Comprehensive Report to Congress--Clean Coal Technology Program, U.S. Department of Energy--Jul. 1990-DOE/FE-0197P-pp. 1-35. |
Babcock & Wilcox Technical Paper BR-1370-"NO.sub.x Control Update--1989"-LaRue & Cioffi, Presented to 1989 Jt. Symposium on Stationary Combustion NO.sub.x Contro-San Francisco, Calif.-Mar. 5-9, 1989. |
Babcock & Wilcox Technical Paper BR-1392-"Coal-Fired NO.sub.x Emission Control Technologies"-Kitto, LaRue & Kulig, Presented to 6th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference-Pittsburgh, Pa.-Sep. 25-29, 1989. |
Babcock & Wilcox Technical Paper PGTP85-18-"Utility Steam Generator NO.sub.x Control Update-1985"-LaRue, Acree & Cioffi, Presented to 1985 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NO.sub.x Control-Boston, Mass.-May 6-9, 1985. |
Babcock & Wilcox Paper Titled "Development of Low NO.sub.x Cell Burners for Retrofit Applications"-LaRue & Rodgers, presented at a 1985 Joint EPA/EPRI NO.sub.x Symposium in Boston, Mass.-May, 1985-17 pages. |
Asme Paper 86-JPGC-FACT-G-"Development of a Retrofit Low NO.sub.x Cell Burner"-Clark LaRue, Liang & Eskinazi-Presented at the Jt. Asme/IEEE Power Gen. Conference-Portland, Or.-Oct. 19-23, 1986. |
Babcok & Wilcox Environmental Systems Information Brochure Dated Nov. 15, 1990-"LNCB.TM.-Low-NO.sub.x Cell Burner" .RTM.1990 The Babcock & Wilcox Company. |
Babcock & Wilcox Technical Paper-"NO.sub.x Control Update-1987"LaRue & Ciffi, Presented to Jt. Symposium on Stationary Combustion NO.sub.x Control-New Orleans, L.A.-Mar. 23-27, 1987 Paper No. BR-1306. |
Babcock & Wilcox Technical Paper PGTP87-13-"Large Scale Testing and Development of the B & W Low NO.sub.x Cell Burner"-Clark, LaRue, Liang & Eskuazi, Presented to Jt. Symposium on Stationary Combustion NO.sub.x Control-New Orleans, L.A.-Mar. 23-27, 1987. |
Babcock & Wilcox Technical Paper BR-1352A (RdTPA 88-34)-"NO.sub.x Emission Reductions-Selected Coal-Fired Retrofit Options"-Kulig & Kitto, Jr.-Presented at the Power Gen Conference, Orlando, Fla.-Dec. 6-8, 1988. |
B&W Paper-"Retrofit Comb. Modifications for NO.sub.x Control in Utility Boilers-From Pilot Scale to Full-Scale Development"-Rodgers, et al Presented at the 1990 Fall Symposium-American Flame Research Committee-San Francisco, Calif.-Oct. 8-10, 1990. |
Babcock & Wilcox Technical Paper BR-1452 -"Update on B & W Low NO.sub.x Combustion Systems"-LaRue et al-Presented to Intl. Jt. Pwr, Gen. Conference-San Diego, Calif., Oct. 6-10, 1991. |
B & W Paper Titled "Use of Numerical Modeling in the Design of a Low-NO.sub.x Burner for Utility Boilers"-Fiveland & Latham-Presented to 1st Intl. Conf. on Comb. Technologies for A Clean Environemnt-Sep. 3-6, 1991-Vilamoura, Portugal. |
Draft of a B & W Technical Paper BR-1474-"Preliminary Results from Phase II, Group II Low-NO.sub.x Clean Coal Retrofit Demonstrations"-Kleisley, et al-To Be Presented at Air & Waste Mgt. Assoc. Conf., Kansas City, Mo.-Jun. 21-26, 1992 (Mailed Mar. 16, 1992). |