The present invention relates to torque transmission systems and, more particularly, it relates to a torque transmission system using a torque transmission fluid whose viscosity changes based on the intensity or strength of an electromagnetic field passing through the fluid.
Increasingly, we are witnessing a growing number of developments in the field of robotics characterized by their intent to integrate man and machine in a safe and functional manner. The suitability of a manipulator to work in close proximity with humans is determined first by the level of safety it can guarantee towards its human counterparts. Guaranteeing safety is a difficult if not impossible exercise as we can rarely guarantee the dependability of the numerous components required to complete a modern manipulator. Add in the human factor, and our task becomes insurmountable.
Thus, much focus has been centered on interactive robots which are expected to perform in a safe and dependable manner in unknown and unpredictable environments. Arguably, the chief safety concern is the manipulator's response to collisions with humans. Such collisions are responsible for numerous injuries each year, despite the existence of barriers, and other fail-safe mechanisms. As we move closer and closer towards a shared environment between robots and humans, new approaches to manipulator design are becoming increasingly important.
Devices utilizing the unique properties of Magneto-Rheological (MR) and Electro-Rheological (ER) fluids have been developed for robotic applications, however almost entirely for use in haptic systems. While it has been suggested in the literature how such devices might be used in a manipulator to improve both safety and performance, there appears to be a general reluctance towards adopting such technology as a viable alternative to the current solutions.
There are several sources of danger when working closely with robotic devices. However, collisions involving robots and humans pose arguably the largest degree of danger. It is expected that collisions will become unavoidable, if not routine as we continue to integrate man and machine into a single working environment.
In the prior art, friction and other nonlinearities present in the transmission of industrial manipulators led to the development of joint torque controlled systems. Characterized by torque sensors located at the joints, such manipulators are capable of achieving precise force control. Moreover, this class of manipulators can be controlled to exhibit very low impedance when operating within the controllable bandwidth. Barring the potential for high velocity collisions, i.e., collisions having their dynamics above the controllable frequency, this implementation can successfully attenuate the impact loads associated with collisions.
However, collisions occurring above the controllable bandwidth are subject to the open loop characteristics of the manipulator. As the demands for performance are increased, such systems require faster and more powerful actuators in order to successfully control and minimize impact forces during a collision. Any degree of safety introduced by a joint torque controlled system relies on the proper operation of system electronics. Thus guaranteeing collision safety becomes difficult as electronic components are susceptible to failure.
In attempts to guarantee the safety of humans within a shared workspace, much research has been focused on the development of manipulators which are intrinsically safe. That is, manipulators which by means of their mechanical properties can guarantee some level of collision safety in the absence of a controller.
To understand the degree of safety one might associate with a manipulator, one can examine the results of an uncontrolled collision through the use of the Head Injury Criterion (HIC). The HIC along with its variations have long been used by the automotive industry to gauge the severity of collisions. In the field of robotics, it can also be used to gain similar insight. The HIC is defined as:
where a is the acceleration of the head (in g's), and t1 and t2 are times within the collision selected to maximize the HIC, such that t1<t2.
An HIC of 100 is the maximum value considered to be non-life threatening. To gauge how the effective inertia of a link is related to a manipulator's inherent ability to collide safely, a single axis robot colliding with a human head is simulated. With reference to
One of the first manipulators to be designed under the lightweight paradigm was the Whole Arm Manipulator (WAM). The WAM uses steel cable transmission allowing actuators to be located at the manipulator's base. Removing the actuators from the links reduces the associated link mass, and hence the associated link inertia. This works to improve the inherent safety of the manipulator.
According to the prior art, one manipulator uses light weight carbon composites to form its links. Furthermore, an advanced actuator design integrated with low weight harmonic reduction gears allows this manipulator to attain a fully integrated light weight design.
Locating actuators at the base of the manipulator, or the use of advanced light weight material and actuator design successfully reduce a link's mass, and thus its associated inertia.
However, this approach in the prior art addresses only half of the problem. Robotic manipulators make use of high performance servo motors to drive their links. The output of these servomotors have inverse characteristics to what is desired when actuating the manipulator. More specifically, servo motors produce low output torque, and at high velocity with respect to what is suitable for most robots. To remedy this, gear reduction systems are most commonly employed. The resulting torque at the link is the actuator torque multiplied by the gear ratio Gr, while the reflected actuator inertia associated with the rotor of the motor is multiplied by Gr2. Thus, the effective inertia experienced by a robotic link can be expressed as
Je=Jl+Gr2Jr, (2)
where Jl is the inertia of the link, and Jr is the rotor inertia of the motor. The reflected actuator inertia of a manipulators can in fact be much larger than that of the link inertia, thereby contributing a larger share of the inertial load during collisions.
In response to this, several prior art actuation systems have been proposed which work to decouple the reflected actuator inertia from the link. However, none of these actuation systems provide enough of a safety margin while providing the desired performance.
Therefore, there is a need for an actuation system which would provide a useful safety margin while providing the required mass and performance.
The present invention provides systems and method relating to a clutch system for use in controllably transmitting torque from an input shaft to an output shaft. A clutch system is equipped with input and output torque transmission disks coupled respectively to input and output shafts. The input and output torque transmission disks are interleaved with one another and a torque transmission fluid is placed in between the interleaved transmission disks. The torque transmission fluid has a viscosity that changes based on the strength of an electromagnetic field passing through the fluid. A number of sensors are placed at different radial locations on the torque transmission disks to detect the strength of the electromagnetic field. Based on the strength of the electromagnetic field, the amount of torque being transmitted from the input shaft to the output shaft can be adjusted.
In a first aspect, the present invention provides a clutch system for transmitting torque from an input shaft to an output shaft, the system comprising:
In a second aspect, the present invention provides a method for transmitting torque from an input shaft to an output shaft in a clutch system using a torque transmission fluid which has a viscosity that changes based on an electromagnetic field passing through said fluid, the method comprising:
In a third aspect, the present invention provides a system for bi-directional torque transmission from a single drive motor, the system comprising:
In a fourth aspect, the present invention provides a system for actuating at least one robotic arm in a robot, the system comprising:
In a fifth aspect the present invention provides a system for actuating at least one robotic arm in a robot, the system comprising:
The embodiments of the present invention will now be described by reference to the following figures, in which identical reference numerals in different figures indicate identical elements and in which:
Magneto-rheological (MR) and electro-rheological (ER) fluids are a suspension of micrometer-sized particles in a carrier fluid. When subjected to an externally applied field—a magnetic field for MR fluids, and an electric field for ER fluids, the particles aggregate into columns aligning themselves in the direction of the applied field. Subsequently, the columns act to resist shearing of the fluid perpendicular to the field. The apparent yield stress of the fluid is dependent on, and increases with the intensity or strength of the applied field.
Using either MR or ER fluids, a clutch can be constructed such that the amount of torque it transmits can be controlled by the intensity or strength of an applied field.
A number of models have been developed to describe the behavior of both MR and ER fluids. The Bingham visco-plastic model is commonly used to represent the sheer stress of the fluid as a function of the applied field, and shear rate. The model is given by
where τ is the shear stress, τy is the field dependent yield stress, Φ is the applied field (magnetic field intensity H in an MR device or electric field E in an ER device), η is the Newtonian viscosity, and dv/dz is the velocity gradient in the direction of the field. Applying the Bingham visco-plastic model to a clutch, we can define r as the radius from the rotational axis, and lf as the thickness of the fluid filled gap between input and output disks. In situations where r>>lf for rε[R1,R2] (refer to
τ=τy(Φ)+η{dot over (γ)}(r), τ>τy (4)
and ω is the angular velocity between input and output shafts of the clutch. The torque produced by a circumferential element at a radius r is given by.
dT=2πr2τdr. (6)
We define a clutch as having N output disks. Substituting (4) into (6) and integrating across both faces of each output disk, we arrive at
as the torque transmitted by an N-disk clutch. Data relating the yield stress τy of a fluid to an applied field are generally published by the manufacturer. Data for two commercially available fluids are reported in
Both MR and ER fluids respond to an applied field on the order of 1 ms. However, in the case of MR clutch, actuation response becomes delayed due to field propagation through the magnetic circuit. As the magnetic field propagates from the coil, it is met by an opposing field produced by induction currents in the magnetic circuit. The response delay produced by this effect is exacerbated by the use of conductive material in the magnetic circuit. Special design techniques not unlike those used to construct large power transformers can be adapted to minimize the magnitude of the induced currents.
MR/ER actuators have the characteristic of replacing the reflected rotor inertia of the motor with the reflected inertia of the clutch output shaft and disks. The benefit of MR/ER actuators is their high torque to output moment of inertia ratio as compared to servo motors. To show this, we approximate the radius of the output shaft to be equivalent to R1. The moment of inertia of a single output disk, Jd is given by
where ρd is the mass density of the disk material, lf is the thickness of the disk (commonly between 0.5 to 1 mm), and R1 and R2 define the minor and major radii respectively, of the output disk. If we consider the torque transmitted solely by the field dependent yield stress of the MR/ER fluid, the torque transmission of a single disk is then given by,
Furthermore, if we consider R1 to be small, that is R2>>R1, then the contribution of the shaft region to both (8), and (9) is also small. By allowing R1 to equal zero, we can approximate the torque-inertia ratio of a single disk to be
As observed the ratio becomes less favorable as R2 increases. This however is not the final measure that dictates the actuator's suitability. To grasp the overall effects of increasing radius, and hence torque capacity, the reflected inertia at the joint should be considered. The reason for this is that as radius increases along with torque capacity, the gear ratio required to amplify the actuator's torque decreases. As the actuator inertia multiplies the square of the gear ratio to arrive at the reflected inertia at the joint, the analysis becomes important. The reflected inertia of the MR/ER clutch at the manipulator joint is given by
where we have included N to multiply the inertia by the number of disks in the clutch. The gear ratio Gr is defined as
where T′c is the desired torque at the joint, and Tc is the output torque of the clutch. Rearranging (9) to show the outer radius R2 as a function of the clutch output torque yields
We can then write the equation representing the reflected inertia of an MR/ER clutch at the manipulator joint as a function of the clutch torque.
To establish the order in which clutch mass compares to that of servo motors as well as the rate at which clutch mass increases with respect to transmittable torque capacity, a mass-torque relationship has to be developed. This is developed using simplified geometric models but the conclusions are still valid.
To develop a relationship between clutch mass and torque capacity for MR fluid clutches, we consider the simplified geometric model detailed in
Based on the configuration in c=
where Rc23=Rc2=Rc3. We have defined a clutch by the number of output disks N coupled to the output shaft. For N output disks, a clutch is required to have N−1 input disks, and a total of 2N MR fluid interface gaps positioned between the input and output disks. In the simplified model of p=(2N−1)
f (16)
where Rd, and Rf are the reluctance of a single disk, and the reluctance of a single MR fluid interface gap, respectively. The reluctance of a material is defined by
where l is the mean length of the flux path through the material, μ0=4π×10−7 H/m is the permeability of free space, μr is the relative permeability of the material, and A is the cross sectional area of the material perpendicular to the flux path. Assuming the mean flux path through any of the circuit members lies at its geometric center, we can then derive the reluctance of the individual components of the simplified clutch model to be
Here, μrs is the permeability of steel, the material used for both the core and disks, μrf is the permeability of the MR fluid, Wd is the thickness of a single disk, lf is the distance between input and output disks forming the MR fluid gap, lc is the thickness of the equivalent core sections, and lp is the length of the disk pack, given by
lp=(2N−1)ld+2Nlf (22)
The flux in the circuit φ is then given by
where I is the total electric current through the cross section of the magnetic coil defined as,
I=lp(R3−R2)Jw (24)
In eqn. (24), Jw is the current density of the coil cross section. The magnetic field intensity H at any point within the circuit is related to the circuit flux φ by
where again, μr and A are respectively the relative permeability, and cross sectional area of the material at which the magnetic field intensity H is to be determined. We now define the parameter τ*y as the maximum yield stress at which the MR fluid is to operate. Using data provided by the MR fluid manufacturer (see
where R2 is uniquely defined by the parameters Tc, N, R1 and τ*y (refer to eqn. (13)). Thus, for the given set of fixed parameters given in Table I, we solve for the values of R3, R4 and lc that satisfy eqn. (23) for φ=φ*, while simultaneously minimizing the clutch mass mMRC, given by
ms=πR12(lp+2lc)ρal, (27)
where mc is the mass of the core, mp is the mass of the disk pack assembly which includes the MR fluid, ms is the mass of the shaft, and mw is the mass of the magnetic coil. In eqn. (27), ρs, ρf, ρcu, and ρal are respectively the mass densities of steel, MR fluid, copper, and aluminum.
The mass of an ER fluid clutch can be similarly approximated by again considering the simplified geometric model of
mERC=mp+ms+mc (28)
however, we substitute the mass density of aluminum ρal for all components. As ER fluid clutches do not require ferromagnetic metals, there is more freedom to select lighter materials. Again, R2 is defined by eqn. (13). Thus, given the values of the clutch parameters in Table II, we develop the mass-torque relationship represented in
In the developed mass-torque relationships of both MR and ER fluid clutches, we observe superior characteristics over the commercially available servo motor. More impressive is the fact that the mass-torque ratio improves dramatically as the torque transmission capacity of the clutch is increased.
One possible issue with both the MR and ER actuators is that they both exhibit hysteric behavior. With MR actuators, since they are constructed using ferromagnetic materials to complete the magnetic circuit, these materials exhibit hysteresis in its magnetic induction B to an increasing and decreasing applied magnetic field H. This means a hysteric relationship between the input current and the output torque transmission of an MR clutch.
ER actuators can also display hysteric behavior as well. However, for ER actuators, it is the ER fluid and not the surrounding material that displays the field dependent hysteric behavior.
The properties of ER fluids are known to change with temperature. Particularly, the yield stress of ER fluids varies with respect to temperature (
Referring to
The mechanical operation of the clutch system can best be explained with relation to
Referring to
To determine the strength or intensity gradient of the electromagnetic field, multiple sensors 100 may be placed at different locations on either of the input or the output torque transmission disks. This may be done by placing sensors 100 at different radial distances from the central axis. Such a placement would provide a better reading as to the intensity or strength of the electromagnetic field through the torque transmission fluid.
It should be noted that for an MR clutch, the sensor 100 could be Hall effect sensors that measure the intensity of magnetic fields. For an ER clutch, the sensor 100 could measure the intensity of the electric field through the torque transmission fluid.
To better explain the placement of the sensors 100,
Regarding the sensors for sensing the electromagnetic field intensity, for the MR case, ideally, the magnitude of the magnetic field would be linearly proportional to the input, or drive current. However, due to the ferromagnetic components required for the magnetic circuit, a hysteric relationship is developed between input current and magnitude of the magnetic field in the MRC (MR clutch). For this reason, an MRC explicitly designed for those applications would be better served by bipolar Hall sensors to provide the feedback signal to the controller. Bipolar capability is preferred in the Hall sensors for proper control due to the potential for overshoot when attempting to drive the magnetic field to zero as well as correcting for the hysteric characteristic behavior.
It follows that the location of the sensors 100 should reflect the parameter, or value they are intended to measure, namely the magnitude of the magnetic field in the fluid for the MR clutch. Theoretically, the magnetic flux can be measured anywhere in the magnetic circuit, however, unaccounted dynamics, as well as other circuit anomalies could force us to revisit the problems of sensor collocation. In one implementation, four Hall sensors are thus positioned radially at the axial center of the clutch pack such that the orientation of the Hall element is normal to the magnetic flux.
While the fluid itself reacts on the order of milliseconds, the dynamics of the magnetic field in the fluid can be appreciably slower. This reflects the natural inductance developed by the ferromagnetic material of the clutch. As a result, a radial gradient can form in the magnetic field as it propagates outwards radially. Due to the fast dynamics of the fluid, the result is a variable radial distribution of the shear stress developed in the MRF and applied to the disks' surface during dynamic input current activity. To more accurately calculate output torque during such dynamic activity, Hall sensors are positioned at incremental radii covering the shear region within the clutch pack.
It should be noted that the clutch system illustrated in the Figures is an MR clutch system. However, with some adjustments in the materials, the clutch system can similarly be constructed as an ER clutch.
Regarding the manufacture of the MR clutch system illustrated in the Figures, the different materials are color-coded in
Given the susceptibility of torque transmission fluid to change in characteristics due to temperature changes, temperature sensors in the clutch system are recommended. Referring to
To facilitate manufacturability without dramatically affecting the optimization of the clutch parameters, electromagnetic sensors (Hall sensors for the MR clutch) sensors are housed within a central disk sandwiched between two inner shear disks. All disks have equivalent thicknesses so that they may be cut, or stamped from a single sheet. Following a similar pattern, three temperature sensors are preferably located within the inner spacers. This provides good thermal coupling to the fluid. It is important to monitor the temperature of the fluid to ensure it does not exceed the prescribed operational limits.
Referring again to
For the driving motor (the input to the system), the system illustrated uses a drive belt that travels by the channel visible at the top of the cross-sectional diagram in
The system described above may be used to implement a clutch system with control being based on an estimation of the field sensed by the sensors. For the MR clutch, the Hall sensors may be used to sense the magnetic field and, based on an estimated value for the transmission torque (based on the sensed magnetic field intensity), the magnetic field intensity can be adjusted accordingly.
In the specific MR clutch described above, the magnetic field is read at four radial locations (we can refer to these as r1 through r4) via the Hall sensors. It should be noted that any number of Hall sensors can be used. However, to detect time varying radial gradients, at least two sensors would be desirable. Given the value returned by the Hall sensors a reasonable estimate for the transmission torque can be calculated. The desired output torque is entered into the system through the torque command. The estimated output torque is subtracted from the torque command to develop the error signal. The error signal is the input to a controller (perhaps a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller). The output of the controller subsequently commands the MR clutch drive current (the current in the coil producing the magnetic field). If a PID controller is used in this configuration, the PID controller will drive its output to a state such that it minimizes the magnitude of the error signal. In effect, this action causes the system to deliver an estimate for torque which approaches the torque command.
The MR clutch described above may be used in any number of ways. The clutch may be used in conjunction with suitable supporting components in a distributed active semi-active actuation configuration. The Distributed Active Semi-Active (DASA) actuation configuration locates a driving motor (the active actuator) at the base of the robot, and a semi-active device (either an MR or ER fluid clutch) at the joint (refer to
Relocating the driving motor to the base of a robot to reduce the mass at the link in has previously had some drawbacks. It has been a restrictive practice as the newly required transmission responsible for bringing mechanical power from the base to the joint has commonly introduced unwanted friction and compliance which have reduced performance, and complicated the control system. The DASA implementation however can be controlled to operate in a region in which torque transmission is relatively immune to perturbation in the relative angular velocity ω within the clutch, effectively allowing the clutch to act as a mechanical power filter. This characteristic which will be explained momentarily allows the DASA system to function with less than ideal mechanical transmission while maintaining the performance and characteristics of a ‘stiff’ transmission at the joint. To explain this, we consider that the Bingham model is accurate for describing the rheology of the fluid for shear stress τ above the field dependant yield stress τy as expressed in (3). It is this ‘Bingham region’ in which we wish the clutch to operate in order to benefit from the aforementioned characteristics. Below the yield stress τy however, the fluid exhibits Newtonian characteristics, that is to say that τ grows with a non-negligible proportionality to the shear rate {dot over ( )}γ. We can thus attribute a field dependant shear rate threshold {dot over ( )}γ* below which the fluid exhibits Newtonian characteristics, and above which the Bingham model applies. To maintain the clutch in the Bingham region, the fluid at any radius r within the clutch must maintain a shear rate {dot over ( )}γ above {dot over ( )}γ*. To guarantee this condition, we define the field dependant angular velocity ω*, the threshold above which operation in the Bingham region is ensured as
We come to (29) by rearranging (5) and substituting r with its minimum value R1. R1 must be used as it is the critical radius at which the lowest shear rate {dot over ( )}γ occurs within the clutch. The control strategy should therefore attempt to avoid entering the Newtonian region by controlling the motor angular velocity ωm to satisfy the condition
|ωm|=|ωj−ω*|+ε* (30)
where ωj is the angular velocity of the joint, and ε* is a field dependent error margin selected to ensure that the dynamics of the motor have enough time to react to quickly varying values of ωj. ε* must be large enough to ensure ω≧ω* under all dynamic situations, however exact calculation of ε* may be difficult as there is a reliance on empirical data associated with the dynamics of the joint/link. Care must be taken, however, to avoid unnecessary power dissipation, which for a clutch is defined as Pd=Tω. Because ω tracks ω*+ε*, the value selected for ε* cannot be arbitrarily large. Crossing into the Newtonian region is required to alter the direction of the torque transmitted to the link when utilizing a single clutch to implement the DASA system. As the motor must change the direction of its output rotation, the clutch torque transmission momentarily enters a dead-zone (courtesy of the Newtonian characteristics), the extent of time in which spent is dependent on the dynamic capabilities of the motor. This has the potential, and in fact the probability of creating substantial backlash, which could severely handicap the system's ability to effectively accomplish precision position control.
Another configuration of the DASA system is the antagonistic configuration. An antagonistic configuration of the DASA system is intended to increase performance, and rectify the shortcomings of the single clutch DASA system discussed above.
In the configuration in
If we label the two clutches of an Antagonistic DASA assembly as C1, and C2, then the motor's angular velocity should track
ωm=max{|ωj−ω*1|,|ω*2−ωj|}+ε* (31)
to avoid entering the Newtonian region of operation in either clutch. ω*1 is the angular velocity of the Bingham region threshold for clutch C1, while ω*2 is the angular velocity of the Bingham region threshold for clutch C2. Note that in our convention, clutch C2 has its input reversed in direction with respect to clutch C1, that is
ω1=ωj−ωm (32)
ω2=ωj−ωm. (33)
The torque production for an Antagonistic-DASA system operating in the Bingham region is then given by
where T1 and T2 are the field dependant torques produced by clutches C1, and C2 respectively, given by
in which Φ1, and Φ2 are the fields produced in clutches C1, and C2, respectively. Note that the individual viscous torque contributions of C1 and C2 negate each other at the joint when ωj=0. As viscosity of this class of fluids does not always obey ideal models, the antagonistic configuration can effectively mitigate some nonlinearities which would otherwise have to be compensated for by the controller.
The Antagonistic-DASA configuration translates a unidirectional active drive into a bidirectional actuation unit. We can consider the unidirectional drive as an independently controlled source of mechanical power. The antagonistic clutch assembly then loads the mechanical drive with the torque requirement dictated by the controller. Increasing the output power specification of the active drive allows for the introduction of multiple antagonistic clutch assemblies to independently load the active drive simultaneously. Pluralization of the antagonistic clutch assembly allows for the actuation system of multiple joints (or conceivably an entire manipulator) to be actively driven by a single motor located at the base.
Referring to
It should be noted that the robot is capable of being rotated about its vertical axis as if on a platform. Referring to
The second set of clutches receives torque from the first set of clutches and also transfers torque to the third set of clutches. As well, the second set of clutches moves the arm (coupled to the third set of clutches) up and down. This arm is dark colored in
Referring again to
Referring to
A person understanding this invention may now conceive of alternative structures and embodiments or variations of the above all of which are intended to fall within the scope of the invention as defined in the claims that follow.
This application is a National Phase entry of International Patent Application Serial No. PCT/CA2010/001577 filed 8 Oct. 2010, and claims the benefit of priority of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/272,597 filed 9 Oct. 2009, which are hereby incorporated by reference.
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WO 2012154466 | Nov 2012 | WO |
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