Voltage regulators are typically used in electronic circuits when it is desired to have a particularly stable input voltage for a particular electronic element or component. In particular, voltage regulators are typically used when it is desired to prevent a voltage input from rising above a particular level. A low-drop out, or LDO, regulator is a DC linear voltage regulator that can operate with a very small input/output differential voltage. The advantages of a low-drop out voltage include a lower minimum operating voltage, higher efficiency operation and lower heat dissipation. A traditional LDO regulator includes a transistor, typically a field effect transistor (FET) and a differential amplifier with a resistor divider in the feedback path. One input of the differential amplifier therefore monitors the fraction of the output determined by the resistor divider ratio, whilst the second input to the differential amplifier is from a stable voltage reference, such as a bandgap reference. If the output voltage rises too high relative to the reference voltage, then the drive to the transistor changes to maintain a constant output voltage.
However, the traditional LDO regulator structure using a resister divider as mentioned above, suffers from a number of drawbacks, particularly when implemented in integrated circuits. To limit the current drawn by the regulator then a large value of resister is needed in the feedback path. This large value resister requires a large silicon area on the integrated circuit. The large resister also creates an extra, undesired, pole in the feedback path, reduces the feedback factor and is a major contributor of noise in the system.
According to embodiments of the present invention there is provided a low-drop out voltage regulator comprising a transistor having an input node, an output node, and a control node, a differential amplifier having an output connected to the control node of the transistor and having a first input node, and a capacitor connected between the output node of the transistor and the first input of the differential amplifier, wherein a voltage at the output of the transistor is dependant on a charge across the capacitor.
The low drop out voltage regulator may further comprise a switched capacitor divider network having an input connected to the output node of the transistor and an output connected to feedback capacitor.
The switched capacitor divider network may be periodically operational to apply charge to the feedback capacitor.
The switched capacitor divider network may include first and second capacitors connected in parallel and a plurality of controllable switches.
During a first phase of operation of the switched capacitor divider network the plurality of switches may be configured to couple the first capacitor between the output node of the transistor and ground, and to couple both terminals of the second capacitor to ground.
During a second phase of operation of the switched capacitor divider network the plurality of switches may be configured to couple the first capacitor in parallel with the second capacitor.
During a third phase of operation of the switched capacitor divider network the plurality of switches may be configured to couple the first and second capacitors to the feedback capacitor.
Embodiments of the present invention are described below, by way of non-limiting illustrative example only, with reference to the accompanying figures, of which:
An increase in the output voltage Vout relative to the reference voltage Vref causes the gate of the FET to be driven so as to maintain a constant output voltage. For low power integrated circuit applications it is desirable to minimise the total current drawn by the voltage regulator as far as possible. A typical current budget for the voltage regulator may be 100 na, with a maximum of 20 na through the resistor network being desirable. If the desired output voltage Vout is 1.2V then the total resistance of the resistor network, R1+R2 in the circuit configuration illustrated, will equal 16M OHMs. The silicon area required to implement a resistor divider network of this value will be of the order of 4000 microns2. As previously noted, in addition to the large silicon area required to implement the resistor divider network, the resistor creates an extra undesirable pole in the feedback path and reduces the feedback factor. Noise in the system is also amplified by the resistor divider division factor, and the resistors are a source of noise.
The feedback capacitor 8 and differential amplifier 2 form an integrator circuit. Under steady conditions a pre-defined desired charge is maintained across the capacitor 8 such that the output of the differential amplifier 2 drives the control node of the field effect transistor so as to maintain a constant outlook voltage Vout. A change in the output voltage Vout effectively alters the charge and voltage across the feedback capacitor 8 which in turn will cause the output of the differential amplifier to change and therefore moderate the operation of the field effect transistor so as to return the output voltage to the desired value.
The switched capacitor divider network has three phases of operation which are illustrated respectively in
In principle, the switched capacitor divider network should only be required to initially charge the feedback capacitor 8 to the correct value to achieve the desired regulator output voltage, with subsequent voltage regulation being achieved solely in dependence on the stored charge of the feedback capacitor. However, in reality it is very likely that there will be some leakage current from the feedback capacitor 8 that may be compensated for by periodically operating the switched capacitor divider network. The frequency of operation of the switched capacitor network will therefore vary. However, regardless of frequency of operation of the switched capacitor divider network, the output voltage from the voltage regulator is continuously regulated by virtue of the continuous feedback provided by feedback capacitor 8.
The use of a feedback capacitor in a low-drop out regulator as described above requires a much smaller silicon area than the previously used resistant divider arrangements. This is emphasised in that the switched capacitor divider capacitors need be of only very small capacitance values, further reducing the power requirement of the circuitry. Additionally, the feedback capacitor 8 does not introduce an extra pole in the feedback and consequently the bandwidth of the differential emphasis is fully utilised. The feedback capacitor also does not introduce additional noise, unlike the previously used feedback resistors. In use, in terms of load regulation, the described embodiments behave as a unity gain buffer with a defined offset. The advantage of this is that there is no reduction in the feedback factor (as previously caused by the resistor divider in previous implementations). This leads to better overall load regulation.