Recently, it has become apparent that the foundations of the global Internet infrastructure are undergoing a set of deep technological changes. Technologies such as Software Defined Infrastructures (SDI), Software Defined Exchanges (SDX), and the integration of cellular technologies with traditional cloud-based systems and the SDX/SDI/Slicing paradigm promise to provide more cost effective solutions for existing services and to enable new applications. Key NSF projects to date have made it abundantly clear that experimental research in these areas can bring very high payoffs for US society and the US economy. A key part of the process for enabling such experimental research is developing a community-driven description of the needed infrastructure with a mapping to the potential application areas.<br/><br/>This project will organize three focused community workshops on mid-scale research infrastructure needs and opportunities, engaging both the academic and industrial research communities. Workshop attendees will be selected via the combination of open calls and targeted invitations based on required expertise. The three workshops will have as their themes:<br/> a. SDX Research and prototypes.<br/> b. City-Wireless Research to investigate the potential of next-generation wireless/cloud systems, with an eye towards research experimentation in city-scale deployments.<br/> c. Novel Apps and Services using the SDX and next-generation cellular technologies in contexts such as smart cities.<br/><br/>Reports from the three workshops as well as the final summary will be publically available.