Low complexity maximum likelihood detection of concatenate space codes for wireless applications

Good transmission characteristics are achieved in the presence of fading with a transmitter that employs a trellis coder followed by a block coder. Correspondingly, the receiver comprises a Viterbi decoder followed by a block decoder. Advantageously, the block coder and decoder employ time-space diversity coding which, illustratively, employs two transmitter antennas and one receiver antenna.


This invention relates to wireless communication and, more particularly, to techniques for effective wireless communication in the presence of fading and other degradations.

The most effective technique for mitigating multipath fading in a wireless radio channel is to cancel the effect of fading at the transmitter by controlling the transmitter's power. That is, if the channel conditions are known at the transmitter (on one side of the link), then the transmitter can pre-distort the signal to overcome the effect of the channel at the receiver (on the other side). However, there are two fundamental problems with this approach. The first problem is the transmitter's dynamic range. For the transmitter to overcome an x dB fade, it must increase its power by x dB which, in most cases, is not practical because of radiation power limitations, and the size and cost of amplifiers. The second problem is that the transmitter does not have any knowledge of the channel as seen by the receiver (except for time division duplex systems, where the transmitter receives power from a known other transmitter over the same channel). Therefore, if one wants to control a transmitter based on channel characteristics, channel information has to be sent from the receiver to the transmitter, which results in throughput degradation and added complexity to both the transmitter and the receiver.

Other effective techniques are time and frequency diversity. Using time interleaving together with coding can provide diversity improvement. The same holds for frequency hopping and spread spectrum. However, time interleaving results in unnecessarily large delays when the channel is slowly varying. Equivalently, frequency diversity techniques are ineffective when the coherence bandwidth of the channel is large (small delay spread).

It is well known that in most scattering environments antenna diversity is the most practical and effective technique for reducing the effect of multipath fading. The classical approach to antenna diversity is to use multiple antennas at the receiver and perform combining (or selection) to improve the quality of the received signal.

The major problem with using the receiver diversity approach in current wireless communication systems, such as IS-136 and GSM, is the cost, size and power consumption constraints of the receivers. For obvious reasons, small size, weight and cost are paramount. The addition of multiple antennas and RF chains (or selection and switching circuits) in receivers is presently not be feasible. As a result, diversity techniques have often been applied only to improve the up-link (receiver to base) transmission quality with multiple antennas (and receivers) at the base station. Since a base station often serves thousands of receivers, it is more economical to add equipment to base stations rather than the receivers.

Recently, some interesting approaches for transmitter diversity have been suggested. A delay diversity scheme was proposed by A. Wittneben in “Base Station Modulation Diversity for Digital SIMULCAST,” Proceeding of the 1991 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 41st), PP. 848-853, May 1991, and in “A New Bandwidth Efficient Transmit Antenna Modulation Diversity Scheme For Linear Digital Modulation,” in Proceeding of the 1993 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IICC '93), PP. 1630-1634, May 1993. The proposal is for a base station to transmit a sequence of symbols through one antenna, and the same sequence of symbols—but delayed—through another antenna.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,479,448, issued to Nambirajan Seshadri on Dec. 26, 1995, discloses a similar arrangement where a sequence of codes is transmitted through two antennas. The sequence of codes is routed through a cycling switch that directs each code to the various antennas, in succession. Since copies of the same symbol are transmitted through multiple antennas at different times, both space and time diversity are achieved. A maximum likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) or a minimum mean squared error (MMSE) equalizer is then used to resolve multipath distortion and provide diversity gain. See also N. Seshadri, J. H. Winters, “Two Signaling Schemes for Improving the Error Performance of FDD Transmission Systems Using Transmitter Antenna Diversity.”

Proceeding of the


IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, (VTC

43rd), pp. 508-511, May 1993: and J. H. Winters. “The Diversity Gain of Transmit Diversity in Wireless Systems with Rayleigh Fading.”

Proceeding of the


ICC/SUPERCOMM. New Orleans, Vol.

2, PP. 1121-1125. May 1994.

Still another interesting approach is disclosed by Tarokh. Seshadri. Calderbank and Naguib in U.S. application Ser. No. 08/847,635, filed Apr. 25, 1997 (based on a provisional application filed Nov. 7, 1996), where symbols are encoded according to the antennas through which they are simultaneously transmitted, and are decoded using a maximum likelihood decoder. More specifically, the process at the transmitter handles the information in blocks of M1 bits, where M1 is a multiple of M2, i.e. M1=k*M2. It converts each successive group of M2 bits into information symbols (generating thereby k information symbols), encodes each sequence of k information symbols into n channel codes (developing thereby a group of n channel codes for each sequence of k information symbols), and applies each code of a group of codes to a different antenna.

Yet another approach is disclosed by Alamouti and Tarokh in U.S. application Ser. No. 09/074,224, filed May 5, 1998, and titled “Transmitter Diversity Technique for Wireless Communications” where symbols are encoded using only negations and conjugations, and transmitted in a manner that employs channel diversity.

Still another approach is disclosed by the last-mentioned inventors in a U.S. application filed Jul. 14, 1998, based on provisional application No. 60/052,689 filed Jul. 17, 1997, titled “Combined Array Processing and Space-Time Coding” where symbols are divided into groups, where each group is transmitted over a separate group of antennas and is encoded with a group code C that is a member of a product code.


An advance in the art is realized with a transmitter that employs a trellis coder followed by a block coder. Correspondingly, the receiver comprises a Viterbi decoder followed by a block decoder. Advantageously, the block coder and decoder employ time-space diversity coding which, illustratively, employs two transmitter antennas and one receiver antenna.


FIG. 1

presents a block diagram of an embodiment in conformance with the principles of this invention.


FIG. 1

presents a block diagram of an arrangement comporting with the principles of this invention. It comprises a trellis code modulation (TCM) encoder


followed by a two-branch space block encoder


. The output is applied to antenna circuitry


, which feeds antenna


, and antenna



FIG. 1

shows only two antennas, but this is merely illustrative. Arrangements can be had with a larger number of antennas, and it should be understood that the principles disclosed herein apply with equal advantage to such arrangements.

TCM encoder


generates complex numbers that represent constellation symbols, and block encoder


encodes (adjacent) pairs of symbols in the manner described in the aforementioned Ser. No. 09/074,224 application. That is, symbols s


and s


, forming a pair, are sent to antenna


and antenna


, respectively, and in the following time period symbols −s


* and s


* are sent to antennas




, respectively. Thereafter, symbols s


and s


are sent to antenna




, respectively, etc. Thus, encoder


creates channel diversity that results from signals traversing from the transmitter to the receiver at different times and over different channels.

The signals transmitted by antennas




are received by a receiver after traversing the airlink and suffering a multiplicative distortion and additive noise. Hence, the received signals at the two consecutive time intervals during which the signals s


, s


, −s


*, and s


* are sent correspond to:
















,  (1)















* +n


,  (2)

where h


represents the channel from antenna


, h


represents the channel from antenna


, n


is the received noise at the first time interval, and n


is the received noise at the second time interval.

The receiver comprises a receive antenna


, a two-branch space block combiner


, and a Viterbi decoder


. The receiver also includes a channel estimator; but since that is perfectly conventional and does not form a part of the invention.

FIG. 1

does not explicitly show it. The following assumes that the receiver possesses {tilde over (h)}


and {tilde over (h)}


, which are estimates of h


and h


, respectively. Thus, the received signals at the first and second time intervals are combined in element


to form signals

{tilde over (s)}


={tilde over (h)}




+{tilde over (h)}




*  (3)


{tilde over (s)}


={tilde over (h)}




−{tilde over (h)}




*,  (4)

and those signals are applied to Viterbi decoder



The Viterbi decoder builds the following metric for the hypothesized branch symbol s


corresponding to the first transmitted symbol s












[{tilde over (s)}



{tilde over (h)}




+|{tilde over (h)}







].  (5)

Similarly, the Viterbi decoder builds the following metric for the hypothesized branch symbol s


corresponding to the first transmitted symbol s












[{tilde over (s)}



{tilde over (h)}




+|{tilde over (h)}







].  (6)

(Additional metrics are similarly constructed in arrangements that employ a larger number of antennas and a correspondingly larger constellation of signals transmitted at any one time.) If Trellis encoder


is a multiple TCM encoder, then the Viterbi decoder builds the following metric:


























).  (7)

or equivalently,


















,{tilde over (h)}




+{tilde over (h)}










,{tilde over (h)}




*−{tilde over (h)}




*)  (8)

The Viterbi decoder outputs estimates of the transmitted sequence of signals.

The above presented an illustrative embodiment. However, it should be understood that various modifications and alternations might be made by a skilled artisan without departing from the spirit and scope of this invention.

  • 1. In a data communication system employing space diversity via two or more transmitting antennas, a receiver comprising:a space block combiner configured for receiving data transmitted from the two or more transmitting antennas, and a Viterbi decoder responsive to output signals of the space block combiner.
  • 2. The receiver of claim 1 wherein the combiner combines a frame of received symbols, wherein the frame consists of n time slots and in each time slot concurrently provides m symbols to the combiner.
  • 3. The receiver of claim 2 wherein n=m.
  • 4. The receiver of claim 3 wherein n=m=2.
  • 5. The receiver of claim 2 wherein the combiner develops n signals that represent estimates of signals transmitted by a transmitter.
  • 6. The receiver of claim 1 wherein the Viterbi decoder generates a separate metric for soft decision of a transmitted symbol.
  • 7. The receiver of claims 1 wherein the Viterbi decoder is a multiple trellis code modulation decoder.
  • 8. The receiver of claim 7 wherein the Viterbi decoder develops the metric M[(s0,s1),(si,sj)]=d2(r0,{tilde over (h)}0si+{tilde over (h)}1sj) +d2(r1,{tilde over (h)}1si*−{tilde over (h)}0sj*), wherein si is a hypothesized signal at a first time interval, sj is a hypothesized signal at a second time interval, s0 is a transmitted signal at the first time interval, s1 is a transmitted signal at the second time interval, {tilde over (h)}0 is an estimate of channel characteristics between a transmitting antenna that transmits signal s0 and a receiving antenna of the receiver, and {tilde over (h)}1 is an estimate of channel characteristics between a transmitting antenna that transmits signal s1 and the receiving antenna of the receiver.
  • 9. The receiver of claim 1 wherein the Viterbi decoder develops the metric M(s0,s1)=d2[{tilde over (s)}0,(|{tilde over (h)}0|2+|{tilde over (h)}1|2)si] to recover the symbol sO, and the metric M(s1,si)=d2[{tilde over (s)}1,(|{tilde over (h)}0|2+|{tilde over (h)}1|2)si] to recover the symbol s1, where si is a hypothesized signal at a first time interval, sj is a hypothesized signal at a second time interval, s0 is a transmitted signal at the first time interval, s1 is a transmitted signal at the second time interval, {tilde over (h)}0 is an estimate of channel characteristics between a transmitting antenna that transmits signal s0 and a receiving antenna of said receiver, and {tilde over (h)}1 is an estimate of channel characteristics between a transmitting antenna that transmits signal s1 and the receiving antenna of the receiver.
  • 10. The receiver of claim 1 wherein the Viterbi decoder develops the metric M [(s0,s1),(si,sj)]=M (s0,si)+M (s1,sj), where M(s0,si)=d2[{tilde over (s)}0, (|{tilde over (h)}0|2+|{tilde over (h)}1|2)si], M(s1,si)=d2[{tilde over (s)}1, (|{tilde over (h)}0|2+|{tilde over (h)}1|2)si], is a hypothesized signal at a first time interval, sj is a hypothesized signal at a second time interval, s0 is a transmitted signal at the first time interval, s1 is a transmitted signal at the second time interval, {tilde over (h)}0 is an estimate of channel characteristics between a transmitting antenna that transmits signal s0 and a receiving antenna of said receiver, {tilde over (h)}1 is an estimate of channel characteristics between a transmitting antenna that transmits signal s1 and the receiving antenna of the receiver, {tilde over (s)}0 is one signal developed by the combiner, and {tilde over (s)}1 is another signal developed by the combiner.
  • 11. The receiver of claim 7 wherein the combiner creates signals {tilde over (s)}={tilde over (h)}0*r0+{tilde over (h)}1r1* and {tilde over (s)}={tilde over (h)}1*r0−{tilde over (h)}0r1*, where r0 is a received signal at one time interval, is a received signal at another time interval, {tilde over (h)}0 is an estimate of channel characteristics between a transmitting antenna that transmits signal s0 and a receiving antenna of said receiver, and it, {tilde over (h)}1 is an estimate of channel characteristics between a transmitting antenna that transmits signal s1 and the receiving antenna of the receiver.
  • 12. In a receiver, a method for linking trellis codes with block codes, the method comprising:receiving on a single receiver antenna, a first baseband signal and a second baseband signal, wherein the first and second baseband signals were transmitted using space-time coding; determining channel estimates for the received first and second baseband signals; using the determined channel estimates, generating a first combined signal based on the first received baseband signal and a second combined signal based on the second received signal, the first and second combined signals including a complex multiplicative distortion factor; and based on the first generated combined signal, building a first metric corresponding to a first hypothesized symbol, the first hypothesized symbol replicating the received first baseband signal prior to transmission; and based on the second generated combined signal, building a second metric corresponding to a second hypothesized symbol, the second hypothesized symbol replicating the received second baseband signal prior to transmission.
  • 13. The method of claim 12 wherein the first baseband signal and the second baseband signal include noise and interference, including multipath fading.
  • 14. The method of claim 12 wherein the first baseband signal is received at a first time and wherein the second baseband signal is received at a second time.
  • 15. The method of claim 12 wherein the first and second combined signals are generated using a multiple branch space block combiner.
  • 16. In a receiver, an apparatus for linking trellis codes with block codes, the apparatus comprising:means for receiving on a single receiver antenna, a first baseband signal and a second baseband signal, wherein the received first and second baseband signals were encoded at a transmitter having at least two transmit antennas coupled to an at least two branch trellis encoder; means, coupled to the means for receiving, for determining channel estimates for the received first and second baseband signals; means, coupled to the means for determining, for using the determined channel estimates and generating a first combined block signal based on the first received baseband signal and a second combined block signal based on the second received signal, wherein the first and second combined signals include a complex multiplicative distortion factor; and means for building a combined metric for a hypothesized branch symbol, the hypothesized symbol replicating both the received first and second symbols.
  • 17. The apparatus of claim 16 wherein the first baseband signal and the second baseband signal include noise and interference, including multipath fading.
  • 18. The apparatus of claim 16 wherein the first baseband signal is received at a first time and wherein the second baseband signal is received at a second time.
  • 19. The apparatus of claim 16 wherein the first baseband signal is received via a first frequency and wherein the second baseband signal is received via second frequency.

This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/167,422, filed on Oct. 5, 1998, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,501,803 issued Dec. 31, 2002, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/063,794, filed Oct. 31, 1997.

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Provisional Applications (1)
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Parent 09/167422 Oct 1998 US
Child 10/005095 US