Low frequency dipole hydrophone transducer


  • Patent Grant
  • 4160232
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Thursday, April 19, 1973
    51 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, July 3, 1979
    45 years ago
A dipole hydrophone transducer which includes first and second magnetostrictive arms and associated windings. One arm includes a radiation target for acoustic energy for production of proportional signals in the windings and the other arm includes a counterbalancing mass for acceleration cancelling. In one embodiment the radiation target is in the form of a disk and the counterbalancing mass is in the form of a ring surrounding the disk so that the disk and ring have the same center of gravity.

This application is related in subject matter to application Ser. No. 352,820 filed Apr. 19, 1973, and assigned to the assignee of the present invention.
Field of the Invention
The invention in general relates to hydrophones, and in particular to a broadband low frequency magnetostrictive dipole hydrophone.
Description of the Prior Art
Dipole hydrophones, or receivers, respond to the pressure gradient of the acoustic wave in the medium in which it is operating and provide signals proportional to the particle velocity of the acoustic wave. A unique feature of a dipole hydrophone is its figure-8, or cosine directivity pattern. Such hydrophones find use not only in air, such as for example microphones, but also find use in the underwater environment for listening to low frequency noise, as may be produced by a submarine, for example.
Various dipole hydrophones have constructional limitations which would prevent their use under water. For example, some dipole hydrophones not only provide an output signal proportional to the ambient medium particle velocity, but also provide an unwanted output signal in response to hydrophone movement--that is, acceleration. The dipole hydrophone of the present invention produces a low frequency broadband dipole acoustic pattern, is rugged and economical to build, and has a long time reliability for in situ operations. In addition, force or moment inputs causing rectilinear or rotational acceleration are effectively cancelled.
The hydrophone includes a member which supports first and second multilaminar magnetostrictive arm portions, each portion including respective windings. Connected to the first arm portion is a radiation target for acoustic energy, the combination providing a resultant output signal proportional to the particle velocity of the acoustic wave impinging upon the radiation target in the ambient medium in which the transducer is located. Connected to the other arm portion is a counterbalancing mass which combination is substantially nonresponsive to the ambient medium particle velocity, but will provide a signal proportional to any movement of the entire dipole hydrophone such that the signal from the first arm portion cancels the signal from the second arm portion. Therefore any output signal is due solely to the particle velocity and not to acceleration movements. In one embodiment the radiation target and counterbalancing mass have the same center of gravity, the radiation target being in the form of a disk and the counterbalancing mass being in the form of a ring disposed about, but spaced from, the periphery of the disk.

FIG. 1 illustrates the directivity pattern of a dipole hydrophone;
FIG. 2 illustrates a curve of sensitivity versus frequency for the dipole hydrophone of the present invention;
FIG. 3 is a view of one embodiment of the present invention;
FIG. 4 is a plan view of the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 3;
FIG. 5 is an exploded view of portions of the hydrophone;
FIG. 6 illustrates the first and second arm portions of the hydrophone, with their associated windings;
FIG. 7 is an electrical circuit diagram of the windings;
FIG. 8 is a simplified representation of a mounted hydrophone of the type illustrated in FIG. 4;
FIG. 9 is the electrical equivalent of the arrangement of FIG. 8;
FIG. 10 illustrates, with portions broken away, the hydrophone as it could be used in an ambient medium and further illustrates another type of counterbalancing mass;
FIG. 11 is one view, with portions broken away, of another embodiment of the present invention;
FIG. 12 is another view of the hydrophone illustrated in FIG. 11;
FIG. 13 illustrates an alternative winding arrangement of the hydrophone of FIG. 11;
FIG. 14 is the electrical circuit diagram of the windings of FIG. 13; and
FIG. 15 illustrates the hydrophone of FIG. 11 in an actual operating environment.

Referring now to FIG. 1, the dipole hydrophone may be represented by two small closely spaced transducers indicated by points 10 and 10', having opposite polarity. The signals from the two small transducers cancel for equal pressure, thus any net response is due to a pressure gradient across the dipole. In actuality, the points 10 and 10' may be the opposite sides or ends of a single element oscillating in a translational mode. If the points 10 and 10' are small with respect to the operating wavelength, and if the distance d between them is also small in comparison with a wavelength, for example, less than 1/10th .lambda., the directivity pattern will be a figure-8 pattern 12, also known as a cosine directivity pattern wherein the response is proportional to the cosine of the angle .theta..
The present invention operates as a dipole hydrophone and is constructed and arranged to provide a frequency response such as illustrated in FIG. 2 wherein the vertical axis represents sensitivity (s), generally given in terms of output voltage relative to free field acoustic pressure, and wherein the horizontal axis represents frequency, in hertz. The hydrophone to be described provides a nearly constant frequency response above a point f.sub.r where f.sub.r may have a value of approximately 10 hz. The nearly constant response past f.sub.r continues for hundreds of hertz and encompasses a range for listening to acoustic noises produced by, for example, submarines and other underwater machinery.
Referring now to FIG. 3, illustrating one embodiment of the present invention, the hydrophone 15 includes first and second multilaminar magnetostrictive arm portions 17 and 18 connected to a nonmagnetic base or coupling member 20.
If a material exhibits a magnetostrictive effect, any change in the magnetic field results in a stress change and a proportional dimensional change in the magnetostrictive material, and vice versa--that is, any dimensional change results in a proportional change in magnetic characteristics. This latter feature is utilized in the hydrophone 15, and accordingly, there is provided winding means such as coils 22 and 23 associated with arm 17 and coils 24 and 25 associated with arm 18 to detect any change in magnetic flux.
The multilaminar magnetostrictive arms 17 and 18 may be of a well known bilaminar construction which includes a first layer of nickel and a second layer of a nickel-iron combination. The combination effects a bending of the arms as opposed to an elongation, upon the application of a magnetic field and conversely, any bending of the arms will provide a corresponding flux change and proportional signal in the associated winding means.
Connected to the first arm 17 is a radiation target 30 for acoustic energy which functions to bend arm 17 in response to the component of ambient medium particle velocity normal to said arm and to generate the said proportional signal in the winding means. For purposes of explanation, let it be assumed that the ambient medium is water. The radiation target is shown in the form of a disk or paddle, however, any configuration could be utilized which presents a relatively large area for the water particle impingement to cause bending of the arm 17.
Connected to the second arm 18 is a counterbalancing mass 31 of a size and shape to be substantially nonresponsive to the water particle velocity, such that no direct bending of the arm takes place in response thereto, and no resultant signal is generated in the associated windings 24 and 25.
If the entire hydrophone 15, however, is accelerated, such as by movements transmitted to the coupling member 20, then it is desired that no output signal be provided since the only meaningful signal desired is that due solely to water particle velocity and not to acceleration. In order to cancel any acceleration signals, the radiation target 30 and its associated arm 17 are designed to be dynamically equal to the counterbalancing mass 31 and its associated arm 18. With the arms 17 and 18 being equal in size, shape and mass, the radiation target 30 and counterbalancing mass 31 are designed to have substantially equal in-water dynamic masses and substantially equal mass moments of inertia.
More particularly, for cancelling of acceleration signals, the apparatus is designed such that the dynamic mass and consequent mass moment of inertia of the radiation target 30 are substantially equal respectively to the dynamic mass and mass moment of inertia of the counterbalancing mass 31. The dynamic mass refers to the apparent mass of the body during operation and is equivalent to the static mass or its mass in air plus the ambient medium mass, in the present example, its water mass. That is:
dynamic mass= water mass+ static mass.
It is preferable that the dynamic masses be within 10% of one another. For the cylindrical shapes illustrated, the water mass may be calculated from the relationship
water mass=8/3 .rho. a.sup.3
where .rho. is the mass density of the water (kilograms/cubic meter) and a is the radius (meters) of the cylinder. Suppose, by way of example, that the radiation target 30 has a diameter of 0.0763 meters, and the counterbalancing mass has a diameter of 0.0254 meters--the water mass of the counterbalancing mass therefore would be in the order of 1/27th of the radiation target and substantially negligible with respect thereto. The masses outside of the water environment, therefore, are quite different, with that of the counterbalancing mass being greater than that of the radiation target. Since it is desirable to minimize the radiation response area of the counterbalancing mass 31 with respect to that of the radiation target 30, its density should be greater than that of the radiation target 30, and from a manufacturing standpoint, and by way of example, the counterbalancing mass 31 may be fabricated of stainless steel, and the radiation target 30 may be fabricated of lightweight aluminum.
In those instances where the radiation target 30 and/or the counterbalancing mass 31 are of an irregular shape, not subject to formula solution of water mass, the dynamic mass can still be determined from the relationship
where F is Force, M is Mass and A is Acceleration. The determination can be made by applying a known vibratory force F to the mass and measuring its acceleration by means of, for example, an accelerometer.
With respect to the mass moment of inertia, the rotational movement of an arm assembly about a point may be defined by the Relationship
T= I.alpha.
where T is moment, or torque, I is mass moment of inertia, and .alpha. is angular acceleration. The formula is of the same form as F=MA where resultant torque is the analogue of resultant force, angular acceleration is the analogue of linear acceleration, and the mass moment of inertia plays the same role as does mass or inertia in linear motion.
The design of the apparatus is such as to result in dynamic equality between both arms and the associated masses.
Situated at the lower portion of each of the arms 17 and 18 is a respective magnetic biasing arrangement 34 and 35, and the flux path for each arm is completed by a low reluctance path in the form of magnetic shunts 38 and 39 and 40 and 41 to be described subsequently.
FIG. 4 is another view, looking down on the view of the hydrophone of FIG. 3.
In response to water particle velocity, the radiation target 30 will move to cause bending of its associated arm to positive and negative limits, illustrated by the dotted lines 47 and 48 (which limits have been somewhat exaggerated for clarity). In response to that same water particle velocity causing movement of the arm 17 to positions intermediate 47 and 48, the minimal movement of counterbalancing mass 31 results in substantially no contribution to bending of the arm portion 18. If, however, the entire assembly is moved, the inertia will result in bending of both of the arms 17 and 18, and due to the dynamic equality, the movement will produce substantially equal signals in the associated windings 22-23 and 24-25; however, these signals are opposite and cancel one another, thereby resulting in hydrophone output signals which are the result of solely water particle velocity.
In order to eliminate unwanted signals caused by bending of the arms if the hydrophone moves in the direction of the arrow A, both the radiation target 30 and counterbalancing mass 31 are constructed and arranged such that their associated arms are attached to their respective centers of gravity.
The radiation target 30 is symmetrically disposed about the arm 17 in that it is made up of two parts 30a and 30b on opposite sides of the arm 17 and secured thereto by means of a bolt 42. Similarly, the counterbalancing mass 31 is made up of two pieces, 31a and 31b symmetrically disposed on either side of arm 18 and secured thereto by means of an internal bolt (not illustrated).
The center of gravity of the radiation target 30 is spaced from the center of gravity of the counterbalancing mass 31 by a distance D, and for the configuration illustrated the central axis C passing through the center of radiation target 30 is colinear with, and forms an extension of, the central axis C' of counterbalancing mass 31. In addition, each respective center of gravity is located at a distance r from a reference plane 44 passing through the coupling member 20.
An exploded view of the apparatus is illustrated in FIG. 5 to better show the upper and lower portions of the arms 17 and 18. The radiation target and counterbalancing mass have been omitted.
Multilaminar magnetostrictive bender arms per se are not new. They have been used in the past, for example as a phonograph pickup arm (without a radiation target) with the electrical windings being wound about the bender arm. In the present invention, the arrangement is such as to provide a closed loop circuit for the magnetically conducting path. In addition, the construction of the magnetostrictive arms is such as to provide ease of winding insertion and in addition to provide room for many turns of the coil to thus establish a relative high gain. Describing arm 18 as exemplary, the lower portion thereof is slotted forming two legs 50 and 51, around which respective coils 24 and 25 may be easily slipped into place. The magnetic biasing arrangement 35 includes L-shaped brackets 53 and 54 secured to the lower ends of legs 50 and 51, respectively. These brackets hold a permanent magnet 56 for establishing a magnetic flux biasing circuit through the legs 50 and 51 and the low reluctance paths 39 and 41. In a similar manner, arm 17 includes a slotted lower portion, defining legs 60 and 61 with a permanent magnet 63 establishing a magnetic flux bias through the legs 60 and 61 and low reluctance path 38 and 40.
FIG. 6 shows the arms 17 and 18, as would be viewed from the permanent magnet side thereof, in order to illustrate the flux and winding relationships. With respect to arm 17, the permanent magnet having its north end adjacent leg 61 sets up a biasing flux in the direction of the arrows .phi. in the loop containing leg 61, shunt 38 and leg 60. With respect to arm 18, the permanent magnet 56 having its north end adjacent leg 51 sets up a biasing flux as indicated by the arrows .phi. in the loop containing leg 51, shunt 39 and leg 50.
Winding 22 is serially connected to winding 23, which in turn is connected to the serial arrangement of windings 24 and 25. During operation of the hydrophone, the water particle velocity acting on radiation target 30 will cause the arm 17 to move between the dotted line positions 47 and 48 of FIG. 4. Due to well known action of the bilaminar magnetostrictive construction, movement of the arm between these two positions will cause a resultant change in flux .phi.. This change in flux manifests itself as a proportional voltage produced in the coils 22 and 23 which are connected such that the respectively produced voltages are additive. Whether the net flux increases or decreases depends, not only upon which way the arm moves, but is additionally dependent upon which lamination, that is, the iron or nickel-iron combination forms the outside lamination. In general, if the nickel is in tension, the flux decreases; and if the nickel-iron combination is in tension, the flux increases, such that for the arm 17 in FIG. 6, if the outside lamination is nickel and the arm is pushed toward dotted line position 48 (away from the viewer in FIG. 6), the nickel will be in tension, the nickel-iron combination will be in compression, and there will be a net flux decrease resulting in a proportional voltage E= N(d.phi./dt) where N is the number of turns of the coils.
Due to the small area of the counterbalancing mass 31 presented to the water movement, arm 18 will not directly move in response to water particle velocity. Movement of arm 18 may occur, however, in response to movement of the entire hydrophone. The theory of operation is the same as that described with respect to the arm 17 in that movement of arm 18 causes a change in flux which generates corresponding voltages in the associated windings 24 and 25.
Although the counterbalancing mass 31 is nonresponsive to direct water particle velocity, the arm 18 may still move as a result of movement of arm 17. This will happen if the coupling member 20 is of a relatively small mass. In such instance there will be movement of arm 18 in an opposite direction to that of arm 17 due to the resultant reaction. With the coupling member of a relatively large mass, reaction forces from movement of arm 17 due to water impingement will not cause arm 18 to move. The use of large mass base, such as lead, is preferable. The operation of FIG. 6, therefore, is such that movement or vibration of the entire hydrophone causes movement of arms 17 and 18 in the same direction, resulting in generated voltages in their respective windings. The windings are electrically connected such that the voltages tend to cancel one another. A normal hydrophone output signal is obtained by impingement upon the radiation target 30, causing a corresponding signal to be generated in the windngs associated with arm 17, which for some constructions and depending upon the mass of the coupling member 20, will be the only signals generated, or alternatively, will be additive to those signals generated by the reaction of arm 18.
A great many variables exist in the arrangement of parts in that, for example, the arms can be reversed, the permanent magnet can be reversed, and the winding directions can be modified. FIG. 7 illustrates the basic electrical principles involved, and that is as follows. The windings associated with arm 17 produce a certain voltage dependent upon the flux change. In the embodiment thus far illustrated, winding 22 will produce a voltage e.sub.1, and winding 22 will produce a voltage e.sub.2 in the same direction as e.sub.1, as indicated by the arrows. Due to the fact that the dynamic masses of 30 and 31 are equal, during hydrophone movement, the windings associated with arm 18 will provide voltages, illustrated as e.sub.3 and e.sub.4, both being additive with respect to one another, with e.sub.1 and e.sub.2 being opposite to e.sub.3 and e.sub.4, thereby resulting in a net output of 0. In order to dynamically balance this system, there may, if desired, be included trimming means, such as potentiometer 65, connected across a set of coils in order to compensate, for example, for any slight differences in mass, etc. The windings are connected to a utilization means 70 such as a meter, recording means, or a computer, to name a few. It is thus seen from FIG. 7 that signals produced by acceleration of the hydrophone are cancelled. Signals produced by the water particle velocity in one case will be generated only in the windings associated with arm 17, that is e.sub.1 and e.sub.2 and in another case will be produced by the additional generation in the windings associated with arm 18, in which case, e.sub.3 and e.sub.4 will be in the same direction as e.sub.1 and e.sub.2.
A better understanding of the mechanical aspects of the hydrophone may be had by resorting to an electrical equivalent thereof and to this end reference is made to FIGS. 8 and 9, FIG. 8 illustrating the hydrophone being coupled to a support structure or case 72 through a highly compliant coupling 73, one example of which is butyl.
In the electrical-mechanical relationship the following analogues may be made
______________________________________Electrical Mechanical______________________________________voltage forcecurrent velocityinductance masscapacitance complianceimpedance mechanical impedance______________________________________
Accordingly, in FIG. 9 the mass of the radiation target indicated by the numeral 30' is represented by inductors M.sub.w + M.sub.m wherein M.sub.w is the water mass, and M.sub.m is the static mass, the both of them being equal to the dynamic mass as previously explained. Capacitor C.sub.A represents the compliance of the magnetostrictive arm 17 connected to the radiation target and is given the designation 17'. Similarly, the counterbalancing mass 31 is represented by the inductor M.sub.C and is designated by the numeral 31' and its respective arm, designated 18', also is represented by C.sub.A. Connected in circuit between junction point 74 and 75 is a capacitor C.sub.B representing the compliance of the butyl, and inductor M.sub.B representing the mass of the coupling block 20.
Numerals 76 represent transform circuits which transform a velocity (current) into a corresponding voltage as provided by respective windings 77 and 78 connected to output terminals 79. A force generator F is included and represents the RMS actuation force on the disk radiation target. A velocity generator U comes into play when the support structure 72 is accelerated. The output of the generator F (equivalent to volts) is given by the formula: ##EQU1## where F= RMS actuating force, a= radius of disk, f= frequency c= speed of sound in the medium, .theta.= the angle between the target and the plane of the wave front, p.sub.ff = RMS free field pressure of the acoustic wave and is related to the water particle velocity, the density of the water and the speed of sound therethrough.
The output generator U is defined by: U= A/2.pi. f where A is the RMS Acceleration of the frame.
Three different situations will be described by means of the electrical circuit equivalent of FIG. 9, the first being the acoustic response in the situation where the coupling member 20 is of a relatively low mass, the second being where it is of a relatively high mass, and the third situation being one where the entire hydrophone is accelerated.
In discussing the electrical equivalent circuit the inductive and capacitor components will be assumed to have the following value designations:
Inductor M.sub.2 -- Inductance of L.sub.w
Inductor M.sub.m -- Inductance of L.sub.m
Inductor M.sub.C -- Inductance of L.sub.C
Inductor M.sub.B -- Inductance of L.sub.B
Capacitor C.sub.A upper branch -- Capacitance of C.sub.a
Capacitor C.sub.A lower branch -- Capacitance of C.sub.a
Capacitor C.sub.B -- Capacitance of C.sub.b
Let it be assumed that the butyl coupling member 73 is very soft and therefore has a very high compliance. In such instance the value of capacitor C.sub.B is very high. The capacitance reactance X.sub.C.sbsb.B = 1/2.pi.fC.sub.b therefore is low. with a relatively low mass the inductance value of M.sub.B is small and accordingly its inductive reactance X.sub.M.sbsb.B =2.pi.fL.sub.B is small.
Assuming current flow out of the positive side of generator F, the current divides at junction point 74 and proceeds from right to left in the upper branch containing C.sub.A. The low reactance between junction point 74 and 75 may esentially be neglected and the other branch of current at junction point 74 divides at junction point 75 with a portion traveling from right to left in the lower branch containing C.sub.A and the remaining portion passing through M.sub.C. The impedance (reactance) M.sub.C in equal to the impedance of C.sub.A at the frequency fr. At higher frequencies the impedance of M.sub.C predominates and most of the branch current flows through C.sub.A (18') thus the currents through the two branches containing C.sub.A will be approximately equal, causing voltages to be generated in windings 77 and 78, and which voltages are additive.
Examining now the second situation where the coupling member 20 is massive, the value of inductance for M.sub.B, that is L.sub.B, will be relatively high therefore presenting a high reactance (X.sub.M.sbsb.B =2.pi.fL.sub.B) to current flow. Negligible current therefore will flow from junction point 74 to 75 and substantially all of the current will cause an output voltage in winding 77.
In the third situation, the one where the entire hydrophone moves, an output signal will be provided by the generator U, the external vibration velocity of the support 72. (For purposes of explanation let it be assumed that generator F is not providing an output). If the butyl 73 were extremely compliant, the value of capacitance C.sub.b would be very high and its capacitance reactance (X.sub.C.sbsb.B =1/2.pi.fC.sub.b) therefore would be very low. If the capacitance of C.sub.b was inifinite the capacitive reactance would be zero and any output current provided by generator U would be short circuited, which in effect would be the same as saying that with a high enough compliance any motion of the hydrophone would be filtered out and would not affect the operation. However, such ideal situation is not possible and accordingly that output current provided by generator U which is not shorted by C.sub.B splits at junction 74 with a portion going from right to left through the upper branch containing C.sub.A. A smaller portion of the current also flows through M.sub.W and M.sub.m and combines with the C.sub.A current to thereafter flow into the lower inductor M.sub.C and the lower branch containing C.sub.A in a direction from left to right. Due to the equality, the current in the upper branch is equal and opposite to the current in the lower branch containing C.sub.A and the signals generated in windings 77 and 78 will be equal and opposite to one another.
The combination of a mass on the end of the magnetostrictive arm defines a mass spring system which has a natural resonant frequency. The design of the hydrophone is such that the natural resonant frequency of the mass spring system is designed below the operating frequency range of the hydrohone. By so designing of the system there will result a relatively flat frequency response as illustrated in FIG. 2. This may be demonstrated by again making reference to FIG. 9. When operating above resonance the inductive reactance is much greater than the capacitive reactance for the present situation. Making the assumption again that point 74 is essentially directly tied to point 75, the capacitors C.sub.A present a very low impedance shunt across inductor M.sub.C with the value of capacitive reactance being essentially zero thereby resulting in an equivalent impedance Z for the circuit of X.sub.M.sbsb.W = X.sub.M.sbsb.M. The current provided by the generator F therefore may be determined from the following:
The voltage provided by generator F is: ##EQU2## The RMS mechanical velocity U' analogous to current (i= v/z) is: ##EQU3## which reduces to ##EQU4##
The term U' is equivalent to the disk velocity and is directly proportional to the free field acoustic pressure and completely independent of the frequency.
If, however, operation is below resonance the capacitive reactances become predominant, the inductive reactances are negligible and it may be demonstrated that the disk velocity would then vary with the square of the frequency and therefore the final output voltage at terminals 79 would vary with the square of the frequency and the frequency response would not be flat over the range of interest.
The hydrophone may be placed in an ambient medium in which the ambient medium particle velocity is to be measured. However, in order to insure for long time operation and to insure adequate protection of the hydrophone it is preferable that the hydrophone be installed within a protective envelope. FIG. 10 illustrates one possible arrangement and additionally illustrates another form of counterbalancing mass 67.
The arrangement of FIG. 10 includes the support 72 with the hydrophone being compliantly mounted with respect thereto by the lower portion including the coupling member being potted in a butyl 73. Connected to the support is a cover member 66 with the interior thereof being filled with a transducer fluid such as oil preferably having the same acoustic transmission properties as sea water, if sea water is the ambient medium.
The counterbalancing mass 67 of FIG. 10 is in the form of a flat disk having a plurality of apertures 68 extending therethrough. The provision of the apertures 68 insure that fluid motion passes through the apertures rather than causing the counterbalancing assembly to respond to the acoustic wave impingement. If movement in the direction of arrow A is contemplated, the disks can each be made in two parts straddling the respective arms, as previously described. Maintaining the same considerations as previously discussed, if the radiation target 30 and counterbalancing mass 67 are of equal sizes (due to the provision of the apertures, however, they are not of equal area) radiation target 30 may be fabricated of aluminum and the counterbalancing mass 67 of stainless steel, by way of example.
In the embodiment thus far described, the center of gravity of the counterbalancing mass was displaced by a certain distance D from the center of gravity of the radiation target. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 11, the centers of gravity are coincident. The hydrophone includes a radiation target 80 in the form of a disk and a counterbalancing mass 81 in the form of a ring surrounding the disk. A view of the arrangement from the other side of the disk is illustrated in FIG. 12. The hydrophone includes first and second magnetostrictive multilaminar arm portions 84 and 85 joined at support member 88. In actuality, the arm portions 84 and 85 may be a single curved multilaminar magnetostrictive member, with the support 88 being affixed thereto at a position intermediate the ends.
Movement of the radiation target 80 is transferred to the first arm portion 84 through a support arrangement in the form of struts 90. Similarly, movement of the counterbalancing mass 81 is transferred to the second arm portion 85 by means of struts 91. For cancelling of machanical vibration causing signals, the dynamic mass of the radiation target 80 is made substantially equal to the dynamic mass of the counterbalancing mass 81. Again, assuming an in-water environment, the disk-shaped radiation target 80 presents a relatively large surface area during movement through the water, whereas the counterbalancing mass in the form of a ring presents a relatively small area. Accordingly, the static mass of the ring is greater than the static mass of the disk, and by way of example the ring may be fabricated of tungsten and the disk of stainless steel.
In order to generate signals proportional to water particle velocity and to cancel signals due to mechanical movement, there is provided winding means in the form of coil 94 associated with arm 84 and coil 95 associated with arm 85, with the coils being serially connected and being additionally connected to a utilization means 97, as peviously discussed.
Whereas in the previous embodiment a bias flux was established by the use of a permanent magnet, the embodiment of FIG. 11 illustrates yet another method of providing a bias flux and includes a battery 100, the direct current of which passing through coils 95 and 94 establishes a biasing flux .phi.in the direction indicated in arms 85 and 84. The battery 100 ordinarily would present a low impedance path to any signals produced by the coils 94 and 95 and would, in effect, operate to short circuit the utilization means 97. Accordingly, to prevent this, there is provided a high AC impedance, such as choke 102 to prevent or substantially reduce the AC signal from taking the battery path.
In operation, let it be assumed that the assembly is vibrating due to mechanical motion such that at an instant of time the radiation target 80 is moved toward the arm portion 85, thereby bending arm portion 84 inwardly. At that same instant of time, arm portion 85 is being bent outwardly. If the outside lamination of the arm portions is nickel and the inside lamination is a nickel-iron combination, the change in flux considerations will generate a voltage in coil 94 as indicated by the arrow e.sub.1 and a voltage in coil 95 as indicated by the arrow e.sub.2. These two voltages are equal and opposite, and therefore cancel one another, such that no erroneous signal will be provided as a result of the mechanical vibration. Considering just acoustic signals, however, let it be assumed that at an instant of time water particle impingement on the radiation target 80 causes it to move toward the arm portion 85. If the support member 88 is relatively massive and forms a rigidly restrained support, the only voltage generated as a result of the instantaneous movement will be a voltage in coil 94 in the same direction as e.sub.1. If the support member 88 does not rigidly restrain the aparatus, then the reaction to movement of the radiation target 80 will cause the counterbalancing mass 81 to move toward arm portion 84, thereby resulting in a generated voltage in coil 95 which would be opposite to the voltage e.sub.2, and therefore additive with e.sub.1.
In the embodiments thus far illustrated, the magnetostrictive arm portions were of multilaminar constructions. FIG. 13 illustrates the disk and ring arrangement of FIG. 8 with an alternative form of magnetostrictive arm, which is in essence multilaminar but constructed of a single material such as nickel. FIG. 13 illustrates a section through the radiation target 80 and counterbalancing mass 81 connected to respective magnetostrictive arm portions 106 and 107. The arm portion 106 is comprised of two spaced apart layers 106a and 106b, with a biasing flux .phi. being established therethrough by means of a permanent magnet 108 interposed between the layers. Arm portion 106, made up of spaced apart layers 106a and 107b, has established a biasing flux .phi. therethrough by means of permanent magnet 110, with the return path for the flux in the respective arm portions being made through the air gap between the layers. In order to maintain the spaced apart position, there is provided a plurality of nonmagnetic spacers 112 and the arrangement is supported as before by a support member 114. The winding means are individually wound around each lamination such that winding 117 is wound in the manner shown around lamination 106b and is in series with winding 118 wound around lamination 107b the two windings being in series with the serial arrangement of winding 119 around lamination 107a and winding 120 around lamination 106a. The windings are connected to terminals 122, which in turn is for connection to a utilization means.
The electrical equivalent is illustrated in FIG. 14 where the terminals 122 are connected to the utilization means 125. During motion cancelling operation, the voltages procuded in the coils are as illustrated by arrows e.sub.1 and e.sub.2 and are equal and opposite to e.sub.3, and e.sub.4, thereby resulting in no signal output from acceleration motion. With a rigidly restrained support member 114, movement of the radiation target will at an instant of time, previously described, provided the additive signals e.sub.1 and e.sub.2 with no response in ring 81, hence the voltages e.sub.3 and e.sub.4 will be zero resulting in a net response to the particle velocity of the medium as previously described.
FIG. 15 illustrates another hydrophone protection arrangement, utilizing the hydrophone of FIG. 13. The protection is afforded by means of the envelope 130 in the form of a cylinder which may contain an array of such hydrophones. Acoustic communication with the ambient medium is made through windows 132 which may be thin membranes substantially transparent to acoustic energy with the envelope 130 containing an acoustic transmission medium having the same acoustic properties as the ambient medium outside the envelope 130.
The support member 88 is connected to a base 134, which in turn is secured to the envelope 130 through shock isolation mounts 136.
In a typical use situation, the envelope 130 could be suspended through the water column for listening to noises generated within a certain frequency range, and in such use movement of the envelope 130 does not cause erroneous output signals from the hydrophone, due to its acceleration cancelling feature.
  • 1. A dipole hydrophone for use in an ambient medium comprising:
  • (A) a first magnetostrictive multilaminar arm portion;
  • (B) first winding means coupled to said arm portion;
  • (C) a radiation target connected to said arm portion and responsive to ambient medium particle velocity to bend said arm portion in response thereto, to provide a corresponding signal in said winding means; and
  • (D) means for cancelling signals caused by mechanical movement of said hydrophone.
  • 2. Apparatus according to claim 1 wherein said means for cancelling includes:
  • (A) a second multilaminar magnetostrictive arm portion;
  • (B) second winding means coupled to said arm portion;
  • (C) a counterbalancing mass connected to said second arm portion and being of a size and shape to result in substantially negligible bending of said second arm portion in direct response to said ambient medium particle velocity;
  • (D) said first and second winding means being electrically connected together;
  • (E) means for establishing a bias magnetic flux in said arm portions.
  • 3. Apparatus according to claim 2 wherein;
  • (A) the dynamic mass of said first arm portion and said radiation target is substantially equal to the dynamic mass of said second arm portion and said counterbalancing mass.
  • 4. Apparatus according to claim 3 wherein;
  • (A) the dynamic mass of said radiation target is substantially equal to the dynamic mass of said counterbalancing mass.
  • 5. Apparatus according to claim 2 wherein;
  • (A) the mass moment of inertia of said radiation target is substantially equal to the mass moment of inertia of said counterbalancing mass.
  • 6. Apparatus according to claim 2 wherein;
  • (A) the center of gravity of said radiation target and the center of gravity of said counterbalancing mass are coincident.
  • 7. Apparatus according to claim 2 wherein;
  • (A) said radiation target is in the form of a flat plate; and
  • (B) said counterbalancing mass is in the form of a ring.
  • 8. Apparatus according to claim 7 wherein;
  • (A) said radiation target is a disk and
  • (B) said ring surrounds the periphery of said disk.
  • 9. Apparatus according to claim 1 wherein;
  • (A) said second arm portion is an extension of said first arm portion; and
  • (B) said arm portions are curvelinear.
US Referenced Citations (8)
Number Name Date Kind
2160876 Lakatos Jun 1939
2475148 Massa Jul 1949
2476778 Smoluchowski Jul 1949
2962695 Harris Nov 1960
2974530 Jaouen Mar 1961
3160848 Key, Jr. et al. Dec 1964
3187300 Brate Jun 1965
3207958 Chang-Sun Chang Sep 1965
Foreign Referenced Citations (1)
Number Date Country
1157266 Nov 1963 DEX