“Facts and Arguments in Support of the Opposition Against EP-B-0596546”. |
Facts and Arguments Presented in Support of the Opposition Against EP 0 596 546. |
“Annex I”. |
“Evidence Present A. Publications”. |
“Rafticreming: The New Process Allowing to Turn Fat into Dietary Fiber”, Dr. A. Franck-Frippiat, pp. 193-197, Food Ingedients Europe Conference Proceedings 1992, held on Nov. 25-27, 1992. |
Technical File Raftiline (RTM) LS, Raffinerie Tirlemontoise S.A., Apr. 1993. |
“Raftiline (RTM): Properties and Applications as a Fat Replacer”, Dr. A Franck-Frippiat, 6 pages, IBC Conference on “Fat and Cholesterol Reduced Foods”, Apr. 1-3, 1992. |
“Raftilose and Raftiline (RTM): Ideal Ingredients for Low Calorie Food Products”, Dr. A. Franck-Frippiat, 4 pgs., “Development of Low Fat/Low Calorie Food Products” conference, Mar. 23-25, 1992. |
English translation of “Development De Produits Nouveaux au Depart De La Chicoree”, 4 pages, Le Sillon Beige, April 1989. |
“Sucrerie Warcoing Haalt Nieuwe Zoetstof Uit Cichorei”, Piet Casneuf, 2 pages, Maardblad Industrie Magasine, September 1989. |
“On The Nature of the Relationship Between the Structure and Rheology of Food Gels”, J.R. Mitchell and J.M.V. Blanshard, pp. 425-235, Food Texture and Rheology, Academic Press, (1979). |
“Sweeteners and Function Food Ingredients from Chicory”, J. Fockedey, pp. 288-289, Food Ingredients Europe Conference Proceedings, 1989. |
English translation of Japanese Patent Publication No. 4-210578 to Ajinomoto Co., Ltd., published Jul. 31, 1992. |
English translation of Japanese Patent Publication No. 3-281601 to Ajinomoto Co., Ltd., published Dec. 12, 1991. |
“Pfizer opts for Opta Foods”, p. 20, Food Manufactue, November 1994. |
“Raftiline (RTM) -mehr als nur Fett-ersatz”, Dr. A. Franck-Frippiat, pp. 1038-1042, Lebensmittelzutaten, DMZ Lebensmittelindustrie und Milchwirtschaft, 1995. |
Letter from Raffinerie Tirlemontoise S.A. to St. Ivel Limited dated Oct. 22, 1992 with enclosed documents: “Technical File Raftiline (RTM) LS”, “Raftiline Application” and “Raftiline (RTM) Creme Preparation”. |
“Texture Profile Analysis” (TPA), pp. 114-117, Food Texture and Viscosity:: Concept and Measurement, Academic Press, 1982. |
Instron Universal Testing Machine Chapter 2.1.4, pp. 57-58, Journal of Texture Studies, vol. 6, 1975. |
“A Comparison of Three Instrumental Techniques to Evaluate Butter Spreadability”; Anna Fearon and Donald Johnston, pp. 23-37, Journal of Food Quality, vol. 12, 1989. |
“Reviewing the Technology of Low-Fat Spreads”, G.R. Krawczyk, G.S. Buliga, D.T. Bertrand and W.M. Humphreys, pp. 635-639, Inform, vol. 7, No. 6, June 1996. |
“Inulin-Pfanzlcher Ballaststoff”, Dr. E. Gruhn, pp. 48-51, Die Ernahrungsindustrie, vol. 6, 1994. |
“Substituts De La Matiere Grasse: les forts en texture”, Christophe Reibel, pp. 36-38, Revue Laitiere Francaise, No. 525, 1993. |
“L'explosion des Fats Substitutes”, Pernette Langley-Danysz, Ingredients et Nutrition, RIA, No. 485 pp. 44, 47, 48 and 50, Sep. 14-27th 1992. |
“Desserts Laitiers: de substituts naturels”; pp. 44, 48 and 50, Ingredients Revue Laitiere Francaise, No. 512, November 1991. |
“Raftilose and Raftiline (RTM) as Sugar and Fat Replacers”, Test of Oral Presentation by Dr. A. Franck-Frippiat, New Product Seminar, Oct. 8-10, 1991. |
Conference Programme, Food Ingredients Europe, Nov. 25-27, 1992 and Test of Oral Presentation entitled Rafticreming: The new process allowing to turn fat into dietry fibre given by Dr. A. Franck-Frippiat at the conference. |
Raftiline (RTM), Dr. A. Franck-Frippiat, “Themadag NLRO: Vetreduktie in levensmiddelen”“Themadag NLRO: Vetreduktie in levensmiddelen”, Apr. 22, 1993. |
Raftiline (RTM): “A new fat replacer for purified inulin”; Dr. A. Franck-Frippiat, “Course low-calorie food product development”, Jun. 15-17, 1993. |
“Texture of semi-solid foods: sensory and physical correlates”, W. Henry, M. Cats, F. Pilgrim and A. May, pp. 155-157, Journal of Food Science, vol. 36, 1971. |
Clarke, M.A. et al., Polyfructose Functions and Properties; sugar processing Research, Inc. |
Inulin; Siege Social: rue de la sucrerie 1—B-7740 Pecq-Warcoing. |
Product Book—Raftilose® & Raftiline®. |
European Search Report EP 93 20 1727. |
PCT Appln. WO 93/06744 (With Derwent Abstract). |