The present invention relates to determining a background component and a dynamic component of an image frame from a sensed data sequence obtained in a dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) application, where the sensed data sequence is under-sampled with respect to the image frame.
There follows a list of references that are occasionally cited in the specification. Each of the disclosures of these references is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.
sensitivity encoding for fast MRI,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 1999, 42: pp. 952-962.
In many Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) applications, achieving highly-accelerated dynamic MRI is particularly important for clinical practice, such as cardiac imaging and free-breathing abdominal imaging. To assure that dynamic MRI can be executed rapidly and accurately, one needs to consider two key factors: (a) the speed of MRI data acquisition under normal signal transmission; and (b) the speed of image recovery from MRI data samples.
Since MRI image acquisition speed was found to be limited by physical factors such as gradient amplitude, slew-rate, and physiological constraints like nerve stimulation [1], many research studies have been focused on seeking for new approaches to decrease the amount of data acquired without causing corruption of images. Over the past two decades, there were several methods proposed to improve the image-acquisition speed. McGibney et al. [2] have presented Fourier reconstruction algorithms using Hermitian symmetry to reduce the scan time. Barger et al. [3]-[7] have suggested that non-Cartesian sampling techniques with more efficient k-space transversals can save more time than Cartesian sampling. Some research works have taken advantage of local sensitivity of phased array coil elements in parallel imaging in order to accelerate image acquisition, such as SMASH [8], GRAPPA [9] and SENSE [10]. In dynamic imaging, model-based approaches [11]-[13] and time-frequency techniques [3], [14] that make use of spatiotemporal correlations have been proposed to accelerate image acquisition. However, in comparison with multi-detector computed tomography (CT), existing techniques for dynamic MRI imaging still cannot reduce the scan time to a satisfactory level.
As a recently-introduced technique applied to rapid imaging, compressed sensing (CS) aims at reconstructing a signal and an image from a small subset of k-space that represents an original image. Compared with the traditional Nyquist sampling theorem, CS only needs far fewer samples to recover the signal without loss of image information [1] and can be used to exceed the current rapid acquisition techniques according to an acceleration rate [15]. CS was first presented in the literature of Information Theory and Approximation Theory, taking advantage of the facts that an image is usually sparse in some appropriate basis and that this sparse representation is able to be reconstructed from an under-sampled k-space. A successful application of CS needs to comply with three requirements [1]: (a) there exists a sparse representation for a desired image in a specific transform domain; (b) due to k-space under-sampling, aliasing artifacts should be incoherent in the transform domain; and (c) a non-linear reconstruction is used to enforce sparsity of the image representation and to keep the data acquired consistent. Fortunately, MRI conforms to two key conditions for the application of CS [16]. First, a medical image that is naturally compressible can be easily transformed to a sparse representation by choosing an appropriate transform domain such as those related to wavelets, finite differences (total variation), learned dictionaries and many others. Second, instead of directly acquiring pixel samples, MM scanners naturally acquire data in a spatial frequency domain (k-space), which promotes producing incoherent aliasing artifacts by under-sampling a Cartesian k-space randomly or by using non-Cartesian k-space trajectories. Since a video consisting of multiple frames are generally much more compressible than a single static image, one can take advantage of essential spatiotemporal correlations in dynamic MRI data to generate sparser representation than the case of exploiting spatial correlations only.
CS has been applied in several cardiac MRI applications to reduce scan time by maximizing the sparsity of the image reconstructed in a transform domain subject to data consistency constraints [17]. With the progress of CS research in MRI, research has been started to consider how to extend the idea of CS from signal vectors to matrices, in which missing or corrupted entries are recovered under a low-rank condition [18]. In dynamic MM, Lingala et al. [19] have proposed a model that permits decomposing a data matrix into a superposition of a low-rank component (L) and a sparse component (S) via robust principal component analysis (RPCA), the performance of which is improved over classical PCA with sparse outliers. RPCA has been successfully used in the field of computer vision, such as the separation of dynamic components and a static background from a video sequence [20], alignment of an image with deformations induced by the projection of 3D surfaces onto an imaging plane [21], and reconstruction of an image in 4-dimensional CT with a reduced number of projections [22]. By considering each static image corresponding to each temporal frame as a column of a space-time matrix, the L+S matrix decomposition is very suitable for dynamic imaging, where a low-rank matrix (L) can represent the temporally correlated background and a sparse matrix (S) can represent the dynamic component that lies on top of the background. Gao et al. [23] have applied the L+S model to dynamic MRI in reconstructing under-sampled cardiac cine data sets with separation of cardiac motion from a static background among frames. Recently, as a result that the L+S model can be used to reconstruct an under-sampled k-space with increased compressibility of dynamic MRI data [16], the combination of CS and L+S matrix decomposition brings an attractive improvement to further increase the imaging speed of dynamic MRI.
As the advantages of the L+S matrix decomposition are apparent, it is desirable if the performance in separating the low-rank component and the sparse component can be further improved over existing L+S decomposition techniques, where the aforesaid performance is measured in terms of the rank of the obtained low-rank component and/or the sparsity of the sparse component. There is a need in the art for a novel technique that can achieve an improvement in the separation performance.
Hereinafter the Schattenp-norm and the Lebesgue's p-norm are denoted by Sp and Lp, respectively, unless otherwise stated.
An aspect of the present invention is to provide a method for determining a background component and a dynamic component of an image frame from a sensed data sequence obtained in a dynamic MM application. The sensed data sequence is under-sampled with respect to the image frame.
The method comprises numerically optimizing a low-rank component and a sparse component of the image frame in a sense of minimizing a weighted sum of terms under a condition that the image frame is a sum of the low-rank component and the sparse component. In particular, the terms include a S1/2-norm of the low-rank component, an L1/2-norm of the sparse component additionally sparsified by a sparsifying transform, and an L2-norm of a difference between the sensed data sequence and a reconstructed data sequence. The reconstructed data sequence is obtained by sub-sampling the image frame according to an encoding or acquiring operation. The background component is the optimized low-rank component, and the dynamic component is the optimized sparse component.
Preferably, the weighted sum of terms follows the one shown in EQN. (5) below.
It is also preferable that the low-rank component and the spare component are numerically optimized by an iterative algorithm adopted from Algorithm 1 to be detailed below.
Other aspects of the present invention are disclosed as illustrated by the embodiments hereinafter.
Traditionally, the L+S matrix decomposition has been performed by transforming the decomposition problem into a convex optimization problem of minimizing a nuclear-norm (viz., a sum of singular values) of a low-rank section of the matrix and an L1-norm (namely, a sum of absolute values) of a sparse section of the matrix subject to data consistency constraints [24]. Different from the traditional approach, herein in the present invention, an S1/2-norm and an L1/2-norm are used to replace the nuclear-norm and the L1-norm, respectively, for improving the performance of the L+S matrix decomposition.
The technique developed by the aforementioned improved approach was tested in experiments. To guarantee fairness and effectiveness in the experiments, several sets of data of dynamic MRI experiments from [16] were used, where joint multi-coil reconstruction was used for Cartesian and non-Cartesian k-space sampling. As will be shown, experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the disclosed technique by a set of measures in three dynamic MRI with true acceleration including cardiac perfusion, cardiac cine and free-breathing accelerated abdominal dynamic contrast enhanced experiments (DCE)
In a dynamic MRI application, an image frame M can generally be decomposed into a low-rank matrix L and a sparse matrix S, where the low-rank matrix L has few non-zero singular values, and the sparse matrix S has few non-zero entries. The non-zero singular values of L represent the background component of M, and the non-zero entries of S represent the dynamic component of M. Note that M=L+S.
The mathematical model of the decomposition problem can be formulated by finding L and S to have
where: rank(L) is the rank of L; ∥S∥L
Obviously, the low-rank and sparse decomposition usually is a morbid optimization problem. Inspired by compression perception and statistical fields [25]-[27], we can rewrite EQN. (1) as
where: ∥L∥* is the nuclear norm (S1-norm), which is the sum of the singular values of L; ∥S∥L
According to [28] and [29], EQN. (2) can be rewritten as:
where: ∥L∥S
In [28], Xu et al. have demonstrated many attractive properties of the L1/2-norm penalty, such as unbiasedness, sparsity and oracle properties. In [29], Rao et al. have demonstrated that the S1/2-norm can induce the lower rank components for the components decomposition. It is expected that these features provide a better performance for the decomposition technique that is developed herein.
In case CS is used to obtain dynamic MRI data, the image frame M is required to be reconstructed from an under-sampled sensed data sequence. The sensed data sequence is under-sampled with respect to the image frame.
According to [16], ∥TS∥L
in which: E is an encoding or acquisition operator, one example of which is given in [16]; and d is under-sampled k-t space data sequence, which is an acquired time series of the 2D or 3D Fourier transform of frames (k-space) at varying time points t. Note that as indicated in EQN. (4), the data sequence d containing sensed dynamic MM data is related to the image frame M by sub-sampling the image frame M according to the encoding or acquiring operation E.
Since d in practice is usually corrupted and obtained in the presence of noise and interference during measurement, we add a regularization function to EQN. (4) to take into consideration of the corrupted d. It gives
where λL is a singular-value threshold, λS is a sparsity threshold, and ∥∥L
To solve the optimization problem given by EQN. (5), there have been some approaches proposed such as alternating direction [20], split Bregman [14], or other convex optimization techniques. In [16], Otazo et al. have used the iterative soft-thresholding to solve the problem, and Λλ(X) which represents a soft-thresholding operator [30] or a shrinkage operator, is defined on scalars as
where x is a component in a matrix.
Preferably, iterative half-thresholding [29] instead of iterative soft-thresholding is used, as in the present work. The half-thresholding or shrinkage operator is defined on scalars as
B. Algorithm for the L+S Decomposition Based on S1/2 and L1/2 Regularizations
Denote U and V such that M=UΣVH is the singular value decomposition of M , where Σ is a matrix containing singular values of M. Then the (dominant) singular values are extracted by computing SVTλ(M)=UHλ(Σ)VH where SVTλ(M) denotes a Singular Value Thresholding (SVT) operator under a selected value of λ.
Details of the developed algorithm of low-rank and sparse reconstruction from under-sampled dynamic MM data are as follows. At the k th iteration, we use Mk−1−Sk−1 to apply to the SVT operator and then utilize Mk−1−Lk−1 to apply to the shrinkage operator Hλ(X). The new Mk is obtained by performing data consistency, where EH(E(Lk+Sk−d)) is subtracted from Lk+Sk. Algorithm 1 represents a combination of singular value thresholding used for matrix completion [31] and iterative half-thresholding used for sparse reconstruction [32].
Three video datasets were used in our experiments for demonstrating the superiority of the disclosed technique. The datasets are related to cardiac perfusion, cardiac cine and abdominal. A brief introduction of three datasets is given in Table 1 below, which lists four properties such as the name of datasets, medical devices, the size of frame and the number of frame in the videos [16].
All the experiments were performed using MATLAB (R2014b) on a workstation with Intel Core i7-4790 processor of 3.60 GHz and 8 GB of RAM equipped with Windows 8.1 OS.
In this section, we evaluate the performance for cardiac perfusion between the two L+S models, the first one with S1+L1 regularizations and the second one with S1/2+L1/2 regularizations.
We demonstrate as follows that the disclosed technique employing the S1/2+L1/2, approach can induce a lower rank and more sparse components for better reconstructing the dynamic MRI image. Table 2 lists the results of the size of frame, the rank of low-rank component, the number of zeroes and the percentage of the number of zeroes respectively obtained by the S1+L1 and the S1/2+L1/2 regularizations.
From Table 2, it is observed that the rank of the low-rank components obtained by the S1/2+L1/2 method is 1, which is lower than 5 when compared with the S1+L1 method. Furthermore, for all the frames, the percentage of the number of zeroes in the sparse components obtained by the S1/2+L1/2 method is 28.26%, which is higher than 19.24% as obtained by the S1+L1 method. We also mention that the four frames of the background components obtained by the disclosed method are similar.
For demonstration,
In this section, the results were obtained from the two L+S decomposition methods by using cardiac cine data in the experiments.
Table 3 lists the results of the size of frame, the rank of low-rank component, the number of zeroes and the percentage of the number of zeroes respectively obtained by the S1+L1 and the S1/2+L1/2 regularizations.
It is apparent from Table 3 that the S1/2+L1/2 method as disclosed herein has a capability to induce sparser components than the S1+L1 method. For example, for all the frames, the percentage of the number of zeroes in the sparse components obtained by the S1/2+L1/2 method is 27.3%, which is higher than 17.99% as obtained by the S1+L1 method. In addition, the rank of the low-rank components obtained by the S1/2+L1/2 method is the same as that of the S1+L1 method.
In this section, the results were obtained from the two L+S decomposition methods by using abdominal DCE data in the experiments.
Table 4 lists the results of the size of frame, the rank of low-rank component, the number of zeroes and the percentage of the number of zeroes respectively obtained by the S1+L1 and the S1/2+L1/2 regularizations.
It is apparent from Table 4 that the S1/2+L1/2 method as disclosed herein has a capability to induce sparser components than the S1+L1 method. For example, for all the frames, the percentage of the number of zeroes in the sparse components obtained by the S1/2+L1/2 method is 17.89%, which is higher than 17.34% as obtained by the S1+L1 method. In addition, the rank of the low-rank components obtained by the S1/2+L1/2 method is the same as that of the S1+L1 method.
An aspect of the present invention is to provide a method for determining a background component and a dynamic component of an image frame from a sensed data sequence obtained in a dynamic MRI application. The sensed data sequence is under-sampled with respect to the image frame. The method is realizable by one or more computing devices for dynamic MM applications. Examples of any one computing device include a processor, a computer, a computing server, and a distributed server implemented in a computing cloud.
The method is illustrated with the aid of
Preferably, the weighted sum of terms considered in numerical optimization follows the one shown in EQN. (5), and is given as +½∥E(L+S)−d 22+λL·∥L∥S
It is also preferable that the low-rank component and the spare component are numerically optimized by an iterative algorithm adopted from Algorithm 1 detailed above. In particular, the iterative algorithm comprises a step of iteratively computing Mk, Lk and Sk from Mk−1, Lk−1, and Sk−1, k being a positive integer, with M0=EHd and S0=0 until both computed sequences {Lk} and {Sk} converge. In this step, Mk, Lk and Sk are computed by Sk=T−1Hλ(T(Mk−1−Lk−1)), Lk=UHλ(Mk−1−Sk−1)VH and Mk=Lk+Sk−EH(E(Lk+Sk), where Hλ(x) is given by EQN. (7).
Any embodiment of the disclosed method is implementable in a MRI data-analysis system for analyzing dynamic-MRI sensed data. For illustration,
The embodiments disclosed herein may be implemented using general purpose or specialized computing devices, computer processors, or electronic circuitries including but not limited to digital signal processors, application specific integrated circuits, field programmable gate arrays, and other programmable logic devices configured or programmed according to the teachings of the present disclosure. Computer instructions or software codes running in the general purpose or specialized computing devices, computer processors, or programmable logic devices can readily be prepared by practitioners skilled in the software or electronic art based on the teachings of the present disclosure.
The present invention may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or essential characteristics thereof. The present embodiment is therefore to be considered in all respects as illustrative and not restrictive. The scope of the invention is indicated by the appended claims rather than by the foregoing description, and all changes that come within the meaning and range of equivalency of the claims are therefore intended to be embraced therein.