alternate embodiment described above: different lookup processes are employed depending on whether the lookup is for an inbound or an outbound packet. Consequently, Perseus can perform up to four types of lookups for each packet received from the DBus, although the present invention is not limited to only four types. They are type 0, 1, 2, and 3 lookups. The four lookups can consist of three input interface lookups and one output interface lookup, or two input interface lookups and two output interface lookups. Each lookup type can be individually enabled or disabled. The enable or disable can only be done during system startup.

Type 0 and Type 1 Lookup

Type 0 and 1 lookups are associated with the input interface. Type 0 lookup is currently assigned as the input interface (or “inbound”) ACL lookup. Type 1 lookup is currently assigned as a quality of service (QoS) lookup, i.e., a lookup to determine the QoS to apply to the packet based on one or more fields within the flow label. When a packet arrives from the DBus, information is extracted (snooped) from the packet to form a flow label. Type 0 and type 1 lookup may have the same or different information in their flow labels. Perseus uses the flow label to perform ACL lookup for the input interface. The details of the flow labels are described later in the document.

Type 2 Lookup

Type 2 lookup can be assigned to an input interface (inbound) or an output interface (outbound) lookup. When it is associated with an input interface, it uses the same flow information as the type 1 lookup except the type field can be different. If it is programmed as an output interface lookup, it uses the same flow information as the type 3 lookup except the type field can be different. The Type 2 lookup is a QoS lookup.

Type 3 Lookup

Type 3 lookup is associated with the output interface. It is used by the L3 Forwarding Engine as the output interface (outbound) ACL lookup. The lookup cannot start until the output index (i.e. output interface number) of the packet is identified. After the L3 Forwarding Engine identifies the output interface number for the packet, it sends the interface number to Perseus for type 3 lookup. Perseus assumes the output indices are delivered in the same order as the packets were received from the DBus. The sequence number accompanying the output interface index is checked against the sequence number obtained from the input packet. If there is a mismatch, a sequence error will be reported (discussed below).

Once the flow label is constructed using the output interface number, Perseus performs the same operation as the input interface (inbound) lookup and returns the result in the same format.

Although four specific types of lookups are described, those skilled in the art will realize that lookup types other than those listed can be used. Accordingly, the invention is not limited to any particular set of lookup types. Furthermore, the invention is not limited to embodiments using only four lookup types; embodiments using both more or less lookup types are contemplated as being within the scope of the present invention.

DBus Interface (DBUSIF)

Packets coming from the router line cards are sent to the 256-bit wide DBus. A 32-byte header is added on top of the packet itself. The DBus header is transferred on the first cycle of the data transfers. Perseus snoops the information coming from the DBus to perform lookups for the input interface.

The DBUSIF extracts (i.e., snoops) information from a DBus frame to form a flow label. Some of the flow label can be derived from the DBus frame header. The remaining parts are extracted from the packet body.

In addition to constructing the flow label for an input interface, the DBUSIF also performs error checking on the frame.

DBus Handshake

The DBus interface detects valid DBus data transfers and captures information from the DBus for further analysis.

The DBus frame header is protected by the checksum field in the header. After a valid transaction is detected on the DBus, the header checksum is computed and compared with the checksum field in the frame header. The checksum computation happens in parallel with packet parsing. If there is a checksum mismatch, an error indicator is set on the parser outputs. A dummy lookup will be performed.

Flow Label

Perseus performs CAM lookup by sending a flow label to the CAM for comparison. The information in the flow label depends on the types of Layer 2, Layer 3 and Layer 4 protocols. The Layer 3 protocol type is included the DBus frame header. The DBus currently supports the IPv4, IPX, AppleTalk, DECnet, Vines, XNS, and IPv6 protocols. The flow label includes Layer 3 information for IPv4 and IPX protocols and Layer 4 information for IPv4.

The maximum width of a label (in this embodiment) is 134 bits. Information included in the flow label depends on the layer 2, 3, and 4 protocols. The flow label bit assignments for TCP/UDP and IPX packets are defined in Tables 1 and 2. If a packet is an IPv4 packet and its L4 protocol field is not TCP or UDP, it uses the same flow label format as TCP/UDP except that the 14_destport, 14_srcport, 14op, and establish fields may carry other information.

Other flow types can include IGMP and ICMP packets. Although certain flow label bit mappings are described, those skilled in the art will realize that other bit maps can be used. Accordingly, the invention is not limited to any particular flow label bit map.


Flow Label of TCP/UDP Packet



# of Bits

Flow Label Bit Position

IP destination address




IP source address




L4 destination port number




L4 source port number/or




L4OP [25:10]

L4 port operations









ACL Label




Established (TCP only)





Layer 3 protocol (set to 1)




Layer 4 protocol




Logical BankSel or L4OP[8]




Lookup type or




{Type, L4OP[9]}





Set to 0 for non-TCP protocols.


Flow Label of IPX Packets



# of Bits

Flow Label Bit Position

IPX destination network




IPX source network




IPX destination node number




ACL Label




Special (set to 0)




Layer 3 protocol (set to 0)




Packet Type




Logical BankSel or Reserved




Lookup type or




{Type, reserved}



The DBus header uses a 4-bit field to represent the Layer 3 protocols and another 4-bit field to represent the frame type. Layer 3 protocols encoded in the DBus header are IPv4, IPX, AppleTalk, DECnet, Vines, XNS, and IPv6. Frame types encoded in the DBus header are Ethernet, TokenRing, FDDI, ATM, Voice, and Video. Two bits in the flow label are encoded to represent the flow label formats supported by Perseus.

L4OP Mux

The L4OP field only exists in the TCP/UDP label format shown in Table 1 above. Eight bits in the flow label are dedicated to the L4OP. Additional bits of L4OP are provided by setting the CAM Bank Select Register and Lookup Control Register with proper value. Fields that are used as additional L4OP are BankSel, bit 0 of Lookup Type, and the L4 source port number.

Parsing Packets

The packet parser extracts information from the DBus header and the packet body to build a generic label. Information included in the generic label is a superset of the flow label. Not all the fields in the generic label are used by Perseus. Some of them are specific to the L3 Forwarding Engine.

The flow label consists of Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 protocol information. Some of the Layer 3 information is available in the DBus frame header. Other, information is extracted from the packet itself. The parser has to know the following information in order to extract the Layer 4 protocol information from the packet.

Layer 2 encapsulation

Layer 3 protocol

Layer 4 protocol

IP Header Format

FIG. 8

shows the format of an IPv4 header


. The IP header length specifies the length of IP header in 4 byte units. Minimum IPv4 header length is 20 bytes and maximum is 60 bytes. Regardless of the encapsulation type, the IPv4 header always starts within the first 32 bytes after the DBus header.

Extracting Layer 4 Information of IPv4 Packets

The Layer 4 information is needed only for IPv4 packets. An IPX packet does not need Layer 4 information for the ACL lookup. Layer 4 information is as follows:

TCP/UDP source port number

TCP/UDP destination port number

TCP flags

The first two bytes of the TCP/UDP header are the source port number and the third and fourth bytes are the destination port number. The TCP flags are located on the thirteenth byte of the TCP header. Depending on the length of IP header, this information may appear between the second and fourth cycles after the DBus header.

If the protocol number of an IPv4 packet is not TCP or UDP, the source port number and destination port number are forced to a predefined value (0×0 for the Perseus implementation).

The ICMP message type and message code are located in the first and the second byte after the IPv4 header. The IGMP message is located in the first byte after the IP header.

Extracting IPX Information

The information of IPX flow labels are extracted from the packet body.

FIG. 9

shows the IPX packet format


. The Source Network


, Destination Network


and Destination Node Number


are extracted directly from the packet. The Packet Type


is extracted directly from the IPX header.

L4 Mapping Unit (L4MAP)

This block is responsible for mapping an interface number to an ACL label. Once the ACL number is identified, it is assembled as part of the flow label. At the same time, the L4MAP performs logic operations on the L4 source and destination port numbers. The supported logic operations are gt (greater than), It (less than), ne (not equal) and range. Two levels of tables are used to select a set of logical operation results from the result vector for the given L4 port numbers. The first level table converts the interface number to an ACL label. The second level table selects the L4 port number operations for a given ACL label.

The L4MAP maps the source or destination interface number (as required) into an ACL label. It also takes the L4 source/destination port numbers and performs logical operations against information stored in the LOU registers. The ACL label and selected logical operation results are taken as part of the flow label.

With the exception of type 2 lookup (in the two-track processing alternate embodiment), the remaining three lookup types go through the L4MAP to produce an ACL label and a set of logical operation results. A type 2 lookup gets its ACL label and logical operation results either from its associated type 1 lookup or from its associated type 3 lookup depending how it is programmed. The L4MAP generates two sets of outputs, one for the type 0 lookup and the other for the type 1 lookup, when a packet is received from the DBus. Both sets of outputs are captured in the Label Queue for further processing. The L4MAP outputs a 40-bit result vector for each lookup type. The vector consists of a 9-bit label, a Valid bit, a 3-bit Result, a L4OP Select bit, and a 26-bit L4OP. Everything except for the 26-bit L4OP comes from the Index2Label Mapping Table.

A block diagram of L4MAP


is shown in FIG.


. The major functional blocks of L4Map are described below.

Address Generation


Depending on the lookup type, the address to the Index2Label Mapping Table


can be sourced from the source virtual LAN address (VLAN)


, the source port index (interface number)


, or the destination VLAN



Except for type 2 lookup all other lookup types have to go through the L4MAP to obtain an ACL label and a 26-bit L4 logical operation result. Type 2 lookup uses the same information as type 1 or type 3 lookups. Table 3 lists the sources of address to the Index2Label Mapping Table.


Source of Address to Index2Label Mapping Table

Lookup Type

Source of Address

Type 0

Source VLAN

Type 1

Source VLAN or source port index

Type 2 (Input)

Same as Type 1.

Type 2 (Output)

Same as Type 3

Type 3

Destination VLAN

FIG. 11

is a block diagram showing how the address to the Index2Label Mapping Table



FIG. 10

) is generated. In this diagram the ModeRAM


is logically used as a 2,064×1 RAM. Physically it is implemented using a 129×16 SRAM.

The following pseudo-code shows how the address to the ModeRAM, moderam_a


, is derived:

if (SrcIndex[18:15] == 0x0)

moderam_a = {1′b0, SrcIndex[10:0]}


moderam_a = {1′b1, 7′b0, SrcIndex[18:15]}

The following pseudo-code shows how the address of Index2Label Mapping Table


is generated based on the moderam_d


, the output VLAN, the source VLAN, the lookup type, and the source index:

if (Input/Not Output) == 1) begin

// lookup related to

input packet

if (Type_1 == 0)

I_Addr = {2′b00, Source VLAN[11:0]}

// use source VLAN

for type 0 lookup.

else begin

if (moderam_d == 1′b1) begin

// type 1 lookup and

mode bit set, use source index

if (SrcIndex[18:15] == 4′b0)

I_Addr = {3′b100, SrcIndex[10:0]}


I_Addr = {3′b101, 7′b0, SrcIndex[18:15]}



I_Addr = {2′b00, Source VLAN[11:0]}

// type 1 lookup and

mode bit clear, use source VLAN




I_Addr = {2′b01, Destination VLAN[11:0]}

// type 3 lookup use

destination VLAN


Mapping Interface Number to ACL Label

The Index2Label Mapping Table


converts a source or destination interface number to an ACL label that identifies the access list associated with the interface. Each entry provides a 9-bit ACL label, an L4OP select control bit, and four lookup result control fields. One lookup result control field is provided for each lookup type. The lookup result control field consists of a “VALID” bit and three result bits, RSLT. If the VALID bit is not set for the lookup type, it implies the lookup type is not needed for the interface. A lookup will still be performed if it is enabled. The lookup results will be provided by the RSLT stored in the same entry instead of from external SRAM.

The L4OP_SEL and the PRTOP_SEL field of the Lookup Control Register decides whether the lookup label contains an L4 source port number or additional L4OP fields. The output from the Index2Label Mapping Table is used as part of the flow label. It is also used as an index to the Capability Mapping Table



Logical Operation Units (LOUs) Detailed

The IOS extended access-list command allows the user to specify logic operations on the Layer 4 source port number and destination port number. The logic operations currently supported by IOS are eq (equal), ne (not equal), gt (greater than), lt (less than), and range (inclusive). Among these logic operations, only the “eq” operator is guaranteed to have a one-to-one mapping between an ACL statement and a CAM entry. Without additional hardware support, each ACL statement with the gt, lt, ne, or range operator may require multiple CAM entries to achieve an equivalent result. The number of CAM entries can increase dramatically if there are large number of ACL statements using these operators. The majority of the (operator, value) pairs used in a typical ACL are (gt,


). To allow more flexibility in mapping the ACL statements to the CAM entries, a set of Logical Operation Units (LOU)


are supported in Perseus. Each LOU


has the following features:

Two value registers for comparison.

Software selects one from the gt, lt, range, and ne operators for each value register.

Each LOU provides one output for the range operator or two outputs for other operators.

A block diagram of an LOU


is shown in FIG.



Each register




in LOU


has a 2-bit opcode field


and a 16-bit value field


. The opcode specifies which one of the four operators (e.g., gt, lt, ne, or range) is performed between the Layer 4 port numbers and the value field. In case of range operation, the value in the A Register


specifies the high limit and the value in the B Register


specifies the low limit.

Both the input interface lookup and output interface lookup need to use the LOUs. Depending on processing requirements, the Logical Unit


can be time-multiplexed to produce the results in multiple cycles. Perseus multiplexes the results, taking four cycles. Since the Logical Unit


is time multiplexed, the actual hardware is smaller. Alternately, time multiplexing may be omitted, or more or less than four cycles may be needed. The present invention is not limited to any particular form of LOU processing.

The LU Control


sequences through the cycles for each mapping request. Once started it controls the sources of operators and updates the result outputs.

Table 4 shows the sources of operators and the operation performed at each cycle.


Operands and Operations Select





Port Select




Value A


OP_A != 11: (Destination port number) OP_A (Value A)


OP_A == 11: (Destination port number) lt (Value A)


Value B


OP_B != 11: (Destination port number) OP_B (Value B)


OP_B == 11: (Cycle 1 Result) AND ((Destination port

number) gt (Value B))


Value A


OP_A != 11: (Source port number) OP_A (Value A)


OP_A == 11: (Source port number) lt (Value A)


Value B


OP_B != 11: (Source port number) OP_B (Value B)


OP_B == 11: (Cycle 3 Result) AND ((Source port number)

gt (Value B))

AND-OR and OR-AND Units

The AND-OR units



FIG. 13A

) provide a mechanism for looking for one of the multiple bit positions set to “1” in an 8-bit input vector. Perseus supports an array of eight AND-OR units


. An AND_Mask register


is provided to each unit to specify the bit positions of interest. The 8-bit input data comes from the byte that contains the TCP flag in the TCP header. The outputs


from the AND-OR array are fed to the Result Multiplexer (Results Mux)



FIG. 10

) for key extraction.

The OR-AND units



FIG. 13B

) can be used to detect multiple bit positions set to “1” simultaneously in an 8-bit input vector. Perseus supports an array of eight OR-AND units


. An OR_Mask register


is provided to each unit to specify the bit positions of interest. The 8-bit input data comes from the byte that contains the TCP flag in the TCP header. The outputs from the OR-AND array


are fed to the Result Mux


for key extraction.

LOU Output Mapping (CAPMAP) and Results Mux

Each ACL label has an associated entry in the Capability Mapping Table


, shown in FIG.


. The entry in the table selects among the logical operations performed on the incoming port numbers. There are 32 LOUs


in Perseus. Each LOU


provides four logical operation results.

An ACL label can select between eight and 26 logical operations, referred to collectively as “L4OPs,” from the 144 bits generated from the LOUs, AND-OR, and OR-AND units (128 from the LOUs


and 16 from the AND-OR


and OR-AND


units). Ten of the 26 L4OPs can be randomly selected from the 144 outputs.


Label Queue block


(LABELQ) (referring to

FIG. 3

) serves two main purposes. One is to serve as an elastic buffer for lookup flow labels of the input interfaces, i.e. during an inbound lookup. The other is to store the packet flow information while waiting for the output interface (outbound) lookup request. The Layer 3 FE


returns only the outbound interface number. The remaining flow label information for an output interface comes from LABELQ


. An entry in LABELQ


can be retired after all enabled lookup types are serviced. Output from the LABELQ is used by the LPL block


for CAM lookups.

Label Queue block


, shown in

FIG. 14

, serves as a centralized buffer area for various queues. It manages four queues:

input lookup queue

output lookup queue

Layer 4 information (port number) queue

output index queue

In addition to queue management, Label Queue


also arbitrates (via arbiter


) up to four lookup requests per frame to the Lookup Pipeline Logic


. For each output lookup (type 3 or type 2 output mode), the Label Queue performs a sequence number consistency check and signals an error if inconsistency is found.

Input/Output Lookup Queues and Port Number Queue

For each frame received, the Label Queue issues up to four types of lookup requests to the lookup pipeline logic (LPL). Each type of lookup is enabled or disabled by a bit in the Lookup Control Register. The type 0 and type 1 lookups, if enabled, are input lookups and are always issued together and therefore require only a single queue. The type 2 lookup has a mode select in addition to an enable. If enabled and the mode bit is not set (input mode), it follows the other input lookups immediately, and can share the same input lookup queue. In this case three consecutive lookups with the same flow label but different type fields will be issued. The type 3 lookup and the type 2 lookup with the mode bit set (output mode), if enabled, are output lookups and share the same logical queue also, and the lookups are issued one after the other, similar to the type 0 and type 1 lookups.

In addition to the lookup queues, a port number queue is needed to support the layer 4 information read requested by the L4MAP. As output interface numbers are received from the L3FEIF, the L4MAP needs to find out the corresponding L4 port numbers and TCP flags for the frame in order to assemble a lookup key. It initiates a layer 4 information lookup request to the Label Queue to read those port numbers from the stored flow label.

The Label Queue block uses a single physical queue


to implement these three queues as logical queues in queue control logic


by taking advantage of the fact that all frames are processed in the same order. One set of head and tail pointers is used for each queue so that logically there are three overlapping queues. Since flow labels have to be put into all three queues, the tail pointer is shared by all three so that a total of only four pointers are needed:

Tail Pointer (TP)—new flow labels are added to the location pointed to by this pointer.

Input Lookup Head Pointer (ILHP)—type 0/1/2 (input) lookups are dequeued using this pointer.

Output Lookup Head Pointer (OLHP)—type 3/2 (output) lookups are dequeued using this pointer.

Layer 4 Information Head Pointer (PNHP)—Layer 4 information lookups are dequeued using this pointer.

New flow labels from the DBUSIF (for inbound packets) and the L4MAP (for outbound packets) are added to the queues using the Tail Pointer. The flow label is written into the location pointed to by the Tail Pointer, and the Tail Pointer is incremented.

When the Tail Pointer and the Input Lookup Head Pointer together indicate that the input lookup queue is not empty, the logic generates a type 0 and/or type 1 lookup request to arbiter


. When the request is granted, the logic reads the flow label from the queue


, sends it to the Lookup Pipeline Logic and deletes the flow label from the input lookup queue by incrementing the Input Lookup Head Pointer.

To guarantee that the input lookup for a frame always occur before the output lookup, the Input Lookup Head Pointer is used as the tail pointer for the output lookup queue. When both the output lookup queue and the output index queue are not empty, an output lookup request is generated to the Arbiter. When the request is granted, the logic reads the flow label from the queue, merges it with the data from the Output Index Queue (see below), sends the merged result to the Lookup Pipeline Logic and deletes the flow label from the output lookup queue by incrementing the Output Lookup Head Pointer.

When the logic receives a Layer 4 information read request from the Arbiter, it reads the flow label pointed to by the Layer 4 Information Head Pointer and passes the port numbers


and TCP flags to L4MAP


for the port number operations mapping. It increments the Layer 4 Information Head Pointer to remove it from the queue.

The physical queue is implemented as a 32×214 single port RAM


. In addition to the information needed to construct a flow label, it stores the 5-bit sequence number and the low order 3 bits of the internal lookup tag.

Output Index Oueue

The Output Index Queue


stores the ACL Label, L4OPs, sequence number, and the lookup tags for the type 2 and type 3 lookups. In normal operation the lookup bandwidth is sufficient and no buffering is needed. This queue is provided so that when the CPU (not shown) flushes the lookup pipeline for accesses to the SRAM the output index can be queued.

The queue is implemented as an 8×52 register file. The 52 bits consist of 9 bits of ACL label, 26 bits of L4 operations, 1 bit of source port/L4 operation select, 5 bits of sequence number, the low order 3 bits of lookup tag (which is common for type 2 and type 3 lookups), the upper 4 bits of type 2 lookup tag, and the upper 4 bits of type 3 lookup tag.

When the index queue logic


receives data from L4MAP


or when the queue is not empty, it sends an index ready signal to the Arbiter, indicating the output interface is defined. If the output lookup queue is also not empty a request is generated to the Arbiter. When the request is granted, the logic


reads the data from the queue, merges it with the data from the output lookup queue, sends the merged result to the Lookup Pipeline Logic


and deletes the entry from the queue. When merging the data, the ACL Label and port operations (L4OPs) from the output lookup queue are selectively replaced by the corresponding fields from the output index queue, depending on the select bits in the Lookup Control Register and the L4 operations/source port select bit stored in the Label Queue


. The sequence numbers are compared for detecting sequence number error in sequence number logic


. The 4-bit tag field from the output lookup queue is replaced by the tag from the output index queue, except when the tag is error, fragment or unsupported packet type, in which case the tag from the output lookup queue will not be replaced.




arbitrates access to the RAM and issues the lookups to Lookup Pipeline


. There are five operations that require accesses to the RAM:

new labels need to be written to the queue (write)

input lookup: type 0, type 1, or type 2 input mode (read)

output lookup: type 3 or type 2 output mode (read)

Layer 4 information lookup (read)

CPU access (read/write)

Layer 4 information lookup. (discussed above) is given the highest priority to reduce lookup latency. Request are granted immediately so that the output index and the port numbers can enter the L4MAP pipeline with no delay. The output lookup is given the second priority and the new label write request is given the third priority. Since the output lookup can be queued, it is possible to have back to back output lookup requests. The Arbiter will disallow back to back output lookup requests if there is a new label write request pending. Since the Layer 4 information lookup request can arrive every eight clock cycles at the earliest and back to back output lookup is disallowed if there is a write request pending, the new label write request will have to wait at most three clock cycles to be serviced. Since a frame can cross the DBus every eight Perseus internal clock cycles at best, no FIFO is needed from the parser output with the label write at third priority. The input lookup is given the next priority while the CPU access is given the lowest priority.

A maximum of four accesses to the RAM can be required for every frame: new label write, input lookup, Layer 4 information lookup and output lookup. With the DBUSIF and the L3FEIF running at a maximum rate of eight Perseus internal clocks per frame, an one-port RAM has enough bandwidth to support the highest frame rate with extra cycles for CPU accesses.

For sending lookups to the Lookup Pipeline, no arbitration is needed since the priority is implicitly given to the type 3 lookup and/or the type 2 output mode lookup requests (generated in pairs if both enabled) based on the RAM arbitration. The type 0 lookup and the type 1 lookup (if enabled) requests are always generated in pairs also. If the type 2 lookup is enabled and input mode is selected then the type 0 lookup and the type 1 and 2 lookups are always generated as a threesome. Lookups will normally be granted by the Lookup Pipeline Logic on every other clock cycle, except when the CPU tries to access the CAM or the external SRAM. The arbiter stops generating lookup requests if the L3FEIF generates a “stop lookup” signal. The size of the queues are chosen such that when lookup is stopped the queues will not overflow.

Lookup Pipeline Logic (LPL)

The LPL block


controls the CAM lookup pipeline. Once a flow label is ready, the LPL starts a pipelined access to the external CAM and SRAM. It also controls CPU access to external CAM and SRAM.

The Lookup Pipeline Logic (LPL), shown in

FIG. 15

, arbitrates lookup requests from the Label Queue and CPU access requests to the CAM and external SRAM, optimizing the pipeline to maintain maximum lookup bandwidth. It also provides pipeline registers for information such as sequence numbers from the Label Queue so that when lookup results return to the L3FEIF the appropriate reference is supplied along with the results. In addition, it provides the necessary logic to translate CPU access requests to the CAM and external SRAM into CAM commands and also provides a latch for the class bits.

Request Arbiter

The LPL maintains the current status of each stage of the CAM and SRAM pipeline in request arbiter


so that lookup requests or CPU access requests can be inserted into the pipeline with maximum efficiency.

There are three main types of requests:

output lookup requests: type 2 (in output mode) and type 3 lookup requests

input lookup requests: type 0, type 1, and type 2 (in input mode) lookup requests

CPU requests: read or write CAM, read or write SRAM

The CAM pipeline runs at half the frequency of Perseus internal clock, so the fastest lookup grant that the LPL can give to the Label Queue is every other clock cycle. Output lookup requests have the highest priority. This reduces the size requirement of the Output Index Queue.

All four types of CPU requests are handled differently. A write CAM request does not require breaking the pipeline. Request arbiter


grants four cycles to the request, two for the address and the other two for the data. Lookup requests can be scheduled immediately before and after the four cycles. A read CAM request can also be granted immediately after a lookup request, but no requests will be granted afterwards until an acknowledge is received from the CAM. An SRAM read or write request requires flushing the pipeline. Upon receiving an SRAM request, request arbiter


checks for the complete pipeline to be empty. It will not grant lookup requests even if one arrives before the pipeline is emptied and the SRAM request started. When the pipeline is finally flushed, it issues the SRAM access request to the CAM. If it is a write request, other requests will be allowed afterwards, but if it is a read request, no requests will be issued until the arbiter receives an acknowledge from the CAM.

Pipeline Control Logic

The LPL keeps track of the pipeline through the CAM and SRAM. It keeps a Valid Lookup Pipeline Shift Register


, with each bit representing whether there is a current lookup at that particular stage of the pipeline. The arbiter polls this register to determine whether an SRAM access request can be issued. The output of this pipeline register is also fed to the L3FEIF to indicate the result from the SRAM is valid. In addition to this valid bit, the 5-bit sequence number, the 4-bit tag and the 2-bit type flag from the Label Queue also are pipelined (via sequence number pipeline


) and fed to the L3FEIF. The length of the pipeline is programmable through the Lookup Control Register. Software must program the register and the CAM Configuration Register in the CAM chip appropriately so that the pipeline stages of the two chips match.

CAM Interface

Lookup Pipeline Logic


interfaces Perseus to CAM


via CAM interface logic


. This interface includes, in one embodiment of the present invention, a 134 bit data bus.




stores the flow information for each ACL that can be accelerated by Perseus. After a flow label is presented to the CAM, it:tries to match the contents in the storage to the flow label. If there is a match, an index pointer to the matched entry is provided. If there are multiple matches, the index pointer of the first matched entry is provided.




takes the raw information (e.g. the SRAM data indexed by a match) from the ACL lookup results and presents it to the Layer 3 Forwarding Engine


. It delivers the lookup results through a dedicated handshake between Perseus and the L3 FE.

FIG. 16

is a block diagram of the L3 Forwarding Engine Interface.

The L3 FE also makes an output lookup request through this interface. If type 2 lookup is programmed as an output interface lookup, each L3 FE lookup request can trigger two CAM lookups if both type 2 and type 3 lookups are enabled.

This interface is defined to receive output port interface number for the output interface lookup from, and return ACL lookup results to, L3 Forwarding Engine


. After a packet is received from the DBus, Perseus starts an input interface lookup(s) for the packet while the L3 Forwarding Engine is deciding how to forward the packet. Either of them can finish its operation earlier than the other. When the input interface lookup is completed, Perseus will try to send the results to the L3 Forwarding Engine immediately, via ACL-L3 interface


. The output interface lookup of the same packet may not be started or may be started but not finished. After the input interface and output interface lookups are done, the L3 Forwarding Engine is responsible for combining and interpreting the lookup results.

The SRAM returns 16 bits of raw lookup result to Perseus. The low order 3 bits are processed by Perseus through an internal mapping register


. It can also be overwritten based on the status of a packet. A 7-bit code is used to tag a lookup. The tag is propagated through the lookup pipeline. When a lookup result is returned, the associated tag is used to decide whether the result will be overwritten by a predefined value stored in the register. The encoding of tag bits is described in a later section.

Lookup Tag

A 7-bit lookup tag, Tag[6:0], is assigned to a CAM lookup when it is started. The lookup tag consists of two fields and it travels through the lookup pipeline. The first field, Tag[6:3], is provided by the LABELQ when a lookup is started. It could have a different value for each lookup type. Bit


of the tag, the VALID bit, indicates whether a lookup is required for the particular lookup type or not. If the VALID bit is set to 0 and the packet has no error, no lookup is required and Tag[5:3], the RSLT bits, provide the lookup result to the L3 Forwarding Engine. It the VALID bit is set to 1, a lookup is required and is processed accordingly.

The second field, Tag[2:0], is used to identify the lookup status, specify the format of the flow label during input lookup, control the update of the flow label during output interface lookup, and control the result overwrite. The encodings of these bits are described in Table 5. For an input interface they are generated based on the status of a DBus packet. For an output interface lookup they are normally provided by the L3 interface except when its corresponding input interface lookup tag has one the following value.






If any of the above conditions is true, bits [2:0] of the output interface lookup tag is replaced with its corresponding field of the input interface lookup tag stored in the LABELQ.


Lookup Tag [2:0] Encoding

Tag [2:0]

Packet Status


DBus checksum error


IP header checksum error


Unsupported packet type


Fragment packet


Valid lookup


Short DBus packet



The error described here is related to a non-fatal error. A non-fatal error can be caused by a DBus checksum error, an IP checksum error, or a short DBus packet error. When a non-fatal error happens, the flow label may not have correct information in it. The result from SRAM does not have any meaning even if the lookup resulted in a hit. When the lookup result is returned, it is overwritten by the ERR field of the Lookup Result Mapping Register. If an input lookup is tagged with an error, the associated output lookup will also be tagged with an error.

Since a fragment packet does not have L4 port number information, the L4 source and destination port numbers and L4OP fields of the flow label are forced to a pre-defined value, 0×0 in one embodiment. During an output interface lookup the L4OP field is replaced with the result from the L4MAP block if the lookup is not tagged with a special code. If the input interface lookup is tagged with a code indicating a fragment packet, the L4OP field will be forced to 0 just like the input interface lookup.

For an unsupported packet the flow label is constructed using different fields from the IPv4 or IPX packet. The field that carries the L4OP for an IPv4 packet now has other information. When constructing a flow label for an output interface lookup, this field should retain its previous value instead of being replaced by the L4OP for the output interface. The lookup tag is assigned with a code for this purpose.

Alternate Embodiments

Dynamic L4OP Computation

One alternate embodiment is to compute L4OPs “on-the-fly,” i.e., dynamically, dependent on the particular ACL label associated with the packet. Rather than computing the same predefined, comparatively large set of L4OPs for every packet regardless of the particular access control list associated with each packet, this alternate embodiment uses the ACL label to compute L4OPs directly.

As above, the interface number is mapped to an ACL label (step


of FIG.


). However, in step


, rather than selecting already existing (pre-computed or pre-defined) L4OPs from the result vector produced by the LOU in step


, a comparatively smaller and simpler LOU is driven directly by the ACL label, in addition to the L4 port numbers. This small LOU uses the ACL label as a control signal (in the form of a pointer) to execute certain known functions, and only those functions, on the L4 port numbers. The execution of the designated functions is carried out in real time.

The above ACL label pointer is, in one embodiment, a function call to microcode in the LOU. The microcode contains computer instructions (e.g., software or firmware) for carrying out the logical operations appropriate to a given ACL label.

TCAM Instead of CAM

In a further alternate embodiment, CAM


may be implemented in a ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) well known in the art. Such devices, exemplified by the NL82711 module manufactured by Netlogic Microsystems, Inc. of Mountain View, Calif., provide for selectable masking of individual bits in each entry. The mask register is used to control which bits in each entry are used in a lookup, and which bits are treated as “don't care” for purposes of the lookup.

As applied to the present invention, a TCAM allows simple lookups to be implemented efficiently. An example using a conventional CAM according to the present invention will illustrate the potential inefficiency of using a conventional CAM. To permit packets from a particular source address, the CAM must contain an entry containing that source address. However, since the L4OP field in the lookup key can take on a number of values depending on the ACL label associated with the packet, a conventional CAM needs to have as many CAM entries containing the desired source address as there are possible L4OP values. This is so that for any value of L4OP, there exists a match to the particular source address.

One method to make such simple lookups (i.e., lookups that do not depend on L4OP values) more efficient is to use the TCAM's masking capabilities to set the L4OP field in some or all of the entries to “don't care.” The lookup key is then compared to only those bits or fields in the TCAM entry not masked as “don't care.” A given field can thus serve double (or even greater) duty by being used for full width comparisons without masking and for comparisons to subsets of fields with masking.


While particular embodiments of the present invention have been shown and described, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that changes and modifications may be made without departing from this invention in its broader aspects and, therefore, the appended claims are to encompass within their scope all such changes and modifications as fall within the true spirit and scope of this invention.

  • 1. An apparatus for expediting processing in a data communications device comprising:an input interface circuit that reads a data packet comprising one or more readable fields; a logic circuit connected to said input interface circuit that performs at least one logical function of at least one of said readable fields to create a result vector; and a lookup interface circuit connected to said input interface circuit and said logic circuit that extracts from said result vector an auxiliary field and combines said auxiliary field with said readable fields into a lookup key; wherein said lookup key is used to perform a content addressable memory lookup.
  • 2. The apparatus according to claim 1 wherein said logical function comprises an input, a plurality of first values, a plurality of second values, a plurality of operators, and a result vector, wherein:each of said first values has a corresponding operator and an optional corresponding second value stored as a set in said logic circuit; said input is provided by said logic circuit and comprises at least one of said readable fields; and said operator in said set is selected from the group consisting of greater than, less than, not equal to, and range; said operator “greater than” having a positive result when said input is greater than said first value; said operator “less than” having a positive result when said input is less than said first value; said operator “not equal to” having a positive result when said input is not equal to said first value; and said operator “range” having a positive result when said input is between said first value and said second value; wherein a comparison is made substantially simultaneously of said input to said first value and optionally to said second value in each said set according to said corresponding operator; and wherein the results of each said comparison together form a result vector.
  • 3. The apparatus according to claim 1 wherein:said logic circuit creates said result vector based at least in part on pre-defined logical functions.
  • 4. The apparatus according to claim 1 wherein said content addressable memory lookup is performed using a ternary content addressable memory.
  • 5. The apparatus according to claim 1 wherein said readable fields comprise a source port number and a destination port number.
  • 6. The apparatus according to claim 1 wherein said data communications device further comprises:a mapping circuit connected to said input interface circuit that reads an interface designation from said packet and maps said interface designation to a label; wherein said lookup interface circuit extracts said auxiliary field using said label.
  • 7. The apparatus according to claim 6 wherein:said mapping circuit comprises a control signal output derived from said interface designation and connected to said logic circuit; and said logic circuit creates said result vector based at least in part on said control signal.
  • 8. The apparatus according to claim 6 wherein said processing of inbound packets differs from said processing of outbound packets.
  • 9. The apparatus according to claim 8 further comprising:an input interface circuit that reads one or more readable fields and an interface designator from an inbound data packet.
  • 10. The apparatus according to claim 8 further comprising:a lookup interface circuit that receives an interface designator from a requesting unit; and retrieves one or more readable fields from a memory.
  • 11. A method of expediting processing comprising the steps of:reading one or more readable fields from a data packet; performing at least one logical function of at least one of said readable fields to create a result vector; extracting from said result vector an auxiliary field; combining said auxiliary field with said readable fields to create a lookup key; and accessing a content-addressable memory with said lookup key.
  • 12. The method of claim 11 wherein said logical function comprises an input, a plurality of first values, a plurality of second values, a plurality of operators, and a result vector, wherein:each of said first values has a corresponding operator and an optional corresponding second value stored as a set in a logic circuit; said input is provided by said logic circuit and comprises at least one of said readable fields; and said operator in said set is selected from the group consisting of greater than, less than, not equal to, and range; said operator “greater than” having a positive result when said input is greater than said first value; said operator “less than” having a positive result when said input is less than said first value; said operator “not equal to” having a positive result when said input is not equal to said first value; and said operator “range” having a positive result when said input is between said first value and said second value; wherein a comparison is made substantially simultaneously of said input to said first value and optionally to said second value in each said set according to said corresponding operator; and wherein the results of each said comparison together form a result vector.
  • 13. The method of claim 11 wherein:said logic circuit creates said result vector based at least in part on pre-defined logical functions.
  • 14. The method of claim 11 wherein said content addressable memory is a ternary content addressable memory.
  • 15. The method of claim 11 wherein said readable fields comprise a source port number and a destination port number.
  • 16. The method of claim 11 further comprising:reading an interface designation from said packet; mapping said interface designation to a label; and extracting said auxiliary field using said label.
  • 17. The method of claim 16 wherein said mapping comprises deriving a control signal output from said interface designation and wherein said result vector is based at least in part on said control signal.
  • 18. The method of claim 16 wherein said processing of inbound packets differs from said processing of outbound packets.
  • 19. The method of claim 18 further comprising the steps of:if processing an inbound packet, reading one or more readable fields and an interface designator from said inbound data packet; but if processing an outbound packet, receiving an interface designator from a requesting unit; and retrieving one or more readable fields from a memory.
  • 20. A computer system for expediting processing comprising computer instructions for:reading one or more readable fields from a data packet; performing at least one logical function of at least one of said readable fields to create a result vector; extracting from said result vector an auxiliary field; combining said auxiliary field with said readable fields to create a lookup key; and accessing a content-addressable memory with said lookup key.
  • 21. The computer system of claim 20 wherein said logical function comprises an input, a plurality of first values, a plurality of second values, a plurality of operators, and a result vector, wherein:each of said first values has a corresponding operator and an optional corresponding second value stored as a set in a logic circuit; said input is provided by said logic circuit and comprises at least one of said readable fields; and said operator in said set is selected from the group consisting of greater than, less than, not equal to, and range; said operator “greater than” having a positive result when said input is greater than said first value; said operator “less than” having a positive result when said input is less than said first value; said operator “not equal to” having a positive result when said input is not equal to said first value; and said operator “range” having a positive result when said input is between said first value and said second value; wherein a comparison is made substantially simultaneously of said input to said first value and optionally to said second value in each said set according to said corresponding operator; and wherein the results of each said comparison together form a result vector.
  • 22. The computer system of claim 20 wherein:said logic circuit creates said result vector based at least in part on pre-defined logical functions.
  • 23. The computer system of claim 20 wherein said content addressable memory is a ternary content addressable memory.
  • 24. The computer system of claim 20 wherein said readable fields comprise a source port number and a destination port number.
  • 25. The method of claim 20 further comprising:reading an interface designation from said packet; mapping said interface designation to a label; and extracting said auxiliary field using said label.
  • 26. The method of claim 25 wherein said mapping comprises deriving a control signal output from said interface designation and wherein said result vector is based at least in part on said control signal.
  • 27. The computer system of claim 25 wherein said processing of inbound packets differs from said processing of outbound packets.
  • 28. The computer system of claim 27 further comprising the steps of:if processing an inbound packet, reading one or more readable fields and an interface designator from said inbound data packet; but if processing an outbound packet, receiving an interface designator from a requesting unit; and retrieving one or more readable fields from a memory.
  • 29. A computer-readable storage medium comprising computer instructions for:reading one or more readable fields from a data packet; performing at least one logical function of at least one of said readable fields to create a result vector; extracting from said result vector an auxiliary field; combining said auxiliary field with said readable fields to create a lookup key; and accessing a content-addressable memory with said lookup key.
  • 30. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 29 wherein said logical function comprises an input, a plurality of first values, a plurality of second values, a plurality of operators, and a result vector, wherein:each of said first values has a corresponding operator and an optional corresponding second value stored as a set in a logic circuit; said input is provided by said logic circuit and comprises at least one of said readable fields; and said operator in said set is selected from the group consisting of greater than, less than, not equal to, and range; said operator “greater than” having a positive result when said input is greater than said first value; said operator “less than” having a positive result when said input is less than said first value; said operator “not equal to” having a positive result when said input is not equal to said first value; and said operator “range” having a positive result when said input is between said first value and said second value; wherein a comparison is made substantially simultaneously of said input to said first value and optionally to said second value in each said set according to said corresponding operator; and wherein the results of each said comparison together form a result vector.
  • 31. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 29 wherein:said logic circuit creates said result vector based at least in part on pre-defined logical functions.
  • 32. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 29 wherein said content addressable memory is a ternary content addressable memory.
  • 33. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 29 wherein said readable fields comprise a source port number and a destination port number.
  • 34. The method of claim 29 further comprising:reading an interface designation from said packet; mapping said interface designation to a label; and extracting said auxiliary field using said label.
  • 35. The method of claim 34 wherein said mapping comprises deriving a control signal output from said interface designation and wherein said result vector is based at least in part on said control signal.
  • 36. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 34 wherein said processing of inbound packets differs from said processing of outbound packets.
  • 37. The computer-readable storage medium of claim 36 further comprising the steps of:if processing an inbound packet, reading one or more readable fields and an interface designator from said inbound data packet; but if processing an outbound packet, receiving an interface designator from a requesting unit; and retrieving one or more readable fields from a memory.

This is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 09/108,071, filed Jun. 30, 1998, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,377,577.

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Child 09/335800 US