1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to the field of glycoprotein hormone weak agonists and antagonists.
2. Description of the Background
The disclosures referred to herein to illustrate the background of the invention and to provide additional detail with respect to its practice are incorporated herein by reference and, for convenience, are referenced in the following text and numerically grouped in the appended bibliography.
Glycoprotein hormones known as gonadotropins and thyrotropin, respectively, control reproduction and thyroid function. Gonadotropins bind to receptors on the gonads to promote spermatogenesis, oogenesis, ovulation, and sex hormone secretion, among other functions. Gonadotropins are essential for fertility in both sexes. Thyrotropin is essential for proper thyroid function.
The glycoprotein hormones include the hormones chorionic gonadotropin (CG) also known as choriogonadotropin, luteinizing hormone (LH) also known as lutropin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) also known as follitropin, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) also known as thyrotropin. Those hormones from humans are known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human luteinizing hormone (hLH), human follicle stimulating hormone (hFSH), and human thyroid stimulating hormone (hTSH). These hormones have important roles in gonadal and thyroid function (Pierce and Parsons, 1981; Moyle and Campbell, 1995). CG and LH bind to and stimulate LH receptors, FSH binds to and stimulates FSH receptors, and TSH binds to and stimulates TSH receptors. CG is a hormone produced in large quantities primarily by the placentas of a few mammals including those of primates. The amino acid sequences of the β-subunits of CG from primates usually differ from those of LH. Equines also produce a CG, however, this has the same amino acid sequence as equine LH (Murphy and Martinuk, 1991). Human CG (hCG) is produced from the time of implantation until birth. Its actions on the corpus luteum, which are mediated through LH receptors, result in the synthesis and secretion of progesterone essential for maintenance of early pregnancy.
Certain disorders of reproduction that lead to infertility or reduced fertility are associated with an imbalance of the gonadotropins. One of the most common of these is known as polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. Patients with PCOS do not ovulate regularly, if at all. Often their ovaries are enlarged due to the presence of an abnormal number of follicles that have accumulated and show few signs of reaching a size and maturity needed for ovulation. PCOS patients often have elevated androgen levels. This may be due to the response of their ovaries to a gonadotropin imbalance seen as an elevated ratio of hLH/hFSH. Many PCOS patients have hyperinsulinemia, a potential cause of the syndrome by its ability to enhance the sensitivity of the ovary to lutropin stimulation. Roughly half of all PCOS patients are overweight, a phenomenon that is often accompanied by hyperinsulinemia.
Several treatments are available for inducing ovulation in PCOS patients. One of the most common therapies is treatment with anti-estrogens, which can lead to an increase in the circulating levels of hFSH and thereby promote follicle development and ovulation. Not all patients become fertile after anti-estrogen therapy, however. Patients who fail anti-estrogen therapy are often treated with hFSH and/or mixtures of hFSH and lutropins. These can be isolated from urine of postmenopausal women or prepared by expression in eukaryotic cells. Although gonadotropin therapy is almost always successful in inducing ovulation in PCOS patients, it is expensive and has the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation, a potentially life-threatening problem and a cause of multiple pregnancies. Other treatments include administration of drugs that increase the sensitivity to insulin and decrease hyperinsulinemia.
One of the most successful therapies for PCOS devised nearly 70 years ago involves removing a large portion of the enlarged ovary. This technique, which is known as ovarian wedge resection, is very effective and can promote the resumption of multiple ovulatory menstrual cycles without further clinical intervention. Unlike many therapeutic approaches to PCOS, wedge resection is not associated with ovarian hyperstimulation and multiple pregnancies. The downside of wedge resection is that it is a surgical method that has risks associated with surgery, including the formation of adhesions. The development of a non-surgical therapy that would have the same benefit as wedge resection would have considerable benefit for the reproductive health of PCOS patients, even if they did not desire to become pregnant. This is because wedge resection is associated with elimination of the undesirable secretion of excessive ovarian androgens that can have undesirable health and cosmetic effects in women.
Ovarian tissues that contain receptors for LH and/or FSH are dependent on gonadotropin stimulation for their survival. These are primarily granulosa cells and theca and stromal tissues. Thus, it would be anticipated that the development of gonadotropin antagonists that blocked the influence of the glycoprotein hormones on these ovarian cells would cause them do die by apoptosis and be eliminated from the ovary. The oocytes that are associated with these cells would also be eliminated from the ovary. The remaining oocytes, which have not begun to resume meiosis or that are not yet associated with LH and FSH receptor bearing follicle cells, would not be affected. Death of the LH and FSH receptor bearing cells would be accompanied by a fall in plasma androgens. This would lead to an increased secretion of FSH and resumption of fertility similar to that seen after wedge resection. Since wedge resection has also been associated with a diminution of insulin secretion, chemical wedge resection is also likely to have a similar desirable effect.
Structure and Function of the Glycoprotein Hormones
As reviewed by Pierce and Parsons (Pierce and Parsons, 1981), the glycoprotein hormones are heterodimers consisting of an α- and a β-subunit. The heterodimers are not covalently linked together and the subunits of most vertebrate glycoprotein hormones can be dissociated by treating them with acid or urea (Pierce and Parsons, 1981). The follitropins of some teleost fish have a different architecture that makes them more resistant to these treatments, however. Except for some fish, which have two α-subunit genes, most higher vertebrates contain only one gene that encodes the α-subunit (Fiddes and Talmadge, 1984); the same α-subunit normally combines with the β-subunits of LH, FSH, TSH, and, when present, CG. Nonetheless, post-translational protein processing, notably glycosylation (Baenziger and Green, 1988), can contribute to differences in the compositions of the α-subunits of LH, FSH, TSH, and CG. Most, of the amino acid sequence differences between the hormones reside in their hormone-specific β-subunits (Pierce and Parsons, 1981). These are produced from separate genes (Fiddes and Talmadge, 1984; Bo and Boime, 1992).
With few exceptions (Blithe, Richards, and Skarulis, 1991) the α,β-heterodimers have much more hormonal activity than either free subunit (Pierce and Parsons, 1981). The naturally occurring α- and β-subunits form α-heterodimers much better than they form αα-homodimers or ββ-homodimers. Indeed, expression of hCG α-subunit and β-subunit genes together in mammalian cells leads to the formation of αβ heterodimers, α-subunit monomers, and β-subunit monomers. Only trace amounts, if any, αα homodimer or ββ homodimer are made or secreted from the cells. It is possible to prepare fusion proteins in which the α- and β-subunits are linked in the same protein (Ben-Menahem, Hyde, Pixley, Berger, and Boime, 1999). With the exception of the parts of the subunits that are attached to one another, these proteins appear to have similar conformations as the native proteins. Thus, they are recognized by many of the same antibodies and bind to LH and FSH receptors with high affinities.
High-resolution X-ray crystal structures of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) have been reported by two laboratories (Lapthorn, Harris, Littlejohn, Lustbader, Canfield, Machin, Morgan, and Isaacs, 1994; Wu, Lustbader, Liu, Canfield, and Hendrickson, 1994). Two high-resolution structures have also been reported for human follicle stimulating hormone (Fox, Dias, and Van Roey, 2001). These structures revealed that the original proposed disulfide bond patterns (Mise and Bahl, 1981; Mise and Bahl, 1980) were incorrect and that the hormone is a member of the cystine knot family of proteins (Sun and Davies, 1995). With the exception of FSH β-subunit found in some teleost fish, the relative locations of the cysteines in all glycoprotein hormones are similar. The seatbelts of salmon and related fish FSH are disulfide bridged to a cysteine in the aminoterminal portion of the β-subunit rather than to a cysteine in loop one of the β-subunit. All glycoprotein hormone α- and β-subunits have the cystine knot architecture found in hCG and hFSH α- and β-subunits, respectively.
An overview of the structures of the human glycoprotein hormones is shown in
With the exception of the cysteines in some teleost fish FSH β-subunits, the locations of the cysteine residues in the β-subunits of the vertebrate glycoprotein hormones are similar (
In addition to its cystine knot, the β-subunit also contains a sequence termed the seatbelt (Lapthorn, Harris, Littlejohn, Lustbader, Canfield, Machin, Morgan, and Isaacs, 1994) that is wrapped around the second α-subunit loop. The seatbelt begins at the ninth cysteine, the last residue in the β-subunit cystine knot, and includes the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth cysteines. With the exception of some teleost FSH β-subunits, the cysteine at the carboxyterminal end of the seatbelt is latched to the first β-subunit loop by a disulfide bond formed between cysteine twelve (i.e., at the carboxyl-terminal end of the seatbelt) and cysteine three (i.e., in the first β-subunit loop). In the case of the teleost FSH β-subunits such as that found in salmon FSH, the cysteine at the end of the seatbelt is latched by a disulfide bond to the first cysteine in the β-subunit, which is found aminoterminal to the cystine knot.
The seatbelt is a portion of the glycoprotein hormone β-subunit that has a significant (if not primary) influence on the ability of hCG to distinguish LH and FSH receptors (Campbell, Dean Emig, and Moyle, 1991; Moyle, Campbell, Myers, Bernard, Han, and Wang, 1994; Grossmann, Szkudlinski, Wong, Dias, Ji, and Weintraub, 1997). Replacement of all or parts of the hCG seatbelt amino acid sequence with the seatbelt sequence found in hFSH altered the receptor binding specificity of the resulting hormone analog. Normally, hCG is found to bind LH receptors more than 1000-fold better than FSH or TSH receptors. However, analogs of hCG such as CF94-117 and CF101-109 (
There are no reports of a crystal structure for any LH, FSH, or TSH receptor. However, the amino acid sequences of several glycoprotein hormone receptors are known (McFarland, Sprengel, Phillips, Kohler, Rosemblit, Nikolics, Segaloff, and Seeburg, 1989; Loosfelt, Misrahi, Atger, Salesse, Vu Hai Luu Thi, Jolivet, Guiochon Mantel, Sar, Jallal, Garnier, and Milgrom, 1989; Segaloff, Sprengel, Nikolics, and Ascoli, 1990; Sprengel, Braun, Nikolics, Segaloff, and Seeburg, 1990; Braun, Schofield, and Sprengel, 1991; Moyle, Campbell, Myers, Bernard, Han, and Wang, 1994; Nagayama, Wadsworth, Chazenbalk, Russo, Seto, and Rapoport, 1991; Nagayama, Kaufman, Seto, and Rapoport, 1989; Jia, Oikawa, Bo, Tanaka, Ny, Boime, and Hsuch, 1991) and those for the human LH, FSH, and TSH receptors are shown in
Several models have been built in an effort to describe the structure of the hormone receptor complex. Most of these are based on the crystal structures of hCG and ribonuclease inhibitor, a protein that may be similar in structure to the extracellular domains of the glycoprotein hormone receptors. Most efforts to identify hormone residues that contact the receptor have been based on the influence of chemical, enzymatic, or genetic mutations that lead to a reduction in receptor binding. Unfortunately, since reduction in binding could be caused by disruption of a specific contact or by a change in hormone conformation (Cosowsky, Lin, Han, Bernard, Campbell, and Moyle, 1997), the effects of these changes are difficult, if not impossible to interpret. This has led to considerable disagreement in this field (Moyle, Campbell, Rao, Ayad, Bernard, Han, and Wang, 1995; Jiang, Dreano, Buckler, Cheng, Ythier, Wu, Hendrickson, Tayar, and el Tayar, 1995) and some authors have concluded that it is not possible to determine the orientation of the hormone in the receptor complex (Blowmick, Huang, Puett, Isaacs, and Lapthorn, 1996).
Other approaches to determine the orientation of the hormone in the receptor complex rely on identifying regions of the hormone that do not contact the receptor. These remain exposed after the hormone has bound to the receptor and/or can be altered without disrupting hormone-receptor interactions. When these are mapped on the crystal structure of hCG (Lapthorn, Harris, Littlejohn, Lustbader, Canfield, Machin, Morgan, and Isaacs, 1994; Wu, Lustbader, Liu, Canfield, and Hendrickson, 1994), it is possible to develop a hypothetical model of the way that hCG might interact with LH receptors (Moyle, Campbell, Rao, Ayad, Bernard, Han, and Wang, 1995). This approach suggested that the hormone groove formed by the second α-subunit loop and the first and third β-subunit loops is involved in the primary receptor contact (Cosowsky, Rao, Macdonald, Papkoff, Campbell, and Moyle, 1995). This would also explain why both subunits are needed for highest hormone-receptor binding (Pierce and Parsons, 1981). However, it should be noted that most, if not all other investigators in this field support a model in which the hormone is oriented in a very differently (Jiang, Dreano, Buckler, Cheng, Ythier, Wu, Hendrickson, Tayar, and el Tayar, 1995). Due to the lack of a high-resolution structure of the hormone receptor complex, it has not been possible to deduce the structures of hormone analogs that will be effective antagonists. Indeed, it is not clear that lutropins such as hLH and hCG interact with their receptors in the same fashion as follitropins (Moyle, Campbell, Myers, Bernard, Han, and Wang, 1994).
Therapeutic Uses of the Glycoprotein Hormones:
The glycoprotein hormones have several therapeutic uses. FSH is used to induce development of ovarian follicles in preparation for ovulation induction in females (Galway, LaPolt, Tsafriri, Dargan, Boime, and Hsuch, 1990; Shoham, Balen, Patel, and Jacobs, 1991; Gast, 1995; Olive, 1995). hCG and LH are also used to induce ovulation of follicles that have initiated development. FSH, LH, and hCG are used to induce testis function in males. While the existing hormones can be used to stimulate the functions of the male and female gonads and the thyroid gland, practical application of the hormones for this use requires that they be heterodimers or single chain proteins containing at least one α and one β-subunit. The native heterodimers can be isolated from the pituitary gland (i.e., LH and FSH), serum (equine chorionic gonadotropin), or urine from pregnant (hCG) or postmenopausal women (mixtures of hLH and hFSH). Active heterodimers can also be isolated from cultures of cells that express both the α- and β-subunits including some from tumors (Cole, Hussa, and Rao, 1981) or those that have been transfected with cDNA or genomic DNA that encode both subunits (Reddy, Beck, Garramone, Vellucci, Lustbader, and Bernstine, 1985). Indeed, the latter are an important source of glycoprotein hormones that have therapeutic utility. Because the oligosaccharides of the glycoprotein hormones have been shown to influence their abilities to elicit signal transduction (Moyle, Bahl, and Marz, 1975; Matzuk, Keene, and Boime, 1989), preparation and synthesis of active heterodimers is best carried out in eukaryotic cells. These cells are capable of adding high mannose oligosaccharides to oligosaccharides and, in some cases, processing them to give the complex oligosaccharides that are found in the natural hormones (Baenziger and Green, 1988). Nonetheless, because eukaryotic cells can process glycoproteins differently, synthesis of glycoprotein hormones is often carried out in mammalian cell lines such as that derived from the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO). While the hormones can be made in non-mammalian eukaryotic cells, the potential antigenicity of the oligosaccharide chains limits their clinical use.
The heterodimeric hormones have also been used as immunogens to elicit antisera that can be used to limit fertility (Singh, Rao, Gaur, Sharma, Alam, and Talwar, 1989; Pal, Singh, Rao, and Talwar, 1990; Talwar, Singh, Singh, Rao, Sharma, Das, and Rao, 1986; Talwar, Singh, Pal, Chatterjee, Suri, and Shaha, 1992; Moudgal, Macdonald, and Greep, 1971; Moudgal, Macdonald, and Greep, 1972; Moudgal, 1976; Ravindranath and Moudgal, 1990; Moudgal, Mukku, Prahalada, Murty, and Li, 1978). Due to the essential roles of hCG in maintaining human pregnancy, development of an immune response to hCG would be useful as a means of contraception and a substantial effort has been made to devise an hCG-based contraceptive vaccine. However, in principle, antibodies to the hormones could also be used to promote fertility. For example, LH levels appear to be excessive in some women who have polycystic ovarian disease. Thus, development of a method that would reduce but not eliminate circulating LH activity would be beneficial in restoration of fertility.
Uses of glycoprotein hormones or analogs as agents that can cause chemical wedge resection are unknown. Efforts to produce hormonal toxins have been limited to conjugating the hormones to toxins such as gelonin (Marcil, Ravindranath, and Sairam, 1993). This approach is limited by the abilities of the hormones to stimulate cellular function since hormone stimulation has the ability to overcome the influence of apoptotic agents on cell death (Chun, Billig, Tilly, Furuta, Tsafriri, and Hsuch, 1994; Chun, Eisenhauer, Minami, Billig, Perlas, and Hsuch, 1996; Kaipia, Chun, Eisenhauer, and Hsuch, 1996).
Glycoprotein Hormone Stabilization
An agent that is to be used for inducing a chemical wedge resection should survive long enough in the circulation to permit it to react with receptors on the unwanted ovarian cells. Glycoprotein hormone metabolism is very poorly understood. The half-lives of the hormones are known to be influenced by their content of oligosaccharides (Baenziger and Green, 1988), particularly their terminal sugar residues. The most stable hormones are those that have the highest content of sialic acid in this location (Murphy and Martinuk, 1991; Baenziger, Kumar, Brodbeck, Smith, and Beranek, 1992a; Fiete, Srivastava, Hindsgaul, and Baenziger, 1991; Smith, Bousfield, Kumar, Fiete, and Baenziger, 1993; Rosa, Amr, Birken, Wehmann, and Nisula, 1984). Nonetheless, the oligosaccharides are not entirely responsible for the stability of the hormones since the free hormone subunits are known to have significantly shorter circulating half-lives even though they have the same oligosaccharides as the heterodimers (Wehmann, Amr, Rosa, and Nisula, 1984; Braustein, Vaitukaitis, and Ross, 1972). Indeed, it has been proposed that the hormones may be inactivated by proteolysis that leads to subunit dissociation (Kardana, Elliott, Gawinowicz, Birken, and Cole, 1991; Birken, Gawinowicz, Kardana, and Cole, 1991; Cole, Kardana, Andrade-Gordon, Gawinowicz, Morris, Bergert, O'Connor, and Birken, 1991; Cole, Kardana, Ying, and Birken, 1991; Cole, Kardana, Park, and Braunstein, 1993; Grossmann, Szkudlinski, Wong, Dias, Ji, and Weintraub, 1997). Nicked hCG dissociated into its inactive subunits much faster than hCG (Cole, Kardana, Park, and Braunstein, 1993). Thus, it is expected that a procedure that can prevent or reduce subunit dissociation would potentiate hormone efficacy.
Several attempts have been made to stabilize the hormones by “cross-linking” their subunits. Chemical cross-linking methods have been used (Weare and Reichert, 1979a; Weare and Reichert, 1979b; van Dijk and Ward, 1993; Imai, Dwyer, Kometani, Ji, Vanaman, and Watt, 1990), however, these often lead to reduced activity. It is also possible to genetically fuse the α- and β˜-subunits together to produce a single chain hormone. This molecule is more stable than the heterodimer and has high biological activity (Sugahara, Pixley, Minami, Perlas, Ben-Menahem, Hsuch, and Boime, 1995), however, it is grossly dissimilar from the native molecule.
Another method of cross-linking proteins would be to tether them by means of a disulfide bond. This strategy occurs naturally to stabilize other proteins of the cystine knot superfamily (Sun and Davies, 1995) and probably takes the place of the seatbelt. Furthermore, addition of disulfide bonds to proteins can enhance their stability, provided the addition of the disulfide bond does not increase the internal strain within the protein (Matthews, 1987; Matsumura, Signor, and Matthews, 1989). Disulfide bonds have been introduced into the heterodimers between the subunits at sites predicted by computer modeling to be capable of forming intrasubunit disulfide bonds (Heikoop, van den boogaart, Mulders, and Grootenhuis, 1997; Einstein, Lin, Macdonald, and Moyle, 2001). Disulfide bonds can also be incorporated between the subunits in the heterodimer using a flexible linker such as the carboxyterminal end of the α-subunit and the carboxyterminal end of the β-subunit as described in patent application PCT/US02/35914. This permits incorporation of disulfide bonds without regard to the nature of the heterodimer. Intersubunit disulfides can also be incorporated into hCG by preventing the seatbelt from forming a disulfide with its natural site in β-subunit loop 1. This is done by converting this cysteine to alanine or another residue. When this analog is expressed with an α-subunit analog containing a cysteine in α-subunit loop 2 or other parts of the protein, an intersubunit disulfide will be formed (Xing, Lin, Jiang, Myers, Cao, Bernard, and Moyle, 2001).
The present invention provides compositions comprising glycoproteins that interact with LH and FSH receptors and that have greatly reduced ability to elicit signal transduction. Several methods are described that can be used to alter the conformation of the protein to reduce its efficacy. Because the glycoprotein hormone weak agonists and antagonists retain most of their oligosaccharide content, the hormones will have sufficient biological half lives for therapeutic use. Furthermore, these glycoproteins can be used to target other proteins to cells such as those in the ovaries of PCOS patients to promote a chemical wedge resection.
Specifically, the present invention provides glycoprotein hormone analogs having partial agonist/antagonist activity comprising an α-subunit polypeptide and a β-subunit polypeptide. The analog lacks a naturally occurring oligosaccharide on α-subunit loop 2 and is cross-linked to the β-subunit by a disulfide bond. The present invention also provides a method for stimulating fertility in mammals by promoting apoptosis of ovarian cells and/or luteal cells, which comprises administering to the mammal a therapeutically effective amount of the glycoprotein hormone analog having partial agonist/antagonist activity.
The use of glycoprotein hormone antagonists, weak partial agonists, or other therapeutics to promote the death of undesirable thecal, stromal, and granulosa cells would result in a phenomenon that is similar or equivalent to a “chemical” wedge resection. Since this type of wedge resection takes advantage of naturally occurring cell death mechanisms, it would have the benefits of surgical wedge resection without the undesirable side effects of surgery, such as inflammation and adhesions.
The agents described herein were developed during efforts to prepare glycoprotein hormone analogs that can be used to elicit a chemical wedge resection. These have the desirable characteristics of being specific for the cells in the ovary that are to be removed. It should be noted that any means for promoting a chemical wedge resection would also be useful for promoting fertility in PCOS patients, however. These include the use of the partial agonist/antagonist analogs as targeting vehicles for the delivery of toxins and other cytolytic agents that promote death of the cells in the unwanted tissues of the ovary. Indeed, there is an advantage of incorporating these into the antagonist/partial agonist therapeutics described here.
Efforts have been made to prepare hormonal toxins that can target LH receptor bearing cells. Unfortunately, the high activities of the hormones can negate the influence of the toxins. Thus, agents that are known to promote apoptosis of FSH receptor bearing cells are counterbalanced by the biological activity of FSH. The efficacy of toxins or other pro-apoptotic agents can be increased by attaching them to agents that are capable of binding to LH and FSH receptors and that do not elicit the full signal transduction response of the native hormones.
In principle, any agent that binds to LH or FSH receptors and that blocks the activities of these hormones can be used to design a mechanism for eliciting a chemical wedge resection. This could include antibodies to the receptors or receptor fragments. The advantage of the subject method that is described here is that it permits targeting of both LH and FSH receptors. Due to the highly synergistic interactions between lutropins and follitropins on follicular development and function, the use of a strategy that targets both receptors is preferred. While it would be possible to administer compounds that would attack each receptor, the use of a single reagent that is closely related to the natural ligands is preferred.
The oligosaccharides of the glycoprotein hormones have long been known to be required for full hormone efficacy (Moyle, Bahl, and Marz, 1975; Matzuk, Keene, and Boime, 1989). That on α-subunit loop 2 is the most important for efficacy (Matzuk, Keene, and Boime, 1989). hCG analogs lacking this oligosaccharide have approximately 40-50% of the efficacy of hCG. The partial agonist analogs described here take advantage of this phenomenon. Unfortunately, merely removing the oligosaccharides from α-subunit loop 2 does not reduce hormone efficacy sufficiently, however, to make them useful. This is because gonadal cells have a large number of spare receptors. This compensates for the loss in efficacy caused by deglycosylation. Furthermore, it has been reported that cross-linking partially deglycosylated hormones may enhance their efficacies (Heikoop, van, de, Rose, Mulders, and Grootenhuis, 1998), a phenomenon that would appear to counteract the influence of removing their oligosaccharides. As described in the following examples, in contrast to the report of Heikoop et al. (Heikoop, van, de, Rose, Mulders, and Grootenhuis, 1998), it is possible to reduce the efficacy of the glycoprotein hormones lacking the α-subunit loop 2 oligosaccharide by introducing selected disulfide cross-links and by altering their seatbelts. The resulting analogs retain most of their oligosaccharides, a fact that will enable them to have reasonable circulating half-lives. Since both LH and FSH interact with the ovary in a synergistic fashion, the fact that these hormone analogs bind both receptors also conveys a substantial advantage because it enables them to suppress both functions simultaneously. Furthermore, it is possible to attach other proteins and agents to these compounds to facilitate their abilities to promote apoptosis of cells expressing LH and FSH receptors. This is desirable for treating patients with PCOS.
In a preferred embodiment, the invention provides a glycoprotein hormone analog having partial agonist/antagonist activity comprising an α-subunit polypeptide and a β-subunit polypeptide, wherein the analog lacks a naturally occurring oligosaccharide on α-subunit loop 2 and is cross-linked to the β-subunit by a disulfide bond.
In a preferred embodiment, the invention provides a method for stimulating fertility in mammals by promoting apoptosis of ovarian cells which comprises administering to the mammal a therapeutically effective amount of a glycoprotein hormone analog having partial agonist/antagonist activity comprising an α-subunit polypeptide and a β-subunit polypeptide, wherein the analog lacks a naturally occurring oligosaccharide on α-subunit loop 2 and is cross-linked to the β-subunit by a disulfide bond.
In another preferred embodiment, the invention provides a method for stimulating fertility in mammals by promoting apoptosis of luteal cells which comprises administering to the mammal a therapeutically effective amount of a glycoprotein hormone analog having partial agonist/antagonist activity comprising an α-subunit polypeptide and a β-subunit polypeptide, wherein the analog lacks a naturally occurring oligosaccharide on α-subunit loop 2 and is cross-linked to the β-subunit by a disulfide bond.
In a specific embodiment, the analog comprises a disulfide bond between α-subunit residue 37 and β-subunit residue 33. Preferably, the analog is dgα37-β33CF or dgα37-β33CRF. In another specific embodiment, the analog comprises a disulfide bond between α-subunit residue 35 and β-subunit residue 35. Preferably, the analog is dgα35-β35CF or dgα35-β35CRF.
In one embodiment, the analog may contain hCG β-subunit residues 101-109. In another embodiment, FSH β-subunit residues 95-103 are substituted for the hCG β-subunit residues 101-109.
In another embodiment, the α-subunit is fused to the end of the β-subunit to form a single chain analog.
The analog may also be a fusion protein comprising a toxic agent, which agent is toxic to the surface of gonadotroptin receptor bearing cells. The toxic agent may be selected from the group consisting of β-lactamase, γ-interferon, Fas ligand, sphingomyelinase, apoptosis promoting agents, proteases, phospholipases, and steroidogenesis inhibiting agents. The oligosaccharide in the analog may also be tethered to a toxic agent, which agent is toxic to the surface of gonadotroptin receptor bearing cells.
In a preferred embodiment, the analog of the present invention is administered with a therapeutically effective amount of an endogenous gonadotropin secretion suppressing agent. Preferably, the suppressing agent is an estrogenic compound or an GnRH agonist.
Antigens are substances, which are capable under appropriate conditions of inducing the formation of antibodies and of reacting specifically in some detectable manner with the antibodies so induced. Antigens may be soluble substances, such as toxins and foreign proteins, or particulate substances, such as bacteria or tissue cells. In general, antigens are high molecular weight substances such as simple and conjugated proteins and carbohydrates.
Antibodies are immunoglobulin molecules, which have a specific amino acid sequence which permit it to interact only with the antigen which induced its synthesis in lymphoid tissue or with an antigen closely related to that antigen. Immunoglobulins are proteins made up of two light chains and two heavy chains.
The compounds of the present invention can be administered to mammals, e.g., animals or humans, in amounts effective to provide the desired activity. Since the activity of the compounds and the degree of the desired therapeutic effect vary, the dosage level of the compound employed will also vary. The actual dosage administered will also be determined by such generally recognized factors as the body weight of the patient and the individual hypersensitiveness of the particular patient.
The present invention is further illustrated by the following examples, which are not intended to limit the effective scope of the claims. All parts and percentages in the examples and throughout the specification and claims are by weight of the final composition unless otherwise specified.
Most efforts to prepare human choriogonadotropin (hCG) and follitropin (hFSH) antagonists involve removing their N-linked oligosaccharides, a component of these hormones required for full efficacy. The N-linked oligosaccharide on α-subunit loop 2 (α2) has a dominant influence on efficacy and an hCG analog lacking this oligosaccharide had 40% the efficacy of hCG in cyclic AMP accumulation assays. This oligosaccharide is located at the subunit interface and may contribute to efficacy by influencing the conformation of the heterodimer. As outlined here, the residual efficacy of hCG analogs lacking the loop α2 oligosaccharide can be reduced by constraining the conformation of the heterodimer with intersubunit disulfide bond cross-links.
hCG was purified in this laboratory as described (Bahl, 1969) or obtained from Dr. Robert Campbell (Serono Research Institute, Rockland, Mass.). Analogs of the α-subunit (
The oligosaccharide was removed from α-subunit loop 2 by treating it with N-glycanase according to the directions of the manufacturer (New England Biolabs). The deglycosylated α-subunit was combined with hCG β-subunit in vitro by mixing the two proteins together in the buffer supplied with the N-glycanase. The resulting heterodimer, termed dghCG, was sufficiently stable that it could be separated from the free subunits during electrophoresis through SDS-polyacrylamide gels at room temperature (
Constructs that encoded the analogs described here were prepared by standard methods familiar to those skilled in the art of site directed mutagenesis and were similar to those described earlier (Moyle, Matzuk, Campbell, Cogliani, Dean Emig, Krichevsky, Barnett, and Boime, 1990). Their amino acid sequences are identical to that of the hCG α- and β-sequences except as indicated in Table 1 and in
Introduction of intersubunit disulfide bonds between residues α5-β8, α37-β33, and α76-β44 did not appear to influence the efficacy of hCG in LH signaling assays (
The latter findings are remarkable because they show that the presence of an intersubunit disulfide can reduce efficacy and contradict Heikoop et al. (Heikoop, van, de, Rose, Mulders, and Grootenhuis, 1998), who suggested that full efficacy is restored by introduction of intersubunit disulfide bonds. In contrast, none of the intersubunit disulfides tested increased the efficacy of dghCG (
The finding that some but not all intersubunit disulfides could reduce the efficacy of hCG suggested that the conformation of the heterodimer may have a key role in its ability to elicit a hormone response. This possibility was tested by modifying the seatbelt, a portion of the hormone that had been shown to influence the conformation of the heterodimer (Wang, Bernard, and Moyle, 2000). As expected on the basis of previous studies (Moyle, Campbell, Myers, Bernard, Han, and Wang, 1994), substitution of hFSH residues into this region of the seatbelt did not prevent the analog from binding to LH receptors (
The relative influence of the disulfide crosslink, the loop α2 oligosaccharide, and the seatbelt on the efficacy of α37-β33, α37-β33CF, dgα37-β33, and dgα37-β33CF was compared in LH assays (
The oligosaccharides contribute to differences in the half-lives of the glycoprotein hormones (Baenziger, Kumar, Brodbeck, Smith, and Beranek, 1992b); deglycosylated hormones are cleared rapidly, however. This explained the difficulties encountered by Batta et al. (Batta, Rabovsky, Channing, and Bahl, 1979) in finding an inhibitory influence of deglycosylated hCG on ovulation, a response likely to require high receptor occupancy. Analog dgα37-β33CFC retains all the oligosaccharides found in hCG except that on loop α2, yet its efficacy is at least as low as that reported for completely deglycosylated hCG (Matzuk, Keene, and Boime, 1989). Indeed, the latter was tested in cells that have relatively few receptors, not cells that would be much more sensitive to the hormone analog than those used in these studies. Due to the fact that dgα37-β33CFC retains most of its oligosaccharides and is cross-linked it should have a longer half-life than fully deglycosylated hCG, giving it a substantial advantage to the fully deglycosylated material.
It is not essential to employ a disulfide at the interface of α-subunit loop 2 and the β-subunit to obtain the reduction in efficacy of the glycoprotein hormones that has been described. Introduction of a disulfide between α-subunit residue 92 and β-subunit residue 96 was also found to give rise to a similar reduction in efficacy in both LH and FSH receptor assays (
A large surface of the glycoprotein hormones is known to be exposed in the hormone receptor complex. Since the agents described here have low efficacies and retain their specificities for glycoprotein hormone receptors, they can be used as delivery vehicles to present toxic agents to the surface of undesirable receptor bearing cells. It is expected that much of the surface of these glycoprotein hormone analogs will be exposed when they bind to their receptors. This surface can be used to attach reagents to the partial agonist/antagonists described here that will augment their utilities in inducing a chemical wedge resection. For example, these reagents can be attached to the aminoterminal end and/or the carboxyterminal end of both subunits. This can be accomplished by using methods to prepare fusion proteins that are well known to anyone versed in the art of recombinant DNA technologies and with expressing glycoproteins in eukaryotic cells. One such fusion protein that has been tested is β-lactamase. Addition of this to the hCG β-subunit carboxyterminus does not affect its efficacy. Other proteins that would be expected to be useful include Fas ligand, sphingomyelinase, and agents known to promote apoptosis. They could include proteases and/or phospholipases, which would be expected to damage the cell surface. The oligosaccharides of the analogs can also be used to tether toxic agents. For example, these can be modified by oxidizing them with sodium periodate and then reacting the resulting aldehydes with hydrizide containing compounds. This can be used to load the proteins with toxic peptides such as hecate. It can also be used to attach proteins that have the potential to penetrate the cell surface such as those that contain the aminoterminal end of the TAT protein that is part of the HIV virus.
The hCG analogs described in the earlier examples can also be produced in a single chain format. Examples of these analogs are shown in
The reduction in gonadal function caused by the reduced efficacy of the analogs can lead to increased endogenous gonadotropin secretion. This would have a tendency to offset the desired reduction in gonadal function. This can be overcome by using agents that are well known in the art to suppress gonadotropin secretion such as compounds that have estrogenic activity or compounds that act similar to GnRH in their abilities to promote down-regulation of pituitary gonadotropin secretion. Since the amounts of estrogenic compounds that are required to influence the ovary are significantly greater than those that suppress pituitary function, these agents can be used to limit endogenous hormone secretion without adversely affecting the beneficial influence of the low efficacy agonists. This will have a beneficial effect, particularly in therapies designed to promote apoptosis of gonadal cells in patients having polycystic ovary syndrome.
In a preferred embodiment, the analog of the present invention is administered with a therapeutically effective amount of an endogenous gonadotropin secretion suppressing agent. Preferably, the suppressing agent is an estrogenic compound or an GnRH agonist.
Throughout this application, various publications have been referenced. The disclosures in these publications are incorporated herein by reference in order to more fully describe the state of the art.
The invention being thus described, it will be obvious that the same may be varied in many ways. Such variations are not to be regarded as a departure from the spirit and scope of the invention and all such modifications are intended to be included within the scope of the following claims.
dghCG was prepared by combining purified α-subunit from which the oligosaccharide had been removed by N-glycanase digestion with purified β-subunit and differs from the other deglycosylated α-subunits that have aspartic acid in place of asparagine at α-subunit residue 52. CF 101-109 refers to a truncated hCG/hFSH β-subunit chimera in which hCG residues 101-109 are replaced with hFSH residues 95-103. CFC101-1114 refers to a full-length hCG/hFSH β-subunit chimera in which
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/US04/00474 | Jan 2004 | WO | international |
This application claims priority from PCT/US2004/000474, filed 8 Jan. 2004 and U.S. provisional application No. 60/439,086, filed 9 Jan. 2003.