Magnetically actuated ink jet printing device


  • Patent Grant
  • 6234608
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Thursday, June 5, 1997
    27 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, May 22, 2001
    23 years ago
A magnetically actuated ink jet printing device for use in an ink jet printer ejects ink droplets by deforming a diaphragm with the force generated on an electrode in a magnetic field when an electric current pulse is applied thereto. In one embodiment, the diaphragm of the device is provided by anisotropically etching a silicon substrate with an etch stop which provides a thin membrane of silicon material for use as the diaphragm. An electrode having an input and output terminal is patterned over the diaphragm and a sacrificial layer is deposited over the silicon substrate surface containing the diaphragm. The sacrificial layer is patterned to subsequently provide the ink ejection chamber over the diaphragm. A patternable layer is deposited over the silicon substrate surface including the sacrificial layer and patterned to provide the nozzles and expose the electrode terminals. The sacrificial layer is removed and an ink supply is connected to the space previously occupied by the sacrificial layer. Magnetic field generating means having a predetermined magnetic field strength are placed adjacent the device, and electric current applied to the electrode terminals in a predetermined direction relative to the magnetic field produces a force necessary to deform the diaphragm and eject an ink droplet from the nozzles of the printing device.


This invention relates to ink jet printheads and more particularly to droplet-on-demand ink jet printheads having magnetically actuated means for ejecting ink droplets.

The droplet-on-demand type of ink jet printheads are generally categorized by the means used to eject the ink droplets; viz., thermal ink jet or bubble jet, piezoelectric ink jet, and acoustic ink jet. In thermal ink jet, a water based ink is used and a heating element adjacent a nozzle momentarily vaporizes the ink in contact with the heating element in response to electric pulses applied to the heating element. Once a vapor bubble is nucleated, the vapor bubble expansion and contraction initiates a drop ejection process which continues independently of any additional electrical control signals, and thus there is no mechanism for control of the drop volume as might be desirable for variable drop-size greyscale control, except for varying the printhead or ink temperature which is difficult to control. For an example of thermal ink jet printheads, refer to U.S. Pat. No. 4,638,337. The piezoelectric ink jet printheads have piezoelectric devices which expand or contract when an electric signal is applied to produce the pressure required to eject a droplet or refill the chamber. Unlike the thermal ink jet drop ejector, the expansion and contraction of the chamber volume of a piezoelectric printhead is under continuous electrical control, which allows for controlling the drop volume enabling variable drop-size greyscale printing. For an example of a piezoelectric printhead, refer to U.S. Pat. No. 4,584,590. An acoustic ink jet printhead requires the use of an RF power supply to generate the acoustic energy necessary to eject a droplet. Such an RF power supply is costly and can lead to undesirable RF emissions. The acoustic energy must be tightly focused on the ink surface in order to eject an ink droplet, which leads to very tight tolerances in the design of the printhead, and makes the printhead difficult to manufacture. For an example of an acoustic ink jet printhead refer to U.S. Pat. No. 4,751,530.

Current thermal ink jet printheads require about 5-10 μJ of energy supplied over a 2.7 μsec time period, and thus 3.5 Watts of power, in order to eject a 20 pL droplet at 10 m/sec. Such a droplet would have 1 nJ of kinetic energy and 0.2 nJ of surface energy, and thus 99.98% of the drop ejection energy goes into waste heat. The thermal inefficiency of thermal ink jet printheads leads to a number of performance limitations; e.g., thermal management becomes a major issue and this problem gets larger as the arrays of nozzles increase. There are also problems with heat management with respect to image quality. As the thermal ink jet printhead heats up, the properties on the ink change (e.g., ink viscosity), leading to changes in the ejected droplet size, thus affecting image quality. Another limitation on thermal ink jet printheads is the restriction to water based inks, because a water vapor bubble is used as the propellant for the ink droplets. Water based inks limit ink latitude which leads to print or image quality limitations, including image permanence, water fastness, smear, and color gamut.

Both piezoelectric ink jet and acoustic ink jet printheads avoid these limitations by using non-thermal means of ejecting droplets. While this leads to increased ink latitude and eliminates heat management problems, there are a number of other problems for each of these techniques. For the piezoelectric ink jet devices, the droplet ejector must be very large, since the piezoelectric actuators provide very little displacement, thus limiting the number of nozzles in an array and thereby affecting print quality and/or productivity. Piezoelectric droplet ejectors are currently fabricated one-by-one, using non-integrated circuit batch fabrication techniques, so that their cost per nozzle is very expensive relative to droplet ejectors fabricated by integrated circuit batch fabrication techniques, such as that used by thermal ink jet devices. Acoustic ink jet printing requires the use of a RF power supply to generate the acoustic energy necessary to eject an ink droplet, and such RF power supplies are expensive. The RF power distribution on the droplet ejector heads is difficult to control. In addition, acoustic ink jet devices use non-standard fabrication processes and materials, with mechanical tolerances on the order of micrometers in all three dimensions which must be uniform over large areas, and thus do not benefit from the economies of silicon or integrated circuit batch fabrication techniques.

An electro-mechanically actuated ink jet printhead is disclosed in the article entitled “An Ink Jet Head Using a Diaphragm Microactuator,” by Susumu Hirata et al, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Workshop on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, San Diego, Calif., February 1996, pgs. 418-423. This device uses heat to expand and deform a diaphragm to eject ink droplets. The required energy was 80 μJ and is less energy efficient than thermal ink jet devices which use about 10 μJ.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,402,163 discloses an ink jet printhead which uses an electric current conductive ink and a current conductive bar to create an electro-dynamic force to eject ink droplets. However, this device requires a current conductive ink and thus has limitations on ink latitude, among other disadvantages.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,983,883 discloses an ink jet printhead which uses a magnetic force generating member to act upon a magnetic ink to eject droplets. Since the ink must be magnetic, this requirement imposes serious limitations on ink latitude, among other disadvantages of such a printhead.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,845,517 discloses an ink jet printhead in which a conductive mercury thread is positioned in each ink channel and a magnetic field is applied orthogonally to the channel. A flow of current through the thread causes an electromagnetic deformation of the thread and thereby eject a droplet. An apparent limitation on this concept is the exposure of the ink to the mercury thread which would lead to ink latitude problems.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,620,201; U.S. Pat. No. 4,633,267; and U.S. Pat. No. 4,544,933 disclose a magnetic driver for an ink jet printing device in which many current loops, each with a discharge nozzle, are lying in a common ink chamber. The current loops are moveable under the influence of a magnetic field and act to displace droplets. However, since the current loops act on a common ink chamber, there can be interactions between the different current loops, thus leading to cross talk between droplet ejectors. In addition, since the chamber walls in this design are very distant from the nozzles, and there are low compliance gaps between the nozzles, the mechanical efficiency of the current loops for ejecting liquid droplets is limited.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,455,127 discloses a compact size plunger pump in which pistons are driven to reciprocate by a plunger associated with an electromagnetic solenoid. Since this concept uses an electromagnetic solenoid, it does not lend itself to integrated circuit batch fabrication technology, thus this concept it not economically practical for use in an ink jet printhead environment.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,415,910 discloses an ink jet droplet ejector in which pressurized ink is released on demand by action of an electromagnet operating to unseat a magnetic ball seated on a printhead nozzle. This concept uses a magnetically actuated valve which is not suitable for integrated circuit batch fabrication technology and, thus, this concept is not considered economically practical for use in an ink jet printhead environment.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,057,807 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,032,929 disclose an ink jet printhead comprised of a plurality of ink chambers, each with a nozzle, each chamber has a diaphragm as an outer wall, and an electromagnet which may be selectively energized confronts each diaphragm. When exposed to a magnet field, the diaphragm deforms to decrease the chamber volume and eject a droplet from the nozzles. This concept is not amenable to the silicon integrated circuit batch fabrication technology, so that it is not very cost effective to manufacture, nor is it amenable to the microelectromechanical technology which is so important in a practical, cost effective ink jet printing device.


It is the object of the present invention to provide a new, cost effective magnetic actuated ink jet printing device which avoids the many problems of the above mentioned thermal ink jet, piezoelectric ink jet and acoustic ink jet printing devices.

In one aspect of the invention, there is provided a magnetically actuated ink jet printing device for use in an ink jet printer, comprising: a substrate having parallel opposing sides and first and second parallel surfaces, the second substrate surface having at least one recess with a bottom surface substantially parallel to the first substrate surface, the recess bottom surface and the first substrate surface being spaced apart by a predetermined distance and defining a diaphragm; at least one electrode formed on the substrate first surface, a portion of the at least one electrode being aligned with and on the at least one diaphragm, the electrode portion overlying the at least one diaphragm being flexible; a patternable member formed on the first substrate surface and having at least one internal cavity opening against the first substrate surface which forms a part thereof, the cavity serving as an ink reservoir and containing the portion of the electrode overlying the diaphragm, cavity having a nozzle and an ink inlet, the nozzle being aligned with the diaphragm; at least one magnetic field generating means being located adjacent the substrate and oriented to generate a magnetic field of a predetermined strength and direction relative to the electrode overlying the diaphragm; an ink supply connected to the ink inlet of the cavity to fill said cavity with ink; and means for selectively applying electrical current pulses to the at least one electrode, the current through the electrode which is in the magnetic field producing a force which causes the diaphragm and electrode to deform momentarily in a direction toward and then away from the nozzle, each of said momentary deformations of the diaphragm and electrode ejecting an ink droplet from the nozzle. To vary the droplet size for greyscale printing, the current direction may be reversed immediately after an initial current to cause the diaphragm to deform in the opposite direction away from the nozzle, thereby increasing the volume of ink contained within the chamber. In another embodiment, a continuous current through the electrode overlying the diaphragm while the electrode is in a magnetic field causes the generation of a force on the diaphragm which keeps the diaphragm deformed towards the nozzle, but ejection of droplets occur when the current is increased and then decreased towards zero current.


The present invention will now be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings, wherein like reference numerals refer to like elements, and in which:

FIG. 1

is a partially shown, schematic, isometric view of a printer having the magnetic actuatuted ink jet printing devices of the present invention;

FIG. 2

is an isometric view of a silicon wafer containing on the surface thereof a plurality of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing devices of

FIG. 1

, and showing the dicing lines for separating the devices;

FIG. 3

is a single magnetic actuated ink jet printing device shown in isometric view after separation from the wafer in

FIG. 2


FIGS. 4-6

show the fabrication process of only one of the plurality of magnetic actuated ink jet printing devices in the wafer of

FIG. 2

in cross-sectional view;

FIG. 7

is a schematic cross-sectional view of a magnetic actuated ink jet printing device disclosing the operating principal thereof;

FIG. 8

is a bottom view of a magnetic actuated ink jet printing device;

FIG. 9

is a top view of a magnetic actuated ink jet printing device;

FIG. 10

is a cross-sectional view of another embodiment of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device similar to the view shown in

FIG. 6


FIG. 11

is an isometric view of a multicolor magnetic actuated ink jet printing device, wherein four arrays of nozzles are fabricated in a single printing device;

FIG. 12

is a bottom view of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device of

FIG. 11


FIG. 13

is a plan view of an alternate embodiment of the electrode covering the diaphragm of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device which actuates the device and ejects the droplet;

FIG. 14

is a cross-sectional view of an alternate embodiment of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device and is similar to the cross-sectional view of

FIG. 6

; and

FIG. 15

is a waveform of the current through the electrode on the diaphragm in one embodiment of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device, showing a continuous current which is increased and decreased to eject an ink droplet.


Referring to

FIG. 1

, a schematic isometric view of a multicolor ink jet printer


is partially shown having the magnetic actuated ink jet printing devices


of the present invention shown in dashed line. The multicolor printer comprises four print cartridges


, one for each color and each with an integral printing device


, releasably mounted on a translatable carriage


. The print cartridges have an ink supply manifold


and ink inlet connectors


for the attachment of ink supply tubes (not shown) which provide means for maintaining the manifolds filled with ink from a main supply (not shown) located elsewhere in the printer. The carriage has a frame


on which the cartridges are mounted with slidable guides


that travel along guide rails


under control of a printer controller (not shown) in the back and forth direction of arrow


. The printing devices or printheads print swaths of images on a recording medium


, such as paper, with droplets


of ink ejected from the printing device nozzles, not shown in this view. The recording medium is held stationary while each swath of image is being printed and then the recording medium is stepped the distance generally equal to the height of the printed swath of image in a direction orthogonal to the carriage translation direction as depicted by arrow


. The printing devices eject droplets on demand via ribbon cables


from the printer controller. Alternatively, the printhead can be enlarged to cover an entire pagewidth by increasing the number of droplet ejectors. In this implementation the printhead (not shown) can be held stationary while the medium is moved at a constant velocity past it. Such a pagewidth array greatly increases the productivity of the printer.

A conceptual drawing showing the operating principal of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device


of the present invention is depicted in FIG.


. The printing device


comprises a silicon plate


having two parallel surfaces




. The silicon plate is a portion of a (100) silicon wafer having a thickness of about 20 mils or 500 μm and is anisotropically etched from the surface


to provide a recess


therein. Alternatively a glass or ceramic laminate (not shown) could be used instead of the silicon wafer and the recess


therein provided by an appropriate process, including, for example, by molding or laser ablation. The recess


has a bottom surface


which is substantially parallel to the silicon plate surface


and spaced a predetermined distance therefrom, preferably about 1 μm, in order to form a relatively thin silicon membrane for use as a diaphragm


. The surface area of the recess bottom surface and thus the area surface of the diaphragm is predetermined to permit the appropriate deformation, and in the preferred embodiment is about 320 μm square or, if circular, about 320 μm in diameter. The silicon plate top surface


has an aluminum electrode


deposited thereon and aligned so that a portion of the electrode lies over the diaphragm. Alternatively, but not shown, the electrode could be deposited on the silicon plate bottom surface


and recess


and aligned so that a portion of the electrode lies on the underside of the diaphragm. A nozzle plate


is formed on silicon plate surface


which has an internal cavity


therein. The cavity is open against the silicon plate surface and is aligned with the diaphragm and overlying or underlying electrode. The nozzle plate has a nozzle


which is centrally aligned with the diaphragm. The cavity is filled with ink


through an inlet (not shown).

First electric current pulses “I” are selectively applied to the electrode


via a transistor


which may be integrally formed on the silicon plate surface. A predetermined magnetic field B (not shown), which has a field direction extending upward from the surface of the drawing in

FIG. 7

, causes a force F to be generated whenever a predetermined current passes through the electrode from left to right in

FIG. 7

, as illustrated by the X,Y,Z coordinates, wherein the force F is the Y direction, the current I is the X direction, and the magnet field B is the Z direction. The generated force F, indicated by arrow


, deforms the diaphragm in the upward direction towards nozzle


, as shown in dashed line, thereby increasing the pressure on the ink in the cavity, which serves as an ink reservoir, initiating the ink ejection process. A droplet


is ejected from nozzle


when, after the diaphragm moves toward the nozzle, the diaphragm moves in direction away from the nozzle, as when current is removed from the electrode. The droplet volume or size may by varied by applying an appropriately timed current pulse in the opposite direction via a second transistor


in order to drive the diaphragm in the direction away from the nozzle by an oppositely directed force, thereby immediately increasing the chamber volume rather than decreasing it. Thus, the basic principal on which this invention is based is the well known law of physics that a force is generated when a current is passed through a conductor which lies in a magnetic field.

In an alternate embodiment of the invention, greyscale is achieved by increasing the volume of ink in the printhead cavity


for larger ejected droplets. This is accomplished by first placing a current pulse through the electrode in a direction to create a force on the diaphragm which deforms the diaphragm away from the nozzle. Thus, the cavity is momentarily enlarged and then a current pulse in the opposite direction produces a force on the diaphragm which deforms the diaphragm towards the nozzle. As the ink moves through the nozzle, the current is removed or its direction reversed to enable the diaphragm to return to its original position or be driven back.

The required pumping pressure at the nozzle


is given by the following formula:




surface tension


dynamic pressure












where: μ/ρ=kinetic viscosity (0.018 cm


/sec for H


O); L=nozzle channel length; A(τ)=transient flow coefficient; u=droplet velocity=10 m/sec; d=nozzle diameter; γ=surface energy=60 mJ/m


for H


O; and p=density (mass per unit volume)=1 gm/cm


for H


O so that P=1.0 atmospheres (atm)+0.1 atm+0.5 atm=1.6 atm for a water droplet ejected out of a nozzle channel length L=100 μm and a nozzle diameter d=30 μm. Thus, the required force F to eject a water droplet is the pumping pressure P divided by the nozzle area, or F=(1.6 atm)×[π(d/2)












N. The force available from the diaphragm of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device can be calculated from the Lorenz force equation for the force acting on a charge carrying particle moving in the presence of a magnetic field: F=qv×B=ILB; where q=charge on the particle; v=velocity of the particle; B=magnetic field; I=current (charge per unit time); and L=length of electrode, so that for I=400 mA in a B=0.8 Tesla field, the force F per unit length would be 4.0×10


N/m. For F=50×10


N, the length of the electrode is a minimum of 125 μm long.

In one embodiment, the printing devices


are fabricated using a silicon integrated circuit batch fabrication technique. As shown in

FIG. 2

, a plurality of magnetic actuated ink jet printing devices or printheads


are shown prior to separation into a plurality of individual printing devices. Alternatively, full width array printing devices can be fabricated on large substrates, such as, glass or ceramic composites. In this embodiment, the printing devices are fabricated from a (100) silicon wafer


and a layer


of photopatternable material, such as, for example, polyimide. The layer of photopatternable material is patterned to form elongated trenches


which expose the contact terminals for the electrodes (see FIG.


). Each of the printing devices


have an array of nozzles


and mutually perpendicular dicing cut lines


, shown in dashed lines, which will be subsequently used to separate the printing devices.

A single printing device


is shown in isometric view in

FIG. 3

with two magnetic field generating means (shown in dashed lines), such as, for example, two magnets


of sufficient magnetic flux density or field strength on opposing sides thereof. Rare earth magnets, such as cobalt samarium magnets, each having a magnetic field strength of 0.82 Tesla or 8,200 Gauss and located on opposite sides of the printing device with an orientation such that their fields are additive, are sufficient for generating the required droplet ejecting force F for a 600 spi pitch of 42 μm when electric current pulses of 250 mA are applied to the electrodes on the diaphragm


(see FIG.


). The printing device comprises a portion of a silicon wafer referred to as a silicon plate


, electrodes


covering a diaphragm for each nozzle


, and a patterned layer


of photopatternable material, referred to as nozzle plate


. The cavities


, which serve as ink reservoirs for each nozzle, and a common ink manifold


connecting the cavities with inlet


are provided by a through etch in the silicon plate and are shown in dashed line. The electrode contact terminals




for input and common return, respectively, are shown exposed by the patterning of the nozzle plate. To clarify the orientation of the printing device relative to magnetic field and current direction, a coordinate system is provided showing the X,Y,Z coordinates as the current I, the force generated direction F, and magnetic field B, respectively.

FIGS. 4-6

show the integrated circuit batch fabrication process for the magnetic actuated ink jet printing devices


. Although the fabrication process is on the wafer scale, the portion of the wafer



FIG. 2

) depicted is a cross-sectional view of only one printing device for ease of explanation. In

FIG. 4

, the portion of a n-type (100) silicon wafer, hereinafter referred to as the silicon plate


, has a thickness of about 20 mils (500 μm) and one surface


is doped through one or more masks to form a patterned p-type etch stop


for each printing device nozzle having a surface dimension of 320 μm×320 μm or 320 μm in diameter and a concentration of about 10


Boron ions/cc to a depth of about lam. Alternatively, an electrochemical etch stop, which is well known in the industry, can be used with a much smaller concentration of dopant ions in order to avoid the high stress that is generated in the membrane or diaphragm by a high concentration of Boron ions. See for example, T. N. Jackson, M. A. Tischler, K. D. Wise, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. EDL-2, No. 2, February 1981. Each of these etch stops


will subsequently define the flexible diaphragms



FIGS. 6 and 7

) which will be used to eject ink droplets. A second area


encompassing and surrounding all of the diaphragm etch stops


is also p-doped to the same concentration, but to a larger depth, namely, 18 μm. For an eight nozzle printing device, second p-doped area


would have a surface area of about 2700 μm×650 μm. The opposite surface


or optionally each of the surfaces




of the silicon plate is protected by a protective, etch resistant layer


, such as, for example, silicon nitride or silicon oxide, having a thickness of about 1000 angstrom to 1 μm. The etch resistant layer


on surface


of the silicon plate is shown only in the embodiment disclosed in FIG.


. Optionally, an integral semiconductor transistor or CMOS switch


could be formed on the surface


of the silicon plate during this stage of the process for use as the switch to selectively apply an electric current to a subsequently formed electrode. Metal electrodes


, such as aluminum, is patterned on the silicon plate surface


so that each electrode overlies an etch stop


and is oriented so that current must flow in a particular direction. In

FIG. 4

, the current flow direction is either left to right or right to left. As at least a portion of each electrode


will be exposed to ink, the electrode is passivated with a passivation layer (not shown), except for the electrode ends used as contact terminals




(also see FIG.



Next, a 20 to 30 μm thick sacrificial layer


is deposited and patterned on the surface


of the silicon plate and the passivated electrodes


thereon. A low temperature process is required for the deposition of the sacrificial layer, so that the underlying metal electrodes are not attacked. Several suitable photoresists, such as, for example, AZ4620™ a commercially available photoresist from Shipley, may be sputtered or spun on to the appropriate depth at a temperature of less than 400° C. which process temperature will not attack the metal electrodes. The other requirement of the sacrificial layer is that it must be selectively removed by chemicals which will not attack the nozzle plate material, which in the preferred embodiment is polyimide. This sacificial layer is then patterned to build the areas for the ink cavity



FIGS. 6 and 7

) and ink flow passages such as the common manifold



FIG. 6

) and passageways which interconnect the ink cavities


to the manifold. The next step is the deposition of one or more layers of a material, such as, for example, a photosensitive polyimide layer


to a thickness of about two times that of the sacrificial layer or about 40 to 60 μm which will later be patterned using typical photolithographic steps to form the nozzle plate


. If necessary, an etch resistant layer (not shown) may be deposited over layer


to protect it from a subsequent anisotropic etch.

Referring to

FIG. 5

, the protective, etch resistant layer


on the back side surface


of the silicon plate is patterned to provide vias


therein and an anisotropic etchant is used, such as potassium hydroxide (KOH) or ethylenediamine pyrocatechol (EDP), to etch the recess


and through hole


with open bottom


. The etch stops




prevent further etching. The etch stop


provides the diaphragms


. The through hole


will subsequently serve as an ink inlet to the common manifold provided by removal of the sacrificial layer. The next step is to pattern the layer


to form the nozzles


and nozzle plate


and to remove the layer from above the electrode terminals




for access thereto. When a photosensitive polyimide is used for the layer


, the patterning is done photolithographically by means well known in the industry. In the final step, the sacrificial layer


is removed using selective wet etch followed by curing the patterned layer


if necessary, to form the nozzle plate


as shown in FIG.


. On a wafer scale process, a plurality of printing devices would be integrally formed on a four or five inch diameter silicon wafer and the wafer would be diced along the dicing lines



FIG. 2

) to separate the printing devices into a plurality of individual printing devices. Each individual printing device


is then bonded to an ink supply manifold


, shown in

FIG. 6

in dashed line, with a manifold opening


in alignment with the etched through hole


, so that ink in the ink supply manifold is in fluid communication with the nozzles


in the nozzle plate


by way of a flow path through the common manifold


and thus to the cavities or ink reservoirs


which connect to the nozzles (see also FIG.


). For a pagewidth printing device (not shown), printing devices


could be abutted or staggered for the desire length, or as mentioned above the diaphragm bearing substrate


and nozzle plate


could be pagewidth in length with the magnetic field generating means


spaced along the length of the printing device.


FIG. 8

, a bottom view of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device


is shown. This printing device has been fabricated in accordance with the fabricating process discussed above and as depicted in

FIGS. 4-6

. Although only eight diaphragms


are shown in the silicon plate


for clarity, an actual printing device would have many more in an array on a 600 spi spacing. In this view, the main anisotropically etched recess


through silicon plate surface


is shown which has a depth defined by the etch stop


, so that the recess bottom surface


is formed at the 18 μm deep etch stop


. All of the diaphragms


are defined by the etch stops


, each having the depth of 1 μm, so that the diaphragms are 1 μm thick. There is one diaphragm for each nozzle


, the nozzles being shown in dashed line. For assistance in understanding the invention, a few of the addressing electrodes


, integral transistors


, and input terminals


are shown in dashed line. Also shown in dashed line is the common return terminal


. Located at one end of the silicon plate is the etched through recess


and open bottom


which serves as the inlet to the common manifold


of the nozzle plate


(see FIG.



A top view of the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device


is shown in FIG.


. The nozzles


are spaced along a column by the center-to-center distance ‘b’ and off set from each other by the dimension ‘a’, so that the array is slightly inclined. The ‘b’ distance is about 320 μm and the ‘a’ dimension is about 42 μm. The diaphragms


are shown in dashed line below each nozzle. The layer


of nozzle plate material, such as polyimide, has been patterned to expose the terminals




on the surface


of the silicon plate


and to form the nozzles


is the nozzle plate


. The etched ink inlet


is also shown in dashed line for clarity. The magnetic field generating means


, such as for example, permanent magnets are shown in dashed line with the orientation of the magnetic field B indicated by arrows. The magnetic field orientation may be any planar direction, so long as the electrode portions adjacent the diaphragms are within the magnetic field and are perpendicular to the magnetic field direction.

An alternate embodiment is shown in

FIG. 10

, which is similar to the cross-sectional view of FIG.


. The difference between the two embodiments is that in

FIG. 10

, the etched through recess


with open bottom


is omitted and instead the sacrificial layer is patterned to open through the side of the layer


of nozzle plate material when it is patterned. When the sacrificial layer is removed, an open passageway


penetrates the side


of the nozzle plate


. A hose connection


is bonded to the nozzle plate and a hose


is connected thereto. The fabrication process of




are otherwise identical; viz., the surface


of the silicon plate


is doped to form the etch stops




to a concentration of 10


Boron ions/cc to the respective depths of 1 μm and 18 μm. The etch resistant protective layer


of silicon nitride or silicon oxide is deposited on the bottom surface


of the silicon plate. The integral transistor or semiconductive switch


may optionally be produced at this time in the top surface


of the silicon plate, followed by patterning the metal electrodes


and the deposition of the sacrificial layer


(see FIG.


). Next, the relatively thick layer of nozzle plate material is deposited over surface


of the silicon plate including the sacrificial layer


, followed by the patterning of the protective layer


to produce vias


for anisotropic etching of the recess


which provide the diaphragms


. The final step is the patterning of the layer


of nozzle plate material to expose the electrode terminals




and produce the nozzles



The multicolor printer of

FIG. 1

has four printing devices of

FIG. 3

, one for each color of yellow, cyan, magenta, and black.

FIG. 11

shows an isometric view of a multicolor printing device


, which differs from that of the single array of nozzles in the printing device of

FIG. 3

, only in that the four arrays of nozzles are on a single plate


, so that alignment of the nozzles for each color is eliminated. The size of the plate is larger to accommodate the increased number of electrodes


and electrode terminals




and increased number of nozzles and the plate may be any suitable material such as ceramic or glass, but is preferably silicon. The nozzle plate material


is patterned to provide the nozzle plate


and the four arrays of nozzles


and to expose all of the electrode terminals. The magnetic field generating means


are shown in dashed line and a X,Y,Z coordinate system is shown to depict the orientation of the magnetic fields, the current direction in the electrodes over the diaphragms, and the resultant force F produced which deforms the diaphragms towards and then away from the nozzles to eject the ink droplets.

A bottom view of the multicolor printing device of

FIG. 11

is shown in FIG.


. In this view, four arrays of eight diaphragms each are shown with each diaphragm


having a nozzle


shown in dashed line. The nozzles have center-to-center spacings ‘b’ and ‘c’, where ‘b’ is about 320 μm and ‘c’ is about 640 μm. The off-set of the nozzles in each column is depicted by the dimension ‘a’ which is the same as that of the single array of nozzles in the printing device of

FIG. 3

, viz., about 42 μm. Thus, the etched recess


which is etched to the doped etch stop


contains in the floor


thereof, the arrays of etched recesses which are further etched to the etch stops


that define the thickness of the diaphragms


. The etch stop


is 18 μm deep and the etch stop


is 1 μm deep, respectively, from the top surface


of the silicon plate


, so that the main recess floor


is spaced from the top surface of the silicon plate by the thickness of the etch stop


and the floor of the recesses which define the diaphragms


are spaced from the top surface of the silicon plate by the thickness of the etch stop


. Reinforcing ribs


may optionally be provided in the recess


by using a separate via (not shown) in the etch resistant layer


for each array of diaphragms


, so that each array of diaphragms have a separate recess



An alternate embodiment of the electrode which lies on the top or bottom of each diaphragm is shown in FIG.


. The electrode is two separate coils




of wire patterned over the diaphragm


, so that each of the wires pass over the diaphragm several times and a current pulse through the coils of wire pass the current in the same direction. Such configuration of wire coils is often referred to as a “voice coil”. For the above described embodiments where the nozzles have a center-to-center distance or pitch of 42 μm, and using 2 μm wires with 2 μm spacing, the same wire passes over the diaphragm ten times per pitch and the current in the wires over the diaphragm


pass in the same direction as indicated by an arrow representing current direction. Therefore, the current load through the coiled wire is reduced to about 50 mA. This current level is below the typical drive currents of 80 mA used for thermal ink jet printheads, so that current can be switched with transistors in the NMOS technology.

When using two magnets arranged so that their magnetic fields are additive, thereby doubling the field strength, as is shown in the above embodiments, the current requirement is reduced by a factor of two. The current requirement can be further reduced by an additional factor of two by overlaying a second layer of windings (not shown) in a second layer of metallization (such as typically used in a CMOS process). Such an arrangement doubles the number of wire windings in each pitch from 10 as shown in

FIG. 13

to 20 wire crossings on the diaphragm, thus reducing the current requirement by an additional factor of two. By doubling the wire crossings, the required current to eject a droplet can be decreased to 12.5 mA. Alternatively, the current in such an arrangement can be maintained at 50 mA, so that the force developed thereby is increased by a factor of four. The increase in force by a factor of four will lead to an increase the deformation of the diaphragm by a factor of four. Such an increase in diaphragm deformation may be desirable to compensate for any low compliance in the walls that form the chamber volume which could lead to a decrease in the ejected drop volume.

In the preferred embodiment, a sheet electrode is used for simpler layout and processing. The force F per unit area on a current sheet electrode is given by the formula F/A=ξB; where B is the magnetic field in Tesla (T) and ξ is the sheet current density in amps/m


. At a field strength of 0.8 T, with a current of 500 mA flowing through the sheet electrode that is 120 μm wide, ξ=4.2×10




, and the force per unit area is 3.33×10




. To generate the required 50 μN of force to eject a droplet, the diaphragm would require an area of 1.5×10




. This is an area of about 120 μm×120 μm which when off set by 42 μm easily provides a nozzle spacing of 600 spi. The power dissipation in the magnetic actuated diaphragm can be determined from the formula P=I


R, where I is the current and R is the resistance of the current carrying sheet. The resistance for an aluminum sheet that is about 0.5 μm thick is approximately 56 mΩ. For a 500 mA current pulse, the power dissipation is P=I


R=(0.5 amps)




Ω)=14 mW. Therefore, a 60 μsec current pulse would dissipate about 0.84 μJ. This is much less power and energy required to eject a droplet than required by thermal ink jet printheads, which require on the order of 3 Watts and 10 μJ of power and energy, respectively.

The central displacement w of a square diaphragm with L meters per side clamped along the edges and having a thickness of h meters is given by the formula:















Where E is Young's modulus for polyimide (5 GPa), v is the Poisson ratio for polyimide (0.35), and P is the applied pressure of 50 μN/(120 μm)




Pa. Therefore, w=0.3 μm. For silicon, Young's modulus is 165 GPa and the Poisson ratio is 0.28. For silicon nitride, Young's modulus is 270 GPa and the Poisson ratio is 0.27.

In order to displace a 2 pL droplet, using a 120 μm×120 μm diaphragm, the required displacement is 0.14 μm, assuming that the ratio of droplet volume/change in chamber volume equals 1. The size of the diaphragm can be increased as necessary to compensate for any losses in ejected droplet volume due to compliance within the ejection chamber. A small change in the size of the diaphragm leads to a large change in the displacement of the diaphragm since the displacement varies as the fourth power of the size. The ejected droplet volume can also be modulated for gray scale by variation of the magnitude or shape of the current pulse, to provide a larger or smaller diaphragm pressure P, and thus a larger or smaller diaphragm displacement w. Droplet modulation can also be obtained as explained earlier by varying the sign of the current pulse, in order to deflect the diaphragm away from the nozzle in order to increase the chamber volume.

Another embodiment of the magnetic actuated printing device


is shown in FIG.


. This embodiment is similar to the embodiment shown in

FIG. 6

, but differs in that the patterned etch stops


are omitted, and an etch resistant layer


such as silicon nitride, is deposited on the top surface


of the silicon plate


. The etch resistant layer


is patterned to provide vias


to expose the top surface


in areas to be subsequently used for the integral transistors


and transistors


, if used, and the ink inlet


. The metal electrode


is formed on the etch resistant layer


and exposed silicon plate surface


. The electrode is passivated by, for example, a second etch resistant layer of silicon nitride (not shown) thereby sandwiching the electrode between electrically insulating layers. Without etch stop


, the anisotropic etching of the recess


enables the etching of a second recess


. The second recess


is etched completely through the areas no longer protected by the patterned etch stops


, so that the diaphragms


are provided by the exposed etch resistant layers


. Alternatively, the etch resistant layer may be removed and replaced with a layer of polyimide or other suitable material for the diaphragm.

An alternate embodiment of a current waveform is shown in

FIG. 15

in which the current is continuous during the printing mode for the magnetic actuated ink jet printing device. In this embodiment, the diaphragms are always deformed towards the nozzles as shown in dashed line in

FIG. 7

by a continuous current of 100 mA, but droplet ejection takes place only when the current is momentarily increased to, for example, 200 mA increasing the generated force and moving the diaphragm further towards the nozzle and then reduced to, for example, substantially zero, so that each of the diaphragms instantly move in a direction away from the nozzle. Therefore, the ink containing cavities or reservoirs having respective nozzles have their pressure selectively increased then decreased to expel an ink droplet of predetermined volume. The relative timing of increase and decrease of the current provides the modulation of the droplet volume and thus grey scale printing. Though the waveform is shown as simple square wave pulses for ease of explaining this embodiment of the invention, a more complex wave form is used in order to control the droplet ejection process.

Although the foregoing description illustrates the preferred embodiment, other variations are possible and all such variations as will be obvious to one skilled in the art are intended to be included within the scope of this invention as defined by the following claims.

  • 1. A magnetically actuated ink jet printing device for use in an ink jet printer, comprising:a substrate having parallel opposing sides and first and second parallel surfaces, the second substrate surface having at least one recess with a bottom surface substantially parallel to the first substrate surface, the recess bottom surface containing at least one flexible membrane therein, defining a diaphragm; at least one electrode formed on the substrate, a portion of the at least one electrode overlying and being affixed to the at least one diaphragm, the electrode portion overly the at least one diaphragm being flexible; a member formed on the first substrate surface and having at least one internal cavity opening against the first substrate surface which forms a part thereof, the cavity serving as an ink reservoir, said cavity having a nozzle and an ink inlet, the nozzle being aligned with the diaphragm; at least one magnetic field generating means being located adjacent the substrate and oriented to generate a magnetic field of a predetermined strength and direction relative to the electrode over the diaphragm; an ink supply connected to the ink inlet of the cavity to fill said cavity with ink; and means for selectively applying electrical current to the at least one electrode, the current through the electrode which is in the magnetic field producing a force which causes the diaphragm with the electrode to deform momentarily in a direction at least one of toward and away from the nozzle, each momentary deformation of the diaphragm and electrode ejecting an ink droplet from the nozzle.
  • 2. The printing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the recess bottom surface has at least one second recess therein, the second recess has said membrane for a bottom surface; and wherein said member is photopatternable.
  • 3. The printing device as claimed in claim 2, wherein the substrate is silicon; wherein the photopatternalbe member is photosensitive polyimide; and wherein at least one magnetic field generating means is a pair of permanent magnets located on opposing sides of the printing device with a like orientation, so that the magnetic fields generated thereby are additive.
  • 4. The printing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the current to the at least one electrode is applied through one or more transistors; and wherein said transistors are integrally formed on one of the substrate surfaces.
  • 5. The printing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein said means for applying electrical current provides current pulse in a first direction through the electrodes followed by a current pulse in a second opposing direction, the first and second direction of the current each producing a force on the diaphragm in opposite directions to control the ejected droplet volume.
  • 6. The printing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the means for applying electrical current provides a continuous current of a predetermined value when the printing device is in the printing mode and a droplet is ejected from the member nozzle by first increasing momentarily the continuous current value followed by a decrease in the current value below said continuous current value.
  • 7. The printing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the at least one electrode has two separate coils of wire patterned on the diaphragm so that each of the wires pass over the diaphragm several times and each portion of the coils on the diaphragm passes current in the same direction.
  • 8. The printing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the ink inlet to the member cavity is located in the substrate.
  • 9. The printing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the ink inlet to the member cavity is located in the member.
  • 10. The printing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the substrate has four arrays of flexible membranes, each of which serve as diaphragms; wherein each diaphragm has an individually addressable electrode having a portion thereof overlying and affixed to the diaphragm; the member having an internal cavity for each diaphragm, the internal cavities for each array of diaphragms being interconnected with a common manifold and each common manifold having an ink inlet which is connected to a separate one of four ink supplies, the ink supplies each having a different color of ink.
  • 11. The printing device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the means for selectively applying electrical current to the at least one electrode, applies a current which causes the diaphragm with the electrode to deform momentarily in a direction toward and then away from the nozzle, each momentary deformation of the diaphragm and electrode toward the nozzle and then away from the nozzle ejecting an ink droplet from the nozzle.
  • 12. A multicolor magnetically actuated ink jet printer, comprising:a plurality of ink jet printing devices, at least one for each of four colors of ink, each device having a substrate with at least one flexible membrane which serves as a diaphragm, an electrode for each diaphragm, a portion of which is aligned over and attached to the diaphragm, a nozzle plate bonded to the substrate with a cavity for each diaphragm and open thereto, the cavity containing a nozzle aligned above the diaphragm and an ink inlet, and at least one magnetic field generating means for generating a magnetic field of predetermined strength and direction; a carriage on which each of the printing devices are mounted for translation thereby and therewith; means to translate the carriage; four separate, different colored ink supplies connected to the ink inlets of the cavity of each printing device to fill the cavities with a different one of the four colors of inks in said ink supplies; and means to selectively apply electric current to each of the electrodes.
  • 13. The ink jet printer of claim 12, wherein the current pulse applied to each of the electrodes are perpendicular to the magnetic field direction, so that a momentary force on the electrodes is generated which first deforms the diaphragm then returns the diaphragm to a non-deformed state to eject an ink droplet.
  • 14. A method of fabricating a magnetically actuated ink jet printing device, comprising the steps of:(a) providing a planar substrate having first and second parallel surfaces; (b) forming an array of metal electrodes on the substrate first surface, each electrode having an input terminal and an output terminal; (c) passivating the electrodes; (d) depositing a sacrificial layer of material on the substrate first surface and over the passivated electrodes; (e) patterning the sacrificial layer to form a shape of an ink cavity on the substrate first surface for each electrode; (f) depositing a layer of nozzle plate material on the substrate first surface and over the patterned sacrificial layer; (g) forming a flexible membrane in the substrate for each electrode, the membranes having predetermined dimension and location, so that a portion of each electrode resides on each membrane; (h) patterning the nozzle plate material to form a nozzle plate having a nozzle for each membrane and to remove the nozzle plate material from the electrode terminals; (i) removing the sacrificial layer to form the ink cavities; and (j) mounting a magnetic field generating means adjacent at least one side of the substrate, so that a magnetic field generated thereby has a field direction perpendicular to the electrode portions residing on said membranes.
  • 15. The method as claimed in claim 14, wherein step (a) comprises providing a silicon substrate having first and second parallel surfaces; andwherein step (f) comprises depositing a layer of photosensitive polyimide nozzle plate material.
  • 16. The method as claimed in claim 15, step (g) further comprises the step of defining the locations of the membranes by doping portions of the silicon substrate first surface, to define a patterned etch stop that defines the locations of the diaphragms.
  • 17. The method as claimed in claim 16, wherein step (g) comprises the steps of:depositing an etch resistant layer on the substrate second surface; patterning the etch resistant layer to provide vias therein exposing portions of the silicon substrate second surface; and anisotropically etching the exposed portions of the substrate second surface leaving the patterned etch stop.
  • 18. The method as claimed in claim 17, wherein the step of defining the locations of the membranes comprises doping portions of the silicon substrate first surface to a predetermined thickness, to define etc stop membranes.
  • 19. The method as claimed in claim 17, further comprising the step of:depositing an etch resistant layer on the substrate first surface prior to step (b); and wherein the step of defining the locations of the membranes comprises doping portions of the substrate first surface to define non-doped non-etch stop areas which have the dimension of said membranes, so that the step of anisotropically etching etches through the silicon substrate in the non-etch stop areas to expose predetermined portions of the etch resistant layer on the substrate first surface, said exposed predetermined portions of the etch resistant layer forming the membranes for use as diaphragms.
  • 20. The method as claimed in claim 17, wherein the etch resistant layer is silicon nitride; andwherein the step of patterning the etch resistant layer includes forming vias therein exposing portions of the substrate second surface that are located for etching ink inlets through the substrate to the ink cavities.
  • 21. A magnetically actuated ink jet printing device for use in an ink jet printer, comprising:a substrate having at least one flexible diaphragm therein; at least one electrode formed on the substrate, a portion of the at least one electrode being overlying and attached to the at least one diaphragm; a member formed on a surface of the substrate and having at least one internal cavity opening against the substrate surface which forms a part thereof, the cavity serving as an ink reservoir, said cavity having a nozzle and an ink inlet, the nozzle being aligned with the diaphragm; at least one magnetic field generating means being located adjacent the substrate and oriented to generate a magnetic field of a predetermined strength and direction relative to the electrode over the diaphragm; an ink supply connected to the ink inlet of the cavity to fill said cavity with ink; and means for selectively applying electrical current to the at least one electrode, the current through the electrode which is in the magnetic field producing a force which causes the diaphragm with the electrode to deform momentarily in a direction at least one of toward and away from the nozzle, each momentary deformation of the diaphragm and electrode ejecting an ink droplet from the nozzle.
  • 22. The printing device as claimed in claim 21, wherein the substrate surface is a top surface and said substrate has a bottom surface substantially parallel to the top surface; and wherein the substrate bottom surface has at least one recess therein aligned with the at least one diaphragm.
  • 23. The printing device as claimed in claim 22, wherein the substrate thickness is the distance between the top and bottom surfaces; wherein the at least one recess has a depth which is less than the substrate thickness; and wherein the at least one diaphragm is formed by a portion of the substrate having a thickness defined by the distance between the substrate top surface and the at least one recess.
  • 24. The printing device as claimed in claim 23, wherein the substrate has a plurality of diaphragms and an equal number of aligned recesses; and wherein the equal number of aligned recesses are located in a second recess in the substrate bottom surface.
  • 25. The printing device as claimed in claim 22, wherein the substrate thickness is the distance between the top and bottom surfaces; wherein the substrate top surface has a protective layer thereon; wherein the at least one recess has a depth which is equal to the substrate thickness, so that the recess exposes the protective layer; and wherein the at least one diaphragm is a portion of the protective layer exposed by the at least one recess.
  • 26. The printing device as claimed in claim 25, wherein the substrate has a plurality of diaphragms and an equal number of aligned recesses; and wherein the equal number of aligned recesses are located in a second recess in the substrate bottom surface, the second recess having a depth which is less than the substrate thickness.
  • 27. The printing device as claimed in claim 21, wherein the means for selectively applying electrical current to the at least one electrode, applies a current which causes the diaphragm with the electrode to deform momentarily in a direction toward and then away from the nozzle, each momentary deformation of the diaphragm and electrode toward the nozzle and then away from the nozzle ejecting an ink droplet from the nozzle.
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