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A Comparison of Lost Pattern Casting Processes; Materials & Design, vol. 11, (6), Dec. 1990, pp. 283-290, Piwonka. |
A Study of Weight Loss Rates of EPC Patterns During Storage; AFS Transactions, 91-73, pp. 411-414, Reddy et al. (1991). |
The Indentation of Foam Pattern Surfaces by Coordinating Measuring Machine Probes; AFS Transactions, 91-74, pp. 287-290, Nenawati et al. (1991). |
Designing for Lost Foam; Foundry Management & Tech.; Apr. 1995, pp. 30-34, Stroom. |
Process Control for Precision Lost Foam Casting—Part 1; Foundry Management & Tech.; Dec. 1996, pp. 37-40, Littleton et al. |
The Micorscopical Examination of Molded and Extruded Polystyrene Foams; Resinography of Cellular Plastics, pp. 53-68, Ingram et al. (1967). |
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The Full-mould Process—a Review; Foundry Trade Journal, Jul. 6, 1978, pp. 149-160, Clegg. |
Expandable Polystyrene and Its Processing into Patterns For the Evaporative Casting Process; AFS Transactions, 79-03, pp. 545-550, Immel. (1979). |
Expandable Polystyrene Pattern Material for the Lost Foam Process; AFS Transactions, 88-33, pp. 793-798, Niemann, (1988). |
Evaporative Pattern Casting: Factors Affecting Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) Pattern Shrinkage; AFS Transactions, 90-116, pp. 367-370, Niemann et al. (1990). |